Bokuben 121 Viz
cute cat
Fumino a best.
Reminder that incest ending is best ending and that rizufags can go fuck themselfs
Fumino a shit
>frontal side dfc shot
We know, 22i/Nariyuki.
Poor Nariyuki was too worried for his wife
Mafuyu a best
Fumino and Rizu a second best
Uruka a worst
>falseflag trying to steal my signature post
Not so fast
Based Mafuyubro.
>rent free
There's pandering and then there's fellating your audience....
Is Fumino wearing a thong? I see skin, not panties.
>Reiji is allergic to cat but insists on having the cat around and in Fumino's care
>cat is smart and creates flag event to make Nariyuki x Fumino happen
Was this Reiji grand plan?
and that's it
Thanks for the dump.
I love Rizu
makes sense to me
See , note that she's put on a top and overcoat here but hasn't changed out of the hotpants. There is no pantyshot this chapter.
Adorable chapter. Thanks.
Thanks user, however I feel dumber having read that. Is this what bokuben is all about?
Are you suggesting she isn't wearing anything underneath the hotpants? Because that's hot.
Bonus: Fumino's character song youtu.be
forgot pic
3 more months
I'm suggesting she sees no need of undergarments in her typical lounging dress.
She has like 50% more than I expected.
Reiji is unable to think two things at once. Is the autism
Worst girl Fumino chapters are the most boring and uninteresting, she's Uruka 2.0 for a reason
Now I envious Moeyuki.
Has anyone here seen a show called Hanamaru Kindergarten? This guy looks like the MC.
Fack you. Uruka a best. Mafuyu a shit.
Peak female body.
Both Uruka and Mafuyu a best
Fumino a shit
Is there anything better than turtleneck + shorts? My fucking dick.
man what a distasteful chapter
>Like an elderly couple
That makes more sense than JB’s translation but she’s still kinda delusional. If she is like this when not actively going after Nariyuki she’ll be worse when she stops pretending to support Rizu and Uruka.
> reads Bokubenis
> expects more than dumb, pointless and cute things
This is really not the time and place for high expectations.
looks nothing like Yoshida
Real question. Are any of these relationships going to actually go anywhere? I feel like Uraka has the best chance right now, although after Mafuyu's dark horse win in the jump poll Taishi might shoehorn her into it somehow. That would be a hell of a shock ending though.
>Uraka has the best chance right now
999 confirms.
>dark horse
they aren't even trying anymore
This chapter has more fanservice than usual. In fact the last few chapters have all been fanservice heavy. It should be over with now. Still no pantyshots though.
fanservicey entrance like with sensei
the closest for Nariyuki to a panty shot, more senseilike fan service
getting upstaged by side characters and a fucking cat, like Rizu
lewd delusions and immediate backing down like Uruka
she accumulated all of the worst parts of other girls chapters, she truly became a joke now. She is Miharu/Mizuki tier now.
Can't argue with that.
>reading minds again
washboard BTFO yet again.
>fanservicey entrance like with sensei
This is the level of fanservice Foom can handle, uh.
>What am I doing ?!
That's a very good question, what is she doing? this apologizing after the fact crapp is getting as annoying as Uruka's shooting herself in the foot if not more.
So it's like a zodiac sign. The friends Zodiac sign. They are friends.
By the way I want the Uruka arc to come already so I can be done with this series and threads forever. It really is taking a toll on me holy shit.
this is an attempt of a "kyaah they are touching" event, quite underwhelming
How do you feel when your Bokuben is insulted? I feel sad.
That is the pussy lip slip!
It's so tryhard that I don't care.
>or something
definitely something, the word she is looking for is siblings
Real answer.
> Are any of these relationships going to actually go anywhere?
Not really, because that would mean the end of it.
> I feel like Uraka has the best chance right now,
Doubt (x). Feels more like the setup for a sad goodbye.
> after Mafuyu's dark horse win
I assume you're living behind the moon. Nothing unexpected happenend, appart from the margin (maybe).
> Taishi might shoehorn her into it somehow
No need to shoehorn something that already fits perfectly.
> That would be a hell of a shock ending though.
In positive way.
No wonder Sensei utterly destroys the other girls in the polls and they also lose popularity to her when the best the author can do for his main heroine is recycle his previously used ideas for Sensei but with none of the charm. First Kareego and now Natsumi.
I feel good, because that means they fear her.
Is he sorry for not pretending he's flustered in the least?
The chapters this rotation being fanservice chapters gives some hope that the next set will be more serious but I doubt it.
If you feel sad is because you are in a position of weakness. Fumino and Sensei have major shilling and fanbase sustain respectively so their fags stand on a strong basis. Asumifags are too few and Asumi is actually irrelevant. Rizufags are too few and Rizu's main girl status was demolished in her arc. Urukafags are a bit more than the other two but Uruka's glaring lose flags of childhood friend, tan, and rejecting MC hold her back an incredible amount. Therefore I conclude you're one of the three former.
I feel like most Foom's bully is half-hearted and I could do it better.
That cat wants fuck
Imagine the smell
>tfw I just want an ending that BTFOs normalfags
I'd say Fumino and Uruka's fanbases are more or less the same in numbers, but Fuminofags are just a lot more vocal
>tfw you forget pic related
I dunno. If anything a lot of Fuminofags don't post in these threads at all until a Fumino chapter comes out.
A Reiji end, it is!
The spoiler thread only had 48 posters by the time all fuminofags had already come to try to generate hype for the chapter. There's a lot of samefagging going on
So an incest end. None of the harem girls will cause normalfags to rage.
Mafuyu has age difference and being a teacher throughout the series but is popular enough that nobody really cares.
I suppose open end will piss everybody off so there’s that.
Uruka is pretty downplayed over at plebbit
time travel moved the timeline forward
Now that I think about it there's this Fuminofag that's obsessed with posters and threads being alive or dead, which he uses to prove something. I remember when Uruka's coat chapter was to come he made a post the week before about how the threads would be desert. And they weren't because of massive shitpost as usual. Another case of glaring samefagging was when Fumino glanced at Nariyuki in chapter 90 and that panel got reply bombed more than Sensei's shots in her arc.
Uruka fucks off to Australia
Reiji marries Hanae making Fumino sisterzoned, but don't fret she actualy goes through with is and confesses to her true love Rizu and they end up in a relationship
Nariyuki finds some girlfriend in college we never see her face or learn her name it's just in a narration box
Sensei failed with the dad, failed with the elder son, she gets it on with Kazuki
Fund it.
I remember when this was a manga about studying
>That already fits perfectly
I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. The student/teacher relationship is too big a hurdle for either one of them to overcome. They're far too concerned with propriety to make it without some serious asspulls.
>Setup for a sad goodbye
Her and fumino are the only ones who feel "on the level" with nariyuki in that way, and fuminos chapters go nowhere fast every time.
R.I.P. Fumi
>Fumino glanced at Nariyuki in chapter 90 and that panel got reply bombed more than Sensei's shots in her arc.
I remember that. They were really insufferable that week. They also conveniently ignored all the reactions Uruka's kiss generated to keep shitposting about how nobody cares about her.
Memes aside, If Uruka pulls literally this in her arc, would it affect you and your opinion of her?
That's not math.
So Fumino or Asumi end then.
Is your argument again gonna be a generalization that big tits appeal to normalfags and completely ignoring the actual preference of the normalfag Bokuben fanbase?
They would like a Fumino end tho
>this thread
are they even trying with the bait anymore, zero effort behind them
Sure, why not
That'd make her even better
I’d like her much more because she actually got over her cowardice while moving things forward. It’s the most useful thing she can do at this point.
only if she uses the confession after which she tells him to not respond
So Rizu or sensei? Maybe Asumi to a lesser degree.
Uruka is precious
Since Fumino is such a weak heroine, let's instead decide who's better, JkFuyu or Sensei. Come at me JkFuyufags
As long as she apologises for the admitedly unintentional emotional distress she caused Nariyuki, then yes.
>not loving big tits
Bizarro world.
If she's weak, why will Mafuyu lose?
She's gonna become overweight and get raped by her dad?
Nino a best
Uruka a shit
JKfuyu would even rank above Fumino in an eventual third poll, but Sensei is still Sensei.
Sensei should be at the top of the BTFO list considering she attracts and is loved by them the most.
>muh endgame
this is all Fuminofags can cling onto
>main girls got to enjoy some Christmas-theme chapters
>even Uruka
>Mafuyu was left out
What did 22i mean by this?
You sound mad at the truth.
Yet the normalfags in these threads are the Fuminofags
let's look back fondly at some memorable events from the recent non-arc chapters
>119: 57%
>111: ghost thinks they make a good couple also wait till you graduate
>106: sensei resolution and delayed arc conclusion, backstory with father, hanae approval
>121: natsumi rehash also reiji and nariyuki not turned on at all by bdsm play with fumino
>113: kareego rehash also reiji
>104: denial also reiji
>120: fumino swimsuit rehash also ikeda
>112: ramen too spicyyyy teehee
>105: sensei showering at nariyuki's house
>113: NO TURNING BACK (later ruined by arc)
>92: supporting nariyuki's dream, hypnosis filler
>91: trying to help with nariyuki's dilemma, hypnosis filler
>118: dude smug lmao
>99: dude smug lmao
>94: dude smug lmao also hazuki
>complains about winning aspect in a romcom
That was never a problem before.
That's bullshit. Since when?
LRR confirmed for pushing their bias once again
>Married couple when it makes no sense
>Elderly couple when it makes 5% sense
all that's left for Fuminofags is hoping she will win in the end or else their whole reason for reading Bokuben will have been pointless
That's how sad their situtation is
What do you mean "Even"? Also Sensei's chapter next week could still be it.
I said it in some thread before: she gets the omake in that chapter of her sitting alone at home
Since always
Let it go user, let it go.
Wat. Speaking as an user who began lurking these threads since chapter 30 something, I can confirm you're lying.
user cute face and cute personality is "normalfag" tier
Good bait (You).
And now you're just shitposting.
lol if you're into pre-pubescent boys, sure
typical jewish pedo foomfag lol
Yeah but she’s so outclassed that her supposed main girl status is all she has.
It’s sad that it’s the main argument rather than anything in the actual manga.
I can already imagine the coping, the delusion, the seething, the damage control, and the denial of Fuminofags once that happens. It will probably be the saddest popularity poll in history.
It's the truth. You can't even discuss her as a character anymore due to how flanderized and stagnant she has gotten, which is why she's a weak heroine only supported by meta
>3rd poll is just sensei in 5 different outfits
>it's the normalfags don't love thicc, mature, developed, easy big tits girls guy in denial
Still hanged up over being BTFO because of your idiotic meme exposure = normalfag argument, huh.
it would let me join the other urukabros again as I couldn't admit before that I was a closet Ninofag
>normalfags like older women
>it's the normalfags love thicc, mature, developed, easy big tits girls guy in denial
Still being a mad ESL shitposter, huh
Fumino = Reddit
Pic related.
You're just an obnoxious hater who hates everything about her and have it in your headcanon reality where everybody agrees of you. Literally the same old tune
Yeah it's you.
>waahh hater hater if you don't praise her you're a hater
It's this dumb Fuminoshitter again. Same old tune
>hanged up
lol the Fuminospic outs himself once again
Nice try.
Stay mad nobody ever agrees with your stupidty, Fuminochink
Mafuyu a shit.
Hello Urukashitter.
Fumino a shit.
Proving me right. You would rather shitpost than talk about this chapter for example. That's because it sucks and there's nothing interesting about Fumino anymore
Fumino is the biggest piece of shit character I've ever seen in anime. It really pisses me off that such a weak, useless and cliche character occupied the first and second spots in the English and Japanese fan polls concluded recently. That speaks more about the cancerous fanbase rather than anything else, who have a really piss poor taste and have too much time on their hands.
I shall attempt to enlighten the deluded masses known as Fuminofags of the various ways she just flat out sucks.
>Bland design
On the whole Fumino is ok at best. But when compared to the designs of the other girls in the series she comes dead last. The tired Yamato nadeshiko trope is applied to her. While the author does attempt to freshen her character up with different hairstyles each episode they are mostly in vain. Compare Fumino with Rizu, senpai or even uruka. She looks too bland and unoriginal compared to the others. Too plain. Just like a bowl of boiled rice.
>Shitty personality
The conflicting interest she has in nariyuki really irritates me. Bitch! Either you like him or you don't. Don't be a fucking cunt and be in denial for the span of the entire season only to fall for him in the finale. If I knew her in real life, I would slap the shit out of her. The way she acts all friendly with uruka and rizu while secretly lusting over yuiga shows what a gigantic cunt she is. It shows what a crappy person and ultimately crappy friend she is. No amount of her trying to play cupid with yuiga and the other two will disprove the fact that she plays with her close friends feelings without any remorse. Psychopath alert!!
>Big boobed girl with gap moe is perfect for normalfags!
>Physical harm to the MC
I really enjoyed the fact that this overused trope was avoided by this anime. That is until that chapter where flatmino finds out about the fake relationship between senpai and yuiga. What does she do? She karate chops the poor bastard in the stomach. Why? No one knows!! When compared to nisekoi, she seems more like chitoge with this despicable behaviour.
None of the other heroines have done anything remotely close to this.
>Shitty ambition
What 17 year old believes that their dead parent is a star? Seriously?? That's her ambition? To become an astrologer just because she's under the delusion that her mom is a star. Damn. That is the flimsiest excuse I've ever seen for anyone's ambition. Just compare it with either Rizu's ambition of wanting to understand human emotions and people or senpais hardcore ambition of taking over her dad's clinic. Fuck!! Those are real tear jerkers. Not this star mom bullshit. It's just fake manufactured drama just for the sake of drama.
I feel her overly clumsy ploy is too fake and annoying. Remember the time she tripped over her own legs. Wtf is up with that? Stupid cardboard bitch.
Her cooking skills sucks, shes flat like a washboard and shes an evil slut. Fuck Fumino.
Foompanzees chimping out are always hilarious to see. They can't even contain themselves in Fumino chapter threads.
Pot calling the kettle black
ladies and gentlemen, let's just agree that sensei's relationship with nariyuki is *problematic*
That has always been Urukafags and Mafuyufags. Suffice to say, Bokuben fanbase is a normalfag majority now ever since Mafuyu attracted more and more cowtitsfags. Fuminofags are no longer the majority and even the handful of lolifags that Asumi had have either left or hardly lurk anymore.
Nobody agrees with your retardation, disgusting normalfag-in-denial. inb4 you samefag as usual.
Normalfag central, aka plebbit, worships Fumino and downplays Uruka.
Nope, the normalfags are those Fuminofags who read Bokuben casually and only come to these threads when it's time for a Fumino chapter and bring their newfag ESL faggotry. Other fans and stick to Bokuben as a whole like true Yea Forumsnons.
Uruka is just a bad character and isn't relevant. Most normalfags swarm to Mafuyu instead and worship her there.
Based. Fuminohaters BTFO.
>Reddit loves Mafuyu the most reminder
Good job
>ironic Fuminoshitter has to samefag because he always got blasted out of the threads whenever he tried to pull that argument in the past
Hilarious, keep making yourself more hated
>he doesn't know what normalfag means
Your new is showing.
>Uruka is just a bad character and isn't relevant
Not really and not an argument either
Normalfags wouldn't spend all day in these threads talking about the manga and having a wide knowledge about other romcoms and harems. ESL Fuminewfags are the opposite of that.
Notice how he's attacking everybody for the maximum (You) output. I swear this shitter is the bane of these threads.
yeah, fuminofags are embarrassing
Yea Forums read and watch shit for one or two girls in shitty series all the time, newfag. That literally isn't what normalfag means
Too bad for you I'm not . Stay mad.
Nice samefag here though.
No, just you in here.
>deflects to No U and one liners
Spoken like a true foomshitter
That's true, the difference here is that Fumino is one of those girls that makes their series shit, not the other way around.
Normalfags choose Fumino because she's the most generic girl to like in these types of manga. People that only skim the surface and not realize how bland of a character Fumino is.
Just look at this number of favorites on this plebian site.
>thinking I'm a Senseifag
I was talking about the faggot MODS anyways, not /ourguys/ who brigaded the poll to cause the maximum butthurt
>foomer samefagging when he's cornered
You can tell cowtitsfags are sperging out like retards because deep down, they know normalfags absolutely prefer cowtits and girls with developed body. Muh pedo and muh boy and muh eww flat and other shit they always complain about is common knowledge, but normalfags in here like to pretend otherwise.
>it's the """Asumifag"""
>moving the goalpost
Shameful display.
Fuminofags are shallow as fuck when their train of thought is basically flat chest = good and non-normalfag, big tits = bad and normalfag. LIterally maximum retardation
Even MAL can have good taste from time to time.
Exhibit A
Uruka Takemoto is EASILY best girl, fight me.
Fuminofags are disgusting chikan salarymen fetishising the 'Yamato Nadeshiko' ideal. The ONLY thing she has over the others is her lefthandedness.
Rizufags aren't much different, other than that they have a glasses fetish--they want a small, shy girl to protect and lead around by hand.
Uruka is so CLEARLY best girl, it's not even funny. Most of her fans are working class, salt-of-the-earth folks; probably younger and employed at fisheries or textile mills, or maybe even NEET master race, but at least somewhat into team sports or cycling (or swimming!), who like getting away from the cities to the Inaka or coast.
Uruka has an energetic personality, is confident, but also gets embarrassed at times, yet is honest with her feelings and very cute when she gets determined about something. She's a great cook, loves to go outdoors, is an osananajimi (yet with no 'yubikiri when we were 5' BS) and is 100% devoted to you.
Also, she's not a 'perfect' girl or 'genius' without any flaws, so you wouldn't feel intimidated (who wants to be with a girl who's way smarter than them?) and she genuinely needs you for certain things.
Last but not least, she's got a SMOKING hot body, sexy tanlines, is very athletic, and would be absolutely AMAZING in the sack! Yet, she's also the type to want you to pick her up and carry her every once in a while.
LITERALLY what else could you ask for?
>quote same post twice
>call it samefag
Gr8 shitpost, m8.
And Japan has shit taste as always? Seethe more user.
Nah, it's literally normalfag anime-only taste, the lowest of the low.
Fuminofags taking pride in this are pathetic.
>can't argue against facts
You normalfags only care about tits and nothing else. Eat your own shallow words.
Not to mention perceived main girl faggotry. Design wise Fumino was the main girl among the two at the beginning but her development over the course of the manga is almost nonexistent and everything Fumino does is perceived as "Yup it's endgame".
Spoken like the true Urukashitter that you are.
The post above was meant to be quoted, but I'm sure you already knew that
Please keep going. Your shit arguments actually give us a better stand.
sensei a shit
>foomfag cannot stop his No U combo
I hope for you you're just falseflagging otherwise Fuminofags are pathetic for having you among them.
Go back to Fuminofags are easily the most shallow retards that populate this fanbase. If your logic were valid then Rizu would be the most popular as the girl with the biggest cowtits. Think of something better to shitpost with instead of exposing yourself as a retard for the nth time.
That's not how normalfag works. You can't rewrite history and change how it has been operating for years and years by defining the definition to "generic girl," which is utterly arbitrary and subjective. Most main girls in anime shows are going to have most favorites at an anime site like MAL. From Yahari to Bakemonogatari to even otaku pandering like NGNL. That's a moot point.
I am literally a huge DFC fan; most of the e-mails and usernames I have made reflect this (shit like dfcfanatic1129, etc. ...)
I really like Nagatoro, for example.
*But* that doesn't mean that I will be a Yea Forumsfag and just *blindly* go for the flat-chested girl when she is so clearly a *bland*, *uninteresting*, *Mary Sue* who is merely placed into the story to appeal to a certain 'ideal' and isn't actually a relatable character.
Yea Forums, on the other hand, is just amazing... and her 'mistakes' and 'shooting herself in the foot' make her come to life in a way that Yea Forums doesn't come close.
I can obviously also understand how some of the other girls like sensei or senpai are popular.
But Yea Forumsfags are literally braindead.
And seeing how the contingent on here post only reinforces this further.
I don't read minds and I wouldn't since we aren't the same. Again, nice shitpost, m8.
Samefagging is your art Fuminofag not mine.
Rizu is a shortstack. with loli height. Cowtits is one thing, but having a loli height is off-putting for most normalfags. I'm sure you already knew this.
Are you this guy?
>replies twice
Indeed. Yours.
>Fuminofag falseflagging Mafuyubros in order to shit on Uruka in the beginning of the thread changed his shitposting tactic to shitting on both of those girls and their fans as he got triggered with the normalfag argument again
This faggot is true cancer.
# of people who will believe this Yea Forumsfag: himself
Just like being a teacher with age gap respecting the MC is off-putting for them, .
Your argument doesn't have a speck of dust to stand on.
Throw in a couple of hypocrite samefag accusation
>more no u
I too can make up stories and claim I'm a titty man but say Uruka is bland, boring, and dull. Fumino is great and I'm attracted to her character more than her flat chest.
>more no u
You started it, genius.
>bent on his insecure samefag no u
>like an elderly couple
Makes a lot more sense than JB's version.
that's your favorite retort tho
Prove that Senseifag was a falseflagger.
This. Normalfags aka Urukafags and Senseifags are desperate as fuck.
Senseifags never go out of their way to shit on Uruka
You mean yours. You started and used it. You don't have any right to complain when it's thrown back in your face
Prove it.
>normalfag foomshitter upvoting himself again
>trUsT mE brO
>we Urukabros have an alliance xD
I've noticed one thing, he says Uruka a worst because he's the same Fuminofag that uses the other version of the post, the Uruka one, as a mean for crying Urukafags shitposting Fumino more than they shitpost Uruka, and he pushes his narrative with [X] a shit searches on the archives.
Hahaha, nope. Bitch cry more.
Nope, you deflecting all the arguments made against foomers is precisely that
>normalfag taste
the age gap alone is off putting to a lot of normal people, and with the power relationship between a teacher and a student even more
if it wasn't such a big deal people wouldn't question if Jump will allow it and why the PTA memes are a thing
female teacher male student romance manga are niche for a reason
>Uruka is a bad character because I say so
She's way more consistent than your flat shitty waifu.
> Is a fumino chapter
> The mentally I'll fuminospics Kill the thread again
>12yo tier posting
This manga is too lewd for you Timmy you should read coro coro
>half the shitpost Fumino gets is leveled at her flat chest
More likely than one thinks.
You always do this, foomer. You can't stand being literally alone in these threads.
>anti-Fuminofags are ruining another thread
But that's not true. Fumino's popularity dwindled and hate increased because of things like her shitty arc and lack of development, not her flat chest.
Keep samefagging and crying. Feels good to know more than one person disagrees with you, which is enough to make you seethe, Urukashitter.
You and your phone aren't more than one person
>muh age gap
Means jackshit. MC is already legal and will graduate soon.
mate, even the manga makes fun of her chest, the author himself uses it as punch line and her breast envy is present all over the series, making fun her chest is just banter
Literally (You) . Nigga, get out of here.
>defensive replies
>that """"senseifag"""" is nowhere to be seen otherwise
Yep, confirmed
>it means nothing because I say so
22i knows dfc is one of her appeals. Teasing about her chest is one of the ways he makes it cute. Haters don't tease, they straight up shit on her. Big difference.
Look the word deflecting and the word irony. You need a dictionary to help you.
So you can't. Good to know.
Stop samefagging
Or better yet, stop following this "normalfag series" with a "normalfag fanbase", nobody here agrees with you
>n-no u phone
The absolute state of butthurt normalfags.
There's always hope.
>fumichinks can't defend their shit girl so they reuse their shitty normalfag argument
>average foomfag shitposter
Fuminofags are fond of falseflagging other girls when it suits them. The """Senseifag""" who loves Fumino's arc mysteriously disappeared after a week or two. They're not fooling absolutely anybody.
>Urukashitters can't defend their shit girl so they blindly shill their girl and hide behind Sensei to shitpost an objectively superior girl
t. nervous normalfag at more anons who love dfc and hate cowtits-loving normalfags like him
Not even the author shares your views. Give it up
while you were having waifuwars, I studied the blade
Rationalizing and forcing excuses aren't proof.
>trying to use the DFC vs cowtits argument as to why Fumino is barely more popular than Uruka and nowhere near sensei
>when Rukia is the most popular Bleach female and she is flatter than Fumino and shorter than Rukia in a series where most relevant males are over 6 feet tall
>when Megumin is the most popular Konosuba girl
reducing your favorite girl to DFC or cowtits is a shallow way to judge a character, but I guess that's the only thing to judge with Fumino
again, you and your phone aren't more anons. People hate Fumishit because she's a terrible character, not because she's flat chested. Only your retarded ass thinks this is about the size of tits
*shorter than Rizu
Flat complex is adorable. All is well and should be so long she remains flat.
Fuminofags keep proving every single thread that they're the most shallow fanbase and they can't even understand a simple harem series.
Ironic since their favorite girl is the literary genius.
I'm sorry that the author loves to sully your sacred DFC
>only one person on Yea Forums hates cowtits, likes dfc, and loathes normalfags
You're delusional enough to believe this. Seethe more.
Next chapter is Mafuyu chapter
I think that's about "Kareego" manga
>hide behind sensei
>when this shitstorm started when a Fuminofag started pushing his sensei is loved by normalfags narrative
This is why nobody ever takes foomers seriously. Their lies are blatant and easy to see through
Tsutsui would have made her a tittymonster if he didn't want a flattie to win the MCbowl. Nah, enjoy your mad.
> People hate Urukashit because she's a terrible character*
Only one person in these threads is mentally handicapped enough to have that mindset, yes.
Delicious Irony and pathetic stock shitpost
Rukia best. Orihime a shit
She's much more consistent than Fumino.
>waaaa reddit loves Fumino so I have to make convoluted arguments about normalfaggotry to sound right
I love how you take for granted that she will win.
Literally the only two arguments Fuminofags ever have combined in one.
oh yeaaa!
Kareego manga and Ikeda time!
I don't care about Asumi
why doesn't that senseifag speak up then? Oh wait, it's you but you don't dare do it when you're shitting on senseifags at the same time
This is why Mafuyu is an abnormality. Especially her votes that are speculated to be suspicious and surpassing even characters like Luffy. If on the off-chance there's no foul play, then it can only be reasoned that she is somehow able to garner a fans that have a thing for sensei, or some shit. Nothing about Mafuyu is special, plus she's shallow, uninteresting, and boring adult in a shounen romcom for young boys where the usual attraction are young girls.
Why do Mafuyufags rage and become so triggered when people point out that normalfags love mature cowtits?
>Nothing about Mafuyu is special, plus she's shallow, uninteresting, and boring adult in a shounen romcom for young boys where the usual attraction are young girls.
Can we conclude that this Foomshitter is just baiting (You)s like the pathological shitposter he is?
>Nothing about Mafuyu is special, plus she's shallow, uninteresting, and boring adult in a shounen romcom for young boys where the usual attraction are young girls.
The young girls are even more shallow, uninteresting and boring. She stands out among a cast that wouldn't even qualify for background characters in other romcoms.
Because if you go look at the actual normalfag sites they love Foom, Reddit,
>it's you
This level of paranoia and tinfoil hate is something. You need help.
Pleddit too.
At least 6 Y-sans. Fumino called it.
He is actually serious. He has a mental illness and can't stop replying even if he's utterly BTFO by the whole thread
Why do Fuminofags rage and become so triggered when people point out that people hate Fumino because she's a shit character and love Mafuyu because she's a good character, which has nothing to do with chest size?
It's called acting defensive and insecure because it touched close to home. People who aren't affected and have nothing to fear wouldn't act like they were accused. Tick tock.
Prove it
Still assblasted from the poll results.
I really pity them at this point.
>I don't care about Asumi
Obviously and that's why you have no problem false flagging her.
Can you stop replying at bait? If one person baits so blatantly he's obviously trying to stir antagonism between fanbases and cares little about them. You should ignore them and especially stop judging the entire Fumino fanbase based on them.
>foomer's lies about Urukafags are exposed
>he goes back to shitposting and upvoting himself about Mafuyu and normalfags
This shitter is truly sad.
Prove that I falseflagged her
>especially stop judging the entire Fumino fanbase based on them
I've yet to see anything positive from her fanbase.
out of all the characters in bokuben, fumino sure is one of them
All of this started because Mafuyufags, or rather the normalfags within her fanbase were triggered by a DFC and lolifag's post though. Their reaction says everything.
The problem is that this is no bait. The Fuminofag actually believes the shit he spouts or else he wouldn't autsitically defend himself every single time people call him out on it
Inevitable winners.
It's probably too late. Fumino haters and normalfags have destroyed this thread.
The same reasons you accuse his falseflags for, just in his case your accusations are false and his are painfully obvious from the threads aka lurk more aka standard Fuminofag shittery
Prove that that person is me.
Fuck off please, it's you I'm talking about.
More like the retarded Fuminofag couldn't stand having his retarded logic being called out for what it is, hence he started lashing out at everyone in the thread.
my main problem with mafuyu is that she isn't sitting on my face right now
Define positive, I've definetely been talking for peace between fanbasesn
Just did.
>ignoring THE Urukashitter
When has that ever worked? Him mouthing off and attacking Fuminofags while he pretends Urukafags are saints is laughable and hurts him more than it hurts us.
So you can't.
? I only called out haters.
Irony as that's what Foomshitters do
Prove it's retarded.
>shifts back to his urukafag boogeyman when some minutes ago he was attacking senseifags
Kek, this guy is a riot
t. the retarded and buttmad normalfag who couldn't argue against 's facts.
Urukafags and Mafuyufags both have shitters though.
Cute chapter, I like how their telepathy still works.
See Your retardation was refuted already. You only outed yourself as a shallow moron who only cares about shallow shit like muh DFC and muh cowtits.
Meant for
They're both shallow and poorly written characters. Don't kid yourself.
Yawn, another boring Fumino chapter, tsutsui has no idea what to do with her
Don't move the goalposts. Fuminofags have shitters that manage to be more cancerous than all of them combined.
It's NOT (you) ... because it's ME!
This PARANOID foomfag MORON thinks that everyone who disagrees with him his the same person.
Can you not type in proper English, faggot?
Dyslexic spergs = Fuminofags confirmed.
None of that disproves the logic normalfags like Sensei the most.
>developed womanly figure
>no nonsense as opposed to childish or teen personality
>adult in mind and body
>big breasts
No matter how you spin it, logic dictates normalfags would like Mafuyu the most.
Your going this is normalfag and reddit while this is based and redpilled only serves to attract more hate towards the fanbase and only lowers the thread quality. It's this type of retardation that creates divisionism even in Yea Forums like the people who post here aren't human beings that fall into different categories. Especially about something like flat chest, like flat chest is something that gets treated like an abomination IRL and 2D hence hating it is normalfag. It's like you're out of touch with reality. So the Fuminofags that read 5toubun are normalfags because quints have cowtits? If the Fumino association with DFC is all you can go and sperg about while a real Fuminofag sets this things aside rather than making them the center of his argument it's only normal I'd call you out for acting like a faggot. Now stop this shit at once.
I'm amazed you can tell the shitposters apart. Half of them appear to be false flags anyways. The fanbase as a whole is pretty awful, but that's true of every harem series.
Mafuyu is well-written compared to Fumino.
what a FAG
Not really, and you're the one who inserted a sham argument to divert the point regarding the resident Urukashitter when we are talking about one shitposter in particular.
Mafuyu doesn't appear in this chapter though
See And fuck off, retard
She's not well written at all. She relies on the same few fags and quirks repeated every time she appears, and her latest arc was terribly contrived. I like her and all but to say her, or really anyone in the series, is a well-written character is outright bullshit.
>samefags and now assumes identity as """Asumifag""""
Well, there it is.
Hey look, a Fuminofag with a functional brain
Yes really. Your "Urukashitter" never manages to shit up a thread this hard, it's the Foomshitter whom even other Fuminofags are starting to disassociate themselves from that is the most cancerous and attacks most people in these threads like you're doing just now.
>same few fags
Meant gags. Although fags applies too.
tl;dr. Dabbing on haters and normalfags is the norm. You're being autistic and making it complicated when it's not.
Thanks user. I was asking where to find it in the last thread.
You would've been able to find it easily if you had half a brain and googled it.
And yet it's still leagues better than everything else in the manga
I said compared to. Overall she's a decently written character that doesn't suffer from terrible inconsistencies and lack of development that Fumino suffers from.
>literally NO U the argument
But you didn't lol. Name a few cowtits characters you liked...
I can name MANY Pettanko characters:
Ayane from Nagasarete Airantou
Isumi from Hayate no Gotoku
Nagi from Kannagi
Yami from To-Love Ru
I did NOT like Taiga from Toradora or Louise from Zero no Tsukaima, however...
And I didn't include much more recent anime since I'm an old(er)fag and much of the stuff has been trash recently.
By the way Uruka is NOT a 'cowtits' character (that's Rizu!) and if you generally like those characters but don't like her for some reason then you ought to POST SOME REASONS (like I did for Fumino) so that we can have an actual discussion and not just pointless ESL shitflinging.
Normalfags do hate incest, loli, and dfc though. Literally the trinity right there. I'm pretty sure you can't go to a social gathering with normalfag coworkers, friends, or family members where you can talk with any of those things together with the guys or whatever.
lol /pol/ are a bunch of Zionist shills; apparently someone saved an image though; nice.
>fuminofag even lashes out at a fellow fuminofag who isn't retarded like he is
Age gap does absolute nothing to avert those facts.
>Like an elderly couple
Goddamnit, I knew that JB/LRR changed it cause of bias again. This is much better even if it still doesn't really make any sense
Seek professional help
Urukashitter, or (You) often do shit up threads hard and derail with extreme autism. See this thread.
Yes, it does, just like being a shorstack wouldn't stop Rizu from being liked by normalfags according to your logic.
Whatever. Can the normal Fuminofags who only post in appreciation of Fumino and don't lash out and throw bait at other fanbases reply to this post like they did two days ago? I'm starting to be doubtful. Or any other normal user that replies to these threads with no Ill intent if those still exist.
Just asking because he also likes Nagatoro and posts those as well.
Sorry, you can't do that. Mafuyu is a masterpiece of good writing and high literature. She's 2deep4u. Proof? Her popularity.
This thread being ruined is all your own making. Stop playing the victim and using Urukafags as scapegoat, Fuminofag. It got old six months ago.
y'all niggas should quit wastin' yer time with this crap and read a real man's manga!
Literally nobody said that. You're just mad she's an objectively better character than the other girls.
Next chapter is a sensei chapter so at least you have that to look forward to
Senseifags like to say this, but I have never seen why they think that.
This is the only part of the OP that doesn't feel like fumino shilling.
What am I looking at?
Point the elsewhere, or better yet at yourself. I was the one who got triggered and mad and felt the need to lash out because a couple of posts implied Mafuyu is normalfag bait.
Non-shitposting Fuminofags should start speaking up and segregate themselves from the rabid foomshiter who's been ruining these threads since chapter 100.
Fumino is my second favorite but it feels bad that she attracted such a cancerous faggot that resides in these threads.
>elderly couple
Sounds more fitting to the situation than LRR's. Waiting for raws I guess.
Prove she isn't well written first
Take off your hater goggles too
It's gonna be over in less than year won't it?
Untrue, the cat scenes were cute.
Yet still normalfags in here will still defend their girl and hate on Fumino and Asumi.
You must have missed the threads during her arc, or during her following chapters, or when discussing why she won the poll.
Where do you think you are?
Nagatoro and Uruka naturally go together.
What are you, some type of FBI agent/stalker lol? Do you keep a 'dossier' on all the posters of different boards, ready to produce your 'data' at a moment's notice?
Fumin/a/utism on full display!
So thristy
Burden of proof lies with you.
Nah. I'm aware of the hefty waifu praising and putting her arc on a pedestal as the second coming of Christ, but I only saw generic waifufag comments and reasons.
>a real man's manga
You were the one triggered enough to bring back some old shitposting argument because you got triggered Fumino was said to be liked by normalfags again.
Good thing doing so only made you being put against most of the fanbase again. It's a lose-lose situation for you either way.
>that newfag filename
Fuck the guy who reposted this so this newfag could spam this outdated and wrong shit
You were the first one who said she wasnt well written though
>The student/teacher relationship is too big a hurdle for either one of them to overcome. They're far too concerned with propriety to make it without some serious asspulls.
No asspulls would be required at all. He graduates in 3 months and instead of rejecting him like before she responds by telling him to wait until then
Senseifags were loving her in pre-70 chapters even when she was mostly just a fanservice character with little development, even less than Uruka. Nowadays, they can shill the development she got in Sensei's arc, but I doubt much as changed for them, deep down.
>Nah. I'm aware of the hefty waifu praising and putting her arc on a pedestal as the second coming of Christ, but I only saw generic waifufag comments and reasons.
Oh yes, magnificent coping here. They at least could discuss and explain why she's a good character and why her arc was actually good as opposed to the endless dfc shilling Fuminofags do because their arc was so fucking garbage that even its high point, muh I'm awake, was rendered pointless in the end. I can see why the poll results made you so devastated.
I said I've never seen Mafuyufags give reasons why they think she is well-written. That's actually a claim they make, like 's.
>Kusofag got dabbed on so hard he smoothened his vocabulary
This is and will always be true
lol this idiot Yea Forumsard can't even type out complete sentences and keeps tripping over himself; classic
>says Sensei is well-written
>acts like burden of proof isn't on his side
This shitter.
Goodnight Bokubenbros
Not an argument.
That gives them reasonable doubt, retard. Burden of proof is on you to show that she's not well written.
>"""Asumifag""" is still at it
Pathetic falseflagging is pathetic.
I guess you're done.
Oh god. It's this retard again.
Good night Yea Forumsal; may you have sweet dreams of a super-cute dark-skinned girl gently dominating you with her toned, tanned, firm, supple athletic thighs... >__
You're joking, right? That doesn't make sense. That's an outright claim that is being certain about itself. If you intend to bait, then don't bother.
Guess so. A shame because I was really hoping for a real argument as to why Mafuyufags think Mafuyu is well-written.
I find it funny cause you can actually feel the insecurity coming from the screen
lol you only WISH that Fumino had doujins this HAWT; seethe harder White Power Pedo Jew.
Nah, from your first reply I already knew that even if I quoted arguments from those threads you would dismiss them as "waifu praising". Better just remind you of the fact that not even Fuminofags do that anymore for a reason.
Fuminobros like Nino for her personality, not her body.
It's an insult to put the ebony and ivory mermaid goddess in the same frame with all these other inferior specimens.
What an absolutely stunning beauty!
Just imagine her soft, gentle, feminine moans as she pinned you down and took you completely with her young, nubile fertile body every night...
>still at it
see if Fumino had more personality or substance she could easily be the most popular girl, flat chest is never an hindrance for how liked a character is, and cowtits are never an advantage, I could say that normalfags hate cowtits since they "oversexualize" characters pretty easily
What a terrible thread.
>fumino's haters attempt to countertroll with normalfag bullshit
>get told and btfo
She was already the most interesting character then. Her being a teacher made her interactions with Nariyuki something different from the other girls and her backstory was also interesting. More often than not characters are interesting because there's so little known or developed about them and you want to know more about them.
The reason why her popularity skyrocketed with her arc is because the foreshadowing and groundwork done with her character was used effiicently to develop her and make her views come full circle.
Fumino was also interesting at first with the hints given about parental abuse and potential conflicting feelings about being Rizu and Uruka's wingman while falling in love with the same boy they love, but the execution was either terrible or just lacking in comparison, which is why people didn't like her arc.
So what's actually going on in this chapter?
Is it interesting?
Are the threads always this rubbish or is it just Foomfag chapters?
>things that never happened
That's what sane people do with any character. Only the retarded foomshiter thinks breast size is everything.
remember this is who you're replying to when you reply to an urukafag post
It only feels and sounds like you can't properly explain why you think she's well-written. I've seen enough praises to deem them what they are: simply waifufags listing traits that fancy their fetishes, shallow hype as to why they like her, poorly thoughtout reasons that are mostly generic thus betray the claim of being well-written.
The poll threads were glorious, Yea Forumsnons were celebrating while foomers were damage controlling like there was no tomorrow.
Now we're back to the standard Fuminofag starts shit then plays the victim after being told to fuck off. It's sad
At the cost of this thread. Was it worth it, I wonder?
See Or dont so you don't have to form an argument and act as if she's not well written
I said she's well-written compared to Fumino, and I see you still dsimissing everything as generic praises.
It's too bad not even Fuminofags are able to do that anymore which is why they're sperging out about DFC and cowtits in this thread. That's all they have outside of Fumino winning the bowl.
It's biased as hell, he didn't count the lipstick chapter and this chapter is closer to the Hamster chapter than the baby chapter.
Uruka was a mistake~~~~~
Holy shit, is this real? These faggots should be actually hung
104 is the lipstick chapter aka the nothing happened after the arc chapter
A sane, reasonable Fuminofag?
Am I dreaming?
It really bothered me that the whole kiss plot point was resolved so anticlimactically.
You're trivializing. It's the chapter were both realized they had a kiss. Also, how can you say the ghost girl is something and never mentioned that Uruka's friends think Fumino and Nariyuki look close?
>No... it's well written BECAUSE it was resolved anticlimactically!
>See, they talked it out like rational people!
>Nevermind that we hyped up the kiss as something special and deserving a color page
>It's good writing!
sensei doesn't seem like the kind of person who would go to a kareego signing event but also she buys everything online and eats instant food so going shopping is strange
maybe she's buying furniture and toiletries so nariyuki can stay over more
Yeah, that was the joke user
Sorry. I leave the thread now.
lol, even a non-retarded Fuminofag told the seething foompanze to fuck off with his bullshit.
they both realized they shared a kiss and nothing happened. Nothing changed
Nino is my favorite, but I'd definitely have her flat if I could. It basically means I tolerate her chest size. Either way, you must be new here. Body and tits size is everything when there's a choice. After all, Yea Forums is ruled by personal individual taste. Harem series especially is one big proxy war ground between loli/dfcfags vs cowtitsfags since time memorial. It's a my taste = god tier, your taste = faggot tier juggle here. When there's no good option to pick from, people gravitate to the next closest thing that they like, or can tolerate.
To illustrate further, a certain 3 letters word named after an autistic shitposter comes to mind. Said autist is ruled his taste as well and that makes it very easy to tell which girl he likes and which he hates. When there are no good options for him in a certain series that deals with lolis only as its main cast, he merely proceed to gravitate towards the closest thing that he could like, but has to tolerate the rest. And he uses the one he has latched to shitpost other girls, in particular one that makes him madder than a bull that's seen red.
Because it's retarded
>This thread
Jesus Christ
I need a vacation
You're overestimating it because the kiss will hardly be relevant ever again. Did it factor into anything so far with her interactions? Did it develop anything? The answer to both is no. It's not a trivialization if the author himself made it trivial.
>calls himself a Fuminofag after false flagging as one to shitpost Fuminochad
so you want all fuminofags to be as retarded as you are? Holy shit
Try harder next time
>Either way, you must be new here. Body and tits size is everything when there's a choice. After all, Yea Forums is ruled by personal individual taste. Harem series especially is one big proxy war ground between loli/dfcfags vs cowtitsfags since time memorial
This is complete bullshit. I've been watching anime, reading manga, LNs, etc for 10 years and breast size or body type is the last thing I consider when I like a girl. My top favorites include girls of all types. Lolis, older women, big tits, medium tits, small tits. Etc. Those flat vs cowtits debates take place either in extremely trashy fanservice series or threads about fetishes in general. This also doesn't make sense given that a lot of Fuminofags converted to Sensei and I'm sure they did it because they came to like her better as a character and not because they suddenly dropped their DFC preference and became cakefags.
Uruka is a miracle
best girl indeed
Finally, a Fuminofag that actually has enough of a brain to call out their shitposters. The reason why everybody judges all of you based off of the shitposters is because you guys never call him out despite them being the reason the threads are ruined, especially when it's a Fumino chapter. Which naturally leads people to think they are one in the same
>I was really hoping for a real argument as to why Mafuyufags think Mafuyu is well-written.
>Someone gives a real argument
Every time
Why do people even bother with this shit bait
Please take me with you.
Mafuyu best girl
Yotsuba best girl
they're both lovely
how come sensei and for some reason ikeda are the only characters to get new oc shitposts
>there's so little known or developed about them and you want to know more about them.
That hardly applies to her. She was never a walking engima or a mysterious character with a mystifying background.
>foreshadowing and groundwork done with her character was used effiicently to develop her and make her views come full circle.
Foreshadowing was basic and minimum by the manga's standard which, to say the least, is low and lacking in quality development and well fleshed out characters. Also, eventually seeing things differently thanks to MC's environment was predictable. They're all 2-dimensional at best, staying safely with their set parameters that defines their archetype.
You still think she's well-written, or at least good enough. I've seen plenty of Mafuyufags that said she has good writing, but never good reasons and constructive explanation for why they actually think. In any case, your refusal to properly clarify this matter speaks volumes.
Urukafags are happy just appreciating her girl.
The Rizufag(s?) got scared.
Asumifags are busy not existing.
Fuminofags are fuming.
That only leaves senseifags being productive and Ikedachads being superior to the rest.
>while foomers were damage controlling like there was no tomorrow
They still do that to this day though. You literally feel the seething to this day
based Ikedabro
>You still think she's well-written, or at least good enough
I think she's decently-written because she remains consistent and doesn't fall into the same pitfalls the other characters in the manga do.
>but never good reasons and constructive explanation for why they actually think. In any case, your refusal to properly clarify this matter speaks volumes.
They have done so plenty of times, but as said, you dismiss all of it as generic waifu praising so there's not convincing you.
best Mafuyu
>last thing I consider
Either you're a minority anomaly of sort or you're lying. Haruhi, Oreimo, Oreigu are prime examples of categorical association determined by flat/loli vs big. Right down the center. That comes first before personality.
>acts tsundere and has arrived at the spot Fumino is in
>not falling for same pitfalls
>Either you're a minority anomaly of sort
Have you considered that this might be the case for you instead? I like this medium because of all the variety in fetishes it offers. I'm not narrow minded or shallow enough to let my taste be decided by size of tits when breasts are not even the only attractive part of a girl.
me on the left
Fumino has been in that spot for almost 90 chapters. Mafuyu underwent character development related to her own character, her past and present before reaching that spot. It's why she's a much better character, her interactions with Nariyuki weren't based on her denying her own feelings, it was a purely platonic relationship with Nariyuki reaching out to her and cracking her cold exterior.
>She was never a walking enigma
At the start we know that she's their previous tutor, and one of the reasons they dislike tutors now. What did she do to them? Why is she like she is right now? From her first couple of chapters, we only know the base of her character, that is, she wants people to pursue their talents, and that she followed her dreams in the past only to fail. What happened when she failed? Why did her smile go away?
There was a lot to tackle into from the first chapters alone, which makes her interesting. Questions are raised. In the first chapter we already see the motivation behind the two main girls. From the first appearances we see Sensei cares for her students, but puts up a cold front. Why is that so? What did she do that makes them dislike her so much?
>Forsshadowing was basic and minimum
It's your opinion, but the point was that it's there. It was steadily built up throughout the manga. The build up leads to the execution and revealed more about both Nariyuki and herself. Hints are dropped regarding her connection to his father. Which only further relates to how she became a teacher. How is it low and lacking in quality development? How is being predictable bad? What makes you say they're 2 dimensional? What are their set parameters? You claiming your opinion as fact and generalizing to the entire manga makes it difficult to take you seriously.
Well-written...decently written, I still haven't seen good reasons why Mafuyufags think that. You are just deflecting and going round in circles. If you are confident they weren't all generic praises, then it shouldn't bother to you show them. Again, your refusal says a lot.
>since chapter 74
>almost 90
Nice math, Senseicuck.
Don't give the shitposter (You)s
>Nice math, Senseicuck.
Right back at you.
More like since chapter 20, but nice to see you have no argument and have to resort to namecalling now. Good show.
>it's just your opinion
How Senseifags have fallen. Behaving in a very same way they criticized Fuminofags who dared to disagree with them and needed to remind them that their opinions are not fact. But they chide and shrug anyways, acting like they have the morally superior high ground and speak facts.
No reason is good enough for you, we know that. Even if those were just generic waifu praises or basic storytelling devices were used to write her character, it's done consistently and fitting in the context of the manga, thus she's decently written.
>categorical association determined by flat/loli vs big. Right down the center. That comes first before personality.
go to literally any other thread that isn't a fetish thread, people don't argue about body types, they argue about the characters' personalities and the story, people who hate Haruhi don't attack her body type, they call her a selfish bitch, for example, don't try to force your shallowness onto others
>implying that is the same as developing to the point she began to come to terms of falling for him 50 plus chapters later
Dumb Senseicuck.
He gives a good breakdown about sensei's initial character and continued development and this is what you nitpick?
You're only proving us right.
Sure thing.
You are so new. Most aren't stupid enough to publicize their driving preferences and fetishes. Especially in series where shipping and waifu wars are serious business. Giving the other side ammunition to attack it's not a strategic, duh.
There isn't any develpment. She's the same character as she was at that point, except now she's now completely flanderized with her Ricchan and Uruka-chan gag.
I'm starting to think he kind of likes it.
I've been here since 2008, fucker
That's because fetishes are shallow preferences that are only important when you seek doujinshi or ecchi series, not when you follow other kind of stuff.
I suppose this concept is impossible for a DFC maniac to grasp, though.
Would go against the way her arc is setup. I'd enjoy it, but only because I like bold moves. I'd prefer that from Senpai
Wouldn't surprise me if this was his intention deep down.
I'unno. I can imagine Uruka confessing in the airport as a way to purge her feelings.
Uruka and Nino best girls
I prefer Ichika but based
>I prefer Ichika
Fumino a best
Ichicute did nothing wrong. All is fair in love and war
>the shit taste Kumicuck poster again
At least we got the ultimate blowout to end all the shitposting.
Realistically speaking, how much force would a cat need to apply on the shoulder of an adult fat woman to make her fall like this
I'm 2006. I refuse to believe someone from the same golden era as me could be stupid and post like he hasn't lurked more at least 2 years.
Nobody actually cares because individual fetishes are always going to be important and virtually everything for Yea Forums. But it is cheap ammo to use nonetheless.
>Ichicute did nothing wrong.
>She is going to win.
>Rizu or Asumi is going to win too.
The cat is made of dark matter, it was made in Ichinose university using illegally acquired funds, and that's why it was given to Reiji for safekeeping.
You're trying to make her sound complex and deep by drawing excessive attention to loads of hypothetical questions to justify why you find her interesting. While fair in theory, it's zealous waifu vision goggles in practice. To sum it up, the bottom line question rides around why she is cold and has a different philosophy. An obvious guess that doesn't need a detective to see through lies with her past. Something happened. We don't find out what happened until it's shown in her arc, but we get seldom topics that skirt around it to give it minumum foreshadowing. You take that coming full circle but it was obviously heading that way and the outcome was predictable, generic even. Since you like to compare with Fumino, the family drama at home foreshadowing here and there as well was also minimum, and the hypothetical questions that popped into mind could be comparable in the same vein for her waifufags. Her arc too resolved the issue and the outcome was predictable. It achieved what the foreshadowing set out and reached full circle. By the same margin, you could also say she was decently written. And yet....
Looks like you are done, then.
I don't really. no matter what I say or do Fuminoshit will win because 22i cannot write steadily growing relationships and instead went for the easy "Nothing of importance happen for 200 chapters and then the winner is revealed in the last arc"
Also Asumi a best
>Kazuki and sensei
Hold on
Fumino and Itsuki are going to win.
>Nobody actually cares because individual fetishes are always going to be important and virtually everything for Yea Forums
Speak for yourself buddy. You're the only autist obsessed with tit size in this thread
>its just waifufag goggles
I don't know why I even bothered.
>and she confesses to her true love
if it's cheap ammo by your own definition then why do you try to push this retarded shit then
The fact you believe everything you just said here pretty much shows how new you are.
Push what? Do you get what the main point is even about?
Come again? You're the only autist in here who thinks a girl's worth is determined by her chest size.
And here I thought you would be the first who could have put out a constructive and persuasive argument to explain why Mafuyufags think Mafuyu is "well-written."
Yes, just like I'm the only one who faps to hentai and have my own gallery and favorite tags here, nay, all of Yea Forums.
any and all arguments someone makes will be disregarded as waifu goggles without an actual counterpoint, so why bother
>Urukafags and Senseifags rate Fumino and Asumi bottom and vice versa
No correlation here folks. Nadda. Trust me.
That's another matter altogether. It's like you can distinguish between base preferences and characters you like for who they are and not what they look like.
Stupid generalization. Lots of Senseifags used to be Fuminofags, but this argument suddenly isn't convenient for you, huh?
My comparison was fair. You aren't trying anymore.
>Lots of Senseifags used to be Fuminofags
Prove it.
>base preferences and characters you like
>seriously implies that it isn't the same for virtually everyone
You're neo Yea Forumsnon. No way you're from 08. It should be impossible to be this naive and gullible after all of this time. Next you'll tell me people all aren't bias and prejudice, especially on Yea Forums of all places.