Sasuga WIT

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Seriously what a fucking waste of a potentially good series. Has there even been a single episode that tanked a show harder than this?

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The whole point of the manga is that Thorfinn is consumed with revenge. Fuck you saying it ruins it?

He's obviously an anime-only.

"Waah! Thors dies and now I'm stuck with an edgelord! Why didn't the anime warn me about this!?"
>literally every description says Thorfinn is the protagonist and that his father dies.

Fuck anime-only fags.

what did they do?


Angry shotas who saw one of their parents killed and vowed revenge.

no, what did WIT do? i've read snk and vinland.

Nothing. Just a funny similarity I noticed between the SNK and VS adoptation :)

It's not WIT's fault, the source material is to blame. Based as fuck MC gets replaced early on with seething revenge-driven Sasuke Yaeger. What could have been AOTS is now unwatchable.

Into the trash it goes

oh so you're complaining about the series, not wit. kill yourself

but Askeladd wasn't replaced by anyone user
what the hell are you talking about?

>there are people on Yea Forums that haven't read edgeland saga yet


When did I complain or said its bad? Read slower.

Chad rage vs Virgin rage

Imagine not reading the manga, he becomes the exact opposite of eren.

these two posts are complaining posts. if you tell me you are not this poster, then dont ever respond to my posts again.

The OP isn't a complaint,it is pointing out a similarity. Are you legit autistic?

first of all, the first reply is literally from OP, so he is complaining anyways. second of all, the "sasuga, wit" is sarcasm.

This is how every viewer felt by the end of episode when they realised author killed the best possible mc for his manga and replaced him with this edgy shitren like abomination.

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t. animeonly and speedwatcher who thought thors was the MC

> Oh, so you want good old Kenshiro/Conan like mc who deal with any danger like a champ?
> Naaah, fuck you. Manlyme era is done in 90s. Go eat shit from 0 with this edgy kid as your new mc
BNHAfags and other nu shonen lovers must be happy by now

Imagine being this retarded

calm down, sperg

WIT doing a successful job at changing the chapter order to get fans butthurt with thors being MC bait.

whos the real sperg here?

Read the manga, fag. Thorfinn from day one was MC, and he's fucking cool when the stupid kid shit is over.

unlike eren, thorfinn eventually gets his shit together

Imagine defending an edgelord uchiha MC so hard you immediately pull out the animeonly boogeyman and samefag for damage control

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>when they realised author killed the best possible mc for his manga

> It'll get better, but you need to read 10 volumes or so


I bet you've never read R.Howard books. Now fuck off.

literally never heard of that person in my life, but that doesn't really matter, does it?

Not even ten volumes. The prologue was only about three or four chapters. And the opening to the series was Thorfinn as an adult helping with a siege. Wit is stretching out the kid arc.

Imagine being a 16 year old retard like you

> literally never heard of that person in my life
I've a feeling that you're not even kidding..

>you dont know this cool author ur such a lame-o loser!!!

But user the new MC is AskaCHAD, thorfinn is just his new adopted son out of respect for thors


T. A retarded who judge both without knowing nothing because too idiot to read the source materials

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you are giving snkchads a bad name with this horrible worded ESL post. 10/10 falseflag

Wait did people really think Thors is the protagonist?

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yeah just scroll up and look at the moetard animeonlies who complained about thors' death.

woa picked up vinland saga

Viking Jesus > Titan Hitler

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>If you kill your enemies they win

Not him, but Eren is just a crying bitch and older then Thorfinn, and just take a look at his eyes, the scene was a lot more intense and you could actually feel his rage, also Vinland Saga is nowhere near as edgy as AoT, his father didnt get eating by some creepy zombie monster

maybe bnha is more your style then haha

>story is about how war and revenge corrupts people and turns them into monsters
>protagonist finally realizes the terrible cycle he was trapped in, and fights to change his ways to honor his father
>"lol, kill enemies dey win"


Ahh but Wit were the ones who rearranged the order making it feel like thors was the mc? You fucking animeonly, manga started with teenage Thorfinn.

Kill yourself.


Also, first of all eren's mother was the one who got eaten (the father was inside wall rose killing the one who possesed the FT) , second, the giant zombies are just innocent people who are turned into mindless monsters by a militaty governament, so the titans are more than just "big idiot zombies"

I'm comparing Thorfinn's father with Eren's mother, I'm saying Thorfinns father didn't get eaten by a huge mindless zombie idiot monster like Eren's mother, when you think about it all AoT is is people eating each other like in Tokyo ghoul how can you say its not edgy.

not him, but i definitely can acknowledge its edginess. its just also kino as fuck at the same time. nothing wrong with edginess in my opinion. vinland saga is barely edgy anymore, snk still has some of its edge.

Because the manga is about the politics and the racism a small race of people is suffering for the crimes committed by their ancestors. Is not the usual "good vs bad " shonen shit.

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What do you mean? did deku kill his enemies? i didn't watch season 3 if he did i might check out.

>yeah just talk bro talking can fix everything just like every single shitty shounen



>reddit spacing
>watched bnha
yep. this guy is cringe