>3dcg shit forced into yet another 2d show to cut corners
what an abomination
Wow that background really makes my eyes bleed.
>Dr. Reddit
This. Fuck plebbit and their tolerance for this 3d garbage.
t. Sodium chloride-y nerd.
I miss QUALITY being done in 2D instead of soulless 3D shit.
The van or the cabbage gave an anime more soul than some shit monster/action animation in 3D
Isn't 3d more expensive?
I know 3d artists get paid more than regular animators.
t. reddit X reddit whispervirgins
Isn't 3d more expensive?
Of course not. What corporate shitbag sold you that lie?
>Isn't 3d more expensive?
Depend on the context but 99.98% of the time, no. For the kind of stuff anime typically requires, no. With traditional, 2d, you need lots more time & manpower to get anything done in the same timeframe. This being one of the factors resulting in 2d being more costly. And when that talent doesn't exist you need to spend millions training it. 3d is also just easier for getting a consistent result so they default to that because to most of these companies anime is just a business not an artform.
Holy shit this is hilarious
>Anime gets more inconsistent every episode.
>Characters are unlikeable and one dimensional.
>Anime threads are the worst of this season.
>Manga threads are full of fujo and gayposting.
>Fanbase is pretentious as fuck
>Sales didn't improve even after anime.
What went wrong?
at least SnK's 3D cities and forests don't look any where near this bad
That's babies first quality.
I know what you mean. At least with this hand drawn stuff you can see the heart put into it. Generic 3d forests like in op webm can pretty much be auto generated now.
Epic science reference, bro!
Isn't this from Bobobo or am I wrong
It's shounenshit.
Someone post that edit.
idk if that qualify as QUALITY though