Shit-tier canon pairings

Attached: shit.jpg (3299x4421, 1.14M)

OP here, pic unrelated

Attached: 1484465480522.jpg (760x625, 102K)

Still mad

Attached: Sidonia_no_Kishi_Daikyuu_Wakusei_Seneki.jpg (640x906, 198K)

>Yea Forums vernacular
please leave, no one likes you

Attached: fdfa007d091671555effc23b48efe4d9.jpg (500x500, 232K)

Read the rules newfaggot scum
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments
fuck off and slice your wrists with your ironic shitposting faggot

>Taking the obvious bait by Yea Forumsermin
You can fuck off too.

You first,

Pic unrelated.


>ignoring rules
I want newfags to lea/v/e

>he still taking the bait.
Blame yourself for being a retard instead of just ignore/hide.

This ending felt like a genuine fuck you.
He even intentionally made her human form fat in the ending.

crossboarders will be mocked until they fuck off and die

Pic unrelated obviously you low IQ redditor.

>Liking shit

What was better, the anime or manga?

tentacle monster is a good girl

Worst pairing.

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>being this much of a faggot

Attached: eeeeh.png (1280x720, 1.35M)