Will any girl be able to produce as much salt as these two did?

Will any girl be able to produce as much salt as these two did?

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I don't see it happening.

Are you serious?

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this is accurate, but not as widespread across the entirety of the internet

>Will any girl be able to produce as much salt as these two did?
Nope since both series were huge around the world, and majority of shippers have been following the series for over 10+ years to see the outcome. The inevitable win of Fumino will make Yea Forums seethe though. 5toubun threads will be a mess no matter who wins as well. Emilia winning once and for all over Rem might cause a little something.

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Maybe one piece? It depend on who end up with who at the end and how big the losing shippingfags fanbases are.

No matter how it ends, 8man will also have Yea Forums covered in shit.

Who cares about anywhere else?

Historia, at least these girls were giving hints. But no can predict about Historia winning the MC bowl, still half of the community is in denial. Just wait and watch how everything is going to be followed with tears

IzuOcha getting confirmed in MHA won't get the same magnitude of assblasting, but it'll still be pretty funny
>fujos mad because Deku isn't gay
>women mad because Ochaco didn't end up with Bakugo
>Dekufags mad because he didn't end up with a better girl

Her but for actually wining the dekubowl

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While it was no where the size of the hall of anal devastation, it was still a lot compared to the size of the fanbase.

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With Hisu I'm sure there will be much more fujo salt than Mikasafags tears.

It was not as much, but was pretty intense thanks to fujos.

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>Dekufags mad because he didn't end up with a better girl
Who do they want him to end up with?

there are people who ship Deku with pretty much every female character in the series, even ones he's never met or barely know who he is. I think most of the time it's Mina or Momo though, cause they're the hottest girls in his class

>literally the only serious contender in the non-existent Dekubowl
Would anyone other than retarded fujos even be surprised if she won?

Nina purpleton

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speaking of shows with girls named mikasa, I feel like the index/railgun fandom will explode if the headcrab know as index wins the MCbowl somehow.

the women and NTRfags that ship Ochaco and Bakugo are pretty fucking delusional, I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few of them genuinely don't see it coming

I'm pretty sure most of /snk/ thinks that Eren is the father. Outrage from normalfags is going to be amazing though.

>Will any girl be able to produce as much salt as these two did?

no, but was a nice try

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Aki's victory would of just been another tsundere win, but the fact that author decided to extend the manga and bait the maidfags then giving Aki another victory made EVERYONE, including her own fans pissed.

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but hinata was fine
She just got kind of boring after winning naruto
For orihime
I really just thought they set off to rescue their friend. Didn't get much sense of a romantic feeling from her scenes
it might be because I put the series on hold so many times and just didn't notice

Didn't she win in the latest volume?


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They try to act mature and stuff, but they get so assblasted over the cutest stuff, they self insert into Ochako and ergo get mad when some other female makes Deku blush.

Nigga, those bitches are mad because the spin off is going to team up Deku with her and two other girls who make her jelous, and they got assblasted over this

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I thought only shitposters defended that "pairing".

Can other Tamas even compete?

I don't actually follow the series, so I don't really know, all I know is that index is hated by the fandom.

on Yea Forums yeah, but there are a lot of brainlet normalfags that follow MHA

Depends if anything ever becomes as popular as Nardo

I don't think anyone gives that much of a shit about her anymore.
I haven't read the latest volume yet but she has been pretty much irrelevant through 99% of the series despite Kamachi forcing her into the plot from time to time.
Though I'd say Misaka is worse, her role in the last few volumes and the power-ups she got to stay relevant felt forced as shit. She even got to be the cover girl of a volume where she isn't even fucking relevant after like one chapter.

Is this...Tokyo Ghoul?

Bakugou + Ochaco

The inevitable One Piece assbleeding that will occur when Luffy gets his wife.

I'm ashamed to admit I fell for it.
That final page with Maid and MC hugging while the sun rose made me think we would get a surprise win out of nowhere and I acted so smug about it.
I think that whole arc was fucking pointless and little more than an excuse to drag out the story a bit more and give hope to those who never had it on the first place, but my butthurt also greatly contributed to my feelings towards it.

Tsutsui is just a step behind becoming a living legend in the history of Romcom manga and there's a good chance he will settle for the worst ending in his manga.


For Yea Forums?

Pic related.

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Hopefully this will top it.

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Remember: childhood friends never win.

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In 2019 I say it's about fucking time they do.

Never forget

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The ending to Naruto wasn't rushed so people had time to be mad and salty about the end pairing of NaruHina. That wasn't so much the case with Bleach, sure some were mad but the shitty rushed ending pretty much over shadowed the end pairings desu

Then it wont be as much salt as the two OP poster, because it would be a niche part of the demographic who watches the series. I mean the meltdown after Hinata winning the Narubowl was a huge mess.

The author managed to piss of the fans of both girls, the ended pissed off the maidfag for baiting them, the ended also pissed off the Akifags for wasting their time. Though it was funny to see the maidfags trying to make a hall of anal devastation only for Aki to end up as the winner.

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why is she grabbing his nuts?

Literally what fuels my delusional ships

to be fair, top didn't create salt. Everyone wanted her to win.

This was the first time I realized how fucking dellusional and retarded shipperfags can be.
I was an underage retard when she was introduced to the story and yet the girl who wasn't a VN waifu archetype winning seemed so obvious to me that I was shocked that some people didn't see it coming once the story ended.

It did created salt from the narusakufags.

She raped him.

nothing can ever top Naruto or Bleach's halls of anal devastation because they're the biggest series (other than Evangelion) where people gave a fuck about shipping, but MHA's will be a highlight for series after those two

Those were brewing for 15 years and more. I don't see the OP readers being anywhere close those in terms of shipping autism though.

Uhm, Fuminofags are basically a 1:1 take of Narusaku and Ichiruki fags tho. They use the same arguments of color page and panel placement too.

hinata didn't produce salt. Everyone wanted her to win. Her win was so pure that top named NTR hentai artists made vanilla doujins for the first time in their lives about this.

Asuka or Rei

>top didn't create salt
Weren't you around when that happened? There were countless Narusaku fanpages, groups and other autistic entities going full meltdown over that shit.
I'd even say it was much, much worse than the Bleach shipper meltdown.

But Renji won

Her win was so pure, it turned nagatoro from a smug dominatrix bully to a smug tsundere bully.

Women wanted pink shit to win, they got so fucking mad I still laugh at it

Try to tell that to narusaku. They have to actually close the forum because of their collective meltdown becoming way too much of a lulzfarm.
It will be minor portion of the fandom. I mean it wont be something that will happen at the end of the series even, they will probably date and do some other stuff before they end up together. I mean it would be a waste to not have an episode about awkward deku going out on a date with ochako.

Unless you are aki or chitoge

Narusaku.com is still around for some reason, don't know why all the naruhina related forums are go for some reason.

To be fair, almost all women in Nisekoi were childhood friends

But I thought women liked Sasuke and Sakura was their self-insert?

Not only did Kubo throw out decades of development. He paired out pure Icehime(Princess) with a fucking baboon.

>when the one of the few times a childhood friend wins is because everyone is a childhood friend.

The people that wan't sakura to win were the "every male lead must get together with the female lead" shippers.

Perhaps becuase there is no reason to keep speculating about a ship that actually docked.

Those were nips, western pigs hated hinata because she was cute, loyal and had some big tits. Imagine their shock when she won

>pure Icehime
They were both slum niggers.


Ichigo was the son of quincy royalty and a shinigami captian who also was a prestigious doctor who helped the poor. He wasn't poor by any standards.

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Though it will never be on the leave as hinata's win, it will still be funny if history ends up repeating.

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They're talking about Rukia and Renji

Boruto doesn't deserve her.

I actually want to see a story in which none of the girls in a love triangle wins, but some other girl.

Get the filename? Because she's a DOG

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Seriously, IchiRuki should have happened. Everyone knows it.

I thought you were talking about Rukia and Renji, who were both slum poorfags before they became Shinigami and Rukia's sister convinced Byakuya to adopt her.


I ship it

Sorry, I derped.

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Still better then boruto getting together with that bitch Sarada.

Based Kubo


It's not that I hated Orihime, but IchiRuki was actually developed and a close dynamic existed there

I don't know about you guys, but I think the trophy set for the Zoku VN already dropped a huge spoiler about the ending. I won't press too much on the issue since there's still hope that I'm wrong.


Imagine the shitstorm if that happened in naruto or bleach.

Probably not. This is salt built up over the course of a decade. People literally grew up with one or both of these two as their first ships. It's likely we will never see anything on that level again. One Piece doesn't have the same level of shipping culture that Naruto and Bleach did either so that's out

The closest was Kaneki and Touka but that was only BTFO'ing yaoi fags.

They were nakama, it was never meant to be romantic

Kishimoto would have been killed if he pulled that shit.

so were orihime and ichigo

Fuminofags are the bokuben equivalent of Rukiafags though.

Historia is similar to Kaneki/Touka. It'll cause a ripple but solely in it's fanbase

And Rukia and Renji.

I mean, I wouldn't have minded it because the foundations were there, but ever since Kubo was clear on his intentions I stopped giving a damn about it. In any case Orihime still go a very lousy arc and development as an individual character, which was a shame because she started so well.

You underestimate how many people were into NaruSaku

t. anime only

Though to be honest all pairing were terrible, and romance in general was poorly handled during the entire series. IchiRuki had the adventage of at least having more development than the others pairings.

I guess Kubo wanted to pay tribute to the manga he ripped off, but since he forgot that in yuyu there's actually a lot of development between Yusuke and Keiko he had no other option than just shove it up everyone's throat.

Literally 99% of Orihime's characterization was that she wanted Ichigo's D.
I preferred Rukia but I think Orihime winning is better. At least Rukia had another love interest and enough of a personality and goals to have a good ending even if she didn't end up with him.
Meanwhile, I'd struggle to find a way to write an ending where Orihime doesn't end up with Ichigo because she would become so worthless that the only thing she would have left would be suicide.

They weren't romantically interested in each other. Deal with it loser

Orihime literally said she loved him

But what if Historia asked Eren to be the father and he just took the offer because of how much he respect her.

Shitren will die alone

Probably user mean the Ichiruki forum(Deathberry)That was the one were the administrators decided to nuke it after the ending.

Most of the girls who like him are violent tsunderes, he deserves better.

Ctrl+f through all the ending trophies and see if one of them looks different from the rest.

Zessicafags need not reply.

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Did that really produce that much salt? I dropped Naruto after the Pain/Pein/Nagato/Whatever battle, but I was under the impression that Hinata was by far the most popular girl and they'd been setting up the Hinata/Naruto Romance since the Chuunin Exam Arc from like 15 years ago.

The problem is that with what Yelena said to Armin and others it seems that pregnancy is totally useless, which has made some people really begin to believe that pregnancy was an accident

It looks more and more like accidental pregnancy.

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You should have been there for the complete shitshow. They were so butthurt that they review-bombed The Last, burned all of their Naruto merch, and made their own alternate reality that they still call canon. I like Narusaku, but holy hell the salt was too much.

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I thought only index and mikasa were tsunderes? are you saying there are more then two?

I'm not seeing anything odd. The three serious love interests get one gold trophy for the best ending and two silver ones while the other girls get a single silver torphy (except for Kaori who gets a bronze one lel).
What am I missing?

I don't know why I typed that, I meant to say the most likely to win are violent tsunderes

I can't understand how anyone could still have hopes for narusaku after the fake confession
>I hate people who lie to themselves

Rinfags have been crying non-stop since 2004.

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I like Shinachiku.

Wait, Orihime won? Bitchin.

Enjoy the salt user.

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I just don't get it though. When was there ever anything in the show supporting NaruSaku? Also
>latinoamerica watermark in that fanart
I've said it before and I'll say it again, latinos are the most autistic of weebs. Idk if it's in our DNA or what.

You're mostly right. The thing is that NaruSaku was very large, very dedicated and most people on that ship grew up with the show like everyone else

just wait for August 28 for Tsukuda to pull one on us

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I don't care if Sakura didn't get with Naruto, she should have gotten over Sasuke. But I guess Kishimoto had no choice because he probably would have had his home burned down by rapid SasuSaku fans.

Don't mind me just being deadweight for team 7 while also being emotional luggage BUT ALSO I can totally kick ass XD

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Does anyone even care anymore after the shitshow that was the last arc?

Not much. I think it was a combination of "main guy always gets main girl", Naruto being into her and a misguided belief that Sakura would stop being into Sasuke and learn to love Naruto, and just general "we don't like quiet girls, we like strong independent women (who obsess over one guy for superficial reasons and beat up the main character)" mindset

The artist is Russian.
Me too. Seen like a productive way to cope. The artist has made NH and SS art too.

Did way more than Hinata and most of the other female characters in this series.

Not a single person gives a shit about Souma shipping. People cared more about the pairings in fucking Fairy Tail than that.

Holy shit lol, and I thought the SNK shipping was bad

I guess they made her sort of useful in Shipuuden at least? Like she did kill the sand puppet akatsuki guy (legit can't remember his name, I want to say Susari?).

I don't know what you guys expected from an Author who took an idea that had 15-20 chapters of material, with the ending being obvious in the first three and just added a pseudo harem and a random fat chick to forcibly extend it to double it's length. I could have told you from the moment it was retconned to be maid who called Masamune 'Piggy' that the ending was NEVER going to be Maid. Even if that didn't happen, bad authors are usually the ones who want First Girl to win more than any fan and do everything to make people not like non first girls when it becomes clear people don't like their "daughter".
When everyone said 'MAID IS GONNA WIN' I knew it wouldn't happen, despite how much I would want it to happen. Authors always do this, especially bad, out of touch ones who do shit solely to extend their stories so they can get more money.
It kind of did in Naruto. Naruto straight up said to his dad that Sakura was his "girlfriend" meaning up to the final couple of battles Naruto wanted Sakura. But then Hinata won, much to my own shock as a NaruHina guy. But that's a whole post of it's own, dating back to why I hated Naruto vs Neiji even before 'Neiji was Right'

I don't give a shit about who Naruto ended up with but Sakura should have totally gotten over her retarded infatuation with Sasuke and found someone to have a healthy relationship with instead of that autistic edgy manchild.
It's not a surprise that their relationship in Boruto feels weird as shit since they never had any real chemistry.

If Megumi wins, the manga will at least be worth something in the end. The series went downhill right when they introduced the shitty Mary Sue tsundere Erina.

Sakura was fighting together with Sasori's grandmother who taught him everything he knew and they still only won because Sasori suicided.

The fact that Sasuke and Orochimaru were apparently allowed to just walk away scot-free (again I never finished the show, just skimmed wiki) seems even worse than the romance. Two genocidal war criminals just say "oops sorry" and that's it?

Temari in the Chuunin exams did more than Sakura did until she was given bullshit powers. Then again, EVERYONE in Team 7 got bullshit powers because i guess Kishi saw S-Cry-Ed and decided he could power ramp faster than that

Sasori, and he an hero'd himself

Sakura is a doormat

>skimmed wiki
Kabuto was the only war criminal. But he also just walked away.

and that was totally unexpected

Hinata is a doormat.

I actually kind of like Naruto (the character not the abomination that was the series) so i'm pretty happy about Hinata winning.

Oirhime was worst girl though.

Beyond that whomever wins the Touma Tuna Bowl will set off lots of shit posting.

>Kabuto was the only war criminal
Wait how is Kabuto any worse than Orochimaru? Half the shit he did was on Orochimaru's orders.

this is the sole reason why I got back into tg
thank you Touka, thank you Ishida Sui

Dubs ask, and dubs receiveth
They made Kabuto the big meanie despite orochimaru very clearly pulling an Epstein on young ninjas for his own immortality, then he off'ed the kazekage
I guess the only chance this is a big brain moment for kishi is if he made it a reference to project paperclip during WWII

Sakura is a generic tsundere stereotype who Kishimoto tried and failed to turn into a real character post timeskip

Hinata is a bland submissive >muh pure waifu stereotype who appeals to virgins everywhere

Both girls are trash, Naruto should have ended up with like Temari or someone along those lines.

I never had any hopes for Maid because the story was obviously about Aki and Masamune's relationship but once they became a couple and the story kept going and went into an arc where Masamune was shown not being happy with Aki and outright having an allergic reaction to her, other characters telling him he didn't belong with her and him chasing Maid and holding her in a fucking spread panel I thought the author had gone bananas and was going to make her girl, which gave me hope.
If the story had just ended after Aki and Masamune became a couple and sorted out their remaning issues I would't have minded it, I was butthurt because that whole retarded arc served no purpose other than stretching the story and trolling the people who liked Maid for no fucking reason.

The three of them got a slap on the writs because they helped end the war. Yeah, two of them helped start it, but they also helped put an end to it and stopped the world from becoming full of plant slaves.

Shipping is literally the only thing left to both japs and like half the people in the threads.
>series went downhill right when they introduced the shitty Mary Sue tsundere Erina
so like, the oneshot?

Wrong. It's Sakura

>then he off'ed the kazekage
....Kabuto offed the kazekage? Kabuto, the guy who got wrecked by 12-year old Naruto using rasengan for the first time, killed a fucking kage?

You'd be wrong.
First off the Chuunin Exam stuff stops the moment Naruto vs Neiji completely stops being about Hinata and becomes Neiji going 'Destiny is Destiny' which Naruto just goes with. He stops caring about Hinata and starts blathering on about how Destiny is what you make, completely removing Hinata and the fact Neiji tried to KILL HER despite the fact Hinata, much like Naruto, is a respect seeker and Neiji is one of the three people she wants said respect from.
Second, you mention stopping after Pein? Guess what? That whole sacrifice and Hinata admitting her feelings?
Naruto does NOT follow up on it with her AT ALL, even when they are ON THE SAME TEAM an arc later.
It was SO poorly handled that The Last had to go out of it's way to make NaruHina convincing. Which how can you do that when you ignored it for hundreds of chapters?

>The series went downhill right when they introduced the shitty Mary Sue tsundere Erina.
So the first chapter?

Came here to post this. Last time I saw a twgok thread, they were still upset.

Orochimaru did a lot of human experiments back before Naruto was even born (I think not sure when he was kicked out desu beyond the fact that the third was in charge) which would pre-date Kabuto, to say nothing of everything involving the Chunin exam

She is for Shikamaru

>failed to turn into a real character post timeskip
I do so love that she just up and dropped being a medic because powerlevels were basically ridiculous at this point

Megumifags still haven't learned till the very end

Some fillers, Naruto EDs like 16, Pain arc hug, and other shit sprinkled through out the series. It was still clear that Hinata would win because her moments were more serious than Sakuras.

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Fumino is winning, and I say this as someone that knew Hinata/Orihime would win.

They hint it was Orochimaru and Kabuto, but again, they default it on the dead guy

Not exactly a rare practice in today's world mind you. Orochimaru is painted in a lighter shade and the dead guy gets the war debts tacked on

He caused everything bad in the war, which was while Orochimaru was dead and he was doing whatever he wanted. He upgrades white zetsu (which were previously established as not good fighters) with Hashirama DNA causing 40,000 deaths. He uses edo tensei to revive dozens of the strongest shinobi ever causing even more deaths. He revives the gold and silver brothers who have kyuubi chakra allowing the juubi to be revived causing even more deaths. He revives Madara who succumbs to the juubi influence which revives Kaguya who nearly exterminated humanity. And he did it all for no reason, his motives are never explained. At the very least the other people who got forgiven (Sasuke, Obito, Orochimaru) all helped to undo this shit.

Only one of the trophy descriptions has "?".
Also, the trophy name claims that it's unexpected, even though the game bothered to have routes for more tangential outcomes that fit the word more. There's no way "unexpected" is referring to the VN ending.

That was so fucking retarded and completely ruined the supposed good ending for me.
Nice to know that the MC I spent the entire story rooting for turned into the sort of corrupt fuck who pardons the people he likes or who are useful to him despite their many MANY MANY crimes.
I didn't even touch Boruto but I was told he didn't just pardon them, he also removed any mention of their crimes from Kotonoha's history. As far as the younger generations know, Sasuke is just a vigilante cool guy, Orochimaru is a friendly doctor and Kabuto is a nice orphan manager. Also the Uchiha died because of a cold or something.
That's some staight commie shit.

Not canon. The series started with cute cooking antics with Souma and Megumi. Erina ruined the series with her drama.

You have to admire Kishimoto sticking to the trend of "healers are fucking useless". Tsunade is by far the weakest Sannin, and Sakura is the weakest member of Team 7 by such an absurd margin that she's barely even on the radar of the other two.

After Orochimaru "died", he took the mantle and experimented on himself to power himself up and become Orochimaru 2.0. He then formed an alliance with Obito and resurrected undead shinobi to fight in the war Obito started and was responsible for resurrecting Madara , who made the situation worse, before being put under a new asspull genjustu by Edo Itachi and learned to accept himself and became a good guy.

The war got to where it was because of Kabuto. Madara, the Juubi being reborn, and Kaguya. He set the events in motion, even though those wren't a part of his agenda.

I don't understand why people are salty to begin with. Both were poised to win from the beginning of their series and there wasn't anything hinting otherwise. Ichigo and Rukia were just work partners, and Naruto stopped chasing after Sakura pretty early in the series.

>Hinatafags are trying to turn the tables after everyone called their waifu a doormat.


99% of Kabuto's knowledge came from Orochimaru, who learned it from his fucked up experiments.
Orochimaru was cutting children open and shoving weird shit into their bodies years before Kabuto was even born.

>that whole retarded arc served no purpose other than stretching the story and trolling the people who liked Maid for no fucking reason.
It had two reasons.
One. Shitting on maid for having the audacity to be a character fans like more than Aki.
Two. Like I said earlier, the author wanted more content to get more money. Again, this is an idea that AT BEST had 20 chapters of life to it extended to 50+ chapters because the author wanted to stop eating instant ramen and keep eating steaks or filet of fish or whatever non poor Japanese eat.

>refused to give up the fight like neji wanted her to despite knowing she had no chance against a prodigy
>refused to run away from pain when naruto was yelling at her to leave
>despite witnessing her cousin die, she worked up the courage to dry her tears and shake naruto out of his own despair

>proved her bravery countless times, such as trying to take on enemies in SS and even yammy/ulquiorra at the start of the HM arc despite not being a fighter
>slapped ulquiorra after he taunted her with the possible death of chad
>refused when grimmjow told her to heal ichigo
>even when she got BTFO by a god, she still tried to fix the blade of ichigo in her state while ichigo himself had completely given up

Best girls won. Deal with it.

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Took this from another thread

if Farmer's the father:
>Moderate shitstorm since the statu quo is maintained
>EHfags bullied out of the threads and Grim Reminded by other shipperfags with collages and shitposts for the next couple months following the reveal for acting too cocky and confident for a whole year when they had no concrete evidence outside of "muh hints" and Isayama being ambiguous and blueballing the audience for no reason
If Eren's the father:
>Maximum shitstorm since the whole fanbase will be affected
>EHfags will gloat endlessly and make the threads unbearable by spamming their own collages and walls of anal devastation from both /snk/ and other platforms; other shipperfags will either be bullied out of the threads or see themselves out on their own and never dare coming back; there will most likely be threads about it outside of our generals as well and we won't be hearing the end of it even after the manga's over

I know which one I'm looking forward to the most.

Kabuto does virtually nothing to help stop it (he saves Sasuke, but Sasuke only dies because Kabuto revived Madara in the first place), and is the reason people nearly became plant slaves (Obito never intended to attach them to the god tree, only Madara whom Kabuto revived for no reason).

If you aren't an dumbass you'd know the only girls who have an chance at winning are just the two main girls and that Fumino is literally the obvious winner.


there was nothing hinting orihime

What the fuck. Should have just named the series

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Those two are not best girls. Just arm-candy for the MCs and only used by shitposters to cause shipping drama.

Can we all agree that the worst thing to happen in Naruto post-cannon is Anko getting fat? I mean I remember her being kind of interesting but then Naruto gave Orochimaru a get out of free card and she just laid down and took it

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I haven't watched much bleach, how does orihime cause salt? Is there even another girl as an option? That's what caused most of the salt with hinata.

Orihime being paired with Ichigo was beyond fucking obvious. You'd need to have the smallest brain in history to seriously think Ichigo with pair up with anyone else. I can understand that at first Rukia & him also had his moments, but at least in the mid-way of the story, spergs should've gotten the hints.

Lunafags mass suicide at the end of one piece.

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>there was nothing hinting orihime
Are you blind?

We all said the same thing when for a whole year we spent the series following Sauske, then after the Pein arc we followed him again for a half a year with some Naruto sprinkled here and there

Everything gets pushed out the barn door, creator was told to wrap his shit show up and it very clearly shows

I think the story could work either way. Eren doesn't want to sacrifice her, that could be because she's having his kid or it could because they're close friends who've known each other for years. I hope Isayama leaves it vague and we never know.

People were salty about orihime? I didn't see a big outcry like with Hinata at all.

>u aren't an dumbass you'd know the only girls who have an chance at winning are just the two main girls and that Fumino is literally the obvious winner.
Exactly. 22i just made this more obvious by having Fumino shilled in his other main girls previous arc.

Nami's 'type' is strong female marines so going for Sanji would be odd.

Even if you dismiss the oneshot she appears in chapter 1

One Piece doesn't really do love triangle. At best there's Zoro with that Marine qt and the samurai princess, but that's stretching it.

>People mad about Sakura/Hinata at the end
>No one mad about the god awful beginning and midpoint
Why in the fuck was naruto even popular to begin with, the show makes no sense, the manga makes no sense, there's more plotholes and inconsistencies than the new Star Wars films

Yui winning Yahari

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It just looks even worse if you go back to the very beginning. Even the Haku/Zabuza arc revolves heavily around the Sharingan, whether that's Kakashi's transplanted Sharingan or Sasuke awakening his.

>Is there even another girl as an option?
Nope. Ichirukicucks will say that Rukia was an option, but she wasn't. She wasn't in love with Ichigo while Ichigo wasn't in love with her. So we had a one-sided Ichigo x Orihime, and a zero-sided Ichigo x Rukia. Only idiots thought it would end with IR.

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Yes. As long as people enjoy shonen shit, some new popular thing will come along and people will direct their autism at it.

I'd also get fat if the guy who experimented on me as a child, murdered my community's leader and killed, tortured and experimented on countless innocents not only got a slap in the wrist but also got all his crimes removed from official history so his lab rat of a son can hang around with the current leader's son and the daughter of one of the other two war criminals he pardoned.

It still blows my mind that anyone cared about any of them.
Every character acted like a retard just for the sake of drama.

Generally it was only slightly less rageworthy than A town where you rage.

Also they both had poorly "Bleached" hair, which i always kinda saw as the connecting theme between them

Also what the fuck, you die and then join soul society....to live another life in soul-feudal japan?

But there hasn't been a shonen that's produced such shipping autism since both these series finished.

>Uruka's arc may suffer the same fate

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>Why in the fuck was naruto even popular to begin with
Zabuza arc

No matter the outcome Yea Forums will become a warzone, are you ready?
It could even be next week.

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You are now aware she was walking around with a full body fish net, a trench coat and nothing else.
If that bitch wasn't doing active demonstrations on effective kunoichi form, i'd be amazed

Uruka is a secondary heroine so no. She's not important enough.

the romance in the show was so fucking bad, I really did not expect it
The only things I noticed was renji's, maybe yoruichi/urahara

If that means no Fumino pollution in her arc it's all the better

Eren isn't the father. He's not going to end up with anyone. Isayama has been BTFOing shippers one by one, and deluded EHfags are next.

Even though Ichigo and Rukia didnt show romantic feelings for each other, it would have been a better option than Orihime's childish crush. IchiHime was just Orihime pinning for Ichigo, nobody was engaged with that.

that would just be shit writing

Pregnancy was an accident. Eren just doesn't want to sacrifice his child to a cruel world.

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It's amazing how little the fact that a bunch of Shinigami had a mortal life before ending up in SS mattered.
I barely remember any time when that was brought up or a character's previous life was relevant. At most you have Rukia and whatshername being sisters in their previous life.

Did you even read/watch the series? She literally confessed, and that was the only confession we got in the series.

If Eren is the father EVERY single site will explode in both nipland and the west. If farmer is the father then it will be just /snk/

Why are you so unable to have a discussion? Have you tried it once in your life?

>it would have been a better option than Orihime's childish crush. IchiHime was just Orihime pinning for Ichigo, nobody was engaged with that.
Die mad about it.

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Not yet. It inevitably will, especially since it gets people talking about their series or watching to figure out which characters end up together.

>Why are you so unable to have a discussion?
Because you deluded fucks helped ruin the threads with your shipping autism.

>alikoufags, hakumor and fujos got utterly BTFO
Good times


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Yukino winning would be shit writing.

is it kishimoto's fault? I wish borstch never happened

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Even I think that Sakura is trash, but Hinata isn't any better. NaruHina was obviously shoe-horned and felt forced. Naruto should've at least ended with a better girl or stayed single or at least one of the non-canon filler girls.

Orihime is best girl though. Rukia should've died instead.

Nah, Uruka has the biggest actual love interest narrative. Many downplay the interactions they have but Nariyuki has showed more interest in her through advice seeking, his own imagination, and showing jealousy and melancholy.

i haven’t watched /read any bleach in like 8 years but i still feel slightly angry when i’m remainder origami won. even dumbass 12 year old me fucking hated her

What? /snk/ has been exactly like that for more than half a fucking decade you disingenuous faggot.
If anything the development of Eren's character is what brought a semblance of discussion back, kill yourself.

Let EH be a thing. Not because I'm a shipperfag, but because then those brainlet faggot threads of "nuhh uhh, but THIS is the cute relationship I want!" can burn just like the people who shipped anybody or kept obsessing over a character.

I'm not denying that she confessed
I'm saying the build up was shit

nah, but nice try YPF

I honestly got more salty over Ah My Goddess' Mind Control angle because it showed you can do whatever you want to forcibly extend your series and people will still eat it up.
Had Japan as a near whole dropped the series and made it crash and burn after that I'd have gone 'good, serves it right' but it didn't, now harems can just go one forever and authors can say a wizard or Odin did it and sex, kissing, or even saying 'I love you' can be removed for 200+ chapters

You ARE blind

Anko feels like a relic from when the show was still about clever ninjas, tactics, fucked up experiments, etc., and not just Dragon Ball Z.

Her inevitable win will bring the Ruitards back to Yea Forums just so they can bitch, and shit up threads.

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This one is by far the funniest.

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Is there any current series that even has the potential to be popular enough and last long enough for the people to have a similar meltdown when it ends?
The only one I can think of is MHA and there is no love triangle or anything similar in that one, it's just Deku and Ochako. The autists with crack ships aren't big enough to cause a proper shitstorm, at most it'll be something like the fujo meltdown in Tokyo Ghoul.

I'm more mad he made her ugly fat, not cute fat like Erufuda or Hibiki

You know I'm right.

I don't think snk should count because both characters are miserable
I think anyone who sees this as a ship win and somehow pictures it as something romantic and cute instead of seeing them as people emotionally ruined forever is more mentally ill than your average shipper
Anyone who watches anything that isn't romance just for a ship and gets overly invested on it to the point they don't get enjoyement about anything the show in question has to offer and the ship or romance screentime makes up less than 10% of it needs to be gassed anyways

I genuinely don't understand why fujos would be into shonen. Like these shows don't have subtle romances, they lay out who's hooking up with who really early on and it's fucking obvious.

>What? /snk/ has been exactly like that for more than half a fucking decade you disingenuous faggot.
Get a load of this newfag.

Any girl winning would be shit writing. 8man should end up alone and die alone as his motto says.

Nah which is why I'm not bothering to argue.

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You mean the delluded Hinatards going on a meltdown when Rui (aka the obvious winner) wins and their slut of a waifu gets rejected.

Boruto is non-canon so we can treat it as a filler.

I've been here longer than you've been alive, end your pathetic life.

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I think Belldandy was the one time I could sympathize with those weirdo Japanese guys who destroy merchandise of fictional girls who they felt betrayed them.

He's not that far off, the /snk/ general has absolutely been full of shipping garbage for years. The recent addition of literal pedos who ship gabi with eren have only made it worse.

There is a “love triangle” that exist in certain fanbase’s head. Just take a look at for example.

oda really dodged a bullet by not introducing romance between the main characters huh

It's like kishimoto and kubo had to pair off everyone in the end just to set up some shitty sequel
Just like with shaman king flowers

I want to like Hina too, but she already drowned herself to Shou's semen so no.

>obvious winner
Imagine being this deluded.

>believing the shit early hachiman says and ignoring all of the character development
selfinsertfags need to go

They had to pair off everyone because they knew having one of the main girls not end up with anyone or, even worse, end up with a literal who would throw everyone into an even worse autistic meltdown.

>character development
Which Yukino is obviously lacking. That's why Yui end is the only acceptable end.

>kubo had to pair off everyone
We got two canon pairings. Kishimoto is the one that went off the rails, and gave us shit like Sai x Ino and even Chouji x Karui. The latter which didn't even have one interaction in the manga.

Chad and Uryuu didn't get paired

More like you can't refute it.

maybe uryuu is gay?

Asuka or Rei winning would cause WW3 to happen cant even imagine what would happen if Mari won

Yes. Will upset both normal and gay shippers

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Refute what? That Rukia would have been a better choice? I can't, don't, and will never agree. She just felt like his mentor/therapist a lot of the time.

Yui has had zero character development. Her entire thing is that she lusts after Hachiman's dick because he saved her dog. Yukino on the other hand is one of the most developed characters in the series. Just fuck off already YPF.

>Like she did kill the sand puppet akatsuki guy (legit can't remember his name, I want to say Susari?).
Not only is that the only notable thing Sakura did in all of Shippuden, she was being puppeted most of the time. Also Sasori killed himself

When aren't fujos and faggots buttblasted? There hasn't been a single time where their delusions turned out right.

>That avatar pic
I think Naruto-kun! and Kurosaki-kun! over EEEREEEH any time of the day.

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It does make sense objectively, Eren's got the founding titan, Historia has the royal blood to use it, theoretically they both want the same thing...so why is he working with Zeke? He just has to hold her hand and he can genocide the entire world. Which is what makes me think he's actually on Zeke's side.

If Eren genuinely wanted to wipe out all non-Eldians, he would just touch Historia and unleash all the titans in the walls.

I'm looking forward you EHniggers get backstabbed

Didn't Eren get his head shot off?

He is but even then we didn't see him with a husband

>Not only is that the only notable thing Sakura did in all of Shippuden
Yea, let's just forget how she fucking did open-heart surgery on Naruto during the final war.

>CTRL + F Ichigo 100%
>no results

The newfaggotery on Yea Forums is terminal if people dont remember the day Yea Forums collectively raged.

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One Piece shipping isn't as nuts as Naruto/Bleach shipping and most people tend to ignore it

The worst thing is that they made mr.ratburn gay

Yes, but Reiner had his head shot off twice, and had a sword put through his neck, and survived because "he transferred his consciousness below his neck". Later Zeke's entire body was blown up but he survived because "Paths". Basically Isayama has set a clear precedent for shifters sustaining absolutely insane, fatal injuries, but as long as they're not being eaten by another titan they're probably fine.

ok abdul.

tr. Animeonlyfag

You should not form opinions while being a speedreader, retard-san.
Try making sure you know what you are talking about before making a retard out of yourself.

Fumino winning will be like Megumi in Saekano winning. Everyone already expects it so no bit shitstorm will happen. The only difference is that Megumi was the most popular girl so people were generally happy while people will be just disappointed with Fumino's victory.

I'm pretty sure a lot of women will be upset when Ochako ends up with with Deku. Her personality excluding her crush on Deku is pretty basic. Which leads to lots of the female audience to self-insert as her. And since many of them fantasize about having a bad boy they gravitate to shipping Ochako and Bakugo despite her having feeling only for Deku. Also self-inserting Dekufags would also be upset if Ochako ends up with Deku.

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>open-heart surgery on Naruto
This is the same Naruto who regenerated his lung about 5 seconds after Sasuke punched through it all the way back pre-timeskip? Why the hell does he need surgery, he's borderline immortal.

But there isn't any. The closest are SnK and MHA, neither of which are as big as Nart and Bleach

Now this brings back memories. There was a brief recurrence of outrage when the sequel series announced that another guy was going to go after the girl on the right.

No one talks about this shit series cause it's that SHIT. We all know she won cause of her popularity.

In retrospect, main girl not winning for once was a good thing.

>boku no normalfag academia
No one cares.

That's retarded.

Problem is Ichigo is old.

Yes, it is retarded. I thought that when Reiner survived Levi stabbing him through the neck, I thought it when he got his head literally obliterated by an explosion, and I still think it. It's dumb, and I think Isayama isn't a bad writer so it must have been a set up for a reason.

This one isn't as infamous for a few reasons

-It's an older romcom
-The main heroine won out of popularity alone, we know this from the author
-People are talking about shounen shows that don't have romance as a main focus

He cares more about math girl's big tits.

It's shit if it's only due to popularity and not proper build-up. At least main girls have the narrative backing them up.

And yet you still get Utahatards trying to pass that shitty spinoff as her winning too.

>as they're not being eaten by another titan they're probably fine.
Except for when Eren got eaten by Richard Stallman and still survived.


He doesn't need surgery, they just baited NS one last time by having her jerk off his heart.

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Why? It falls within the world's rules, it doesn't break anything or create any plotholes.
It is cheap, yes but there is no conflict between that and the world's rules.

This is so predictable that only a minority of retards while whine about it.

Not yet. It's an effective tool for getting people to talk about/watch a series. They're still attempting it, something will eventually stick as long as they keep making shounen with these subplots.
Give it time. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it never will.

Why do you Eririfags bring the spin-off up?

I do believe Digimon caused a salt storm back when the internet was young.
Sora ending up with Yamato really sent the shipper fags into a frenzy.

If Oda would ever shoehorn in a romance in One Piece between the Strawhats, no matter the pairing, there would actually be people ending up dead because of it.

He had the Nine Tails ripped from him, which means he could've died. All that self healing shit was WITH the Nine Tails.

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Kachako will win and you know it

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yeah but that time we can blame it on the dub's editing

Swallowed whole, doesn't count. The spinal fluid is very conveniently the necessary ingredient.

>This is so predictable that only a minority of retards while whine about it.
So women and self-inserters?

Those are even more pathetic, their shitty spinoff couldn't even take off before it got axed.

They need to ingest the spinal fluid.

I don't think so. It's incredible how IR and rukiafags are still in denial.

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AAAAAHHHHHH.... still mad

Tbf it is stupidly convenient that he just lost a couple limbs and got swallowed. But then on the other hand it's *also* stupidly convenient that getting one of his legs bitten off and faceplanting into a roof didn't activate his titan, but screaming while in a titan's stomach did. Still made for a cool scene though.


>he is still at it after all this time

>faceplanting into a roof didn't activate his titan

see you in hall of anal devastation 3.0

Winners only.

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Not sure I get it. Extreme trauma+extreme rage helped Eren transform for the first (well, technically second) time. What's the difference between getting his leg bitten off while fighting titans and getting his arm bitten off while fighting titans? The autistic rage is still there regardless, as is the extreme pain/stress.

We saw in Grisha's memories that shifters can activate their powers by cutting their hands or biting their hands, Eren does neither of these things.

>Extreme trauma+extreme rage
I repeat user, stop talking about shit you know nothing about, that's not how the shifting works.

Ichihime and Naruhina were highly predictable as well. That didn't stop retards from whining about it.

What about Uruka winning? I bet Yea Forums would shit itself to death, let alone plebbit. Just for that I would like to see it happen.

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>kaneki's gay he can't like women
>series is literally started by Kaneki's desire to fuck a woman
Fags and fujos are the most delusional group of retards on the internet

Only Fuminofags would rage to death. Everyone else would welcome it just to see those smug assholes biting the dust.

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Then what was it that let Eren transform when he was in that titan's stomach? He clearly had no clue that he was a shifter, he just screamed about wanting to kill the titans (something he had already done before) and it happened.

I hope so.

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It's not the same thing. Both of those involved pseudo-love triangles that the author deliberatedly didn't solve till the end.
In MHA there is no love triangle, it's literally just Deku and Ochako being set up as a future couple and nothing else. There is no serious competition for people to go into massive shipping wars, which is why the only people who would complain about it would be fujos and shitposters.

You will find out by reading the series

Melissa would be a serious contender if she wasn't "just" a movie character

Reddit would implode. Imagine the sound of thousands of normalfags REEEEing.

They wouldn't. Senseifags are on their team only, and they make up the majority on Yea Forums. A Uruka win would just make them seethe a bit less.

>pseudo-love triangles
>in bleach

I don't watch nor read AoT, So let me get this straight: They were fucking on purpose but got knicked up but none of them has that intention? What is their deal?


I've read the series. But what explains Eren transforming without even knowing that shifters exist, let alone how they activate their powers?
>inb4 PATHS
Then why didn't he immediately transform when he was on the verge of being eaten? Why wait until he was in the titan's stomach?

>. Both of those involved pseudo-love triangles that the author deliberatedly didn't solve till the end.
Neither involved love triangles. Narusaku died when she fake confessed while Ichiruki was never alive. It was the readers making soap opera level shipping drama.

Anyone here read Japanese who can spoiler what the alleged spoiler is in here?

Get fucked.

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The reason he is able to shift is explained in the first few arcs, stop being a fucking retard.
Read the fucking series again because you are a speedreader through and through.

Everytime Kubo baited Ichirukifags or Ichihimefags.
I said "pseudo" because it wasn't a real love triangle but it was fucking obvious that the two main girls where getting their moments with Ichigo from time to time so shippers would keep buying volumes.
MHA doesn't have that. The closest Ochako had to a serious contender so far was a fucking movie character.

Yuuna is actually popular unlike Flatmino

Doesn't doormat girl win 99% of times?

That is Because Temari is the best Girl and Mom

I genuinely don't understand how anyone actually thought Ichigo x Rukia along with Naruto x Sakura would happen when the signs were all fucking there. Orihime, and Hinata were introduced already having feelings for our MC, before he became a huge hero, and simply fell deeper in love with him throughout the course of the manga whereas Rukia never falls for Ichigo, and Sakura never falls for Naruto, and this is very much a CANON fact. There is not a signal panel in either of those manga where Rukia and Sakura state to themselves, or to another person that they are in love with Ichigo/Naruto. Hell, on top of that Sakura is in love with Sasuke and completely committed to him whereas the backstory of the RR childhood clearly cemented Renji as the love interest of Rukia. Neither IR or NS had a fucking chance. Let's not forget the confessions, Orihime being the ONLY character in love with Ichigo while Hinata's confession towards Naruto was genuine whereas the Sakura one was not. Let's not also forget how irrelevant Naruto's feelings for Sakura were in the narrative, so irrelevant that Kishimoto had no qualms about SP changing the reason he liked her in the NH film. This isn't a fucking shoujo or josei, if an important or semi-important female character is in love with the MC of a battle shonen, and if her feelings aren't treated as a joke then you should take them seriously, not fucking wave them off like what Ichirukicucks and Narusakucucks did for years. You did this to yourselves.

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>implying both Kubo and Kishimoto didn't deliberatedly make it ambigous to bait them
I agree that shipperfags are dellusional as shit but come the fuck on, it's pretty clear they didn't have any main character couples till the very end on purpose.

>The reason he is able to shift is explained in the first few arcs
Yes, because he ate Grisha, who got the Attack titan from Kruger and the Founding Titan from the Reiss girl. I'm not questioning what gives him the ability to shift, only why it didn't happen until that exact moment.
>Read the fucking series again because you are a speedreader through and through.
Fuck off.

shitcats where you at?

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Dunno. Didn't happen in Naruto and Bleach

I used Google Translate and most of the trophies' names and descriptions seemed properly transalted and yet I fail to see what the fuck that user is talking about.

>Yes, because he ate Grisha
Are you speedreading through posts now? This isn't even the topic of discussion.
I am done, if you want to stop being a retard go read the series, if not then keep acting like a speedreader, your loss.

I'm actually seething as a snsfag.

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These two have*

Read the fucking manga.

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Ambiguous where? Sakura wanted Sasuke, Hinata wanted Naruto, Orihime wanted Ichigo, and Renji wanted Rukia. Naruto had feelings for Sakura, but they were mentioned once in a blue moon and only NScucks took his feelings seriously.

i can see the forehead of this user from the other side of the L2 Colony, in SPEESH

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So just by looking at this thread I can tell that the shippers for Eren and Historia are a lot more invested than anyone else as they have been very LOUD and insistent about it. They have a lot riding on this.

So if there's any hilarious meltdown to be had it's going to be from all their crying when it doesn't happen.

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>we all know that Asuka wins in the end and that Mari is her kid with Shinji

>Are you speedreading through posts now? This isn't even the topic of discussion.
What the hell are you talking about? You said "the reason he is able to shift is explained", and I'm agreeing with you, you stupid cunt. He's an Eldian, got injected with the titan spinal fluid, got turned into a mindless titan, then ate a shifter, making him a shifter. That's how it works, this is well established in the series over and over. What I'm wondering, again, is why it took that exact moment for him to activate his powers.

Imagine reading Bleach after the spirit society arc.

This. I can't wait till they're BTFO. Happened to Levi x Erwin shippers, Eren x Mikasa shippers, and Connie x Sasha shippers along with Ymir x Historia shippers.


>spirit society arc
The what?

Their development literally had nothing to do with romance, Rukia became like family to Ichigo. When you compare to Renji whom's entire character motivation is to get Rukia to notice him versus Ichigo who is happy to have her around but isn't getting stronger JUST for her it should be fairly obvious who has romantic feelings and who doesn't.

And yet the story never had any sort of serious romantic development or had the MC definitely settle for one of the girls till the end, while ocassionally getting scenes that a retarded shipperfag could identify as proof of his ship being the canon pairing.
Again, shippers are dellusional but it would be pretty fucking dumb and naive to claim Kubo and Kishimoto didn't deliberatedly delay any potential romantic resolution till the epilogue because they knew shipping cancer sells.

EH is big only on Yea Forums.

They remind me a lot of Narusaku fags in their desperation. Should be fun.

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Also these 2 has to be the BIGGEST SALT LAKE OF TEARS that ever existed in /m/ and Yea Forums history.

Sorry, it's literally been since like 2007 since I read it. I mean soul society


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But it literally did.

>had the MC definitely settle for one of the girls till the end
Whoa, a shonen where the MC only gets with the love interest near the end? No way!

Hey, remember all the retcons they had to do to make Naruto and Hinata work? Giving them childhood interactions that didn't exist in the original series because Naruto barely knew her when the series started?

Still puts a smile on my face.

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Here's some quality post 699-700 Narusaku salt.

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See . Neither Hinata or Orihime are doormats. If there's any girl of the four largely discussed then it's Sakura due to how she lets Sasuke treat her.

That has nothing to do with what I'm saying, you stupid fuck.

>remember all the retcons
You mean the two childhood scenes of Naruto saving her from bullies and the classroom one?

Don't listen to EH ledditor, he's a well known liar

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>pointing at color page
That sure helped Ichirukifags' stand

Yes, it does. You think that Kubo and Kishimoto waiting till the end to settle the endgames means they were being purposely ambiguous. They simply waited till the end because romance didn't play a huge role in either series, something a lot of battle shonen share. Neither were ambiguous. I mean Kishimoto literally had Sakura fake confession with Naruto calling her out, and Kubo stated in an interview that the relationship between Ichigo/Rukia wasn't romantic.

Those panels are arranged awkwardly, gives you the wrong idea.

>themes of the series:
>"children are the future"
>"we're free because we were born into this world"
>the sins of the fathers
Stupid nardotard.

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We do not know, the whole situation is quite strange thanks to the little information we have, this causes that several theories that seemed stupid could possibly happen like the pregnancy being a simple accident and not part of some type of plan

Whoa they really do get triggered

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Not like there some sort of time-skip of a decade between end of TYBW and the epilogue, not like there wasn't a time skip before the Burgers show up, not like this show abandoned it's slice of life setting with ghosts to go full battle shounen series and lose all the shine of personality it once had to the mass marketability of spectacle fighting.
Of course the relationships were weak by the time we got to the end, most characters were barely interacting with each other between moving to the next big fight. It is hard to develop character and relationships when most of the series devolves into one on one fights after they head off to the Soul Society.

Eren went SOLO ten months ago, the rest is just denial.

>That sure helped Ichirukifags' stand
I get where you're coming from, but I'm someone that new NH/IH would happen and I know Fumino will win in Bokuben. This CP stands out to me since this was a collab which means 22i decided to have Fumino paired up with Yuuna, who happens to be the sole main heroine of Ghost tits. Why her and not Rizu? Why not both actually to keep it fair between the main heroines?

This is some shit that EH won't never accept due to their delusions and fallacies.

I never understood this logic, do you want people to not respond to your goading or want people to just agree with you unanimously? What do you get out of acting like this?
Such a weird and stupid way of expression.

it is honestly the greatest tragedy of that series, but what do you expect with Kishimoto's surface level comedy?

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The Taichifags that are still invested in shipping will seethe when this becomes official near the end. Unless Suetsugu goes for an open end.

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This. The threads are already unbearable with no clear victor in sight yet. I really dread the day we finally get our endgame.

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those people are insane holy shit

Imagine getting plebfilltered

Reminder that they had no development or meaningful interaction in the series, The Last, Boruto, and the epilogue are all fanfiction

It was still funny seeing maidfags be so made.

I'll seethe for sure but I've also already accepted his defeat.

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>written by the original author

He is going to bring up "death of the author" like every autistic retard trying to defend his headcanon.

I didn't know Snk location was Japan.

Who ever wins next.

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I don't know why people don't expect it to happen. They are the only pairing with confirmed romantic feelings, at least on her side.

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You want to know who is already acting like narusakufags, borusarafags.

From what is this?

What is this shit taste list?

The author is a nip, retard.

She was literally written to be his girlfriend so it would not make since for anyone else to win.

I aint having google spy on me.

Kill yourself, that chart is meaninglessness. We explained you that shit in the last two toc threads.

Fujos and NTRfags aren't people.

It's a valid concept when the fans know the stroy better than the author.

>hinata wins the narutobowl
>the next two female heroines kishi writes are shitty tsunderes

>12: momo hinamori
literally why

>when the fans know the stroy better than the author
More like when the fans are butthurt because the author didn't do what they wanted so they try to defend their headcanon as valid.


Kind like how the maidfags were doing when Aki won.

Who the fuck was mad?
It was pretty obvious after Clown Rape that EsdesexTats was never going to be a thing because if she wasn't a one dimensional mustache twirler she'd have killed Wild Hunt herself, but she didn't. Because she is just mustache twirling and anyone who said otherwise was delusional.

Not everyone who doesn't think a Yukino end fits is yuipollfag.

Not me, I was too busy being angry and ashamed for acting smug.

Then you might want to avoid Yea Forums if you're worried about such things

I find "Death of the Author" to be nothing more than an excuse for an entitlement complex.

Esdeathfags never cared about logic or the fact that their waifu was a psycho bitch who Takumi would never love.

It's obvious to anyone who reads the novels of whom 8man truly loves, I'm surprised people can say there isn't a clear victor at this point.

Esdeathfags were mad, AkamexTatsumifags were mad, Chelsea were mad, basically anyone that wasn't a minefag was mad.

Yeah, pretty much. It's just an excuse for pretentious cunts to try to usurp the author and force their retarded interpretations/headcanon as something people should give half a shit about because they can't tolerate that someone else's work isn't what they want it to be.

Hell the guidebook even said mine was written to be Tatsumi's lover

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>bleach has four girls in the top 20
What the fuck?

True, it's going to be Yui.

Hell they are basically narusakufags when it comes to shipping.

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Girls who know how to take a sword to the torso are hot.

Imagine, the shipping wars could've ended much sooner had Kishi chose to follow up on that scene, makes me wonder what the point was since nothing came of it, might as well saved a confession scene for The Last.

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I forgot AkamexTatsumifags existed because the author forgot Akame existed.

sure, but in this case it is

She'll produce tons of salt but for different reasons.

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I'm not going to act like I expected Mine to end p with Tatsumi but I definitely didn't even think that Esdeath stood a chance.
At most she could have gotten a murder-suicide end.

>I genuinely don't understand how anyone actually thought Ichigo x Rukia along with Naruto x Sakura would happen when the signs were all fucking there.

Calm down YPF

>makes me wonder what the point was since nothing came of it
It was to let us readers that Hinata was in love with Naruto, and would be winning this thing.

>The only difference is that Megumi was the most popular girl

The only differences is that Megumi was the titular heroine that didn't have to share main status and who had the main narrative built around her. And she also was the most popular.

I remember all the crazy theories from those days,
"Color Theory"
"Honeymoon Cover"


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>, it's pretty clear they didn't have any main character couples till the very end on purpose.
No battle shounen has main character couples until the end because young boys don't want to read about that. The shipping is only to captivate the teen and older audience. Also, the writers themselves generally more often than not, do not like to write about it since they get into writing battle shounen for reasons other than shipping

When authors talk about their inspirations from people like Toriyama or Araki, do they say some shit like "I was really inspired by Goku and Chi-Chi's relationship/Joseph's relationship with Suzy Q"

>that didn't have to share main status
True, but Rizu is treated like a joke so it's almost like only Fumino has the main heroine title. I mean 22i literally shilled Fumino in the previous Rizu arc.

Definitely Historia. Just look at the tumblrites

I mean I think EsdeathxTatsumifags were more delusional then narusakufags.

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>because young boys don't want to read about that. The shipping is only to captivate the teen and older audience.
You mean they choose the audience that doesn't exist because of their low birthrates over their audience that does exist?

>"I was really inspired by Goku and Chi-Chi's relationship
No wonder shonen romance is so terrible.

The Hinata one you could see coming from a kilometer away, but Orihime?
That was bullshit done just for the sake of trolling.
I bet Kubo planned Rukia to win from the very start but at the end he realized that it was too obvious so lets change it to piss people off.

>Series that ran in the biggest manga magazine with large mainstream appeal and ran for over a decade with accompanying popular anime that aired on tv in English as well.
No, definitely not. A series would need to have literally millions of readers and viewers around the world like naruto and bleach did. That's rare as fuck.

>do not like to write about it since they get into writing battle shounen for reasons other than shipping
This. Fullmetal had a female mangaka yet she barely wrote about romance as well so it's not just male battle shonen mangaka. KnY is pretty void of romance as well.

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Ichigo and Rukia showed zero romantic feelings for each other

That's fine but to have her confess to Naruto and than nothing until The Last feels pretty dumb to me.

Yeah but FMA didn't bother baiting with the "WHO WILL MC END UP WITH?" crap like Naruto and similar series.

Bleach isnt as big as naruto

Yea, the only girl in love with the MC ending up with him is such a troll thing to do.

That's one thing I like about FMA, all the endgame pairings are obvious.

>because young boys don't want to read about that
Bullshit, I loved reading romance shit when I was a teenager. Plus having the MC have a gf is easy self-insert fuel and young boys (specially the kind who read manga) totally dig that.

Actually delusional

Kishimoto baited, but his bait was easy to see through. Kubo didn't bait though, it's the fanbase that blew shit out of proportion and "found" clues in everything/anything.

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This. Let's not mention that IRcucks are mostly western nowadays.

A reminder that SNK is more popular then both Naruto and Bleach in Japan. The meltdown will be delicious.

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What was the point of this scene, or the Kushina parraells or the POAL? No matter what Hinatards say NS was being built up while NH wasn't, so to have Kishi go with NH felt like a complete surprise and inconsistant writing.

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Maybe not as big as Naruto but still bigger than most others

god I wish snktards stay in their autistic dumblr thread


Nami not getting with either Luffy or Sanji will cause the next hall of anal devastation and has a chance of happening.

It's called bait. Kishimoto literally admitting to baiting the fuck out of NSfags. Why would you take something Yamato said seriously, anyways? He barely knew Sakura meanwhile the actual team 7 mentor aka Kakashi knew her heart belonged to Sasuke. Idiot.

The 2013 prophecy will be fulfilled

Since the NaruSaku hall has already been posted I'll post the IchiRuki Halls, (still stunned that IchiRuki has 2)

>"baited" NScucks
Yeah but they are fucking morons on par with western fujoshits.
If you took the bait, you deserve to get shat on.

Yamato was about to slap her shit at the confession.

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Is this pinkshitfag?

Is this a Hinatard?

They may of won the MCbowls of there series, but they will never be able to have a dragon for a husband.

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Yeah teenager, not the main little boy demo Jump is targetted at. I literally said teen and older audience is the audience for shipping

>A reminder that SNK is more popular then both Naruto and Bleach in Japan
Bleach maybe, Naruto? That's impossible

MCs always have the worst shitty taste and pick the wrong bitches.
Both Orihime and Hinata are not even in top 5 best girls of their series.

>Yoruichi in the top 20
I guess Japan does get some things right from time to time


>No matter what Hinatards say NS was being built up
If Kishimoto wanted us to believe that, he probably shouldn't have had Sakura still in love with Sauce the whole series

not him but snk is INSANELY popular in japan. i seriously wouldn't be surprised if its more popular than naruto.

Cute and canon in KnY.

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The mobile game poll results show us she's top 3 now.

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>NH wasn't
That's a blatant lie.


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Imagine their beautiful aryan kids

>implying that I would waifu any of those shit girls from naruto.

>Imagine their beautiful aryan kids
They had two kids, user. We don't know anything about them, but one's a boy and one's a girl.

Yes. It's the second most popular manga after One Piece. Naruto's sales of each book was around ~800k when SNK is ~1 500 000.

>i seriously wouldn't be surprised if its more popular than naruto.
Maybe now since the main series is over, but SNK wouldn't be able to touch peak Naruto. It quite literally sold over 200 million copies worldwide.

>it's pretty clear they didn't have any main character couples till the very end on purpose.
Kubo literally shipped Ichigo with Orihime at every single interview.

No u

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The author confirmed that they had way more then just two.

No. The closet was whatever the fuck happened in Voltron where the fujos salted the Earth with that show.

>Naruto's sales of each book was around ~800k when SNK is ~1 500 000.
Yea, let's just pretend like Naruto was selling over a million a copy at one point.

Imagine burning your house down because you were mad that a fictional character didn't fuck the other fictional character you wanted him to.

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Someone compiled the highest vote numbers for a bunch of WSJ girls after Mafuyu utterly blew out the other characters for the Bokuben vote. It's interesting to see, but is something of an apples to oranges comparison.

SNK has only 28 books and it sold almost 100 million copies now.

Sauce? If that were true, this nip Ed x Winry artist would have definitely drawn more kids after such info was revealed

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I don't know what it is about Voltron that attracted insane fujos but I remember hearing about that time that one of them threatened to blackmail the studio with leaks unless they make a gay pairing canon.

I unironically enjoyed the parts with arrancars much more. I just liked the way espadas looked, their personalities and the idea of an organisation of hollow/shinigami creatures led by Aizen. Maybe not zommari but that's because he's a nigger.

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SNK was selling 2 million at one point. And?

There's also stories of them making kids watch Voltron with just Klance scenes and making the kids love the ship.
It was a special type of evil that infected that fanbase.

While I was a Haquafag, I never doubted that this series was going to end that way. Why people thought Keima would get with the others, I don't know.

Don't remind me, as an 80s kid I was excited about it but than the fujos killed my interest in the show.

Until it sells over 200 million copies like Naruto, just stay in your 90 million lane.

Since we're on the subject of Voltron here is yet another Hall of Anal Devastation.

God bless you user, I'm going to read this right now.

You know as an aspiring writer my biggest fear was not finding an audience, now my biggest fear is attracting the "Tumblr" audience.

>Naruto - 72 volumes
>SNK - 28 (29 next month)

It's a monthly series that is ending soon and is almost at 100 mil. It outclasses Naruto in sales per volume.

I will be salty at the people getting salty that's for sure.

Don't ever tell them you have LGBT characters, even if you do, this is how Voltron and other shows invite that trouble. And immediately shot down any ships (be they gay or straight). Do not allow their delusions to fester.

*that are popular but not canon

250/72 is roughly the same per volume as 90/28.

This was a fast thread

Naruto is more popular on the west then SNK.

It logically made zero sense for Rem to lose
Her popularity was absolutely dominating.
She's more popular than every other female in the series combined, factually.
Like story integrity is one thing, but you're pissing on far more paying consumers than not here.

It's almost like bad romance in manga is an ever increasing problem and is potentially reaching a boiling point to which bursts this bubble on romances being structured poorly and overly drawn out.
Or perhaps it's just wishful thinking from someone who simply doesn't have the time to invest 100 chapters into a story anymore.

Which het ship?