Yea Forums, I need help with Eva's watch order...

Yea Forums, I need help with Eva's watch order. It seems like everyone argues about the importance of episodes 25 and 26, among other things. Does the following order look like the one to go with?

>1-20, 21-24 (Director's Cut), End of Evangelion, and then (optionally) 25-26.


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Just watch 1-26 then EoE


But seriously watch episode 25 and 26 if you want the full Evangelion experience, and then watch the End of Evangelion movie. Don't listen to anyone that tells you otherwise.

Alright, thanks. Which episodes are necessary to watch the Director's Cut of? 21-26?

Production order. Always.

Why is this so difficult for people?

Because 25/26 are shit.

I'd say it stems from EoE supposedly replacing 25-26, no?

That. Does. Not. Matter.

Yea Forums, I need help with Eva's watch order. It seems like everyone argues about the importance of episodes 25 and 26, among other things. Does the following order look like the one to go with?

>8-20, 21-26 (Director's Cut), End of Evangelion, Rebuild 1.0-3.0, Petit Eva: Evangelion@School, and then (optionally) 1-7.


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Also skip episode 24.
Nothing important happened in that.

Shut the fuck up. Do not skip anything.

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found the homo

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Just watch the Rebuilds.

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> Evangelion production order
Including Death, Death (true), Death (true)²?

You most probably don't even know shit.

Any modern release of Eva as a TV series will have the directors cut integrated. Blu Ray or Netflix

Watch individual scenes in historical order, it makes more sense that way. There's a guide with timestamps somewhere on the net, and a full compilation on YouTube (mutated somehow to prevent copyright strikes).

this, the kino and OG experience, gotta watch it like true oldfags did.

redpilled viewing order
>Death (true)²
>End of Evangelion

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True order:
>Watch episiodes 1-25
>Watch episode 26 up until the Alternate Universe scene
>Proceed to consume every single Eva spinoff series in existence - GoS, SIRP, Piko Piko, Raising Projects, Chibi, etc. All of them.
>Only then are you allowed to actually finish 26

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Start with Death and Rebirth, then watch the TV series backwards from episode 24 until you get to episode 12. Then watch 1, 4, 5, 9, 6, 2, 10, 3, 11, 7, and finally 8. Episodes 25 and 26 don't matter.
After you finish the TV series, watch The End of Evangelion in reverse.

Disregard the Rebuild movies, they're a scam perpetrated by the accountant that did the budgeting for the original show to cash in on the latent popularity of the franchise.

Hint: you can rewatch the extra live action sequence in EoE instead of rewatching the whole thing. However, this requires processing Love&Pop and Shiki-Jitsu (with its secret addition).


Dubs don't lie

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I haven't watched the show yet but Jesus Christ why does it require all this work to understand it ? If I watch it regularly from 1-26 will it take away from the experience?

Yes, you need to watch it in the order user listed.

what is this fresh hell

Not as fresh as you might think.

25-26 > EoE

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1-24 , then consider that 25-26 don't exist.

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Unironically. The very interesting escapism critique in EoE is a lot less interesting than the psychological depth and philophical explication 25/26 indulge in because 25/26 reflect the thought processes of the creator substantially better.

EoE is still stunning and very good, but 25/26 have more value as works.

I only mostly prefer the emotional resonance of Shinji learning to love himself in 25-26, rather than EoE's dry portrayal of him rejecting instrumentality.

this, but only watch the first 10 minutes of the 4th one, followed by the first 10 minutes of the third one

would you skip the last episode of ideon because be invoked exists?
would you skip sdfm altogether because do you remember love exists?
what about gundam and gundam z?
hell, death and rebirth exists, why not skip the entire evangelion show?
do you watch anime because you have a list of shows you have to tick or because you are genuinely interested in them?
just experience them as everyone else did. it may not always be the most fulfilling experience but at the very least you will be able to discuss those shows knowing your shit

congratulations on your taste

25-26 are a bit explainy tho
cinema is a visual medium first and foremost
I agree overall nonetheless

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26 is must watch imo.

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