Dragon ball super

Name a better shonen protagonist. Yeah, you can't

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(Also, pic VERY fucking related)

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Fucking based.

Pic related.

Also this.

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Literally every other shonen protagonist is ever than this retard.




Is this the dude Goku was based on?


Goku was based on Sun Wukong

Everyone in this image.

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Never thought i'd say this but... i concede

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Same face ruins any unique character design in DB.

Start posting their backstories again please


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Is he from baki? Or what manga is it?


Geran aka Dylen

I care!

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Nice false flag you retard, its obvious as fuck that it is one.

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Reminder, that Cell made a return in DBGT.

I wonder who behind those posts...

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DBGT is a joke of a series and is no shape or form, canon.

I do too!

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>DBGT is a joke of a series and is no shape or form, canon.
But, Cell was in DBGT.

This 100% pancent fact.

So was Goku but that didn't make it canon either.

who the FUCK is this retard

Which one there's six of em

Beerus should dress like Zarbon.

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>how is it that GT makes Chichi look the best compared to all the others? 18 ruins her hair, Videl looks older than Chichi, and Bulma is a genuine disaster that makes you wonder what went wrong when you compare her with the cougar that is Future Bulma.

Well Yea Forums? Got an explanation?

Android 21 (Kefla absorbed)

Cell and his gay lover Freezer.
They even showed up at a Pride Parade when GT was airing.

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Good to know! I hope there are more cellCHADS out there!

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Chichi is just cute! That's all

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there's no way she could ever absorb kefla

Seriously though, look at this bottom bitch. Gets pants and calls it a new form.

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Someone challenge me intellectually. I need to get my workout in.

C-Cell chads ?...

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literally any of them with an actual personality.

>So was Goku but that didn't make it canon either.
That's true user, Goku was in DBGT.

>InCell doesn't know what a false flag is

give me a quick rundown on majin bulla

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>mfw they're BOTH fucking Majin
What is with edgy fancomics and that stupid fucking Majin form? It was a powerup that lasted a single arc and was never referenced again.

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Funny how it's literally prettier than the manga.

Imagine having the premise of DB Multiverse and then making the actual plot of DB Multiverse. How do you drop a plot this hard?

Super Saiyan 4 has been proven to be a weaker transformation than Super Saiyan Blue by the videogames. Both Xenoverse 2 and Dragon Ball Fusions show Goku and Vegeta cycling through their various transformations. They reach Super Saiyan 3, power up into Super Saiyan 4, and then power up again into Super Saiyan Blue. This is especially notable because it is not different versions of the characters going through the forms, but the same characters going through various forms.

Furthermore, because of Time Patrol/Xeno Trunks getting Super Saiyan God in Heroes instead of Super Saiyan 4, and because none of the Super Saiyan 4 Xeno characters could save that criminal Loli Kai, we can conclude that God is at the very least marginally stronger than 4.

it's all not canon

Salagir doesn't remember how Majin Vegeta worked and wanted to wank his Mary Sue some more.

Going by Xenoverse it appears that Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is as strong as or a little bit stronger than Super Saiyan God Goku.

Super Saiyan 4 isn't canon either, so it doesn't really matter. Just like False Super Saiyan isn't canon.

Goku is honestly Good between King Piccolo and Frieza Saga. Before then, Master Roshi, Bulma, Yamcha, and Tien were great.

And against Gogeta Super Saiyan Blue ?

Chi Chi dresses in simple chinese clothings. 18 and Bulma dress more modern and keep up with the trends.

This is because Gogeta (GT) has God Ki, hence why his hair is red and his aura looks more like God's aura.

>video games
I said challenge me, not fucking put me to sleep.

Gogeta Blue is the strongest, stronger than Jiren.

> You're country
> You're character

Argentina (I'm white, pic related)
Gohan niƱo ssj2

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Gotenks achieved Super Saiyan 2.
Vegeta didn't need Majin to go Super Saiyan 2, he needed it because even with Super Saiyan 2 he wasn't as strong as Goku.

Could Kefla twerk?

DBGT was more closer to pre-tournament Dragonball in spirit.

No it wasn't. It tried to ape Z like every shitty fanfic out there.

Even Pan was in dbgt.

Based Jirenchad.

>Gotenks achieved Super Saiyan 2.
This is true, he just never used it in battle because SS3 was what it took to be on Buu's level.
>Vegeta didn't need Majin to go Super Saiyan 2, he needed it because even with Super Saiyan 2 he wasn't as strong as Goku.
This is also true and is further stated in Daizenshuu 7.



Every Shitty Fanfic out there in Z strives to be darker than the Cell and Frieza Sagas.

America, Gohan. I think he looks cool as fuck in Piccolo's Gi, but doesn't look neat in Goku's Gi

There is no special requirement for Super Saiyan 3 beyond just raw power. Anyone who is strong enough could go Super Saiyan 3, as proven by Gotenks. Few do, because Super Saiyan 3 is a pretty terrible form for long-term combat.

Broly my favorite i want to sucked hes 1 feet pinus

Can someone quickly explain Super? How does blue and red make sense in terms of power. Because it just seems like they're just changing their color to make it different without any kind of reference point.

Like, we understood how much stronger SSJ2 is in comparison because of the work Androids and cell did to everyone.

Are you retarded? Super Saiyan 4 is just Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan finally conquering their Great Ape's power.

The problem with Super Saiyan God is that it has a poorer showing than 4. It's ridiculous how everyone in Super can style all over it with ease.

Super Saiyan 4 lost most of the fights it was in though?


There is nothing to explain, Super is an incoherent mess and the writers don't think about such things.

God Mode in Super just relies on Ki manipulation to work. Goku and Vegeta both suck at it because they use their Ki to boost their strength rather than using it correctly. Someone like Krillin can use it just fine without any drawbacks.

Gotenks is a Metamoran fusion, which means magic, and Goku only achieved the form when he was dead. There are no other canon SS3s and both Vegeta and Trunks are easily strong enough to get it if there are no special requirements. Gohan too, even back in Z, because Ultimate put him ABOVE the level of an SS3. Saying they simply choose not to use it doesn't work either, since Goku still does sometimes, despite having higher forms.

Super Saiyan Rose won literally every fight it was in. It is therefore the strongest form.



Attached: SS4 jobbing as usual (zero wins against arc villains).webm (720x480, 2.93M)

Watch the manga if you want to see how stupidly strong SSG is compared to blonde forms

Everyone's stronger than Jobren.

SS3 Goku got oneshotted by Beerus and said that even Vegito wouldn't be enough for him. After he hit SSG he was able to make Beerus fight kind of seriously. They also almost destroyed the universe with their combined power output.

SSB Goku is above SSG and it's basically just combining Super Saiyan with SSG. Ergo SSG is technically just a base Saiyan with god ki.

Super Saiyan 4 is just Goku at Full Power. Goku in GT won his fights be relying less on brute force and more on a mix of thinking and every technique up his sleeve.

This. Also SS2 and SS3 become useless once you master SS.

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I feel like that one's acceptable in that 17 predicted where Goku can teleport to, but the delayed timing of the animation ruined it. GT had a notoriously shit budget to work with and even messed up schedule that made things complicated.

The chad mod that will delete your post and ban you

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Did you watch it? It has a series of DB like adventures.

Lol, this is beyond dumb, how is our Panfriend able to cope?

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SS, SSG and SSB are the only worthwhile forms now, the Broly film showed that.

>Gotenks is a Metamoran fusion, which means magic
Nothing about its magic means it had anything to do with Gotenks getting the form other than Gotenks having more raw power to train with.
>and Goku only achieved the form when he was dead
Goku was able to train more while dead. There is nothing special about being dead in regards to getting Super Saiyan 3 other than having more stamina reserves, as proven by the fight against Kid Buu.

Furthermore, Goku very clearly explains the form to the kids, and nothing about his explanation shows there is any requirement to it beyond tapping into hidden strengths. If there were some special requirement for it, Goku would have mentioned it, as he is the one who discovered the form. All he needed was raw power.

I can't.
Love Kenshiro too. It's a hard choice, but as a viewer I spent more time with Goku, so..

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>Watch the manga
You fucking buffoon.


Goku knows jack diddly dick. He thought a kiss was food.

Gohan doesn't have an ultimate form. The Supreme Kai just unlocked his hidden reserves of strength so that he doesn't need to go Super Saiyan. He just needs Piccolo's harsh training to keep himself in shape.

>According to Salagir, Bra's Super Saiyan form is ranked in between Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan 4, while her Super Saiyan 2 form is ranked as Super Saiyan 5 in terms of power.

Goku knows about fighting. That's the only thing he does know.


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>while her Super Saiyan 2 form is ranked as Super Saiyan 5 in terms of power.
Multiverse was a mistake.

Fat Buu

And people try to say she's not a Mary Sue.

It still fucks me up that Androids created in a mountain lab are supposedly 10x stronger than Freiza, who is basically the ruling emperor of the localized universe.

It's why I enjoy OPM. Because I don't have to take that kind of nonsense seriously.

Except Ultimate form was literally stated to be something he powers up into, cope

>Nothing about its magic means it had anything to do with Gotenks
Not the same user, if the metamoron fusion isn't magical, where the hell do their clothes go and from where in God's name did that vest came from?

>According to Salagir, everything he touches turns instantly to shit and he should kill himself for writing a fanfiction worse than AF

Bra is Broken. She has Vegeta's retard strength and Bulma's spoiled nature.

> You're country
> You're character
I am sweden, I am frieza?


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17 and 18 are strong because they toy with the heros for fun, tiring them out and then go for the kill.

Imperfect Cell needed to absorb people to become strong enough to match Piccolo and beat the shit out of 17

Read the full thing, dumb dumb. The magic has nothing to do with Gotenks getting the form. Only Gotenks' raw power has anything to do with that.

Your headcanon is discarded. Cope.

Nobody complained when Dr. Wheelo matched Kaioken Goku in strength and can push his shit in.

Dr. Wheelo is a movie character.

You don't have to take DB seriously ever its not a serious manga lol.

Not headcanon. Prove Gotenks got the form because of magic and not raw power and training, Goten and Trunks even say they've been training for a week trying to get stronger.

Raw power only.

I have, I have but that wasn't my question, I want to know about their clothes.

Yes, Pan was in GT and DBZ and DBS, Also, don't forget xeno Pan.
That's easy user. I understand that DBGT was on a budget. So the animation wasn't exactly the best.
However though, if GT had a higher budget, then the animation would be higher quality.
Despite the lower budget, they made a more than rewatchable, show.

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Based Dr. Wheelo.

I know, but the movie has better /m/ designs than the anime.

Burden of proof is on you. You made the claim that SS3 can be achieved by anyone and doesn't require special circumstances. Support this claim in your next post. If you do not, the victory is mine.

>You don't have to take DB seriously ever

>Despite the lower budget, they made a more than rewatchable, show

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If the shmucks in can do it anybody can

ooooooohhhhh SHIT
what are you gonna do now huh?? HUH???
cope. COPE

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>citing Xenoshit as evidence
You failed to uphold burden of proof, and as such, I have claimed victory in this debate. Better luck next time.

But they can only toy with them because they're stronger and faster.

Easy, Tanjiro

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>Despite the lower budget, they made a more than rewatchable, show.
How come everyone who says this turns out to not have watched it in over a decade and forgotten all the God-awful filler villains, or the fucking muppets that start hanging out with the Kais and ruin every scene they're in


Germany (we're brothers)
Gohan niƱo and Vegeta (hombre version)

Jojo is a Seinin

Jojo is a shoujo-ai

Try again

The only memorable villains in GT are Baby for his Invasion of Body Snatchers Gambit, Nouva for having a close connection with Goku, Eis getting shit beaten the shit out of him by Dragon Fist, Syn-Omega Shenron

Is this the only time in DB history that skittlespam has actually accomplished something?

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Both Inosuke and Zenitsu are so much better it's not even funny.


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The Problem with 17 and 18 were they they didn't do anything in the hero's timeline and the Z warriors started a fight.

El Hermano is still the most complex character in Super.

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Pedroes is so fucking stupid

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Worst and creepiest villain in DBGT.
It is also a possibility, that DBGT on a higher budget, may have turned out differently.

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Goku very specifically explained that there was no trick beyond tapping into deeper reserves of power. Goku got the form first, through training. Goku did not have any magic helping him other than substantially more stamina due to being dead.



It was only used three times im the manga and was portrayed as effective every time.

Vegeta vs Zarbon (basically crippled him)

Goku vs Cell (Cell admitted he would have lost if he hadn't countered with a barrier)

Piccolo vs 17 (ditto)

Fat Buu vs Goku

Gotenks vs Super Buu

The only time it just outright didn't work is when Vegeta used it against Cell, and in that case the power gap was so big that nothing would have worked.

That's because Good Dragonball Designs has always been simple and easy to understand.

So that's why SS4 is so shit

They're good side characters. They'd make for terrible main characters. They have no missions, cute little sisters, greater goal, selflessness or discipline like Tanjiro.


SS4 is actually pretty simple to understand. It's just unpleasant because not many people are accustomed to Goku's chad like and neanderthal their look.

>out-of-the-norm circumstances
Like being dead or a fusion. COPE.

>only used three times
>posts five examples

Tanjiro is the least compelling aspect of the show. I care about his sister, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and even the demon bitch and her autistic servant more. He was good at first when he was actually growing as a character but that stopped the second he chopped the boulder in half.

>discussing inferior lolitrash shounen in the CHADS' DEN

GT would still have Super 17, Goku losing to a toddler skinnier than Cabba, Para Para, wasting the Machine Mutants as villains, retconning things it establishes LITERALLY an episode or two prior, Goku getting trapped in filler board game land, Goku SOMEHOW getting trapped in Hell in spite being able to teleport and having left Hell on his own before, most of the Shadow Dragons being jobbers, Trunks struggling against a literal pile of bricks, Dolltaki, and so much more wrong with it. The budget wasn't the only thing holding this shit back.

thumbnail looked like a naked woman.

>inb4 ban

Cite your source. Goku explained it to the kids and never once mentioned that.

Because Goku by his own admission barely knew shit about the form, like how horribly ineffective it was going to be when he used it with a living body. Cope. Cope forever. Cope for eternity. Cope infinitely. Drown in a sea of unending cope.

try harder, bad b8

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Goku's explanation still worked. Your wiki shit doesn't even cite its source. You're literally going off someone else's headcanon. Cite. Your. Source. Show where in the manga it it ever said.