>[HorribleSubs] Bem - 03 [720p]
Belo time
My neck hurts
And with that, he's gone. Batman's bad habit is contagious.
>male character
>hair dec
pls no
Defeat flag detected
Patrician taste.
But who are these "them", exactly?
A strange way to say "nin".
I want to hug this monster
[Somebody's Watching Me intensifies]
You managed to make him smile, you should be proud
>only two ips
How pitiful, I'll be the third since I'm also watching this.
She's clearly mercilessly shipping the two boys.
I'm waiting for Erai
And the lower your numbers, it seems.
So BEMbros
How does it feel to be part of the 5 people who watch this show?
I'll keep making these threads until the end.
It's not even pinned back correctly, like it's painted on his hair.
and I'll be there with ya
Feels great, I always have fun watching shows with small viewer bases.
domo, ninja slayer desu
Oh shit
based and yeeartpilled
La criatura...
I'd hug that monster too
See, he's doing the retarded ninja run, in other words beating him at his own game!
Oh shit part 2
why is the shitty cop lady the focus of this series?
she's clearly useless
Feels weird man
Because a f-fujoshi storyboarded this, I-I swear!
The wanted to give Bem a Commissioner Gordon, I don't really think he needed one.
For fuck's sake dude, just say it was the same guy that attacked Carver and the blood is his!
And why am I yelling corner instructions at my monitor again?
The Professor seems to understand the importance of recycling to combat climate change, we only have 14 months to save the planet, after all.
Finally an intelligent character besides the main trio.
>mfw someone invites me over to smash and I don't see a switch anywhere
And a catgirl too, for good measure
>hayaku ningen ni naritai
It's the city that does.
>Come and play games at my house again
They gon fug.
Poor hamster ;_;
What if she's turned into a monster?
>gets saved by bem
>shoots him
she's kind of retarded and i wouldn't feel anything if she dies
so far she hasn't been relevant at all
user she was terrified, it's not like she could hurt Bem. They probably wanted a human being POV character.
it would be fine if she was a civilian but she's a fucking cop
Being terrified means sperging out and shooting at the guy who just saved your nuts? She's a moron.
>Being terrified means sperging out
Sorta kinda?
Sperging out doesn't mean blindly shooting at someone who just saved your life. She is a gargantuan idiot. An infinite moron. A contumacious dunderhead.
I can't believe Sotoka is dead.
Recite your death haiku!
DOMO Ninja Slayer-san
Shadow Desu
sounds like the "rookie cop" stereotype alright
She's honestly such a fucking bland and meaningless character. If she just didn't exist nothing would change. What was up with the pointless bit about her knowing Carver? it amounted to literally nothing
she doesn't fit into this series
i don't know why they even bothered
the ost was pretty good but I'm having a hard time finding the songs on youtube other than the op/ed
Is the OST even out yet?
no but the OP/ED are
I don't know because of how unpopular the show is
same as the 10 people watching Cop Craft
I can't help but feel the show would actually be better if it was 3d.
>10 people
>10 people
yeah, about that...
get out
get the fuck out
This happens almost every season I guess I just have shittaste for always liking stuff nobody else likes. Many of them aren't my favorites of the season though but since I watch them it means I like them better than most other stuff, got tired of the three episodes rule for series that are clearly not my thing from the very first episode onward.
>show has always over 5 weekly threads and most of them reach 500 posts
>170 ips
>fan art is starting to flourish and drawfags are unleashing their imagination with the loli cop
F/Z Berzerker ripoff?
It sucks but hey
Our gang isn't so bad, we've got monsterfuckers, fans of the original show and uuhhhh not much else
no user, I don't think berzerker was a ninja
Belo is perfect.
>white hair and tan skin mix
>tired eyes
>kuudere-like personality
I really hope he gets more fanart.
I agree that his design is pretty cool
too bad the show is not popular enough to get fanart
I think they are alluding to something bigger behind the scenes with the 'unseen council' or all those assassins. The cop lady was stationed in the outside for opposing them, and they are likely going to have a showdown with Bem and friends since they already took out 3 of their people. That will be her connection to the trio since they have a similar goal. At least I hope so.
This thread sure is less dead than last week's thread
Get your fucking Netflix-watching Facebook-stalking normie casual ass off this fucking board and never return. NEVER. Go jerk yourself off to Violent Overhype or Devilcuck Crybaby but NEVER return here.
She better hurry up and become a compelling character then because right now the thought of an arc centering around her makes me want to drop the show.
There actually is some fanart on the booru's, it's mostly of Bela though.
but is it Bela on her true form tho?
>thinking we use the word normie on here
>trying this hard to fit in
>Challenge: Bat Outta Hell
>assassinate a target while wearing the bat outfit
>Challenge: The Goddamn Manbat
>assassinate a target while wearing the bat outfit while plummeting downwards in mid-air
>Netflixbabby pokes his head out
>Gets eviscerated
>Starts crying newfag
Quiet, dog.
I'm not even the guy who posted the "it would be better in 3D" thing, I just know that the word normie is straight out of Reddit. Also that's a lot of buzzwords, user.
>n-not him
Out, dog, OUT.
I'm also here. Enjoying the show so far
I want to fuck Bela in her true form
She'd rip off your dick
>thinking nyaruko is moe
Worth it
I'm lurking the threads every week searching for a reason to watch this shit remake, and this was a nice touch. Probably zoomers and normalfags who watch this hot piece of garbage won't even get it.
get in line with
is the 2006 remake good?
I don't get it
Better than this.
Watch the original series.
based and teratopilled
Too lazy, spoonfeed me
I'm guessing it's Bela's catchfrase or something
Watch the fucking old opening you absolute newfag.
Nobody got time for that, old man
guess I was wrong then
I can't choose between Belo and Bela desu
Also there was a free-jazzish OST in this episode, it was amazing!
What do you think the shadow-concil (or whatever it's called) wanna do to the heroes?
Ans also who is the coffin guy? x)
this post screams reddit
>not her in between form
I get it, that form looks like a grandma.
I'd go for that too, I don't discriminate
aha I don't go to this shithole, and it's not because I'm reddit-spacing that I come from reddit.
Although It's true I didn't watch the old BEM because it honestly looks awful as fuck compared to the new one
>Call of Deep One
Does this mean things will get Lovecraftian?
They aired the old series in Italy like a million years ago. I wouldn't have become an animefag with 10 in the early 90s if it wasn't for the vacations my parents spent in Italy. I had nothing better to do for lots of the time so I watched the anime - my fucking home country never even aired Slayers, fuck them.
Anyone else had here a Spiderman vibe?
So what should we expect going forward since the introductions are done? More episodic monster of the week stuff?
So is this going to be just another original project flop à la Flip Flappers, Concrete Revolutio, Fairy Gone, Sirius the Jaeger>
It's also unsubbed, so. For plebs like me who don't know nip, talking about the previous versions is pointless
FF and ConRevo were great
FG was boring. Sirius was mediocre
>Bella is literally a clown in the old versions
No thanks, I love the xenomorph Bella.
Would the nerd guy still be into Bella if he saw her real form?
I would