Dies before turning 13

>dies before turning 13
>would rather die than become an old hag

Attached: sad_kaede.jpg (640x711, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


No new posts but still trying to be optimistic he'll either find a new host or hand over the site to someone else.

Have to agree

why is he still being such a vague fag about everything

Where do you guys go now? I tried nhentai but the pickings were slim to say the least. Just killed my mood. Where do you even find artist image sets or game cgs at all? Or things like loli oyakodon or todderlcon?

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>Where do you even find artist image sets or game cgs at all? Or things like loli oyakodon or todderlcon?
Unless you find a backup torrent on sukebei or it's on alexandria.exhentai.moe, you don't.
You can still see all your favorites on e-hentai. Also apparently people who are donating and have mod power 7 or higher can access fjorded galleries from e-hentai, but info about this is very inconsistent.

Donators still can access galleries.
He's cashing out and fucking off.

Attached: 775.jpg (300x245, 35K)

1st world problems, user. Just jack off to whatever there is left. You won't give a shit after you cum. There will be a replacement for ex, eventually. God knows when, but there will be one. Remember that it took a while before Nyaa got restored.

This. All the loli, toddlercon etc is still there and intact on e-hentai, it's just inaccessible to non-donators.

>mfw sadpanda is dead

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Donation is on e-hentai somewhere? You don't get anything for just having a lot of points from having an old account? How much do you have to donate to get back in? How long would that even last for?

Because that's how he has always been. Tell me one (1, uno, eins) time where Tenboro wasn't a shifty untrustworthy fag.

Mod Power 18, Gold Star, Member for 10 years, can't see shit captain.

My archives of course, you do have your favorites archived right user-kun?

based and cunnypilled

cute and funnypilled

According to e-hentai I've favorites 1,305 galleries. I've saved 188 of those to my local hard drive. So I've saved a little over 10% of it I guess. Does that really show all your favorites even though it's not ex?

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>only 1000
I had like 20k favorites. One week before the panda got shot, I deleted 7k of them. The rest I have downloaded.

Well at least we can tell what we lost to be able to keep looking for it again. I was pretty devastated at the thought of never being able to think of even what over a thousand favorites were. Not being able to access them sure sucks though. Nice to see the covers at least.

>Where do you guys go now?
I just concentrate really hard, and try to remember what it was like to look at porn

Attached: Gurl, im gonna stand in your hallway.jpg (921x1036, 447K)

that would be considered old for a panda

>Where do you guys go now?
my external HD with 700gb of stuff downloaded. 2-3 years ago I was really high on amphetamine and started to download everything like crazy. I didn't break that downloading habit since that time. Past-me was onto something.

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Apparently you need to donate $20 or have that much mod power, I don't know.
People on the forums, /h/ and /jp/ are saying this. Maybe I'm just being trolled.

Well, I'm telling you right now that I'm not seeing shit.

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Come the fuck on user.

I'm not talking about exhentai, that's gone.
Try searching for lolicon on e-hentai.

I can see my favorites that have the f:loli tag. But when I click on it, it kicks me out because the "gallery has been deleted".

Attached: Capture.png (658x370, 45K)

You can't see your favorites but you can see the galleries you uploaded.

Alright, well maybe those saying they can access everything just through e-hentai are trolling.
I haven't donated so I can't test anything myself.

You can see all your favorites in the list, but you cannot actually view the ones that were only on exhentai.

If you uploaded a gallery yourself, you can still access it, even if it had loli.

Yeah I just meant you can still see your loli favorites list as in name/thumbnail and that's it.

Maybe it also correlates with your uploads.
Which would make more sense, because I barely uploaded at all, maybe 15 galleries in total, half of them expunged.

not anime and manga related, fuck off and slice your wrists shitposters

>manga hosting site
>not manga related

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I can confirm this is true which means the loli galleries are not lost forever and will be back someday either when Tenboro finds a new host or someone else takes over.

I wouldn't be this fast. All it means is that you can download your own shit before it's gone.

Honestly people should really organize and build an alternative and just get the archive from tenboro. Because even if it will be saved this time, the communication around this entire fiasco soured a lot of people and it will probably happen again.

I'm going to cross my fingers and hope that someone will start a replacement.

I'm trying to be optimistic here. Anyway the archive and torrent links even for your own gallery are gone so making people manually download their own gallery seems like a jerk move.

Everything about this was a jerk move.
Tenboro not opening his mouth until AFTER he "closed" the site.
Despite putting everyone in panic mode, still not disabling gp/credits for archival downloads.

Such a shame that all the loli had to go away, I mean just look at this man does he look healthy enough to transfer hosts to you?

Now compensate the man for what you did to his tendons, $20 will do!

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are Yea Forums mods really this bad ? i dont remember them being this retarded about loli stuff

Don't do this, Don't give hope

>kill it less than two weeks from C96
Bravo. That horsefucker is a genius.

Actually based

I don't know how i should feel about it.
I try to play it down and keep living my life but many people around me have been telling me I look gloom and sad and tired.
I am afraid of someday deleting the sadpanda bookmark just as i already did with nyaatorr.
For now I am browsing through chaika because chaika was created when the Jacob incident happened and proved that sadpanda was not as impregnable as we thought.

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Because he's enjoying seeing people that call him fag, horsefucker, shill and all squirm.

Calm down, someone will make a replacement, it'll probably be shitty and they'll be to scared to put lolishit in at first, but someone will eventually do.

Remember e-penis > all, who could withstand the temptation of being praised over this shit?

>Remember that it took a while before Nyaa got restored.
It took like 4 or 5 days and on the second day we already had /g/ working on it. This is clearly different

Seriously how did nobody learn anything after Megaupload, Rapidshare, BakaBT AND fucking Nyaa.

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With nyaa we lost a useful tool, encompassing multiple groups of the most different users.
With sadpanda we lost home.

How will we retaliate against the farms? Are you just gonna sit there and take this?

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I thought people always downloaded their favorites. Kinda shocked me to see people just assumed panda would always be there especially after the Wani thing.

Can't the furfags and bronies take revenge for panda and go be themselves over at Kiwifarms while they keep proxyfagging? I think that would be the easiest line of approach.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto ja Nai - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.19_[2018 (1920x1080, 204K)

That is beside the point. Kiwi attacked us, albeit indirectly. But they show no remorse over what they've done either.

For me manual download and even scripts are a pain since they download the galleries out of order, and when I had amassed enough chink toon fun bux this shit happens.

>and they'll be to scared to put lolishit in at first
Then it's not a replacement. Also why would they be?

>I am forgotten

Attached: aperape.png (282x372, 36K)

this is one of the 90 of my 500 favorites i did thankfully download. what a great one

Nice try, Tenboro

Again, false. I have donated 100 bucks last year and don't see shit.

Truly the modern burning of the Library of Alexandria.

Alternatively if someone with grave autism could do something like the spam script used to work at Yea Forums and spam kiwifarms with images of all kinds of shit they hate, and seeing at they're a group of identitarian puritans it doesn't take much to get shit going.

I'm talking gay shit, gay weeb shit, pony shit, loli shit, LGBTQ shit, beastiality shit, daily dose shit, actual shit and whatever you could think of that they'd hate. As said, all it will take is a little script, proxies and the grave autism to continue filling out captcha (which would be implemented on the site if they aren't already).

And what if they'll close new accounts from being made which they inevitably would? Lay low for a few months until they think it's safe to open up for new accounts again, then start spamming the threads again until they close it. It wouldn't be hard for someone dedicated to effectively completely stop the site's growth in users and see it slowly decline, all it takes is grave autism.

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I think we need to focus more on a replacement and/or fixing what we've lost than revenge

Too tame. Those morons love nothing more than to dox each other. Getting their information is trivial.

Just sent them a nice package with a panda plush.

People have been working on that since t=0.
If we don't stand up though, the farms will just pull the shit again.

I think people just believed that porn is too sacred for the authorities to go after for real.

>Sticky gone
Fuck that shitty mod, Panda is Yea Forums

I'm not talking about getting their information, I'm talking about ruining their forum by spamming it with all kinds of shit right-wing SJWs would hate and force them to close registrations permanently to stop it and watch their site slowly degrade.

Most of the good things can still be found either on e-hentai or nhentai (too bad that they are in lower quality there).
The main problem here is that the next comiket is around the corner and people have no place where to actually upload scanned doujinshi,

More like it's futile to contain a tragedy that effects the entire site.

They can just continue uploading it to e-hentai. It's still storing everything and fjording the appropriate tags like it always has.
You can even upload a loli doujin and just not tag it as loli to get it some exposure for a while. Nhentai and such should still rip it then

That's what you call an exit scam.

Can't we just open a GoFundMe or something to raise money for a tendon operation for the owner?
I hear crowdfunded medical aid is all the rage now in Murka

Xport github
Hitomi downloader

You mean like how Mangatraders got saved by Blue donating two bitcoins to them?

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Do you think a day will come when loli/shota hentai will be banned wodwide?

Saddest day. Got a lot of things favorited and I think I missed a bunch. Also now worried about the future. Comiket is just a few days away and who knows where we can find the new releases. Nyaa?

Is three days of holding my post enough, or should I give it a week?

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No, because it's currently only illegal in like 6-8 countries.

Honestly I imagine there will be a strong push against it during the Olympics, the SJWs wont miss the chance to try and make their fellow commie journalists help them in engineering a public outrage against loli and try to put pressure on politicians.

Do I think they'll listen and outright ban anything sexual containing loli? Probably not but it might start an agenda among politicians to slowly strip away the rights of Japanese artists, one little change at a time. Most people simply don't care about loli and if you ask people in public, even in Japan I imagine 95% of people wouldn't disagree with censoring it, the sheep that they are.

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I always heard user bitching that rare artbook are the true treasure there. I wonder how true that is.

And further, if it's so important, why is nobody uploading those to Madokami.

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won't happen anytime soon the UN just tried to do that and the US and japan politely told them to fuck off


Because artbooks are not manga or LN.

>>would rather die than become an old hag
based and redpilled

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What's this shit then fag?

Attached: 1.png (136x267, 6K)

Never, Japan won't be bending to tourists' demands because they know the hentai market is a big part of their economy.

Attached: 1534697773211.jpg (1222x2845, 2.39M)

Raws are there too even though madokami doesn't permit them anymore.

based Kumiko

Didn't Madokami mirror stuff from Panda or was that just manually uploaded?

A politician just got elected in Japan who was openly defending loli porn and freedom of expression on loudspeakers outside last winter comiket. This guy even said he thought mosaics on drawings was a violation of human rights.
Even if the rest of the world went to shit Japan would be the last place to ban drawings. So basically, just move to Japan.

Those arguments are actually really based and every sane person would agree with that

Imprisoning people for consuming a plant is also a violation of human rights but they seem fine with doing that.

Japan is not a beacon of common sense in the world. Anything they do right, is not for the right reasons.

"sexual violence is not a problem limited to only women"
"while you're trying to fix the rights of fictional characters, you're leaving the human rights of real women in the real world left to rot."
Damn, Japan is dropping the nukes for once.

Don't worry guys, the panda will live on at Google's servers for eternity. He's happy now.

Attached: When you see it.png (1363x679, 1.64M)

Double Yea Forums.
Wonder if my lolicit account still works.

I am pretty sure it was she

I love that Reason #2 so much. You forget a fair amount of people drawing all this stuff, loli and shota included, are women sometimes.

People will not believe you if you tell them Kodomo no Jikan was made by a female mangaka and that's not even porn

Leftovers from when the world was younger.

Fair enough, although most countries do the same exact thing.
I'm having trouble thinking of a country that completely checks out on having common sense.

Lolis are nice because they're so small, thus smaller lolis are even better. Give Miyasaka Takaji a try if you find anything by him on whatever is still left.

Attached: pero.png (1150x1020, 361K)

because oh my tendons

>Imprisoning people for consuming a plant is also a violation of human rights but they seem fine with doing that.
East Asia at the very least has kind of a history regarding drugs, that being the whole opium crisis. It's a stupid holdover but you can at least look to their history to find out where it came from

Pretty much this

If the laws were related to the opium crisis, they wouldn't apply to users and domestic producers, because the opium crisis was about foreign influence.

>So basically, just move to Japan.
Fuck you mutt. Can we have one fucking country that didn’t have shitty cumskins coming in? Japan isn’t US or Canada or Australia where it’s build upon dead nation and where everyone have equal right to settle. Nor are they European that had their hand stained by the blood of coloured folk.

Japan has no moral obligation to accept cumskins, niggers, or coloured. Unlike cumskin nations.

This image got me into Miyasaka Takaji and loli lolis, and I don't regret it.


Lazy useless crime ridden westerner should shut the fuck up. Remember the opium war, white folks are the biggest drug dealer in the world, I’m glad for the opioid crisis, if only Europe got fucked as hard as them amerimutt.

Yeah I'm sure a couple thousand weeaboo lolicons moving there because the rest of the world banned their favorite loli porn will completely ruin Japan in the same way colonists or shitskin refugees would.

Japan is pretty strict on immigration though, you typically have to have a valid work or marriage related reason for moving there not just "I wanna fap to loli porn."

Sad Panda was a Kyoani fag, he simply followed them.
Blame Aoba Shinji.

Sexy toddler

Sad panda was already sad so it simply destroyed him, is not surprising he took his own life.

Weed is the most important chemical miracle in the world. I will never understand why anyone would not use it.

The UN is trying to kill the anime industry and is using Google to do it. It's just all too coincidental.
KyoAni was an inside job.