R18 Amico figure fucking when
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Qin Liangyu is a gk
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1/6 is anything new.
What is that middle above?
Just how many asanagi's design has been announced this time. I remember 4 already.
btw, hell teacher nube / 10. Nice taste.
They showed a prototype of Sophie.
I take it, it's the only thing she'll be getting.
Meanwhile Ryza is getting not one, and not two but three figures From Amakuni, Phat and Wonderful Works.
No idea, but I freaking love her already
Is it safe to say that all the figures I was interested in but didn't know where they were from were just FGO figures?
>brown dog knight girl with snake on big tits.
I am sold.
Another disappointment of a wonfes. I'm starting to lose hope again, bros...
Be glad you're getting at least that.
Its a GK so far, for Cerberus Project anniversary
Did amico reveal that fig yet?
still number one
They waited until the middle of the night after the biggest day of the year to release more information on their first figure.
Dont hold your breath, previous amiami figures have been average at best, and most of the time either delayed for years or plain cancelled.
I have been waiting for this prototype since it was announced and i gotta say it went beyond my expectation
Is there any way to get Cumbie now? That semen ghost gk.
I'll keep believing that it will become a normal PVC eventually.
Maybe in 5 years.
Honestly just interested on a handful of figures, still more than enough to made this WF worthy.
Even if it stays a gk I'll grab one. Painting FAGs has prepared me for this moment!
Get that Yumi shit out of here.
Best CVL featuring T2's sameface
More figures that end up discounted, great. Not like you can't find a plethora of them any where you look.
And damage sponge-chan
God I love China dresses
So do I
Been a really good time to be alive if you're I to those and PVC of late.
The least meaty atago is cute
Pls I need this Badger!
Face looks a bit off. Hopefully it's just the angle/lighting.
Would be best if t he fluff was actual fluff and not plastic.
That's tough. You know they're going to make it out of plastic, and you know it's going to look terrible, but when they use fuzzy tjings or any fabric it tends to look bad too. It just doesn't scale well at the size of most figures.
>Defect replacement part
Since it's my first actual figma, do they end up changing it at all to incorporate that part in production or were they all made and done before the problem was found?
What terrible taste, I'd also delete my post in embarrassment.
Hoping we get more PSO2 figures with the anime incoming.
I deleted it because I am a low IQ dummy who made a lot of spelling mistakes.
Berserkers can't have naps?
That Yumi is the first bunny I actually want to get.
That doesn't explain why you posted it again though.
They too angry.
Fuck off, faggot.
Because I fixed the mistakes.
Sorry, I'm tired, I probably shouldn't have stayed up for this shit.
>doubling down with blogshit
Just stop posting.
Is it really blogshit? My bad.
I hope something you like got revealed too.
This one is going to be good
O M G Dudeeeeeee
Decent pictures up of Q-six before Akibaweekend (not sure if he even attended) and the likes post.
I was about to pay for my Amiami preorder but out of curiosity decided to check Shuten's price on other pages. Should I cancel and place my order with NY?
At least NipponYasan undervalues, I was ready to be hit with import taxes.
If you don't mind less padding in the box for shipping and trust your local shipping company then go for it.
Those fingers freak me the fuck out.
Stop trying to be retard.
Amico already doesn't like cancelling preorders so I'm pretty sure she likes cancelling payment requests even less.
Imagine her sounding your urethra.
Glad TLR is still getting announcements but I was really hoping for any of the Harem Golds or Venus Yami.
If she doesn't like cancel requests then I'll just not pay the preorder.
That's even worse than canceling.
Then what should I do to make Amico less mad about it?
I don't even know what that means and I already hate it.
Buy her stuff.
Really makes my Kokoro go doki doki.
Sounding is sticking something down your pee hole.
She doesn't want business with me, I asked if she does undervalues and told me to suck it up. NipponYasan immediately undervalued my last preorder with them as soon as I asked for it. Import taxes are a bitch.
She does want your business. But she won't lie to the customs office for you. So sounds like you're going to make her mad, and possibly ban you.
NY have never done me wrong yet
Anyone else having problems logging on to Goodsmile's website? Want to get my maid alter figma order in but the shitting log in button doesn't work.
Then get risk getting banned. Do whatever the hell you want
>She doesn't want business with me, I asked if she does undervalues and told me to suck it up.
A company refusing to break the law on your behalf is in no way a refusal to conduct business.
Pay for your order as promised.
It would be funny if NY cancels his order and reposts it with a price tag higher than Amiami's.
If that Shuten goes under 10k I'm buying it, source material be damned. She'll go great next to Velvet
Why would NY do that? They're the nice guys here.
People actually buy those granny tits figs?
try to check NY shipping price
Shipping prices are similar than amiami, difference is amiko adds a shitton of pading and NY doesnt
Try the new US site.
Surprisingly nothing lewd caught my eye this year, but then again I'm still sorting through pictures.
Egg nendo is good news for getting figures for other, better ZLS girls.
There's nothing I like about the scales.
Poses, faces, outfits, etc..
Where the fuck is a model kit of many of the new girls kotobukiya/gsc showed off?
Yeah I'm kind of on the fence about the scaled figs too, I mainly just added them to fill space but it'll depend how they end up looking.
I hope Yugiri gets something one day.
It might be cool for them to get im@s style sparkly figures in cool performance poses, but you'd have to throw out the zombieness that makes them unique. Thats why I consider them poor candidates for scale models, but I am happy about the nendo(s?)
> Wonfes hits
> Amiami shows me that the figs I ordered for a friend in May has been delayed another month
> Realize I don't even want it now with the new Wonfes stuff
> Put in my first cancellation request since I joined 3 years ago
Pray for me dudes, I don't want my account banned but having it delayed for this long doesn't even make it a good delayed birthday. Plus I bought him something else in June.
Did you tell them about the birthday stuff? That might make it look better if they can see the whole delay situation.
Wait she looks damn good
Shame about her sucking tho
Tell them you have leukemia
They really don't care. They send you the same email whether you cancel a big order when its time to pay, or cancel one you just made because you want the DX version instead.
I need those gobbos, who's making them?
Yep, told them that too many delays made me miss the birthday window and I didn't want to just have it.
Post the ban email when you get it
Got back from Otakon with some stuff. Sorry for ass picture quality.
Yea not faking cancer because or death because too much of my family has had both lately.
Will do Cap'n
I recognize this dojin.
Interested in those cards bottom left
Sadly I do too.
I have the Range Murata artbook. Amazing stuff.
Sorry to hear. It was just a reference to an user who did similar
Imagine cancelling an order and telling them it was meant as a birthday gift for a friend who died in the KyoAni fire.
I know this has been posted before but I can't get over how nice this one looks.
Except for the creeper cat in the bottom right.
All the little details in the sculpt are really amazing
They're just card sleeves. $15 but absolutely worth it for Chimame.
It is. I fell in love with the page 124 illustration. There are so many amazing drawings in that book I haven't seen before online. Really happy I found it.
I tried to google translate the creator's twitter, but can't tell if this is just him showing off his skills or if he actually plans to put this on sale eventually. Anyone with a better understanding of moon willing to take a look? twitter.com
>still no Orchid Seed Stocking
Lucky! I was supposed to go but my boss's indecisiveness prevented me from going. Did Video Games New York come down and do the massive booth again? What were the range of the dakis out there? Was it all bootlegs or did someone make their own original ones too?
Also, how many bootleg figures did you see?
No idea why that happened but I'm sure you can flip it.
No worries user it's just life, also there's literally no way you could have known
I found it on amazon myself. I was certainly surprised to see it there. So full of goodies, and with some translations.
Did you find a mfc link ? I tried with no luck to get the name of the oc
According to an user in a previous thread this is the creator's twitter , haven't been able to find more info on MFC either
He's planning on selling it next wonfes.
Whoops, meant to link this one Awesome, thanks for the confirmation! For invididual creators like this one, is there usually a place to preorder/buy online or do you have to go there in person?
god I love double-jointed knees
me too aibo
No please, keep posting pics like in Everything is perfectly discernible in that picture and the image loads instantly whether Hiro's shitty servers want it or not
I don't think he gave out its name yet, can't see it anywhere at least.
she has a skull on her lap. Creeycat fits.
she looks kind of dead.
If this image isn't right side up then I give up.
>Did Video Games New York come down
Yup, they never have what I'm looking for though. This year I wanted the new PS4 Konosuba game and last year I wanted Etrian Odyssey X but the useless bastards never have anything good.
>What were the range of the dakis out there?
Hendane had some shitty quality NSFW bootleg looking ones and the artist alley had all original SFW designs. This Shuten Douji is my first daki cover. She's gorgeous.
>how many bootleg figures
A depressingly large amount. I mainly go to the dealer's room to find interesting figures so I can look into them online.
Too many sculpts reshown.
Check this for anything you may have missed:
miku forever
>dat Shuten
God, every time I see her showing off like this its makes me want to ravage her.
toot toot
what is that top left?
>lowres pixelated image
that reaction is overused.
I've cancelled from AmiAmi like 5 times no ban
Futurelog. A collection of art by someone who's too good at his craft.
I couldn't resist. She's just too damn alluring.
Holy shit. What a pussy.
Get cancer.
Is Hobby Max a shit manufacturer because they're Chinese based? Or are their figures fine? They seem to be getting a lot of work and "big" releases lately so I'm concerned.
They are good so far
I saw range murata at AX. It was pretty cool
Good fucking taste m8.
Too late. Best to hope for someone to sell theirs
Was there any Konohana Kitan stuff at Wonfes?
no, buy the manga
A little jap man in an alley behind wonfes told me the figures are coming. They're gonna show the foxgirls and all the other missing figs soon. Just wait
Didn't Evelyn (brown elf) have a figure before, now she's getting more? Where's the love for the Sukebe Elf girls, also Evelyn is pretty much like the other 2 already popular brown characters that Aoi Nagisa draws and they have figures too.
>Amico going lewd
Too many to post, that one is one of them nonetheless since I wanted that version over the first and last forms.
I'm still going to trim the list further down the line since most of them weren't painted yet.
You know times are rough when Amiami starts whoring out their daughter Lilico
Yeah it'll be a figure of her raping your wallet
I have, and the Blue-rays.
Don't tease me.
The defect they mention is due to issues with compatibility with another brand which is supposed to allow you to fuse it with the figma, not necessary for those who don't have it like me.
I did have issues with one of the arm joints being very loose and wouldn't even handle the weight of the spiky swords.
No need to worry then, she already does.
Prostitute Lilico figure soon!
So then because I do have the Kaede plamo kit that they mention for the compatibility it would probably be a good idea to go for the replacement parts, right? Do I need to pay shipping and all that or is it free because it's a defect?
Lewd Chu-ko when.
Big pics are insta PO, rest I haven't decided on.
While there were a few nice figures....the only standout one for me was Amakuni's White Heart. Will also probably get Native's Maple & Cinnamon to go with Chocola & Vanilla.
I have no idea, you might need to contact the seller but if it's a recall and you got it from Amiami then they might get it ordered for you, they did the same when I got my Kongiku figure since the lantern was defective, it took some time since they shipped it via SAL.
Do you guys think they will re-release any K-ON! shit at any point in the near future? Maybe like 10th anniversary? Wishful thinking maybe
I did get it from amiami, so do I need to contact them somehow or use the goodsmile form for it?
You're not actually supposed to fuck off.
Just stop being retarded.
Weird, my pre-order of Shuten was 13,940 yen as opposed to the in-stock price of 16,000 yen.
Yeah man.
I hope the goblins are at least a 2 pack, I want to army build those fucks.
Same, I want my Goblin Slayer Figma to have something to fight.
Is it February yet?
I'd contact them via their website, they ask you for the email, order number and what you are mailing them for with a box to fill in your question.
Just ask them if they can help or if you need to contact GS to get the part.
Why are there multiple people selling the same dakis on booth? Do they allow people to sell bootlegs right next to the actual artists or what?
Seven hours from Good Smile with anything from FATE to Zombies to Korean Puppets.
Could you post the specific dakis?
Some chink artists sell their dakis on their individuals booths then again on a main group booth
It already the 10th anniversary. If they were going to do anything you'd already know by now.
Imagine being this late.
these are good seibahs
Green is insta PO
Yellow not sure/need to see paint
The Kosmos looks fucking terrible, my most hyped thing coming before this. She herself looks ok but the vomit yellow and red clash so bad with the blue hair.
Actually I think one of them was doing 150x50 versions. It was 22jigen and sontaku2017.
Thanks user, have some cute
No problem mate, I hope they can help you and I hope you ordered delicious brown shortstack.
>vomit yellow and red clash so bad with the blue hair.
Why would you expect any other color again? That's how her XC2 base design is
There are still some that I need to see painted, but I've narrowed it down to all of these.
Good god look at those manlet proportions
Whoops, forgot Belfast.
Exactly, the figure actually fixed those proportions. also her 3D model ingame sort of did as well
Please tell me this has decent timestamps.
yeah, those are main group booths. It's okay to buy from them
She got the short end of the stick, choco T-elos worked better
Not him but those colors don't really match. The guns are much more desaturated and her hair is more pale. Although I guess the colors match in-game more
Haven't yet because I've been spending a lot and now have to get car fixed up but I did get Lancer and Zelfikar.
It doesn't even have subtitles.
Good luck.
I'm glad to see Shera is getting some attention, I really hope Rem will get some too.
Thanks. I'll be going with 22jigen anyway for 160x50. Also this circle seems to be like 80% of the dakis on here.
Would rather a Sylvie figure
Kos-mos base illustration is paler in general, the colors are quite close to her model on which the figure was based.
Guess I'll check what GSC announced to see if my seiyuufu has a chance of being in it.
Let's just hope for the whole gang
That is not what is meant by the expression blogshit. Stop trying to gatekeep so hard, faggot.
they better change those leggings, son
Not them but that is also not what gatekeeping is you fucking nonce.
no pointy elbow 2/10 would not bang
>telling people to fuck off for breaking unwritten rules
>not gatekeeping
Then what is?
Then you are good in my books.
There was one but the picture was kinda small.
How often do figures actually get announced as canceled instead of being in purgatory?
Hopefully it's popular enough to spark some interest by other companies.
This one for sure.
Needle is instant bonerkiller.
How about you explain how it is gatekeeping instead trying to use meme arrows as an argument?
I hope so too since I noticed not many put attention to it. Maybe a better quality picture will help.
>circled the thigh
i swear this game solely relied on those thigh to get popular
i fucking love thigh and the sculpt looks nice so i might get it
yeah my penis is through the roof right now
I like Atelier designs better when they aren't that fetishy.
It's a GK, so handle it yourself.
they really failed to capture the same feeling with this figure didn't they?
>some faggot complaining about their life
>not blogging
It's by daiki kougyou
Look at those DRILLS
That leg looks ready to fucking snap.
A single sentence saying they are tired is blogging?
I just hope the game is actually good, because I'm going to be sorely tempted to buy.
I'm the "faggot" who originally posted, this really isn't something to argue about, I was just being dumb.
Please don't instigate my anxiety, surely the rod and entire leg is made of titanium steel.
Panda-san was still one of the cooler things to come out of this WonFes
Is there a market for gorefags?
Where can I pre-order Nagaatoro?
So what's this thing for exactly? Like some exhibit or something?
Remember to use oversleeves or your anime sleeves will be destroyed the third shuffle in.
Can you post shaltear?
I can't believe it, she's finally getting a fucking figure. I've been waiting for this for years. Please tell me Emontoys is at least decent.
Thank you user. I got a lot of catching up to do.
Yes Emontoys are fine.
What's an unusual amount of time for customs to be taking for processing something?
5 years
Are there any buyfag scales that'd pass for nice decoration in the living room? Something too animu-ish would scare away any normalfag
>would scare away any normalfag
Good. If they don't like who you are then don't invite them. And if you don't really like figures then don't buy.
Okay, I'm on my way thee.
Become a Yea Forums buyfag then, perfect grade scales of Bruce Lee in your living room wouldn't scare anyone away.
capeshit probably
>Something too animu-ish would scare away any normalfag
Yes so?
>those faces
Nope, just nope.
the human anatomy is a beautiful thing
I already have anime figures and I don't give a fuck, I'm just wondering if there are any tasteful figures that might be bought simply because they look good.
What is this even?
Looks cool though.
The tongue looks like a leaf.
buy star wars or capeshit scale then
Black Rock Shooter's usual twisted mechanical aesthetics.
That's pretty cool
Then there's plenty of scales and action figures of male vidya characters that have realistic faces. Normalfags would also probably like mechs.
>Check GSC US page for WF exclusives
>Tries to charge $16 shipping for EACH item
What the fuck?
These threads don't belong on Yea Forums do they? Just like sadpanda or it's time threads, fuck off.
They are acceptable Yea Forums content, retarded newfag.
>Emontoys are fine
You are either retarded or have rock bottom standards.
Eh, looking at some of their stuff on mfc they obviously aren't great. Still, I'm not gonna get too many chances to get a Yuuko again. If it turns out decent enough I'll PO.
Major too. Don't get how a character that popular and well known doesn't have a quality scale.
You can stop coming her and saying this every other day already.
Thanks for proving my point dumbass, who could pass up such great looking figures like pic related?
Don't trust their prototype pictures, their Kamina looks like ass and had awful QC, some user posted pictures of him around the time he came out and the MFC pictures back this up.
>If it turns out decent enough I'll PO.
You cant know if it will turn decent enough during POs, Tim. A prototype is no indicator of how good the final product will come out unless its done by a reputable manufacturer, and in this case Emontoys isn't one.
CLAMP characters other than Sakura aren't popular. Beloved by their fans sure, but they've pumped out too much wacky half-assed shit that gets remembered only because "CLAMP made this"
Wow, you absolutely destroyed him user!
Those look mediocre at best
Do you plan on getting the Shinjuku nendo too?
I’m going to Comiket
What should I buy?
Some water so you don't get too thirsty while you're there.
Jap snacks to keep those calories up
some good shoes so your feet don't get tired
the new chaldea mania pls
Be ready for random guys shitting their pants in line.
Anything Kemono Friends.
lolwut u srs
The wait is ridiculous.
I'm interested in making a custom nendoroid and I've ordered all the components for it other than clothing. Does anyone know if there are scans online of this or should I just try to buy it?
Hope you’re not going to try and get anything from the popular circles. Otherwise, plenty of water, a towel and a poncho and umbrella if there’s any bad weather like the tropical storm I had to sit through yesterday. Good shoes and a portable chair will help your back and feet.
It's a shame the Asuka one was so shit. No one can capture Yamashita's faces well.
Narrowed it down to 7
Although the worst thing about Sheryl is the fact that I have to slow my plan for a Dragons Crown shelf because I know I can't get just one Sheryl, I'll need them all.
What? Are you talking about her casual clothes one?
Oh nice, Saitom 1/4 bunny
there were a lot of bunnies.
They're multiplying
You could even say they are...multiplying like rabbits.
Hmm, i really didn't like the prototype but with color on it, it look good.
Gonna wait for the painted.
Its a Gk, you wont get it
its a gk, you wont get it painted
Damn, didn't know it was a gk. At times like this I wish I knew how to paint.
That was already implied.
You're trying too hard.
Maaaaybe this one and the Kai by Bell Fine.
Other than that, thankfully a calm wonfes.
nothing much
I love everything about this but the Mom's face. Which is arguably the most important part. Fuck.
That looks much too tight for a body powered solely by carbs.
I cancelled 5 items from Amico this year and they didn't ban me. Do I have plot armor?
The photo in the back pocket is such a great touch.
Please. Was a Nia figure showcased?
thats a big butt
it's time to let go
the Sheryl is colored, my wallet is ready.
was there any dinosaurs
asking for a friend
No now fuck off
Every fucking time, it's always GK that i want, fuck this gay earth.
>tfw not japanese so can't buy GK
Feel bad man
Don't feel bad, even if you were Japanese you probably wouldn't be able to buy it. Pls PVC.
It hurt masamunebro
Maybe it's a sign, time to start those sculpting and painting classes.
You have one of these for your car?
Who am I kidding about you having a car.
Why the fuck does Japan like Yozakura and Yumi so god damn much?
Fuck sake make 7Even already stop giving us the same fucking merchandise for these two already god damn it.
Getting a fig would be a nice thing, and Nia isn't allowed to have nice things. She can't have her feeling reciprocated, she can't have a long life, she can't have a good game, etc.
Why do they like Saber so much? No one knows.
I like some of the touhou figures but I hate getting stuff from series I don't know anything about. What's the best way to get acquainted with the characters without playing the games?
Read the porn doujins
I don't like porn though.
>Why japanese have shit tase
Have you ever ask why water is wet?
Then go and suck some dicks, faggot.
Read Toughguy by Bomber Grape.
KC fucked up not having Enterprise.
Give literally any touhoufag the time of day and he will autistically explain all about it.
Considering how she tore their carriers a new asshole, it's only natural they would avoid her.
Non-Japanese boats were a mistake.
How much does it cost to get into making your own figs?
Im gonna learn damn it, ill make figs for us non nips with nip quality
I still like both.
I used to think they were saving her for when user numbers started slipping.
But I guess AL just came in and ruined their road map.
Would be funny if they just had trouble making stats for her that weren't wildly unbalanced.
I'll be rooting for you, user. This community was bult on weaponizing autism to achieve more with less.
Not going to happen.
At BEST, you'd be as accepted on Yea Forums as RWBY.
>ruined their road map.
They did that themselves. Their inability to give that license to any other company to produce any other titles nor let the game grow at all sealed its own fate. They won that Koei contest by a landslider, and they flat out declined their offer to make a game before they finished fully asking.
in fact it smelled better and there were less fat people than at AnimeExpo in america
I was there winter though so the summer sweat might get shit
If you're fat in Japan your workplace can get fined.
>Fuck sake make 7Even already
I see you are behind the news that Takaki fucking left Marvelous after he became disatisfied with Marvelous compliance of Sony's stance on sexually suggestive content in japanese games, Takaki felt his quest to breasts wasn't being accepted anymore so he left for CyGames, only saying that he will work with Marvelous as a freelancer. Now Senran Kagura's future is completely uncertain, save a shitty new mobile game coming up later this year.
Anyway, Yomi and Yozakura are Yamato Nadeshikos, of course they will be popular.
Add to that Takaki already announced his new project, but still partnered with Marvelous for some reason, Senran Kagura is dead.
Akari/Ichigo's unit figs and Serena from Pokemon's game fig is back up for preorder so I'll be grabbing it this time around.
I see this Yamato Nadeshiko meme excuse for Yumi all the damn time but other game franchises with popular characters, even of the same archetype as Yumi, don't shill that one character excessively to the point where the fanbase is just constantly REEing a Marvy to put something else out. Yumi is the mid 2000's John Cena of Senrans.
I hate when figs I really want get dropped
Amico drawn by Yomu!
Yumi's VA is also pretty damn popular.
>ill make figs for us non nips with nip quality
See you 5 years later
get an airbrush and learn to paint your own gk my man
Check the Crunchyroll store faggot.
It does have it though.
Amiami often reduces their discount over time.
You can hope e2046 copies it.
Damn, I'm going to have a reason to pay attention to them again.
I took this photo at WF just for you Medbfag. That’s all you’re ever going to get.
I need to actually read that now
Getting anything from Grizzry Panda was next to impossible.
Didn't see this CharaGumin before
cut seibah
Old picture I gave him is better anyway.
You've done nothing for nobody there.
He deserves a shit picture anyway. I don’t regret not using my DSLR.
And it's done, it took 20 hours to open all boxes and set them up.
Need to buy more risers, they are custom size so I need to calculate how many and which sizes I need. Will do that in couple of weeks, need to rest a bit from figures
Super cute collection. Who is the fox next to Astaroth (I think?) and Hera?
post kneesocks
You better go to the Isekai Quartet cafe.
Shinrabanshou Chocolate - Hakumenkongoukyuubi Izuna
Very nice, although I feel the 2 random shelves bigger than the rest are a waste. Thought you'd put some huge figs but what you have there could probably fit in the other shelves except for maybe the brown Fate girl.
I made them in big case I get really big figures, the Brown fate girl right only one that needs that much space
>maid cafe
I couldn’t. Besides, I’m already on the Shinkansen bound for Osaka where someone got the Wi-Fi banned.
>that huge display
>still manages to make it look like a clustered mess
Sell some figs or get a second display.
So from all I've read (yes, I've read the guy. There was like, two sentences on the subject in the country info part I saw), it sounds like importing loli/shota doujins/tanks in the U.S. is fairly alright, correct? I just want to order some /ss/ stuff, you don't even see anything ont he covers or backs except big titty MILFs, you'd have to open them to see the shotas.
Importing, yes. If you get caught owning certain things in certain states you may be in trouble, but customs won't give a single fuck and isn't checking for the things those states enforce.
First box of shit I bought in Japan arrived yesterday.
I'm in Michigan, which I've read is fairly safe. I already have some loli doujins anyay, but those were sent to me from within the U.S.
>but customs won't give a single fuck
Eh, not entirely true; they got Chris Handley. But that was a decade ago now I think, I haven't heard about anything like that happening since.
And my June order that came while I was gone.
oh my
what's this
I'm not readily finding anything on how he got caught. Regardless, the chances are essentially zero if that's all there is to bring up.
I looked it up since it's been years since I've read about it. All I could find was that the postal inspector applied for a search warrant because he somehow knew that it contained loli and shota porn. But yeah, he's the only person known of that was sent to jail over cartoon porn and nothing but cartoon porn. It didn't help that he plead guilty before going to trial, but that's because pleading guilty meant 6 months in prison. If he'd gone to trial and failed, it would've been 15 years.
Wasn't he already on some watch list before the doujins were searched?
Not sure, I never heard about that. I just know that he ordered a fuckload of loli/shota doujins in his life, and apparently some of them were pretty nasty.
>postal inspector
Sounds like that's after customs, then. My guess would be that they were already eyeing him, the package busted open or something of that ilk, which is a danger since mailing obscene material with USPS is a crime. You can avoid that by using a private courier like DHL, Fedex or UPS, but if your stuff isn't obviously loli or shota at a glance you're probably fine even then.
How difficult is it if EOP to ship things from Japan while on travel? Seems to be the patrician way.
I wouldn’t import twenty pounds of loli doujins all at once, but I do buy four or five doujins or tanks with every proxy order and never had any issues even when DHL opened one. Use EMS never had a package opened. Tell your proxy to mark them as “art books”.
Maybe I got it mixed up with something else. But if the guy applied for a search warrant, there must have been some reason for it.
>the package busted open or something of that ilk,
Now that you say that, I think that was what they said. The package tore or something. I was planning on using EMS, which I think is handled by USPS? Never used it before, I've only ever used DHL for importing before, and that's because that's just what Amazon uses. But yeah, it's only a few Sugi G things, so all you ever see is stuff like pic related, so it's probably fine. Can't imagine anyone opening the books unless they opened the package, but there's basically no reason for that to happen.
Oh yeah and thanks for the responses.
>which I think is handled by USPS?
Once the box is in the country, yeah. The three I named are all safe.
That sure as hell doesn't look like shota, so someone would have to actually open the book (and possibly any cover it's in) to find out that you're a degenerate. Well, a bigger degenerate. You're 200% fine.
That is really thicc.
EMS is fine and depending on your proxy if your that worried you can ask them to wrap them or place between other books etc.
>Condensed wife
I see, so that's why they're so THICC.
face looks horrible
Pretty much only this.
anyone know of the best centralized place to find godzilla merch? none of the places in the guides seemed so great
specifically i'm looking for the biggest possible godzilla or ghidorah figure/statue with tons of detail (well honestly i'd be perfectly happy with fuckhuge gigan, king caesar or space godzilla too, but i figure there'd be way fewer available options for those). i've found a bunch of different examples on amazon and the sites mentioned in the guide, but it would be nice if there was some kind of easily-browseable list of releases so that i could easily sort out the various dimensions and have a look at detailed pics of each. i apologize for the rambling nature of this post, but i really don't know shit about this stuff, as this would be my first serious purchase
This might be the only NGNL figure I’ve skipped. Face looks off and the belly and spine are super fucked up.
>How difficult is it if EOP to ship things from Japan while on travel?
I had no issues. Walk into any Japan Post and say EMS and they'll give you the form. Fill it out and bring it back with your box ready to go. They weigh it and you pay the shipping fee. That's it.
If your collection doesn't cause normalfags to instantly put on a shocked expression and silently finish their business you're doing it wrong.
I've already traumatized a cable guy and some appliance delivery dudes.
Yeah, that pose would probably not be possible in real life, but it doesn't look that bad. And the only other shiro with sculpt that good would be phat's tuck up version, which I've missed to preorder.
>I've already traumatized a cable guy and some appliance delivery dudes
kek me too.
>have gas guy over to apartment
>framed SOL posters everywhere
>large lit display case
>henreader deck and fig on display
Never saw someone act more awkward before, I had never felt so in charge of a burly boomer man before.
What's the scale for this? If it 1/7 then perfect
I have every single Shiro scale except the bikini one as I missed it and it’s now double price. She has plenty of gorgeous scales. Big one coming out in October I think? That one looks like she was hit with a baseball bat in the spine. Might just be the angle but it’s painful to look at. And where the belly button isn’t at makes zero sense. The facesculpt also looks messed up because of the mouth and lips but that might be ok after paint.
Boomers freak out the most, like you may as well have led them into a room of dismembered corpses.
My internet guy was a young dude who started talking about shonenshit which was ten times worse.
>henreader deck and fig on display
W-what henreader deck and fig?
thank you
>Both figures I have ordered are in stock
>Still can't pay for them
Amico, you stank whore, hurry up and let me give you my money.
The fakku skateboard deck is in my wall. I have the h. Ribbon scale next to it.
Shh, just let it roll over into next months order.
I think it looks fine, gonna get for sure.
Plus that way I can contribute to this baby coming out too Very nice user, post more images.
fuck last comment was for
Ah, the poser fag that can't even do an ollie, that you?
Sorry Cap'n, no ban they just canceled my ordered and told me not to do it again or next time they might. Which is okay because everything else is for me.
>air conditioning guys and solar panel installation service guys were all more interested than shocked and took their time taking in the view of 150 scales (mostly non-lewd but suggestive loli)
Might be because my country is full of perverts though.
I’ve never attempted to skate or do sports, I just collect everything by Henreader, Maeshima Ryou, and Royal Koyanagi. Idk what a ollie is.
> Have an internet guy come out becasue Comcast needs me to pay a guy $60 to read off the numbers from the bottom of a modem
> Sees my anime
> "Yea I'm into anime but only the rare stuff, have you heard of this obscure old anime One Piece? "
My roommate was the only one home when a young hispanic guy came out to inspect flood damage to my room and he reportedly said to my roommate, “So you’re a weeb too, huh?” I’m just glad I didn’t have to get into it with that guy
Check wikizilla, their merch list tends to be pretty thorough or ask the kaiju thread on /toy/.
The internet guy here was a really young guy and I could see him getting all red while doing his thing with the modem after he saw my collection of lewd figures. Didn't even look me in the eye, so disrespectful
I hope you filed a complaint.
Most figures are from the last ~3 years, you're loving anime far too fast.
older figures looks like shit
whatever you say mongoloid
I started buyfaging 10 years ago,started with queens blade, now I can afford more figures. I mostly bought english manga before
>tfw there were only 3 KC figures this WonFes
Are you fucking shitting me
>meanwhile AL and GFL had multiple figures
Really makes you think.
Why do you keep posting this?
Cute E
Because I'm infuriated at how little figures Kancolle got this event, they got the short end of the stick.
He's mentally ill and desperate.
Aren't you enough yesterday autism?
That fucking /alter/ guy is literally another level.
Eh depends
You are just trying to change the subject here
What in the absolute fuck is "/alter/"?
Do you mean the figure company?
>diddling the modem hot and heavy
Should have invited him to hot glue with you
/alter/fag always here to trigger an useless botewar though
Seriously, they only got 1 Nendo while Girls Frontline got 3.
No they're not, stop being so paranoid
Is that from the artist who draw ballcrushing
Then move your ass to Miku
>they're not
Did you read yesterday threads?
Even same pics and sentences were exactly same. Just all fucking boatshits.
Here we go again baited by the same fag
Doesn't this say KC got 11 and AL got 3?
So you hate boatshit? Why are you complaining then?
>Same boatshits yestersay got deleted
>/alter/ shit is fucking trying even now
Why the fuck that fag is so obsessed with boatshits seriously
I don't hate boteshits I hate botewar going on the thread unrelated.
Why on this thread then?
What's wrong with her neck
Where were the other 8 then?
It's a /vg/shitter likes to shitpost and thread war
Because of this guy
>Miku 55
Huh miku so alive when it's figure
I saw that exactly same pic and sentence yesterday.
He's fucking ill.
That's the /alter/fag I told you.
Just pops up suddenly and tries to trigger a botewar
>anons actually complaining they only got 3+ figures from X moebage
Oh no, I’m so sad, it’s not like their are thousands of other shows that get fucking nothing fucking kill yourself fuck you faggot nigger.
he is baiting not complaining
Can all these off-topic shitters fuck off to the boards they came from?
just use MFC or google and do your own research
>have sex
Do this in any thread. Yea Forums is fucking dead.
Just make a thread if you want to have disgusting boat disputes not here
>muh KC figures 3
>muh GFL and AL mucheee
>on every buyfag thread
That nigger wtf
Just report that boat obsessed nigger.
All I did was just complain about how little KC figures there were this event, why is everyone getting so riled up?
All you did was just exactly same baits from yesterday.
Now please fuck off to your thread.
Yea Forums doomed
I can only afford figmas and nendos.
Rate my taste
>figma and nendo 50-60USD now
>good scale is 100USD
Just don’t buy garbage and save for something nice
Holy shit lololololol
Yeah, but we're talking about KC, which was once one of the most popular fandoms in Japan. It's quite the decline honestly.
cute wink but i have no idea who this is
scales are more often around 150 nowadays
>can't find the link to the wonfest gallery
I swear it was in this thread too. Or was it in the previous one?
>do it in this thread.
>zero results most of the time
I guess this is the last good thread on Yea Forums then.
Pic unrelated.
Is it true that cosplayers offer blowjobs on WF or my friend is lying, again?
Oh wait nevermind found a link on mfc
Chink BTFO
You are just using that shit to bait here everyone though
I agreed with that shit declining so just fuck off to your thread plz
it's shit
for a little extra payment, why not?
No thank you.
Are you a cosplayer by any chance?
They have waited so long on this most of my interest has died.
It still has more figs collectively than 99% of other fandoms.
Even the newest fate oni shit is only 120 after fate tax.
No fuck you.
What's the absolute best quality set of dragon balls there is?
Yes you are, but you didn't get paid!
Eat shits faggot
That shit may be popular, but anything more than a funko pop would make you one of the "weird" nerds.
>impaled version
Hahaha, I bet you suck at cosplaying too!
>Some of the scales in the same set aren't together.
Reorganize them for the love of god
>floor level displays
never understood this
>same pics
I haven't seen one repeated yet.
But I don't go to /jp/.
Looks like someone copied a post of mine from 2300 and reposted it at 0500 while I was sleeping.
You're really just looking to hard into this.
Your butthurt is clearly off the charts.
Wasn't the daughter a redhead?
How do I deal with the fact that I didn't want/like anything from this wf?
Is this the end of my 10+ years of buyfagging now?
They got Handley on obscenity. The judge said the laws that banned shotacon and other fictional depictions of underage characters (iirc it was gay shota doujins) were unconstitutional but still left him to get charged with obscenity. Ino obscenity charges are still BS. You can basically get hit with for any sort of fetish if it offends people in court.
there's so much fucking shit out there, did you look at all of it?
The first 3 threads from I already feel despair
Give me your money and I'll spend it instead.
>Everybody already got tired at this ship falseflagging yestersay
>Using same pics and sentences but it's just a mere coincidence
Yeah makes it sense
Let's stop here then do we?
Have you tried just ignoring it instead of getting excited?
What's wrong with taking a break? If you buy figures for the sake of buying figures then it's just a waste of money.
I'm relieved there was only one new figure I liked.
Do you know where you are?
Vocaloid is reclining.
Are you buyretards have a consumer disorder or something? Do you have to spend money every months on plastics or you will die?
Save money for something else.
It was just a shitty wonfes.