Now its time to choose bois

Whos your best waifu

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Nami is utter trash, Hancuck is mehh, Robin is great. Do the math.


>shonen waifufags

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>your best waifu
Please, kill yourself

I stopped reading/watching One Piece so I know nothing about Hancock. Nami still turns me on though

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You posted the same girl 3 times, but with a different wig each time.

Bleach-Orihime or Yoruichi


Nami because I don't like girls taller than me.

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They have different eye shape and one of them has a bigger nose.
If you want to complain about Oda's same face do it with Rebecca or Pudding that are basically Nami clones.


>best waifu
Kill yourself, faggot

Robin by a mile.
Nami would use you for your money and Hancock would murder anyone whose name isn't Luffy.

And you can have as many Robins as you want.

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Robin is definitely different between the others

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