Whos your best waifu
Now its time to choose bois
Nami is utter trash, Hancuck is mehh, Robin is great. Do the math.
>shonen waifufags
>your best waifu
Please, kill yourself
I stopped reading/watching One Piece so I know nothing about Hancock. Nami still turns me on though
You posted the same girl 3 times, but with a different wig each time.
Bleach-Orihime or Yoruichi
Nami because I don't like girls taller than me.
They have different eye shape and one of them has a bigger nose.
If you want to complain about Oda's same face do it with Rebecca or Pudding that are basically Nami clones.
>best waifu
Kill yourself, faggot
Robin by a mile.
Nami would use you for your money and Hancock would murder anyone whose name isn't Luffy.
And you can have as many Robins as you want.
Robin is definitely different between the others