Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object

Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object

Who wins?

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gag strength > asspull strength

Does it matter? These shonen powerlevel theorycraft wank sessions never goes anywhere and its honestly just fucking stupid.

joke characters can't lose, retard

Giorno's requiem basically makes him a god. Saitama's punch would never reach him.

I'm glad you used the manga Giorno because the anime sucked ass

The only character that can beat Saitama without hax/reality fuckery I can think of is Flash
He can simply overload him with Speed Force and freeze him forever

It never goes anywhere because Yea Forums is a bunch of edgy teenagers with ego trips that don't like admitting their favorite characters lose even when evidence says to the contrary.
It's not the game it's the players.


The Overlord The Ruler of Death The Sorcerer King

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Gag Power vs Lazy Writing

Who wins?

If GER isn’t active Giorno gets blitzed then dies

Depends, can Giorno tell a good joke? Is he serious all the time? If he is mr.frown then he automatically loses.

>Using powerlevels
>Against a gag character

The moment the story became serious and his power explained it was no longer a gag series.

Flash's Speed is a gag
>I'm absurdly faster than light but no colateral damage because of muh Speed force asspull

But Gaytama is weak as shit.

You may have a point, Saitama does suck at video games and since Ainz is an RPG boss Saitama wouldn't be able to beat the game. King would have to solo the encounter.

>unstoppable force

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Aqua-sama rekts the smelly skeleton

Neither one would be able to hurt each other.

Saitama would punch through space and time killing every posdible reality of JoJo except this one.
JoJo would go for the kill but instead grows hair for Saitama.
This point Saitama becomes overjoyed and leaves, or he loses his powers.

>heavily fanwanked mc vs heavily fanwanked mc

Giorno, because Saitama has to get to a sale and fucks off.

GER reduces Saitama's power to 0. Can't kill anyone with a 0.

Technically GER is the strongest fiction character, as it has literally limitless negation.

>Can't negate what's already at 0

'Sup, loser?

forgot pic

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Hey faggot.

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Silver Chariot Requiem was thought to be invincible before Diavolo found out about his shadow and discovered it's weakness. I'm sure GER also has some weakness we don't know off that someone with protag plot armor would be able to exploit.

Saitama can punch from distance.
If stand rules apply, GER has a range.

>can brute force nails against Jesus Fucking Christ power
>people still think GER's ability is absolute

GER is automatic

All those Jojo characters wouldn't even be able to beat pre-crippled accelerator.

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Except the force of the punch has to hit Giorno, but GER would negate the hit

t. speedreader

I think Saitama, because attacks not directed towards Giorno wouldn't be reset to 0. Saitama could punch a feet hole to the earths core under Giorno and he would just fall to his death.

Ainz: Greater Mage Armour, Divine Shield, Protection from Mortal, Deathward, Defense Aura..

King: Arcane Sunder, Betrayl of Shield, Piercing Arrow, Magical Disjunction, Dispell Aura, Warp-Armour, Greater Turn Undead..

Ainz: I have a World-class magical object from that E-bay aucti-

King: I have Three.

Squirrel Girl can beat him

>can't beat him
>got beat by character far weaker than jojo chars

Ainz: is that so? (runs away then casts perfect unknowable following king for weeks then casts Nuke