If we assume Flash didn't hold back, can we suppose Sonic is on his way to break his limiter?
pick your civilian girl.
Based autist poster. I choose the girl Suiryu defended during the Gouketsu raid, the 2 gals hanging out with the HA executive getting punched by Garou, the hot blonde judge at the costume hero contest and the hottie in bikini screaming during Seafolks attack
Whats a good site to read the ONE's wc translated?
Presentator of the hero costume contest get
Is the fight between zombieman and homeless emperor represent a fight between transhumanism and primitivism?
No one but Saitama will ever remove their limiter, best case scenario maybe Blast already did
it's quick regen vs spam.
Out of all the non S-class heroes except Amai Mask who could you see becoming S-class eventually? Personally I like Smile Man's giant ball fighting style. Pretty creative. I also think that if guns were more powerful in this setting One Shotter could be S-class.
Remember the "S class is insane" chapter. For now, only the disciples and Fubuki could get in S class. Even if powerups aren't impossible (glasses).
>No fun allowed
Just imagine if a fodder hero got a big powerup and mastered their fighting style.
Any news about One Punch Man?
I did say
> Even if powerups aren't impossible
Tournament chick>Bikini Chick (Who I can not seem to find, or you forgot her)>Woman who believed in Saitama>Gold Diggers>Rest
She needs to stop jobbing to demons first. And yes, the scene in which she blocks Rover's blast is getting scraped.
Lemme guess your dad for ONE/Murata
Genos is so strong and cool
Why does Yea Forums love useless fucking jobbers so much?
because they look cool and they struggle
>jobs to demons
>defeat dragons
Garou has canonically broken his limiter
Fuck off he is mine you can't have him
>My favorite monster is Black Sperm
If you believe in breaking vs removing your limiter then yes he has. If you think they're the same then no he hasn't.
>that thumbnail title
Caring that much about some random guy on the internet
He is not useless
why are you using "dragons" plural? she's only ever defeated 1 dragon and that was 100% match up based. her one good feat of deflecting the rover blast isn't even that good since she said she struggled a lot, couldn't do it again and ESP barriers are a good match up vs projectiles. she couldn't even fucking beat Do-S.
>Woman who believed in Saitama
You mean shelter girl? I like her too
>one picture top and then right to the girl screaming noooooo are lolis
Also where is the girl of the deep sea king arc?
>she couldn't even fucking beat Do-S.
Slow down Flash. The fight was interrupted when it was just seriously starting, and she Fubuki had the upper hand at that, are you stupid?
the loli that genos saved
Do-S let her off easy before Fubuki gained the upper hand, which is obviously her fault, but if she didn't do that Fubuki would have been well on the way to losing. It's not like she can spam hell storm over and over again.
Match-up yes, still defeated Psychos that was a dragon, stopped her attack against King, deflected Rover's blast. In MA arc Fubuki has made more than many S class heroes. Also:
>implying she wouldn't have won vs Do-S if she hadn't to handle the heroes under Do-S control
The main problem against Do-S is that she was too soft and didn't want to attack her brainwashed group, which put her in a very bad situation. If she didn't care about them she could have just knocked them out, instead she focused on just paralyzing them which was way more tiring and leave her open to Do-S' attacks.
> It's not like she can spam hell storm over and over again.
That's your headcanon, she pretty casually pulls it off as far as we saw. It's more an attack she can seemingly do over and over like the atomic slash.
Yes, entirely match up based that's the point. She has a technique specifically for dealing with other espers (that aren't as OP as her sister) that's literally the only reason she won. Saying "Fubuki beat a dragon" is, even though correct, misleading since she only beat that dragon entirely because of match up. Your second point is the same thing and I already talked about rover's blast.
>implying she wouldn't have won vs Do-S if she hadn't to handle the heroes under Do-S control
When did I ever imply that? Do-S' whole shtick is taking control of people, without that she's basically just a slightly more powerful human. And even if Fubuki could have beaten Do-S, alone or with controlled heroes, you can barely call it a feat since Do-S is such a gimmicky and shit demon. You admit someone to S Class just because they can beat specifically espers or win fights vs very situational demons. She would lose to most of the demons in the series thus far no doubt, and probably to any non-gimmicky demon in the future
Will come a time (Amai Mask arc?), just before Saitama's promotion in S class, when we will have Amai Mask first in A class, Saitama second, Fubuki third, AS disciples 4°, 5° and 6°. Amazing scenario.
Genos poisoning Fubuki's drink
Genos almost shitting himself when the drinks get switched and Saitama takes Fubuki's cup
Genos knocking the poisoned cup out of Saitama's hand so fast that the table has burn marks
Saitama asking Genos what the fuck is going on and Genos making up some excuse
King passing out from the poison after accidentally grabbing Fubuki's cup and having to go to the hospital
>poison so garbage it only makes one of the weakest characters in the series pass out
even genos isn't so dumb to think that shit ass poison would do anything to saitama
>Black Sperm can give Orochi a run for his money
Why is Smurf so retarded?
I never said Fubuki is top S class. She is low demon, maybe low to mid-demon right now in the WC. This, plus her contribution in the MA arc, already makes her S class worthy, (alongside AS disciples), and not that weak jobber you seemed painted her
None cares about you, Smurf. He's just making fun of you, and we're laughing.
> Orochifag
I never said she was top S Class either.
I am more of a Factsfag. BS can't do shit to Orochi, otherwise he'd be the king of the monsters.
Are you looking down on him?
he way overestimates BS' power because of his numbers. orochi would deal with BS unfused easily, it wouldn't even be a contest
I am not, but Orochi would fuck his spermy ass in an instant.
Literally who?
>otherwise he'd be the king of the monsters
Orochi is litterally just called the king of monsters by Psykos. He's one of the strongest monsters around, but it's in no way an argument that he's stronger than BS, who was the first to shit talk him too.
>BS unfused
What makes you believe that BS wouldn't fuse to take on Orochi?
> litterally decided to avoid a fight with BS by killing Cockroach instead
>We's just doin' dis one time!
>...Is that... loser here?
jesus christ VIZ really is only good for their scans
I wish someone would edit the fan translation on the viz scans.
>Shit talk
>Psykos tells him to back it up
>Backs down like the little faggot he is
One laser beam is all it'll take Orochi to erase BS. That's literally it.
i don't believe anything of the sort, he is most definitely a match for orochi as GS, i'm just talking about BS here because that retard smurf was arguing in the last thread that he would give orochi a run for his money unfused.
fucking viz translations
they're such niggers
In that case you're right, yeah. I don't see what unfused BS could even do to Orochi.
Murata did say that even as GS, Orochi has the upper hand when it comes to techniques.
Orochi could kill base level black sperm but not his enhanced forms. Golden Sperm in particular is far and away the strongest monster except for Boros and Garou if you count him
If I was Smurf I'd use my drawing ability for something besides Tatsumaki futa porn believe me.
Like do-s porn
no shit, sperm isn't a martial artist. It's like saying Orochi has the upper hand when it comes to techniques compared to Tatsumaki.
The cat bitch was cute.
Orochi isn't a martial artist too, and he was able to copy Garou's waterflowing fist with one glance.
He is the superior monster.
yeah i already know and that would have been obvious anyway since orochi actually has fighting experience and instantly absorbs any technique he observes
>Orochi isn't a martial artist
Yes he is, probably the greatest one ever
That's Gouketsu.
I love how he's just chill as fuck
There really is someone who thinks that BS could beat Orochi?
Orochi adapted to Garou's martial arts just like Garou has done to others
So? It doesn't mean Orochi is a martial artist, it just means he is a genius, which he is.
He'd have to use fusion forms, but yes, he could. Golden sperm shat on fucking tatsumaki.
GS shat on weakened Tatsumaki.
Garou fucked GS with ease.
There's no way it is definitive that GS could take on Orochi, so keep your headcanon to yourself.
>Golden sperm shat on fucking tatsumaki.
it was ryona user, not scat
GS could be beaten by full strength tats though
It's not only martial arts and the fact he can copy every fighting technique with a glance
>able to unleash dozens of snakes from his body
>each one of those snakes can shot fire attacks
>able to assume different forms
>able to fire a laser beam of city level
GS can match him in raw strenght, but Orochi has so many skills and powerful options that i can't see him losing
GS would beat orochi by being stronk.
Golden Sperm can have a chance, but Black Sperm? Never
Flash didnt hold back but sonic did hold back. He only used 2 shadows burial instead of four or ten like he did for genos or saitama. Sonic is powerful but i dont think hes gonna break anything or that anyone else will. I think the fruits of his autism are just paying off.
People underestimate BS pre merge way too much.
S-Class Heroes Nationalities (Hard Mode, no matching nationalities)
>Tatsumaki: French
>Bang: Chinese
>Atomic Samurai: Japanese
>Child Emperor: British
>Metal Knight: Russian
>King: American
>Zombieman: Scottish
>Drive Knight: Finnish
>Pig God: Italian
>Superalloy Darkshine: Brazilian
>Watchdog Man: Canadian
>Flashy Flash: Swedish
>Genos: German
>Metal Bat: Irish
>Tanktop Master: Slovakian
>Pri Pri Prisoner: Spanish
We're not, you're overestimating him by saying he COULD take ON fucking Orochi.
Like jesus christ, man.
>>Metal Bat: Irish
lol what
>no matching nationalities
But why?
And you overestimate Orochi way too much.
> pre DS Garou was dodging his horns and tanked his beams
> one punched
>fucking Orochi.
you mean jobber king orochi, the weakest monster in history with the disaster level of housecat?
Amai Mask dealt single-handedly with Black Sperm while got shotted by ENW. Again, GS definitely has a chance, BS would get one-shotted by Orochi
Irish are fight-loving spergs just like Metal Bat
he's a stereotypical japanese delinquent
absolutely nothing to do with the irish
ENW litterally wasn't attacking him for most of the fight. Once he started to, Atomic and the rest took the initiative to become his targets otherwise SM was fucked.
And SM was just a punching ball for BS. He was gonna fall soon enough just like Atomic.
>He thinks getting one punched by Saitama means you're weak
If anything it proofs that if Saitama didn't fight him none in the S-Class could've done it, just like Boros.
Also Garou could tank his attack for so much until he passed out, so not much tanking there.
Metal Bat's sister by far, no one else had the ovaries to stand between her brother and Garou and demand him to stop.
What part of Hard Mode no matching nationalities didn't you understand? Atomic Samurai was Japanese so couldn't make Metal Bat Japanese too.
no, you're just an idiot
>He thinks getting one punched by Saitama means you're weak
It kinda does.
>If anything it proofs that if Saitama didn't fight him none in the S-Class could've done it,
Boros tanked several punches. Orochi got one punched. How the hell is that proving anything?
>It kinda does.
so marugori, vaccine man, asura rhino, groribas, geryu, boros, bakuzan, gouketsu and elder are all weak then?
scratch boros
Several normal punches, then got a serious one that ended him. Just like Orochi.
You can't be serious in saying getting one punched by Saitama means you're weak. You just can't.
More importantly it shows that Orochi isn't that special as he got one punched.
I'm done, this is a new fanboysm level. Whatever you say big boy!
>Several normal punches, then got a serious one that ended him. Just like Orochi.
> t.Orochi
orochi got killed by one normal punch
Fubuki keeps losing to demons and her biggest achievement was defeating Psykos with her counter-esper abilities useless against other people.
Personally I don't really see disciples being that powerful but S class have also Tank Top Master who is rather weak(even weaker than current Puri Puri Prisoner), so who knows
I can only see the disciples being S Class as a group, which would really make sense. Though I do think Iaian is well on his way to becoming S Class seeing as he could have most likely beaten RW who is like *the* entry level demon.
True, but that still doesn't mean he is weak, he could take on GS with a normal punch, he used a series punch on Elder Centipede and Elder Centipede was SERVING Orochi, so dunno what that proves, really.
If you're using Saitama of all characters as proof that he is weak then I don't know what you're doing.
>Fubuki keeps losing to demons
Lost to one demon that survived an attack of Tatsumaki.
Interrupted fight with another demon that was taking hostage her group.
That's litterally it. She litterally lost to one demon, that's it. The Do-S one was unfinished.
This one.
I'm sure he used a Serious Punch on EC simply because King asked him to leave as little collateral damage as possible. His punch practically disintegrated him.
Saitama used a serious punch on elder centipede because
> He was frustrated by King wrecking him in games
> King told him to totally destroy Elder to avoid destruction of the city, so he used a serious punch
> I can only see the disciples being S Class as a group
The webcomic says otherwise.
yeah, but they haven't showed that much power yet compared to other S class heroes
I underestimate the draw of the series being apparent strength ranking for obsessives.
You really forget that it's a silly comedy if you read the threads.
I always got the impression that they could all be bottom-low S-class-tier individually, but it just seems that they get shunted or sidelined a lot
Which means
>Keep up with Tank Top Master?
>: Yes
>Keep up with anybody thats actually STRONG?
>: No
bottom low S class is still S class. They themselves know they don't have the same level as the rest, but they're also too strong to be only A class.
Yeah and the webcomic narrator is wrong. By the start of the raid Iaian could have probably only just beaten RW on his own, and might've even lost, and he is the most entry level demon you can get having been literally just upgraded from tiger earlier that day or a few days prior. Then the 3 of them together had massive trouble with DLH and almost lost, even saying themselves that it was a very close fight.
have sex
>and the webcomic narrator is wrong.
Why the hell did Iaian never get a prosthetic arm?
>Iaian could have probably only just beaten RW on his own
That's enough to be S class. Long Hair was pretty strong.
AS disciples are not super humans
You aren't getting into S class unless you have some way of performing super human feats
It's implied each one of them are low demon. If S class means being able to deal with a demon, then they're S class worthy, even if at the very bottom of it. Same for Fubuki
he's a true flesh chad
Stand by that outdated shit all you like, it's wrong not matter how you slice it.
Even so, that's just Iaian (and it's also only just barely beating the lowest tier demon there is) Okama and Bushidrill have shown no such strength on their own and even if Iaian did beat RW that's still far from "strength that is undoubtedly worth of S Class".
I don't really see how exactly they are too strong for class A.
Demons are underrated. Genos until the recent upgrades had no more than a 70% win rate against demons as stated by himself. He was losing 1 fight out of 3 against demons, and he's pretty powerful.
but she didn't defeat any demon yet
neither did Drive Knight.
can I pich garou as my favourite monster or doesn't he count?
Will Sonic ever get his own Yaoi One-Hurricane doujin?
> tanks Rover's attack
> the same that instantly killed the mouse and shower demons
Oh yeah I almost forgot
He still ended up losing a limb against Mosquito Girl. Even if he did defeat her before she transformed, she was still strong and fast enough to tear him apart.
Imagine someone even weaker than Genos that had no cyborg parts trying to fight her. They probably wouldn't even get past the mosquito swarm.
He doesnt count.
He's fought 6 demons so far in the series, at least notable ones/on screen ones, and has only lost to 2 of them. The only demons I could see being underrated are high ones.
>jobs to a fan
But it's implied he has the ability to do it, at least on the low side. Give it time.
because it is Hard Mode and no matching nationalities makes it harder
Manchild LARPing as a monster =/= Monster
Anyway, if only requirement for S class is to be able to defeat demon, I think it would be better to add another class for those being able defeat dragons since the difference in power between people like Tatsumaki, Flashy Flash and Metal Knight toTank Top Master is so big
That was Genos' general statement, including demons he fought offscreen.
> Virtual Genocide System's (VGS) simulations show Genos (after his G4 upgrade) with a 70% chance of victory against any disaster level demon monster.
And that's AFTER the G4 upgrade.
well, damn
I guess I'll chose the other dog then
well it looks like we aren't going to see him ever again(at least on the hero side) so who cares
A fan that survived Tatsumaki. That's more than several dragons.
Dragons are rare. King got his strongest man in the world title by getting the kills of Vacinne Man & Beefcake.
Yeah so how exactly are demons underrated? That 30% is most likely referring to any high demons that show up. Everything else is fodder to him.
well she just disassembled the fan since she didn't knew that one would need to destroy the propeller, I'd say that was just a mistake on her part
mistake or not it's still a pretty impressive feat. Are you really using "it's a fan" as an argument when the strongest cadres are a sperm and some water?
If so, i could argue that Blast, Tatsumaki, King and Metal Knight deserve SS class, being them the ones able to deal with Dragon plus/God level threats, but still.
Also, aren't you underestimating TTM a little too much?
The rover atack that killed demons happened in the manga
Fubuki tanking a rover atack hadnt happened in the manga yet, and i remember her just redirecting it and not just tanking it? She doesnt have that much raw strengh and still need a power up to be S class, i mean i think she is top 10 A class at best and only for utility, alone she lack a lot of abilitys to be really competent
How is it impressive might I ask? Literally the only way to beat the fan is by destroying the blades and Tats only took it apart. That isn't a feat.
she paralyzed 30 berserk B heroes at the same time and still had some power left to stop for a bit a demon's attack. None of the A heroes stand a chance against her outside of the top 4.
you're right, she didn't tank it she just deflected it. she also struggled a lot with it and said she wouldn't be able to do it again. these jobukifags hold onto anything resembling a feat and don't let go because of how pathetic their favourite character really is.
Posting Best Girl
>top 10 A class
She is third behind Saitama and Amai Mask, which are top S class. Iaian could maybe match her
>She is third behind Saitama and Amai Mask
she's not in A Class yet and amai isn't top tier S Class
You can't know that, because we can't make a metric of saitamas power.
In the WC it's implied she decided to raise in A class (just after Saitama-Tats fight); Amai is widely top 10. Also
>implying we won't get an Amai Mask redemption after his story arc and he will raise in S class with Saitama
This guy would have made a great addition to the MA dragon team.
yes, i've read it. she says she is going to move up to A, she isn't in it yet. and top 10 includes 2/3 of the entire S Class.
To be honest, the Hero Association rarely pays attention to their heroes until they're directly involved in dangerous missions, they're way too busy playing marketing. Granted, Fubuki never felt like going to Rank A until she got that wake up call from Tatsu, but I don't think AS' apprentices are apt for S Rank when even the weakest of them all, Puri Puri, could effortlessly sweep the floor with them.
I really like TTM, he and his group (excepting Tiger and Black Hole) look like total bros but we haven't really seen him doing much other than fighting and losing against Garou. I actually wonder what will be of him since Darkshine of all people actually retired for feeling too weak.
If not for the fact Melzelgard had regen Iaian would have oneshot him. Unless you really want to downplay him I'd say being able to One Shot a Demon Level threat is no joke.
Based Bean Sprout
He's creepy looking as fuck.
>if not for the fact that X had it's main ability/weapon/attribute Y would beat it easily
people who do this need to kill themselves
>*evil natural water nervously bubbling*
Kill yourself back to
half the conversations in this thread are pointless because its about the powerscaling when the series isnt geared to make you pay attention to it all that much. why do you think there's such inconsistent rules on who is stronger than who?
Fubuki said herself that she couldn't see Genos and Sonic moving. Her ultimate technique Hellstorm did nothing to Do-s (upper hand my ass). Considering this she would get slaughtered by most demons, let's not even talk about dragons.
He is high demon, isn't that enough? And he continues to train. Are we forgetting that Genos, when got registered as a hero in S class, barely was mid-demon? As another user said, i think we are underestimating demon level threats. SADS retirement was a personal choice
That's Yea Forums for you. Everything's about power-wanking and arguing powerlevels. At the very least, we're still heads and shoulders above Dragon Ball threads
>At the very least, we're still heads and shoulders above Dragon Ball threads
i honestly don't even understand like half of what is being said in those threads. it's actually crazy
Maybe I am, but TTM haven't really showed much and got defeated by Garou quite fast. Perhaps he will fare better in future chapters, but as it is now I'll rank him as weakest among S class.
ONE is a powerlevelfag. There is a whole bonus chapter dedicated to describing disaster levels. Just because the in universe ranks aren't very accurate doesn't means it's not there.
Sea King is so obviously low Dragon. No way he's Demon, they're way too weak now.
That's how it is when there's literally NOTHING to talk about it in their series. The threads are 95% shitposting when something relevant is going on, but between chapters, it gets like ten times more deranged and incoherent.
are Sneck and Max S-class worthy than?it's a joke
He and Murata also constantly talk about power scaling in stream and interview.
stop this stupid meme, both PPP and Genos were stated to be able to casually kill him in a time they still struggled against demon. He was only a threat to them when they were the two weakest S class
>3 class Cs to beat one Wolf
>Still have to be aided by a class B
Why do these fucking shitters even exist?
Also, the class A heroes required for demon level monsters are probably more for support rather than combat.
Those motherfuckers are insane. It was still shitpost central when the anime was running but the shitposts were about the show itself and taking the piss out of its quality. I tried to stay and talk about the manga but its so fucking shitty. I left after the Broly movie while waiting for the anime to come back. Visiting those threads after so many months is like coming back to a completely alien world. I'm amazed they don't get nuked on sight.
Dragon plus/God level (Orochi, Boros): Saitama, Blast (?), Tatsumaki, Metal Knight
High Dragon (Marugori, Rover): none
Mid-Dragon (Carnage Kabuto, Geryuganshoop): Bang, AS, FF, SADS, Child Emperor, Amai Mask, WDM
Low Dragon (Nyan, HE): Genos, Metal Bat
High Demon: Zombieman, Pig God, TTM, PPP
Mid-Demon: none
Low Demon: Fubuki, AS disciples
lol no he isn't. post tournament upgrades genos can kill him in 2 attacks and at the time of the start of the raid PPP can kill a monster just as strong as DSK with one barrage of punches. DSK is high demon at most, even genos back then had a chance at beating him if he didn't bodyblock the acid for the girl. here i thought people overrating DSK ended years ago but here we are i guess.
Powered up Garou, you mean. BS wasn't afraid of shittalking Orochi but shat his pants seeing Garou
When is JCStaff going to shit out that OVA?
class Cs to beat one Wolf
>>Still have to be aided by a class B
Nah, it means 3 C class or one B class. Also it's an estimate for a "sure win". C class are numerous and still of use.
Rover would not bend the knee to Tatsumaki
I really wanted to see this manager fought hotdog
He spent thousands on that fucking armor
good joke.
This has been solved a long time ago
The three crows were demon ALL TOGETHER
Wish they let the rape out of those, maybe add some stuff with lily to fuck with Tatsumaki and Fubuki.
I liked Snek's small redemption arc in that tournament, he doesn't deserve being treated like shit by the HA.
Darkshine originaly not black
Mine is way more accurate, above all in the high dragon tier
Stop wanking tornado of tardation.
Rover would rape her. Rover is stronger than GS. If Rover was on the surface during the battle with the S class, ENW wouldn't even be necessary. Rover would've clapped her gg no re.
Yours doesn't even have garou nigga.
Genos would have won without hostages, i'm more tempted to say peak demon.
People who would eviscerate Tardsumaki if they got the drop on her(psychic shield included)
>all those tiers with the respective monsters and heroes to compare
>"where is Garou?"
Confirmed retard. Can't you simply power scale him?
That's a shit ranking.
>Rover in the same tier as Psykos
>also darkshine
I guess it's time to go to bed
nice coping kek
he would just use his water jets to cut up the ice and move it around like a great river full of chunks of ice
What if Deep Sea King went inside Evil Natural Water
>school child shirt
That was a nice recurring gag. It's a shame they don't do it anymore.
I'd love to see your argument for Rover>Tatsumaki
It's still a thing in the webcomic, no idea why they stopped doing it.
Pig God's even changes from hero to NEET for some reason but it could be a TL thing.
>his address is written on here
I'm starting to believe Sonic isn't very smart
Tatsumaki can just send him into orbit but I don't think she can directly damage him.
at this point he knows saitama isn't going to kill him
am I missing something because I don't see the surfer chick from the beginning of the seaking arc
I thought her destruction of the base is what made Rover so small, or was that just never addressed?
it was never addressed. you can assume he shrank because of how saitama "trained" him but idk and idc really either because he's a cute little boy now and i love him and genos
My computer crashed a bit after I added her, which erased her panels from the set, then I forgot to put them back.
You can add her back in. I believe in you
he's got battle smarts and that's about it. that or he wanted saitama to know where he lives.
even flashy mentions "You've gotten a little smarter."
What does Garou think of Saitama now after this?
as a swell guy
He trains under the waterfall to avoid inevitably being added to Saitama's harem
That girl holding the rabbit looks like Mamori when she was younger.
You get to design one monster that will be in the OPM manga. They will have a whole chapter about them.
>whats their name
>what do they look like
>what can they do
>whats their disaster level
>who do they fight
>do they actually die or just get defeated and fuck off
stop, im not creative enough for this
Deep Sea Queen, level demon. She comes to the surface to marry the man who took down her husband, aka Mumen Rider, to have offsprings with him.
>a bunny, but a very big one
>everything a bunny can do
>knocked out by giant carrot
Black Sperm is legit a God level threat. If he fully separated himself to the full 11.5 trillion, humanity would be fucked. He could quickly eat up every single animal into extinction and further multiply himself.
>Hot Pot Tot
>A small humanoid Bok Choy with a cute voice carrying around a comically oversized self-heating hotpot full of never-ending ingredients suspended in the perfect stage of being cooked
>Serve delicious food, but the more effort you expend into grabbing what you want from the pot, the more impossible it is to get it as opposed to carefreely eating whatever's floating in front of you
>The main gang, Genos and Bang eating easily but Saitama and Tatsumaki enraging themselves when their speed/telekinetics still fail to get only delicious meat
>Likely very dead by the end of the first meal unles
if he fully separated all 11 trillion of himself there'd just be 11 trillion weird looking puppies on the planet. the best thing to would just be gain a fuck ton of stock and then fuse into the ultimate being.
>Mumen accidentally gets married to a fish
So basically the Zora part of Ocarina of Time
there is no ultimate being with Saitama around.
11,500,000,000,000 weird puppies eating everything in sight would leave 0 food left for everybody else. There's also so many at that point wiping them all out would be nearly impossible without extremely heavy collateral damage.
100 cells were confident enough to attack Garou. It's not really clear how we go from that to a single cell being merely a puppy. I think the remaining cell got very weakened by Garou's attack.
either way, BS quickly grows in power.
>people will forever think Season 1 monsters are stronger than subsequent ones because Madhouse was so much better than JC at displaying impact
Kill me
>whats their name
>what do they look like
Giant hand with the usual ONE monster face on each finger
>what can they do
If it manages to scratch a surface for long enough it gets incredibly hot and fast
>whats their disaster level
Each finger is demon if fast enough
>who do they fight
>do they actually die or just get defeated and fuck off
It fights AS to which it gets cut up and defeated easily but each finger can fight on its own and they manage to beat him
11 trillion is a very large number, but individually they would each literally be the size and strength of a puppy. and he has to separate himself into all of those different versions in some place, once the HA notices it wouldn't take all that long to deal with it.
BS said it himself, reread the aftermath of the MA arc.
Didn't BS dodge AS' slash in that state? he was even impressed with it
>it gets cut up and defeated easily
>but each finger can fight on its own and they manage to beat him
this makes no sense, AS does hundreds of slashes with one atomic slash it's not like he'd just do 5 cuts so all the fingers would fall to the ground and even if he did they wouldn't be able to overwhelm him fast enough before he can get off another.
>BS said it himself, reread the aftermath of the MA arc.
I'm not doubting that post MA BS is just puppy tier. I'm saying that even 100 cells were shown being powerful.
We've only seen BS in his 1 cell state once, at that was after the MA raid was done. Anytime he appeared before or during the raid was always some thousand, ten thousand, hundred thousand, million etc only ever going as low as 100 for that BS that was keeping tareo hostage.
I'm not denying that 100 cells was strong, but I'm not arguing about that. I'm arguing about him splitting all 11 trillion of his cells out individually.
>caring about animeonlyfag opinions
Not always and he has a tendency of thinking his opponents die instantly
that was all of his cells compressed in one body
you do realise that most of the S1 monsters are in fact stronger than monsters that come after right? it's not just an anime thing.
This list isn't so bad considering it is hard mode
>he has a tendency of thinking his opponents die instantly
youre not wrong about that but that's because he basically only ever fights demons and they always die to one atomic slash. name one time he hasn't used an atomic slash (or at the very least multiple slashes) against a demon or lower monster.
Can't remember any but he does throw two single slashes at BS, so it's not that insane.
Early OPM had a much higher scale, Marugori was considered demon after wiping out a large part of a city and early Genos levelled part of mountain and had massive area of effect. Latter down the line, the much stronger Metal Bat is considered impressive for splitting a building in half
that genos example is dumb because we basically never see him fighting in a place that deserted ever again. he had nothing to worry about besides killing some animals, nowadays there's always collateral to worry about. and i still don't really see your point here, unless you're a different user than the first one.
felt like drawing Whitered Sprout.
The point I was trying to make was that Genos at that point was by far weaker than most S-class, considering he got a few upgrade before the DSK arc, but much stronger character are said to be impressive for much lesser feat.
For exemple, Garou knew Metal Bat was getting stronger when he split a building in half
the only reason he doesn't just spam atomic slash like he usually does is plot convenience (even though it still wouldn't do anything) if he for some reason came across a random monster like that weird hand you came up with he'd just atomic slash it and be done with it.
Sure, Vaccine Man and Boros definitely were, but that's about it. Kabuto is probably as strong as the tougher executives. But monsters like Beefcake got big buffs from Madhouse's work
Your works are based
>Not always and he has a tendency of thinking his opponents die instantly
That the opposite of reality, he always goes for an overkill white the atomic slash because he has fought so many monster
making a huge crack through the ground and having it go up an, at least, 8 story building with just a titanium bat is a pretty impressive feat. i still don't really get your point.
did you do a Phoenix man one?
BS would first try just like with Tatsumaki to have his numbers dominate, the Multi Cell, but yeah, he would pretty quickly see that he wont win unless he fuses 10 Trillion.
Why the fuck can't we have regular wc updates so we can experience a genuine feeling of anticipation and excitement? Not to mention I miss my husbando, I bet he's lonely underneath that waterfall.
Blowing up the top of a mountain and making a blast with 500 meter radius >>>>> splitting building in half
pumped up Metal Bat >>> early Genos
Garou taugh MB must have been getting stronger to by able to split the building in half
no. vaccine man, kabuto, marugori, geryu, boros and even some of the demons were definitely stronger than most of the monsters in S2
One is sick
>Blowing up the top of a mountain and making a blast with 500 meter radius >>>>> splitting building in half
obviously, i never disputed that
>pumped up Metal Bat >>> early Genos
again, obviously
>Garou taugh MB must have been getting stronger to by able to split the building in half
yeah, he did say they were clearly getting stronger and that is a perfectly reasonable reaction and thing to say considering his strikes from earlier in the fight were much weaker.
and anyway, comparing someone like genos to metal bat in this context is silly anyway. of course metal bat is going to have more trouble doing crazy amounts of damage like that since all he has is a goddamn titanium bat. heat/laser cannons obviously have more destructive power than a guy swinging a bat.
and he will stop doing chapter for a while because he lost the habit, he wasn't been consistent in his upload schedule for more than two mount since 2012
>I choose the girl Suiryu defended during the Gouketsu raid
kek, that was my first choice too
I have one of demon PM I need to finish. Planned to do dragon PM too.
asura kabuto is mid dragon IMO psychos too, i dont think she is too strongh
puting watch dog man in any position is just especulation, same thing whit metal bat
the alien that could regenerate should be mid dragon, he hold his ground against 5 or 6 S class at the same time
is the rat with regeneration really high demon?
zombie man is aboslutly a high demon, no one in the high demon tier could defeat him in a fight, he could probably kill low dragons too, but i guess you just dont like his dinamic
pure blood and the guy whit long hair are mid demons
the plant monster that can make people sleep is totaly low demon
PPP is high demon after getting his last power up maybe low dragon, who knows
looks good
Limiter theory is just genus's wild ass guess to explain saitamas power, it doesn't mean anything
> litterally confirmed by the narration mentioning Garou's limiter
You're dumb.
It was genus's narration
Oh excuse me that was zombiemans
he's talking about during his fight with darkshine you brainlet
Damn how many of them are you going to do?
>asura kabuto is mid dragon
He lasted 15 minutes against DS in a audio book, he's what I consider entry level high dragon
>psychos too, i dont think she is too strong
She's was confident that Tats could beat EC and that she could beat her, also stops Bangs in his track and wasn't using her full power against Garou
>puting watch dog man in any position is just speculation
You're right, consider his placement the bear minimum he could be, I wanted to place him because he has actual feat
>same thing whit metal bat
He was pushed near his limit against Garou, so we can properly estimate how far he could go
> the alien that could regenerate should be mid dragon, he hold his ground against 5 or 6 S class at the same time
all he had was his gimmick even PPP and Ian were keeping up with him, everybody above him can just beat him up until they destroy his cores
>is the rat with regeneration really high demon?
He survived with minor damage an attack that one shotted royal ripper
>zombie man is aboslutly a high demon, no one in the high demon tier could defeat him in a fight, he could probably kill low dragons too, but i guess you just dont like his dynamic
While he is in my top three favourite S-class he is really hard to rank, and I feel the high demon might be able to mangle his body and burry him under rumble before he can regenerate
>pure blood and the guy whit long hair are mid demons
they're at the limit
>the plant monster that can make people sleep is totaly low demon
making people sleep can be OP and he kept up with MB
>PPP is high demon after getting his last power up maybe low dragon, who knows
he might be high demon, but I really don't think he became dragon level, considering they had to give a gag explanation as to why Nyan fled. He also still taugh of himself as the weakest one there, given he thinks Nyan would be better of fighting him than the others, his placement depends on if they keep the line were he says he's the weakest S-class.
nice file name.
As many as I feel like doing.
pretty good
Where was this guy even added? I swear i have no recollection of it
Damn. I wish Murata would draw him in that style instead of what we've got
can somebody link me to the unfinished one
>that underboob
I appreciate you!
That Sperm one looks so fucking funny and I don't know why
an omake obviously
or don't. futa's garbage.
>instead of what we've got
man smurf must be fucking loving all this attention, he barely ever gets this many replies in threads lately
creepy as shit
I love it
I shouldn't have been left laughing as hard as I was just now
I loved that scene
so how weak actually is king to not be able to pull a katana out of a scabbard?
Nice try smurf, we're not gonna give you more attention like that
Sick, sick game.
>what is garou?
If Garou can't do it, Sonic ain't doing shit.
i just think it's hilarious that's all
he's weaker than fucking sitch
>what an outrageous monster you are
It's usually a small thing, but lines like this make opm so much better than anything else.
He only put the sword down eventually because it got too heavy for him to keep holding up.
so like, weaker than even some normal teenagers?
Why is there so little power variety in this show about superheroes? Almost everyone falls in one of these three categories:
>super strong/athletic guy
>gimmick weapon user
>advanced tech user
In fact, the only exceptions I can think of among the heroes are Pig God and the Esper sisters.
sonic actually has a better chance breaking his limiter than garou does since his should be much lower, especially considering how he was during his training at the village
Have you ever met a skinny shut in? They're usually 135 soaking wet, and that's if they're not short.
Wait, you mean to tell me that most heroes fall into a "super strong guy" category?
Because only monsters and exceptional people get that kind of stuff you retarded burger.
Why do you think the S class is considered monstrous.
>Have you ever met a skinny shut in?
>shut in
well, no
Wait, you mean to tell me that powers other than super strength exist?
There's so little connection between your reply and my question I'm not even sure you quoted the right post.
Because it's not a complex, developed setting. Abstract powers and metaphysics would take away from the lead protagonist's ability to punch everything, therefore all threats must be salient, straightforward, and physically inclined.
If you had any awareness at all, you'd realize that One specifically didn't go for a superhero cast like Marvel where they have all these wacky abilities. Opm heroes are more about the aesthetic.
Then what do you mean about power variety you stupid faggot.
All heroes are human, humans are not supposed to have superpowers for no reason, that's why they only use the powers humans are able to use, strength or technology.
What happend to twin tailed loli?
It's closer to a typical shonen than the marvel universe
he happened
King is an exceptionally weak civilian, if we use the stereotype of the common Yea Forums/Yea Forums user being fat slobs who have never worked or eaten healthy their whole lives, King is a little lower than that in strenght.
saitama's secret biggest fan
But he actually has muscles so he can't be that weak...is King part of the gym master race?
pretty sure he's never been shown to actually have muscles in proper art
Maybe he's so lucky that his flab arranges itself in a perfect six-pack.
But Zombieman has Anti-Demon guns, the problem is he is probably physically too weak to use them.
Almost every hero and demon of relevance is actually stupid enough to think they can take on almost everyone else though. This isn't saying much.
>instantly learn kung fu
>not a martial artist(true) just because you didn't spend 99999 hours in horse stance
These two should get married.
Is ONE still sick?
He's sick as fuck boy.
He's still in a coma after burning down KyoAni
People should have seen it coming after the rape in Madhouse, I can't believe he got away with it too.
Doubt its breaking his limiter he's just getting stronger
fucking why, why couldn't you just fucking stay gone. god fucking damn it
kill yourself
He's trying to get Sonic's ass right.
kill yourself
I don't think saitama can kill himself
kill yourself
The crab guy required 1 class A and Saitama defeated him singlehandedly and with no prior preparation.
Basically, even before his training he was strong as fuck then
he wasn't really, he just got really lucky in match up and type of monster. crablante had an easily exploitable weakness. he was definitely stronger than the average human, but he's kind of been like that since he was a kid, but that's it
Saitama got his tie round Crablante's eye and yanked his brains out. He had an easily exploitable weakness but also a tough armored body and huge claws to deter normal people from attempting cqc.
If he hadn't been able to do that, he either would've been beaten to a literal pulp or chopped in half by Crablante like all those other people
The majority of the A class carry weapons with them and or wear special gear of some kind.
If Stinger or Lightning Max ran into Crablante, it wouldn't have been as much of a struggle as it was for Saitama.
Max could've stunned Crablante with lightning kicks and then torn his eyes out.
Stinger very well could've just pierced Crablante through his body if his spear thing was strong enough but if not he could still easily aim for the eyes. What happened between Saitama and Crablante was a preview of a C class tier fighter going up against a Tiger and getting lucky.
>one cell = puppy
>trillions of cell = just dragon
hundred is nowhere as strong as people make it seem like. Not even wolf. That is why Sperm prefers to fuse against a strong characters instead of having regeneration.
so i see all this talk of powerranking... what about that one fucking mosquito that saitama couldn't kill?
saitama wasnt some op prodigy either. Garou didnt have his convictions straightened out. We dont know sonics narrative purpose quite at the moment. Its weird and nebulous. I dont think anyone but saitama is gonna do anything with the limiter but thats a dumb statement to make
Dragon is a wide ass range.
Iairon once he stops fighting unarmed.
he's never gonna get a new arm and even if he did it wouldn't matter because he didn't help his fighting style at all
losing an arm actually improves his skills because he's light now and his style relies on quickly grabbing his sword and slashing
now he doesn't have an arm in his way
Read that last panel to the left.
Fights are more than just numbers, there are a lot of variables. Compare DBZ to Jojo and HxH
>just a bunny with three eyes
oh no it's a bunny with three eyes, what a fearsome creature!
imagine one hundred puppies with human limbs and intelligence coordinating attacks on people and destroying property
Thats already a tiger level disaster and on its way to nearing demon
Who said his physical stats aren’t good? C class heroes are stated to be 5 times stronger than normal humans.
>forgetting the huge, sharp teeth
>forgetting the mean streak a mile wide
that's a good way to get your throat torn out, user
Holy fuckeroli
Do we know what cup size all the heroines are??
Straight out of Henreader.
How would someone even get into S Class at this point. They'd have to somehow surpass Sweet Mask, wouldn't they? And that shit isn't happening by anyone but Saitama. Sweet Mask is at least strong enough to be in the middle of S Class.
they don't have to surpass him in strength, as long as they're strong enough to be in the s class they'd just get admitted. the 'mask chooses who goes in and who doesn't' thing is overblown. unless it's not a sure case of whether they should be s class or not then he should have barely any say
Rover is a very good boy.
There isn't anyone who Saitama can't one punch.
how did Rover even become a monster?
it's just a dog with superpowers and six eyes, it even listens to commands
is he one of Psykos breeding projects?
Saitama can't one casual punch everyone, as proven with Boros and Garou.
some dog that got fed a monster cell
Probably that last one, or just a dog that got fed a cell. I'd wager Rover was likely the most evolved Psykos was able to get an animal through the monsterification process. Which is still pretty damn far. He was able to take on Bang, Bomb, and Genos at the same time and they couldn't do shit to him.
The irony of this image is that both translations are wrong. The right is correct in that it's Saitama speaking to Garou, but it's actually more "So you've shown us (the heroes and the kid that he's actually a hero at heart)....what (as in what kind of person) are you, really?". The person on who translated the right got the first bubble context wrong.
Garou actually broke his limiter
Clues that made me think this:
>he trained insanely, got much stronger in a very short period of time (from mid-demon to low or mid-dragon in what time, 2 months? No one has improved so much)
>probably due to Saitama knocking him out dozens of times, he became extra durable and tough
"B-but he is a gag character, he isn't the type to break his limiter, too weak"
Sonic is a gag just because fights with Saitama, otherwise he always showed to be a mercyless, powerful fighter (paradisers, DSK, Genos, FF), and in the current arc he is going to be a serious character. Also, even if he breaks his limiter, if he continues to attack Saitama he will remain a gag.
Garou didn't break it.
Sperm i'm a lot more curious on where he came from. is he an alien? an experiment? some kind of anomaly?
Garou did break it.
But he broke it to become a monster.
And the monster always loses to the hero.
Saitama was a broken hero, Garou a broken monster.
“Even if all thats left is my hero hobby against your monster hobby, I’ll still win”
Part 1
Becoming a monster has nothing to do with breaking your limiter.
Part 2. And it was even before he became Awakened Garou
he's some dude's sperm pissed off that they didn't get to become children
yea that was my bad. sorry about that nut
>seems to be breaking
But it didn't. He became a monster instead.
>missing the point entirely
He passed his physical limitations and completely shattered any realistic restraints on his power in the process. The end effect was him becoming the ultimate monster.
The secondary end effect was that he still couldnt compete with Saitama
Yeah, he became what he wanted to be, the ultimate monster. That still has nothing to do with limiters.
>"ah! It says "seems", so it means he didn't happened, got you!"
>also, implying becoming the strongest monster, after training and fighting until being on the verge of death several times, isn't a way to break the limiter
Literally what do you think a fucking limiter is, you autist?
> It says "seems", so it means he didn't happened
Whatever you say
Not a bad list, but hard mode on S-Class heroes is stupid since some of them do seem to share a nationality.
>Tfw I am a girl
>Tfw I love Sweet Mask a lot
>Tfw I am LITERALLY an UGMON in real life
>Tfw even if I meet my favorite hero, he'd want to kill me for looking so hideous
I fucking hate my life.
Darkshine is obviously argentinian
The gag sort of falls to bits when he has serious inner reflection on not seeing himself being able to surmount saitamas strength.
nah he be afraid of you that all
My last theory about Amai Mask is that he is half human/half monster, i.e. the fruit of a forbidden relationship between a monster and a human
Mask killing his parents sounds about right
>when you're into D&D but there's a monster fucker in your party
the only one I see who cuould become superhuman at this point is mumen rider.
But on the other hand I want him to remain just a normal human hero
Iain and bushi acting like they weren't hard as fuck fighting do-s
their only love is the art of the sword
I wish Withered Sprout was a cadre, he is just so similar to Homeless Emperor in the fact that he is a glass cannon
btw, Genos, Garou and Sonic are going to become the three strongest guys on the story, directly under Saitama
>Under Saitama
I think Garou would rather kill himself
Am I wrong to assume Garou retained his powers after Saitama kicked his ass?
>No one has improved so much
Garou was mid demon at best when he first appeared and became a Dragon++ threat
truth is Bushidrill wants to pound that BP
Wasn’t loli a legal woman but childlooking? Why are there lottle girls here?
why? he isn't "evil" anymore, actually I think immature fits more what he was, he was shown in deep reflection under that waterfall, there no reason to think he is going to give up on his life after he outran the S class
you need to willingly eat a monster cell knowing it will turn you into a monster for it to work, because you have to give up on your humanity
my shot is that it was a dog obsessed in protecting his owner/territory, or just a dog that was extremely uneducated/unkempt by his previous owner
Where's the chapter ONE?
Because humans are still humans, only S heroes which are freaks, are somewhat “inhumans”
The rest are monsters
What do you want? Fucking stands in OPM?
plus any kind of Hax would pratically deter Saitama of his invencibility
I think I misinterpreted the under part of your message
I meant that they're going to become stronger than everybody else but Saitama and the new powerhouse upcoming villains (God?), not that they would become his disciples or something lul
That's a good point, it'd be pretty hard to come up with something for Saitama vs Kira/Okuyasu/Vanilla Ice etc. besides "their powers just don't work on him."
I think Genos wouldn't like it if there were any more disciples
He's already disliking Fubuki for taking up his sensei's time
>Tanktop is slovakian
What makes you think he is from my country?
>such inconsistent rules on who is stronger than who
It's pretty consistent though. Saitama is stronger than everybody else. Everybody else are fools who take powerlevels too seriously.
I really think Fuhrer Ugly would get fucking torn by AM if he wasn't horrendous
>the series isnt geared to make you pay attention to it all that much
>pratically 80% of the combats shown don't revolve around the MC
>but don't pay attention to the other character's strength
Jaw and eyes
Mostly the eyes
Manga Tetsuo would fucking blow the fuck out of Saitama, not to mention Akira
One shorter isn't even s calas material or close. Same for
Smile man isn't s class material or even close to it
I want more tank top girl
Well there are plenty of characters who could hypothetically defeat Saitama based on whether you believe he legitimately has the narrative power of never losing or not. Even if you do assume he has it there will always be a writer who makes some pretentious character who can just beat everyone, regardless of any caveat (like SCP-682 or SCP-3812)
The fights are dwarfed by saitamas strength. The skewing is so incredible that it makes talk of powerlevels seem silly. Thats what i meant. You could whip out a number of saitamas one punch recievers and they would have (or have already) stomped a majority the cast. I think its more about highlighting individual strengths rather than scaling.
About this whole Orochi got one shotted with a normal punch stuff.
Saitama could probably oneshot everyone he faced so far with a normal punch minus Boros, and even with Boros he didn't really need a Serious Punch and mostly did it to both repel Boro's beam and to give him the honor.
With Elder Centipede it was a different situation, King told Saitama that he needed to take it quick enough so his body wouldn't cause any destruction nearby, Saitama opted for a Serious Punch due to that and because he was still pissed at King's for losing that hard in videogames, Elder Centipede would get oneshotted by a normal punch too but his body wouldn't desintegrate in the way it did and cause destruction in the area.
With Orochi Saitama didn't really need to do a Serious Punch, no need to kill Orochi fast enough neither Saitama had any short of pity towards Orochi to give him a Serious Punch.
>and even with Boros he didn't really need a Serious Punch
Boros recovered from continuous normal punches, and I don't really know what else there would be beyond continuing to normal punch (which would just make Boros regenerate more until he runs out of latent energy, which could take hours or days) or moving to a serious punch.
maybe, but big titty evil psychic wouldn't have sent him if he didn't type advantage.
I don't think Psykos knew about it, how would she? It's the same as with Flash, Fuhrer Ugly wanted to wreck SM just like the Ninjas bro wanted to wreck Flash, so Psykos sent them to them.
psykos didn't send the ninjas, they chose that shit on their own, and badly.
well to be fair Ive seen similiar guys at my gym...
she did. Psykos knew which heroes went to which way, so she told the ninjas where Flash would come.
I hate this stupid "muh limiter" bullshit as though it fucking means anything
Nobody is going to challenge Saitama, limiters don't matter, he's the be-all-end-all strongest and that's the point
i guess i was speedreading and i missed the page she was talking to the ninjas, what chapter was this?
Even sonic got a serious series move when he annoyed him enough. His distribution of serious and normal moves is largely emotionally motivated rather than actual need or application based.
blame one for that bullshit
she gave directions to everyone. The 3 fodders that Flash killed right before the ninjas fight also knew he was coming. Geisha's tiger team knew that they were gonna fight PPP as well.
i've accepted that she gave directions to everyone, what page is she talking to the ninjas?
Im sure psykos knew/thought only other high level ninja could handle other ninja.
not onscreen.
Well he can't be that sick. He can't have a fever that long unless he has back problems like a certain other mangaka.
That would be too romantic for a faggot like him. He probably turned monster out of frustration of either being ugly as a human or surviving somekind of accident that scared his face.
Where’s King?
Should be next to Saitama.
His level is too high to be put on the chart
make a king tier at the bottom and just put him there
well, she thought wrong
>and badly
idk for real, I still think Bang/AS/Darkshine would shit on them hardly
Darkshine is pratically Saitama lite for any monster who isn't a straight up beast
I don't see anything on a lower scale than Rover putting up a fight against him
But it wasn't a direct hit serious series
he just started jumping to pwn Sonic on his own game, just like he did the table-flip against Garou to keep it playful
Scp-682 is well written tho, he is supposed to be a Boltzmann Brain
>Boros recovered from continuous normal punches
So what? He couldn't do shit to Saitama, even his strongest attack had to be stopped only because it would destroy the planet
Even if she did, they didn't go after him because of her
they explicitly discussed while flexing/training their monster forms that Flashy was the only one who posed a threat (in their heads ofc)
>zombie man is aboslutly a high demon
I agree, Withered Sprout would shit on him tho
But it would be very useless to have such a skilled artist drawing this manga if it was only about Saitama one punching everything, my opinion
why the flying fuck is Sonic on mid dragon tier? all he did was dodge a Flashy kick, it's too soon to put him up in this tier
I think if Saitama did another serie of consecutive normal punches like he did before Boros would be done for good, after one serie of consecutive punches Boros was almost desintegrated and had to use a lot of strengh to recover himself, at that point I think Boros was almost done and the Serious Punch that came after it was mostly to both stop the beam and to give a proper ending to Boros.
So saying "he didn't really need a serious punch" is disingenuous. Boros would keep being a regenerating annoyance until he did so.
>to keep it playful
"You're always so annoying so I'll take you on seriously."
Hmm... He had to go daddy-mode on him. Even so, only the shockwaves got him.
Doubt Boris was done especially since he had enough energy still to wipe put the planet but I do see consecutive normal punches ending him if he did it more especially for the anime
>Patty Stir
>A woman whose body is a cake, legs are milk chocolate, arms are ice cream and caramel and head is a cookie
>Form her body into any confectionery, solid or liquid, and turn her surroundings into it.
>Mizuki, Fubuki and Tatsumaki before Saitama finally shows up
>Dead, but lives on inside the three females. In a matter of speaking
Homeless Emperor and Vaccine Man should be high dragon, Marugori should as well, they all have shown the power to cause mass destruction with casual moves
Marugori would stomp Orochi if you go by logic, much more massive and didn't get dismembered by Saitama's punch
That’s bullshit and you know it.
It reduced him to a bloody mist and he just fused back together, there is nothing "more" to do with it.
hes usually always on par with genos. Aside from being a certified s-rank criminal, tanking (yes tanking because it clearly connected if only a little) one of flash's ultimate moves is a big deal because of the previous chapters building him up with all flash's feats. Previous chapters have him taking on dry sea king which he couldve beaten with weapons, he probably couldve ended genos without saitamas interruption. Its really easy to extrapolate sonics strength if you don't speedread.
Anime he was a bloody mist with just his eye left while manga he still had some remains of his body still present.
I don't think the Serious Punch ended him, he said himself he was going to use all of his remaining energy to bury the planet with himself, I think the punch only negated the attack, you can even see the air pressure only giving a slight bump on Boros head without dismembering him like the consecutive punches did, you can even see how his body was only withered on the ground, like he literally gave everything he had on his attack
If he's supposed to be so strong that he never met his match, why does he have regeneration? lol what an asspull
He literally says it's because he was born on a fucked up planet and it's part of how he species survives you speed reader
His race just naturally has regeneration. They apparently evolved as apex predators on some high gravity lava world where getting injured was totally normal everyday thing, so they had to heal. Then he in particular heals really fast even for his own kind.
He explained his species have it as a natural part of their biology plus its pretty much used to survive their planet'e harsh environment. Boris is just the peak of their regenerative abilities. Keep in mind Boros took a normal punch to the gut and didn't explode plus was still able tp fight without an arm so he is durable and strong.
>Prime Demon
>1,90m tall with a jet black body, imposing horns and glowing red streams resembling veins protuding all over his body, eyeless
>extend his limbs all around to attack, strength that makes Darkshine looks like a joke, can regenerate from a drop of blood, high intellect laser beams from his eyes and an ultra sixth sense, resembling a cosmic perception
>Dragon+ being modest
>he simply faceplants on the Hero Association base and makes every single S class his bitch, some are even afraid to approach him
>his impact is so noisy that Garou comes to put up a fight after his retire, he fucks up and Saitama saves his ass by one punching
I'm not a speed reader, I know about his race and stuff, I just meant to think it's unecessary dude, can you imagine if Saitama finally finds a worthy opponent and when he gets seriously damage his fucking jaw just molds itself back? It would be fucking pointless
I know the reason why he has regeneration, I am aiming at the writing itself, I think it's stupid, that's all
How would that be pointless? Especially considering its one of the few reasons he lasted so long.
So what? Garou lasted pratically the same time BEFORE he even started evolving mid fight, it was after a lot of normal punches and even the table flip, how the fuck is a fucking space emperor who fought for fucking centuries supposed to be catch off guard by a punch in the direction he is facing? Dude fuck off and go suck a dick if you think I can't criticize anything from your pet manga, fucking cocksucker, you are the reason we don't have cool things
>Drive Knight
Because he is autistic?
>1,90m tall with a jet black body, imposing horns and glowing red streams resembling veins protuding all over his body, eyeless
Edgy but cool to be fairly honest, and these two words rarely fit in the same sentence
he's not autistic he's just a robot without feelings and a lust for murder
>Especially considering its one of the few reasons he lasted so long
headcanon, he said himself he never met his match, someone who can even punch him without getting evaporated by his sheer presence (that was melting his ship) is already his match in someway
>lust for murder
it's pointless for the same reason that Saitama doesn't have to learn martial arts or psychic powers, he is simply too strong to need it
Garou only lasted because saitama didn't see him as a monster and basically tried to force him to fight him full force plus Garou had martial arts to predict saitama's non existent fighting style. Boros was just a regular brawler type like saitama who just uses overhwhelming brute force and speed. He didn't see saitama because saitama outclassed him in those categories. Also as he stated him self no on lasted long against him to even his second form.
On a side note I didn't say anything about not criticizing it. I even asked why you thought it was pointless and was only going to reply with my two sense on it why I think it wasn't. You just took it the wrong way dude.
I mean his regeen lastog against saitama not anyone else who didn't even reach to his second form
Mosquito Girl loses regeneration
>dies to Genos
Sea king loses regeneration
>damaged face/broken jaw sustained from fighting puri puri prisoner remains
>Genos vaporizes him
Melzagard loses regenration
>Dies to atomic samurai
Boros loses regeneration
>Handicapped after losing arm to Saitama
>Fight ends after Saitama returns from the moon
>killed by bang and bomb
>if he survives then its another win for Chadnos
Super Mouse loses regeneration
>Dies to Garou
Garou loses regeneration
>Garou die-"WAIT WAIT!! ITS PLOT ARMOR, OKAY? I admit it. Its always been plot armor. Even before the monster transformation.
*Elder centipede loses regeneration
Yes but Saitama also sympathized with Boros, he tanked his whole Meteoric Burst and also only dodged/backstepped at the start of the exchange
Still, it simply makes no sense to me that Garou is that much more durable than him, especially considering Garou has the means to predict his attacks
and sorry, I'm at work and some fucking granps is trying to make me leave my desk to help him with the printer, I got carried away
Garpu got more due to saitama seeing him as just a guy in a costume and fucking with him to make him fight seriously. Saitama gave Boros a fight to give him what he wanted but he still was pretty much going to kill him in the end. Also its not pike Boris wasn't durable as well he took a punch only losing his arm in the first part of the fight and even tanking a punch to the gut later on. I would have seen Boris regen pointless really if he just mentioned it once, used it once and never again later on.
Understandable with your explanation.
all the monsters you cited except Garou and Boros would pratically be 1 threat level lower if they didn't have regeneration, my point from the beginning was such a monster who never got defied in anyway to have a regeneration he probably never even had to use
>Groribas is low dragon and Geryu is mid dragon
>Boros himself said Groribas is the 2nd strongest on the ship
whoever did this is a speed reader
I meant more about how Saitama turned him into a fucking mist
oh come on, he clearly enjoyed playing with those monsters
Anime exxagerated him to be nothing but blood. Garou tried to block some but failed and got pushed back. Though Garou pointed out around that time how Saitama was fucking with him compaing it to bring shakes around like a cricket in a box.
any bets on how long it'll take until Garou gets a redemption arc?
I say- two arcs from the current ninja-arc
>Sea King is tiger because he lacks regeneration
He laughed at a kick from Lightning Max and one shot him just like stinger
He also sent Puri Puri to the hospital with one barrage of punches
Genos would have killed him in 1 attack if he didn't have regeneration, and this Genos was before any upgrade and had to fight armored gorilla for a considerable amount of time
Patrician taste.
Sometimes i feel bad for thinking i am smarter than 90% of the posters in these threads, but then i read another stupid ass post about powerlevels or misinterpreted plot points and i am convinced that you're all so mentally challenged that even the gay pairings posters are better than you
actually genos was using his "arms mode" during the sea king arc. and i still believe that upgrade is more substantial than even later ones, maybe even G4 itself
Shut up garoutard
You're almost ripping off Pernida. Faggot
arms mode was made with fighting saitama in mind
whereas the other upgrades were just used to deal with opponents comparable in strength to genos himself
genos was probably murdering tiger and wolf level threats left and right up until he encountered mosquito girl
well yeah, that's kind of my point as to why it's actually a really strong upgrade
Based and Hot Pot pilled
Is Saitama's skin soft? I can only imagine It being rough and solid asf
i can't imagine skin that can withstand all the shit that his does is soft, tatsumaki's skin on the other hand is most likely flawless
It looks smooth and solid. Its smooth enough to be shiny so its probably pretty flawless. He always struck me as rubbery until needed. Like a newtonian fluid.
I hope Saitama spays and neuters his pets
It is more likely that he is a monster dog that follows the strong. The strongest he met was Orochi and he was following him but now he met Saitama and is following him.
Yeah my bad
He is a monster dog that follows those who a dog would follow
Retard. Re-read Genus explanation. With obssession alone you become a monster which is not breaking through a liiter but gaining a new one.
before orochi he was that underground monsters pet
Rover just came with the inventory
here's the throne room, the living room, 450+ rooms with jail cells and a bathroom with toilet
and this is Rover, he was always here
why the hell would rover be with the subterraneans? he's much stronger than all of them combined, their leader was only demon
maybe they fed him while he was just hanging around doing dog stuff
makes absolutely zero sense
Get fit tranny. Most people improve 100% by getting fit.