
Why the fuck doesn't this asshole tell them even now? Is he just gonna pretend to be surprised when they find the dead body?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck bros...he didn't deserve it

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The real question is why the fuck haven't they uploaded Episode 39 already

You mean Crunchyroll? By the time I finished watching 38, I refreshed and 39 showed up on the list.

HS are incompetent.


Oh, it makes sense that it's only 38 there too.
Since what I mentioned was a thing, HS is just garbage.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 38 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.08_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 225K)

Based diavolo

>Brazilian site that does the same as HS already has both episodes up and HS doesn't
Oh no no no

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I mean dying forever is such an absolute fate worse than death.

Nobody deserves some shit that happens to Jojo villains. Kars, Angelo, Diavolo, Magent, Valentine.
Araki is a fucking sadist

Valentine died but he still technically won in the end

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>buy the BDs to see Diavolo's dick
You win this round, DP.

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Imagine if the visuals for the ED for the final episode of the final part was just a compilation of all the villains with infinite suffering endings.


Don't worry, he'll be freed from the loop once Giorno dies r-right

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based goyabu

>*sweats profusely*

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>Infinite deaths forever

I don't think anyone in the history of fiction itself has ever got it this bad.

Dio, Valentine and Pucci had quick deaths. Blessed.

Valentine just got shot and died. Probably had the most "peaceful" death of all of the main villains.

This death would've been perfect if he got stabbed to death by that problem kid from the start of the manga that old lady was asking Bruno for help with.

didnt valentine suffocate in dirt? also he kept trying to escape for a long time

Yeah I misremembered him being stuck there forever.
And the Enigma boy, so easily forgotten.

>I don't think anyone in the history of fiction itself has ever got it this bad.
Yes, the ones go died and went to Hell.
infinite deaths loops>>>>hell
Diavolo probably eventually just stopped thinking like Kars or Magent.

My sides, that was actually a good one

No, at least kars entered a stasis of some sort. Here he just has to experience immense pain over and over and over again, one can't possibly stop thinking

what does hs and brazilian site do?

Will he become so accustomed to pain that he doesn't even feel it anymore?
Since Hell exists in the Jojoverse, is it better or worse than the death loop?

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He's on to Yoshi's shit

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What about “never find the truth” don’t you understand


Since when do stands follower their own rules?

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When Araki doesn't have to write it anymore

I spent too long making this

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yeah, you did. you shouldn't have bothered.

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I'm waiting for HS to post episode 39 and figured it would be up by the time I finished, but nope

>he doesnt know piratevirgins have to wait a week

>paying some jewish company for anime
yeah, no

Honestly if you are seriously waiting for that go watch tatami galaxy, or play videogames.

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buckle up and wait a week longer than me friend :>

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Because he himself really doesn't understand his own power all too well. All he has is gut feelings because his stand doesn't talk to him.

Had he sold them even more drugs they would have overdosed and he'd survive, his mistake was being distracted by Bruno's antics instead of selling as many drugs as he could.


uhhhhh wasnt this supposed to be a fucking hour?

>get to experience some slow drip kino
>today's episode can marinate in my mind for a week while I appreciate the sakuga and think up numerous death scenarios for our damned Diavolo
>user will watch it all today and go back to shoving doritos in his mouth while jerking off to traps
Whatever happens, I win

I’m going to miss Giogio ;_;

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>unironic coping

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Woah, what the fuck, Bruno, I thought we're cool

I've never seen such mental gymnastics at play. this is advanced coping

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it's out on kickassanime

>zoomer has never had to wait 2 years for his favorite movie to come out on VHS
>what is shitposting
based retard

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He could somehow be freed in the aftermath of MiH, diavolobros

yeah no
btw kickassanime will ban you for using adblock lmao

>implying thats not why I said fuck it and paid for cr
>still unironically trying to cope

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what's wrong with the url?

also i havent had any troubles despite using adblock

What happened to Giorno's braid?

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It's legit you faggot


It unbraided

>paying for CR
I'm literally watching episode 39 for free rn while your shekels just went into Schlomo's pocket
Good goy

People here are against streaming in general, so every time a streaming site is posted they pretend it's a virus or something.
>inb4 "user..." / "he doesn't know" or shit like that


We're talking about Bucciaratti being dead, understanding GER or not is unrelated.

So was there a part 6 tease

Did Diavolo really deserve infinite death?

What's hell going to do that's worse than an infinite loop of torture.

>Bleach literally ripped off Diavolo's death

Obviously not.

Was this in the manga? Or did DP add it?
The zipper, flower and wine.

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Make him do it to himself

So does it have a part 6 teaser at the end or not?

>part 7
>with the homopair

Good to know Mr. Polnareff is doing good and well as a turtle. Part 5 was the only part I didn't read, so I waited for the anime and the only thing I keep wishing was for a good ending for Polnareff.


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>Just keeps a random zipper around
>Not a piss filled teapot
Giorno was too kind

I'll probably get stoned for asking this amid the season finaly hype, when everyone and their mom is praising the adaptation of the current part as the second coming of Christ, but here I go:
Why does Part 5 get excused for all the QUALITY moments it had, meanwhile Part 4 gets labeled as shit because of its own QUALITY moments even though there's plenty of good moments? Is it because of the Finale also having poorly animated parts? The same could be said of Parts 3 and 5.

part 6 finale sucked because the best characters were already dead by then

Because part 5 had almost no QUALITY moments and the animation were 10/10 for the most of the time.

>too kind
They're honouring his memory as an alcoholic
"ah yes, Leone. It could be 10am in the middle of a stand battle and the man would still have a pinot noir.

Does the wine say Silent because Abbachio kept telling Giorno to shut the fuck up?

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>Why does Part 5 get excused for all the QUALITY moments it had
It just stayed pretty consistent, the only episode that was outright bad was The G in Guts (and maaaybe Man in the Mirror Part whatever). Sure, it had some wonky stuff here and there, but nothing that was really awful. Part 4, on the other hand, was outsourced too much, so a bunch of episodes look like shit. They probably were on a tight budget after Part 3 sold lower than expected, but still.
I only hope that Part 6 won't be a horrible-looking mess. Some of the fights there deserve to be animated properly.

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all of part 6 sucked

Part 4s QUALITY is pretty frequent. The only episode I can call quality for Part 5 is Clash and Talking Head and that was on the level of a lot of Part 4s episodes. Every part has quality, 4 just had the most egregious examples of it.

The fight Araki made because he saw Memento one time was good.

I just can't wait for the universe reset scene. It will be fucking KINO and even more if they actually use the Louis Armstrong music.

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so the entire moral dillema of jojo is that if your fate is to get fucked then there's nothing you can do about it, you're just fucked?
some people are just born fated to be sucessful?
some people are just born to eat shit and die?

well, that's motivational
thanks araki

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Some segments in Bruno's fight against Oasis were pretty quality with power point presentation scenes.

There's also just before the GER muda in 37. cursed AF

Everything after the prison escape was a solid 7/10. Everything in the prison was a fucking 3/10

The only quality I can think of off the top of my head was one of the punching sequences looking real fuckin wonky in man in the mirror. Everything else was pretty good

what happened to VentoGiusto?

No. The moral of part 5 in particular is that the person who accepts their fate will find blessing and the person who goes against it stubbornly is cursed.

You completely and utterly missed the point

bohemian rhapsody was stupid and so was heavy weather

oh I see
alright then thanks

they should simplify the designs for part 6 to make animation easier and more fluid

Part 5 felt stiff
Part 4 felt just right

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ironic shitposting is still shitposting you massive fucking retard. fuck off back to or with your garbage posts.

Nah, the point is that it's the journey, not the destination. KC's timeskip power was a representation of those that only care about the results. Even if Bruno was fated to die, through his actions while alive he managed to contribute to Diavolo's defeat. This wouldn't have happened had he chosen to die peacefully as an easy way out.

I liked Scolippi and his character design.

>no Stone Ocean tease
lmao, 6fags btfo again

I would actually disagree with the other user,
But thats a valid way of looking at it.

I would say accepting fate is the path of least hardship (i.e. bruno just touching the rock and he would die when he fought diavolo).

Diavolo tried to avoid fate, his entire ability is to avoid it, but eventually it will catch up with you. But by fighting against it you can wake up from being a sleeping slave, but it puts you on the path to hardship.

Rolling stones user had a crown of thorns, and I think araki used jesus imagery for him is because accepting your fate puts you at peace. This is continued in part 6, and is pucci's primary plot point. I could be completely wrong and a total faggot, but thats how I look at it.

Imagine being this delusional.

choke on my dick, faggot

end of part 3 didn't tease part 4
end of part 4 didn't tease part 5

>last episode of 4
>no Vento Aureo tease
lmao, 5fags btfo again

How can one miss the point so hard?
Everyone in Bruno's group are people who have shitty circumstances, but they still strive for righteousness even if's going to be painful.
It's about how it's impossible to avoid fate, but that doesn't mean you have to be a slave to it by choosing the easy way out by just accepting whatever happens. Just think for a moment about why Giorno is Dio's son.

Except it did. At the end it shows Koichi travelling to Italy.

Diamond is Unbreakable ended in December 23, 2016

Golden Wind, started airing on October 5, 2018.


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As someone who's (still) disappointed that Araki didn't do much with Giorno being DIO's son, I'm pretty happy that David Pro included this nod in the last version of the second opening, I thought it was pretty kino.

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So, now that Part 5 is over for both animeonlys and mangachads, what would you say is the message of this part?

Attached: [DaizrollRips] Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Stone Ocean - 49 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.26_[2020.12. (1280x720, 135K)

Fake news.

they'll announce it next summer, and it'll start airing in fall 2020 or winter 2021

>no SFX OP


It was okay, but the parts that sucked were so fucking horrid it ruins the whole part.

>still haven't watched 39

Depends on how well P5 blurays sell.


Part 5 was considered the worst part by the majority of people here and the anime was great, trust DavidPro.

I liked part 5 when I read it, but part 6 has so many inconsistencies and things that just don't make sense, like White Snake having like 3 different abilities and Diver Down completely changing what it does.

Fate is predetermined, yes. All of them will die, so they might as well dick around playing video games and eating pasta, right?
No. They don't take fate lying down. They have their time on this planet, and they use that time, and their stands, to protect their friends and reform the mafia in a way that it won't be poisoning children. Sleeping Slaves says we are all slaves to fate, but what we do on that journey of fate is left up to us.

2021 I guess?

Gold Experience did the same thing, and to an extent so did King Crimson with the "not allowed to interact with shit during the timeskip" stuff.

they dont have it either

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White Snake is a stand that breaks the rules of stands. It's something between a regular stand and Requiem stand. White Snake is pretty much it's own person that just works with Pucci at many parts of the story

I'm trying to have faith, I just thought Part 6 was a bit lame.

Fucking great ending though can't wait for that in 4 fucking years.

>the utter shock and desperation of everyone realizing they have lost against MiH
>this starts playing

Why is Narancia for flower

That's true, but there's a difference between being flexible with the rules of your ability and completely changing your ability. When White Snake is first introduced it does the stomach acid sleep thing, then it gets the disc ability, then it does the illusion thing with FF.

> It's something between a regular stand and Requiem stand.

Isn't that because White Snake ((and Heavy Weather)) are both stands created by the beetle arrow?

Like, the beetle arrow piercing a stand will create a requiem, but for someone without a stand it'll just make a super OP stand?

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Where the fuck is the Stone Ocean teaser Davidpro?

>Mista accidentally killed Abbacchio and Narancia
Oof. Not sure what was the point in showing that character and rocks. What does it add to the story?
Someone uploaded on nyaa.

The part 6 anime may be the greatest adaptation of all time, but if they don't get this it'll be all for naught.

>anyone in the history of fiction
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

Fall 2020 at the earliest

The flowers that Giorno covered him with when he died

What the fuck is that

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the scale of it was completely different. GE just went from creating life, and giving life energy, to creating living body parts.
White snake went from creating fog that gives illusions, to taking discs from people. Which later even people who didn't have white snake could do.

So let me get this straight. Giorno just suddenly becomes the boss in an almost similar manner that this faggot became Hokage by not showing them actually work for it? No wonder a lot of people didn't like Part 5.

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Yeah I just checked nyaa and found one-stuff post there, I was checking on somestuff, thanks my dude

bro this shit is in literally every fucking part and I cannot believe people harp on part 6 for also doing it

The Stone Ocean teaser was the friends we made along the way

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Oh. I guess that has to do with him the least compared to the zipper and bottled urine but I guess that makes sense, thank you.

>Select all images with

Don't omit the damage reflection GE had in the beginning that, if kept around, would make it OP as fuck when combined with his other abilities.

> What does it add to the story

That you aren't always a sleeping slave to fate, and that you can change fate, even if it's a harsher road.

Mista's decision, along with Bruno's, set in motion the fate for the future, and even though they are ultimately still slaves to fate, they can still achieve a 'better' outcome, or at least a different one, if they try. It's likely that either Bruno would have died on his own from some other incident OR he would have died alone against Diavolo anyway.

Vento Aureo?
More like V E N T O K I N O
Fuck you part5shitters, fuck you bluegiornofags, fuck you part4butthurts... JoJo on TV has never been so good!

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Then they're both abilities which drove araki into a corner, which led him to just erase them from the plot
>green ladybugs

Black and lime green is the most K I N O of colour schemes

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Somehow he looks both intimidating and like a massive faggot, I like it

Is the yellow flower Fugo?

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that's Jojo in a nutshell

That was just until like 4 chapters in though, Pucci had the illusion thing ((as far as I can recall)) up untill F.F died in like chapter 90 something

Pretty sure the flowers are just meant to be Narancia.

This is such a cool color scheme for Giorno

Truly kinoest of kino

>Then they're both abilities which drove araki into a corner, which led him to just erase them from the plot
I'm not disagreeing with you or anyone on this, I'm just saying that this happens in pretty much every part:
>part 3 with Star Finger, DIO's hermit purple, Chariot's armor takeoff, Hierophant's possession
>part 4 I can't remember but I'm sure someone can point out inconsistencies
>part 5 with GE abilities, King Crimson interacting with shit during timeskip
>part 6 with White Snake's multiple abilities, Diver Down also and Heavy Weather
>part 7 with the retcon on D4C abilities
It's fine to dislike any part, but people should at least have consistency on their reasons for doing so.

Giorno Nero...

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Also keep in mind this is all from the top of my head and it's been 6 years since I've read the manga, I'm sure people could point out more inconsistencies in abilities for all parts, even 1 and 2. I've also heard Paisley Park and some other stands also have inconsistent parts in JoJolion, but I haven't read it yet.

But there are two of them, and one is different

>hamon can ONLY affect non-living things
>hamon can ONLY affect living things

Imagine if some gangster ever tried to call him out on what a massive faggot he looks like.
Dude would have limbs removed and then put back painfully via gold experience.
This also begs the question, once Giorno dies will all of GE's created parts revert back to what they were before? So if he dies would Mista's insides just become bullets again causing immediate death?

>I can't remember but I'm sure someone can point out inconsistencies
Heaven's Door relying on the page but I guess it evolved maybe
My sort of headcanon is that stands can evolve/develop and that might also make them lose abilities, e.g. Giorno got healing but lost the damage-reflecting thing

Also I'm 99% sure that MiH would have had to retain Whitesnake's disk ability for the kid whose name I forgot to be able to get Weather's stand... otherwise he coulda just put it in himself?

If Mista keeps fighting the way he does he'll probably be dead long before Giorno

that those who fight for what they truly believe in, those willing to confront the hardships that stand between them and their dreams, are the only ones that actually decide their own fates, the only ones awake. Those who resign themselves to their fate in a peaceful and resigned manner may suffer less, but they are merely 「Sleeping Slaves」

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it could be explaining by Pucci using Stand CDs to temporarily acquire different abilities

>both intimidating and like a massive faggot
that's literally all of Jojo in one sentence

it could be, but it's not

so...fugo ?

I Have No Doppio and I Must Kill Some Traitors

There's a timezone difference so he's probably having dinner or sleeping
You can still ask him something and hope he reads and responds though!

What? They told us we'd get more Fugo and we did.
He drove the car, man.
but seriously Purple Haze Feedback OVA is probably in the works.

God I wish that were me. Imagine the smell!

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Doesn't really matter, flowers = Narancia, Fugo didn't have anything flower related to him and he isn't even dead, so why would they include him in the 'memorial items'?

Truly we were the Golden Wind

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Purple Haze Feedback deals with Fugo and I hope it gets animated.

Picks up six months later with Passione finally mostly unified after the whole 'whole squadrons and major parts of the organized died in a week' during the events of Part 5 but has to deal with the Drug Operations who have gone rogue, and giving Fugo his big break to get back into the organization's good graces.

Emporio could try but it's likely WR would reject him like Jolyne and SP. Only Pucci really knew how it worked.

its never going to happen user, if they didn't do dead mans questions or all of the rohan OVA's why would they do something non-canon like PHF? Fugo ain't even that popular, at least not as much as Rohan/Kira.

I know, but why are there two, did I miss something about Narancia, I only remember the white flowers being his

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one is for narancia and the other is abba

Dead Man's Questions doesn't really relate to Jojo outside of the twist being the ghost is Kira. Feedback is an actual continuation of the story, or at least, a more satisfying tying up of loose ends.

Let it marinate for a year, why don't you?

I want to sniff Mista

Could have just been to make it look more consistent as a vase.

Also the yellow flowers could have been a part of his flashback or some shit, think the flowers he left by his moms grave were yellow too, thats at least more of a link Narancia has than Fugo does, who, again, is not even dead.

noone knew what Diavolo looked like.
Once Giorno got access to Diavolo's email he could pretend to be him.

You can find it on YouTube actually. But it's lower quality

Fugo has no place amongst them. He abandoned the gang in their time of need.

Purple Haze Feedback deals with Fugo's consequences of cowarding the fuck out. Hopefully that comes next.

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hopefully never with that garbage adaptation by david

>Dead Man’s Questions doesn’t relate to Jojo aside from the main character being a Jojo character

Yes, Abba was also covered in flowers

That's what he does in PHF. He basically covers the whole mystery identity by saying no one would follow a high school age kid as the leader of a mafia organization, and tells everyone he's been the boss since day 1.


Hopefully it doesn’t.

to keep myself sane and avoid the 'araki frogot meme' I can just chock it up to afew things.
Starfinger: Yeah I got nothing on that, atleast its used afew times? Feels like a brief quick poke attack and not that deadly, more of a 'POCKET SAND' moment to get out of hot-situations/stun some one.
Dio's HP: Can allwayse say its jonathan's stand and only used to see where the gang is/tossed asside once dio was fully powered/ the gang's finaly got to him because DIO.
Chariot's armor: Im kind of sad this wasent used more for some cool moments, I dont remember if the only time its shown is when Baguette-man was under DIO's influence or not.
HG's control thing: Usualy explain this as 'Under DIO's influence. He could probibly do it but not because 'thats pretty fucked up, no thanks'. Just dosent seem to be Mom fucker's personality to do something like that. Id do more but my Tisum is showing.

> a more satisfying tying up of loose ends.
It's really not, all it does is turn Fugo into a walking angst machine whining about his waifu Narancia, Bruno into a delicate waif who can't be let in on 'hard' gang stuff even though he'd been a part of the gang longer than anyone else in the crew, Mista into an OOC asshole whos a dick to Fugo, and Giorno into a sociopath that disrespects Bruno's wishes by blaming/punishing Fugo for not joining their betrayal team despite Bruno saying no one would be judged for leaving.

What did you think of that Stone Ocean sneak peek at the end?

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You're kidding right? Either way you're actually right about Part 6. It will look like Part 4.

PHF was deconfirmed in the anime sadly. Several scenes directly contradict it.

It's a character study of Fugo, it explains what happened to Passione, and Giorno didn't do it because he wanted to punish Fugo, but to ultimately help him come to terms with his feelings and fix his Stand all together.

Whether your believe that's bullshit or not is whatever, but Fugo being torn up about his friend's death is perfectly fine. And Mista should be a dick to Fugo who was a pussy who couldn't get on the boat.

yes the yellow one and naracia is the white flower, zipper is bruno and the wine is either abba too or fugo

Believe what you want user, all I see in PHF is a fanfic, there's other shit out there already that is drawn and written by Araki that deserves to be adapted more than the edgy shit that was PHF.

Part 5's manga was fantastic, the anime is what's garbage. They did a fucking terrible job with pacing and added absolutely nothing of value. The GER fight was fucking pathetic.

Choke on having your garbage posts deleted you raging fucking newfag.

Pizza mozzarella, pizza mozzarella, rellarellarellarella rellarellarellarella

>e-celeb shit

What is this? Why is half of the episode about something else
I didn't get to see Gio becoming the boss

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> by the majority of people here
Like that means jack shit to Davidpro, 5 is the most popular part in japan so of course they put all their effort into it, a bunch of people bitching on Yea Forums or in the west in general isn't going to make them believe 5 is unpopular.

actually retarded; the anime added a lot of context, depth and emotional impact to scenes in the manga that were basically glossed over

watch the last episode, retard

Fuck off history revisionist, Part 5 was unanimously hated in Yea Forums before the anime aired.

The pacing was really, really fucked in the manga. I think half of people being confused by Part 5 is just how Araki paced some of the fights and stories.

Look for the other episode it's out there somewhere

>but seriously Purple Haze Feedback OVA is probably in the works.
Hey, how about we don't fucking wish for that? PHF anime would delay Part 6 by another year at least.

You what

Attached: pbp.png (1024x1024, 642K)

The three things Yea Forums would typically hate about Part 5 is how boring Giorno is, the entire ending from Requiem on, and the confusing nature of some of the fights.

>one can't possibly stop thinking
This entire website would beg to differ!

sweaty yet sweet

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>stands are invisible to normal people
>everyone can see rocks

>Fuck off history revisionist,
When did I ever speak for other people? All I said was "Part's manga was fantastic" you strawman fag.

oh no a faggot janny that does it for free deleted the shitposts I worked so hard on
whatever will I do D:

Not all stands are invisible dipshit, we've known that since part 3.

I prefer to believe that DavidPro has been consistently getting better and will have a bigger budget if Part 5 makes bank (which it'll most likely do for the same reasons you stated). People used to loathe DP because of Part 1 and 2 having overall terrible animation, and Parts 3 and 4 got their fair share of hate for it as well, but we're leagues ahead the first two in the animation department. I'm choosing to believe DP.

No one brings up the rock except Stand Users though.

This better be dolphin porn

David Pro is making bank regardless of Jojo because since Jojo got big they've been making anime left and right.

someone post pic Trish smell Mista pls

God what a shitty finale, way to kill the hype with the 3 week wait and the terrible Sleeping Slaves

Wasnt this supposed to be a fucking hour?

Did we get lied to?

I mean to be fair, part 1 is one of the least popular parts in japan also ((even less popular than 6)), so it's not exactly surprising it looked so bad, especially with the addition of it being the first part of the adaption in general when DP didn't know if it'd even pick up.

>that were basically glossed over
Uhh no they weren't. The events depicted in Part 5 were laconic, presented as is and required no meandering like the anime did 75% of the fucking time with the made up filler scenes that added nothing to the story or execution. Fuck David. They literally ruined Part 5.

They actually ruined Parts 1 and 4 even harder but with Part 5 being my favorite part I'm even more fucking pissed. This adaptation was complete and utter garbage and spits on the simplicity of the manga.

Do you know how TV works?

It was two episodes back to back.

23 minutes-ish each + ads = an hour special.

Yes, and that lead to it being called worst part for years around here, the only contenders for that title were part 6 and 1 (although it got a pass because it was the beginning of it all and Araki was just ripping off HnK for the most part).
> All I said was "Part's manga was fantastic" you strawman fag.
While also being a contrarian because the majority of Yea Forums posters hated the manga but love the anime. You're free to think that, but I was talking about the general opinion in the post you first replied to so I don't see how your personal opinion was relevant/opposed to the point I made.

Since when ads count?

I wish it was just jannies.

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the adaption was great, calm down you autist

Oh, I checked horrible and only 38 is up, I plan on watching later so 39 will prob be done by then as well.

Fuck right off Davidfag

This is one of the dumbest posts that I’ve ever read.

hahaha what a stupid ending. "kino" is the biggest cope word

Name or not happen

ads count on the scheduling, so its scheduled as an hour special.

It's not rocket science.

literally always. TV shows normally have a 30 minute time slot. Part of that 30 minutes is ads.

So Araki either gives villains power over time (DIO, Killer Queen, KC) or over Space (C-Moon, D4C) because giving them control over both would be OP.
But doesn't MiH have control over both? Since its time acceleration was linked to his manipulation of gravity. Was this because he intended for him to win at first or am I looking to much into it?

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I don't disagree, Part 5 in general feels sloppy. But the anime does a lot to remedy most of it's poor presentation and adds a little here and there when necessary.

I still think the ending to Part 6 is amazing and will die on this hill.

Just download any of the others, they're all CR subs. The one from JustHorrible is fine.
Imagine being this fucking bitter, jesus.

Since forever.

>I don't see how your personal opinion was relevant/opposed to the point I made.
I wasn't at all trying to be relevant to your point you inbred mongrel

no, its about how fate is the path of least resistance, how by going with the flow you will live an easy life, that will end peacefully, fate is inevitable, but its not "set in stone", with enough resolve it can be change, like how mista did, and those who go against fate will be woken up to it, but put on a path of hardships

Fuck off shitposter.

didn't you watch the intro, user?

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Why did white snake have sutch a long range?

Your mother is the dumbest whore I've ever fucked


Agreed on both accounts, including the spoilered one.
Then maybe you shouldn't have replied to me you retard.

Made in Heaven speeds up time but can't do much more than that, as seen when Emporio dunks on him in a small room full of oxygen. If the stand could do more than make his perfect universe, he wouldn't have been beaten so quickly.

That’s why he considered MIH to be the ultimate ability and the perfect way to end the series.

Get a visectomy

Kill yourself retard

The father does dumbass

Technically, Miata was actually preventing fate from being changed.

I'll reply to whoever the fuck I want chimp

It's probably just a bound stand then like Superfly or Anubis.

Actually made in heaven was defeated due to pucci inhaling the pure oxygen faster thanks to made in heaven
He literally lost because he got too cocky and didnt deactivate his 2 fast 4 u mode

Part 4 had shitty animation and artwork, though.

He went fucking full Dio here

IMAGINE being such a seething autist that you actually sat through over 100 episodes of animation knowing full well you were going to hate it the entire time, just so you could spout contrarian shit on Yea Forums. Pathetic.

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I want to watch get into Jojo, where to start?

Either way, Emporio beats him to death just make absolutely sure Pucci dies before Emporio does from the oxygen.

Part 2 is the only good one

would've shit myself if the birthmark showed up but this was the coolest shit either way


Read the manga starting from the first part and continue in order. After you've read a part, watch the anime for it. I mean, you have numbered parts, it's not rocket science.

>actually believing araki has enough tact to be able to provide a story as succinct as the one you think youre describing when he can barely thread two plot points together as it is
literally fuck off retard lmfao

Part 1
go back to youtube

Part 1, episode/chapter 1. Any other way and you're not getting the full experience


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Read the manga then watch the anime. God have mercy on you if you skip parts.

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What parts do I skip?

4 is a filler

None of them retard

>pucci wouldnt have lost if he either forgave emporio and let him live or deactivate his sonic mode
Will jobin also have a retarded death?

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>faint weed decorum

This was such an anticlimatic fucking ending. Part 5 was the only part I hadn't read.

It's not even what that what we saw was bad it was just poorly paced and placed. Post credits scene was kino, but we had to wait 3 weeks for this?
Why wasn't there a Joylene masturbating post credits scene??!
Actually disappointed.

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>skipping parts

What if I said that one's entire life had been decided by fate?
That every single one of your actions, from the minute to the monumental, stemmed not from your own choices, but had already been decided upon?
That life being a journey of limitless possibilities was but an illusion, and no matter how fiercely man struggled, he stood at the mercy of a long-established path?
The wealthy shall know their riches. The needy shall starve on the streets. The wicked shall be wicked, the righteous just. The beautiful, the hideous, the strong, the frail, the fortunate, the miserable... and finally, the victors and the defeated.
What if I said that all such things had been carved into stone eons ago, allowing for no divergence?
If so, sinners have nothing to answer for, nor do saints have any true virtue to their name.
What if I said that not a single action is carried out of one's own volition, but had been decided long ago?
That we are merely adrift in the current of time?
Tell me, would you feel content with such a world? A world in which power is merely given, not earned - would you accept knees bent to a throne build upon such falsities? A universe where the sinless have-nots are oppressed and downtrodden - would you allow such a world to exist?
Never, I say. Never.
Those in possession of such knowledge who can still laugh joyfully, oblivious to what it means to be truly alive, are but slaves, the lowest of the low, hardly deserving to be called human beings.
Nothing dampens the spirit like the stale wine of an unearned victory. Nothing is more unbearable than bitter defeat against the chains of destiny.
Should ceaselessly repeating this farce - this slander of the highest order - be the fate of mankind, then I will struggle against those chains with all my might. I shall walk this road to its utmost conclusion, and, at the distant place I can call my finale, compose an opera that belongs only to me.

The ending would have been paced so much better if they aired Rolling Stones chronologically. Everything just felt to tacked on.

>Two week wait for final fight
>Diavolo is muda'd instantly
>Sudden SOTW two parter
>Btw Giorno is now bossu

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It was a really poor choice pacing wise to end the Diavolo arc at the start of the episode like that. It should have just ended 3 weeks ago, then these last two episodes could have had more post credits shit or something idk.

at the beginning you cunt

I wonder if Dio would be proud of Giorno.

Best girl

>we had to wait 3 weeks for this?

you dumb retard, we waited 3 weeks because DP fucked up by making lots of recap episodes, they didn't get enough time to finish the cour properly and lost the time slot to another anime, so the closest date they had was this one.

So I understand he's dying forever, but witu Epitaph shattered can he not see into the future? Or not bring out king crimson on those druggies?

The whole point of Rolling Stones was that it retroactively showed that they were fighting fate the whole time. It seems like they're just going with the flow for much of the early parts, but they were actively fighting against a fate set out for them. It's a thematic ribbon on the package.

Based. I think only 7 and 2 are good

Pucci got wiped from existence no? That has to make atleast top 3 worst JoJo villian fate

fuck thats actually sick

I'd rather be wiped from existence than die forever eternally delitizied (and loving it)

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infinite death

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what is up with the assassin jobbers? after a few of them died they should have realized maybe bucciarati's crew is strong
if they attacked with 3-4 people at once it would be a wipe

>It was right in front of us the whole time

>What parts do I skip?

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In terms of less painful deaths and who ended up being cucked less


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>Fate is determined from the very start

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it's against the law in shonen to gang up on your enemy

Nobody knew what Diavolo looked like. He simply walks in and says he's Diavolo and that the "old" boss died a long time ago.

This all gets explained later.

>Girls don't like guys who listen, Koichi, skip parts.

Got it.

>Not wanting to see Fugo team up with Sale and Zucchero like the trio of treacherous faggots they are and get put on a suicide mission

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Are you really paying 8 dollar a month for streaming anime?

Nobody gives a shit about Purple Haze Fanfic homo


>no extended epilogue
VAfags btfo

I'd like to believe that his first death was the canon one since he was still wounded from the fight

>This all gets explained later.
In a fanfic.

All of his deaths are canon.

Good ending,but fuck people that skip parts.

Meh, the universe was reset a few years later

Part 4 had better palette swaps

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This was a bit disappointing. Part 4 didn't need one as much as part 5 did - they should've skipped the ED and given it just a little bit of padding.

It didn’t change his fate.

Angelo definently deserved the worst fate of any JoJo villains imo.

any sites got 39 yet

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By that I mean the one that actually happened in-universe. Before he got transported to death dimension or whatever

That's another one for the "NOOOOO PLEASE GIORNOOOOOOOOO" collection


Giorno is a direct descendant of DIO and Jonathan, thus his genes should be the strongest in the Joestar/DIO lineage. Why is he such a faggot then?

are you really this retarded? it's been on nyaa for half a day

go to an illegal streaming site like 9anime you retard.


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We don't know exactly how the loop works.

Part 1: Speedwago~n is in a street gang.
Part 2: Stroheim is a nazi.
Part 3: Jotaro is a delinquent.
Part 4: Josuke, both Nijimuras and Koichi are delinquents.
Part 5: All main characters are mafioso.
Part 6: Everyone is literally already in prison.

What is it with Jojo's increasing number of criminals as time goes on?
What is Araki trying to say?

He's 15

Sleeping Slaves is such a fucking shit arc and even the anime didn't change my mind about it.

fujofag BTFO

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Listen here you fucking animeonly faggot

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I also thought the first one was the 'real one'. Everything after is still kinda happening but not really

>Nobody deserves some shit that happens to Jojo villains. Kars, Angelo


how different compare to the manga?

fuck I want her to sniff me

how would YOU have handled the ending of part 5 user?

>you're not allowed to have fun
You're the same faggot who has been consistently shitting on PHF on every single JoJo thread, aren't you?

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i ship

wear a rubber and don't do drugs

Same. I kinda hoped they'd pull it off, but I can't really blame them since it's Araki's mess.
>dude, fate
I'm more upset they didn't go for another extended epilogue.

Stabbing yourself with an arrow is a good thing.

God damn her neck is more yolked then king crimson's chin

>diavolo gets a normal death
>giorno tells everyone that buceallati went in peace
>erase sleeping slaves
>show how everyone accepts giorno as the new boss
>an epilogue where everyone is eating at the bucellati restaurant while the dead watch from above


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Diavolo wins.

I like the restaurant idea even if most seats would be empty

Giorno stays relevant for part 6.

>erase sleeping slaves
Glad you retards have no say over anything.

Shut up, Diavolo

How can I live without her any longer

>beat the boss
>take his place

how is this complicated, no one can even try to fuck with giorno

You forgot Terunosuke Miyamoto, he of all had the most undeserved ending.

>tfw read all of part 5 in comic sans

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Sale and Zucchero were sent before Fugo no?

Sleeping Slaves has been my favorite JoJo ending and I was always surprised at the amount of hate it got.

Why is his hair shorter


it's great. fags and Fujos are just assmad Diavolo and Narancia suffered.

Alright lads, one more part then we're done with the ireneverse. Until then, post no context spoilers of part 6.

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>erase sleeping slaves
Look I agree it's kinda shit but you could just move it so it happens earlier and doesn't feel like such an anticlimax

jotaro dies just like how boingo's manga said


Holy shit the translations. Reminds me of pic related

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Hell could be nothing more than a meecy compared to what he's got. It's not like an immortal simply dealing with the pain when nerve endings get severed and the mind dampens the pain, he's back to the state he was in when GER was first used on him with every loop. Only unique types of pain exist in his fu

Dont, its too late, the anime already came out. You will only be part of the cancer that started getting into jojo after the anime came out.

If you wanted to get into jojo, then you should´ve read it before 2012.

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I'd like to think that white snake is a Stand that went through multiple upgrades already, through Pucci's previous adventures, and now does things no other stands can do (Be totally independant, have multiple abilities, can be further upgraded). It makes Pucci an evil version of Koichi.

Pucci resets the universe. All the main characters except Emporio die.

So with Diavolo can he even bring King Crimson out during his death loop or is he in some pesudo-sleep paralysis?


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Where can you read these scans?

Death number 3092563
Diavolo gets hand off laptop to post at Yea Forums and then get killed by russian hacker

Hell exists in jojoverse?

Wasn't Abbachio downing himself one of those?

We know that heaven does.

Why would you want to?

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>Kira gets 2 stands
>guy with 2 souls gets only 1
Amazing writing.

I honestly thought they would do Something different with Fugo this time around.

Beautiful mafia boy, I’d follow no questions asked

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holy shit, Araki didn't forget

Because I'm curious.

Who wrote this

This. I geniuenly can't understand how people say they're the perfect adaptations when it completely fucks up everything about the manga.

SHA and BtD are sub-abilities like Epitaph and GER's negation

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>what is Epitaph

>tfw no more Giorno

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Two years again (also ten years after 2011)

Better question is why Risotto was being a lazy fuck and not being one of the first to get in there.

I would rather have the strongest non-powered up stand than 2 good short rangedd stands

Shouldve ended up together, Mista deserved her after all the suffering.


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Mista thought he saved bruno when he broke the rock.

are you ready?

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I read somewhere that giorno set diavolo's willpower to 0 and king crimson was destroyed due to it

HS is run by retards who can't even bother to put in the effort of putting in the correct stand names while copying the Crunchyroll subs word for word. I'm glad that there's still fansubs like Some-Stuffs out there, CR subs castrate the dialogue too much anyway.

Probably next year, as a way to get rid of it asap, expecting OPM S2 QUALITY level for this.


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mista doesnt deserve to date that whore

Masada Takashi

Mista pretty much killed Bruno, Narancia and Abbaccio.

When I read Part 5 way back in the mid-2000s, I wasn't impressed. I was told it was because of the poor translation at the time. So I had forgotten most of what happens and I was looking forward to the anime.

But apparently I disliked it for good reason. It's a very poor rehash of Part 3, with an inferior cast of characters. Diavolo is a lame version of Dio, and Gio is a terrible version of Jotaru. If Bucciaratti is supposed to be Joseph that's probably an even bigger fail, but Bucciaratti is the strongest of the characters this time around.

Unfortunately Part 6 also has massive issues and I remember that better.

Part 7 is a return to form for Jojo, but I'm worried Parts 5 and 6 will kill the animation possibility for 7. 8 is still ongoing but is also solid.

Parts 5 and 6 were a low point for the series and many thought JoJo was going to be dead, but it got revived with the reboot at the end of 6.

we have plenty of time to get ready. at least 3 years

No because we're not getting part 6

Cue the SKIP PART 6 IT'S SO BAD COMPARED TO SBR GUYYYYS fags storming every jojo discussion on the internet for 2 years. Then whenever Stone Ocean finishes airing, cue the SKIP SBR IT'S SO BAD COMPARED TO JOJOLION GUYYYYS fags. I swear it happens every fucking time.

I like to belive the loop stopped as soon as Giorno separated from the arrow, as his stand came back to normal

I want to lick the sweat off Trish's muscles so bad bros

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One thing I want for the Part 6 anime is give us more interactions betwen the cast, like a Hermes/Weather Report interaction so it makes sense when Hermes cries after WR is killed by Pucci.

it's been so long i've already forgotten because of old age... why wasn't diavolo able to use the arrow again?

is this the canon ship of vento aureo

HS is like one big automated mess of PHP. Why would they do manual edits for one specific show?

do you guys think Trish ever ate Mista's smegma?

At the moment he was trying to use it, his soul was about to leave because Bruno reversed SCR's effect by killing the ball behind his head. So King Crimson suddenly became intangible and couldn't hold the arrow

Because only Giorno was worthy of its grace.

Man, i dont know why but i felt kinda disappointed. These last two episodes were not what i expected. Also that stone at the end with Trish and Mista? Mista recognise it i think(?) but stop even mentioning it and just says "where is trish"? So was the stone for Trish, did she die at the time Mista and Giorno had that last scene after credits? This really felt disappointing.

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I want to Anasui to remain a girl who use male pronouns to see /pol/ go absolutely apeshit as if Araki personally raped both their mom and dad.

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I think right before bruno escorting trish into diavolo's mansion would've been the most appropriate. the only problem is it takes away the impact from abacchioa and narancia's death

He would be too insane to function by then

>Why is he such a faggot then?
>Is the offspring of the first homoerotic Jojo pair
>Surprised he turned out faggy

Not only will that not happen, the one page in which he is a girl will be altered so he's a guy.

Why did the Jojo fanbase become so cancerous?

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>Giorno is a manlet
FUCK I should have dropped this sooner

Real heroes go unappreciated.

he's still growing, user

>Trish is Giorno's wife now

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There's money in Yuri...

I couldn't give a shit about P6's quality so long as we get "What a Wonderful World" at the end

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All the waiting for those shit 2 episodes. What a waste

the anime
ever notice how you can't go to a single classic rock video without seeing some variation of this dumbass comment
jojofags cannot ever shut the fuck up about liking jojo
anyone who ever says "is that a jojo reference" deserves a sledgehammer to the face

The sculpture appeared near Trish? So fated to die or what is happening here?

Part 7: US government is the villain

They're all animeonlies that watch it because it's "new" and popular. Once the adaptation is over they'll all disappear without a trace.

*Mista is Giorno's wife now

Bruno services are for ancaps only

Why didnt they show that sculpture "slave of fate" thing right at the beginning without the ending with the crushed stone and at the end again with the perspective of the sculpture and THEN showing narancia, abachio stone heads at the end?

It felt so wierd putting it right at the end when already everything happend.

>reading Youtube comments

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Actually, can Giorno even age now?

>Long hair
>Two holes in both hands
>thorn hair clip-thing

The fuck is up with Araki and Jesus imagery?

What fucking video is this?

Just touch the rock user, it will be more peaceful

Shits cool

it uses characters that haven't been introduced yet, also it adds a sense of relief/resolution to the whole ending

The trailer for the movie Jojo Rabbit.

rewatched the episode 3 times there with adblock, no problem
off yourself, jew

even kars and angelo got off more lightly and their fate was already worse than death

Fugo beat his teacher because he was talking shit about Fugo's grandmother or something like that in the anime the teacher is just a pedo

And the guy who reconstructed Pericolo's photo for La Squadra was Cannolo Murolo but in the anime he's just some rando

>you will never do that
why even live?

>look at me LOOK AT ME
>I am the boss now

Okay so whens part 6

>tfw everybody forgot about Doppio
What has he done so wrong to die like that and then immediately be forgotten? Not even Bossu stopped for one second to think about Doppio.

God, I hope they get the licensing for that song.


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Because your image has not yet appeared in the Stone.

I still bad for that cop that swaped with the criminal during the silver chariot requiem stuff

No it fucking doesnt?
The squad was already introduced at the beginning. I mean not like an opener but maybe after giorno met with the team, they could put almost all what they have shown in between. It would kinda spoiler buceratti death and make it suprising that he is still going. And at the end show that scene a little shorter with that end speech of that sculptor and the stone hads of narancia and others.
What other characters do you mean that havent been introduced?

What happend to Trish?

the whole rolling stone bit was ok but wouldve rather seen something else for the final episode instead

Pleases old men in alleyways for free

It's just another example of why I love Giorno. Oh you killed my friends? Have a some eternal suffering.

Married Mista and went to live in the house Bruno left her. They then had six kids, but Mista insists they have seven for some reason.

So wait a second, is the rolling stones guy supposed to be Jesus?
Or is that supposed to be Buccirati?

abba got yellow flowers, narancia got the white ones

Mista is *Trish's wife now

But seriously. That rock came at the end. Whos fate was it, trish? Did she not die at the moment became green and black?

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>universe resets during last Stone Ocean opening
>it cycles through all jojo openings up to that point

>just as the first OP reminisced parts 6 to 1 of the manga, the last OP will reminisce parts 1 to 6 of the anime
At last, all will be right in the world..

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Parts 5 and 6 are great, and even better than boring part 4 user.

And this is coming from someone who liked 4 best and didn't like 5 and 6 for the same retarded reasons as you.

5 and 6 are also much better than shitty Stardust Crusaders, people talk about part 1 but forget how many fucking animeonlys can't stand SD and never even finish it, or can't stand watching PART 4's shitty "slice of life" sequences. (honestly it was fucking shit until about halfway in the manga too)

My guess would be end of 2020 at the earliest. Fall of 2021 at the latest.

As expected, Sleeping Slaves is a massive pleb filter.

it wasn't really the rock, Mista just thought it was

No it means Zombie Bruno is Jesus. Did you even watch the show?

The entire part 5 is.

abbachio and narancia, those were the colors of the flowers on their graves from Giorno

I don't know what you were expecting. Weebs aren't exactly known for their critical thinking abilities.

Part 4 is the ugliest

So Fugo could have gone along with the gang and wouldn't have died since he wasn't fated too. Although him leaving was part of that fate too.

It was a great stand battle too. I don't get how even the action only folk can dislike it.

Nah, most of part 5 is a pleb magnet.

KEK noo. What? This is even worse.
So all that rolling stones backstory for the "for a moment it was the rolling stones"?

Scolippi looks like Jesus he got the stigmata and the thorns and the hippie look going

But Giorno is the Son of Dio, Dio is god in italian therefore he's the son of God and the son of god is Jesus

So two jesuses?

That was just bait, the real stone has the Bad Luck thing marked on it

Part 5 is the first part of Jojo that can be considered not kitsch.

b-b-but its anonymous so it must be a virus!
t. the entire HorribleSubs userbase
How do these retards even manage to get an internet connection working?

Shit it out as fast as possible and then work on part 7 for 5 years or more. Take as long as you want baby.


Those OP's were sick.

No retard, it was to reinforce part 5's main theme. You do know what the message was supposed to be, right?

She became a model and moved back to Sardinia if I remember

If it didn’t exist before, then Rohan created it

You can alter you destiny with resolve and sacrifice. Turns out destiny was the friends we made along the way. Zombie Bruno is Jesus and died for our sins.

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Jesus is Giorno, God is DIO, Satan is Diavolo
Jesus is also Jesus, Lucy, and Johnny but that doesn't matter yet

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Polnareff just chills on a table all day now.

It is fucking stupid to put it in the last 2 episodes. Its like they forgot to put a meaning into it and did it really quickly or just to make it obvious for the last retard. Muh Fate

I cummed and shitted

You gotta have the kids of two villains make a bad egg. At least that's what I would've done Araki but you got bored.

Who gives a shit? They all died at the end of P6 anyways.

>Sleeping Slaves says we are all slaves to fate, but what we do on that journey of fate is left up to us.
There is not a free-form ''journey'' to fate, if everything is already predetermined then it doesn't fucking matter, the characters are all robots with no agency nor are they responsible for their actions, and neither are the villains. Everything was meant to happen as it was because ''fate'' said so. These characters aren't even aware of their ''fates'', the fuckers just stumble about for the rest of the second half with barely a plan and let themselves be killed in the most idiotic ways possible, but now I'm supposed to feel something for them cus it was ''fated''? Not to mention they were at a complete dead-end regardless of anything they tried to accomplish and had to be saved by a literal deus ex machina, phew, how wonderfully convenient. Fuck off with your fatalist bullshit Araki.

Giorno is 15 and he comes from a lineage of uber chads

Fucking speedreaders.

So if Buccirati had died there, would Naracia and Abbachio have lived?

is this post, dare I say, a jojo reference?

Didn't it also have a sign somewhere in the ed or whatever that said 1999 and 2001

No because the part 5 would be dead.

Lmao i-it's n-not the r-results that m-matter, it's the j-journey I swear!

>No because the part 5 would be dead.
What the fuck does that even mean user

>people still think SHA is an entire stand and not just a sub-ability of Killer Queen

Yes, that's why he warned against altering the stone


Breaking the stone was the difference between Bruno dying against the boss in the first encounter and not. It was the birth of Zombie Bruno not GE.

how would one get a virus from a video file? assuming this file doesn't have a [stand]


No, it was the difference between Bruno dying before he met Giorno or not.

>Low IQs cant understand part 5
How did Araki do it

Good job being a speed watching/reading retard. Not all stands are invisible to normalfag.

kill yourselves, retards.

I like that Sleeping Slaves ties everything back around. I think showing the team's relation to fate works a lot better as a send-off, after everything that's happened, than it would as an introduction.

it can be both.

The manga was such a drag, I had it ranked last and it made me think of skipping the anime. But the anime turned out the be pretty good and actually made me like this part.

No it can't.

Damn you understood all of part 5 alone? Must be smart as hell.

/pol/ here and honestly a woman thinking she's a man is far more tolerable than the tranny that is Annasui

You don't get it then.

But that's how it was in the manga. I can certainly appreciate a studio being so faithful to the source material, especially nowadays. That ending just showed that Bucciaratti and co. were already on their way of getting shit started. Giorno's arrival was just the final catalyst. Without it, it would just have seemed as if they were a bunch of whiny tards neeting around until Giorno sets them up for what becomes P5. Plus it provided some little filler to not make the ending so abrupt once Diavolo is defeated. Imagine if they hadn't had that:
>Diavolo dies...dies...dies...dies...dies.........
>Record scratch
>Giorno sits on boss throne
-The End-

Maybe you don't.

Every time you get into a fight make sure you have a piano. And that the true Golden Wind was the friends we made along the way

Kars ain't dead though

That would be much better desu.

Idk, DP could have added in some shit like they did with Fugo. They could have at least shown Mista and Trish's reactions to finding Bucciarati dead in the Colosseum.

If they're against streaming then how do they watch it the day it comes out?

Ok retard I guess I have to explain it to you. The rock shows you how you gonna die. In Bruno's case it was when he got bodied by the boss. You can touch the stone and die peacefully right now instead. What happened was Mista broke the stone and changed it so that he wouldn't die there which meant betraying Passione and leading to the death of more people. The point is you're a slave to fate but your actions aren't futile. Dumb ass.

>this fucking meme again
But this is probably bait anyway so I'm the idiot for replying

That's exactly what I meant.


Not what you said I am the jojo boy ok I win fuck you.

It's in the ending as well. It's a smooth rock until the final episode.

Attached: ending.jpg (1252x1350, 113K)

Then what did I say?

>The point is you're a slave to fate but your actions aren't futile.
If your a slave to fate then that's all you are, period. All your actions were already fated as well. It's bullshit.

>that bucharati

Attached: image.png (960x640, 965K)

An ability that can't kill on its own.

She smells like strawberry milk


>what is achtung baby
>what is pearl jam
>what is earth wind and fire
>what is mr president
>what is burning down the house
>what is hey ya

Mikitaka could totally strangle a bitch

I mean with his stand not just his hands lol

Dude went to a protestant school. It leaves marks, man.