Has there been a smarter character than him?

Has there been a smarter character than him?

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Akagi, Tokuchi Toua, Shinichi Akiyama.

You literally cant get caught with a Dead Note, unless you are Light.

He a total dumbass who think he's smart.
He made so much mistakes.
>My first target is in japan.
>I use daddy account police to kill criminals.
And much more.

>leave small tv in the garbage can
>police didnt bother to look

In all honesty, the idea that you could catch someone killing people with a notebook would be pretty damn impossible.
Unless the guy started to blab about it.

If he was really smart he would have used different causes of death. He was arrogant and wanted people to pay attention to him. Of he had kept killing people in various different ways, it would have bought him a lot more time. No one would buy the idea that there was a supernatural killer on the loose. By the time people realized what was going on, he'd be in a much stronger position and L would have nothing to go on.

He was also too stupid having a knee jerk reaction when he got called out on TV. He let himself get baited and had his location pinpointed because his ego was bruised.


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He is low tier. Light is a smart character written by a dumb person, pic related is a smart character written by a smart person. Now the difference.

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Giorno Giovanna

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Lelouch is a shit character but still smarter than him, agreed.

>pretentious 'magic is science' manga


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L he fucking win only for
>muh the force of love
cringe win why L dont kame an agreement with rem
Misa is free is you send help me to kill light
really shit ending

Johann, Griffith, Akagi, Kaiji
in deathnote to begin with it's hard to call him the smartest character, according to the author the smartest character is a Shinigami called Nu which was never shown to begin with, it just exists

Yes. In the very fucking same anime.

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But he ded long time

Death Note is also shonen

>Tells Pitou to remove his en, directly resulting in the success of the invasion and death of the Ants, just sohe coul play his silly board game to boost his ego.

I am surprised no one mentions this. People always shit on how Light was killed but they refuse to recognize how forced L's death was.

You can't beat plot armor

>took a potato chip and eat it
>police weren't alarmed by that


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You know the police putted a fuckton of chameras in his house, but forget to look at the garbage.

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Detective Conan?


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He sucks

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This guy here.

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Shitloads. For one, anyone who doesn't get killed and achieves their goals could be argued to be smarter than him.

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Pretty nice try but I'd have chosen Yang instead of Reinhard to make smart people not be able to instantly recognize this as bait. I guess this image is an example of "good bait made by a stupid person".

death of L was the perfect ending for the series. N was unneeded

If she's so smart, why is she dead?

Tell that to OP my dude

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if he was so fucking smart why did he die?

Death Note was impossibly retarded.

I know a character who's10 billion times smarter

What makes Griffith smart? I agree with everything else, but Griffith doesn't seem above average in any way. He's somewhat cunning and persuasive, because everyone else that's human is written as a dumb le simpleton, but most of the shit he does is just m-muh power.

It was easy to like Light. He had truly noble idea, to end this from criminal scums. But he lost his way and in the end it was still not right no matter how you look at it.

Griffith has good insight into tactics and psychology, i think

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Why does Cell look different

Ants would have died either way.


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