
Why is this spinoff so much better than the rushed abomination that was Index III?

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Why is Mikoto so cute lads

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if you have sex with one of her clones then are you having sex with all of them?

novel adaptations are always rushed for the most part. the anime is basically just highlights you can watch.

Becuase accel is the MC, not that other fag.

What did he mean by this?

What the? Did an animator make this?

One of the animators for the show made this privately, so yes.

>made this privately

Do you know how it got leaked?

I don't. I do know that there's a couple other ones he made though.

Who was it?

I've been hoping for more for years. There needed to be a Kuroko one too, not just Index and Mikoto.


I've never seen evidence that it was an animator for the series.

It's only her trying to suck food out of him. saucenao should be enough to find it

Reminder that the Railgun mangaka is the same artist who made the Yotsuba& Pretty Neighbour doujinshi back in the day.

And needs to be permitted to make some for Railgun one day.

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Why did they made loli Mikoto so lewdable?

any stitches from the past episode?

Is it actually a whole lot better? I watched every Index/Railgun related thing and enjoyed them all to a varying degree. But for Index S3 I felt it was just wild chaos of characters I should know but feel no connection to and stupid super power battles. Was Index not supposed to have the superpowers rooted in principles and have internal logic? Maybe it was always this way. But I kinda checked out after 7-9 episodes. Should I start the Accel spinoff or will I feel the same way about that?

Index 3 is a rushed mess, the director said that "its a highlight reel for novel readers", it doesnt really cares about anime onlies and every explanation is left out of the adaptation

That seems to be in line with my impression. Sad, really. I remember people being excited about Index getting a continuation after so many years.
I guess I will give Accel a chance , then. Thanks for the input.

Accelerator seems more like Railgun S in terms of its pacing so far.

They could have at least have given more nudity and nipples in the fanservice parts. Panties being exposed should have had more detail too.

>ywn drowsily spoon Mikoto on a beach in subtly vibrating in-love warmth
Why even live lads

>couple other ones he made

They are still on pixiv, the usual methods work to find it.

She's cuter when she is naked

Index III may be the worst fucking thing Ive ever seen. Watching a dog take a fat shit would still be better than Index III

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Even more so if we see her go from being fully dressed to fully naked.

that's not the anime adaptation of tokyo ghoul:re

No, it's Index III can you fucking read retard?

>sees your frog

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Index 3 was shite regardless.

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Index 3 reeked of production and scheduling issues. Add adapting too many novels on top and it was doomed.

Accelerator doesn't have this issue. Railgun likely won't either.