You have stayed loyal to your waifu for AT A LEAST a decade, right user...

You have stayed loyal to your waifu for AT A LEAST a decade, right user? You wouldn't trade your waifu for whatever is the flavor of the month.

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I told her she's supposed to like it when I cheat on her

How long ago did Spice and Wolf come out?

2008 IIRC

She would stab me if I cheated on her

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Please don't use Aria and Alice for shitposting.

>Ariaposting on Yea Forums
has it been this long

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15 years, git gud.

Attached: maggiefu.jpg (640x480, 116K)

>his waifu is from a shit show

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nice get represents the level of your taste

>ROD the TV or Read or Dream, which is where Maggie appears
>Not shit

>Any ROD
Again, 000 taste, etc.

My waifu hasn't existed for a decade, and I was unfortunate enough not to discover her series until a few years ago.

waifus always exist unless they were only found on panda.

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I never could seem to find one actually and I've been watching anime since I was a little kid, never had one in real life either so that's as solid proof as any that you're born for eternal solitude, makes it easier to accept.

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I don't have a waifu.

No girl, 2D or 3D would enjoy being with pathetic, boring, virgin looser like myself.

Is it true that if you stay loyal to your waifu for a decade you get to be with her in the afterlife?

What is the worst thing about you,.and how would you fix it?

Yes but it's rescinded if you betray that loyalty after the decade.
Stay loyal to her for life + at least 10 years.

>What is the worst thing about you
I'm socially retarded.
>and how would you fix it?
If I knew that It wouldn't be a problem.

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Also, no fast-tracking to the afterlife.

yin has been my true waifu for a very long time now

Attached: yin.jpg (1440x1080, 726K)

More of a seasonal waifu man myself.

Lotta loyalty for a hired husbando

I only met her four years ago.
I can't believe it's only been four years.

14 years, so yes. Regardless of what people might say about her unusual circumstances, I love her.

Attached: Rikka.png (800x600, 572K)

9 years, I'm getting there

>was going to fap to your waifu
>remember sadpanda is kill

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We haven't known each other for that long.

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My waifu's series isn't a decade old.

i want to FUCK Alice

Absolutely forbidden.

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It's been a month or so, actually. We wrapped up an Aria storytime not too long ago.


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She hasn't been around for a decade, but I do plan on being with her for as long as possible

I must have missed that because I haven't been active the past months so i checked again after a while

Attached: __mizunashi_akari_aria__33479eecbd80fad6b12ef328f8a5ea28.jpg (500x600, 91K)

Disrespectful, guys

I've been buying the reprinted Aria manga and I'm enjoying it alot.
But the lack of 'hahi' is a bit disappointing but understandable.

If only panda is still alive....

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Not sure how much was lost with Exhentai.

Too many were lost. Most aria girls are considered Lolicon (Petite)

... why would they change the Aria logo.

Even Alice and Ai are here :
Either it is missing the tag or it is not considered lolicon.

Neo-Yea Forums doesn't even know what Aria is.

Be nice to your sister Anita

My waifu didn't even exist until 5 years ago and I only knew of her 2 years ago. She doesn't have an anime but that's not a bad thing.

Too many Arias to keep track of.

I've been absolutely loyal. It's not hard when she gets so much new screen time, merchandise, and is objectively a wonderful character who is beloved in Japan.

Also, Alice is best Aria. Which is saying something.

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And yes I met Saber in high school in 2009. No other girl has ever come close to taking her place.

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I don't remember who my waifu is.


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Crazy how Yea Forums talks about normalfags not knowing the difference between reality and fantasy, the have threads like these.

If we didn't know the difference we wouldn't have these threads.

My waifu's anime turns a decade old this fall and I've known her for most of that time. But I didn't fall deeply in love with her until more recently, about a year ago. I've never had such feelings for any other character so she is the only girl I have ever considered to be my waifu.

i think you need to get your head checked.

One can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, the other knows full well how shit reality is and longs for fantasy

aika is best girl

Undines sure have step up their game

21 loli and 6 shota galleries are missing on e-h.

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By me.

Are nhentai and e-hentai going to be deleted too?


e-hentai will be eventually, if the owner and the mods don't reach some kind of backup state, nhentai will unfortunately not being going

Around 12 years now.

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I've been loyal for about five years now.

I really love wiz