Serious question. Is this going to be the next big anime fad after isekai...

Serious question. Is this going to be the next big anime fad after isekai? Fatherhood fantasies for the socially disadvantaged? How present is the theme on the amateur LN author portals?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>next big anime fad after isekai

everything will be isekai in future. fatherhood fantasies will be next big sub-genre of isekai though

No, we'll get Otome Villainess Isekai and Dungeon Master Isekai first.


Dunno but the quality on this one is so bad I'm considering dropping it.

No it would be dungeons IRL

I want to fuck Latina.

I've stumbled over a few dungeon master isekai lately. None of them was good beyond the premise. Just shitty, uninspired isekai base builders with cardboard characters. They should have become video games instead.

Those are isekai as dungeon master.
Dungeons IRL are gook trend I expect nips to start ripping it off soon.

Why is Latina so chubby?

>grooming a little girl so that you can fuck her when she grows up

Why the fuck is this allowed?

What are you saying? LDM is one of the best isekai, or rather even fantasy, in general, not just limited to dungeon master isekai.

Isekai doesn't seem to be going anywhere which is annoying, usually these trends are only 2-3 years. It's still better than the "Student council/club president" fad.

Here's hoping Mamako's series is popular so milfs and cakes become the next big thing.

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>Isekai doesn't seem to be going anywhere which is
fucking great I hope it stays for good.

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Isekai arose out of the market finally tapping into lonely mmorpg Yea Forums kiddies. Simply look for the untapped market and you will find your answer. It's the same thing happening with the Age of the Onee-san superceding the imouto phase of this decade.

>Age of the Onee-san superceding
Okay hag-lover

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>normal for most of human history

No useless prude faggots like you to ban it that's why.
>grooming little girl
You have no fucking idea what you're talking about retard. Read source material or wait the fuck up until S1 finishes.
It's the other way around you imbecile.

All moe shows are already fatherhood fantasies for non-lolicons
Making actual series from that angle is just a natural conclusion

>fatherhood fantasies
>for populace that continuously fails at procreating
You didn't have to word it like that did you?

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>retards label every single trope a fad

Japan's birthrate is rather stable, stop falling for memes

NOOOOOO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO NIKU!? Niku Kuroinu did not deserve to die like this...

>"s-she wanted it!"
Typical pedo

why not?

>isekai is a trope
>native isekai
>soi feminization
>traps not gay
Typical bait. She never considered him a father figure and was romantically interested since day 1. Every time she welcomes Dale she sniffs his clothes to see if he was around other females. When she smells other female - she manipulates Dale into washing his clothes.
It takes 2 years and tremendous psychological shock for Dale to start considering her as a lover rather than a daughter.

Your bait is fucking shit tier don't reply to me or my daughter ever again.

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Not sure if I want to go down that rabbit hole. But what you're saying makes sense. What are the loser kids wasting their time with nowadays? I suppose ancient websites like Yea Forums and ancient concepts like MMORPG games attract rather old people?

isekai and litrpg attract former gamers who are now too lazy to play.
They just watch streams of younger people playing and read RPG fantasy.

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>It takes 2 years and tremendous psychological shock for Dale to start considering her as a lover rather than a daughter.
Fucking pedo excuses. Dale is the adult here, he should know better.


Latina is adult at that point too so no excuses needed.
Neither there was any grooming from Dale side, he sincerely daughtered her up.

Get the fuck out with your weak-ass bait retard.

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>using pedo offensively on Yea Forums
I bet you can't tell little girls from lolis.
I bet you can't tell fantasy from reality.
I bet you're Dutch.

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It's not the age faggot. Dale is the much more mature person here.
What kind of people go after their daughter? A pervert.

Shut up you disgusting degenerate monkey. Go back and maturbate to your daughter

>What kind of people go after their daughter?
She's not his daughter, it was misunderstanding on his part.

In a honest way? I hope it's a "punk" fad. Anime's about cyberpunk, steampunk, dieselpunk coming in droves. Sure, their quality might be shit, but at the end of the day it will be better than isekai.

I bet this guy believes in Q

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>their quality might be shit
Let it go, it'll never reach 80-90s ultraviolence OVA levels again.

where do you think you are faggot?
go back to plebbit if you want a safe space that won't hurt your fee fees

What’s this??

>I bet you're Dutch.
That was rude and uncalled for.

I feel so out of touch now that Japanese content is pretty well in the mainstream at this point. What the hell do outcast kids do nowadays?

Mainstream or not it doesn't matter because so far filthy gaijins luckily have no effect on nip media. The day they do would be the death of last unrepressed entertainment media industry in the world.

Speaking of, has anyone ever read a college feminist critique of sailor moon that didn't reek of cultural imperialism and thinly veiled racism?

>has anyone ever read a college feminist critique
>Yea Forums Yea Forums
Are you fucking retarded?

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No, I just have good taste in comedy

>haven’t spoken to Sylvie in nearly 2 years
>suddenly remember that I had to bite the bullet and delete her a few months back
It hurts

> fatherhood fantasies
You know they end up getting married, right?

It was only ever Dale's fantasy anyway, like that one user said. Devil-chan was playing the long con the whole time.

Man this is just fucking garbage, atleast arifureta and the other edgy ones have soul.

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You have my interest. What did you mean by this image?


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>cultural imperialism and thinly veiled racism
if this is real I'm morbidly curious

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I thought it was something guro/snuff related

Silly user Meat is just her name.

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Don't blame me. Ever since that giant bug island manga stopped being guro centric I need my fix.

We regularly have /pol/tards here. They love to binge on this fringe lunatic shit and rage about it for hours. They and the feminists they hate so much are like two sides of the same coin.

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I wonder who is behind all those muh grooming moralfag antifem posts.

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I've endured that one until chapter 45 or so. Reading it felt like a chore at this point. If this is your gold standard for fantasy, then I guess you can be fed absolutely anything. I've seen porn videos with better plot and better dialogues.

I enjoy how the groomers claim it's not a grooming fantasy because the guy is as unaccountable as possible, as though that is not exactly what makes it fantasy.

And her old job. Maybe her future one too.

I enjoy how the people who haven't read it don't realize Latina is a calculating little psychopath from day one like the devil she literally is.

Fathers don't fuck and marry their daughters. It's a pedo grooming fantasy.

No, the issue here is not the work, but rather your shittaste, user.

The next fad is either tensei or kicked out the party series.

not even remotely, no. any study of marriage records shows that most marriages have always been between people of roughly similar age, usually between 15-30. Agricultural societies tend to have more equal ages where both partners are typically in their late teens or early 20s, urban societies have later marriages and there is more variation in age.


>was romantically interested since day 1
>little girl
>romantically interested
typical pedo

>first marriages
It's like you can't get into thinking

>literal demon that just looks enough like a human girl you want to protect it

When people don't understand the source

That's exactly the point, pedos absolving themselves of responsibility by attributing way too much agency to a little child.

>nothing sexual happens when she's a child

You're really reaching here, Qfag, don't you have a pizzeria to shoot up?

>this loli I was masturbating to is canonically 900 years old!
I know full well what the source claims, and I also know that this is all part of the pedo fantasy. See , the reason loli characters are written that way is so pedos can do exactly what you're doing, claim it's ok because the child wanted it.

The pedophile wouldn't have waited until adulthood. Jesus, go back to fucking infowars or whatever

Excuse me, what? I suggest you actually look up a study on the subject. The world where 20/30-somethings routinely marry prepubescent girls has never existed. Marriage in societies all over the world ranging from the ancient far east to medieval Europe has always overwhelmingly followed the same patterns you'd expect looking at it today. Most men have always married women their own age. Extreme age differences have almost always been mostly political moves by elites looking to secure their interests.

Kill yourself.

>everybody who isn't fine with child sexual grooming is a tinfoil hat retard
the fact that you jump on the strawmen so quickly is evidence to your insecurity. you know you're a pedo, I know you're a pedo, what's there even to discuss?

But there's no prepubescent girls getting married in anything I described. You act like I've never been to a muslim country before where it's common for some 60something guy to take a 17 year old third wife. Dumbass.

>Any type of lolis will soon be banned on Yea Forums
What a shit timeline.

No one fucks a child in this show, so I don't know what you're on about in the first place. You ARE a tinfoil retard. That's the thing. I better start warning pizza places.

Lack of pedophilia in the show. I came here for t and there's none, NONE!

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That's what makes these dumbasses so funny. It's not like he groomed her until she was 12 and did her. No children get anything sexual done to them in the media, at all.

>3rd wives
Only a tiny percentage of the population can afford multiple wives. It's just as common for 60 year old rich guys to take 18 year old concubines in the west.

If you've actually spent any time in a Muslim country, you'd know that the vast majority of families are monogamous. There's quite a bit more arranged marriage shit going on, but even that doesn't fall too far outside the typical age differences. After all, most parents want their kids to be happy and seek out suitable partners.

every fucking dirt farmer in every shit village had two

God I wish that were me.

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Anime when?

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When he gets 2nd sexually active male to live in his village.

nigga its like you've never heard of usagi drop before.

hopefully never. women ruin everything, i just want the manga to go back to being an autist building stuff.

Maybe not dungeon master, but definitely otome. There are already tons of otome isekai and non isekai getting manga adaptations, and a lot of them are doing well.

Hopefully never. I tried that series a month ago and after like 80 chapters literally nothing has actually happened. Its basically like the same 3 chapters over and over again.
>Person arrives and wants to stay at the farm
>MC expands the farm to accommodate them.
>The farm is expanded and everyone marvels at how amazing he and the farm are and how so many powerful people want to live there.
>Person arrives and wants to stay at the farm
>MC expands the farm to accommodate them.
>The farm is expanded and everyone marvels at how amazing he and the farm are and how so many powerful people want to live there.
>Person arrives and wants to stay at the farm
>MC expands the farm to accommodate them.
>The farm is expanded and everyone marvels at how amazing he and the farm are and how so many powerful people want to live there.

Why do you hate this? I bet you like other sol too.

The amount of butthurt the plot twist in this series generates gives me warmth.

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Basically another isekai'd MC?

This seems weird, because I know he marries her at the end. Like, if it's a fatherhood fantasies, it really shouldn't culminate in slipping your daughter the salami. That part is kind of fucked up.

No basically never.

Arrive, expand, amazement and repeat isn't slice of life. It's slice of autism

I seem to have struck a nerve. user, its not that I hate slow series or ones like that, its just that one in particular is done very poorly. Its the same arc every arc and the characters are all boring as hell and devoid of personality outside of sucking off (literally in some cases) the MC. I'm not expecting some grand plot or anything, but there needs to be at least something to keep people interested. The most thats happened all series to deviate from that loop was a battle tournament because his villagers were bored. Even the fucking characters are bored.

eh, it's not an Usagi Drop situation because she's a demon that grows at an accelerated rate and never considered him her adoptive father. in fact, unlike UD, the fact that she actually loves dale is kind of like a massive trauma button that is a rock wall for him to climb over if I remember the spoilers right, so the series doesn't try to jump into glorifying it

>if it's a fatherhood fantasies, it really shouldn't culminate in slipping your daughter the salami
No contradiction there.

>rock wall for him to climb over
But boy does he tumble down fast and hard once he's over it.

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>that grows at an accelerated rate

Nope, they grow at the same rate as humans and then greatly slow down when they reach adulthood with lifespans that outlast humans.

>Fatherhood fantasies for the socially disadvantaged?
You're being so misogynistic already. It's just the same as rape fantasies: women can't help have them.

>unlike UD, the fact that she actually loves dale is kind of like a massive trauma button that is a rock wall for him to climb over
>unlike UD
You don't remember UD right.

Based and Redpilled. Autist cannot difference between reality and fantasy, they often don't know how to control their delusional thoughts and they need to express them for approval. According to the statistics most of the transexual have autism however people choose to praise their mentally illness instead of shaming them.
If faggots were shamed and bullied like aspies are, they wouldn't be so open about their mental illness

>literally in some cases
Tell me more, preferably with pictures.

Not him but they go down on him collectively in bath or something.

>Latina is around 20 when she and dale get married
It's always the actual kiddy diddlers that are so vocal about this shit online. You trying to throw off fbi-kun there user?

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HOLY SHIT. I lough on every word in this shit.

Jesus Christ what did Kenneth feed her pure titty formula?

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99% of his villagers who aren't lizards, dogs, or spiders are women who start taking shifts banging him every night because he's such a nice guy. He also has two kids from the first two girls he met.

What's even funnier is her "identical" sister looks just like her but is flat.

>because he's such a nice guy
Certainly not because he immediately demonstrates feats worthy of Demon and Dragon lords combined and obviously has The single most massive dick in their whole goddamn isekai world.


Funny how i just out of reading "I'm a Middle-Aged Man Who Got My Adventurer License Revoked, but I'm Enjoying a Carefree Lifestyle Because I Have an Adorable Daughter Now" and this thread pops off.
Notice special but i find it refreshing how the MC does looks like adult for once.

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No. It was her magic. Instead of her horns growing, since she didn't have any horns, it all went to her tits.

This argument only works if the child is real. It all falls apart on the fact that all of this is fictional. It's like saying killing a person in the virtual world makes you a murderer. Or that choosing to kill all creatures on a tabletop game is genocide.

I hope so

Ive already made several plots:
>man moves into a town where all the men left to war to defend their country
>none returned
>our MC takes responsebility of 12 lolis
>he ends up marrying and impregnating all of them
>creating a town in his name

pls rate

>playing as germans in BFV (or any ww2 game) makes you a nazi in real life
[citation needed]

Why wasn't that coward conscripted?
Who would fuck all the widows?

>psychological influence doesn't matter
You're the same as the retards who end discussions with 'bruh it's fiction who cares lol'
The actual argument for 2d 3d is that the aesthetics is different, 3d kids and women in general are ugly as shit compared to 2d.

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I want cuddle cobold daughterwife to cuddle with when she's cold.

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>Why wasn't that coward conscripted?
he was a neet shutin and he didnt even realize there was a war
>Who would fuck all the widows?
thats for a spinoff to please cakefags

>he was a neet shutin and he didnt even realize there was a war
At least make him isekaifags or it doesn't make any sense. If literally ALL males of reproductive age are dead I seriously doubt being hikki neet would save you from conscription.

Or then make him an old-man that wasn't conscripted because of age but is /fit/ as fuck as former adventurer.
Make him not want to go to war because he emigrated from the enemy country and doesn't want to kill his former comrades or something.

>psychological influence doesn't matter
>letting media have psychological influence on your person
No, the main argument for 2D 3D is that 2D is not real, and as adults you should be able to tell what is and what isn't real. If you let media control what you think you're less of a human. You are instead thinking of the Yea Forums rule 3DPD, which means that all real women are disgusting and that 2D is superior in both beauty and purity.

That's nothing compared to this Kirito+Shirou clone here.

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Hes totally gonna pound that though.

Is there a novel?

youre in way too many Yea Forums loli threads
Everyone except you knows 3D and 2D are different things, one is real and the other isnt. Why cant you understand that? Besides if you want attack pedos then you shouldnt be here but go somewhere like hollywood, dubai, the vatican, Yea Forums

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What does the perfect daughteru look like?

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>OP links woody allen fantasy
>this is an actual fatherhood fantasy

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Daily reminder that anyone blaming anime as pedo-enabling is actually a pedo themselves.
Search "Amir0x". There's a ton of other examples like him.

Ban all 2D lolis and see how fast picrelated would start to happen

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I would be even fine with that if they didnt end up fucking their daughters every single time.

Its inherently off-putting on a biological level.
Its like trying to sexualize your grandmother.

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Will Sword Dad takeover Slime as the best selling isekai series?

im glad someone else gets it.

Then tell women to stop sexualizing father figures.

Please give the depressed single christmas cake OL fad.

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>Ban all 2D lolis
Imagine if Kentaro Miura had to stop drawing Berserk because 2D lolis are now banned. Now he has all the time in the world to play Idolm@ster, only to realize that his precious idol lolis are all gone because they're banned too.

>isekai and litrpg attract former gamers who are now too lazy to play.

my god. This explains why I have no motivation to do anything RPG related ever since I started sipping monster while mowing my lawn.

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I liked net juu.

She's not his daughter, it was misunderstanding on his part.
S1 might be shit, ruining interest.

Its funny how have instantly unmasked yourself as a discord tranny by using their lingo. We refer to them as polacks or or polfags but of course that would be too offensive for you to use, faggot.

Bully the dog

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>plot twist
How is that even a plot twist?

It is if you're dense as Dale.
I bet most moralfags whining about that TWEEST walked girls home gently in high school.

you should get her back, 2.5.2 is pretty good

no, despite this being the literal best anime genre, it wont catch on, because the anime community is filled with cucks who want to fuck their moms

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the age of the daughterwife is upon us
only plebs disagree

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what a faggot you are. No one says /pol/acks other than autistic oldfags who have some weird sense of pride of frequenting an anime and pedophilia image board for years

Oh they absolutely should but trying to exorcise the CUHRAZY out of women is an impossible task, while we as men should be above acting like women.

Its possible for us to not fuck our daughters.
Its impossible for women to not be batshit fucking insane nowadays because what fucks them up in their brains is not having children when their bodies tell them to.

>She's not his daughter, it was misunderstanding on his part.
I know that she biologically isn't his daughter but he still treated her as his daughter until he somehow magically doesn't because the daddy issues hit in. Or rather the mommy issues in this case. Children of Single-Parents generally have a small chance to grow up without any mental damage.

It is hands down impossible to be attracted to your own child that you took baths with and changed shitfilled diapers unless you are mentally deranged.

>discord tranny
Found another one. Just FYI /pol/tard is more commonly used by an order of magnitude.

thank you for that user

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Everyone who isnt a newfag trying too hard to fit in you blithering axe-wound mongoloid.

Its due to people like you that more and more people on Yea Forums have issues with blacks and trannies now. You are just like fucking furries, you simply do not understand that people hate you because you push your gender-BBTHEQshit into their fucking faces.

>not posting the full picture

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>These threads are allowed but not the other ones

>Fatherhood fantasies for the socially disadvantaged?
>uncle user
>damaged goods
>no results
God you fags are the worst. Japan is finally catching up with his? There were so many threads written by Anons who made regular updates on a child they adopted from various circumstances. Wether theyre true or not doesnt really matter, they all had the same theme and feeling to them.

but thats pretty hot though

Nah, you only wish it was. As said, only you people use poltard because you are legitimately retarded enough to think that it makes the word less offensive than pollack or fag.

Now go dilate and cry yourself to sleep because you will never pass as a woman.

>he still treated her as his daughter
That was one-sided misunderstanding.
Latina never considered him her father and applied concentrated effort to make Dale see her as a woman too.
That never happened and Dale was away A LOT while Latina was growing up.
Kenneth and Rita were parental figures, Dale has always a lover for Latina, the one she gingerly awaited back from his missions.
>unless you are mentally deranged
Dale is, lurk more. He's human-shaped demon extermination weapon that got PTSD before turning 18.

Stop this shit you're going in circles faggot and so does your bait.
You were told again and again to wait until S1 is finished or to read source material but you still refuse to educate yourself.

There's nothing to talk with you about: you don't know shit about topic of discussion.

Fuck off and kill yourself.

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I want to fuck a Latina.

It takes few seconds to confirm. But of course a newfag /pol/tard wouldn't know how.

Welcome to neo-Yea Forums. We pretended to be retarded for so long that Yea Forums and especially Yea Forums are turning into r.eddit 2.0

No one remembers Nurse-user anymore.

Probably should not have rolled.

What are you referring to?

>That never happened and Dale was away A LOT while Latina was growing up.
Where did I say he did?
Look at how hard you fail at reading comprehension in your autistic rage.

>Dale is, lurk more
Holy shit you are legitimately too dumb to read someones post.
Again where was I talking about Dale you illiterate nigger?

>Stop this shit you're going in circles faggot and so does your bait.
>You were told again and again to wait until S1 is finished or to read source material but you still refuse to educate yourself.
Wew! At some point your head just slid completely effortlessly into your own ass.
Are you having some weird discussion with yourself in your head?

>There's nothing to talk with you about: you don't know shit about topic of discussion.
I agree that there is nothing to talk with you about since you are too dumb to read. You read shit into my post that wasn't there. Better luck next time?

>Fuck off and kill yourself.
Stop chewing on your keyboard from being so autistically mad, plastic aint healthy for your body.

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Wow this sounds way more fucked up when actually put into words.

You failed at effort/effect ratio in your bait I'm not reading that.

> tfw no UD sequel with Daikichi/RIn married SOL hijinks.

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Being wrong all the time seems to be a common theme with you.

>A women started the daughterwife trend
Kinda based.

honestly, people gave that manga so much shit but i dont see why, its pretty cool to raise a girl like a daughter and then marry her when she grows up

>not talking about Dale
Then come back when you're ready to discuss the topic of this thread: Uchi Musume, retard.

t woody allen

apparently its not an uncommon fetish for women

user, could it be that you're an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about?

After reading this some time ago, i lost track of the wives and the expansions. Kinda repetitive desu

Fuck off, retard.

No one cares what you argued about with your headmate, sperg.
Reread the post, calm your autism and then admit that you were wrong because you were butthurt.

>but i dont see why

Casuals infesting.

Whats new there

New sandwiches

its because women are fucked in the head by default.

Men see women as the most desirable when they are at the peak of their fertility (17 years)
Women see men as the most desirable when their brains assume the males have the most influence/power/wealth and thus can take care of them and their child. (50 years)

watch anime and stop being a retard

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same as any particular update. more clothing options, more scenes
she still can't get pregnant though
which is gay

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No, more like people who actually have sisters or family too know that feeling attracted to members of your own family is a sign that you might have some sort of brain damage.

no matter how many times this cap gets posted it continues to be wrong

Then stop shitposting off-topic and mixing 3D with 2D retard.

The restaurant menu? Hahaha wow

Read the isekai you wrote.

I see the third discord tranny arrived. Did your buttbuddy finally share the link to this thread?
Have you finally stopped lusting after little boys?

>he still treated her as his daughter
That was one-sided misunderstanding.
Latina never considered him her father and applied concentrated effort to make Dale see her as a woman too.
That never happened and Dale was away A LOT while Latina was growing up.
Kenneth and Rita were parental figures, Dale has always a lover for Latina, the one she gingerly awaited back from his missions.

You're right atleast furfags stay in their own websites and threads

>its because women are fucked in the head by default.
based and redpilled
good to see this viewpoint growing. hopefully with enough guys knowing this we can eventually fix western society

How about you stop defending shit-tier material?
All 2-D is based on 3-D and here even the basic assumptions of how humans interact are flawed.

Isekai about being a dad, great.
Isekai about being a dad who fucks his daughter, get the fuck out.

The reason you see that as normal is because you are mental.

Its ratter common, its like how many teenage sport girls end up marrying their coach, who pretty much filled the spot of father figure through their formative years and training.

>more scenes
Let me guess, 2 more scenes? I know.the modding community is still up for custumes but I'm too lazy to hatpat 100x

It's not his actual daughter.

>All 2-D is based on 3-D
>fantasy with multiple intelligent races
>gods meddling with mortal affairs
>Based on 3D
You're retarded.
>Isekai about being a dad who fucks his daughter, get the fuck out.
She's not his daughter: it was solely his own misunderstanding. Kenneth and Rita were parent figures for Latina.
Read the fucking source material before discussing it.
>The reason you see that as normal is because
It's fiction.

You're fucking retarded by the way.

Attached: 1563385755421.jpg (715x590, 224K)

Stop being baited.

what was the last version you played?


Attached: niku.png (544x428, 182K)

3 years ago

I said the last version, you penis
were you pre 2.0?

This is where we disagree.

There is no fixing western society. Maybe we still had a chance 20 years ago but now? We are the living dead, living on borrowed time with no future whatsoever.

Western society is at the part of the Mouse-Utopia Experiment where the females are hurting their own children and most males retract into their hobbies and when the West falls so will the rest of the world.

A new Battle Royale anime would probably do well.

You all have no taste. You probably are the kind who prefer edgy or lewd stuff.

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Its still bad fiction. Its okay to like shit, but do not pretend that it aint shit just because you like it.

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Do you think I could remember soe numbers 3 years ago? Forget it. I'll find myself some time to try it out in the near future

Of course it's shit just not for retarded moralfag reasons.

So is every loli show going to devolve into pedophilia arguments since EH went down? Every point you could possibly make on either side has been made thousands of times for 20 years. Fiction=/=reality, that's all there is to it.

>Western society is at the part of the Mouse-Utopia Experiment where the females are hurting their own children and most males retract into their hobbies and when the West falls so will the rest of the world.

what an unfortunate truth

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Kek, her breast is as big as her head

Sorry babe I need to feel morally superior in every waking moment so you will hear no end until you comply with my worldview otherwise your a bigot pedo.

>retarded moralfag reasons.
And there it is. The real reason for your autistic butthurt.

Its a little bit embarrassing for you tho that you think fucking/not fucking your own daughters has anything to do with moral values.
Are you perhaps jewish?

Who is arguing against loli?
So far the only argument I see is people being against fucking a loli that is your daughter.

Whether she is BIOLOGICALLY his daughter doesn't matter because Dale perceived her as his daughter all this time.

this is some A-grade stuff

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who the fuck let FUNA out of quarantine

>tfw no daughterwife
End my suffering.

>all the funa lolis gathered together
just how large of a warcrime are they planning to commit?

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You know what I just realized those three are just split personality types of the same girl. That's why each is so fucked towards one direction.

is he still doing all 3 mangas or was baka girl canned?

they're all currently ongoing according to mangaupdates

>little bit embarrassing for you
Not really.

yeah like hunterxhunter

ya, rly.

Also,your comeback is lame.


>the Mouse-Utopia Experiment
How is this experimental setup an utopia? Overcrowd animals with a very limited ability to cope with overcrowding, only take care of their most basic survival needs in order to increase the stress further, and then gradually lower their mental and physical fitness through generations of enforced inbreeding, until every single one of them is a drooling, malfunctioning retard under constant stress. This is hell, not utopia. Why would you project this mess on humans? This is just stupid.

>ya, rly.

>ya, rly.

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>Why would you project this mess on humans?
Because standard of living is not quality of life and any change, for better or worse, to quality of life from economic growth is a result or consequence of improved standard of living.

Samefag harder.

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>25 seconds CD
There's no doubt now but you keep reinforcing the impression: you're fucking retarded.

it's not like posting from two devices isn't a thing

I see you stick to theme of being wrong about everything.

Go yell at cars or something, granny. No one cares about your whining over bygone times and forgotten names. You obviously never pretended to be retarded. You've made this cesspool the centre of your life for the past 20 years. You're the real deal.

There's nothing wrong with grooming.

There is everything wrong with wanting to fuck your daughter, you are just too damaged to see that, jewboy.


no u

Tortured mouses are "western culture" humans because apples aren't trees, and also change?
Come on...

but the daughter is grooming him

>his daughter
Only Dale thought that and he was gravely mistaken.

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>hey dad, I'm not actually your daughter, we're not related by blood
>wow, really? let's fuck then

It's a retarded porn fetish story and you know it

its you only seeing what you want to see.
hell nobody in this topics mentioned the adventures of pooploli and buttslut even though its currently airing with the same premise. man finds and adopts little girl. cause its clear man isnt going to fuck them despite finding little girls in the forest.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Maou-sama, Retry!.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

>hey dad, I'm not actually your daughter, we're not related by blood. I never considered you my father. let's fuck then
>hold on let me think for 4 years
How it actually happened

Father/Daughter is patrician, but the "they're not biologically related" cowards need to leave.

/the/ piece of classic literature from the golden age of Japan is a story about child grooming
let them have this


>its okay to fuck your daughter because your daughter is as mentally deranged as every 3D female and you have thought about it for 4 years

Wow yeah that really makes it better.

Well she was older than 15 and he younger than 30 when they married.

Yes and if you read it you would know that just like Lolita it aint exactly praising that deed.

Its more of a character-study about two broken people.

does he at least fuck her

absolutely this good taste

Dale mistake wasn't blood relation, you fucking retards.
It was him considering Latina his daughter.
She never considered him father and when she says so - Dale is shellshocked for years.
Rita and Kenneth were Latina foster parents.
Nobody but Dale considered Latina his daughter.
Everyone else saw and knew she's gunning for his dick.

Yes. They're both pretty fucked up, all things considered.

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It's wrong to fuck your daughter with a condom.

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>fatherhood fantasies
nice try japanese government
you're not gonna fix the birth rate that easily

I didn't read the novel yet but they cuddle every night, that's basically was her job even before she met MC.

>Despite a strong economy, Japan’s total fertility rate – which measures the number of children a woman is expected to have over a lifetime – is 1.44.
It's well below replacement level (~2.1) you sperg.

No, in LN she's untouched. In WN she was a cocksleeve for the baddies, I think she experienced more rape than cuddling during that time.

>Dale is the much more mature
I wish. Latina is way more mature and that turns me off.

>In WN she was a cocksleeve for the baddies, I think she experienced more rape than cuddling during that time.

Picked up

>hell nobody in this topics mentioned the adventures of pooploli and buttslut
Yes, that's interesting indeed. This thread gives me the impression that it's mainly the pedo part that causes all the attention, one way or another. Maybe the choice of the OP pic wasn't a very good one. Created too much useless noise, too little good feedback.

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>In WN she was a cocksleeve for the baddies
Poor meat.

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>I bet you're Dutch.
One step too far.

WNs never get professional TLs and anyway it's shown very briefly, then it's same boring shit as LN (faggot MC won't pork her).

I'm currently forcing Mago, Arifureta and Cheat Magician adaptations down my throat. Retry Maou would be next.

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My penis is disappointed, thanks for the warning.

Please, god, no. I got through the first two chapters of that oedipal garbage before dropping it. How can anyone like the mother character?


The author is a woman, so it's a DILF fantasy.

I so fucking wish this was a pedo story. Sadly MC is a faggot and only fucks her when she throws herself at him as an adult.

Stop raping kids, NATO-kun.

She's not his daughter in any sense, it's his personal delusion.

maous garbage but its so bad its good garbage

I seriously doubt Latina would survive Hero dick before maturing and claiming her Demon Lord powers.

>Fatherhood fantasies for the socially disadvantaged?
Occasional reminder that uchimusume is literal masturbation self insert for women and people who think it's about father/daughter relationship for lonely men hilariously missed the point.

Eh, there is an issue with anglocentrism in soft sciences in general.

It's a DILF fantasy written by a f*moid. Little wonder the female self-insert end up with the DILF.

This time it actually doesn't feel like this, though maybe I'm just saying that because in current mango arc she's almost non-existent.

>Latina: Appears alone in forest
>Dale: Maybe I should kill her
>But I would have to wash my sword
Adaptation is really downplaying that murderhobo

Doesn't look like a crop, but neither yandex nor google can find it. what is this sorcery



Attached: anime irl.png (1920x928, 2.8M)

>MC is typical coldsteel otome murderhobo capture target
>MC is poor orphan that defrosts him with her cuteness and care
Holy shit how is there even any doubt that it's an otome DILF story?

>writing a cuck story about yourself
What the actual fuck, this is as low as it gets.

fuck a kiddo got really angery

>panda host lies to panda staff about a legal change to get rid of them
>lie is repeated infinitely and now all retards assume dutch laws have made loli illegal
>in reality dutch laws are still more lax on 2D than most western countries
>will probably have to explain this 2000 more times in the following months because nobody can be bothered to fact check something on the internet ever

Attached: 1533406999311.jpg (2000x1200, 1.28M)

What were the posts on e.g. forums by Joe then?

Well UchiMusu is also written by a women. Maybe it's a fetish some women have?
Really makes the noggin joggin'.

>the face of a foul father-to-husband groomer


The fuck would I know? Hes not a legal expert. tendboro admitted in his second post about the topic that he merely repeated what the host said and that even without the law change he was done with it. (by the way he seems more intent on finding new hosts for backups or something now)

Every time I see that I'm sad that we don't have a loli board now.
Yea Forums is not a good place for that.

>get the fuck out
Nah man, but you can get out though if it triggers you. Or stay and continue to seethe, whichever you prefer. You are actually propping up a bread of a niche show that would die otherwise, so godspeed.

Fuck off, incest is the purest form of love.

I checked stickies on /h/ and it appears everything is still suspended on shit and sticks. They need to move to another host but it's not clear if anyone would bother.

All it takes is a phone. What the fuck user, how retarded are you.

true neutral

how about you read the series before speaking your opinion? retard



It's boring as shit, why do you want an anime?

My point is that its not illegal and people keep saying it is. Its a bad host.

How does that make Dutch any better?

There is only one reason to exist on Yea Forums

Attached: abuse a version.jpg (1804x1200, 75K)

That doesn't matter, what matters is you shouldnt spread false information.
Lots of servers are still hosted there.
you know why they dont host this type of content in america right? because all hosts there are like that as 2004 removal of /l/ has shown us

Just a joke, fren. Though I really hope you ain't so new it's the first time you see it.

It's the perfect solution to the "Is there something more cucked than having a daughter?" problem.
Having a daughter isn't cucked if you are the one who ends up fucking her instead of some rando.

/l/ is gone because nobody wanted to host a site with loli board? Moot should have hosted the site himself then, nobody seems to bother twitter about all the lolicon artists and twitter has servers in America iirc.

How underage are you what the fuck isthat post even

I'm sure it's uncalled for just for another couple of years. Hosts lying to customers for no legal reason isn't a good sign.


i was worried we've been infected

>How underage are you
>what the fuck isthat post even
seems pretty self-explanatory

>Is this going to be the next big anime fad after isekai?

If if keeps triggering all the reddit normalfags infesting Yea Forums then I hope so.

I need bandages my eyes are bleeding. Watching Kenja was a mistake.

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my nigger-american brother

>All 2-D is based on 3-D
You're retarded if you think you can somehow find a couple out there that has the same consequences as those seen in anime. And I don't mean just "some".

but youre so misinformed about this topic, how do you know so little about this??

>/l/ is gone because nobody wanted to host a site with loli board?
Moot had trouble finding hosts for his high bandwidth and controversial content, so when he finally had one and they demanded /l/ and /g/ to be gone he had almost no choice
>moot shouldve hosted it himself
yes barely adult moot shouldve just invested thousands into servers out of nowhere and gone through the legal effort to host his own servers, totally a possible solution at the time
>twitter has no problems
it does, but they play multiple hands, they moderate very different depending on the region. and we all know they will start making a stance against loli soon enough and eventually porn as a whole, everyones surprised it took them this long already.

twitter is a tiny bit different compared to other big names because unlike those they dont only have chinese/american owners, they got bought up by some Saudi Arabian company a couple of years back and they generally let them run free (so far)

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/g/? was it different before?

>demanded /l/ and /g/ to be gone

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>Moot had trouble finding hosts for his high bandwidth and controversial content, so when he finally had one and they demanded /l/ and /g/ to be gone he had almost no choice
How is this different from what I wrote.
>legal effort
He was already hosting the himself at the beginning, he only needed more servers and bandwidth. I dunno why you fixated at the legal side there, could you elaborate on that.

Post the /g/ and /m/ versions.

/g/uro, you muppet

wtf is this pajeet shite english skills

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S-she's gonna save those helpless conscripts right?

of course

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>he saw Jinguji-san eating dinner with another man and this enraged him


i was wondering when some actual potential of her abilities would start being used.
since with the abilities she has the can basically do literally everything.
she could have just stored the entire enemy army in her box and deposted them back in their country

Attached: 12[1].jpg (1060x1519, 234K)

What the fuck do you think she lawyered that clause for to begin with?

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dawn of the final day

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Imagine the periods local chicks get.

You mean grooming animes.

Does anyone have the picture of her saying "seven, almost eight"?

No, I don't mean grooming "animes". Remember what the doctor told you about using your secret mind-reading super powers.


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>In WN she was a cocksleeve for the baddies, I think she experienced more rape than cuddling during that time
By who?
.t lnfag

I can still sing that fucking opening thank you for reminding me it's now stuck in my head again.

Attached: PIPIRUPIRUPIRUPIPIRIPI.png (558x414, 94K)

now reading this, has potential

you wouldn't a dagger would you?

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Excelia is better

Is this the daily isekai thread? I have a question.

A while ago, I remember reading a doujin where the main character meets himself from an alternate universe where he was born a girl. They had sex, and then it was revealed at the end that the FeMC’s world was actually wildly different, with dragons and shit.

Does anyone remember the name of that one? Considering how the Sad Panda closure is causing people to back up doujins, I want to see if anyone has backed up this one online yet.

>Is this the daily isekai thread?
this is the hourly one

I just fapped to it yesterday in the end they go to her world with floating islands and giant wasp taxi.
I'm not telling you doujin name or artist though because you're a massive cunt.

goddamn user, I hate some posters too but you dont deny someone a doujin thats just rude

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Sherry looks cute.

Go brew yourself one.

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piru piru pipiru pi


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>adopted after toddler age
That's not how human psychology works you fucking retarded normalfags. Your wife's son will never, EVER consider you a father. The closest you'll ever get is them realizing they can get free shit by kissing your ass.

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but I can fuck them without feeling bad

forgot the name but its udon ya the guy with all the monster hunter ones


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>Is this the daily isekai thread?
Fuck off, retard.

>single molecule
How do you write a book on potions without knowing anything about physics?

What do you do for a living?
FUNA does this.

The key tag is selfcest. Sort by popularity and it will be one of the earlier results.
That's all the help you'll get from me and only because selfcest is a great tag.


Because that's what some women want. Tale of Genji, Usagi Drop, Uchimusume, Kore wa Koi, all written by women who love the idea of corrupting a guy of the number one provider in their lives also being their lover.

Attached: 34.jpg (967x1400, 478K)

Nobody is saying that watching pedoshit is the same as raping a kid. But encouraging pedos is still bad.

>anyone blaming anime as pedo-enabling is actually a pedo themselves.
Anyone using the spiderfucking argument is guilty of whatever they are accused of.

Attached: 47f.jpg (640x392, 27K)

It is the age of the daughterwife and normalfags can't cope


Seething roasties, cakes and single mothers are losing and daughterwives are to blame.

Attached: Dr.jpg (1280x1904, 801K)

It is a beautiful sight to see

>mc wants a harem
>the gaylord doesn't want to fuck a prostitute
Getting tired of this shit.

Attached: 1551163742937.jpg (950x1350, 644K)

I would absolutely

>takeover Slime as the best selling isekai series?
Not even in your dreams.

Attached: S-Slime_colored.jpg (1061x1022, 355K)

I love seeing those threads where the secretly panicking normalfag OP is all "gosh isn't it great to have these shows about normal fatherhood with absolutely nothing suspect!"
the denial is concentrated

Attached: laugh.png (208x190, 43K)

Ah yes, corrupting the guy who shouldered their happy life into continuing to shoulder their happy life forever. How sinful. Truly the reverse-mindbreak of our time.

>this is the body of your imouto

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>incest isn't canon anymore
Fuck this gay series.

You can always fix society. You just have to kill a lot people to do it.

It's no coincidence that the perfect daughter is also the perfect wife and perfect mother simultaneously. Daughtermomwife is the perfected female companion ideal.

Attached: god I wish.jpg (600x720, 268K)

>Who will rape your son.

Honestly harem story should be read after it's completed/finished to prevent disappointment
Rudy should fuck her

The classic lit referenced by was also written by a woman.
Anne Rice wrote about the loli vampire.
Story of O was written by a woman.
Women know what they want; they want the Dale

The Incest is canon, in the third chapter of Nanahoshi Gourmet (Published AFTER the removed chapters) is implied the incest
use google translate yourself

why are people so easily baited by the pedo name calling? Like, isn't it obvious they do it to trigger you?

Neither side gives a shit. They're starved for human interaction and LARPing as an excuse to use this as a chat room instead of a bulletin board.

He should have fucked her much earlier. That teleport really ruined a lot of things.

fucking based


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user from the episode thread forgot this stitch. I am here to correct that.

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That fucking ribbon kept changing colors and it distracted me.

The fact that I'm completely aware of the fact they're adorable yet I can't feel any pull to watch because I know that there will be no passionate lovemaking makes me wonder if I'm not ruining myself by binging all these ultra-vanilla loli doujinshi.

Attached: help.png (1079x406, 444K)

You should know how this industry works by now. The real end is the doujins. The source anime/manga is just there to make doujins possible. You watch the show as if it were the prequel to the doujins.

I just realized that in the same season we have an anime about a mother and her son and another anime about a father and his daughter.
The fuck is going on

I wonder who could be behind this trend

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>ultra-vanilla loli doujinshi

Attached: PANDAS.webm (720x1280, 1.79M)

if Yea Forums can do it, so can Yea Forums

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mother/son incest anime
I mean it has to happen

since isekai is a part of the LN boom that's been going on since haruhi it'll probably be class president loving next.

case in point

This is where I think the limitations of MTL and amateur author come into play because the official translation of LDM LN (as opposed to amateur WN translation) flow smoothly and actual fun to read.

wonder what would happen if Shadow and Leon met

>cultivate crops so you can eat them
>build tools so you can use them
>invent games so you can play them

>raise girl so you can ____???
C'mon, user. You're the one being weird here.

>try sexualizing an aged, unavailable, unfertile woman that is biologically related to you
>it's just like sexualizing a girl with the full breadth of her fertility at her disposal, who is unspoiled, available, loves and wants to live with you, and not biologically related
You sound like a homosexual, cuckold, and/or tranny. A girl you adopt after the age of like 4 will never see you as her father, and likewise she will never be your daughter. If you thinking that girl upon reaching sexual maturity wanting you in her life more than anything else is gross, then you're sucking that kike dick so hard it's turning you LITERALLY gay. Your ancestors are probably lamenting at this moment the fact that they have such a spineless waste of genetic material stemming from their bloodline.

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Don't we all user, don't we all.

NAYRT but the WN trnalsation reads fine. Ch.45 is a few chapters into the town-building stuff, which is a total paradigm shift in the story that might have put them off.

I guess the WN translation reads okay but the LN translation is a lot more colorful and fun. The author also starts rewriting stuff after about volume 3 and now everything involving Leona is significantly different from the WN while beddhism enters the plot much sooner. Though that's a lot later than chapter 45.

Loli will always find a way. This stuff is like crack to me.

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Reading a story for a while --and then it suddenly becomes a different kind of story-- can be a HUGE turn off. Like, I was OK with it in LDM, because it never became something I disliked; but I have dropped stories because of that shit before.

Dale never had any intention of fucking latina, latina and everyone else where the once that kept urging him to fuck her until he finally gave in

>tfw this was the exact reason I dropped Average Abilities after one volume
How can you spend fully half a volume setting up a perfectly nice magic school life story and then immediately throw them all out, replace them with a whole new cast, and start a whole new generic adventurer guild rank raising story?

>Who is Woody Allen?