>it's a kharzo episode
It's a kharzo episode
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember the scene where his sister fell out of the shower and her pussy landed straight onto his mouth?
I swear if Minimi says "Poppo poppo pyaaaan!" one more time I'm going to fire indiscriminately into a crowd
I really like the plot in this one. Very original. You don't see many animes these days do this, and so successfully at that.
>There were two eggs
This wasn't in the VN...
>he burnt down the building
what a madlad
VN doesn't mean shit, it was clear from episode 1 that they were going to take a very different plot since they killed off Janice.
EXCUSE ME her name is actually Jyanisu. The TLers don't respect the source material.
Imagine trying to do a "Watched Expected Got" for this show. It's literally impossible.
Man, this anime was actually good for once.
The OST is pushing new ground as well. Never thought franco-spectralism would see the limelight in anime of all places.
And there goes the other bookend.
She saw a giant spaceship crash and breakdown over her planet, blaming the pilot without knowing why he would ever do this
And now she's the only one responsible for crashing the entire fleet over the planet, fully aware that she is sacrificing thousand of people for what she believe to be the best for human civilization
>Actually liking Mary
I can't believe you faggots cheer for the worst character written in the history of manga and anime combined just because she's a petanko. It's like there's people with actual mental illness among us.
Several people have asked me about this show, and I never know what to say. I've tried "It's a loli show for people who hate lolis" which is accurate but it doesn't help them imagine it
Think about Season 2 Episode 12 for example. How do you describe that? A character you hate tortures a character you love, using every single utensil in a very well-equipped kitchen, AND IT'S HILARIOUSLY FUNNY.
I've tried describing that scene to so many people and they always look at me as though I just kicked a kitten. I always end up saying JUST WATCH IT YOURSELF.
when they went from the three-dimensional space to the two-dimensional space, why didn't animation go for the one-dimensional space?
>new OP is a literal slideshow
What happened?
Mary's great and I will always defend her even though I'm well aware 90% of attacks on her are nothing more than (you)fishing.
Just in case you're really one of the 10% who don't get her, just be patient. Yes, she treats everything as a joke at the minute, but that's because everything so far IS a joke in comparison to what's coming. In Season 5 you'll see what happens when she gets serious.
P.S. If you don't like her hair, I don't know what to say other than you're wrong.
They're saving budget for the next arc. It's a good tradeoff imo since Hollywood Invasion is supposed to be one of the best manga storylines of all time and it's going to be pure kino if they don't fuck it up.
maybe you shouldn't download the shit release by the shit subgroup who don't encode their releases properly
Did they seriously just retcon her confession? The author is a fucking hack.
Err... it seems odd to choose THAT to complain about. I mean you got through Season 1 Episode 8, didn't you? An entire episode consisting of a black screen with narration, because it's told from the perspective of a blind person... if THAT didn't put you off, why are you worried about a slideshow?
The protag is such a fucking faggot, I despise him. Mangafags, does he die?
>loli pantyshoot
What kind of degenerates watch this show?
Yes but he comes back and turns into a girl
I have to say, while the plot didn't captivate much, the realistic fight scenes were really something unique and interesting. Take that knife fight in episode 13, the fact the girls actually clutched in pain when receiving a hit and were show to get more and more tired with their blood all around the floor was very cool. Specially since the fight ended not with them killing each other, but with the mysterious sniper shooting both in the head. I hope that they finally show the identity of him this season. My guess is with the popular theory of him being Minimi's long lost brother after he was brainwashed
Obviously not, they're just flipping the pacing around for greater dramatic effect
>Atnes jobs again
When will they stop with this shit?
Kangfags are the worst.
Kang is the best thing ever to the show and no niggas can show me otherwise. Yes, boisterous bruiser characters are kinda saturated, but my boy Kang saved the useless protagonist ass THREE times during the first season alone. And he just wants to protect his daughter as show in season's 2 episode 5.
This. I'm so sick of these bullshit anime Youtubers trying to make a big controversy about what Kang did in season 2.
Kang is great.
I hope some day they do a "The Making Of..." about this show. If 1/10th of the crazy anecdotes floating around are true, it would be the best documentary ever.
What are people's favourite stories? Mine's the one about the Season 1 intro.
1. THE MAN finally gets the accountants to release funds for the pilot.
2. He's given four weeks to come up with 27 minutes of animation.
3. He bars ALL executives from the building, answers no emails, releases no clips or even stills.
4. Deadline comes.
5. And goes.
6. Three weeks later...
7. Attends a board meeting.
8. Shows them the SEVENTEEN SECONDS of animation he's completed.
9. Assorted bigwigs go into cardiac arrest.
10. He explains he wanted to get it right hahaha.
How do you still have a career in the industry after pulling something like that? I guess it helps when the 17 seconds are *those* 17 seconds...
Kang died in the latest volume of the manga btw
Treating everything as a joke is one thing, being a total airhead, pulling the "Did you say something?" trope in some lel twist is the epitome of hack writing. Look I'm not mad at her hair even if she makes yugioh protagonists look like your everyday salaryman, but fuck that cunt I don't want to have to WAIT until a bajillion seasons just for a meh payoff.
No, what I'm actually fucking frustrated about is that people actually have the GAL to call her development anything close to that, while characters like Grunilda and May-may get shat on by the plot, no screen time DESPITE them having better chemistry with the MC.
>Not my gigga nigga Ruiz
I still cannot believe they actually gave the nigger character a love interest, and even best girl at that.
The different plot threads and the fact Nemo survived implies that some other characters might survive in this adaptation. Sure, Nemo was a fucking nobody wh only became relevant during 6 pages in volume 4, but it's still there.
Have you heard the audio from the emergency press conference after Season 2 Episode 6? Funniest thing ever. Anyone who hasn't heard it, basically the exchange goes like this:
Reporter: "Many people have suggested that this episode could be seen as condoning Kang's actions. How would you respond to that?"
Remember the scene where he got pregnant by his sister?
Will Olga shit her pants after that Indian curry in Den Pobedy episode? Or will it be brap episode?
>total airhead
She's walking a very narrow line. She has to convince the Duke she's a total airhead but also reassure Roland she really isn't, and all without ever being alone with him. I think she does a pretty good job. What she does in the chess game is just brilliant. If you want to read it as dumb luck you can, but Roland is *just* sharp enough to have a little nagging doubt.
>Grunilda and May-may
>no screen time
I feel your pain. I don't think there's anyone on this board who wouldn't like to see what really happened on that trip to the hot spring. But the show is 12 seasons already. They had to cut SOMETHING.
I can't believe CHRISTINA's mahou shoujo mecha spinoff show is selling more BD's than the latest season. What went wrong?
Threadly reminder that Momoko will never win the Harubowl.
The mecha spinoff is actually a really funny deconstruction of the original show's themes when you get down to it. I still think it sells a lot more than it should, but it's still not the completely shitty money grab i thought it was at first
So why did he grab the dragon's boobs exactly?
You need to stop making these threads. The anime is way past its prime and they keep reusing the same plot points over and over. They should have ended it at season 4.
Poor quality bait. Name ONE plot point that's reused in essentially the same form.
Just one.
I'll wait.
I can't believe they got away with that super graphic yuri rape scene in the second episode, but in hindsight it's actually great preparation for Three Mountains arc which is one of the most kino anime storylines ever.
>3 mountain shills at it again
It was a glorified toy commercial, deal with it.
It's how he charges his eye powers. Did you not listen to the spoonfed explanation in the previous scene?
Minimi's amnesia.
>one-dimensional space
If any director has the balls to do something like that, it's our boy.
I mean this is a man who was told by the head of the company that "the characters didn't seem fleshed out" and so he immediately does a comedy episode where every character is a a walking skeleton. Gotta love this guy.
I swear to God, if they revive another character just to push that stupid "death and rebirth" simbolysm I'm blowing my fucking head off.
You didn't say when that was reused, but I'm assuming you're referring to Roland's amnesia in Season Four?
That's not just "reusing out of laziness". The tendency for that sort of amnesia is a disease which has a genetic component.
>"But how could Roland and Minimi be related? They're not even the same species!"
a) have patience
b) trust the writer
Well obviously the parallels are too striking to be a coincidence. I remember at University a guy at a party spent about four hours explaining how the whole show was a retelling of the New Testament. He matched every little detail to something in one of the Gospels - it was really spooky. But then I tried doing it myself with The Odyssey and it fits that too. And I've heard some people say it fits Moby Dick and the Norse Eddas and everything, so you have to be a bit wary.
Anyway, about the repeated REBIRTH motif -— I guess it's a bit like a Terrence Malick movie, you either love it or you just get exasperated by it. I don't mind it to be honest.
I really want to stomp Jumin's head. Anyone else? Having his skull crushed would be amazing
Honestly though, i REALLY disliked that rape scene during episode 14 of season 2. I mean, did Liniana deserve it after we discovered what that bitch did in her backstory and after her betrayal of Grunilda? Of course. But did we REALLY need to extent it to literally 10 minutes of rape? It doesn't help that scene is mostly blacked out by the censoring so i can't even fap to it.
Been interested in this. Anything an old fujo like me would enjoy?
>Anefags still assblasted about Kharzo
>"b-but muh plot consistency"
Imagine being this much of a faggot
I think it's kind of bullshit since she was supposed to have it "fixed" after the hospital attack but then the author pulled a "teehee fooled you XD" by having it come back with no warning at all.
Don’t bother arguing with him, purityfags have hated her ever since she had canon sex all the way back in season 1
>literal roastie is best girl
That seems annoying at the time but remember the doctor thinks Minimi is 100% human. If he knew about the other 1/8th of her DNA he wouldn't have given his diagnosis so firmly. It wasn't super-unreasonable he got it wrong.
There's a pair of gay idol knights but they're jobbers.
>token loli is a literal recolour of Hachikuji
She’s easily the best written female character in anime since Noguchi Yun from Beyond These Blessed Fields (no I’m not using the retarded nip name for the series)
I'll take it.
This Fieri guy seems really OP. Is the author going to asspull another ultimate move at the last minute just so the "good guys" can win again?
>buildup and backstory for 2 arcs
>get offscreened by minor villain
I fucking hate Katsumoto
t. animeonly
>literal roastie
Sigh, more low-quality bait. Why do I respond to it? Because MARY WILL NEVER GO UNDEFENDING ON MY WATCH.
She did indeed have sex with Zachariah in Season 1, but at the time:
a) *she thought her husband was dead*
b) she knew what Z. had suffered when he offered himself as hostage for her niece, and that was the only way she could reward him
c) she was racked with guilt about it for like all of Season 2
I mean what do you want from the poor girl?
>his name is literally Cheese
S2 > S1 > S3 > S4
Fight me.
Anyone else hate these gary stu 200 iq MCs? I'm getting real tired of these little shits.
It's kinda refreshing to see John fucking the MC's shit up almost every time they meet due to his extensive military background and experience. Best antagonist of the decade.
That's what you get for using the shitty dub. His name is Chizu, which means map which isn't that much better but at least it makes sense.
>still watching this shit
After the asspull with Loui eating all the spaghetti I just dropped this. It just makes no sense that he would be declared the winner after pulling something like that.
If there's one thing this author is good at, it's mocking people who try to second-guess him. I mean remember S1 E7, where the Cloaked Man walks in and Elizabeth is getting ready to swallow the poison to protect her virtue and then he bangs his head on the door-frame and it turns out he's three little boys standing on each other's shoulders, who've just stolen the cloak for a giggle? I laughed so hard at that.
Anyway, about Fieri — he's real and he's pretty awesome yes, but he's not quite the villain you seem to think.
I thought that was OK. Remember the Duke basically wanted Loui to win anyway, because he knows how his daughter feels about him, so really he was just looking for an excuse to pardon him.
BTW the best part of that episode was where the assassin gets killed by the mad head chef because he breaks the spaghetti in half before cooking it. That'll teach him, trying to go undercover pretending to be a proper Italian short-order cook. Still makes me laugh.
Does anyone have a link to archive of the thread where STALKER translated the authors notes on how the spaceships function after the timeskip at the beginning of season 5? I heard some of the ‘plot holes’ are just explained by the way their tech works now
Dude it was a metric ton of spaghetti and Loui is like 4" tall 40 year old man. This isn't even a battle shonen, where such things are common.
So, any guesses as to who the killer is? I heard you can tell as early as episode 17, but I can’t narrow it down to one suspect (I admit I haven’t rewatched all the episodes but I don’t think I missed anything major)
Oh fuck off you do this in every thread you autistic spammer, they even have SHOWN Marco's face when he killed her. Stop being so fujogay and accept canon already, it wasn't a red herring.
We all know Marco killed Caroline but it makes no sense for him to kill everyone else. There is obviously another murderer trying to pin all this shit on Marco. Don't be a brainlet.
>this guy killed somebody
>b-b-but why would he kill other people?!
absolutely retarded
>there are actually pople who deny OP 2 is the best one
Why do I have to share a board with you Redditors
Finally a patrician.
Good but still patchy since they're trying to find their feet. Also the voice acting for Mary is TERRIBLE. Hanamori Yumiri was so obviously right I don't know why they didn't get her from Day 1. Anyway at least from S2 onward she's there. (P.S. If you criticize HY in any way I will find you, and I will kill you.)
Yes they've ironed out most of the S1 problems. But they STILL can't get Roland's hair right, and they're not going into enough detail (e.g. skipping the Armadillo Scene). I guess at this point they still didn't know if they were going to be able to make the full 12 seasons.
>S3 & 4
10/10. Anyone who dislikes these is just an action-fag who can't take the dialogue scenes in the Emperor's palace. I admit, two straight hours of German Idealism isn't to everyone's taste, but it lays the groundwork for just about everything that happens later. And there's always the Dance Of The Seven Lolis to look forward to.
I'm guessing you haven't seen this one yet so I won't give spoilers. But just to whet your appetite: it's the best so far.
He literally died before the last murder, he’s at the very most in on it with the killer. No way he is THE killer in the title of the show
>killing caroline, a waste of oxygen who caused his brother's death and had been plotting to seize his family's company for years
>the same as killing his family and beloved servants
You're a fucking psychopath
>Thread is dead on episode release day
What killed the hype?
fags like this
filler episode, blame the retarded studio
having godzilla show up out of nowhere and fucking up the building where the murder happened sure wasn't a total ass pull way to destroy all evidences
wth shaft
Fuck off
They're all at the thread for CHRISTINA's show. I can't believe they're spending more on animation for the spinoff than the OG, but toy commercials are where shekels are made these days unfortunately.
you wouldn't say that if didn't happen and we'd got the evidence that Marco was still alive
That fight was KINOOOO
>That fluid animation when he cut through all those apostles
>lol godzilla
Just because there are kaijus doesn't mean they're all Godzilla, you fag. Everything the size of a building looks like Godzilla for you uncultured dickheads.
>all those anime onlys are still hung up on Marco and the family murder arc
pfff, you guys don't even know
I'm not a footfag but those scenes are making my dick feel funny.
This board has gone to shit
Marcofags are delusional, don't bother arguing with them. Almost as bad as the Yuifags
Ikr? I swear, this series is going to turn me into a lolicon at this rate.
>That one time when he lost TEH GAME.
them calling it "Daemonsaurus" won't stop me from calling it Godzilla
I think akira might kill his dad. i feel sorry for him since his dad's treating Koichi like a favorite son he never had.
It should, because they're real and obviously not fucking godzilla
You'd have to be blind to confuse that thing with Godzilla; you're just trying to propagate a stupid meme, like when those idiots tried to get people to refer to Marco as the "warmonger" or some retarded nickname like that.
The powerscaling of this show is all fucked up
Are we supposed to believe that Bobby is now at the level of the MCs because he believed in himself?
Reminder that if the loli maid gets killed the killer will be officially irredeemable
You're getting carried away, dude. Marco did a LOT wrong. Let me refresh your memory.
>Season One. Episode Two.
1. Marco, on his way to the front line, stops off at a random village.
2. Enters inn, asks for glass of milk.
3. Nearby customer laughs.
4. Marco: "What's your name, sir?"
5. Customer: "My name's John, milk boy."
6. Marco: "Not only am I going to kill you, John, but I'm going to kill everyone in this village called John. Then I'll drink my milk."
Was that really justified?
Why would we call him war monger. His first line in the first episode is literally him yelling at the top of his lungs how awesome war is, then he proceeds to go his parents that they should start a war with the neighbor
Who the fuck does shit like that
Warmongers, that's who
>this radioactive giant dinosaur is totally different from that radioactive giant dinosaur despite looking identical but with fur
wow man, you totally destroyed me
I'll call him Furry Godzilla instead from now on
Again, see
I don't like niggers but Kang is one of the good ones.
Kang already died, he isn't coming back, get over it
>what is katakana
This is why we can’t have nice things. Janice’s country is clearly based on America.
I don't care about Marco, I care about redditors like you who try to give "oh so clever" nicknames to every goddamn character that shows up on-screen.
Maybe if john had minded his own fucking bussiness Marco wouldn't have had to teach the village a lesson.
Fine, from now on you'll be known as nicknamefag
Why did they suddenly introduce a male love interest for Yuriko in the new season? What the fuck man? I though this was supposed to be a yuri show.
I feel fucking betrayed and I hope the studio burns down.
>Why yes, I do agree that Lenke is best girl
But what a way to go.
I remember when I first saw that scene. When they brought in the crocodile was like "hmmm... they're really going to do this, aren't they?" and OH BOY DID THEY EVER
Based. He's just a supporting character but he's so much more likable than the MC. Still can't believe they fake killed him off because of autistic nip screeching.
I'll call Daemonsaurus "Furry Godzilla" and you will like it
It's bait. If you watch the spinoff you'd know that he's actually a reverse trap
I agree that it's the best, but I understand the mixed reception. Grindcore isn't for everyone.
Yeah true, I liked him but I thought you were one of those autists who thinks he isn't dead like
Nothing your little mind could come up with could be more embarrassing than whatever retarded name your inbred parents gave you.
Kill yourself
I know you guys like to pretend that it doesn't exist but I feel like the short live-action adaptation they did in the mid-2000's was actually pretty good. The Tom Cruise casting was a bit unfortunate but imo he pulled off the role of Katuya really well.
You know, by this point you might well have written the actual story by yourselves. "Atnes" can be searched in the archives for over a year of this autism, might well start making proper lore and structure to it. Would lend authenticity to it to boot, as the people not in on the joke would start arguing with it.
>watching a show directed by a genuine lolicon
I hope everyone who has anything to do with this anime, even those watching it, get fucking shot
glad you think so nicknamefag
Did anyone else start crying when Kharzo sold his dog off for drug money? I know he needs those drugs for his transformation ki strikes and kicks, but man.
whatever you say, nicknamefag.
Why do people shit on Kharzo? He’s a little bit of a spaz, but isn’t it relatable considering his age?
What I really want to know is, why did Ten of Twenty give him that sidelong glance in the carnival episode? What’s the connection between them ?
I don't like loli, I unironically like it for the plot
Kang is a fucking cuck, letting benny have lenke for himself despite obviously having feeling for her. Being a kangfag is suffering.
>accomplished director with many hits to his name
>world level writer
>triple A voice actor
He is a better human being than the likes of you could ever be, shut your trap
No, he's dead. The whole "Kang Isn't Dead" thing started sort of semi-ironically to mimic the Beatles "Paul is Dead" and got taken over by autists who took it seriously. Not the first time THAT'S happened.
People just claim his scenes in Season Four are really happening, but they're CLEARLY Elizabeth's fantasy. I mean, Kang was a big man, sure, but he wasn't THAT big, if you know what I mean.
The adaptation was an atrocity but at least it gave us the KING meme so it's not totally useless.
Katuya didn't deserve to get butchered like that, you're just a hipster liveactionfag
Hey, At least you’re not a marcofag
Kang's hat showed up last chapter.
He's obviously still alive.
Why are anti-kang fags so retarded
This week's episode preview is out
Is Spiritus really even a drug? I thought it was like 5 Loko.
>filler episode
>CHRISTINA appearance
They're mostly just shipperfags who are still seething after he cucked John which he totally deserved.
t. cuck apologist
Choke on a bunch of dicks and die a happy death, you supreme faglords.
Of course it's a drug, it's fucking alcohol, especially in this setting of space-age alcohol prohibition in the 2440's.
And he dreams about fucking children; that puts him on the status of "human scum" immediately. At least admit that you are a degenerate who watches a show made by another degenerate.
Reminder that every John to ever appear on this show has been a major asshole
like what the fuck you all bitchin about Marco but not about the monster that conveniently destroyed his murder location
Can anyone tell me what was up with that candy episode? It's such a jarring change of animation style and the fact that they made an entire OP and ED for that episode alone is weird, especially since it's pretty much filler.
Did you miss the news reports that was literally the first scene and then sprinkled throughout the rest of the season? Even the redditors knew it was coming.
How do people be this obtuse
>didn't care for her niece properly in the first place so she got kidnapped
>Zach wanted closure to his own daughter dying and him being unable to save her, and was in full on PTSD still when Mary came onto him
>THAT FUCKING SLUT literally fucks Zach while he's crying for the first time in ages
More like regret, you and I both know this added a bunch of unnecessary drama because Mary was set up to be far smarter and she just goes and does this.
sorry that was like 17 weeks ago
I don't rewatch shit
I think they invited a guest director and gave him total freedom to do as he wanted. Rumor has it that he's related to someone on the staff and is trying to make it into the business, so they put him in charge of an entire episode. Obviously he hasn't seen the show before, I mean, talk about characters acting OOC. I liked the visuals though; I hope he gets his act together and tries to do something original instead.
That nigger Marco poisoned the fucking well as shown in episode 11, Nina drank the water and is hallucinating.
>obviously still alive
I think it was.
Now... who was in charge of the crocodiles at the sultan's palace?
Now you know why Kang's hat is still around. Remember it still has his crusted lines of semen on it. That semen's worth a lot to some very important people.
Yeah, but it’s clearly supposed to mean Cheese, he wears that bright yellow outfit.
Not gonna lie, seeing Higashi animated like that was pretty damn hot though. I'm not gay but I would totally suck his dick.
>another shitty side character that was introduced two episodes ago died an "emotional" death
This is literally the sixth time they've pulled this. Can't the writers come up with anything new to raise the stakes?
You'd be gay if you didn't want Higashi to ram your ass t b h
were you watching it half asleep user?
the monster was seen by multiple characters before it did that
you should have seen it coming
Lmao at all you Kangfags, with your dead cuck. marcochads just can't stop winning. He's basically the mc at this point
I hit the motherlode
Watch episode 13 from S3, put on headphones, maximum value, the scene where Lenke and Caroline are talking to each other about crashing the wedding naked (8:21 in). If you listen very very closely, you can hear Lenka's seiyuu farting while she speaks, and right afterwards all her lines sound super embarrassed.
I'm sure they'll make the giant godzilla ripoff do something later
>I absolutely hate it when weak mean exhibit physicality. It gives violence a bad name.
What kind of shit is Kusari smoking?
How do people keep up with all the characters in YuShu? Makes DRRR look like a one man show.
>giant godzilla ripoff
>Marco poisoned the well
It wasn't intentional, to be fair. He just pissed in it, but he forgot he'd drunk the elf poison and then the antidote eight hours earlier so his urine was going to be pretty toxic.
Yes, I know, pissing in a village well isn't exactly boy scout behaviour, but remember Mary had just turned him down for like the SEVENTH time. Enough to make anyone pissed, if you'll pardon the expression.
I actually quite like Marco. I mean I know he was a homicidal maniac and multiple rapist of farm animals, but he had a good sense of humour, and that counts for a lot.
They shuffled off most of the irrelevant side characters to CHRISTINA's spinoff early in season 4 during the divergence episode but after that the writer just started killing people off randomly just to trim down the cast.
That brief hallucination in which Higashi was turned into a girl cemented for me that he was best girl; no comparison.
What else would you call some giant lizard thing that's fucking up the city? It even looks like it's just some guy in a costume.
For me it was when he did that pole dance after the Marco "death" scene. Holy shit.
I'll fuck off when Marcus shows up again and btfo everyone who thought he was dead before the last murder
Well most of them are jobbers or are offed few episodes after their introduction anyway. At first I thought it was going to be another MC and his loli flock show but when the girls and Kang started getting killed I understood no one is safe.
But all in all it seems like someone watched Agame Ga Kill and decided to emulate that.
>Godzilla godzilla godzilla
>I looooooove sucking cock
Yeah, we know, you're a fag.
Now that I think about it, is there any character that actually likes Marco and wouldn't just dance at his funeral?
It just looks that way but if you paid any actual attention to the show then you'd know that each of those deaths were important parts of the plot.
What was up with that shit anyway? I feel like the budget of the entire episode went to that 20 second sequence. Marco getting impaled was stiff as all hell compared to those hips shaking.
There's no way that they keep teasing us with this and won't make it happen for real. I give it until the end of the season until he's best girl for good.
that wasn't me
>What else would you call some giant lizard thing that's fucking up the city?
the emotional pillar of the series. Without it, there would be no drama. Remember when Daemonosaurus turned down Mary's love letter? And the new ED right after that, with Daemonosaurus standing sad in the rain, on top of Mt. Fuji while all of japan tries to cheer him up?
You must be a cruel bastard if you didn't cry when the little girl told him that it isn't his fault that he is a 2km tall lizard that got transferred into a highschool in tokyo. He never asked for all the popularity either.
Fanservice. Next to CHRISTINA, Higashi is always at or near the top of the popularity polls which is entirely deserved.
I refer you to my earlier post
Yes, I like Marco. He's not all bad and he sure as hell wouldn't be boring to be around.
I dunno guys, the 10 minute rant about "delicious boi pussy" really makes me question the motives of the MC
Rewatch that scene and pay attention to the background.
was there I spin-off I missed or am I in a pararell universe where I'm watching the same show but it's entirely different?
because I don't remember any of that shit
Why the fuck did we get two beach episodes in season 4? The first one at least had an actual plot point showing Amaki's advancing cancer and her struggle to save her mother before she dies, but the second one? Pure filler and an excuse to show Minimi's and Lenke's ass.
>robotic brain in a human body
seriously, what is the point of keeping her around like that? I can understand honoring chief's wishes but an AI like that would find better use in life-support systems or whatever shit they have. scrap the body for organs
Don't skip the recaps, speedwatcher.
>complaining about delicious minimi ass
Dude could you be any gayer
That ancient mech that they dredged up from the seafloor at the end of the episode isn't filler.
Look, another jackass who found their way here after watching the abridged parody.
maybe Marco and this whole Family murder arc distracted me from noticing Daemonosaurus' character arc
I guess I'll watch the recaps
What the hell are you talking about? That never happened. You can’t even say the word pussy in porn.
Fuck off to /y/
I have to admit, the part where the Masked Man revealed that the "monsters" had been treating the humans as "monsters of the week" themselves all along was absolute kino. Made me rewatch every death scene again and holy shit, it all comes together now.
Yeah well fuck you, the parody is atleast consistently written. And I really like Lanipator as Marco.
legit made me laugh, i need that in my life
Why is nobody mentioning all the Jojo references this season? I don't know what they're thinking but it seems like they can't go two episodes without putting one in. What's worse, this week's "Your next line is..." was one of the more subtle ones.
What was the point of the island arc? Did they really have to spend 3 episodes naked in the LN or was that just for fanservice?
Yeah, they stopped trying to make comedy after Season 1 and decided to do a whole fucking redub of the whole fucking series. Also
>consistently written
Good joke.
it's the other way around, bub
Oh sorry I just realized you said
I thought you were asking if anyone HERE likes Marco.
Yes, he did have some loyal friends:
always had a soft spot for him. Remember he did save her children from the Armadillo. And he's just about the only man who never tried to sleep with her.
Had mixed feelings about him, but basically admired him. Remember Roland could have had him court-martialled for the episode with the General's three daughters, but he covered it all up.
>The One-Armed Prince
The O-A.P. clearly likes having Marco around. Remember most people are way too nervous to joke about the O.-A.P. only having one arm but Marco ALWAYS laughed at him and told him as long as he had enough arms to masturbate he shouldn't grumble. I think the Prince admired his spirit.
It’s gotten too far out of hand now. The magic is gone.
Watch it again speedreader-kun
The anime went to shit when they introduced Juuri.
I love the way the director plays with that whole naked thing. Putting the disclaimer up that they didn't have the budget for costumes and he hopes the audience will understand... I guess I just love THE MAN's sense of humour.
Abridging doesn't have to be comedic. It just has to shorten it. And thank god they did that, because watching 6 episodes in a row about arguing about who ate the last sugar cube is fucking awful. that's 6*18minutes=108 minutes (YEAH I GET IT, BUDDHA AND SHIT) of arguing about a single 1cm^3 cube. And what did the abridged series do? Made a joke about the movie C.U.B.E. from 1997 and moved on with the plot.
I can't believe they added so much physics to Higashi's dick in the BD. It was very distracting.
Way to blow your load pleb, I just started the damn show and theirs a death already? ffs learn to tag your shit properly next time loser.
It's the only CG they use.
There's so much happening every episode. I think my head is gonna explode.
>The O-A.P. clearly likes having Marco around. Remember most people are way too nervous to joke about the O.-A.P. only having one arm but Marco ALWAYS laughed at him and told him as long as he had enough arms to masturbate he shouldn't grumble. I think the Prince admired his spirit.
manga spoilers:
OAP surgically attaches Marco's left arm to OAP's missing right arm
He's now the left-armed prince. LAP
These threads are so silly
>went to shit when they introduced Juuri
I heard a really cool story going around about Juuri. Basically the head of the studio has a son who fancies himself as a voice actor. So this head told OUR BOY he had to write in a character for this useless son to voice.
So OUR BOY wrote in Juuri and:
>made him the most annoying and stupid character ever
>made him suffer through about 50 scenes where he gets ridiculed
>killed him off with a Wart-Hog after 3 episodes
Also, this CEO's son apparently has a slight lisp, which is why our boy gave him so many lines with "S"s in.
I am such a fan of this director.
Why do they keep doing stupidly long Engrish scenes that would even embarrass Zankyuu no Terror?
Bros... I want to fuck Higashi so bad...
You have to understand that to the japanese engrish sounds like the proper english they know and something like british english would be utterly incomprehensible to them. As for why the english scenes are there in the first place, it's another one of the director's hijinks.
Did Kang really deserve to inherit Satsumori's sword?
I never really understood all the fan hysteria about him. Do you know the voice actor has to have round-the-clock protection and they arrest an average of three high-school girls per week, trying to break into his apartment naked? Crazy.
As far as the character goes, he's cool enough, I guess. I did like the bit in Season Two when he visits the Sultan and impregnates all three of his daughters during the billiard-match without anyone realizing what's happening.
He absolutely did. I can't stop listening to the raps he does whenever he battles.
It's only natural that Kang the jobber inherits the weapon of the greatest jobber of the franchise.
this is one of the best hip-hop songs i've heard in an anime, sounds like it'd translate well to english
Remember the lore says that magical weapons have memories of everything they've killed? And if one weapon ever slays one of every kind of bird, beast and fish in the world, it will unlock some major power?
I think that sword must be close to a full Bingo card. Satsumori liked hunting boars and stuff didn't he? And he used the sword in the arena for five years as a gladiator. Then Kang had it. And he wasn't exactly Mahatma Gandhi when it came to clearing wildlife out the way.
I wonder if its next owner* will be the one to unlock the power?
Is the dub worth watching?
They took quite the gamble when they decided to to have the Japanese seiyuus voice the English dub, but sadly the resulting engrish is just agonizing.
>only group subbing the show is Hadena
I love it when THE MAN was told he had to release an "Official English Subtitled Blu-Ray DVD" so he indeed released it but then it was found all the subtitles consisted of the line
and variants thereof. What that man lacks in business acumen he sure makes up for in balls.
>the sound of bells at the end of the OP
>the seemingly random shot of flowers growing in absurd places since they're in Steel City
>the World Tree in the back as they walk past the Envoy's Bridge
>there wasn't a next episode preview at the end of this episode
I hope everyone is ready for a huge shitstorm next week, I told all you fags that he didn't die when Mono's Reverb hit him full force and he disappeared. I've been saying it for the past 4 seasons now and I was right you retards.
Blueshift has been a thing for a while.
I don't know what this show is, but the starting it off by sending the truck of peace after some thot is pretty good.
You mean that stupid "at one with Nature" crypto-hippy retard?
We don't want protagonists who are "at one with" Nature. We want protagonists who slash Nature, burn her, hack her aside, hunt her down with hawks and hounds and crossbows and spears and then roast her over a fire with an apple in her mouth.
That's the sort of protagonists we want. Men like MARCO and KANG. Not your limp-wristed squirrel-fancying nancy boy.
Reported for insufferable faggotry.
Why do people hate Kharzo?
>Why do people hate Kharzo?
Pure envy. He lives the way they would like to if only they had the nerve. The "jump off a cliff and improvise a parachute on the way down" strategy, haha.
What's your favourite Kharzo episode? I like the wager with the Prince in Season 2, where he bets he can pick any random man in the room and do his job better than him with a week's training.
So the Prince picks the man right next to him who's a male prostitute.
Well done Kharzo, lol. Oh well, at least you got out of being beheaded.
The power creep in this series is worse than Naruto. How can we expect to take any new threat seriously when they keep giving random-ass powers to literally everybody?
>power creep
I hardly remember any power creep. What happens is we're gradually introduced to more and more powerful characters, rather than seeing one character get more and more powerful.
The only time off-hand I can remember a character being granted some game-changing power immediately before he needs it, was when Roland visited the Elf Queen just before his Trial by Combat in the arena. And it was reasonable she would feel gratitude to him. When a man gives you your first orgasm in 800 years, you're not just going to repay him with a new hat or something, are you?
A single minute of Vale has more emotion and depth than Marco and Kang in all their time.
You'll just see how the show will go back to being a sublime piece of art when he returns.
Who's the target audience for this?
Exclusively my dad, which was a strange choice for the studio, dad doesn't watch anime.
>It's a Mumei gets divorced by his Korean Mail Order bride so he makes the gang go to war with fictional Korea and genocide the population """accidentally""""
Fuck off dubfag
>Who's the target audience for this?
There's something for everyone in this show.
>If you like lolis...
...you'll love most of Season 2, plus of course the flashbacks in S3 and almost all of the Hot Springs/Armadillo arc in S4/5
>If you like worldly, sophisticated cakes seducing blushing young would-be heroes...
...you'll REALLY love Season One, Episode Four.
>If you like wacky self-aware harem hi-jinks...
...you'll have a good time whenever the One-Armed Prince is on-screen
But to appreciate it ALL, you need to be a Man of Culture. And if you want to catch the in-jokes, an encyclopedic knowledge of the medium wouldn't hurt.
P.S. Don't bother with the Youtube "Easy Guide" to this show. It's full of questionable interpretations and the director himself has said if he ever gets his hands on the people responsible, he'll do to them what Kang did to the bandits who tried to steal his hat while he was asleep in Season Two Episode One.
Especially Yui, she is obviously the writers' favorite character. She had no reason to be able to know the counter to Ten no Inazuma in her fight with Satsumori.
>no reason
Except that the nursery rhyme her elf nurse taught her when she was a little girl wasn't just a nursery rhyme.
After reviewing the evidence I think Kang might be alive
I've never heard of this until now, and I'm fascinated, thank you for letting me know this exists
Kang will come back then job and die offscreen
>go back to being
The show never stopped being a sublime piece of art. It certainly didn't need V*le prancing about forgiving his enemies to make it great.
V*le had ONE good scene. (S1E4, obviously, where he finally tells us what the parrot's been squawking all this time.) Well done V*le, you speak the language of the Plains Nomads. That's been exactly zero use for 400 years until you get to translate a parrot. Great return on investment.
Repeat after me: V*le is a waste of oxygen.
1/10 poor-quality bait, try harder.
All that's left of him are:
a) One large sword which wasn't ever rightfully his in the first place
b) One battered hat, somewhat semen-stained
If you think he's getting reincarnated from just those you need to check some lore.
>S Tier
>F Tier
Everyone Else
Can we all agree that SHOCK THE LIGHTNING is best OP?
It's good, but it's no Happy Genocide Friends which imo had the best animation too.
>had ONE good scene
I see you clearly haven't been paying attention. Did you forget about about how he made Numeron give up and go away by giving him the Green Ambrosia to cure his sister? If it wasn't that I'm sure everyone would have died fighting him and then later on Numeron helped the crew with escaping the Raaz Storm Prison with Daphne. Vale was already "dead" then but his actions still echoes across the whole plot.
There was also the time Sura changed his mind after that Vale speech and decided to unite the Broken Tribes under his banner. Remember how hard was crossing just the Golden Desert before? Now that Sura is their friend they can easily traverse the whole world with their sand ship technology.
You'll see, this arc is clearly a setup for his comeback, it might have been 4 seasons now but Vale will return and the whole gameplan will change.
Atnes will save Kang.
The absolute state of Yea Forums, and people unironically shit on Reddit when this place exists
The only reason Marco is still alive is because of fagggot lebbitors.
They never showed a body, and the crocodile suspiciously died the next episode, implying Kang killed it from the inside. Then the hat scene
What would even be the point of bringing back Kang? With the way power levels are scaled in the series, by season 6 he's probably going to be a C tier at best unless the writer gives him a massive power up like he did with Katuya, which as we all know made him an extremely unpopular character overnight.
People hate Katuya because he's just a terrible character in general, the Tensei Boost just added to that.
Just picked this up, can anyone tell me what's up with Zadkiel? It seems like he just exists to be annoying.
When will Tyler give khatta the D?
But his daughter is going to avenge him. Are you ready for enraged brown muscle loli?
Well if he does return I hope he's decided to give that whole "turn the other cheek" thing a miss.
Now *there's* a slogan I could get behind.
Kang> Ruiz > shit> Gordy
Should be fairly obvious by now that Momoka is endgame right?
Author said in a Q&A that he intended to kill him off the first few chapters, but couldn't figure out later on how to do so without fucking with the plot. If you ask me, he should have killed him off before s2 was announced, but whatever.
You can guess about two seasons further ahead than most people if you just PAY ATTENTION TO THE GENETICS! (Remember our man Mr Director-San does have a PhD in stem-cell research.)
Momoka is right there in the sweet-spot where you want to be. Enough elf for the longevity, enough human for the resilience, enough KANG for the explosive muscle mass.
Obviously she's a woman who's going to cause a lot of trouble for certain people in Season Six.
And I for one can't wait.
>the battle to destroy the monster headquarters leads to Marco beating down a door to find two monsters holding their children and cowering in terror
Best girl
I already mentioned this in the CHRISTINA thread, but the latest episode of the spinoff just teased us that Shiori is apparently moving back to the main series after her 3-season hiatus. Are you guys ready to welcome her back?
Fuck Shiori. Still don't forgive her for bombing that coffee shop. Shit character with a shit twist.
Marco's weird, he has these moments where he just forgives someone flat out. Usually he's spent the past eight episodes fighting his way across their country and storming their palace, bent on bloody revenge.
Why does he do this?
Answer: because he's Marco. When you're Marco you don't need reasons. You just need your 17-year-old cousin waiting in your tent in the evening
I felt it was kind of weird to make it an isekai 6 episodes in when E6 is usually reserved as the beach/pool/summer break episode
To be fair, the spinoff actually gave her a lot of character (and boob) development and she's actually likeable now. It's bullshit that she had to fight in the Flower War to do that though, but at least it saved her from last season's meteor arc culling. I can't wait to see her back in action, especially with her COOL new eyepatch.
Does Breklo really have that many fans or is it just the one super autistic shitposter?
It does turn into an onsen episode during the B part though.
Our boy Director-San is never happier than when he's playing with our expectations.
Remember Season Two? Episode Six approaches, and KANG is half-way through his epic two-year desert crossing. Half his troops have died of thirst. Half the camels have eaten the other half. Half his lieutenants think he's mad, and the other half have gone mad themselves. The entire audience is saying "Well, we don't know what's going to happen next, but it's not going to be a beach episode"...
...And then, about a day before there's a general mutiny, Kang only goes and FINDS THE LOST PEARL SEA using a map he hasn't shown anyone for SEVEN EPISODES.
So now his army can
a) stop drinking their own urine
b) see Momoko in a bikini
That's what I call leadership. What a man.
Breklo fans are mainly fujoshi types. The degenerates that constantly ship him with his little brother.
>COOL new eyepatch
If Vale really does return, will he be wearing two eye-patches? I mean given what they did to his eyes back when he left the show...
Maybe he'll be totally blind and STILL kick ass. That would be completely crazy... wouldn't it?
I don't follow the toy commercial. What's the point of bringing her back? They wiped out her entire clan during the Moon arc and there's literally nothing she can do against Fieri.
>They never showed a body, and the crocodile suspiciously died the next episode, implying Kang killed it from the inside. Then the hat scene
Don't get my hopes up. Kang is dead. I wish he weren't. But he is. But I wish he weren't. But he is.
Almost certainly...
wtf... William activates the Ark of the Covenant in the latest WN chapter...
Hmm... no good is going to come of this.
If the right people have control of the Ark, they'll never use it, because muh collateral damage bleeding-heart nonsense.
If the wrong people get control of it they'll *definitely* use it, because duh.
So what we need is someone who's basically good, but isn't too shy about wielding a weapon that moves whole tectonic plates around and sets fire to polar ice-caps and stuff like that.
Hmmm... are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Punished Vale would be fucking kino.
They didn't fuck around when they disposed of him, since they're in Steel City if Vale returns now he would probably get a few artificial parts or something. I'm sure that would make his powers stop working due to his Vow of Nature though.
>calls Oxfather a nigger right in front of his face after he sticks up Atnes
>refers to Kang as Ooga-Booga-san
>refuses to give Padraig any of her rations except the potatoes
>goes on a three page rant about how Marco isn't actually white
>doesn't give a shit about Stefan II napalming the Hexmen
>says that not!Chinese are "unforgivable people"
>her line in SHOCK THE LIGHTNING is changed to SHOCK THE FAGGOTS
Why did Mumei have to go and make Zadkiel into his political mouthpiece? She's not even human and it's really out of character for her. I think even the dub let a few Jew and Chink jokes slip through the cracks.
Ah, well. She's still best girl, and her theme by Geinoh Yamashirogumi is probably the best thing from the OST.
Shiori unlocked the Ultima Lily and the ability to cast cosmic magic during the Dark Lion arc of the spinoff. She also gets to bring her kino knightmachine with her. I'd say she has a pretty good chance of her beating at least Koiboi who's been through a similar character arc.
>she's not even human and it's really out of character for her
But that's the thing. She's not human so she really treats all racial conflict among humans as a sort of joke, the way humans treat wars between ant colonies as a joke.
I admit, calling Kang Ooga-Booga-san was a bit of a SHE SAID WHAT??? moment. I felt sorry for the interpreter there. You could see the wheels going round in his head:
>I have sworn a vow to translate faithfully
>I therefore have to tell Kang what she called him
>If I do this he will be angry
>I will then be stood right next to an angry Kang...
Poor guy. I'm glad it all worked out, though.
>literally nothing she can do against Fieri
Imagine watching all the way to the end of Season Five and *still* thinking that Fieri is a bad guy.
I mean how much more clueless can a human being be while still remembering to breathe in and out alternately?