
It should have been her bros. Why does the author encourage lolicon?

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As much as I don't like Darkness, I'd take literally anyone including her over Megushit.

Is konosuba a faggot for passing this on
>big breast
>rock hard abs
>very strong defense
>always horny

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LNfags, is she actually a perv, or is she just faking it?

Shut up dollar store Lina Inverse is excellent.

Yes but she cheat on you

>will cuck you the second you act nice to her
konosuba is not a sociopath, he couldn't keep abusing her forever.

A lonely faggot who thinks talking perverted topics means having something to bond with others about because otherwise she is a lonely near friendless strict noble girl who have no conversation topics with anyone, so bad she actually cry and pray to a god about it.

Oh, Darkness may just be a pervert.

Sorry but megumin already won the loliNEET bowl.

Because as much as Japanese men enjoy big TnA they are still scared of any woman that doesn't have the mind and physical prowess of a young child.

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I wanna fuck Aqua

>has had dozen of giga chad suitors propose to her and rejected to all of them
only and a disgusting NEET like scumzuma can turn her on

she's also pretty sexu in her pajamas. Why is it always the worst girls that the harem lottery?

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100% masochist but also a graceful mature royal when she needs to be. She's only pervy around konosuba

>she's only pervy around konosuba
Why do authors always manage to disappoint me?

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Author is a woman.

>She's only pervy around konosuba
She wasn't pervy in the bathing scene.

This shit caught on quick.

she had a feeling he was in but despite that she went in and was talked into giving him a bath. Later on in the LN she gives washes his back but this time she suggested it. She also tried to rape him at many points


>gets 1 line of dialogue in the movie trailer
Literally a side character

Not everyone can be Aqua. Praise the great light that is Aqua.

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The author held a poll to decide who should "be" with kazuma and the lolifags obviously overwhelmingly voted for megumeme

5 seconds of Google proves this wrong.

That poll was for who got a spinoff and came after vol.5, you numpty

God I wish that were me.

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She'd crush his pelvis.

I repeat, god I wish that were me.

But the author clearly saw who was the most ""popular"" and started this forced megumeme romance

They have great chemistry. Aqua is his dumb sister and Darkness is his booty call, so Megumin makes the most sense since Kazuma made her dreams come true and saved her from poverty.

how did she try to rape him? I thought she was a sub.

I swear to fucking god if Iris tops megumeme in popularity I will shit myself laughing. She was in the top 3 in the polls even tho shes a LN original character IIRC. Shes obviously the superior loli as well. IRIS A BEST

iris design is pretty trash compared to megumin. Is she supposed to be athena or something? baka, no eyepatch = no personality.

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If I remove those grapes, will she die?

What about those grapes? Also, shes designed to be the sanest one of the group so shes has a bit less "character" in comparison to the other characters. Still, shes a better loli than Megumin. Shes also objectively best girl

Will Kazuma ever eat her grapes?

They don't add anything to the character though, just continues with the "I am a goddess, I wear white, I'm pure" theme.
How to fix her:
>Change hair colour
>Give her sharper eyes
>Replace grapes with a fork
>Replace necklace with an axis cult symbol
>Give thick eyebrows

Shes a spoiled rotten princess, how tf is she a goddess? Shes also kind of a not brocon too

>Why does the author encourage lolicon?
The author actually did a poll on who should be paired with the MC and that blonde cunt ranked 5 or 4 place or so

editor told him to go for the popular meme character

Didn't Kazuma ended up with Aqua or started having feelings towards her close to the end in the original WN or am I mistaking it for some other novel?

this, even Eris or the waitress
no stupid meme antics
>"Xdxdxdxd look im chunibyo get it? haha"

her manga design is much better and cuter however love is more than just physical attraction you are too shallow

What would Darkness do in this situation?

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I prefer LN designs of all characters.
Wacky DEEN style kinda works for the anime but I wish characters looked closer to LNs.

what's this obsession with having your favorite girl end up with the mc, anyway?
You are not Kazuma, faggot.

make all the orcs feel uncomfortable and embarrassed

It'd be extremely painful

kazuma is literally me
intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

Why is that orc holding a pixelated pepper grinder?


It sells.

So is really megumeme winning the bowl?

She wouldn't, or at least it's less likely than alternatives. She gets turned on by being humiliated herself, not by humiliating her partner. She'd want you to cheat on her and fuck other women, because it'll get her gushing.

Pandering to megumemefags ruined Konosuba. This is an undeniable statement of truth.

Yes, very much. Although darkness stole his first kiss

i feel like the anime staff were really into darkness

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she's betray you in a second

See for why this is not likely.

Darkness has an NTR fetish. I hope you like watching her get fucked by dirty fat old men.

>old hag
>prime demon breeding material
hard choice? no!

men of culture

Just to put this in perspective. Imagine if Issei went for Asia, and Asia only, completely ignoring Rias, or anyone else, with larger boobies than the small one. No replace Issei with Konosuba, Asia with the Midget, and Rias with whoever you like better, Wis, Aqua, Dankness, many possibilities. And now realize what a huge colossal faggot Konosuba is. Just.

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It should have been her.

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Mommy gf is the new thing get with the times boomer

Post it

not him but okay

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>Will literally NTR you with Disgusting Old Man

no thank you

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Fucking kek

Delete this right now.

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I feel like it’s just one faggot trying to force it.

I'd marry Yunyun

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Japan is doomed.

also, it should be aqua, nigger. Dont post here ever again.

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Darkness was cucked

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>not wanting to BE the disgusting old man
fucking plebs I swear

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Darkness is great but her comedic shtick wouldn't work as well if she was in a real relationship. And the problem with Aqua is that her humorous rapport with MC would be ruined by a relationship as well. So I can see how Megumi wins by process of elimination.

This is your village's future chief!

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Retards that can't realize there are more to her character, but can't blame you morons, thinking would require you to use your brain

>chunibyo bullshit needing to waste magic in a fucking nuke everyday
>not discarded first
retare megumeme

I bet she actually likes it more this way.

more like village's future bicycle

Yeah that's the poing. Megumi's comedic gag got played out very quickly and as a result she needed something new, so the writer made her Kazuma's girlfriend.

that's the point* meant to say

Actually, I self-insert as Darkness.

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>wasting magic
>it recharges by the next day and they weren't using it anyway
>discarding the party member with the highest kill count and that has defeated the most demon king generals

Getting rid of Darkness would make more sense, as the tank she doesn't maintain aggro and doesn't do any damage and all she does is attract trouble. Absolutely fucking worthless.

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Was Konosuba the one to break the cycle?

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Incest role-play must be his kink but the animators are into milkers.

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>pantsu on head retarded

>very cute but too many issues

>smartest and cutest of the three and usually the most useful though left vulnerable (for better or worse)

>clingy and obsessive

The answer should be obvious
or that junior succubus

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whats the second last anime called?

Who gives a shit about konosuba anymore? S2 was pretty much the same as S1 and it's humor is r*ddit tier. Keep crying over your girl losing though autsits it's funny

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Magi (the labyrinth of magic)
those are boys btw

Well yes it’s a parody, so the worst girl wins just for the lulz

>aqua trying to be useful

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>hurr durr tanking doesn't do anything it just saves your live so you can actually make damage

S2 was much more amusing than S1.

and calling it reddit humor seems... kinda retarded.
are you okay retardsama?

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aqua fags deserve to have their dicks snipped off as punishment for having bad taste

>be invincible wall
>enemies go around you and kill your party members

Wow good job you're fucking invincible!

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All orcs are female in konosuba

i thought the relationship and introduction of darkness and chris was pretty lel. Paladins have shitty DEX and can't land hits for shit which makes them terrible at holding aggro, and usually pair well with Thieves who can redirect aggro with sneak attacks and put it on the tank.

konosuba hits rpg tropes pretty well, and in a more amusing way than just a straight-up "fantasy rpg game" anime.

If you're still laughing at same jokes kill yourself

Same jokes as what?

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there are males but they are very rare. The penguin demon general who was disguised as a nobel had them but they were scared of women due to being traumatized after getting raped by female orcs when little

>hurr hurr once I've hear a joke once it's not funny anymore and I never rewatch anything comedy related because it's now unfunny shit

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there's no point in explaining anything to megutards, save your time

Yunyun will win.

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mages wanting to spend all their mana on nukes is also another mmo jrpg trope.

seems irrational to hate on konosuba. if Season 1 had the same emotional direction and funny reaction faces like Season 2, it may have been a better hook for some people. Season 1 is carried mostly by the comedic tropes though.

>she wasn't wearing pantsu
welp, time to stroke it

they have a hole tho

That cat is smart

Smarter than Megumin, that's for sure.

Goddesses shouldn't be lewded!

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There should be more bathing together like that, but without the towel.

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Author encourages furries.

Wiz bros what can we do

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I will enslave Wiz with pleasure. She'll be driven to the brink of insanity again and again and again

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she's the only good choice, part of the aristocats and has a nice rack.

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Who is this discount Jibril.


Because fuck the law.

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As long as he doesn't encourage speech restrictions, who the fuck cares.

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I want to snap my penis in half trying to break her hymen!

You're a big guy



>rock hard abs
This is the greatest sin Kazuma passed on. The slutty crusader thing aside, which is already a big win, how the fuck can you pass on rock-hard ab perfection? The gayest.

Kazuma doesn't mind the abs however mentioning it makes Darkness very furious because she cannot dress up in cute clothes like a normal girl.

Yeah and that's why Dorkness lost him desu. Show those abs off, don't hide them. You'll be gay repellent.

>Why does the author encourage lolicon?
What's wrong with that?

Homosexuality isn't right and being a lolicon is like being a superhomo.

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Shitty meme.

Kazuma frog vore when

I think you are spouting buzzwords also you have a shittaste

Harem Ending

Yeah okay superhomo.

You want to know why Megumine is the most popular girl? It's because she is the best character. Seems simple right but let me explain. Every other character but her can be pigeonholed into a single descriptive word.
Darkness a masochist, Aqua is useless, and konosuba is a pedo neet. But what can you define Megumine as in one word? She can be clumsy and useless and can also be smug and very competent in the same episode. her dynamic with characters is also fluid and she can get along with certain characters and then be in conflict with them as well. She is just the most balanced character and everyone can like her for different reasons.

>But what can you define Megumine as in one word?
Explosions (lmao).

>But what can you define Megumine as in one word?


You have a point but I can't hear it due to your head being up your own ass. In the first place all of the characters are more complex than the "one joke two seasons lol" box people try to put them in - even Aqua. Megumin is the best of the girls though because she has the highest versatility and most consistently improves her scenes. And in the case of the romance she's best for Kazuma because they forged a genuine relationship of respect and appreciation for eachother.

Yeah. As much as Darkness and Aqua are the typical one-note anime chick, Megumin is literally a non-character. She likes big exproshon and is a loli. That's it. Even in her spinoffs, her personality is basically just "narrator's active voice".

Emilia is more of a character than the explosion midget. Go figure.

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You are really too new if you classify megumine as jailbait. Maybe you are just baiting dunno

So your problem is that the mc isn't dicking the girl YOU want to dick,great argument,no really you deserve a medal.

wow darkness and water fags are ganging against hat girl like some mad bitches. Get laid and leave this place jesus

Not anymore really

>And in the case of the romance she's best for Kazuma because they forged a genuine relationship of respect and appreciation for eachother.
You're putting the cart before the horse, dude. They forged that "genuine relationship" because the author was getting ready for them to hook up. You can't use it as evidence for why she's best girl.

Fuck Kikuta, cowtits are ugly, Kazuma is based as hell.

>great chemistry

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"Lets explore Kazuma's world and have a fun time together!"

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Teen pregnancy?!?!

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His dick is only big enough for Megumeme.

That's fair. She's the best (in the context of a prospective partner for Kazuma) because she's smart, sensible, willing to compromise, genuinely caring, cute, and a fun person to be around. That bit about being sensible is especially huge considering the other two options and how Kazuma feels about sticking his dick in crazy/useless. If you want to talk about best girl in other contexts I'm afraid you'd have to specify but in the end it's likely to come down to opinions.

Ultimately it's the author who chose the winner either because he himself prefers Megumin or because he himself put the cart before the horse, as it were, by in the process of writing determining a winner.


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But they do? MC getting with a side character or character that is important later is rare. So your left with Aqua, which wouldn't make sence. Darkness who only has sexual vibes with Kazuma, and Megumin who's shown to have more personal resonance with Kazuma.

Megumin arrested for mass arson
Darkness arrested for public indecency
Aqua hit by a car and isekai'd

Darkness is a real woman, unlike Aqua or Megu

Read .

aqua is too stupid to live and megumin is too chunibyo for it to not get annoying.

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That's why nobody will ever like her.

perfect for breeding

>dies in childbirth from lack of hips.

I don't know what universe you live in where children with undeveloped wombs are perfect for breeding.

Like no judgment on your tastes or anything, but a person who is currently developmentally incapable of breeding is definitely not perfect for it.

Look out we got ourselves a superhomo here

she is 15 y.o.

>i feel like the anime staff were really into darkness
Shes top 3 of most entertaining characters next to Kazuma and Aqua. If anything, I wished that the author would of stuck to his original ideas and ignored relationships. The only reason hes cramming them in harder now is because of the audience. Granted I understand why. Dollar dollar bills son.

sixteen year olds historically died all the time in childbirth.

Me too user, me too

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Can Wiz even have children since shes ded?

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have sex

read a book, nigger.


>breeding the malnourished
good luck with your shitty genes for the next so and so many generations.

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soi boi faggot.

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Kazuma about to get power bottom'd.

There will be no fraternization with that...thing

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Should have been the one to win the Megumeme



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She is boobs.

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holy shit, konosuba is such a fucking faggot

Why was their friendship in Bakuen-wo so cute?

if aqua hadn't interrupted darkness would have raped kazuma in the bath and he's pussy enough to take responsibility. aqua ruins everything.

t. falseflagging midget trying to stir up shit between dankness and/or aqua chads. nice try, kiddo.

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What are boobs?



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>she's only pervy around konosuba
Not really true. In one of the latest volumes Darkness basically orgasmed when a tentacle monster demon started attacking her.

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For me, it's Yunyun.

Genuinely flustered Darkness is a treasure.

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I've seen Darkness naked

I want to send her to go buy snacks

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Megumin = chunni
Is not that hard to realize

I'm glad Aqua doesn't get with Kazuma. She deserves a lot better.

Eris-chan cheers for ME and is supporting ME in my quest to arrive in front of her and take her virginity for myself!

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Does she actually have abs?

Cult member

Should have thought about that before watching anime retard