Series that only get better and better
Series that only get better and better
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pic unrelated
The ost is so Fucking kino
Favorite op
op3 still stays the best
what anime do you like
>what anime do you like
Boku no Pico
shit taste
you have no right to judge anyone
from now on you are forbidden to talk about anime
Shame that art style got much shittier in the third season, it looks generic as fuck now.
It's closer the manga I guess but I liked the style first season had with thick outlines and whatnot.
Okay I'm sorry
spinning head image
yeah why did they change that?? budget cuts?
>starting thread with a divisive show
OP is brain dead, let's see if we can keep this going. Pic related.
Budget would be the obvious one but we still got some got some good shots in S3 so who knows really.
Maybe they wanted to be closer to the source material and switch to a more "realistic" style now that story mirrors real life with human oppression and the likes.
It's this one, they were just trying to be more true to the manga. Which, all things considered is a good thing.
I'm told it peaked with SBR, thoughts?
The Shape of Water
new chapter fucking when
It's very mundane compared to the previous parts, especially part 6.
The main characters are solid but araki doesn't use them to their full potential.
The stands feel like they've been used before in previous fights.
The story is bogged down by constant flashbacks and review of the plot or rules of the plot.
It has good art. Diego is an entertaining character.
It's no better or worse than the other parts before it.
JoJo ended at part 6 for me. Part 7 was an experiment by araki as far as I'm concerned.
but don't they realise that the artsyle is shit now?
huh? the ending is shit
which one do you prefer
eren got fucked in the head by those memories man
what bothers me the most with the new artsyle is THOSE FUCKING LIPS it's sooo distracting and makes everyone look like they're doing the duckface
Prefer the bottom, fits the tone much better. But the top fits the tone the show has at the time. So that's something i guess.
That's wrong.
S3 part 1 > S1 (first half) > S3 part 2 > S1 (second half) > S2
The adaptations have gotten better and better.
Part 5's adaptation is great. They did a great job with the villain and the deaths, just to name a few good points.
The music is also great.
No it had shit animation and shit sound design
was there a new ost for the lastest season?
3's animation was overall better, you're just falling for memes