>still no anime adaptation of the greatest Isekai
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The tears would be sweet when anime-only Meiafags realized Sumika won.
based Sumikafag
Kill yourself, Sumikuck.
There's no chance an adaption would be able to do it justice. Just look at what happened with Total Eclipse and Schwarzesmarken.
The two cour season for Extra and Unlimited + another two for Alternative that everyone hopes and longs for simply isn't realistic.
We could never get a straight adaptation of Extra, and that'd be required to get the most out of Unlimited and Alternative. Also it'd need to be at least 4 cour. Maybe if an oil baron decides to chip in we can get it regardless of how successful it'll be.
Lol wahts that
>Mabu Rabu
Depends on how far you want to stretch the term really.
I don't think full adaptation of Extra and unlimited is necessary. Just do flashbacks to more important parts.
Alternative could be turned into a movie trilogy.
Are you willing to crowdfund a Logh style OAV series? Then it's pointless.
Would two be enough for Alternative? Some arcs would need to be shortened, 3 cour seems more fair but it makes it even more unlikely to happen.
It's isekai but one of the good ones. Alternate earth is still a different world.
>Mabu Rabu
>Not Isekai
>Are you willing to crowdfund a Logh style OAV series?
>Alternative could be turned into a movie trilogy.
That would be nice, but things like Kizumonogatari and Heaven's Feel only came to be due to how popular the previous anime were. Bakemonogatari is one of the most popular anime of all time and had years of hype surrounding the Kizu adaption. Fate prints money and with how successful FGO is, they can afford to fund the Heaven's Feel trilogy at little risk. Meanwhile look at how Muv Luv's previous anime fared.
Muv Luv is definitely popular in the west (and probably Japan too), but VNs are far more niche of a hobby than anime. I really doubt most of current Yea Forums has read it, especially considering how much threads tend to drop in quality once a popular manga or LN gets an anime adaption.
Then get started.
I can't remember the last time I've seen a 3 cour anime. It'll either be stretch out to 4 cour, which isn't happening unless you're SAO, or compressed to 2 cour in an ideal situation
It would be huge risk. But lets ignore that. How would it work best from story and directing perspective. TV or Movie? Extra or no Extra? What parts to cut? What parts to focus on?
Golden wind?
Oh, you're right, I forgot about Jojo. Was part 5 really long enough to need 39 episodes?
Well, it's around 150+ chapters, so it was a wise decision
Extra isn't that long and it enchances the rest of experience so I don't want it to be cut. But the problem with adapting it is that you're supposed to see at least 2 routes. If they adapt say only Sumika route, you would and up thinking that it's that specific Takeru that gets isekaid.
Extra but cut it down to just either the Meiya or Sumika route. Ideally don't spend too much time on lacrosse. Unlimited just have the Meiya route.
Movie budget would be amazing to have, but I can only see TV anime as feasible. This would happen at least a year after the end of Unlimited, giving the anime staff time to properly work on it and not have it be a rushed mess like other VN adaptions (Rewrite deserved better).
First thing that comes to mind when one mentions mecha anime is Sunrise, so maybe them for the studio? Fuck, I'll take CG as long as they do a good job with it.
>Meiya or Sumika route
You can merge events from both into one route and show him ending up with one of the girls, while having some sort of dream/seizure sequence showing mc the fast showreel of what if events.
I wonder, can you compress Extra and Unlimited to one season and still have it be okayish? Alternative is the main attraction of Muv Luv anyway, and I'd rather not have a potential adaption blow too much time and money on what most first time readers consider the weakest part.
Yeah, you'd have to speed it up. One cour for only the most important parts of Extra and Unlimited, and then two on Alternative would work just fine.
If Extra is reduced to single route, I think it can be done.
You have to understand that most people would drop the series at Extra. I almost did in fact and I stayed only because Initial D took me by suprise and it made me think that there are some hidden gems worth seeing in the game. and then the Lacrosse arc happened.
Well, most of the two routes are the same anyway. I'd say a BD extra would be the best to show off Meiya's ending and have the anime only show Sumika's end, but even then I wonder if you would be able to stretch that last bit to 20 minutes.
How would you make it so that a dream sequence could fit nicely between Sumika's ending and the start of Unlimited? Would feel kind of weird to have Takeru undergo two dream sequences in a row
Did that Tama fag Pierce finally die?
Going to be honest, I hadn't watched Initial D at the time and most of my memories of Extra consist of how much I hated lacrosse, so I can barely remember what you're talking about.
>and the start of Unlimited
You don't really have to. Why not mix up events and put in way later. Might even play it off during Unlimited events as some sort of sexual fantasy and wishful thinking to be later revealed as something else.
How do you even remember that tripfag.
I think the Western fandom might have had its enthusiasm drained over the years by the endless KS delays, and age is basically dead now (their gacha game shut down, they were bought out by avex, didn't do a new year's thing, didn't do an April Fools' thing, won't even have a comiket booth) might take something serious to reinvigorate it again.
I personally just have a good memory.
Shit, that's actually a pretty good idea. Having it placed right after Takeru gets together with Meiya and having him tell her about it before getting interrupted by the events of the Christmas party would be perfect.
Death Note
user, Death Note was 24 years ago...
Schwarzesmarken any day now
Meiya's butler Takahashi shows up once Takeru gets kicked out of the house and a remix of Nights of Fire starts playing. There's also a part where Yuko tries to race with him, but gets utterly destroyed. He also drives Takeru to to Meiya's mansion at the end of her route.
Extra and Unlimited can be adapted in a 24 episodes series combining the two, just keep it a secret that it will have more than one cour, like the game takes you by surprise when Unlimited is unlocked.
Alternative is a set of 10 or so 40 minute ova with top tier animation quality.
This would totally happen in a perfect timeline, but as of now Muv Luv is pretty much ded
This guy who can make a limousine turn a corner very very normally.
>so many memorable waifus.
I miss this game. was AF fully translated in the end?
If by AF you mean "Before the Shining Moment Ends", the all-ages version is still being worked on as part of photonflowers. Steam was holding up the release of photonmelodies for months because these days they can randomly get triggered by anything with a school setting even if it's not 18+.
*still being worked on as part of photonmelodies. Steam was holding up the release of photonflowers for months
Anyway photonmelodies is releasing August 3rd.
*photonflowers is releasing August 3rd
>even if it's not 18+
I distinctly remeber it being really lewd in some parts.
But then I also remember Jack Bauer, so maybe I was really high at the time.
Holy shit, that so-
>Sekai Project
Do I look past my hatred of this company for my love of Muv Luv?
You'd need at least 80+ episodes for Alternative alone
>you have to watch a full season of shit and another one of extreme mediocrity to get to the good parts!
oh yes this would sell well, I bet
>He didnt play the true ending of Altered Fable
Why bother when you'd have to get new VAs? You could already tell in AF that many characters sounded off. And that's shit that was done 10+ years ago.
I want to take her out for lunch.
Sekai are just the nominal publisher, the actual translators are still the same Alternative Projects team from back when Degica were publishing. After they took control back from Degica due to some disagreements (might have been related to degica promising 18+ patches for ML and MLA without asking ixtl first) it was easier for ixtl/age to go to Sekai and ask them to be the intermediary for Steam than it would have been to apply to Steam as a new publisher. I'm not sure how much of a cut Sekai actually takes under this arrangement though, but you can at least be confident that nothing is going to any Sekai translators or programmers since the actual team is still AltPro.
Thanks user, that's good enough for me. Can't wait.
A complete anime adaptation of mubrub wouldn't do it justice. Some things should be left as is.
It absolutely can.
It just doesn't need to be a word to word adaptation.
And they also broke off relations with Minami Kuribayashi if I'm not mistaken.
in fact afaik the relationship between ixtl/age and lantis has been completely destroyed (ixtl/age pettiness is why she has to sing under the name Minami now, no longer Minami Kuribayashi), which is why they went to fripside for Schwarzesmarken. No more Minami, no more grandrodeo, no more JAM Project, no more
That wasn't even the worst of it.
Yeah, the worst part is that there is still no Marimo-chan route in Altered Fable.
Yeah, that tends to happen when you treat a woman like shit because she had a child. Then double down and keep all the rights to her name out of spite after she calls you on your bullshit and leaves. Who the fuck at ixtl thought this was a good idea to burn their bridges with the musicians who made their games stand out?
YU-NO has an adaption
Nobody gives a shit about that.