What will the sequel be call?
Other urls found in this thread:
What if Accelerator's struggle in cleaning up AC comes not from the Board, Kiharas, other world leaders, or angry parents, but the test subjects he saves?
Think about it. What's going to happen to all those damaged and rightfully angry children that have known little more than cruelty and corruption? Keep in mind not all of them can have a Last Order at their side, or a Will whispering "You MUST NOT fall back on what you know best. You're actually doing good, I'm proud of you, keep going" in their ear.
5 seasons to cover 23 books would be 4.6 books a season
It will be call stop bet possess and learn English.
Touma had been through way to must crap in around 6 months, that I don't think there many protagonist that can rival the amount of stuff he been through in a short period of time.
5 months
45 books to cover about 6 months in the series
Listen toIf the story started around the 19 of July, then it been around 5 months and 3 days
Saiai should put some pants on
So slow. Good thing we'll be doing 23 books in 3 seasons.
This is the most /fa/ Accel has ever looked.
4 seasons
3 and a movie. Take it or leave it.
I have already seen the future and High Priest Arc was in Season 3. That mean at least the first 2 season will only cover until NT 12. And NT 13-NT 22 R need more then one season and a movie
NT 13-NT 22 R would need at least 52 episodes to cover it all. Cutting that down to one season and a movie would be a worse mess then Index III
Thats why we cut out useless things like NT11 and NT1-3 and get 3 seasons and a movie.
It can be done with 4 seasons as well.
NT1 - NT6 = 24
NT7 - NT10 = 24
NT11 ova
NT12 - NT17 = 24
NT18 - NT22R = 28 - 30
Only the last season needs more episodes.
I love how she's got one of the most OP abilities, multiple girls steal her style via being stronger at plants, and her only friends make fun of her constantly. Man it must suck to be as unlikable and trash as Uiharu.
I love Uiharu and I want to marry her and shower her in kisses and hugs every day and I'll tell her she's beautiful and I'll impregnate her repeatedly and we'll have a big happy family and we'll grow old together and I'll start every morning by kissing her on the lips and I'll go to sleep every night while hugging her as tight as I can.
Go back in your fridge, Kakine
>Kakinefag got his spin-off at the cost of exhentai
Sucks to be virgin user, kekine chad is eternal.
Unexplored Summon://Blood-Sign 10
>418 pages physical book raw (scan version)
>Digital Bonus Illustration and
>BloodSign SS (scan)
File size: 58.68 MB
There is nothing /fa/ about this garbage.
So what anime are you all watching while we wait for the only good show in this series (Railgun) to start?
Worst post on this board
She's going to be fined for public indecency.
Re: Toaru Majutsu no Index
>BloodSign SS
Why was Kuroko doing in Uiharu's Judgment branch in volume 8 if she isn't supposed to be working there? Pls don't bully.
Apparently a three pages short story.
Will dump the bonus.
Mighty similar dress to Index. Hmmm
What if someone cumsharked her and accidentally got her pregnant cause she wasn't wearing pants?
That's all, folks.
illegal in us
>5 months and 3 days
Literally impossible. There's no way he had enough time to take a dump or shower or even sleep
Wait, Kakinefaggot is canadian?
I did fuck my girlfriend on 3rd date (2 weeks)
leaf =/= Canadian
Imagine if they adapted raildex like how they adapted heavy object.
3 books in 2 cour
slut brigade pv when?
Toaru Majutsu no Index: Revelations
Calling it now.
Is NT22R out in pdf?
>using pdfag
>not New Testament: Revelations (NT:R)
A Certain Magical Index: A Certain Cursed Boy: A Certain Right Arm
Toaru Majutsu no Index K: The Money of Soul and Possibility Kontrol
K or Q
Anything Raildex-related from Wonfes? Was hoping for Misaki but she might have a better shot next Wonfes.
That looks pretty cool.
Get better soon!
I really want to marry a clone I think they're super cute
This one could look really bad if it isn't painted well. Nice to see some dynamic poses though, so many of the stuff from Wonfes just seems so bland and generic these days.
This. I bet they're going to make the wind wings fucking purple-black like in S3.
Black with purple highlights
After the latest AB chapter, it needs an anime badly, and it needs to look good too. That fight was too much hype to receive anything less.
Nice, would buyfag.
That's great
Accelerator needs new wings, like metal ones he gets from robots because he's in charge now.
Prize fig?
I guess it's ok. Wish she had more interesting poses and stuff. The last prize fig was already pretty good.
Point of that?
Speed doesn’t matter for him to begin with.
His wangs are top tier for combat outdoing AAA in anything but Anit-MG combat and that part of AAA is fed by Aleister's REEEEEEEE.
Plus it’s a fun situation where Accel has pure white\platinum angel wings and Touma sprouts out a set that is a perfect match for Coronzon's demon ones.
His robotic wings will also control AC, giving him its full power and capabilities
>Tube Order
Talking hair can’t stop Demoning it up.
Guess Accel wants to combine together all the clones with LO for easier maintenance and safety just like what Aleister did.
Railgun S 1st episode?
Mikoto learning magic WHEN?
When she stops being an esper
Luckily for her, the AAA has been slowly altering her brain
Aleister was dabbing on Mikoto's brain for too long.
She's his favorite, so the Archetype Controller affects her the hardest to keep her safe
Dont you mean that side story to Railgun?
Suzushina Yuri vs Accelerator when?
Since theres really no magic or science sides then it wouldnt have Kagaku or Majutsu on the title, then it shouldnt have Index since she barely appeared this part 2, even on this volume where she had the most relevancy,her relevancy was reduced to her mode that has no personality, she is literally just a plot device
>New series won't have index in its title
Good luck with that buddy
People refer to the series as To Aru anyway
>New series won't have Index in its title
Will probably have more Index as a result.
Maybe if Index dies in the first volume and Touma goes nuclear I could accept the series called Index but without actually having Index
Toaru Majitsu no Revelations
Toaru Majitsu no Index: Anno Domini
Name recognition is important. They'll retain Index as the name of the main series for that reason alone.
No. The index title is pretty iconic and part of its marketing.
Toaru Majutsu no Index.
>Crabhaters can’t into title name
Index is a fucking frog?
No wonder she is so shit
To aru Majutsu no Index: Acts of the Apostles.
Mostly Accel.
Headcrab is a proper Bong.
She would eat a frog if you gave her one.
>proper Bong.
So she is into cuckolding?
From the LINE Novel Interview, some of the other things said:
>Kamachi doesn't think you can suddenly have a huge sprawling story come to mind in the spur of the moment. He's always thinking of new ideas and any small idea he thinks of is noted in his memo and then he judges later whether its serviceable
>Kamachi thinks it's not good to focus on one title for a long period of time, but instead limit it to short spurts of a month. Otherwise he won't know what sort of taste to convey. He limits it to about a month each for freshness.
>While he knows there are genres he's weak at, he doesn't really consciously think about what he's good at either. No matter what it is, horror or comedy, it always ends up in Battle for him.
She was hand crafted to be cucked.
>a certain magical index; old testament
>a certain magical index; new testament
>a certain magical index; the book of mormon
Part 3 will be about MP?
Does Japan know what a mormon is?
Besides, Orson Scott Card already does mormon magic.
Glorious 5head
Thelema Crusaders, it will be revealed that the leader of the Rosicross is a loli Vampire with the power of the 22nd tarot, The Universe
Put your trip on, AR
>he doesn’t know
Since index went OT -> NT. I think it it would be appropriate to go post christianity.
toaru majitsu no index: Nag Hammadi
toaru majistu no index: iconoclasm
toaru majitsu no index: arian
toaru majistu no index: Q
toaru majitsu no index: the Thomasine Milieu
AR doesn't know JP.
>that skirt tent
She must be really excited about her SS coming up
Just wanna know when will frenda appear again
Kamachi will never not be a hack for pulling this shit
Does Islam not exist in Raildex universe?
It does. There's just little in the way of Mystic Islam.
Magic and science "sides" do exist, there's just not a harsh boundary. Its the same spectrum.
And the Abrahamic religions are fairly similar in their views on God and such. It would just feel repetitive if you switch the Son of God to being a Prophet.
Islam existed in Toaru.
"Existed" is a key word.
Then Bongs happened.
Guess who the Catholics used that relic from Daihaseisai on.
Original Index wasn't called Old Testament. People just nicknamed it as such because of New Testament. Third iteration could very well be named after something unrelated to Christianity.
I hope all of the Scavengers piss themselves this time.
Doesn't Accelerator give the trap an orgasm?
Toaru majutsu no index ESL testament
I'd give him an orgasm
If Kamisato ever got a spin-off, what would it even be called? He's not magical or scientific.
A Certain Harem Hating Boy
A Certain Strolling Faggot Lord
A Certain Best Boy
They're making IF an Esport?
Toaru Majutsu no Index: user's Boogeyman
Certain Story fuck up
A Certain Story Step Up
Glad someone gets it.
Slowpoke here, but NT is OVER?
How's the 3rd series gonna be called?
>tfw Kamachi is ending everything lately
I'm fucking scared
NT is done. Part 3 announced for next year
What boogeyman? OP is a retarded ESL
Shitty Esther nude filter
Fixed that for you.
Thanks for proving my point.
The key to beating Rosenthal for the bowl.
You learning English.
Hope you're enjoying the hiatus, Indecels
>he doesn’t know
Unless you mean the mangos, which are on hiatus every other damn month, but always come back, I have no idea what you are talking about.
Stopped reading when Touma was climbing the tower with some cat witch lady during the heat wave because all of the Kamisato shit burned me out. Is it worth picking up again? Did Touman finally dick the electric girl?
Reminder that Jack and Shinobu have both fucked older women. Touma will fuck an older women too. So will Quenser.
>Is it worth picking up again?
Depends. Do you like Aleister?
>Did Touman finally dick the electric girl?
You and I both know that's never going to happen, user. Take Touma got pretty close to kissing Index though
I really hope Touma marries Index so a superior girl can cuck her everysingle day
I like Aleister I remember it ending with a ton of copies of him going all over the place. Does it reach the height of the end of the GREMLIN stuff? I really liked that-the reason I gave up is because everything afterwards made me feel cucked because it was worse.
Fuuny enough that artist has a Kurokoface that also spams Onee-sama, she has giant tits.
>Does it reach the height of the end of the GREMLIN stuff?
Opinions of course, but absolutely not
Touma himself got pretty close to giving up and fucking Aleister silly.
Depends, to me Coronzon Arc is good because of the WR arc set-up and easily outdoes the GREMLIN Arcs (I loved those) so might not see eye to eye. You might enjoy it though.
>green eyes
>is it worth picking up again
>height of the end of the GREMLIN stuff?
No, NT21 is better.
Being entirely honest, NT4 is peak experimental Kamachi, while NT21 is peak chuuni Kamachi.
What did the shocking-pink and emerald represent in the end?
They could easily get Will doing that if she wasn't selfish as fuck
I don't know about you guys but I totally would've had sexual relations with Alies-tan
Too much possible color correlations.
From Tarot to book of Law. Colors are all over the place.
that he needed his daily dose
Is thuna head really delicious?
Why do Railkeks have the cringiest in-jokes and fan terms?
>Hurr dragon zoo
>Hurr shocking pink
>Hurr Hadit purple soon
Kys niggers
since when was shocking pink a joke
These fun scenes were fun.
Your Part 3 is not coming until next year and no amount of smugposting will change it, coping Railkekmong.
Both color not found in nature, but when they do, they are found in poisonous frogs, its meant to symbolize Tuxedo Touma poisonous nature
I wish they used more arautism faces in the anime.
Its trash
objectively worst spinoff, doesnt have enough material for an anime, and the OP has boring visuals
Go jump off a bridge if you unironically like this trashfire
>I-it's all the same guy
Concession accepted, Railcuck.
>man who enjoys fun thing told enjoying fun things is wrong
The most joy I've gotten out of accelerator so far is imagining having sex with Last Order while she's wearing her new outfits.
>I like eating Shit Flakes because my favorite character is on the box
This is how Acceleratorfags think. Even retards who enjoy Railgun (Yikes) don't wank Misaka or pretend her scenes are "fun" as justification for liking her manga.
have sex
Way to unambiguously identify yourself as a troll.
>Attacking word choice and not the facts presented
Way to unambiguously out yourself as a 10 year old.
A certain boy who can't crack his neck.
ITT: Acceleven-year-olds seething
The Book of Touma
>Jew has green eyes
I have completely forgotten that Jewmanju was a big deal.
She will become an MG in the future right?
You can't have green eyes in Index and not be something special.
I wish I was eleven so that Last Order and I could go on dates and by boyfriend and girlfriend and kiss anf ay videogames and stuff and I could brag to my friends that my GF introduced me to the number one esper in the city
Nope, green eyes just point out candidates.
doesn’t guarantee shit, but it does mean that she is > any average jobber by a long shot.
Giving Level Five's their own spinoffs was a mistake. Kamachi doesn't know what to do with them because they act OOC in their own manga and aren't allowed any character development. Plus the plot is borderline non-canon since it's really hard to fit it into the timeline without massive suspension of disbeliefs.
she has Rosen in her name
part 3 relevance soon
>This post is extremely low-quality
>newfags by dozens
>usual shitposters here 24h/24
>people mad at content providers
>oldfags/usuals leave to do other shit
It's summer alright
"Things That Never Happened" for 500$, Alex.
Yes, how dare I make an on-topic post
The one about people being mad at OC is pretty fucking on point.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of that OC is shit, but complaints usually come from anons who will never post anything more productive or entertaining in any way.
Is there a sadder struggle in Index than this?
Sorry I caught a cold and couldn't work on the last order blowjob animation
>The one about people being mad at OC is pretty fucking on point.
Samefagging in order to make it seem like you have a point to argue doesn't make it anymore true.
This is a low blow.
No I'm an user that posts pixiv images. Even if me being the same user would make things very convenient for you.
Gross, looks straight offa Deviantart or Tumblr.
Post more Last Order feet
No, don't.
OK cumbrain
Sorcery Hacker preview is out according to the LINE Bunko twitter but I have no fucking idea where. Must be a LINE thing.
Ok, this is epic
Have sex
What did he mean by this?
I want to fuck Misaka.
From Kanzaki to Oriana (one for Orsola and Fukyose) to Misaki. What a wild ride soba had.
H-he's gonna come back!
He'll cuck Misaki with Seria once NT starts
>mfw I see the same thumbnail in the catalog again
The absolute state. This hiatus hurts bros....
>A Certain Delayed Index
Hurts to be a Raildexfag in current year
>yfw you go to your local book store to get vol.17-19 of index LN but it sold out already
I thought you didn’t like yen press trans?
kimi is sex
Is there any Railcuck that can defeat King Crimson?
Can (you) post something that requires more brain power than those repetitive shitty answers?
Only the otakus who watch everything with subs actually though YP's translations were bad. Personally Sorcerer > Magician, Ability User >Esper and Puritan Church > Anglican Church.
>ability user>esper
>puritan church>anglican church
Disgusting bait. At least put in some effort.
What's Yea Forums issue with raildex? It really seems like a persistent grudge.
Raildex general is the Yea Forums of Yea Forums.
Grabbed vol.2 of ab instead of shitdex and honestly, it was fine. already fapped to the bonus illustrations.
This isn't even in the top 3 worst generals.
Yea Forums went into a collective rage once Virtual on was announced. Not as a fullfledged game but as an index spinoff. They still seethe till this day
In retrospect it was an ill-advised crossover. For Raildexfags the crossover LN was cool, but for VOfags who wanted their series to be revived it was a terrible choice.
>yfw Yea Forums used their meme magic to force Sega to remove the game from the stores.
Honestly Yea Forums are a bunch of normalfags who don't even know what Virtual-On is. The board who had reason to be upset is /m/.
I'm not watching accel anime
Same but I'll watch it once its finished.
user, even if you're doing unconstrained shitposting right now, you should be aware that you have a responsibility of not letting things go this bad.
Is that a smash thread?
The entire remainder of Yea Forums has become Yea Forums, and we are the last bastion of hope in a cruel world.
Is it still pulled? why did Sega pull it in the first place?
Yea Forums literally lives RENT FREE inside the heads of ret/a/rds, holy crap.
>rent free
Wait, you haven't been getting your cut?
I doubt any of them got smashed
Also, did anyone see the JS_06 tweet where he noted that Uiharu and Kuroko don't work in the same Judgement branch and them working together is basically anime original?
I love r/a/ildex!
>yet railgunfags and accelautists claim that muh spinoff is canon
derp here's the image so she really is just a hall monitor and anytime she does stuff outside of Tokiwadai she's technically breaking the rules.
I think it is because they PPMD.
The manga is fine, the anime is where the issue comes from.
That actually makes me like Kuroko
*the manga spinoffs are canon.
Honestly, the main reason I think Accel isn't canon is because the notion that "the larger the body that contains the soul, the stronger the esper" would imply that Kakine (DM) would be hyperbolically strong.
I might be an idiot, tho.
Kuroko is a hero!
Huh also just noticed that pain being sufficient for screwing up calculations is more or less specific to teleprompters despite people equating it to all ESPERs
Smart, slowreader anons, please explain to me why this is wrong.
I posted it as an offhand remark, but it's fucking eating at me now.
Wasn't that just a matter of attributing the sisters power to her size when she was possessed by a demon or something? Alternatively being connected to the Misaka network and Will is bigger than Kakine?
I'm going to start calling them teleprompters now. But yeah, the only other times it happens is when the espers literally don't see it coming at all. Like when those Gremlins mooks made Accel pop so hard his reflect shut off.
It wasn't stated as fact. It's just a conclusion Hishigata came to. And it only works with dead bodies.
I dropped this some years ago, so I have a question: is Aleister "plan" still going? He was the only reason why I was reading.
Yes, but its not Aleister's anymore
he never had a plan
He turns into a Loli and then a milf.
He already got punched by Touma, he really didn't have any other plan afterwards
The past 6 or so volumes were Aleister's character arc and arguably the best part of the series.
>only works with dead bodies
No, remember how he stated it in the beginning? He'd cut the arm off, and the ability would decrease a little, etc. Unless you assume that he built the entire machinery for expanding the body without having any experimental basis for such a thing leadind to an increase in power, which is unironically retarded, those were live experiments.
>Misaka network
Maybe, but that's wonkier,
>Aleister's plan
The elements did get more powerful the bigger they got, so he might not have been completely off.
Aleister had a plan.
It failed.
He wanted to die.
It failed.
Now he is a superior life form and he hates it.
*and she loves it.
Oh, "she" hates it even more then "he" does.
But they both hate it.
Speaking of Aleister, his warning about Touma's stability still has me concerned. I wouldn't be surprised if he walks to school (whichever one is left), felt a little pulse in his arm and then district 7 gets deleted.
Makes sense.
I dropped at NT5 I think. When it becomes good again?
Aleister is this girl now? LMAO.
You've got the Othinus arc ahead of you which is good, then the Kamisato arc which is terrible, and then the Aleister arc which is good again.
It applies to powers that are calculation-intensive. Accelerator's power is really hard to use as is teleportation, so they're both more vulnerable to their focus getting disrupted.
>Aleister is this girl now? LMAO.
Jokes aside this form is an absurd buff. Absurd enough for Aleister to be mad at it.
He senses when his arm is about to go apeshit, and the entire cause of IT going rouge was the healing method Aleister used. Precisely the separation of IB from Touma's main body.
Eggs can be restrained with Misaki's beeps. As long as he believes that his arm is in place they won’t come out.
So when the arm is in place he should be safe.
Unless someone tears it off or he starts the cracking himself like with HP.
God I want to sexually assault Komoe
>When it becomes good again?
It was just that Aleister said there's no holding that back anymore. He could be wrong, killing the living version of KnT might have calmed it down to the point where Touma can restrain it, or it might just be waiting for another time to go bat shit.
I wish IT was a female version of Touma.
>or it might just be waiting for another time to go bat shit.
I doubt it will want to try to come out again after the savagery it went through
If the Touma that came out and swarm are different creatures, they might be delighted to work with him. Touma's first instinct was that they were going to eat everyone after all.
We can’t be sure unless Aleister ganks a certain bathtub to infodump and molest the T.
>include Index in the title
Nothing more pathetic than Indexcuck sperging out exposing his rampant paranoia again.
There are any number of explanations for why DM doesn't do that.
For instance DM Kakine kept in control by using a hierarchy that separated what is him and what is his ability, so, following that, even if he expanded his body, that's not his true body, but his body surrounded by his ability.
Another explanation is that maybe DM just doesn't scale that way or that perhaps each bit DM takes a piece of the main soul and that the expansion in power comes from a synergy of the bigger body and superior soul from the magic tag and the power won't grow without the soul expansion. Nathan needed to take in human souls to continue to grow.
>even if he expanded his body, that's not his true body, but his body surrounded by his ability
That makes perfect sense for the original Kakine, or even DM Kakine, but it falls completely flat when you consider Beetle. The dark matter is in fact his body, and he is indeed an esper with an ability and a body.
>Another explanation is that maybe DM just doesn't scale that way or that perhaps each bit DM takes a piece of the main soul and that the expansion in power comes from a synergy of the bigger body and superior soul from the magic tag and the power won't grow without the soul expansion.
That just completely contradicts the mechas powering up the corpses.
user out of all the level 5s we saw only one can be called "thick".
While strongest esper is an androgynous stick.
If body size would scale the power, Accel would be rolling around.
>The dark matter is in fact his body, and he is indeed an esper with an ability and a body.
Beetle is keeping in control the same way as DM Kakine, that's why he doesn't stretch the limits of his ability and risk creating an anti-beetle piece. If they stray too far from the base of 'Kakine Teitoku', size and all, then their sense of self deteriorates and their control decreases, since both of them are just runaway abilities.
>That just completely contradicts the mechas powering up the corpses.
It doesn't, both size and soul would be needed to push so far above their limit.
Do you guys think MisaMisa sex is a back and forth thing or Mikoto just dominates the entire time with her huge cock?
Kakines clones don't possess the same individuality as the sisters, it's just that he stores data onto every creation hence they're liable to "crash" like the Beetles and consume unwanted hosts like Byouri. Beetle is really a just a unique exception born out of the original's own tredmonous will-power that even the narration praised + Taktsubo.
They are individualistic to a certain extent. All the Beetles interpreted their goals differently.
>They vibrated those wings at high speed to create human language.
>Isn’t that obvious?
>That was what the other beetles seemed to say in the readiness with which they replied to their malfunctioning friend.
>“The objective of the current mission is to defeat Fräulein Kreutune and eliminate the objective behind her actions.”
>“The objective of the current mission is to eliminate anyone who would obstruct the battle between Academy City’s #1 and #2.”
>“The objective of the current mission is to secure the battlefield.”
>“The objective of the current mission is to eliminate the recent continuing threat to Academy City by defeating all dangerous elements.”
>“The objective of the current mission is to protect the residents of Academy City from all currently anticipated dangerous elements.”
>The rhinoceros beetles stopped moving for a moment.
>But they took action shortly thereafter.
>The five rhinoceros beetles all rotated at once with enough force to send orange sparks flying from the concrete ground. Then, with their cannon barrels pressed against each other at close range, they unhesitatingly began firing.
We saw in the ending that Mikoto dominates
they should've adapted idol accelerator instead
>if Index dies in the first volume
If only Touma stabbed Index using the kitchen knife.
Don't listen to this guy. Kamisato arc is kino and the pleb filter of Raildex.
>pleb filter
You mean pleb attractor, because only plebs liked it.
That's the Othinus arc.
Those fucking pink and green outlines by that Touma's arms...
1) Did this volume have to be titled reverse? Would the twists not have been better if it was called 23?
2) Is it a minor plothole nobody gave a shit or asked where's Othinus before the twist in 22R? The Touman and Othinus are pretty tight after their previous shenanigans or do the harem-ettes and everyone else hate her enough not to care about where she is despite what she means to Touma?
3) Do you think Touma get a mercy pass or held back a year? If he passes do we expect it to be a one line background detail or a potential book/arc? Or has AC getting shrekt given the system an excuse to just pass him.
Nobody but Touma gives a shit about Othinus.
>Yes, it can also be Rebirth
>Mikoto and Misaki dont really know about Othinus and the headcrab is probably still seething about NT20
>Maybe if he bends the knee Accel will be merciful
>Is it a minor plothole nobody gave a shit or asked where's Othinus before the twist in 22R?
It's a stupid but common occurrence for characters to ignore or dismiss Othinus' existence. She basically exists in her own little bubble where 99% of her interactions are with Touma and no one else. If this wasn't the case that fake Touma would have been immediately exposed.
I still think Othinus should have died
How's your Haruhi Season 3 coming along lad?
>headcrab is probably still seething about NT20
Why'd Othinus do to her again?
she got told
We know, kotofag.
Othinus stole her spot
Othinus doesn't really try to talk to anyone else either. She's just anti-social.
>Think that Othinus would have left a better impact both in the story and as a character
Ok, I guess Mikotofags really live rent free in your head
Called her fucking useless
>they both hate it
It sucks for Coronzon more. She can't go to Stiyl because Aleister would find out about her secret affair with him. Stiyl might tongue kiss Lolaliester the moment he sees her alive thinking that she is just Lolazon.
That cuck has no relations with Coronzon. If Aleister and Coronzon split, the first thing Coronzon will do is look for the end of century Emperor.
This would translate so shittily into the anime
Retarded speedreader here what's up with Mikoto/Misaki using AAA with like no repercussions now, but our guy Tsuchimikado still has to play russian roulette with bursting his blood vessels? As far as I can vaguely recall they just "avoid" the black box of magic within the system, after they examined the parts together and is that enough of a workaround that they get to use it with no repercussions worse than "headaches" to reach MUH TOUMA'S LEVEL/STAGE.
Yeah she doesn't use magic with it at all, just moves the circuits pretty much. Aleister's the one that channels magic through it
What will Misaka and Misaki do now that all of tokiwadai is in Touma's harem?
It's like neural network inheritance AIs that interpret things differently based on experiences but are still fundementally the same. I guess my point is that they aren't as individualistic as the sisters, still pretty impressive that Kakine can do something like that in minutes after being freed.
She got nosebleeds in the world rejector elements/hot academy city arc. I assumed they were related to touching too close to the territory of magic.
She isnt directly using magic
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Shadow is the Light is actually better than Roar. What went wrong, Maon?
New Testament Revelations (NTR)
However much people praise Roar for the lyrics or visuals or whatever, I'll never be able to get over how painfully mediocre the music itself is. Her voice volume is terribly mixed into it as well
>What will the sequel be call?
me, myself, and I
Starring Kamijou Touma as Kamijou Touma, Kamijou Touma as Kamijou Touma, and Kamijou Touma as Kamijou Touma.
Roar's lyrics are a mess though, especially the English parts. And her actual singing sounds really off, as if it's forced or something. Her diction wasn't great either. Probably one of Maon's worst songs.
Reminder that Accelerator's seiyuu also voices Gladion in Pokemon. Thoughts?
It fits? Okamoto is good at voicing underage edgelords.
>Okamoto is good at voicing underage edgelords.
Which others has he voiced?
the fire guy from boku no hero
That edgy hacker kid in Guilty Crown,Bakugo, Zack etc.
Gilbert in Granblue.
Karma from AssClass starts as an edgelord, so I'd count him.
It's also peak Okamoto after Accel.
The whole needing magic thing to use AAA to its maximum potential make me think will see a Index and Mikoto team up use it in part 3
Maybe index can do that thing she did with Birdway with Mikoto using Mental Out from Misaki
Though it might give Mikoto brain damage but thats what she signed up for when she wanted to get into Touma's stage (he probably will get a 4th brain damage in Biohack)
I want to fuck Misuzu!
Okay, so what the fuck is up with Index constantly biting Touma's head? Is this normal behavior in Japan or something?
Her singing for both of the Index 3 OPs is empty sounding.
Index a shit, thats all you need to know, she even bites him when she sees that he is missing an arm instead of being worried
I've never even read them honestly, I couldn't give less shits about the weird thematic meta-analysis people use as a basis for anime opening elitism
A sick S&M cooperation.
Not sure if this has been posted but Sorcery Hacker preview is out.
>Opens with Teleria (main girl) popping a shirt button due to her large bust. They appear to be on some sort of transport, going to arrive in some city in around 10 minutes. She scrambles around trying to find her permit to enter said city but couldn't find it. She tries to wake Ayato (main guy) who's sleeping on a sofa in the same room and ask him. Preview ends.
From the looks of it Teleria's personality is very similar to Higan in BS, shy and panicky.
>So slow
It wouldn't have been if they hadn't fucking dicked around in 2014.
Even with 6-7 novels, you still are going to lose a lot of plot and characterization to adaptation, but its a lot preferable to season 3's 9 fucking volumes. (And still skipped an entire volume even then, possibly forever)
Sounds like shit
Madame Horos is so fucking hot, fuck you Kamachi
>Still no AAA design
About time.
Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?
Yes Misaki
>will see a Index and Mikoto team up use it in part 3
What if AAA takes a liking to Index and left Mikoto entirely? Mikoto tends to lose all the things she holds dear. First her clones, then Touma and now AAA.
AAA Sphynx soon!
Mikoto doesn't care about the clones
Cute con artist
Oyakodon when?
The shrimps got thicc
Mikoto and the AAA will fuse
>That user that argued in multiple threads that current Anna wasn't just a loli version of Horos even though it was her body and this is the power conservation mode
Should have just kept her big, she looks better. But I'll wait until Anna has some proper fitting clothes, maybe she'll get a cool outfit and change my mind.
>when your character designer tries too hard
What furry website is this from?
“Listen, you piece of scrap. I only expect one thing from you. Just one.” The eyepatch-wearing girl spoke slowly to him. “Be of use to me. …If you can’t, I’ll carefully remake everything about you until you can and do. It will be like holding a girl’s head down and beating her face into something completely unrecognizable with your fist.”
“Ah… Uh…”
The sounds of breath escaping had no connection to Kakine Teitoku’s will.
The girl dug her fingertips inside his spine and disturbed what lay within. That stimulus caused his body to involuntarily convulse. He was like a ventriloquist doll made of living flesh.
“Where’s you answer? Say ‘as you wish’.”
“Good boy.”
And with that, a dull sound exploded out.
This was nothing as simple as breaking his neck.
It was unclear what force was acting on him, but the object that made up Kakine Teitoku’s human form was compressed from all directions and transformed into a mass the size of a volley ball.
A distorted pattern could be seen on the surface similar to when transparent glass was forced against someone’s face or someone wore a stocking over their head.
The eyepatch-wearing girl grabbed the ball in one hand and tossed it to the gloomy man.
>so this is happening now
Othinus is the best.
Reminder that Accel will win the Toumabowl.
Was turning vectors into magical black energy the worst thing they did to Accelerator?
Touma is so cute. I want to ride his dragon form.
t. Misaki
Alright, which of you faggots is responsible for this
A certain everyday World Rejecter.
Same goes for Touma if he ever got to be the actual title.
A certain everyday Imagine Breaker.
What will be the Big Announcement?
railgun 3
kuroko spinoff
Kuroko spin-off where basically every chapter is Kuroko being called to HQ and told off for abandoning her jurisdiction before being given what is supposed to be a reward for getting results?
Anna's hair could Pierce The Heavens
The hair would make a rather poor drilldo honestly
>needs the enemy to properly explain what he's doing as he tries to show off and look cool/edgy
>dumps an entire grimoire of text as explanation casually
Which is worse?
Gunha needs a spinoff
this is why magic side will never get a manga spinoff
esper powers mostly don't require a fucking essay to explain which translates to smoother action scenes
So why did Haimura streamed himself drawing Mikoto?
It wasnt used for the new figures and I doubt its gonna be used for the anime since it was summer Mikoto
Imagine if Kamachi had to treat his readers as if they didn't have even a BASIC understanding of physics.
Maybe he just wanted to draw Mikoto.
She is the most popular character it will either be used for something or can be used for something in the future.
>Haimura Kiyotaka Artbook rainbow spectrum: colors (ASCII Media Works, published February 2012)
>Haimura Kiyotaka Artbook rainbow spectrum: notes (ASCII Media Works, published February 2014)
Haimura Kiyotaka Artbook rainbow spectrum: ____ (ASCII Media Works, published February 2020)
Can HC cure Kimi's Dragonitis?
He likes Mikoto
We need the Shocking Pink and Emerald dragon too.
I think he says there's no rough for him.
Im sure you can do that with photoshop easily
Next Railgun chapter better be about Mikoto storming the jail
NT 1-NT 6
NT 7-NT 12
NT 13-NT 18
NT 19-NT 22 R
>Still seething to this day
Index Arc
Himegami Arc
Sister Arc
Kanzaki Arc
Etzali Arc
Hyouka Arc
Orsola Arc
Princess Carry Kuroko Arc
Daihasei Arc
Boat Ice Arc
Vento ^ Arc
Hamazura Arc
OT5 was the Mikoto arc
The anime staff repeatedly failed on Accel’s character design, this interpretation of his power fits with it perfectly.
Magic is hit or miss for the most part. The reaching with symbolism for example was pretty good at times (Most of Christianity references, some Celtic ones as well) and fucking horrible in others (7 deadly cringe in NT10).
So I guess science is pretty static in that regard while Magic can end up suprising/disappointing you.
Funny thing they made Kakine blowing air out with his wing look normal when they could have easily saved that disclored force bullshit to the ability that actually allows for that kind of thing to occur
She hasn't blown her "I need to get more powerful to help Touma" load yet that will inevitably involve her losing sight of her goals and needing to be taken down. Been foreshadowed since her earliest appearances and has grown increasingly likely since the introduction of the AAA
>Popping a shirt button
Yeah, stopped reading there.
When's the next HO volume?
I wonder just how powerful was Jesus in Toaruverse would he be able one shot some one with a 100% Curtana Original
Considering that his power is measurable (not infinite) and he's from Osiris, he'd job to full powered Magic Gods and Coronzon. Unless Kamachi asspulls a "He was FPMG tier all along, but the Christians and Saints didn't know shit about math and how percentage works" that is. Then again, 1% Othinus is a thing too.
hum, peoples being crazy about Estelle today heh?
she had her chance in the railgun manga and it was the first arc that did damage to the manga's reputation.
Is that perfume? Why do nips think fragrance is a good merchandising idea for their cartoons?
Daihaseisa of Railgun would have been the Mikoto arc if it was included in the main novels.
who wouldn't want a bottle of Last Order smell
You were expecting sweet cunny but the perfume smells like potato chips. What do?
that's charming I want to jiggle her fat folds
rubber burn
Who did this for fuck sake
Wake the fuck up Aliester, we have a caliphate to burn.
skinny ass
I tried looking to see if there's some MisaMisa videos on youtube, even if its just on the friendly/comrade level but surprisingly nothing on them yet. Only saw one NT MAD that touched a bit on them linking together but its just a part of the video instead of the focus. Then when I checked up on the video of Misaki's first appearance on the anime through Railgun, pretty much every comment is either feeling bad about her situation or pitting her against Mikoto to be Touma's ship.
I sure hope we can get to Railgun 4 or even the 2nd half of NT, maybe also an AB anime/OVA(depending on if the series is going to go on for long), soon to see how secondaries react and how many are going to be changing their stance on these 2.
5 seasons is the answer
You only get 3-4 so what gets dropped
Unironically fuck you Kamachi. Bring back Madame Horos and her hot body
If the question is how long do we make the series in order to fuck up the pacing and automatically put any future anime adaptations into production hell, then fuck yeah 5 seasons is the answer.
NT anime end in 2028
This list is proof Kamachi threw Mikoto under the bus. Yet raildexkeks tell me she gets plenty of exposure. no need for an arc of her own.
Mikoto has her own spinoff series and in (almost?) every volume no matter how irrelevant there is a mikoto mention or scene.
>just marathoned Astral Buddy
It got pretty hype around the battle but the start was a bit slow. Anyway what's with Gunha's power? I thought it was guts powered strenght and laserbeam punch but he can also control electricity and earth?
This is the cutest squid picture there is, I just wish the artist put up a raw version of it without the text.
We all know that Kamachi is the number one Aleister expert in Japan right now, but do you lads think he also studied stuff like electrodynamics and quantum mechanics for Index?
I'm expecting two types of response to this post :
1. People who will tell you that Kamachi know jack shit and that his science shit is pure bullshit despite themselves being unable to explain how magnets work
2.People telling you it's very cool that Kamachi put so much time in researching toi make all thse power scientfically believable despite their knoweldge of science not going beyond "flip the switch to make light"
He studied sex appeal and female anatomy
Gunha can mostly do whatever but he doesn't know that so he makes up stuff and says Guts a lot.
just vote, then you can save the png
Wait? Anna has an adult form? I thought she was always a loli?
I hope Usamimi comes back to IF.
boobs too big.
>Heavy mode
>Heaven’s killer
>Getting myself
>My shout
>Believe me & Believe you & Believe In “End the world”
>Believe me & Believe you & Believe In “Hand’s truth power”
>God only knows
>Never ever!
>Don’t think just feel
What the fuck are these lyrics? It sounds like nonsense.
Kamachi just does as any proper AI should.
He googles shit, skims through the first layer and comes up with pseudo-scientific result that will sound acceptable for "it’s all bullshit anyway" and "oh shit it’s so smart" groups. Fags in between do not care that much.
With Occult it’s pretty obvious that he had read a few things from top to bottom.
However because the source of these "books" is usually something close to
"fanfictions written during drugged gay sex orgies"
Occult is much more suited for interpretations.
>Lessar spin-off animated
>opening starts playing
How do you react?
My wife is as cute as ever
Yea Forums feels very slow today for some reasons
LO a cute! A CUTE!
>Don't think just feel
Don't you have a city to run, Chairman? We know you think your girl is cute
>yfw Accel makes LO the poster child of Academy City instead of Misaka
>biribiri used to be like this
Why did Mikoto grow up into a cynical asshole bitch? what happened?
>people think that Accel is just showing off his and Mikoto's child
Becoming a top ranked in something changes you.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
Index OPs, ranked objectively:
Masterpiece > PSI-missing > FIXED STAR* > See visionS > Gravitation > No Buts! > Roar
Technically speaking, he WILL be showing off his and Mikoto's child when he has kids with her later on down the road. Genetically speaking, that is.
She was a cute stalker tomboy before Sisters arc and with the way Touma blueballed her every time it’s understandable.
After that she simply had found her edge.
If I was a sister I’d be Index.
misaki isn't this fat,she just a little plump is some places
Yeah, the plump part is the stranger's cock inside her. She's gotta make that money somehow.
She just has a body that fits certain boy’s tastes.
>sooner or later Mikoto will find out about that line
Delicious Misaki bullying.
*angry flabby noises*
If I was a sister I’d be Index.
Why would Misaki think she can control Ghost in the first place when the process is her manipulating the brain's moisture?
It’s a good thing her powers never work when they’re actually needed. It’s definitely a good thing.
ghost is a mary sue
Misaki has a delicious body.
Are you into demon dicks?
Accel Buddy anime when? It's taken a while but it's gotten really good the last few chapters.
>Accel Buddy
>Accel Buddy
Astral Buddy, fuck. Though Accel Buddy would be kino.
When nt11 is adapted
Many people seem to think that the demon at the end of Estelle's arc was Coronzon. It's definitely related to the trees so even if it was actually a different demon, Coronzon still probably knew about it. Since it's likely Coronzon was the one behind it OR at least knew about it, I wonder if the events of the Estelle arc is in any way related to 545.
I doubt it'll be anything major like "545 was born because of that incident", but it would be quite interesting to find out that Coronzon learned something that she eventually needed to know to make 545. What would be even MORE interesting is if 545 was actually related to the Misaka Network; I mean, even more she was given access to it in NT22. We know a demon was poking around in there. What if it grabbed some stuff and then Coronzon later used that stuff to make 545? While "she doesn't have a human body, it doesn't matter if she doesn't have the same brain waves" works, her being technically part Misaka would explain how easy it was for Will to connect her without issues.
This theory probably implies 545 is something like a Frankenstein's monster - bits and pieces of different things woven together
Railgun 3 will make Misaki more than popular enough.
>food or to eat
Misaki confirmed fat pig
What did he mean by this?
What will Gunha’s powerlevel be after he trains his GUTS?
Secret Chief
after all meme magick or whatsoever been truth
not so hard to guess Kamachi were here lurking us.
Could Mental Out work on Accel? If not, why?
The new first of the Level 5s.
Mikoto doesnt needs her own arc for people to be obsessed with her
>Kakine cucked again by a fucking idiot
KEK make it happen Kamachi
She is a proper Cow.
Also a Bee, but mostly a Cow.
She’s a pig which is why Mikoto has sexual feelings for her
I doubt it. It's literally manipulating fluid. He can likely prevent it. He can definitely block the signal of her remote. I wonder if she tried to control him, if it would reflect back on her or just disperse
It isn't the popularity it is what is revealed in NT 11.
Touma is adopted. His real parents are Dragons.
Misaki's power affects liquid inside of target's brain.
The only place where Accel actually monitors shit 24\7.
She probably can send him an info pack but hard mindrape is out of the picture.
Even if that somehow works 545 will just boot her out.
AB will probably get an anime before NT. I could see them maybe dedicating an episode to catch non novel-readers up though.
Something happen about "Toaru Series" on Netflix
we still don't know for sure
joke or hacked?
I don’t think so.
Mikoto commiting international terrorism fucking when?
What is the extent of Accel brain damage other than impaired motor and speech function?
Don't be fooled. LO looks like a child and act childish but she is a devil on the inside. The same goes with all of the SISTERS.
>flies to Bongland breaking a bunch of laws
>brrrrts the streets
>brrrrts the castle from inside out of it
She's been doing that for the past few volumes.
Do we like that she does that?
Will Mikoto have to find all 8 Dragon testicles?
England are cucks so they regard her as a hero
They are rushing towards NT and AB doesn't have enough chapters to do a season yet.
probably Danmachi
Making bets its NT
god level chuuni power
I don't get it
>The same goes with all of the SISTERS
Dude the sisters are more innocent than the original
Megami Magazine Sept 2019 issue
Full cover soon
Will Gunha impregnate Junko?She definitely has GUTS
Like hell they are
shining niples?
I should rephrase, I think AB will get an anime before NT 11 gets adaptated.
>Gensei says that the 5+ forms are Mikoto's sleeping power
>But then says she is a vessel
Which one is it?
That'd be pretty easy to adapt, actually. Have the camera focus on each beetle as they say their line. Perhaps give them small distinctive features to help secondaries distinguish them and have the "Isn't that obvious?" line voiced by all of them in unison.
Shia LaBeouf as Kamijou Touma!
Jennifer Lawrence as Michelle Maben, a young girl with electric powers!
Every day, Ezekiel.
>Shia LaBeouf
>Not Dwayne Johnson
Railgun vs Mikoto when?
Accelerator vs #1 when?
Mental Out vs Misaki when?
Index is the daughter of the same dragon couple making Touma her blood brother. Index is older than him though it does no appear so. Their relationship will get an upgrade from non-blood related incest to blood-related incest. Index does not remember this because Lolazon erased all of her memories. Her perfect memory and curse/poison resistance is one of the unique traits their dragon clan has. Lolazon knows about it and is keeping her mouth shut because she wants to know what would their inbreed children would be like.
I want to breed with this jew
Donald Glover as Accelerator
Maybe but why would they want to fund a new anime series so soon. I expect two more seasons of Index, Railgun and one more of Accel before AB would get an anime who knows how long if ever that will take to get done. This lets Misaki get a bigger fan base with anime only people as well as allows more manga story to be written.
Glover is Gunha
Index is getting more of a push than it has in years, the more anime series they get out the better for the health of the brand frankly.
You mean as Hamazura
>Mikoto grow up into a cynical asshole bitch
It doesn't matter.
Actual dragon Kamijou Touma
And introducing Benedict Cumberbatch as Aleister Crowley!
Railgun and Mikoto should stay separated, that way you can double the income of the series
and Patrick Stewart as Heaven Canceller.
>Next Kono Light Novel has Mikoto at #1 and #2
>Even retards who enjoy Railgun (Yikes) don't wank Misaka or pretend her scenes are "fun" as justification for liking her manga.
Absolutely not true
Mikoto's IT is obviously Will, would Will ever be opposed to her
Sorcerer is objectively incorrect though
>2 years of unorganized images
I hate myself
To aru Majutsu no Index Manga Chapter #140 is out in English: mangadex.org
Misaka network will shit out an unfiltered Misaka full of anger and rage and violent lust toward Touma
What about Misaka's Dragons and swarm?
I want Xochitl back.
Mikoto needs at least two brain damages to achieve them
The only Misaka we've seen have true rage and anger is Worst, and Will implies she's fake
Is it true that the accel manga has no editor?
Or rather, Will seems to imply that her negative feelings aren't actually from the Network, since she doesn't accept her
>netflix adaptation of Index
>all the blond lolis are now black women
Worst has neither rage nor anger. She's just a troll.
The original has had angrier moments.
She seemed pretty angry in WWIII until Accelerator calmed her down.