I'll post this Manga every day until someone picks up translating it again

I'll post this Manga every day until someone picks up translating it again
>4 Volumes out but only 1 translated

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You can try dumping it. That usually generates interest and sometimes gets translations going.

Is this gays?

Good Idea

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It's smelly girl

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It might take less effort to just learn moon.

I'm already learning another language and I suck at studying two languages at once

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Looks like I like oppai best in the world, but less ecchi.

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The translations have been going for a while now though

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Seriously user, where can I find the other translated chapters, my collection only goes up to 9

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Next one is This is the last one of Chapter 1

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Cute Lewd

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I'm just messing with you. No groups have bothered to actually translate it yet for some reason.


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No joke, would translate it (badly) if I had a computer.

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First you'd need the raws and I have no way of getting them.
There has to be some bro-tier user in Nippon who can buy the volumes and scan them

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Well, I'm going to nipland next month.
But I don't own a scanner, and I don't think it'd be a good idea to do this in a conbini.
And it still comes back to having a computer, really.
Fuck, I hate this, I could help anons and still can't because bullshit like that.

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Serious suggestion user: I'll paypal you the money and you send me the volumes to germany

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You shouldn't trust an user, user.
If you're serious, make another thread in September when I'll be installed there and who knows what may happen.

Fair enough, I'm just desperate for my OL fix at this point

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I can understand that. Well, I hope for you it'll get translated anyway.

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Thank you user

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Can't you just get the digital version from one of the usual scumbags?

I have literally never attempted to get translations for something before so I have no idea who to talk to or what to do

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Don't thank me, I haven't done anything.

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Bitch please. There are some long ass manga that are missing the last 1-3 volumes. Looking at you, Ghostalker's Daydream.

>My pain is greater than yours

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Last of Ch.2

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Just weird wish fulfillment.

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Oh it is, you can tell it was written by some sweaty cake from every page. It seems like good story, though.

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A bump before bed.

Nothing wrong with some wish fullfilment every now and then
Thank you

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Ch. 4

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>tfw no OL gf

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I met some ara ara type but nothing came out of it.

I'm pretty sure you can just walk into an office building and grab one nowadays, they're thirsty as fuck.

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I don't want a thirsty whore, though.
I want love.

Thanks for showing me this manga. Instant fav

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You're welcome

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Don't call Aseko that, she's been saving herself for her special someone.

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>has sex the first week
Also I didn't call her like that, she didn't look thirsty to me.

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Imagine the smelle

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What a lad

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>First Date Chapter
this is where the fun starts

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She literally passed out from dehydration at one point, that's how thirsty she is.


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FUCK it's bringing me memories.

Anyone know at least where can I find more raws?

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If I knew I'd tell you
All I know is that we're up to Volume 4 now

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Smell perverts

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Just buy them.

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