Why are female characters so powerful now?

Why are female characters so powerful now?

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What do you mean "now"?

Watch more anime.

Fictional power is easy to achieve

What they don't teach you in history class is that women are actually the puppet masters who controlled the men who made history. Anime simply cut the middle man.

Take your shitty bait and fuck off

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OP is the bait. is just playing along.

>Women are the reasoning behind most wars
>A woman literally led to the downfall of the city of Troy
>Eve got Adam kicked out of the Garden of Eden
Women are mankind's greatest enemy. Don't be fooled. When the world is plunged into nuclear winter, there will be a woman behind the button.

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Because underage shits like femdom.

Insult me more

No need. You being an underage is more than enough.


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This is actually true. Though, female power comes indirectly through men's corrupted emotions. Women "control" (Indirect influence) men by making them do stupid shit, though I feel women subconsciously do this and don't even realize what they do. So women don't really intentionally control anyone, they just look pretty and have tits and men inevitably chimp out over them.

Strong Female Character 1

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Strong Female Character 2

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Strong Female Character 3

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Strong Female Character 5

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Strong Female Character 7

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I want se her more mroe moreee

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>women are bad because of these fictional characters

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Women aren't bad. If anything, stories like Adam and Eve should teach you how powerful man's desire for woman is, and it is through those warped desires man encounters suffering. Men chimp out over women by their own flawed feelings.


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>women are actually the puppet masters
So that's why I can't get laid...

>Women are the reasoning behind most wars
Absolute baka

Come back when you're legal, then we can talk ;)

Eve was told by a snake to eat an apple. Because of that, she and Adam were both kicked out of Eden.

On the one hand: Don't trust any woman, especially those who like snakes.

On the other: God is the ultimate fucking douche for expecting humans to be like the animals in his garden. We proved that we were not to be fucked with; threats of floods and "turning into pillars of salt" be fucking damned.

You lost me at grass-eating, user

>God is the ultimate fucking douche for expecting humans to be like the animals in his garden
He doesn't. God created humans with free will so that we could choose to damn ourselves, and warned us against it. God does not suffer, whatever mankind does. He merely observes the spectacle of what we do with the freedom He gave.

Adam and Eve sinned equally. Neither an inherent flaw in womankind nor man's desire for woman was at fault. Both were tempted with knowledge and had their pride inflamed by the serpent. Pride is the original sin, not lust.

>God does not suffer, whatever mankind does. He merely observes the spectacle of what we do with the freedom He gave.
What an awful parent. I hope She chokes on her own cosmic cock.


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>Pride is the original sin
Gee, Satan really got fucked over, then, didn't he?

He did, yes. What's your point?


I didn't have one, just wanted to point out something I found funny to you guys. No need to be so hostile.

Satan is wrath you fucking retard.

Sorry if I came off that way. I just don't really see the humor. The fall from grace is pretty well known, isn't it?

>you will never get stepped on

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based and red pilled

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the story goes something like:
>Lucifer is cool angel guy
>So cool, in fact, that he thinks he should be in charge
>Stages coup d'etat
>Coup d'etat fails miserably
>God banishes him to eternal torment for his hubris
>Satan eternally fucked
Sounds like pride to me

Lucifer isn't even in the bible. That's a mistranslation.

>Sorry if I came off that way.
That's alright
>I just don't really see the humor
Both Lucifer and the humans were guilty of the same crime, and yet Lucy is sent to Hell whereas the humans merely have to grow food for themselves

Who cares, strong women are hot. It's the ultimate alpha move to turn a strong woman into your cuddly sextoy. Who cares if you can fuck a submissive girl, any fuckboy can.

Terribly sorry, what would you like me to call him instead?

Different magnitude. Launching a rebellion against God may be born from the same inner sin as eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but the deed is far worse and thus merits a worse punishment.

>Two FICTIONAL cases are a general rule for real world

Keep trying.


You, user, see the big picture.

>what would you like me to call him instead?
The problem is that "Lucifer" refers to multiple people, because it is not a name. It just means Light Bringer.
Even Jesus is referred to as such.
So you get a bunch of different people mixed up, and thus an incorrect image of the Christian devil. I am however no theologian, and I cannot tell you what the actual devil is supposed to be like.

Right, but the whole "Gee, Satan really got fucked over, then, didn't he?" was meant as a joke, something one is to take at face value. I really don't care anymore, it's not like I worship Her, anyway.

Interesting to know, I guess, but I'm sure most would know what you meant if you called him Lucifer

They would think about a devil, but the mythology behind him contains elements that should be attributed to other people (notably a Babylonian King who wanted to surpass God). So the understanding of "Lucifer's" fall is also erroneous.

I'm sure most would be altogether unconcerned with my flawed understanding of a theological concept, unless they're really that much of an epistemological douche that they can't allow the name "Lucifer" to be used so, as you've said, erroneously.

Normally, sure. I use the word myself regularly for simplicity's sake. I butted into the conversation because you were discussing the specifics of the person, and at that point it becomes somewhat important.

I distinctly remember sailor moon and all sorts of clampshit as a kid OP, I think you might be a faggot.

>that women are actually the puppet masters
Women's only democratic option was petitioning their husband to speak on their behalf. This isn't being a puppet master. This is the natural biological solution to filtering out women's more emotional bat shit insane nonsense. Women have no business being in direct control of anyone, including themselves.

Lucifer was just the word used in the king james version to translate the term used.
morning star/evening star/lightbringer are all epithets attributed to venus across nearly all cultures. because it was the first star, the last star, and the brightest star in the night, it was associated with being the best and brightest, the most beautiful, the most glorious.
We still use it the same way as it was used back then in terms like rising star and super star.
like, if you translate that verse as "How you have fallen from grace, super star! You're in the gutter now, you who have weakened the nations!" that's an authentic way to get the tone of the word choice.

like, it was already a cliche back then is what I'm saying.

>specifics of the person
Character. And I hardly think mentioning such a familiar story can be described as going into specifics.

leaving the garden was a consensual choice between humanity and God, don't believe the papal state's lies

Adam was just going out for a minute for a pack of smokes. What the fuck kind of landlord uses the opportunity to change the lock and drop Adam's fig leaves on the street?

>christcucks ruin another thread

the islamic version is that Allah made mankind out of clay, and commanded the angels to bow before the inheritors of the Earth He had made. But shaitan was too loyal and had sworn to never bow to any but to Allah, and saw no reason to also bow to an inferior creation of Allah, so swore to prove that humans are unworthy of the love and status Allah gave us

There was little to ruin in this thread.

guys do the same thing. women do stupid shit because a guy they like made them think it was a good idea all the time

Are you new?

the whole point was that in the garden, humans were free to live like animals just living off nature's bounty and God would provide. By choosing to invent agriculture and become the first farmer, Adam symbolically left the garden of paradise where humans lived in ignorant bliss and entered the realm of God where we use our knowledge and ability to learn to alter and reshape the substance of reality around us to suit our own ends.

God - yandere
Jesus - tsundere
Holy Ghost - kuudere
Is this right?

holy ghost is just the actual grand unified theory of everything that the universe is founded upon.

I prefer this version, it that a makes for a more interesting character and for a better story.

I left out, the reason I mentioned the clay thing is because in the same tradition, angels are made of fire, which is sort of higher ranking on the elemental totem pole, so mankind where objectively inferior to angels, the first of Allah's creation, from a strictly alchemical perspective

I live in Romania, and idk if you guys know - we used to be a commie state. Ceausescu was the leader, but literally everyone i know that lived then says that his wife was behind it all, she was telling him what to do and shit.

I don't see your point

because men worship pussy like gods

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what do you mean, it's right there

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thats a colon

Pretty sure thats a semicolon user

Because you are a retard who needs to lurk more, or even better: go back to where you came from.

OP is a faggot

Thanks for the page 10 bump.

Adam was more interested in banging the animals, then Lilith became a thing and bailed because Adam was a fucking furry long before eve was even a concept

>strong female character
>gets psscht nothing personneled by a monk or dies to a jobber in the main material

Satan did nothing wrong, he showed us the path to freedom

seething fedoraturd

Only case I can recall right now of this is Sparta's women. Basically they had a system going that the wife's was allowed to inherit the wealth of the warring men. As child raising was one of the most important roles of the women and marriages the reasoning for it, this system made some women incredibly wealthy.
The Kings of Sparta had to ask for money from these few wealthy women for their military campaigns as they owned like half the country's wealth..

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To be honest, two guns for a woman that it's no see to do exercise in the serie is too much. The force of a shot is too much for most of people, no ever soldiers use two guns in the same time.

Women were always in charge of emotional manipulation and backhanded scheming through men, while men were in charge of actually acting, creating and fighting. It's always been so. You can see that shit IRL (see Twatter) and in many fiction works too, including the Wheel of Time series.
It's the instinct: women are objectively weaker than men IRL so emotional appeal and manipulation is how they fight their war, a war by proxy.
I daresay this was the case as long as there were human on Earth.

Same thing happens with Yea Forums, femanons secretly control the board.

Touko is the best TM girl. Also all those TM girls are from no later than 2004, some a lot longer ago.

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This is the same show where a maid has the upper body strength of a fucking Terminator, I wouldn't be too concerned about realism.

For some reason I always thought strong/sadistic female characters are "cool" as long as they don't extert they aren't "subjugating" the protag either physically or emotionally (in this regard AGK is already a failure in my eyes because Tatsumi got "collared" by her).
On the other hand I don't mind it the other way around where the MC subjugates the strong/sadistic woman. I also don't mind if a strong/sadistic woman is the protag herself (pretty much non-existent in anime/manga, as far as I am aware, if you know an example, please tell me).
What does this mean?