Almost forgot to post this today
Almost forgot to post this today
Yeah, fuck the people who made K-ON. I hope something bad happens to them.
Thank you, user
both are good, fuck off newfag
Rational posts aren't allowed on Yea Forums.
Everybody watch their language. There may be kids younger than this meme reading.
K-On was 10 years ago.
So this is the true power of a philosophy major!
>No LOGH parody with cute girls
There needs to be a K-On parody with guys first.
But Given is already airing this season
Nice bait
Actually, you're the newfag.
>anime now
>an anime from 2009
>2009 was a decade ago
>I can use big words
The whole thing is a mix of empty semantic circlejerk and non sequitur.
Oh you silly user, always saying things like last year was a decade ago
Sadly modern Yea Forums does not watch any anime other than shounenshit so actual anime now pictures will hardly ever be made.
>I can write in big words
The power of hegel
eat shit
NOt him; but bo
Just like real philosophy!
nothing changes
only you
How did they print stuff back then without WiFi or Bluetooth?
how come no one adds that its ironic because he dog DOES NOT EAT DOG FOOD
They're both good. The problem is "modernizing" anime to become mainstream. It's obvious that anime is now trying to appeal to a changing society.
>constant decline means there's no decline
What did this user mean by this.
They had to use hand-forged printer serial cables. You can see this resulted in poor quality drawings.
>constant decline
My point is even back then people were complaining about the same shit. people don't like change. it's human nature.
some times that is merited and some times it's just whiny nerds complaining about anime being moe like you
Kill yourself dumbshit
Neither are that great.
>people complaining about a constant decline now about which people were complaining even back then means there's no constant decline
The mystery of the intentions of this user, I say.
cry more dogshit eater
I hope they all get fired
just remember, that you're a faggot for enjoying cute girls do cute thing anime, moeshit, yuri, boys love, and other faggotry.
Just neckyourself, its already over for you
>Two ancient anime
>Humanity has been in constant decline for at least 400 years
>Humanity has also been in constant decline in a fashion that's both resulted in a stable society AND been pronounced enough to be perceived on a generation by generation basis
>You too are part of this decline but feel justified in judging those below you despite being 400-odd years deep yourself
No shut up you can only like one type of thing.
That can't be right. There must be something wrong with your calendar.