So is Part 5 agreed upon to be the best jojo adaption?

So is Part 5 agreed upon to be the best jojo adaption?

I ALWAYS felt like part 5 was poorly written even compared to other parts and it's best part was it's designs and characters (As well as an awesome ps2 game).
I've read every Jojo part multiple times over the years and 5 was always just kind of boring, poorly paced and had a lot of unfulfilled promise which is 100% understandable given the state Araki and Jump was in at the time but it still stuck out as the second worst part that was carried by it's characters enough to make it really memorable.

I'm watching the anime adaption now and about 8 episodes in, Always felt like part 5 had a ton of potential to be improved upon and the anime is so good it makes me want to reread the manga. It's so distinctive and having the time to simmer for 20+ years has really given David Productions and Araki time to refine it to what it should have been

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Other urls found in this thread:

Best part?
Best adaptation?
Absolutly yes

I loved Part 5 since I first read it, coming after Parts 3 and 4 it was so refreshing to get a part where the minor antagonists and supporting cast were more purposeful and fleshed out. Plus the battles are some of the coolest in the series pre SBR-verse and I liked how Araki didn't bother with the 'retired' stuff to make our heroes seem more like heroes. It made sense for part 4, but it was always odd to me that the stardust crusaders never really killed. Steely Dan should've been dead.

Fuck yes exactly. Don't see how any part in anime form can top this other than SBR

rip SBR anime, It's going to be so fucking garbage.

>What is Stone KINO?
Literally an hero rigth now

I skipped 1 to 4 because Yea Forums told me that part 5 was the best.

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Ironically enough, part 5 is actually one of the most consistently well written, second to 7
The problems with Part 5 are a bit of confusion with Giorno's stand, Araki's depression killing Fugo, and a bit of a slow final act (tough i still liked it a lot).

it's a fucking master piece

and I always skipped vento aureo because i thought giorno's hair looked extremely ugly and faggy

why are you even watching jojos

Do we have an ETA on the episode dropping? My body physically aches in anticipation

Part 5 is a very beloved part because the of it's villains, fights, Mista, and Narancia. However beloved doesn't equal good. There's a lot of wasted potential and is not consistent. I can enjoy part 5 for it's quirks such as soccer mom Bruno, but it just wasn't a good part.
The anime makes up for all of this and makes it a whole lot better. I'm surprised how effectively they explained King Crimson compared to the manga. I still think Giorno is an extremely bland character and the VA doesn't help. Sure Jotaro is similar, but he's literally a rebellious teenager, it's part of him to be that way.

It's pretty much the worst adaptation. I can't even tell if you guys are just joking around with half of these posts.

you just have shit taste

Jotaro's success as a character is more so that he is a stoic and had the chance to be more present in the story (part 3 having fewer MCs, less story arcs, and Star Platinum being a less complicated stand overall). Giorno has his moments but less frequently and GE's strength and abilities are not nailed down in want they can fully do (damage shifting frogs & antidote snake-bricks for example).

That being said I like 5 a tad bit more over 3.

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Jotaro is like an ogre, he has layers

it still makes no sense

>king crimson can skip time

>epitaph predicts everything

>but GER wins anyways

how can you win if someone can predict all outcomes?

GER is bullshit

GER is a "Win" button
it's a power that negates the outcome of anything and everything it comes in contact with so that the result of any action is reduced to zero.
Diavolo's prediciton and time skip get reset to the point he used them. Reducing those actions to zero means they won't happen in the actually flowing time. Diavolo's prediction means jack shit.

i hated that faggot though

Part 5 is the least consistent and least well written when taken as a whole, but the adaptation is positively lovely and improves quite a bit upon the manga. I feel like it's the first part that's worth watching instead of reading, with 4 being slightly mixed, 3 being a terrible adaptation due to awful pacing, and 1/2 being solid but not necessary. I'm excited to see how they handle 6, because, while it's not my favorite, and it does get undue shit from too many people, there are a lot of places they can improve upon the manga like with 5.

So basically Giorno auto-wins any future battle in the jojo universe?

Well, hypothetically he would.

is this epitaph ever discussed in the manga? Because in the anime i don't remember its power being explained only vaguely

What time does the finale air?

5 minutes

I have a feeling Stone Ocean is going to be amazing in it's adapted form.

Part 5 suffered from both a bad translation and manga format not quite working out as well as it could for it.
As a result, the anime is great because it automatically fixes these flaws.

The same thing is gonna happen with 6, its hurt a lot by the manga format and language barriers in translation in stuff like heavy weather and dragons dream
While moments like maximum security fights, entirety of weather report, c moon, mih, jolyne in general will be incredible animated.

These 2 parta are the ones that benefit the most from being animated, but right after comes SBR which is the one that could be hurt the most

are you sure? wasn't it like in 2 hours?

If they put the same effort into stone ocean nothing is gonna beat it

Sbr could but theres no way they can adapt that well enough

Yeah, it's one of those things they explain in an info box between chapters.

i don't think that's true. It's going to air at 8:00 in Japan and that's about 3 hours from now user. I could be wrong though

2 hours

At one point he essentially cloned Coco Jumbo, meaning he can create beings with stands out of the gate as long as he has a "template" to draw upon. So what if that's what he did in episode 1? He just made beings with the damage reflection ability, which is relatively common (see Superfly and Beach Boy's string). GE really is incredibly busted even without Requiem.

He never got to get to that outcome. GER essentially delayed it indefinitely by "reducing all actions to 0". That's why he's in the process of dying forever, he can't even fully reach his own death.

It's going to air so soon already???

>So what if that's what he did in episode 1?
It isn't because he tells us what he did and that's not it.

yes, 5pm Jap time

If he keeps his stand in GER mode. I don't think he does, as it's clear that the Requiem arrow and stands have a will of their own. GER was really just protecting the arrow (itself).

so how long do you think it'll be for crunchyroll release? Sorry to bug you

Cant wait to not get a part 6 teaser
Are they really gonna spend a whole hour on sleeping saves

It's going to be the finale of the fight + sleeping slaves. I read it again and it's longer than I remember. They have enough material in the remaining manga for an hour.

Why would there be a Part 6 teaser

Part 5 has nothing to do with 6

I totally forgot sleeping slaves arc, it's that long?

Shit... no sleep for today

He is never seen again

>mfw skipping this shit special to the end to see if we get a part 6 teaser
I hope we can move on from this shitshow ASAP.

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I think part 5 is the one of the best parts due to its amazing casts, side villains or the main gang. I love Diavolo as well and DP really made him shine in the anime (shirt off scenes, voice acting, etc...). A lot of the fights in part 5 are some of the best in the series and the whole theme overall is a lot more consistent and serious compare to previous parts.


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When does the new episode drop?

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in about 1 hour from now.

Old Jotaro vs Dio is the best adaptation.

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just to make sure, cd will stream it right?

Say Jotaro ZA WARUDO's and punches a hole through Gio (with GER)

Would that not work?

GER would be able to undo time stop

>I'm surprised how effectively they explained King Crimson compared to the manga.

How is that even possible when they're adapting the same inconsistencies from the manga? (Bruno seeing his future self, Diavolo being able to kill Narancia during skipped time)

I think the Part 5 anime is a great adaptation, in terms of animation and music, but I don't know how you can say it fixes the writing. Stuff like Purple Haze and Spice Girl getting to be useful exactly once each, Giorno asspulling whatever power he needs to make a given fight work, a generally aimless plot (they make such a big deal of figuring out who Diavolo is and then he just... comes to them.)

Not to mention the finale relying on a power level boost instead of anything creative. It's still inconsistent as fuck.

CGI strings

Bruno saw himself because of his perception and because it was a callback to his fight with Giorno. Yea Forums's vocabulary betrays their degenerating brains from playing too many video games, they can't understand a story past power rankings and neatly tied sub 100iq plot.

45 mins

Same livestream or different?

idk about that shit. it has no ending. the 2 episode ending was canceled because some nigger burned down a studio that didnt even make the anime. thats pretty fucking ghey

This part is cool and all, specially at the start, but I just want it to end already honestly, the amount of fights and shit resolved with asspulls over aspulls makes it probably the most unfulfilling and distateful part for me.

Calling it a 1 hour special is kinda bullshit, it'll be 45 minutes of anime and the rest will be ads.

How? He has a hole in his chest.

stream link my niggers

GER can exist outside of reality, that's why it was conscious within KC's supposedly erased time so it's fair to say it would exist in the same "absence of time" DIO and Jotaro experience.

So you're saying, whatever happens to Gio doesn't affect GER in his own reality.

Fugo deserved so much better lads

Nope, DiU BDs is the best anime adaptation. It fixed the mistakes of DiU which were holding it down as the best adaptation.

DP's issues are unfixable in the BD's, because it's not just the quality/animation mistakes. However, Golden Wind is the best TV quality adaptation, I'll give them that much.

When will it be on crunchyroll?

Is this "cd" stream people keep talking about decent quality and low latency? Because I've got one that's 1080p, but it's 30 seconds behind real-time or so.

Japan stream link when


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the stream looks like this, no clue about latency

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sorry, latency is around 8 secs

>no more HELL NO!

I always liked part 5.

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It's alright until too many people watch it. Which is happening because the link is being posted in every fucking thread.

Yeah, I figure I'll watch it until it dies and then just switch over to my secondary stream that's 20 seconds behind or so.

One thing I've hated about the story is that Diavolo's identity didn't mean much in the end. Finding it out was a major motivation for Bucciaratti, the villains, as well as driving force behind the gang getting to escort Thrish.
However in the end they didn't get use that knowledge to defeat Diavolo.
All it did was letting them contact Polnareff who already knew all about Diavolo. And instead of contacting Speedwagon foundation or just letting everyone know who Diavolo was he instead becomes a master hacker who monitors entire web movement until someone who learned about Diavolo's identity independently comes along, to give them golden arrow.
Also the way of defeating King Crimson was also a letdown. Instead of defeating a clever way of defeating this seemingly invincible stand we simply get a power-up that just negates this stand completely. The final chase makes-up for it somewhat.
In general I feel that if they've aborted the entire Polnareff/arrow thing was removed in favor of a standard assassination plot, that would also fit nicely with the whole 'Gangstar' theme.

oh god, after finishing SBR fat Valentine looks so unsettling. I hope they will make him tall and in shape in the anime since the first appearance.

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You know it's gonna get haxxed , right? I give it's 4 minutes before it starts lagging and 6 before it's completely cut off.

Most improved? Yeah. I fucking HATED part 5, it was so boring I would start to pull my eyebrows out from the insanity. Love the anime though, very well done. One things retarded manga cucks will never get is how much voice acting/music/animation can add to a story as well, "BUT SOMETIMES THIS SMEAR FRAME LOOKS BAD IF I PAUSE IT EXACTLY HERE!" fuck off autists

How long until subs________________________?



Some one post the shot of Pucci from the new ep

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Didn't happen. But, you do have the next best thing.

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Having giorno do the poses when he's nothing like dio is kinda cringe, like OC do not steal tier

Giorno really steals ? NO DIGNITY

GER is not omnipotent and has not been seen hurting uncorporeal beings, are conceptual, exist outside the script of their universe, those that can destroy timelines or their powers overshadow 3 dimensional infinity strenght.

For example, the power level fags from vs battles agreed that Monika from Doki Doki would actually beat GER by having Giorno send the physical Monika thru the infinite death loops, but since she also exists on a ubcorporeal self, still kills Giorno with her timeline destroying abilities.

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Animated Stone Ocean will blow socks off

What the fuck are you talking about

Holy shit kino

GW had the best moments where DiU was better overall.

is this a new form of shitpost? is the second time I see this

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>the amount of seething that is happening and will happen in this thread

god i love jojofags

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Best adaptation was part 4 by far. Part 5 character designs always look janky as fuck in motion

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>So is Part 5 agreed upon to be the best jojo adaption?
Well today it was confirmed that it is worse that the Part 2 adaptation.

Fucking pieces of shit.



im not gonna call you an autist but i am gonna call you retarded
the fucking official twitter had EPISODE 38 & 39 PINNED FOR 3 WEEKS


This is probably a bait (DIU anime is unreasonably disliked here), but I think part 4 is more on less on par with manga and part 5 anime significantly improved the original.

It's nice to see DP actually improving.

In school

3 had better animation than 5

what the fuck lmao

3 was a wallpaper fest of awkward character designs that can't be animated turning around

3 had some fucking amazing animation probably the best theyve done but then it left them with like no time left to do the rest of season 2 so they stopped doing that
look at this and tell me it was worth it for the dio faces
(this, joseph and the fence, polnareff vs avdol)

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you're describing 5. You're a retarded vavirgin, but look at Hanged man and show me anything coming close to it in golden fart with its 2 frames a second

It was a fun ride.

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Damn. Wish they kept the 3d studio around for shots like these

I thought we would get 2 ep this week? Why horrible sub only have one?

Compare the Jotaro vs Anubis fight to the Grateful Dead fight and it’s pretty obvious which part had more effort put into the animation

Man that was good

Parts 1 and 2 were better in the anime because of the tighter pacing and artistic update to the very rough early style Araki used.

Part 3 is worse in the anime because of the stretching of many arcs to fit 48 episodes, and the Part 3 art style is good enough to where the anime doesn't improve much.

Part 4 is better in the anime because while they didn't change much to the art, the presentation flows extremely well in a way not possible in the manga.

Part 5 is slightly better in the anime because while the manga had a gorgeous (and at times better) art style, the part is chock full of fights and abilities that can be extremely confusing in manga format.

The animation, background art and direction were all really mediocre compared to part 3

while i would on the most part agree, I also think it's a lot more consistent then part 3 (compare the first 9-10 episodes with the last 8 episodes) and that means a lot compared to the fucking disappointment that that was


Don’t forget how they make every single character butt fucking ugly with their awful amounts of shading. Couldn’t even pop a boner to Trish since they had to make her unsightly as fuck 99% of the time

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>episode still not up
What the nigger

Where is episode 39 subbed?!



When will the VentoGiusto subs be out?

so where was the 1%?

Yeah, they made them a lot worse looking than the manga, and their faces are a lot worse at showing emotion in compariosn. Bruno is the worst case of this.

Horriblesubs continues to disappoint everytime

It's for premium users on CR only, so there won't be any subs out until next Sunday.

No, they did, they were in fact about 5 minutes apart, however this release window you're relying on has nothing to do with DP

i hope you realize the more you act like a retarded nigger the less anybody can care

seething that people see through his "best adaptation" bandwagon

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DP should make sure that the torrents are up for both episodes., fucking paces of shit!

What did they do?

If only 38 is out then why hasn't anyone posted any screenshots?

Next Sunday dude.

You’re autistic ass really can’t get DP’s dick out your throat, huh? Fuck off Jojobrony

Don't meme on me.

38 is up but they're taking their sweet time with 39

Are you retarded? No one is posting screenshots from 39 because it's not out yet. It's CR premium exclusive. Losers (HorribleSubs) will get it next week.

I said 38 not 39 you illiterate cunt

please im begging you try to get me as mad as you use too

this board isn't the same

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Araki once said "Sometimes people can’t attain a thing despite ther effort as if it is fate. I’d like to tell that to those who read part5."
Bucciarati wasn’t able to defeat Diavolo and save Trish. But his will was taken over by Giorno. His fights and death was nothing useless.
It was nothing but victory.

I’m Japanese. There may be some grammatically incorrect expression.

jesus christ please say sike

What the fuck is wrong with you, dude? I'm just talking about episode 38 you fucking retard. Why hasn't anyone posted screenshots of 38, isn't there usually a stream with the episode?

please say sike

learn how to spell

Diavolo used an extra dimension to fuck with people but got his shit kicked in by the extradimensional GER, it's literally this easy

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Sounds good enough in english for me to get, good job.
The theme of part 5 never comes up in discussion outside of once every 200 posts here because anons would rather futz about nitpicking on something fucking dumb or partshitting over what part is the least shit

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Sure you can predict the future and skip time but GER just says "No"

Is episode 39 just gonna be Rolling Stone? If so, I don't even care if I have to wait another week for the subs. Sleeping Slaves is shit anyway, didn't even bother reading those chapters.

same. felt really tacked on.

Does the piano play at all between during episode 38-39?

Just watched them both on CR lads. 39 is Rolling Stones, and the ending was the hand kiss

>Sleeping Slaves is shit anyway

It's unironically the best "fight" in the entire series you plebeian. How could a human being have an opinion as terrible as yours?

>I didn't read it but it's shit

is this really how low we've reached

>Sleeping Slaves is shit anyway, didn't even bother reading those chapters.
>didn't even bother reading those chapters.
why doesn't this surprise me


>random girl is much more beautiful than trish

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Sadly, yes. Nowadays anons can't even spell.

What would be Bucciarati's tax policy?

the difference a present father makes

GER can’t get predicted by Epitaph.
GER can get in the world of King Crimson.
GER can let Diavolo die repeatedly.


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The spin is for nerds

the hell are you talking about? trish is peak part 5 beauty

Seriously how fucking long are we gonna have to wait for these fucking subs

nice bait

Just get one of the INFINTE CR guest passes that are posted in EVERY fucking episode of anime on their site.

Giorno is literally Dio but on the winning side of the history

An actual ending instead of sleeping slaves would've been better desu


i peed my fucking pants at the OP bros

traitor's requiem with GER>>>>>>all other jojo OPs

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That sudden new arc was really random.
I guess Araki just wanted to do a horror story before moving on.

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When did giorno kill a whole village to regenerate? When did he steal a body? When was he fighting someone morally good?

I don't remember diavolo's suffering being this good
What the fuck

Based premium CR user. Please download it and upload it on the torrents for us plebs.

there's nothing wrong with GER being a win button
there's nothing wrong with overpowered stands

>that DIO parallel

Attached: giorno.png (848x470, 822K)

>he doesn't know

t. giorno giovana

hell, ger is fairer than ge because ger makes more sense and has a simpler application than the roundabout bullshit of ge

I can't. I don't want to get arrrested for uploading

that was probably the only good thing about this new OP, I'm sad to say it but Great Days it still at the top

This was the only episode when she actually looked attractive and not just because of the titty and ass shots she gets without her hideous face being shown

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That’s true.
And the best ending is Modern Crusaders with GER and Rolling Stones.

>golden KINO
>that part where GER loops Diavolo in the middle of the OP

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Is Diavolo still getting fucked in the ass in the Ireneverse or no


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Besides having a lust for power and a love for mudas they’re nothing alike

This, desu.

>that sick guitar riff that evolves from Diavolo's theme to go back to the OP.

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his suffering trascends the real world, he will always suffer no matter what

He would do all that if it was neccessary for getting to the top. Dio didnt have a mafia member babying him throughout his entire childhood also.

>literally the glowing eyes meme

>where DiU was better overall.
No. DiU doesn't go anywhere for half of its story and while Kira is good, it's definitely not better than GW at all.

He fought against Bucciarati

Can I safely assume dick will be visible in the BDs along with unobscured autopsy gore? This is very important

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 38 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.27.jpg (1280x720, 423K)

You had enough time

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>Diavolo literally getting fucked in the ass in Ireneverse

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Ireneverse is the same universe except that Pucci never existed, so yes.

where is ep 39...

Yes. And Dio wouldn't have let him live.


bruno was kind of a dick in his intro, the whole gang knew that luca was a piece of shit yet he straight up started torturing a 15 year old kid who he didn't even know was a stand user on the suspicion that he had something to do with luca's death

haven't seen it but 10/10 part 5 is the best

Doppio and Risotto's fight is the best out the entirety of the anime

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CGI is for rigid bodies. Strings are almost the exact opposite of that, and they're very easy to draw. It would make no sense to CGI them.

strong 7

But would Giorno even exist if DIO never met Pucci?

Isn't Trish like 16 or 17?


>he straight up started torturing a 15 year old kid who he didn't even know was a stand user on the suspicion that he had something to do with luca's death
it's the nature of his job, besides he didn't really torture Giorno before he found out he was a stand user, before that he just creeped him out and interrogated him

she's 15
she's also not real

this is fucking torture, I keep refreshing Nyaa

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she's 16 yet for some reason normalfags are really mad about people sexualizing her when in Part 4 they were going on about how they want Yukako to use her hair to finger their buttholes


Part 6 is way worse than Part 5 though

Rolling Stones is the most important chapter in the entire part.

she could be even 13 or 14

loved this


are you legit retarded? jojo is property of horriblesubs wait until they finish subbing it

>He doesn't speak el españolo

5 minutes

>Giorno changes into DIO
pretty kino

go outside user, take a walk, go get a coffee, and when you come back it'll probably be uploaded

This but unironically


I already explained it multiple times in this thread.

Episode 39 was only released for "premium" users. Therefore, HorribleSubs could not rip it off and upload it as "their" subs. Normal CR users will have it next week.


I actually like Trish and will probably get the SAS rerelease of her

Man I sure enjoyed watching Jojo's Bizzare Adventure™ written by Hirohiko Araki on VRV's™ streaming service. I would sure hate to only be able to scream about wanting to watch it when its readily available for only 10 bucks!

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did he say it was deep

This isn't exactly an "edgy" opinion. It's true. Metallica vs King Crimson and Aerosmith is the best fight of all of JoJo.

seething tranny

Theres a reason its at the end user. Pay closer attention

Está en español?

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>pay for streaming service
>only one in ten shows availabile in your country
Yeah streaming sites are based, I love paying money to be fucked in the ass!

you're actually fucking hopeless

made me fall in love with doppio in a non-homo way

The Grateful Dead is better.
So is the Venice sperg skater.

It's not deep, you're just retarded.

The point wasn't that it showed the characters who died in the rock. The point was by not accepting Bruno's fate, it created a fate where not only would Bruno die far more painfully and over a longer period of time, but his friends (who weren't going to die if he accepted the rock) were now fated to die too. I don't even need to go on about why that is so poignant because you're clearly very intelligent and don't need me to explain it.

You know that going in though. It's your fault if you sub knowing it's inferior in your shitty country

t. you

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DP definitely make her more likable that's for sure.

this is the fucking state of this board. Christ. go back to shitpost baiting on Yea Forums.

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Exactly my point. The user is retarded for suggesting a CR sub

seriously, nah

How many hours it takes until episode 39 out on horrib?

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and more ugly

She's exactly the same as the manga

Nice fucking image, I'm totally saving that shit to spam in SO threads.

I'm going to miss him so much.
Diavolo became my favorite Jojo villain.

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I guess I'll be 50 when they finally animate Yasuho

That's just like your opinion man

>The Grateful Dead is better.
Nah, that is only the 4th best fight in all of Jojo / 2nd best of part 5.
>So is the Venice sperg skater.
That's a Giorno fight, so it's only the 4th best fight of part 5 and the 12th best fight overall.
You're welcome

Give the VA a raise then since she's doing some heavy lifting.

i like piss

it would be nice since its the ending of the DIO trilogy and the original universe, it might not be the best part for some people but its the one whit most importance.

But part 5 doesn't have my favorite gay black priest who counts in prime numbers.
Or Foo Fighters

Where exactly is Diavolo? Pocket dimension?

no thanks, spyware man


Wait, did I misunderstand something? Weren't there suppose to be 2 episodes?


>the lips on the moon in the background are black
this is funnier than it has any right to be

I get only audio + black screen

>literally the whole thread is whining about how HS didn't rip the second episode
>come here to ask about the second episode

He didn't die.

Yes. The last episode is part of crunchyroll™'s premium service for a very low price

Devil is suffering forever for his crimes after his defeat by God's son. It's an allegory for Hell.

Based Crunchyroll Premium subs who watched the episode 30 minutes ago, looking down on the plebs who can't afford $5 a month. LMAOing at your lives

imagine not being able to afford 7 dollars a month for a premium service such as Crunchy Rolling Stones™

Attached: 1562708863413.jpg (960x540, 28K)

Imagine being a filthy streamer. I'd maybe consider CR if they let you download BD episodes later.

works on my machine :-DDD

I just watched the raw of Episode 39, fuck it.

>Implying the quality difference is noticeable.

Fucking rofl

Attached: 13pp3pv83fj21.png (626x767, 482K)

BASED CrunchyCHADS dabbing on FILTHY pirateVIRGINS

Attached: 1562462545856.png (638x359, 368K)

>Imagine being a filthy streame
It's 2019, nigga. Not 2009 where 360p was a luxury.

Please don't tell me I have to wait a week.


that fight sucked, doppio had retarded levels of plot armor and king crimson pulls another power of his ass once again

Attached: 725.jpg (392x376, 130K)

Buckle up smelly neet

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>people still believing in the crunchyshit thing in spite of the fact that there's 0 fucking screenshots in the thread
daiz won

It's about fast/slow replay tools, auto screenshots, frame by frame analysis and filters, you retards. It's like you don't even like watching anime. Online players are cancer.

you don't, if you speak spanish
episode just downloaded, goodbye fuckers I'm going to join chads that watched the last episode in heaven

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Attached: images.jpg (191x264, 7K)

wow, a bunch of useless shit
I just want to watch anime, nigga

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Wait, Crunchyroll is 8$ a month!? I thought it was a year. AHAHAHAHAH what a fucking ripoff

>that conversation between Polnareff and Giorno about keeping the arrow since it is their duty to honor those who have fallen

No. You want to jerk off and text message on your phone while something plays in the background.

Attached: polpol.jpg (1280x720, 133K)


Attached: 1562351343056.png (353x473, 233K)

>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind - 39 - The Sleeping Slave [1080p]
Published under literature for some reason.

Rich people are usually autistic about every penny they spend. It's the poorfags who lavishly throw money around (and never get rich).

>Submitter: Anonymous

fuck you I checked

Attached: 1562465347674.jpg (720x811, 51K)

>Post YFW you're a based CR Premium chad and watched Jojo an hour ago

Attached: rareabby2.jpg (900x1200, 120K)

I'd make a joke about that but I just can't come up with one

I can't wait to watch the book!

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That’s too much shit taste in just only one post

Heaven's Door?

CRgang, the pt 6 teaser was top notch

Attached: amerikira.png (1280x1428, 361K)

>download this
>its episode 1 of bobobobo

Yeah fuck you

it's probably horseporn

have a screenshot

Attached: 1542015564847.png (718x526, 484K)

People are asking if Valentine will still be fat in SBR (what a dumb question, of course he will), but we have a much more important question sooner: will Anasui still undergo a sudden sex change?


quasimodo mista

Knowing the smelly pirates will have to wait a full week to see Joylne animated.


Attached: E9_9PCRM_HFIJH8Qq_kQCL14aI9wRXMOQtRVWkAWaxM.jpg (614x768, 65K)

Thanks, I needed to watch Kemono Friends all over again.

I already saw it with spanish subs.

Attached: diavolo.jpg (1047x582, 140K)

left is probably the best looking diavolo frame

Nice try but there was no preview. I must be the only motherfucker alive to actually check the comments.

Mista yelling out "Gold Experience!" was very cool in a meta way. I'm partial to C-Moon, though.

Attached: temporary.png (1404x1080, 3.15M)

part 4 and part 5 are the teasers for the best part Stone Ocean


So this is a meme torrent, right?

>projecting this hard

King Crimson didn't pull out anything. He skipped 0.5 seconds of time because that was the max he could do in that state. Also, Doppio would've died if it weren't for Diavolo. When Diavolo changed, there was also a physical change, so their body got more oxygen (=increased muscle mass, etc).

Doppio lost the battle, Diavolo won the war.

>piratefags literally devolving into hhuehuehuehue

The transformation is almost complete

Attached: 1561753109626.png (490x850, 776K)

>mfw being a spic its not so bad sometimes.

Attached: 1460394510029.jpg (450x319, 55K)

Does this mean anything in response to that user?

Basado y PuyaSubspildoreado


Fuck this bros. I'm going to stop learning french and learn spanish instead

Where in the fuck
The usual anime page I go to for Spanish subs doesn't have it yet
I had to watch episode 38 on fucking YouTube of all places

>when you realize you forgot your headphones at home

I'm glad there will be two of us then, brethren

Attached: 100% american soldiers.png (500x714, 212K)


yes, still with no explanation at all

Good night sweet prince.

Attached: 654165.jpg (1024x598, 130K)

Instead of going YEAH YEAH YEAH i want the singer at the end of the OP to go JO JO JO

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 38 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.49_[2019.07. (1920x1080, 218K)

No one can escape the fate of having to pay for free shit.

All that remains is to shell out the bucks, where all of your pride will perish.

Sing a song of sorrow in a world when fansubbing has vanished.

Attached: 1547916559766.png (179x181, 39K)

I HATE GIORNO. Now is he's gonna be on the top 10 strongest anime character lists.


probably not desu


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as it should be

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The absolute state

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one too many jo's, faggoula


Nice virus hive, shill.

Attached: jojo39.png (1795x874, 202K)

>download puyasubs
>watch it
>translate subs afterwards
give me about one hour and I'll end this suffering


Attached: AHEM.png (1366x768, 71K)

Damn look at this color scheme

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Can a brainlet get an explanation of the narrative role the rolling stone flashback serves?
It just seems like such an odd thing to end the story on.


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>all these 5 stars when it just came out
crfags have like 60iq tops

The real mystery is why has no one uploaded the O Fortuna recap yet?


Just install antivirus sperg

What a CHAD!

Attached: 5165165.jpg (355x960, 118K)

el mista azul

araki was too lazy to make an actual conclusion

Why is Araki so cute

he didn't deserve this, he just wanted to live in a world where kids could buy all the drugs they wanted

Attached: wahs.jpg (503x615, 69K)


He has a harem, right?

Nessuno può sfuggire dal destino di dover pagare per roba gratis
Rimarrà solo il risultato del vostro orgoglio distrutto dopo aver pagato
Puoi cantare canzoni di tristezza nel mondo senza fansubbing


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you can't change fate, but you can face it and make the best of it.
also your ideals can trascend fate.
or some bullshit like that idk.

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you mean arem


Bruno was fated to die. He could have died peacefully. Instead Mista fought against this fate, which appeared foolish to the Sculptor. His fate could never be changed, he was going to die, so why not die peacefully? Mista broke the stone and doomed Bruno to a painful and prolonged death, while also creating new fates for Narancia and Abbachio where they would are now also fated to die (they would not have if Bruno had accepted the stone).

The idea behind this can be found in other characters. Think about the police officer talking about taking the hard road in the search for truth. If you take short-cuts or the easy way out, you'll lose sight of your goals and give up. Although they were doomed to a far more horrible and painful fate, it's that hard road that they chose which would lead to a better future for others in spite of their suffering. It's about sacrificing yourself for a brighter future for others.

Il Giorno Nero

Daiz: Arrivederci

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cursed and hot

It's more of a anecdote with the main themes of the parts.
Originally Bruno was meant to die to the wound he gets from Diavolo during their encounter.
By changing the rock and forcing fate Narancia and Abba will die but will complete their goal.

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>Prophecy Stones

WHAT A Nice guy!

if your fate is to suck then you're fucked lmao
just be born with good fate nigga lmao

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of men

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 36 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.16_[2019.06.2 (1280x720, 210K)

don't you meant "nigger"?

I went OOOOOOOOH like I finally understood when this happened

Attached: daizvolo.png (359x474, 268K)

>woke up early to watch the 1 hour finale
>it's another 26 minute episode that ends with a to be continued
What the fuck is this horseshit

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Based precure bro

this guy must be fucking stopped

Horriblesubs didn't put up episode 39, pay for your crunchy pass goy

its up

I wonder if Diavolo is still in the death loop after Pucci reset everything

its up

Attached: file.png (319x269, 152K)

all right, but if it's not your mom will die in her sleep tonight

also this

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Yes, Pucci's reset doesn't change anything that happened before the reset except that people he killed are replaced by exact copies.

Help a poor idiot out. How did the fucking rock end up on that chair in the restaurant and why did Mista touching it lead it to curse Bruno when Mista shot it to bits

No reason why it'd end. Made in Heaven only affected those it killed. Diavolo is gonna die forever.

>im guna make him an offer he wont understand

I wanna cum in you.

Bruno wasn't cursed. He was just destined to die. The rock is a relief of sorts, not a curse

He is. The only people truly effected by the universe resets were people who died during them. Anybody who died during them is replaced by someone very similar to them who fulfills their role in the universe, except for Pucci who is perma-dead with no replacement. Considering Diavalo literally cannot die, he did not die during the resets and thus is still in the same position.

This shit always bothered me. Bruno didn't have any licksweating skill, he just liked the taste. He never uses it again, come on, he was bullshitting.

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Is 39 going to explain what the rock actually does?

>tfw watched 38 with eng subs and 39 with spa subs

Being a spic finally paid off

of course he was bullshitting

Diavolo's prediction was the likely outcome though. The reason why he never arrives at his truth though is because GER's power is already in effect. Literally nothing works against it and Diavolo's power compounded the effect of the time repetition.

King Crimson works by removing cause so only the effect remains. GER works the opposite way entirely.

He was bullshitting you retard, he thought Giorno was just some random kid who might have seen gangster business and he was trying to spook the truth out of him.


Gee, this pose seems awfully familiar

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>So is Part 5 agreed upon to be the best jojo adaption?
No that's Part 3, which is also the best part.

>no part 6 teaser
WOW, i guess that the ONLY good thing about part 5 ended up being the Doppio/Risotto fight!

Attached: 61144024_282632679185789_4511197391431460076_n.jpg (240x240, 21K)

Yes. Everything is explained and will make sense as to why you're even getting a seemingly random epilogue chapter. It's the best part of the part.

>King Crimson works by removing cause so only the effect remains. GER works the opposite way entirely.

>dirty phoneposter


Did they expand upon the ending instead of making it abruptly cut to Giorno in the chair?


Animeonly. That stone ability has something to do with stone ocean doesnt it

>still no upload of 39 yet

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Ah shit here we go again

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having no affiliation to part 6 made this part even better.


Trish's fat butt.

Attached: fat butt trish.png (581x819, 175K)

He's right though.

King Cimson removes cause (the time where things happened) but the effects of what would have happened still remain.

GER maintains cause (Diavolo dying) but removes effect (actually dying). Hence why Diavolo is caught in a never ending cycle of living through his death but not being able to die. His ability to die was set to 0.

Atleast you know what you are.

She looks like she fucks black men.

No. It's just an autonomous stand that finds people who are fated to die painful terrible deaths and allows them to die peacefully and painlessly instead.

It was already out on Nyaa half an hour ago. Already seeded 30gb to you fucks so be thankful.

Damn. The ending was my only gripe. I thought there'd be at least 5 minutes of content after Sleeping Slaves/GER.

>American people arguing that "The manga is trash!"
>Trash translation
God,you are so duuuuumb,go to the Mcdonald fat country


She does. I hope she lets me watch.

Makes sense since she didn't have a father figure in her life.

So did I, user, so did I.

Apparently each anime part sells worse than the previous one.
We might not even get Part 6 anime, girls.

it being ''better'' doesn't make it good. Part 5 is still the worst part in the series and i'm glad it's over.

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>this fucking meme again
I don't get why cuckoldry is so popular lately

At first when I speedread Part 5 I thought Diavolo was jumping from universe to universe dying over and over again in different situations but I guess the whole autopsy thing makes it sound more like he's just jumping to different times without actually dying. Like if Trish was just walking around Italy, would she be able to stumble upon her dad getting murdered?

Japs love Part 5, you'll be alright.

>niggerposter has shit taste

Probably. He can't do shit though.

>ameriniggers are fucking stupid

>Those who survive give meaning to those who gave their lives

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So now that we have the complete opening
How do you rate Uragirimoni no Requiem?

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yeah, great job giorno, you sure gave meaning by keeping the arrow and doing jack shit when your dad's gay lover decided to fuck the entire universe in the ass

How hard is it to just type out 裏切り者のレクイエム, dude?

Solid counterargument. Part 5 is still trash, homo.

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El Grande Experiencia (Forma Verdadera)

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Part 5's themes are really kino.
I forgot how well done they were. Araki really tried to create a cohesive theme and did really well - the characters' deaths, their backstories, the power of the main villain.

Including all the versions? Absolutely the best. It was already near the top but Giorno version solidified it as the best, especially by Giorno mirroring DIO. Pure fucking kino

"Part 5 is bad because it's bad" isn't an argument.

came here to say yes. I'll be going now.

It's official. Part 5 is my new favorite. SBR anime better deliver or it's not dethroning the king

Part 5 is JoJo's shift into pure kino

I fucking loved this part

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I don't know if he exists in normal time or what he can really affect, especially with the whole autopsy scene thing.

As it is, you'd at least hope they were all different universes, otherwise you'd think people would catch on when people keep reporting seeing some pink haired dude die from increasingly convoluted deaths every few hours/days

made me nut when it showed up

> implying SBR anime will happen

Sorry user, most likely going to end with 6, 7 is way too much work length/detail wise.

I did what was needed, notice how there are no bad parts after 6.
9>8>7 is the new best ranking, but you cant see the truth yet

Attached: gio boy.jpg (1920x1080, 569K)

It's a really good OP, one of my favorite

>mista and trish pulling on their clothes and sniffing each other
god why was that so hot

understatement, brah

the world will never be ready for a SBR anime


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Why the fuck would Giorno know that situation or care? Why would he even help before josuke would? Giorno is probably content ruling Italy.


This was a really nice part. It was much better watching it than reading it for some reason. I really liked it and look forward to more parts getting adaptations this good.

So the whole point of Rolling Stones is to show that the decision Buccaratii made to investigate Leaky Eyed Luca changed the fate of just him dying to him, Abaccio, and Narancia dying as well?

part 5 fags are insufferable and I will relish when part 6 fags start spamming threads and you cunts rush to defend your shitty villain, main character, and story against a vastly superior part

wasn't giorno on it's way to florida when shit went down?

>Why the fuck would Giorno know that situation or care?
Bohemian Rhapsody probably should have tipped him off to something being up.

They didnt accept the easy way out, chose a more cruel fate. But in turn, as he says "may provide hope to others"
I think without it, Bruno wouldve died in his first encounter and the rest wouldve stopped chasing bossu, essentially the same as la squadra.

With the change, they chased bossu for longer, during which emo and trap died, but they also reached their goal and relieved the world of a bigger evil.

go falseflag somewhere else niggers

Subs for 39 there yet?

Memes aside, he will. And I'm gonna be devastated. This man inspired me so much

>he doesnt know

Attached: 1393534116220.jpg (446x400, 154K)

>but you cant see the truth yet
Lmao that kazoo.

animeonly here
i like all parts so far :)
i'm sure part 6 will be great too ! :)

Ep 39 is just a recap

>Giorno's Dio's son
>ends up looking like a chad and gets one of the best stands in the universe after an asspull

>numerous Dio sons in Part 6
>complete fuckup incels

what's up with that

OP tier list
Uragirimono no Requiem
Bloody Stream
Fighting Gold
Stand proud
Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town
Sono Chi no Sadame
Sono Chi no Kioku

he's not necessarily right, right? there are remote stands that act independently even after their user has died

Attached: mista.jpg (1920x1080, 385K)

Not particularly, just that his decision, along with Mista's, set in motion the fate for the future, and even though they are ultimately still slaves to fate, they can still achieve a 'better' outcome, or at least a different one, if they try. Like that other user said, it's likely that either Bruno would have died on his own from some other incident OR he would have died alone against Diavolo anyway.

go back twitchnigger

>Diavolo ended up being nothing more than a muh unmei retard
>Giorno being a terrible protag
>Giorno having a stand that can literally do anything thus pulling wins out of his ass making every fight terrible
>The ENTIRE terrible finale
>Purple Haze getting ditched

Some very rare cases. I only recall B.I.G. and Fire Starter

Stop throwing the N word so carelessly, racist white trash.

people don't know everything, people can be wrong about stuff, I don't know why people take everything everyone says in jojo as gospel

Attached: gotawaywithmurder.png (271x293, 101K)

what attracts these people to these threads

Gio was apparently the only one who inherited the [JOESTAR SPIRIT], while all the others just got distilled versions of DIO's worst traits.

That being said, Gio probably would have turned out just as fucked up as the rest of DIO's kids if it weren't for the gangster who renewed his trust in the world, fate be like that sometimes

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So, vegans are tasty? Asking for a friend

Pretty much agree. Although Purple Haze is overhyped

You have to keep in mind that Mista may not have faced an automatic/remote stand before this.

There are a few things about Golden Wind that really stand out among the franchise.

The interactions among the main crew. There's this unique chemistry about them that you can't help loving them. They could goof around and talk about daily life and at the next second kick the shit out of the enemies or ruthlessly mess with them.

The impressive partnerships. From this part, we started having this obvious partnership in most of the fights. Even the antagonists were paired. And what surprised me was that these minor villains also cared for their partners in different ways.
>Prosciutto & Pesci: I thought Prosciutto was a grumpy and manipulative guy. But it turned out that he cared for Pesci enough to sacrifice himself for Pesci's growth.
>Squalo & Tiziano: They genuinely cared for each other to an extent that one can sacrifice himself for anther. From this point, they're no difference from the protagonists.
>Cioccolata & Secco: I thought they somehow bonded in a twisted way, but the pet actually wasn't loyal at all while the scum master cared about his pet.

The tension. Somehow the manga managed to keep the tension throughout the journey. It had me on the edge of my seat during the climaxes. And the anime never failed to capture the tension from the original work.

The creative and versatile stand fights. My favorite finale is the fight between Dio and Jotaro, so you can see how disappointed I felt about the final battle in GW considering how different these two final battles are. But I must say that most fights in this part are the best ones throughout the series.

>pt 6 sons actually act like Dio (lose like him too)
>gio acts nothing like dio but retards still act like its his defining trait

Attached: Dio sons chads.png (3308x1330, 2.02M)

Apparently DP has a special announcement next week related to JoJo.

> Purple haze getting ditched
> Implying that's a bad thing

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Mista was full of shit, gator meat is great, so is shark and other carnivore fishes' meat, but horse meat is terrible despite horses being herbivores.

bohemian rhapsody>ger
eventually he'll make a god like being pop up into existance, altough by then every human will be dead


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report and ignore shitposter

oh shit gay priest soon

Polpo tho

and Anubis, and arguably Super Fly
and Cheap Trick but that's a weird one
and D4C since it's shared by all Valentines so one dying doesn't matter

Here's your special announcement.

Attached: Diavolo world of erased time.jpg (529x677, 529K)

It's gonna be another Rohan OVA.

> pt 6 sons actually act like Dio (lose like him too)
> are weak loser shits who have to rely on someone else for their emotional support otherwise they'd break down like crying babies
Sure user, just like DIO....

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This. And pigs can eat meat and humans are omnivores not carnivores. Plus human meat tastes basically like pork.

>horse meat is terrible
I live in Sardinia where horse meat is consumed commonly and I can tell you that's absolute bullshit. Horse meat tastes perfectly fine

shut your fucking face

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ph > ge(r)


Attached: download (2).jpg (174x290, 11K)

Not necessarily so that Mista got his stand through the same test that Polpo gave, or he just may not have known that Black Sabbath was Polpo's stand in the first place because he's an idiot.

Would you not be spooked the fuck out if some Gangstar came and licked you?

Holy shit, based.

Only Ryikel was like that. gio sucks up to bruno wich Dio would never do. Look at Versace who never cucked to the priest

Attached: versace.png (358x552, 440K)

>Prophecy Stones

why the fuck do people care about purple haze feedback so fucking much

>plus human meat tastes basically like pork
Nah, it's way too hard and the taste isn't even close to being as good as more traditional meats. Same goes for kangaroo meat.

Attached: 1359425261252.gif (500x340, 991K)

>using Asus

> Gio sucks up to Bruno
Not really he basically just convinced Bruno to let him into the gang by merit alone and from then on they pretty much worked as equals.

I believe that on the day the final episode of Stone Ocean airs user will complete the combo and achieve 「He/a/ven」

could be that battle royale jojo game, don't get your hopes up.

Welp. See you fuckos in 2 years when Part 6 finally starts airing.

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The entire part is about not just letting yourself be controlled by fate.
You can't avoid fate (which is what Diavolo tried to do and makes his fate incredibly ironic), but you don't have to be a "sleeping slave" even though it may be more arduous and painful than just accepting it.

Because Fugo does nothing in the main story and PHF lets him have his moment. Plus it's more JoJo and that's always good.


Because they're idiots who think edgy ass PHF is good despite it being non-canon and OOC as fuck.

Post King Crimson faces

Attached: KC.jpg (836x458, 35K)

Spiral staircase
Rhinoceros beetle
Desolation Row
Fig tart
Rhinoceros beetle
Via Dolorosa
Rhinoceros beetle
Singularity point
Rhinoceros beetle
Singularity point
Secret emperor


Attached: file.png (840x776, 1.05M)

And would Dio do that? Or would he act like versace instead? (rhetorical question)

It's the closest to a part sequel we ever got and it's a good story

Because it's edgy and very epic bro

To each their own I guess. It's considered a traditional delicacy here.

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with that attitude you'll never see it.

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Purple Haze Feedback probably

>Same goes for kangaroo meat.
Kangaroo meat is fucking delicious. Had it for the first time yesterday. I loved it.


What, would Dio use his Charisma + the fact that he just beat the enemy into submission as an advantage? Yes?

Yeah, that's what it boils down to at the end of the day, I guess.
Have you had capybara meat though? Now that's some good ass meat, soft texture, strong taste and fatty as fuck.

Attached: 1550888659775.png (725x611, 566K)

>ruthless as fuck
>wants to dominate
>will stop at nothing to reach his goals
>compassionate towards his allies
Giorno inherited the good traits of Dio while others inherited the sperg traits. That's the difference

I've had it a few times when I was an exchange student in Australia and didn't really enjoy it. Glad you liked it.

The closest DIO was to that is Pucci.

> people getting hyped for phf again even though its already been contradicted by the anime

It'll probably be either a game, an araki art event, or another Rohan OVA.

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No, I wish I could try more exotic meats like alligator or kangaroo but this fucking island is too isolated from the rest of the world

who's ready for youtubers to shit on part 6's characterization of DIO despite his conversation with Polnareff in Part 3 spelling out the exact same motivations

Rykiel was pretty great once Pucci gave him some motivation. Had some MC status resolve.

they should simplify the designs in order to make animation easier instead of the choppy weird shit we go

>Watching YouTubers repeat the same point and/or skirt around what they're trying to say for ten minutes in order to pad out watch time

Post yfw

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It's gonna be the same cycle it always is.

>upcoming part is SHIT
>it comes out
>wow actually the animated part really added a lot of emotion now new part is actually one of my favorite parts because I'm too stupid to understand what happened when I speedread it while listening to porn

>watching anitubers
do you browse the jojo subreddit too?


Fighting Gold is still the best opening of all time. Anime-only fags should come around to it more now that the part is over.

Watch it after having watching rolling stone. It makes a lot more sense as an opening.

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Still wish they had a proper funeral scene or something, but this still made me tear up a little.

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My reaction was that the wind wasn't gold enough.

People really only remember DIO for his "zany memes" but he always had a softer philosophical side to him. He only ever got hyped up around joestars and since we mostly only saw most of him acting around a confrontation with them they see that as his only feature.

>Fighting Gold is still the best opening of all time.
Why do people like it so much? It felt very lackluster to me, almost boring really. I'm not saying it's bad but I don't understand the appeal.

>I don't think he does, as it's clear that the Requiem arrow and stands have a will of their own. GER was really just protecting the arrow (itself).
Giorno is still in control of the stand, even if it has a will of its own. The problem with Silver Chariot Requiem was that its user couldn't control it.

Is Polnareff ok with being part of the mafia?

Eh Dino Dio is best Dio anyways.

no, the only acceptable venues for discussing anime is Yea Forums, GameFAQs, and Landover Baptist Church forums


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Coda's pretty cool

This, I mean you have to keep in mind the context of DIO in 3 who is facing down the bloodline of his century+ old rival vs part 6 DIO who is basically just shit talking with his friend in a much more casual environment.

Might just be the turtle at that point and after he's moved on.

He's from the future

I thought the music was very interestingly done and the visuals were neat, wouldn't say its the best but the song definitely puts it up there.

Coda's voice and the strings make it for me

Mista smashing the stone doomed Bruno to a more painful but still imminent death. Because Bruno didn't accept the stone it meant that he met Giorno, which set the whole story in motion. Which had the effect of also making Abbachio and Narancia fated to die (which is why they appear in the stone at the end).

I cna't explain the implications of this well enough in words, just listen to what the Sculptor says as they're walking away and thinkg about what the police officer said to Abbachio during his death.

Animeonly power rankings

4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1

Joseph > Josuke > Jotaro > Giorno > Jonathan

Kira > Diavolo > Dio3 > Dio1 > Kars

Great Days > Traitor's Requiem > Bloody Stream > Sono Chi No Sadame > Fighting Gold > Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town > End of the World > Stand Proud > Chase

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Highly doubt it, I can't imagine thats much past the point of the part 5 ED, you'd think Pol would stick around a bit longer than that, at least to just live out some of the rest of his life + to talk to Jotaro again.

>Pucci: "What's the weakest Stand you've ever seen?"
>DIO: "No Stand is truly weak, my friend, strength comes fro-actually never mind, there's this one Stand that's complete dogshit lmao"

Ok but what if my fate says I'm destined to be poor and never amount to anything. How the fuck am I supposed to make the best of that? Dying eventually is different, everyone fucking dies.

Really it's a question of how long would he linger in the turtle. Personally I don't see him sticking around as a turtle ghost for more than a year and that scene could be 2-3 years down the line.

> DIO's face when he comes up with a philosophical and wise answer to a 'what is strength' question and Pucci just sits there for a minute before asking him to just answer it like a kid would

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I agree with you but gyro dies lol

>veryone fucking dies.
Kars doesn't die.

>Living ever

Wow you got me there lol

> a turtle ghost for more than a year
What would make you think this? IMO if someone just snuck a laptop in there at least he'd be able to feel useful. and I don't know about you, but I wouldn't give up on life that quickly just because I'm stuck in one place.

Also we have no idea how long this is after the end, could have been a few weeks for all we know. Since Giorno isn't exactly the kind to fuck around I don't see why he'd wait so long to establish dominance, especially when he has fucking GER fighting for him against a bunch of old farts who probably aren't even stand users.

wake up from a sleeping slave did NONE OF YOU WATCH THE ENDING

It's really funny seeing DIO trying to be uppity with someone who actually gets him. Older Pucci puts DIO on a grand pedestal but when the two hung out it literally was just two dudes hanging out and talking about popular trends. Pucci was 15-16 and DIO is mentally in his early 20's. I love the little interaction we saw with them and I hope the anime adds more.

I'd put Kars over Dio1 desu

If you give up then you'll just eat shit and die. If you fight against it you might still end up poor, but perhaps you'll have a child, somebody you'll raise right and give the opportunity to live a fulfilling and important life.

Part 7 deals with this theme a lot too, it's why I always find it funny when people complain about the kid dying. It's the exact same theme as part 5. The kid was always going to die, it was fate. The tennis ball lands on the middle of the net, you can't influence it. The best you can do is see what side it lands on and make sense of it. While this is true, Gyro still fights against this fate because he thinks it's bullshit and he can't live with himself by just letting it happen. In the end he couldn't change that fate, but the journey he set himself on lead to a greater future for others and he was able to live a satisfying life (even though it cost him his life), because he followed the path he wanted to (the true man's world/mandom).

The idea is that you should always be striving to better yourself or the world, even if you're not destined to change it or do anything significant, because you will still die knowing you did all you could to live how you wanted to live, even if you didn't get what you wanted.

You mean of all anime?

Sure, why not.

It doesn't sound like a hypothetical, you'll never amount to shit.

>last op doesn't have SFX

it's like the jojo version of a james bond title sequence

what stand is that?

It does.

Uaito Arubumu

can we just skip SO?

But it did, you stupid fuck

>Purple Haze getting ditched
Shit changes all the time. Avdol only survived because he won a popularity contest then went and died again.

Part 4 >= Part 5 > Part 2 > Part 1 > Part 3

Part 5 is definitely more of a focused and coherent story and the themes are super strong. Part 4 was more experimental though, that's why I prefer it.

Fighting Gold is close second after Bloody Stream

t. dumb shonenfag

He wouldn't let anyone order him around

t. thinks 4 is SOL and not just a bunch of randumb fights

Giorno is turning things around, making the mafia more into Bucciarati's benevolent vision than what it was under Diavolo. That's probably OK with Polnareff.

Polnareff is mostly concerned with the arrow, so as long as Giorno doesn't abuse it, he'll likely play along.

When is 39 going to be up on HS?

It does, after Requiem kicks in. Someone will probably splice the SFX from the first half of the Diavolo version with the SFX from the second half of the Giorno version, for the full effect.

GW fucking sucks, filler fight one after another, each overhyped by its rabid fanbase.

Part 4 was very relaxing and fillerish. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the theme was not as consistent and there were many plot holes, you can tell Araki was hitting a writer block when he wrote part 4 and kept on inventing new things.

>Mista broke the stone and doomed Bruno to a painful and prolonged death, while also creating new fates for Narancia and Abbachio where they would are now also fated to die.

So close, yet so far.
Mista broke the stone, which changed fate from Bruno dying to Bruno, Abbachio and Narancia dying. But it's not as simple as that: like the sculptor reflects at the end, Mista did it out of loyalty and friendship to Bruno, and that this makes the group sleeping slaves who will eventually wake up and defy fate.

In concrete terms, if Mista and the group in general hadn't been so loyal to each other, he wouldn't have broken the stone, and Bruno would have died when Diavolo punched him through the chest. The group would continue serving Diavolo, or disband, and Diavolo would remain the Boss, undefeated.
But because Bruno's fate was changed, the group is now fated to defeat the incarnation of fate itself, Diavolo, even if some of them die in the process.

TL;DR: Bruno's fate in the stone changed because the gang is so loyal to each other. The resulting fate has Bruno, Abbachio and Narancia dying, but also Diavolo being defeated and the gang no longer being his slaves.


Anyone else kind of bummed out we didn't get a group song version of the OP like 3 and 4?

part 5 is ba-