What was his problem?

What was his problem?

Attached: Paul.jpg (200x150, 6K)

He didn’t get to fuck Dawn.

he represented all competitive players

Paul did nothing wrong

>Ash's best victory comes right before his greatest robbery
The absolute state of DPPt

He was too rational for the anime.

Nothing wrong with optimizing

He idolized his brother and when his brother, who treated his Pokemon nice, got his ass beat and gave up on being a trainer, Paul took it as a sign that if he wanted to win he shouldn't be like his brother, and instead to be a cold asshole.

That's why Ash infuriated him. Because Ash reminded Paul of his brother. Except Ash pulled off the wins that Paul's brother couldn't, which made Paul even more pissed.

lack of pussy

Paul's brother must've been absolutely shit if Ash had a better record than him.

wiener cooties

What kind of competitive player teaches Focus Blast to an Ursaring?

To point, what happened is Paul's brother tried tackling the Battle Frontier in Kanto at the time, and got whipped by Brandon and his Regis. Ash later cleared the entire Battle Frontier on his own, including defeating Brandon. When the Battle Pyramid (which can fly for some reason I don't remember) showed up in Sinnoh, Paul learned Ash defeated Brandon and tried challenging him too. Brandon whipped him just as soundly as he did Paul's brother.

It still wasn't his biggest humiliation though. That one was where Ash and his Chimchar pissed him off so much in a 2v2 tag battle that he actually ragequit and refused to give any more commands to his Chimchar. So Ash did instead and won the match. Then Paul threw his half of the prize at Ash and released his Chimchar in rage, which Ash then promptly caught and added to his primary regional team.

He didn’t want to job like his brother

Ones that want to have fun

Ash has a pretty decent record for a guy who boxes his OP or shit team every region for a new batch of rookies.

>Battle Frontier
While on that subject, what is the battle frontier? since the league is like regionals and the champion is their rep

It's another challenge campaign trainers can tackle, separate from Contests and the regional Leagues. In the anime, there's two Battle Frontiers, one in Sinnoh and one in Kanto, not Hoenn. Ash only conquers the Kanto one because he was in the area after returning from the Hoenn League so May could participate in the Kanto Contest circuit, but he fights Palmer of the Sinnoh one separately.

>what is the battle frontier?
It's a battle agency where you challenges seven guys under some gimmicks (can't recall many, but one of them involves beating many trainers with rental pokémon in a similar fashion to Stadium).

In the anime, it's more or less the same, just without dealing with tons of trainers and going directly into the leaders themselves.

Trainers are supposedly meant to be as strong as Elite Four members, but none of them ever pose that thread, barring Brandon (the guy who whacked Paul and Reggie's asses).

Still, its dedicated season in the anime was definitely one of the best because Ash used most of his caught pokémon (he even managed to evolve his Phanpy into Donphan there) and won the whole challenged, all with the opportunity to become a member of the agency and lover on top of it.

But alas, we can't have nice things, so OLM just pulled "Ryu left the tournament to seek new fighters" bullshit on Ash and made him go to Sinnoh.

Man, it would've been great having a season of Ash occasionally being forced to defend his title.

I unironically run shit like that all the time just to catch people off-guard. No one expects assault vest Delphox


Begone fiend, /vp/ it's just for waifu shitposting not actual discussions about the show.

Where were you to tell that to Specialfags when they came here a few hours ago?

Wait, I missed a Pokespe discussion thread? Goddamn it

Freshly out of the archive:
Funny how this one didn't even reach over 200 replies before dying.

Thank ye, user

>White's roundabout love confession about Black
Fucking cute

He was an isekai stuck in the pokemon universe.

But this isn't about Mystery Dungeon

>He doesn't have a pokemon with an attack explicitly intended to flex on his opponents

So basically he's like the rival from GSC but his character arc happens in reverse

Also this

Alain = Gary > Sawyer >= Paul > Tierno > Trevor > Barry > Ritchie > Trip > Cameron

I don't see why Gary's so high, he wasn't particularly skilled and his water started lost to a fire type. That's all you need to know.

>Has a harem of hot bitches driving him around in a Mercedes at age 10
>Gets 10 gym badges in a region that only has 8
>Writers had to resort to a hypercompetent Marty Stu OC to bring him down

>Alain that high
Shit taste just like the writers and directors.

Gary was robbed though, let's not pretend for even a second that his losses weren't total plot convenience bullshit.

Could I win all the leagues with this mons?

Mega Gengar

Which Champ or E4 would I lose to?