Why didn't she win?

Why didn't she win?
She deserved it. She suffered so much.

Attached: punishedorigamichan.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Did it finally end? Did Touka win to the surprise of fucking nobody?

There's like a 99.98% chance of it being a Tohka end.

Clock > Origami

Folded paper>Retard=Clock>everyone else

Edgy Retard>Retard

It's not over yet but it's obvious Tohka is going to win.

Because Tohka is the main girl. That is the only reason, have in mind Tachibana said Origami couldn't be the main heroine since she was too "unorthodox" for the role.

More like 100%, even if there is harem end Tohka is going to be included.

I'm confused. How didn't Shido die when Origami shot her?


Are you talking about the scene where Shidou pushed Origami parents? His time was over so he returned to the present.

Shido had Kotori's power back then, and that included insane regeneration.

Because this world is cruel. I did not like Origame at first, but she is really deserve some happiness.

Why does it matter who wins? It's more interesting to see how it'll be wraped up.

>Parents lived a year longer
>Now stuck with the memory of killing your parents
Was it worth it?

Mana is underrated imo

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Did you anons know that chinks have created a petition to make a fourth season?

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Suffering isn't what you do to get the victory user

If suffering paid off then the world would be quite different

Everything ok, mane?

Zodiac > All of them.

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I'm a regular user. I just want to bitch that my favourite girl didn't win.
I mean, I like Touka but she's fifth best girl at best.

Yes, she managed to find peace in the end.

This series better end in harem or else.

DAL is not like Quintuplets, where the whole purpose o the story is to see who wins the MC bowl. This story had much more depth that that. Were you reading it just for the girls?


Yeah, not sure why they would want another season after the last. I doubt anything will come of it anyway.

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The whole story revolves around the girls

Well, they love DAL.

Not really, it revolves mostly around Shido, Kurumi and Mio. You wouldn't think would become such an important character later on.

of course a clockfag would say that

>This story had much more depth that that
I like this series too but come on now

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Ara ara ufufu. What a nice thread you have here. Would be a shame to hijack it~

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get lost clockcucks this is an Origami thread

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Where did you stop reading it?

Even if it doesn't get one it does increase the chances of getting one.

I'm not a clockfag.

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Well, I don't care either way, but if it happens we'll get to see Mukuro.

imagine caring about this garbage

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>This story had much more depth that that.

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i hate origami so goddamn much. all she does is cockblock shido with her stupid 1 dimensional motivations about her parents dying. every time the story starts to get good this bitch has to ruin everything

not only that but most of the character development she went through during her arc was all rendered irrelevant because she just returns to being the stupid retarded Origami instead of the better one we got during her story.
People on Yea Forums were saying she gets better during her arc and fuck everyone who said that because after it I ended up hating Origami more than ever.

Just finished Origami's route in the vn. It was perfect.

wtf is wrong with you guys.
Origami is literally the best girl in the series.
please fix your brains

Not that guy but she's not.

literally the only top tier girls in the series are Origami and Kurumi and Origami is way further up than clockgirl.

Are you animeonly?

I'm up to date with the light novel.
It's an objective fact that Origami is better than Kurumi. I don't care if she saved him 200 times or whatever.

I don't care about Kurumi. Origami is a good girl, but she's not best girl. Leave that title to Reine or Mukuro.

Mukuro and Reine?
Come on bruh

You're new around here aren't you? When the threads were active, most anons here would tell you the same thing.

Reine probably got her popularity boosted a ton with the last few light novels but it's Mukuro i'm honestly shocked by.

>it's Mukuro i'm honestly shocked by.
Why? She's good, when her arc came around there was a lot of praise for her and would go on like that until recently.

Is there any chance of this ending in a harem or is it a first girl scenario?

>That hype before that Reine arc
I remember some saying Shido will go full door kun to fix everything in the end. Its disappointing its Touka once again get the plot after that.

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As far as harems go this is the best one yet when it comes to plot. Though giving Tohka the spotlight again in the end was expected, anons weren't much of fans of this decision while nips liked it.
Also, it's still possible Shido will go "fuck it all" in the next volume hopefully, but it's unlikely.

Kurumi's tounge

>Girl with almost a similar chilhood as Shido's
>Adresses Shido as "Nushi-sama"
>Genuinely shows feelings of love for him and doesn't act like a spoiled brat or a turbo lesbian.
>Has such an useful power that she remains relevant.
>Has nice assets.
>Prioritizes family, cuddles and calmness
Too much chesmistry, user.

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Shes too good, secondaries doesn't know about her greatness.

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Giving Tohka the spotlight was fucking retarded since it meant ruining the main plot that was built up to that point.

In a way I wouldn't mind a new season if this somehow works but I would only watch Mukuro's arc to be honest. Can't trust Kadokawa with adaptations anymore.

It's been done before user, Tachibana had to do what he did to please nips.

What does this have to do with pleasing the fans? Tachibana has never cared about what fans thought otherwise Yoshino would have been a lot more relevant. Miku wouldn't get scenes at all. Reine wouldn't be relevant to the plot since she is one of the least popular girls overall. Tachibana only writes about shit he cares and Tohka happened to be one of his favorites things in the series, she is also very simple to write to the point the novel becomes inconsistent as fuck whenever she is involved.

Kurumi's saliva

I honestly can't understand how you can still hate her so much after her arc. What has she done since then to deserve hate? All she has done since her arc is help Shido and the others and get along with the girls (even Tohka to some extent) that alone is a massive change in her character who lived only off of her revenge and hatred of spirits. And that's not even factoring in her true love for Shido and the fact that she does show emotions again. Plus NeOrigami does still exist, In fact she showed up in volume 20 again.

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user, it's been a while now, why are you still mad about this?

He probably doesn't even read the novels. He claims Origami goes back to her retarded self but that is a blatant lie. Origami no longer hates spirits, she doesn't go around attacking anyone for no reason causing collateral damage like her old self did often. She is also very supportive and helpful now she can finally fight with a clear mind, she spoke some sense into Kotori when she was hesitating about killing Shidou or not.

? I'm just saying I don't think this has to do with popularity or else the novel would have been focused on the first 4 spirits and Origami. Hell, even back then when there were only 4 volumes released Origami was the least popular but Tachibana still released two spin-offs featuring Origami because he liked her.

How does it revolve around Kurumi? Even her "second" arc barely focused on her and it's not like her issues are even relevant at this point since the author just wanted her to get away with everything she did.

Has Miku managed to steal Shido's harem from him?

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Nobody likes Miku. The joke is that she is a lesbian and everyone finds her annoying and that is.

I want to Date A Origami

Believe it or not there are people who like Miku.

Obviously but you know what I meant. Even Nia must have some fans but she is even less popular than Miku.

Kurumi was the main character that led us to Mio.

The fuck are you talking about? Mio was already there since the first volume where Shidou first dreamed of a girl saying he would save him this time. Kurumi has nothing to do with her reveal, in fact Mio was merely manipulating her as Phantom. She was going to show near the end of the series since she was foreshadowed for 19 volumes. Kurumi wasn't even revelant in the whole thing between Mio's obsession with Shinji. Shidou being abandoned, Mana being kidnaped, Reine watching over him. Mio turning girls into spirits, etc.

I already know Mio was there since the beginning. I'm just saying it was Kurumi who introduced us to her officially.

Fucking deserved it.

How so? She didn't even know who she was and Mio was going to show anyway to kill all the girls since she had to the back the crystals from them. She would have showed up even if Shidou decided to seal Kurumi but and not travel to the past considering the original goal needed him to seal all the spirits but she was forced to appear because he planned to change the past which would undo everything she did. It was Shidou's decision that made her appear, not Kurumi.

>I wouldn't mind a new season
So you don't care if they butcher yet another season where all the characters including Mukuro look off-model?

Not gonna lie. I'd fuck any of the DAL girls. Any of them, with no regrets.

Fuck off, Miku.

Reminder that she has killed MILLIONS.

Only when including all the timelines.

No I don't, I'm saying however that if by some miracle happens, then I wouldn't mind it and I'd just enjoy whatever it can offer, that being Mukuro.

Attached: cute Mukuro in cusual clothes.png (330x309, 159K)

Meant to reply to

I doesn't sound like you like Mukuro very much if you are okay with bare minimum for her arc. I'd rather keep the good memories that I have than watch another shitty adaptation that only serves to further damage the image of the series.

I like her very much. I'm just thinking that since these chinks are trying to make a new season somehow, in the case it happens even though it's less than 1% likely, I'll watch it and so would you actually.

I harem end would be forced when girls like Natsumi, Miku and Nia don't even like him.

Would you rather have a Tohka end?

I'm done with the anime since season 2, I tried watching the first episode of S3 but it was terrible and the threads only confirmed how dreadful the season truned out to be. I wouldn't watch another season but I would post in the threads. What kind of fan is willing to watch something he likes being destroyed in front of him? If the product is bad then I don't support it, simple as that.

>not liking him
>feelings reaching 100/100

Tohka is going to be included in the ending regardless. I don't care about which girl wins, I only want a satisfactory conclusion but that seems unlikely at this point.

Then just watch the good episodes. Can't be that hard.

Are you aware the Fraxinas doesn't measure love, just the affinity or some shit like that? It was confirmed since volume 2 that love isn't require to seal the spirits. Miku is grateful but she barely shows any interest on Shidou, Nia wasn't even going to be sealed after she almost died Shidou had to force a sealing on her to save her life. Natsumi doesn't interact with Shidou at all outside battles and she is much closer than Yoshino than she is with Shidou. I would call them acquaintances or friends but not love interests.

>good episodes
Hard to do that when there is barely any "good" episode in a terrible season everyone hates. The only positive talk I remember was for ep2 and that's it.

Episodes: 2, 6, 8 and 10 all had positive reactions. What are you saying?

Are they braindead? They despised season 3 and still want more shit?

I only remember ep2 having positive reactions with every other episode being called bad or decent.

Episode 8 and 10 were above average but nowhere near ep 2 in terms of quality, direction, pacing, consistent art and animation, etc.

>gutter oil
They literally eat shit and enjoy it.

Chinese fans only care about the series for the cute girls, they only want more anime for the merchandise and because they want more anime for the sake of it. These are the same people who bought S2 after all.

Their love for the series is bigger than their hate for season 3.

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>above average
And can you expect better with season 3? These episodes are fine for the shitshow that season 3 was.

I wouldn't say it's love when they don't care the series is being butchered and its reputation is down in the dumps right now.

The episodes were fine but I was expecting much better since JC Staff had the time and budget to work in the season, yet they still made a season that manages to be worse than S2 in some areas.

I still don't get how you can fuck up so bad with the huge timeframe from S2 to S3. It's like they want to do it on purpose.

They were working on so many series at the time but it's obvious they neglected DAL the most since Index is kinda their flagship series and OPM is much bigger than DAL is.

Not to mention Index and OPM both looked like shit too. The quality in those honestly wasn't much better than DAL 3.

JC Staff shows are looking better now, even the isekai with mommy which is vastly less popular than DAL looks decent, if DAL had aired next season it would have been a different story.

That is because even with all the time they had they only began production like three or two months before the new seasons actually aired. Just take DAL pre-screening as example, the fuckers clearly didn't bother to fix all the problems and decided to show it to a limited amount of people to then fix it a week before the anime aired. They didn't give a shit about DAL when they had OPM coming soon and Index airing in the same season.

More like next year, OPM was coming next and that needed even more attention than Index, OPM also had an animator who gave a shit about the series unlike DAL.

So, will you buy the VN that is now available in english, anons?

Attached: rinne.jpg (2150x1500, 815K)

Why post a blank image?

No, I already did it back when I had a PS3 and the summaries were enough to understand what's going on anyway.

I don't have another picture of Rinne.

Not him but I think the joke went over your head.

based manabro

Is that supposed to be fanart?

I think it's from that chink mobage.

I love Kotori.

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It looks like took fanart from different artists and are trying to pass them as cards.

Can't be a siscon if she is NBR.

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If you could put a DAL in another anime which one and what other Anime would you put her in?

Leave me alone user, it's been a while so I completely missed it.

It's a shame Tachibana forgot about her and ditched whatever role she had in Shidou's past just to give Tohka the spotlight. He even "solved" the plot point of her dying very casually in the last volume.

Who is this DAL person you speak of?

Get rid of Miku and put her in whatever edgy anime where people die all the time.

Maybe if the routes and especially the endings weren't so disappointing I would consider it. Only RU had some satisfactory endings and the plot itself connects to the main novel.

Yeah, Natsumi sure likes Shidou more than she likes Yoshino or her adult form. Miku sure likes Shidou more than he likes girls or even fucking Shiori. Nia sure likes Shidou more than 2D things, also ignore the fact she couldn't be sealed at all during her arc under normal conditions. This series suffers a case of "show, don't tell". We are supposed to believe these girls are in love, or at least have a crush on him, yet they never show it.

Why do people hate her so much?

I would put Ellen in Taimanin Asagi.

She is just a waste of character, she had some potential at first but then the author decided to turn her into a literal walking joke. She is just one dimensional and only there to keep repeating the same old joke over and over. "Oh, lesbians are funny xD".

She is even less than a character than Mayuri was in her own movie.

The only place where she's universally hated is here on Yea Forums. She has her own fans everywhere else.

She has some fans here as well. That doesn't change the fact she is not very well liked compared to other spirits, only Nia is even less popular than Miku in Japan.

Yeah I don't like these "harem series" where it's clear that the writers favor one over the others. In fact the only way to make harem work is to make it comedy. Serious harem works not simply because harem is inherently unrealistic and only works if played for laughs.

Never read the book but if one watch the opening credits alone it becomes clear that Tooka has a special place amongst all of them.

Having said that Kurumi is clearly the most interesting character in that dumb show; in fact there are only three interesting characters: Kurumi, Kotori, and that second in command masochist pervert that turned out to be an excellent commander arise the need.

All these characters are too unrealistic "start out as adversaries and become redeemed after 3 episodes due to THE POWER OF LOVE.

It happened realistically with Tooka because Tooka was actually from the start realistically portrayed as merely confused and had only known the A.S.T. going after him so naturally Tooka starts out assuming that all humans are his enemy but with Miku and a lot of the others it was just silly: they were evil and selfish that instantly reform after seeing what a great harem protagonist Sidou is?

Of course they never explain how Tooka went from all serious and perceptive to total childish airhead in the span of three episodes either.

>Kurumi, Kotori and a joke character
What exactly makes them interesting? Kotori is the commander but it was shown in the twins arc she is not needed when battling other fodder ships and the masochist second in command couldn't do anything against Ellen even with Kotori in charge. They are just a bunch of jobbers that only had a single win in the entire series.

Kurumi has a goal but that doesn't make her interesting at all when the reason behind her actions are completely retarded and overall weak with Kurumi herself questioning wheter changing the past is possible or not, yet she still keep killing people without a solid basis. She doesn't take risks, she doesn't fight strong enemies, she just looks and nothing else.

? How do they become "redeemed" with the power of love when most of the girls don't even deserve punishment. Tohka was running away and never killed anyone, Yoshino was afraid of fighting and avoided fighting, Kotori was sealed. The twins only compited with each other, Natsumi was wreck but at least she didn't kill people, Nia and Mukuro are not bad people either. Only Miku was a cunt that got away with everything but it's not like she is relevant, the author just turned her into a joke. Origami deserved to suffer but the only major casuality she caused was the death of her own parents, Kurumi also deserves to pay for the shit she has done but the author decided to ignore her sins.

In an alternate universe.

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Too bad she isn't canon.

Yeah I'm talking about Mku and Natumi and yeah they were both initially antagonists. Saying "at least they didn't kill"..? Natumi wanted to make everyone disappear but was _foiled_ and then just became an ally very unbelievably.

Origami was also too easily forgiven for all that and just went back to normal.

Natsumi only captured the girls to made Shidou suffer, she never intended to make them disappear forever and unless you are animeonly, it was very hard to change her mind. In the anime they completely rushed and she indeed became an ally all of sudden whereas in the novel she keept watching Shidou and the girls looking for her and then fighting just to tell her the city was about to be nuked and she had to go away, this caused Natsumi to finally think rationally and realize they genuinely wanted to help her. The anime completely skipped over her inner conflict, on top of making it look bad with all the slideshows and QUALITY.

I don't know what else did you expect for Origami since she never truly caused any major damage to the girls in previous arcs considering she was barely stronger than the average fodder and in the new timeline they didn't even know who Origami was. Ironically, Origami's revenge only ended up ruining her own life which was the point of the arc.

How was Origami too easily forgiven? She has to live with the memory of murdering her parents for the rest of her life. She probably has the most suffering in the series which served as a good platform for her redemption in my opinion.

get that girl some chapstick

Are Rinne and Shidou supposed to be adults here? Because they look exactly the same as teenagers.

Is it weird that Kurumi gives me a boner with her voice alone? I'm on nofap and I feel i'm gonna explode listening to her suggestive mannerisms in her Rinne Utopia route

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The only one who needed to forgive Origami is herself and maybe Yuzuru. Even as AST member she was constantly punished and stripped from her combat suit for doing retarded shit.

Tohka best girl

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What counts is the thought, user.

That's not the characters remaining angry at him for literally trying to kill them multiple times though.

Okay, that doesn't answer the question. Are they supposed to be older like old enough to have a daughter.

But Shiroi is best girl



>Been a while but time to use it again!

Attached: 3.jpg (460x420, 63K)

That's your fault for not correcting me before I posted it

retards are cute

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Tohka is the only girl to get dicked down (kissed) for recreational purposes and in a romantic sense in the animated version

and also perfect for bullying.

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Can't bully a retard if they don't know it's bullying

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Yoshino, Kotori, Mukuro and even Origami as well.

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That is like saying you can't bully a five year olds if they don't know what bullying is. That is how criminals think, retard.

when do any of those get kissed romantically and for non plot reasons in the animated series? they don't

If you bully someone and they enjoy it, it's not bullying, retard

>enjoying being bullied
She sure enjoyed when Origami made fun of her or wanted to take Shidou away from her.

Can't bully someone with a 5IQ

Shidou wanted to kiss Yoshino becase he thought he was cute and in the spin-offs she does again because she is just too cute. Kotori is his family who he loves very much. Mukuro is very close to him and they kissed after the date they have without Kotori or the Fraxinas's interference. Origami also got kissed because he genuinely was happy that Origami finally was happy.

Yeah, I'm sure is not rape as long as the victim doesn't know what sex is.

Yes they do, the Origami sealing says Shidou kissed her not because of his mission but because he wanted too.

That is not how bullying works, Tohka.


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A sad Tohko is the only good Tohko.

Aaaaand forgot to quote

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You are only posting Tohka because you want to see her getting bullied.


Attached: 1381685759133.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Why else you would start dumping Tohka pics knowing well the replies you are going to get.

Attached: it's okay.png (893x575, 529K)

So you do agree she is a retard.

Ruin all the fun with your metaposting, why doncha?

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I love Tohka!

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I love bullying Tohko.

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Boss, imouto, daughter, wife.

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Not a real imouto actually.

you can't marry your sister / / wife / / daughter

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My heartpenis thinks different.

That sounds like a challenge.

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>chinks wanting another season
Why not just plagiarize it like they always do.

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Isn't DAL banned over there?

I think S2 and 3 are for whatever reason.

China is pretty anal when it comes to "degenerancy". DAL was banned because there is a lesbian and crossdressing shit in later seasons.

>fails at being a boss, stops being an imouto after she wears the black ribbons, his adopted brother has to take care of her
She only fulfill the daughter part.

>only Nia is even less popular than Miku in Japan.
But Nia is great?

You are kidding, right? She is barely a character, Tachibana only used her as a plot device to give Westcott a free dark crystal. She doesn't have any reason to be around, killing her would have been a better use of her character since she is just there to waste scenes in the novel.


Already received the collector edition for a week, user.Gotta show some support.

Miku is worst girl.

Support for what? More games? I'm sure the upcoming game will be the last one since the novel is ending this year.

Miku is best girl.

Exactly, for RD, and because I have not problem throwing money at things if I enjoyed them. I'm fairly pessimistic about us getting RD for some reason though.

Fuck off, Tachibana.

But the game was confimed to be released regardless of fan support for the translations, unless they realized no one gives a shit about the series anymore. To be honest, I don't really care about the new game since it only introduces Natsumi and the game isn't even canon anyway.

Didn't know about the first part. I don't really care about the second one, a non-canon spin-off can be enjoyable by itself if you accept it as such.

>Didn't know about the first part
What part? The fan support? I don't think they ever stated if there is enough sales for the trasnlations they were going to make a new game. The new game was supposed to be released this month but they delayed it. No idea what they are doing but I wouldn't mind if they cancel it.

Come on, even Japan knows she is just a filler girl. Just another "harem member" that doesn't really belong in the harem.

>PS4 game
>in 2019.
It's gonna play it even safer than Ars Install did.

Have the series ended?
Who won?

Not sure if Sony's new policy applies to Japan but I'm not expecting good endings again. AI was disappointing and RR barely added anything new.

Read the thread. It's not over yet but the winner should be obvious even if you are animeonly.

>Not sure if Sony's new policy applies to Japan
Have you been living under a rock? VNs and other somewhat lewd games have been getting hit with light rays to cover anything considered obscene even in games only released in Japan.

I thought that only applied to translated and localized VNs. If Japan is affected by it as well then there is even less reason to buy the new game.

What's left anyways? Didn't the bad guy and Phantom die in the last volume?
Legit question, I've yet to read volumes 15 onwards.

So, Kotori won?

Nothing, really. At this point the author is merely dragging thins on and now the last "arc" si focused on Tohka for no good reason.

Sure, she won.

Nice. Koroti is the best girl.

Fuck I need some sleep.


They died two volumes ago. I think Tachibana is just extending shit because he wants to release 10 Encores, one for each girl.

I think he already confirmed Mukuro for Encore 10. Well that's something to look forward to.

That only means she is going to be in the cover. The encores are just collections of short stories but the stories themselves are not necessarily related to the character in the cover. It doesn't help these stories are just what if, fantasy shit, fanservice, or non-canon stories.

Is Natsumi still generally disliked?

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Mixed reception as always. Only Miku is truly hated now.

>Mixed reception
I didn't see anybody complaining about her though.

>That only means she is going to be in the cover.
And that's good enough for me.

Because she hasn't been mentioned that much in the thread.

I like her hair color

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I don't think a new pic is worth runining the entirety of the novel. What kind of author does that?

same thing

>buying censored games

how does jobbing matter when it comes to whether a char is interesting or not

>Look at me! Think about who's truly worthy!

>This story had much more depth
Stop fooling yourself.

to make my dick hard (and possibly save billions of sperm)

Because they don't do anything else other than giving awful advice that doesn't actually help for the conquests. Where is the "interesting" part in that?

>replying to such an old post

Not your chatroom, kiddo. Nothing personnel.

I think user meant that interactions where entertaining him. Nobody gives a fuck if a female character is useful, first are foremost they are waifubait.

I like origami

Attached: 1548460580225.webm (960x540, 2.37M)

I don't know how can anyone confuse interesting with funny.

Pre-vol 10 Origami is gross.

Nepgear knockoff is gross.

We have a lot of those in the series, you have to be more specific.

Are you OK user? Interesting and entertaining are close synonyms, and neither is equal to funny.

Not really, not everything you can find interesting is funny but everything you find funny entertains you or else you would consider funny to begin with. Funny is much closer synonym to entertaining than what Interesting is.

I don't watch/read this shit but Natsumi is the hottest

A lot of entertaining things are not funny.
Entertaining is closer to interesting than to funny.
Entertaining is interesting + pleasurable to hear/watch/read.
I doubt he meant that the girls were interesting but they didn't please him, so in this case the words are more or less interchangeable.

>A lot of entertaining things are not funny
That is a matter of subjectivity. Interesting doesn't come close to being entertaining more than funny. Whenever someone makes a research about subject you can find an interesting topic but is not necessarily for pleasure. The same can be applied to a job, some people take in interesting projects that benefits them the best which is purely business. There is not entertaining factor there whereas you can have some a normal or even twisted sense humor and you will always be entertained whenever you find something funny, hence the subjectivity in comedy.

Back to the original post. He said Kurumi and Kotori were interesting but what comes to your mind when someone mentions x character is interesting? That There is probably some kind of complexity to that character, her behavior or actions not that the character is intertaining. But who would even think a background joke character is funny or entertaining when you hear the word interesting? By that measure, even Miku would be considered an interesting character if you like her antics.

I love lolis

Would you consider her a loli? I've seen some people who don't consider Kotori a loli and since she and Yoshino are nearly the same height they think Yoshino looks too old.

I'm not a rocket surgeon, I'm content with just calling her a dfc

Yoshino looks younger than Kotori even if they are pretty much the same height.

I'd care more if they didn't ruin her entire character by hitting the reset button on the universe. Fuck that pissed me off.

Restia > Est > Rinslet > Fianna > Ellis > Claire

Sylvia > Kirin > Saya > Irene > Julis > Claudia > Priscilla

Shizuku > Ayase > Nene > Stella > Touka > Kagami

Sakura > Karen > Emilia > Reitia > Liddy > Claire

Avrora > Sayaka > La Folia > Nagisa > Reina > Astarte > Yuuma > Asagi > Yukina

Airi > Yoruka > Krul > Nokuto > Tilfarr > Phi > Relie > Sharis > Celes > Lisha

Aika > Twirl > Phoenix Guildy > Erina > Solar > Mikoto > Anko

Kotori > Kurumi > Nia > Yoshino > Tohka > Yuzuru > Origami mk.II > Origami > Kaguya > Natsumi > Mayuri > Miku

Chris > Eu > Saras > Seras > Taeko > Kanami > Haruna > Maelstrom > Naegleria > Kyoko > Ariel

Ling > Laura > Chifuyu > Tatenashi > Tabane > Cecilia > Charlotte > Houki

Math > Snake > Bat > Snail > Cat > Doll > Phoenix > Bee > Crab > Monkey

Megumi > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha > Eiriri

Pink > Orange > Silver > Black

You > Pest > Kuro Usagi > Leticia > Asuka > Shiroyasha > Lily

Kuroneko > Ayase > Kanako > Saori > Sena > Kirino > Manami

Marika > Paula > Haru > Ruri > Tsugumi > Chitoge > Onodera

Hishoko > Rindou > Momo > Nikumi > Erina > Alice > Ryoko > Yuki > Megumi > Nene

Rem > Echidna > Beatrice > Emilia > Ram > Crusch > Priscilla > Anastasia > Elsa > Felt

Aqua > Megumin > Eris > Darkness > Yunyun > Wiz

Tomoyo > Mirei > Sayumi > Reatier > Chifuyu > Hatoko

Yoshino > Neko > Tae > Sonoka > Aki

Miko > Morgan Freeman > Bear > Empress > Oni > French

Sera > Sisti > Re=l > Celica > Rumia

Sagiri > Elf > Megumi > Tomoe > Muramasa

Akari > Chinatsu > Ayano > Rise > Sakurako > Kyoko > Himawari > Chizuru > Chitose > Yui

Aoba > Hifumi > Ahagon > Yun > Shizuku > Momo > Nene > Ko > Rin > Hajime > Naru

Satania > Gab > Raphiel > Vignette

Tendou > Konoha > Aguri > Chiaki

Kanikou > Not-Elf > College slut > Kaiko > Chihiro

Mafuyu > Kaho > Maika > Trap > Miu

Biscuits > Edelgard > Bunny > Cat > Elf > Knight bitch

Sensei > Asumi > Uruka > Rizu > Fumino

Big Nep > Noire > Nep > Pururut > IF > Vert > Blanc > Compa > Nepgear > Peashy


Why would they delay a fucking VN. I seriously doubt they need more "development time" for these kind of games.

is this the shit and no pattern taste list?

It's the best list on Yea Forums.

according to what? schizo's digest?

Yea Forums agrees.

>Yea Forums is one person
Pls don't go all schizo outside of /x/

So schizo's digest then?

Attached: 1029682805719.gif (200x204, 42K)

Probably to remove any "sexual" content or whatever.

With Sony's censorship I wonder if Yoshino and Natsumi will get proper routes at all.

I think they are going to cancel it. The point of releasing the game in July was to release the game before the series ends and now that they delayed it for next year there won't be any reason to sell the game with the series finished.

What are you even talking about?

The main Kurumi is a bitch

Didn't they show some CGs the very first month of this year? What is stopping them?

She is just not very smart.

Who knows, after season 2 and 3 I wouldn't even consider to buy another game when the third one turned out to be just a glorified DLC route.

Yeah, Shiori is a waste of character.


Tohka is just low IQ but Kurumi is just an idiot that made poor choices, even before turning into a spirit she used to be very naive and that hasn't changed at all.

but kurumi super edgy dark and mysterious

>super edgy dark
That was probably what the author was aiming for at the beginning of the series but now he just wants her to get away with everything by making her a "victim of the circumstances".

what if the authors secretly a girl and kurumis her self insert?

I doubt it. He has a ridiculous bias for Tohka to the point he is willinh to ruin what he has been building for the entirety of the novel just to give her the main focus at the end. He simply likes Kurumi as character since she had her concept before the series began, same deal with Origami he liked her because his previous series featured a girl who behaved like her and then we have girls like Tohka. The author likes his retarded girls who have retarded strength, she is pretty much the shonen character he always wanted to write since he is a huge shonenfag.

You're right, tohka's the self insert

Wasn't Kurumi his OC waifu he created as a teenager?

No, the concept was way too diferent. She wasn't even supposed to behave like the current Kurumi or vol 4 Kurumi. She was supposed to be more Yandere like and act like an imouto or something.

real self insert

Attached: Shiori-Itsuka-date-a-live-40451959-1024-992.jpg (1024x992, 171K)

This but unironically
Though Kotori is a close second that is so close it could be considered a tie for best

That is Tsunako's

She clearly is, she is pretty much the same as a shonen main character but also shares tratis from bad isekai MCs. Tachibana sure was ahead of his time.

Wasn't she like, the main girl? what happened?

>what happened
I still don't know what happened after season 2

What? The novel is not over yet.

Well, you only missed another butchered adaptation like S2 was.

Sometimes I wonder how different the story would be without Tohka. Maybe Origami would be the retarded shonen MC or maybe Shidou will be an idiot who does nothing but fighting, and resolves everything with childish logic and little effort.

you forgot one

... > Seira > Mao > Megu > Kirara > Mori > Shion > Kasumi > Tama > Geraldine > Seira > Mao > Megu > ...
somebody post the circle gif please!

Most isekai series are just fantasy series with a gimmick and Tachibana previous series was a fantasy series.

How do people keep calling Tohka retarded but not Origami even though Origami literally dressed up as a dog in a swimsuit for her date on being told it's what Shidou likes and not realizing that it's a private fetish outfit if anything and not clothes for a date.
I really feel we're not being fair here. Call Tohka retarded all you want but let's at least do the same to Origami.

I'm glad we didn't get another fate by a different name

That is not the same. Tohka is canonically dumb, that is she is being called a retard. Origami is just weird and all the shit she did was in order to make herself feel needed by someone else. She goes full retard when fighting spirits but again Tohka is the one who always acts like a dumb child all the time. It's a trait of hers.

For Japan that is porbably the case. Tohka is massively popular for some despite not being a very good character, her design is also blatantly inspired by Saber to the point we have our own alter saber known as Dark Tohka.

the cooler saber and the cooler saber alter

Because Tohka is retarded, Origami is autistic.

I understand Tohka, yes, but...
>all the shit she did was in order to make herself feel needed by someone else.
...By dressing up as a dog in a swimsuit for her date and continuously forcing herself onto her love interest even though he clearly does not like it?
seems a little counterproductive to me.

A rose by any other name.

>seems a little counterproductive to me
Not really, the point was for her to feel needed regardless of what Shidou thought. Origami was merely lying to herself that Shidou actually considered his girlfriend since that meant she would have a moral support. For her the pretense was enough since she didn't have anything else in her live other than her revenge.

Quite the opposite. In real life, autistic children tend to be a lot smarter than the average kid while dumb kids are just dumb.

Tohka is too "perfect" for that.

Shidou was mostly indifferent to what Origami did but he did try to clear the misunderstanding in the first OVA only for Kotori and the Fraxinas to make it worse, but to be fair it would have not worked anyway since Origami was merely doing it to feel better with herself.

tohkas super cool and sabers super depressed and suicidal

Tohka is too dumb to understand what sadness is.

sabers too depressed to know what ruling is.

I doubt Tohka is even smart enough to graduate from highschool.

I doubt saber will ever have a healthy family

At least she can have one. It seems like spirits can't give birth naturally and even if Thoka could, her children would be dumb like her.

sabers dead and can never have one

>sabers dead
You wish, with some many spin-offs, sequels and prequels they are going to keep making Saber clones.

those clones are also dead in the literal sense, heroic spirits, even though sabers a different type

Not sure why that is an issue when they keep showing up and there won't be Tohka clones once the series ends. In contrast, they are going to keep milking the fate series to death and there is not sign of nips getting tired of it so far.

saber will never have the joy of being alive ever again, while tohkas well alive and braindead

That depends on whether she comes back to life next volume or not.

Sounds like a clockfag.

That is just being a slut.

But who is the bigger mary sue.

who has 24 clones and plot armor for 13 years

Some people call Saber a jobber. Tohka doesn't know what defeat is and even when she is "defeated" she gains some asspull power up that makes her stronger.

>BD version also looks like shit
As expected.

Also holy shit, the pre-screening was even worse than the fucking TV version.

That is the exact reason they decided to make a pre-screening. Instead of making a decent looking episode they probably just "fixed" the parts people complained about the most.

I thought Miku looked bad in the TV version but she looks even worse in the pre-release. They just can't get her design right in the anime.

It's sad the PV in the final episode of season 1 are the only scenes we got from the novel in good quality.

Most,if not all, of her suffering was deserved

Fuck, missed the thread.

It's weird to see DAL threads these days. I don't think this thead will make it through the night.

What was Tachibana thinking when he made Rio part of Mio too?


In the novel it was heavily implied that Shidou was pretty much programmed to love anything relates to Mio. That is why he fell in love with Rinne during RU and since Rio is also part of Mio he must have some feelings for her own daughter as well.

That is just family love.

It's 95% going to be Harem ending.
Because like he is basically already living in an open harem with all of them together.
It's the DxD or Testament scenario.

Yeah, the same family love that makes Shidou able to kiss Kotori even though he considers her to be his sister.

Attached: -_-.jpg (1440x1280, 329K)

That doesn't confirm anything, unlike those series where you can tell the girls are attracted to the MC, we can't say the same about DAL. This is a series where a harem member being in love with the MC is considered to be "out of character"

Miku is worst girl.

harmless family fun

Attached: sibling fun.gif (490x275, 2M)

Not really, Tachibana doesn't really care that much about the harem aspect in DAL. He only started to write this series because it was popular at the time not because he had passion on it. You can tell the DxD and Shinmai authors at least enjoy what they are doing.

>we can't say the same about DAL
Except that the series has a flat out SCALE that blatantly tells us: They are all objectively measured to be attracted to him.

Are you aware the scale doesn't measure love? Kotori literally stated in the second volume that love wasn't require to seal spirits, just a friendship was enough. What the Fraxinas measures is only the minimum scale needed to make the sealing possible.

>Kotori literally stated in the second volume that love wasn't require to seal spirits, just a friendship was enough.
THIS is a case of tsundere being an unreliable narrator.
This is like taking generic tsundere 101 by her word when she says: "It's not that I like you or anything~"

Reine end is true end.

Attached: 1534268606193.png (1440x2764, 3.66M)

Are you being stupid on purpose? Kotori wasn't acting like a Tsundere at all at the time. This happened two volumes before her date even happened, this was when she and Reine were explaining to him how the sealing "mechanics" worked since Shidou didn't really believed that making all the spirits fall in love was possible.

the dxd author seems to care more about shonenshit powerlevels than harem these days

Ded end


but he still cares about the series, and the girls must still like the MC I bet. Tachibana is clearly tired of writing this series and just want to start working in something else.

what is this shit about, it's a vn series right?

It's clearly a webcomic.

hello Yea Forums

Such a shame she is dead. I guess she was too good to become the end game.

Neptunia spin-off


no one likes you

So much potential. What was the point of building up her past and relationship with Shidou and then do absolutely nothing with it.

What could have been.

Attached: DAL_v19_03.png (1127x1600, 626K)

That shit hasn't been shown in quite a while since the Fraxinas was destroyed by Origami and it's not like it matters anymore now that Shidou can forcefully seal others, like he did with Nia and the army of Nibelcoln.

Close enough.

That's asinine. Which is precisely why it's so easy to buy that being the reason. First girl, designated losers, non-committal harem ends (no resolution as opposed to committed harem ends) - I want them all to burn but there isn't a writer out there with the balls to do it. Or maybe there is but whoever it is has to contend with an editor who makes them play it safe.

>That's asinine
That is probably because it sounded like an excuse he gave at the time, he even considered Kotori for the role of main girl but decided to give Tohka the role because there were too many twintailed Tsundere redheads but again this is likely an excuse. I think the only reason Tohka is the main girl is because she is just a simple character to write so the author doesn't have to put a lot of thought if he decides to develop her.

Well, it's not like the author of this series was aiming to write a real harem. He doesn't have experience writing them and he is more familiar with fantasy series with female MCs.

As for me, I like Ellen x Shirou.

Attached: Shido-and-Ellen-date-a-live-40434311-1134-1600.jpg (1134x1600, 180K)


My bad too much Fate kek

Isn't she old enough to be his grandma?

What should have been.

Attached: 1547861672114.jpg (1135x1600, 259K)

It's just frustrating that it's the same dilemma I always face: I don't hate Tohka - far from it - but I like almost everyone else more; whether it's as a character, as a vehicle for plot and comedy, or as a partner for Shidou, they each have something to make me value them more.

At the end of the day it's just like every other harem or harem-like series: Main girl is middle tier at best, the best girls are designated losers, and too much investment is generated in arcs that were never meant to end in a satisfying way.

Would have liked at least a hate sex doujin.

Attached: CharaStudio-2019-07-29-02-32-46-Render.png (1600x900, 1.08M)

I understand what you mean, it doesn't help Tohka's conquest is also one of the simplest and her reason to be in love with Shidou is also among the weakest. However, even if this series had no main girl that doesn't change the fact the series killed off the big antagonist that was foreshadowed for nearly its entire run and that is what makes me sad, not because Tohka is the obvious winner.


I wonder how different the series would be without a main girl but then again the series would probably not even exist since the author still seems to enjoy writing Tohka more than Shidou.

That is a pretty nice Ellen and Shidou.

Ellen was pretty easy but Shidou was very hard to make, making males is much harder than making females.

In some alternate universe she actually won.

They are not blood related though.

Would have been nice to see Ellen taking Nia's crystal then Shidou forcefully sealing her.

She is too old anyway and loves old men, probably used goods too.

Just avoid harems with a main girl if you want harem endings. Personally, I didn't follow DAL because I cared for the "winner".

Eh, some of the girls are very similar to Neps in both personality and designs.

The biggest problem about S3 QUALITY is that it wasn't hilarious QUALITY like in S2.

Episode 5 gave us slideshows and caveman Tohko.

Episode 5 was so bad that it almost became good.

Miku is worst girl.

Nothing can compared to Miku's face in S2. That shot is priceless.

Why could it not be ours?

Attached: 1512611139971.jpg (1280x1348, 259K)

user, don't remind me.

so waifubait

All harems have main girls user. Even the ones that try to hide it by making everyone a plausible winner. At the end of the day the author has a favorite who will win and the other girls are dropped like a hot potato. If anything the series that hide the winner are examples of the worst of harems because all the arcs, development, and feelings of other girls - the stuff that matters - was put there solely in an effort to obfuscate the winner, and will therefore never conclude in a fulfilling way because once the reveal is made all that matters is time skipping to the wedding where the designated losers get a cameo at best showing how they're already over it and have grown since then.

And yet she's gonna lose.

DAL did everything right, except this.

Miku was also a mistake.

She was there for comedic relief user, even if it was bad.

Because nobody liked the best girl. even me. But everything I say on this website is for trolling so who knows?

Doesn't make her any less than a mistake. She fails at being a comic relief and even harem member, she is just wasting scenes.

>what comes to your mind when someone mentions x character is interesting? That There is probably some kind of complexity to that character, her behavior or actions not that the character is intertaining

Non sequitur.


>replying this late
Autism indeeed.

That is not the point, even if the author has a favorite if the harem series doesn't have a main girl frim the start you yave better chances to focus more on other girls unlike a harem series where they girls appear and then they ate just there for eye candy. However, this is only an issue if you are one of those who watch harem series for the "winner"

not your chatroom

I think you missed your shitposting thread.

>introduced near the end of the novel
She also had to develop her relationaship with Shidou bases on similar experiences they went through, a waifubait has not real reason to love the MC like most girls in harem series.

>interesting, adj.
>Arousing or holding the attention; absorbing
>holding the attention
No need to be complex to be interesting. Sorry faggot. Even To Love-Ru can be called extremely interesting (if you like blue-balling, but if you are in this bread you most likely do).

fuck off, people on 4chins reply to a month old posts
go back whence you came

That was only an example you idiot. When you are discussing a series whenever you hear something is interesting or are discussing an interesting topic is not necessarily because is entertainning. You might have some interest in it since it could entertain or maybe it just fufill a need hence the absorbing or holding attention part but who the fuck thinks about entertainment when someone mentions a character is interesting? Apply the right context before you start sperging like an idiot and in this case if we follow your logic even the shittiest most one dimensional character could be labelled as interesting if you like that character's antics.

Sure autist.

We are in the shitty dimension


That was the best part about the season tho.

Attached: be87db48309a211adede5929d150cdf0--date-a-live-dates.jpg (736x414, 29K)

She probably suffered the most among all the girls but it was still deserved.

I like how her face looks like it was hit by an Iron.

I would say Mio comes closer, she also lost the most important person in her live who died trying to save her but it's still not nearly as bad as you being the one who killed that person.

>live to suffer
>get barely anything to show for it in the end
Sounds pretty realistic in all honesty.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Date A Live S3 - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.48.057.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

? Why would she show anything when she was paying for all the retarded shit she made in life.

Not him, but I probably wouldn't have made it through 3 seasons of this show if not for Kotori and Kurumi. They both seem to have more depth than most of the cast, especially Tohka.

It's not very hard to have more depth than Tohka since she was made to be very simplistic.

S2 was even worse and most people sat through it for the final three episode which they ended up butchering the most.

Daily remind that we possibly wont have the chance to see all spirits in reverse form. So far we only have Origami, Tohka, Kurumi and Yoshino. The last hope is that Tsunako will put them into artbook

Is there a new artbook being released or something? Last we got had only a few new pictures, inverse Yoshino being one of those.

If they show more inverse spirits design I hope they are more like Origami's or Yoshino's and less like Kurumi's. Her inverse form looks like crap.

When did Kurumi go inverse?

It happened in her spin-off but the design is boring as fuck. I doubt Tsunako was in charge of it.

Does anybody have the pic for clocks inverse?

They had their chance in volu 17-18 but instead of showing several inverse spirits at once they wasted illustrations in other scenes.

Why do that when you can release it in side material that you can sell?

Why was this never scanned?

Attached: 1463178349914.jpg (735x548, 119K)

Some guy tried to get the manga but it wasn't included in the magazine. I don't think is possible to get scans anymore.

I would have liked a manga adaptation of Yoshino Fireworks.

>Of course they never explain how Tooka went from all serious and perceptive to total childish airhead in the span of three episodes either.
a bit late but I may have an explanation, in that it is a similar phenomenon to how Origami is usually the quiet withdrawn "Rei clone" kind of character but goes absolutely berserk in a fight. With Tohka it's the other way around, going from a childish airhead to displaying calm judgment and patience.

She also went from serious to childish in a single episode. Tohka was merely being cautious but the instant she realized Shidou wasn't a threat she became the one we know.

I understand Origami's case since it's her own personal vendetta that clouds her judgement considering is the only thing she has in her life, kind of like a trauma. Tohka going from serious to childish makes sense if since she was doing it to protect herself however it doesn't make much sense she becomes super competent when she is absolutely oblivious and very dumb with even the simplest of things in daily life.

Why do you think Tohka is often called a shonen MC. That is just an normal trait of them, dumb for most things but actually somewhat smart in battle. Also part if the experience must come from the crystal considering even Origami knew how to use mere seconds after she got the crystal meaning the crystal itself gives the host the knowledge about how to fight.

Too perfect for the competition.

Attached: 1447352923230.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

The scream wasn't nearly as long nor the focused on her soul crushing expression. Way to ruin that scene.

At least the got the expression in the OP right but not including Shidou's monologue made the scene less impactful.

Origami already had combat experience before getting the crystal.

Yeah, experience she didn't make use of since her strategy against spirits was charging straight at them like a retard.

If we get another OVA, I hope the adapt one of these.

I doubt there will be a third OVA. That last episode of S3 was even less than an ending than what IMS did in S2. The anime is dead.

Two seasons later, still nothing announced.

Question, did Origami go inverse in volume 20 when she defeated Mukuro? It mentions her attack as jet black feathers but never states she went fully inverse

I heard there is an event this October 20th.

I wouldn't have high hopes if I were you. The anime bombed.

I doubt it, even if she did it makes no sense for her to be able to defeat Mukuro who has shown far more destructive power than all the spirits so far but then again this was a pointless battle royal where Kurumi managed to be on the finals despite being one of the weakest spirits in combat.

After how Tohka combined with her inverse self and it was revealed that spirit can hold more than a single crystal anytime is possible even if it doesn't make much sense.

She probably was using this

Probably something regarding the new game.

So, are the translated games worth buying?

If you only care about dating the girls then, yeah I guess.

Only if you are interesting in the plot. The first game is the only one who satisfactory endings.

If you don't mind censorship and never played any of the games before then sure go ahead.

What was censored?

Some CGs for being "too sexy" or showing "too much skin"

I will never understand why gore in VNs is okay but something slightly lewd isn't.

This is Sony's fault for their new retarded policy.

Steam version isn't censored.

What about PS4 version?

Episode 5 was such an amazing shitshow. Like, how can you actually release something like this on TV?

Attached: 1549721838855.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

Well Mukuro did knock Origami unconscious, but then she got surprise attacked by NeOrigami.

Censored obviously.

>surprise attack
I seriously doubt that is enough to KO an opponent who managed to fight an inverse spirit, a guy copying her own powers and another person giving support from behind all on her own. Even Ellen managed to tank one of dark's attacks and receive no damage so I don't see normal Origami or even inverse Origami being able to inflict that much damage to Mukuro who also toyed with both Ellen and Artemisa.

Damn, would a game like this run on a toaster?

If I was a big studio who is also working on Index III and OPM 2, I too wouldn't give a shit about a standard harem series that is niche at best in terms of popularity.

The minimum requeriments on the Steam page don't look that high but that amount of RAM is ridiculous for a VN.

The amount of animeonlys in the reviews is disgusting.

This is what happened

While gripping the handle of that had been badly damaged, Mukuro was about to
collapse. With tears in her eyes, she gave a victorious scream.
Below her, Kotori had fallen down and lost her Angel. In front of her, Origami was unconscious.
Both were powerful enemies that caused her to shudder. In fact, Mukuro was about to reach her
limit. It was very difficult to maintain her Astral Dress and Angel since she used a considerable
amount of reiryoku to protect herself from ’s attack. If they were damaged any more,
it would be difficult to re-summon for a second time.
However───the winner was Mukuro. The last person standing firm in this sky was Mukuro.
Even so, she couldn’t celebrate yet. Indeed, this difficult battle was over, Mukuro had eliminated
two formidable opponents. But in this natural park, there may still be other Spirits left.
If so, everything had not ended. She should let her body temporarily rest and grasp the situation
Mukuro was suffocating from the tension.
A murderous intent covered all of Mukuro’s body.
She immediately understood the reason. At some point, , which had disappeared the
same time Origami lost consciousness, was now surrounding her again.
From the unexpected situation, Mukuro widened her eyes. ──Surely, with the Astral Dress
destroyed by , even Origami must have lost her fighting ability──!?
And then, Mukuro realized that the countless ‘feathers’ surrounding her, their shape was slightly
different from .
Like a jet-black ‘feather’ condensed in darkness.
Mukuro had seen this once before.
That’s right. This was──
“──I’m sorry, Mukuro-san.”

I know that. I'm only saying it doesn't make a lot of sense for a spirit who can handle a dark spirit just fine can somehow struggle against someone who is nowhere near that powerful, assuming Origami gained access to some powers of her inverse form that still shouldn't be enough to be able to defeat Mukuro. I don't like powerlevel discussion but this isn't consistent with what we have seen in the novels up to that point.

Japanese games like these usually use need more RAM than actual GPU or CPU. Probably because they are not well optimized. Also, I heard the game has some bugs and crashes.

The last volume wasn't consistent in every way though.

Yeah, which is why I try to forget the volume even happened. It was filled with idiocy after idiocy. I wonder if Tachibana even has an editor anymore.

The slideshow was definitely the saddest and also funniest part of the episode. I was speechless when I saw the scenes for the first time, at first I thought it was the stream lagging but then downloaded the episode.

user please, don't remind me.

I just got the light novels off nyaa. They're pretty good. Anyone need me to put them on a mega upload or something?

We already have the LNs in a Mega link.

There is already a Mega link with all the LN translated.

Oh, I suppose that's on /jp/ or /vg/ LN general something

Well, at least it was the finale for Natsumi's arc and not Origami's.

No, we only discuss the novels here. Why would anyone discuss this on /vg/? Are you talking about the LNs or the VNs?

Do you have volume 20 translated? I don't remember if it was added to the mega or not.

I don't see vol 20 on nyaa at least, maybe someone else knows

I love Mukuro.

t. Shidou.

Miku is worst girl.

miku best girl

Fuck off, Miku.

Fuck off, Kotori.

I found this link, if you have Volume 19 and 20 please add it.

Reine is the true end

? Natsumi is the one who must dislike Miku the most.

I love Origami.

Attached: Origami_Dress.png (721x886, 360K)

To think that vol 16 sets up so much potential for a kino kiss scene with Kurumi and boom, Mio appears and steals the spot light, then boom, we are in Tohka world now. Tachibana is such a hack.
200 times loop to save the guy she loves with the cost of her own plan which is her only salvation for all crimes she did. All that just for a power up kiss? Not even slightly romantic. I feel like I get robbed

flat chests don't get to have opinions


tohka best girl

Attached: de7d23287c0f80d2e75e2b0263018c18bfd755b5_hq.jpg (1024x576, 44K)