Dragon Ball Super

Let's record all the guys who have defeated Goku. The rules are simple, no cheap shots, no hitting him and leave, no kick his ass and then let him go, etc, etc. If you and Goku start a fight and the fight ends when he's incapacitated and unable to fight, you definitively defeated Goku and you are in this list, unless it's friendly fire of course (see Piccolo Jr. eliminating Raditz and Goku at same time).

Okay? Right then, the members of the Guys-that-Defeated-the-MC-of-Dragon-Ball Club are
>Jackie Chun, founding member of the club and mysterious fighter rumoured to have mastered UI
>Tao Paipai, who kicked Goku's ass so badly he was only saved by his grandpa's Dragon Ball
>Tenshinhan, chosen by destiny to join this club
>Tambourine, killed Kintoun and almost killed Goku too
>Piccolo the great demon king, actually better than his reincarnation
>Vegeta, will never admit it, but kicked Goku's ass
>Android 19, from the day Goku jobbed to a virus and a fat doll
>Cell, he didn't even have to finish the job, Goku conceded
>Beerus the god of destruction, also god of 2-0
>Frost, because Goku isn't immune to poison like Beerus
>Hit, since Goku will throw the match if you convince him the rematch will be waku waku
>Zamasu, gods of destructions aren't the only deities that can join the club
>Toppo, confirmed better than Jiren
>Moro the planet eater, Goku had to run away to not face another 2-0 against this promising new member
Is your favourite in the club or are you a pleb?

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Other urls found in this thread:



>no cheap shots
Double discarded.

I wonder who's behind this post...

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He and Veggie had to run from Broly and fuse. Do fusions count?

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you forgot these 2 lads

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Take the Hearts pill.

>Extremely charismatic with a fantastic seiyuu, unique suave personality unlike previous villains (and unlike Moro being a retread of Piccolo)
>Gimmick powers (mind reading and gravity control) are unique for the franchise, and not retreads like Moro's drain and magic
>Unique among DB villains in establishing a 'legion of doom' consisting of other villains, established and new, who are as powerful or more powerful than him, including fan favorite Zamasu, rather than going it solo or surrounding himself with minions who are near-powerless by comparison
>End goal of killing the gods is a logical next step for a villain after Super and an interesting contrast with Zamasu, as opposed to Moro wanting to take over the galaxy because he hates peace
>Awesomely fashionable jacket, clearly a big guy for the multiverse
>Can turn into a Super Saiyan for no reason, knows what the fans want and will give it to them
>His fight with Goku has been by far the high point of the SDBH anime

There's no reason to pretend to be enjoying the Moro arc just because it's semi-canon. Take the Heroes pill.

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>no cheap shots
Disqualifies Tambourine and 19 by virtue of fighting a Goku who was unwell and Piccolo Daimyo and Frost via cheap shots (taking a hostage to force Goku to give him free hits and using a concealed weapon).

Don't worry guys, Mystic Gohan is here, and with my

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My bull, Spopovich-Sama!

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>newfag abbreviations
God I hate Shitrentards

>had to run
Precisely because they ran is why they didn't lost to Broly

>runs before finish Goku because is afraid of girls

Yamcha didn't win though. Goku was still standing by the time Yamcha ran away.

>Copelycucks begging Hiatusfags for help
This is the final concession

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nah, he's still on the list. cope.

Tambourine and Frost didn't cheap shot Goku and Goku being sick doesn't mean he didn't had a legit fight with 19 and lost
And Piccolo didn't even win when he took a hostage, retard

I just want you to get better Shitrenfriend, your cringe and insecurities are getting to ridiculous levels

Rent free

incomprehensible english as a second language babble

Frost using a concealed weapon was against the rules of the match, hence why the match was pretty much nullified and Goku was allowed back into the tournament.

Yes, it's showing, my illiterate Jobren dog.

>because is afraid of girls
>incomprehensible ESL babble
cope, yamcha had the upper win when he left and goku was too hungry

even if they kept fighting, goku would have still lost because he was hungry, it's the same deal as with android 19, he lost because he had the heart virus

All jokes aside I would bang AOC in a heartbeat

Did you see the Ikea furniture setup stream she did?

Hey the "rules" don't say shit about being a cheater
Frost won as a cheater but still won

Do characters from GT count?

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Hisoka didn't appear in the Universal Survival arc despite being a main character because he would've killed Jiren by himself.

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Dragon Ball anime pasta

>Classic Dragon Ball

Dragon Ball (Dragon Box Remux 720x480 MPEG2 MULTi)


Dragon Ball Recut: 23 hours, 1 minute and 15 seconds worth of actual show footage cut, all of which was filler in one way or another in order to follow the original Dragon Ball manga as closely as possible.



iKaos is working on a “perfect” version of DBZ by combining the best quality video with the most American English and Japanese dub options available, for both nostalgic and completion purposes. This release uses the R2J Dragon Box for its video source. All episodes contain the higher quality JPN Broadcast Audio as released by AnimeMaakuo.


Dragon Ball Z Kai (改; Kai meaning “renewed” or “revised”)


>If anybody wants Dragon Ball GT: Grand Tour (Dragon Box) synced with English audio along Dubbed Next Episode Previews here you go


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>even if they kept fighting, goku would have still lost because he was hungry, it's the same deal as with android 19, he lost because he had the heart virus
Honestly, he was more phased by an empty stomach than any of the damage Yamcha did. At least with 19 it looked like he was hurting Goku in addition to the heart virus.

Gohan is so cute

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Yamcha was the first one to beat him

>if they kept fighting

Non sequitur. Cry harder. Learn to read. Cope.

yamcha still left with the upper hand, making him the winner, however, i do admit that goku did won the rematch in the desert though

Enter Chadhan

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MYSTIC!? Mystic's not a form, that's just a fan term!
Oh geez, you sit in front of some old guy for a day and suddenly, you're "mystic".
You didn't even transform, you just stood there and said "mystic".
And not to mention, you don't even belong in this era Gohan, Adult Gohan doesn't belong in the Cell era.
You know something Gohan, you're a loser. Just go home Gohan, we don't need you.

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Enter Moro.

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>Hit, since Goku will throw the match if you convince him the rematch will be waku waku
Don't forget he also fucking killed him

Who's the artist, gohanpedo?

what is that fucking thing. holy fuck. it's fucking horrifying

What the FUCK is this ?? It's horrifying

If you have Yea Forums X, all my pixiv art will have the link next to them thanks to the filename. You can tell it's Pixiv because the filename usually goes

Getting through Super was a chore for me. I think I just had Stockholm syndrome or felt obligated to be up to date with the story or something.
That said, I thought the Broly movie was amazing. The character design and overall art direction was several notches above Super. I would love if the series continued in the hands of the people behind the movie.

Did you go through the Super manga or anime? The manga is a lot more digestible and easily improves the Goku Black and Universal Survival arcs, the former just by being pure, unsaturated kino, and the latter by improving on consistent characterization and just being shorter.

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I only watched the anime. I'll definitely add the manga to my backlog though, I didn't know it was significantly different. Thanks for letting me know.

What the hell is that thing ? It's fucking horrifying

Die,, Spicro

Get the physical releases or pirate the scans of the volumes.
The scanlations from Viz don't do a lot of the art justice (and sadly it's all I have on my PC)

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>yamcha still left with the upper hand
>Yamcha left
Therefore he never won. But be happy, at least he never lost unlike Jobren, who jobbed to a 0,0001% of Goku (base Goku when he can go SSB) and Freeza

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Thank you!

Whoops I didn't mean to post that already but who cares
Merus should be part of the club too since he incapacited Goku. And it wasn't a cheap shot, if you read the chapter again Goku and Merus are literally talking to each other when Goku starts fighting Merus' group, Goku accepted a fight with the squad and lost
Merus > Jobren

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No prob

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If zamasu can regen why doesnt he have both eyes anymore?

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>SHITren fights an opponent of equal power and only lasts 20 seconds
>There are fights between individuals of equal or relative power that go on for dozens of minutes. Sometimes even hours.
Why is he so FUCKING, WEAK?!

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It makes no sense. The Cyborg shit is only on the parts of him that blobbed out (regenerated improperly) in the anime, but those parts of him only blobbed out because they were the parts that were destroyed. If he'd been blasted in the legs or his other arm, it'd be those that blobbed out and he'd need cyborg parts for those too.

B-but broly... frieza!!! An hour...!

>dead thread
That's what happens when you try to prove that CHADku is a jobber. Leave that to jobgeta

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Don't you mean
Ded like Goku's braincell

What the FUCKING FUCK is THIS ????? It's fucking horrifying

It's not about Goku being a jobber (in fact I'm glad he's not a gary stu like most of shonen protags) it's about Jobren never beating Goku

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Not canon.

reminder that the autistic "gokufag" is just risu starting shit with everyone

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Here we are, trying to spare you the humiliation of pic related and you refused it, oh well

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the threads are always dead at this hour. cope you filthy mutt.


goku is not a jobber I swear

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Is this move still a meta and OP?

Also he is the owner of the shitty spambot, and only uses it when he is getting utterly destroyed. What a fucking faggot, kek

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What is he up nowadays anyway?

>that weak comeback

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>comparing me to an spic
That's low. I'm not related to that guy in anyway

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Enter Tsurusennin.

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> OP says no johns
> Includes Android 19 who Goku only lost to bc he jobbed to virus
> ????????????
OP is a faggot


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That would imply i'm attacking goku

Note is pure!

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>insulting goku's inteligence
>not an insult

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The Heroes anime should have continued with Xeno Goku instead of regular Goku.

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Cute but still sad. Specially since Jobren jobbed to Goku and Freeza in Toei's fanfic too

She's for Uub BBC.


And it's not 19's fault Goku was sick when they fought, 19 still won that fight

I'm kind of sad that nowdays the avatars of heroes are barely remembered. They were given much attention in the first trailers of the game but after xenoverse came out, all of heroes becomes related to the time patrol and the demon world, forgetting completly about the avatars.

I'd take the Avatars combined with Time Patrol over current Super's cast.

You don't get it
>Ded like Krillin's hymen
>Ded like Vegeta's height
>Ded like Yamcha's penis
Is all a fact not an insult


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But (assuming you are OP) didn't you say that "no cheapshots" were allowed. It's true that 19 didn't know about the virus, but it's weird counting that as a win since goku was kicking is ass until the virus kicked in. Even if 19 didn't fight him, goku was going to job anyway to the virus

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Man, the costume of xeno goku is pure kino. Sad that he doesn't use the Nyoibō he has

Muchas gracias

Goku got into a fight with a doll and he was winning until he started jobbing, then the doll finished him. Who cares if Goku got sick during the fight, he still lost to him

>an spic

>too intelligent to appear in canon

It's time

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Facts can hurt people user. And those thing you said about yamcha and krilin aren't true. Yamcha is a CHAD, so he can't have his dick dead. And krilin isn't a woman. Don't insult the humanCHADS like that next time

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Exactly. He knows it's shit so he ain't even going to bother.

Who made this shit

>Trunks isn't a human, he's a hybrid
>Marron is born without a nose
Can't make this shit up

Geez user, everyone commits mistakes sometimes. Don't be so strict

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>Frieza and SSJ Goku on Namek was canonically longer than 5 minutes.
>They were pretty equal, with Goku having an edge over Frieza, just like Goku has an edge over Jobren here.

So Frieza was able to tank an opponent of equal strength over 10x as long as Jobren was.

Weakest fucking main antagonist in all of DB

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>"Who cares if Goku got sick during the fight, he still lost to him"
He was sick even before fighting though. That counts as a cheapshot since 19 was taking advantage of that to win. You aren't being consistent with your own rules

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>-We heard you two are incredibly powerful
>+Nah we are nothing compared to other guys over there, like Broly, that guy was really powerful!

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>cheapshot = fight someone who is retarded enough to accept a fight when sick
What the fuck are you smoking? If I tell you to fight and you are sick it's your fault, if I win the match I win the match, nothing will change it, period.

i love goku

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Goku didn't accept anything though. The androids were made for destroying son goku, he can't just say "no" to them since they were going to kill him anyway. The only ones that stood a chance against the androids outside of goku was vegeta (who wasn't there) and piccolo, and he just can't leave piccolo to do all the job. Goku himself says that he will fight alone against them since they were after him, not them.

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I wonder how did grandpa gohan and the ox king look when they were young.

>Trunks isn't a human, he's a hybrid
Doesn't that count both as human and a saiyan?

>gokufag thinks that punching women is for cowards
Based or cringe?

Good night guys. I'm going to sleep. I will come later to see what you shitpost about GODku

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I like to imagine Ox King had adult Gohan's stature and only got super broad in his mid 20's

When i said human, it means pure human

If the wife is actually bigger and more menacing than you then you're no coward, but a weakass so yboy that picks a wrong opponent every time, if the wife is actually smaller than you then yes, you're a coward

i hate merus

what do you mean by human?

Heroes ep.14 available


> Base Goku >>> SSB Vegeta


I was wondering anons.

Pan is one fourth Saiyan

So, that also means Pan is three fourths Human.

To conclude, Pan is theoretically part of the HumanCHADS.

Three fourths to be exact.

Does this revelation change everything?

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Just bought this bad boy in a random thailand street market. What do you say

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Also one chadza. The angels holo is little lame but it is cool

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>That alien design
Literally scraping the bottom of the barrel of Super which itself was a huge embarrassment

looks like Wee Man

Shut up. It was 1 dollar each

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its fucjking horrifying wtf is this thing

What the fuck is this shit ??? Tell me ! It's horrifying !



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1/4 saiyan is still saiyan

What the fuck is that ? It's horrifying


But it's true, Pan is part Human, user.

Pic related is Human, so that means Pan is part Human.

I think you anons, will find everything is in order, regarding Pan being part Human and Saiyan.

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still cringe

Sorry user, but only pure humans are allowed in the humanforce.

>still cringe
Even though it's a widely known fact, that Pan is part Human.
Yet you still deem this vital fact, "cringe"?
But Goku was considered part of the Humanforce, when Goku didn't know he was a Saiyan.
So what if Pan, had no idea she was part Saiyan?

Is it too late to start watching Super? Haven't watched DB since Buu saga finished

Youre not late

Just read the superior manga.

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Pan was made for human consumption.

Attached: Roasted Pan.jpg (640x357, 180K)

>Most saiyans are not warriors
>Only a handful of saiyans know how to fight

Thanks for the retcon, toriyama!

>Dragon Ball GT
Let's make the final arc about the abuse of the Dragon Balls and show our heroes dealing with negative consequences of their wish fufilments

>Dragon Ball Super
What if Dragon Balls, but big?

GT isn't great by any means, but at least it had it's moments that weren't just fan fiction Super Saiyans

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It's hit and miss; the anime has some pretty good filler like
>U6 vs U7 fights like Piccolo vs Frost
>most of the fights in Tournament of Power that aren't Jiren vs everybody

>you wished for a pair of paints, now I'm gonna destroy the world!

>you made a selfless wish to bring your friend's father back to life
>as punishment, i'll destroy the universe

shitrenscholar what do you study?

Friendly reminder that the Galactic Patrol is going to disappear SOON.

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I study the shape of the penis!

meant to be one post, sorry shitrenbros.

leave Jiren to me

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>Pan was made for human consumption.
Pan is not foodstuffs.

Also, I don't like that edit of Pan, portrayed as a cooked meal.

>they don't get it

>obsessed taco can't even falsefag properly

Thank you goku-san!

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Who are you talking?


Cope, fucking disgusting dog. Cope.

I accept your concession.

Enter CHADren.

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>no capitalization or punctuation

>incomprehensible ESL babble


Horrifying what thing fucking is this? Fuck what the this is

>commits mistakes

Bros... I feel some kind of oscillation in the air...

Are there any anons, who used to throw their unwavering support for Jiren.

But now doesn't and why?

Attached: Roshijustsittingonarock.jpg (315x467, 42K)

No. Once you become enlightened and follow the Path of Grayy, there's no turning back.


Back to school.

Acquire intellect.

The absolute state

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>sentence fragment
You CANNOT outwith my titanic intellect.

Why the fuck are all these mangacucks swarming the threads? Where are the toeichads at who usually shut these cucks down?

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Enter General Blue

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I see no toyopups in around you schizo.

>all these hidden posts

Oh god I fucked up... Please DB chads, do not IESLB me to death, I beg of you.

What if Vegeta is going to Yardrat to learn IT so he can find Tarble? Maybe Oozaru is needed to defeat Moro

Who? *raffs*


>Type Neanderthal-level English, actively bringing the threads' quality down
>Get called out for it.
>s-shut up! Me filter you everyone h-haha.
Sad people, deliberately refusing to improve.

>Toeipoodle screeching and shaking in trembling fear at the legion of Toyogods permeating his safe space

Some "people" are born with the lowest of intellects and an inability to seek and cultivate inner strength. Such cretins are incompatible with the intellectual teachings of the Grayy Church and shall be discarded forthwith.

>too scared to reply to me directly
Looks like I win again.


cope, you non canon shitter

God, I'm handsome.

Fuck off, pedo.

Cry. Sob for me. Weep.

How does it feel knowing even Heroes gets more attention than your non canon fanfic

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God, I'm ugly.


Attached: 29.jpg (800x1200, 343K)

Fucking BASED

>b-b-but muh Pedroes
>Toeipoodles desperately clinging to spicfiction instead of kneeling like good pups before the superior canon manga which is written, overseen, and approved by GODiyama and GODyotaro, GODiyama's CHADsen successor


Attached: x10.png (865x1300, 300K)

God, I'm smart.


>licking a faggot

I honestly woudn't mind Pan as an honorary member of the humanforce because of her genes, just like how Goku, Puar and Oolong are honorary members of the humanforce for being part of the OG team, despite not being humans themselves. Then there are Piccolobros, who are good allies of the humanforce.

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doctrina egoísta > ultra instinct

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Well, considering that the SDBH is aimed at little children (see pic related). I have to say that it's a bit sad that grown-up people are interested in what is, basically, an advertisement for an arcade game that kids play.

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Sounds cool but i don't understand why it was called like that in spicland the first time we saw it

According to Daizenshuu 6, Tenshinhan is an alien.
Is he part of the Humanforce?

because the original name is some really vague shit, leading to a bunch of seemingly disconnected translations

What will happen to the Galactic prisoners?

>Toriyama: Toyotaro, I don't approve your idea about Marcarita having a relationship with Belmund. Angels are sent to serve them, and they have no feelings towards their Hakaishins at all.

>Toei. Fuck that. Mojito will be happy that Sidra dies, and Cus will be saddened that Rumush dies. WAKU WAKU!

Yeah, the anime is totally canon.

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To be fair, outside the danzenshuu 6 and some videogames it's never said that tenshinhan is not a human. When toriyama retcons something (like minus) he tends to mention it or showing it in dbs. But tenshinhan not being human is never mentioned so i don't think toriyama takes that into account (and the danzenshuu are very old by this point anyway)

Well, he's a descendant of said aliens, so he's still mostly a human, but even then, that was never mentioned in the manga nor the anime, so at least in my case, it's pretty hard for me to consider him an alien.
So yes, I would say he's a member of the humanforce.

>It was like he was looking at walking garbage

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I cant get into heroes its just so stupid and mindless.

It's literally "what would happen if we make fanfiction official"

Spics are idiots. News at 11.

Reminder that bra is said to have the same strenght as pan

Attached: Bra(DBF).jpg (332x152, 15K)

>admitting the chadnime is chadnon
Good pup.

Yep. The little story there is, is simply an excuse to introduce transformations and characters to sell cards. It's a demonstration of what DBS would be if Toei were in charge without Toriyama being involved.

>and they have no feelings towards their Hakaishins at all.
Nice headcanon toyoshitter

>Zero reading comprehension.
Ah, I see why Toeifags do not read the manga.

I love how the only argument Toyopups can make for preferring the manga is "c-c-canon". As if something being canon=good. It's the same when they denounce the DB and DBZ anime. "b-b-but muh cenun. m-muh filler"

How these simpering idiots can pretend a fucking series about fighting is better on a black-and-white non-animated medium is beyond me. They can't even tell you themselves. "well just IMAGINE the action bro LOL EPIC" It's absolutely fucking retarded. If Dragon Ball was a mystery series or a drama or something I could see it. But it's a fucking battle shonen. There isn't a SINGLE instance of a battle shonen NOT being superior when adapted to an anime format. Not ONE. Yet these morons constantly bleat about "muh manga, muh canon, muh Toriyama" as if any of that happy horseshit constitutes an argument. Ask them for solid, concrete examples of the manga being better and they clam right the fuck up.

Fucking pathetic Toriyamadogs/Toyoshits.

So just like the rest of the series?

>m-muh reading comprehension
Not an argument. I win again.

>It's a demonstration of what DBS would be if Toei were in charge without Toriyama being involved.
An evidence of this is the treatment UI is receiving. In SDBH it appeared several times already, which diminishes the impact of the technique that seems to be completely useless now; while in the new movie and in the manga UI has not appeared since the ToP.

I've made this point before and it has NEVER been refuted:

You disingenuous Toyoshitters babble endlessly about the manga being canon because it can't deviate from Tori's napkin scribbles and simultaneously post that interview where Toei flat-out states they are not allowed to deviate from the napkins either. Yet you claim the anime is not canon because it deviates heavily from the napkins.

Which is it, Toyoshit? I've backed you into a corner with my monumental intellect and you have NO FUCKING WAY OUT.

Imagine being this ignorant.

Attached: Herms..png (623x1255, 583K)

>there is a retarded Hunterbitch namefagging and falseflagging
What is going on in this thread

>b-but muh Twitter boyfriend

And yet its still more entertaining than Toyo's fanfic

That doesn't have the last line you added you lying tacoshitter

See this and go fuck yourself. Toriyama allowed Toei to make whatever they want, because he simple doesn't care.


Attached: ss4bros.png (1099x84, 21K)

Shut the FUCK down. Don't let me see you posting that interview about Toei not being allowed to deviate as evidence ever again, you hear me?

>It literally says angels wouldn't be fond towards their GoDs.
B-but muh headcanon!

They will fight against the z fighters
>Leader vs vegeta/goku
>hit-looking guy vs vegeta
>little guy vs krilin/18
>dinosaur guy vs tenshinhan/chiaotzu
>maggeta-looking guy vs goku/17
>zarbon's race prisioner vs yamcha
>panda vs gohan/piccolo
>roasties vs gohan/goku

Attached: 10.jpg (750x1125, 280K)

>can't refute it
EX to the PEC to the TED.

>lack of fan interest in the over-designed Deviantart furshit form
And everything was as it should be.

Holy fucking BASED Toeichad taking back the threads.

Attached: Freeza.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

>w-well it doesn't use those exact words S-SO I WIN
Imagine being BTFO this hard

He still didn't refute it. No one ever will. NO ONE can match my intellect and cool, logical deductions. It's almost unfair.

>Implying I care about Toei's fanfiction.
Kek. Enjoy your promotional SDBH anime, user. That's all you will get for the time being.

>And yet its still more entertaining than Toyo's fanfic
Fuck no its so stupid I felt like killing myself after watching it, the Hearts stuff, Zamasu returns oooh scary, Golden Cooler made me cringe into the next dimension.

as much as i like him, i doubt he will fight again, i can even see yamcha coming back more possible because of how much more popular he has become as of late (mainly because of fighterz)

>deflecting and moving the goalposts
I see you can't refute that point that completely SHUTS DOWN your arguments against the chadnime being non-canon. You are DONE, Toyopup. DONE. FINISHED. OVER. ENDED. CONCLUDED. TERMINATED.

Tl;dr: "reading hurts my brain :( "

>Make one rally call post about wondering where Toeichads are
>Toeichads return en masse and utterly btfo the mangacucks

Toeichads stick together. Truly blessed for my brothers to answer the call

Attached: TOEICHAD ARMY.png (1334x750, 1.47M)

>Toyotaco starts strawmanning

We are the smartest group of people on the entire Internet.


You fucking liar. You edited that. Pic related is what it really says:
>so an angel wouldn't be THIS fond.
Meaning, in a relationship.

Attached: 12512521451.png (602x539, 265K)

>Posts movie that credits manga and not anime

Someone post those two interviews to shut this baiting Gohantaco down.
One of Tori saying he corrects everything that bothers him about Toei while he "can take it easy" with the fanfic book.
The other one that literally says toyopaco deviates from the outline at his leisure, like that Trunks healing powers shit for instance.
Reminder that its only Gohanshitters/Lizardcucks pushing this manga canon forced meme.

>Accusing a hunter primate of not liking reading when light novel tier walls of text is their manga nowadays

>horrid animation that's even outdone by Dragon Ball Heroes
>only decently-animated arc is the ToP
>"Buu sleeping" gag reused twice
>SSBKK asspull
>godawful Copy Vegeta arc
>SS Rose asspull
>Goku and Vegeta constantly go to the future, get BTFO by Zamasu, and run back to the past to train over and over
>SS Rage asspull
>Infinite Zamasu asspull, totally unexplained
>ToP arc is supposed to last 48 minutes, lasts 30+ episodes
>SSBE asspull
>Goku goes UI like three fucking times before he finally gets it down right
>Jiren is an emo lunatic
T-Toeibros...I-I can't deny it anymore...the anime is a c-complete piece of shit...

Attached: ToeiShit7.jpg (1009x612, 188K)

YIKES. So Toyofans are a bunch of liars, uh.

Attached: 1564330770523.png (1188x284, 71K)

>literally seething and shitting himself over a single inconsequential word
It's over Toyochads. We've won.

Yeah, toriyama never cared about him and he never won a fight in canon. but maybe he will do it if toyotaro asks him, who knows.

Attached: BlandTanGorilla-small.gif (500x279, 633K)

I like your intellect.

>assuming hunterkeks understand a single word of their "manga"

Jiren is fucking scary. Glad he's a good guy.

Chadnime: Nuanced storytelling, rich characters, world-building, strong themes of morality and philosophy, perfect pacing

Shitnga: Rushed as fuck, garbage asspulls, shit choreography, horrible paneling, tracing/"homages" everywhere, retarded characters, shitty, boring filler

>literally admitting you're unable to comprehend the masterwork that is HunterxHunter
Dragon's Balls virgins are truly sad.

None of this will happen

>wake up
>shitrenfags and toeikeks (the same shit really) are misbehaving again
>in MY dragon ball threads

Attached: 17.jpg (800x1200, 446K)

Attached: Pan yum.jpg (480x270, 211K)

HAHAHAHAHAH oh god. I can't believe these fucking rats. They have to literally adulterate their e-celebs' posts because not even that helps their spam.
Let me be redundant here: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
What a bunch of desperate mischievous little rodents holy shit HAHAHA. Screen cap this please.

>pathetic, lazy Toyopup sleeps in this late due to being a worthless NEET
>thinks he has any authority in this den of intellectual honesty and philosophical truth
You'd best be moving on, mangashitter.

It's a well-known fact that DBS threads have the highest average IQ on Yea Forums. How dare you accuse US of not comprehending something?

>perfect pacing
30 episodes for a 48-minute tournament

>boring filler
Copy Vegeta

>garbage asspulls

You are a fucking moron.

Attached: SSRageTrunks.jpg (512x288, 59K)

>screencap my autistic sperging out
You've got it, Toeipoodle.

I dropped it because I liked Gon and him just ditching him pissed me off. Kurapika's MUH CLAN WAAH bullshit pisses me off too so fuck reading it after Gon.



Attached: 14.jpg (800x1200, 278K)


>this amount of reading comprehension from a Gohanspic
You'd like the screenshot to be about my post instead of you getting exposed for being the usual little rat that you are huh?

>can't refute it

I win. A predictable outcome. This is just what happens when a Whisperpedo tries to fence intellectually with a DBchad.

>30 episodes for a 48-minute tournament
Which gave the chadnime time to focus on more characters than Goku and Vegeta, which it did in a respectful and masterful way, rather than retarded shit like Roshi fighting Jiren. 1-0.
>Copy Vegeta
Fun gag-arc that hearkened to the OG days and world-build. 2-0.
SSBKK is achievable because SSB requires perfect Ki control, allowing Goku to combine it with KK.
SS Rage was just Trunks fully mastering SS2 by infusing it with god Ki, which he learned of from sparring with SSB Vegeta.
SSBE is Vegeta's limit-break, his ability to push the power of SSB beyond its normal boundaries. 3-0.

Don't even try to debate a scholar like me. You'll always lose.

>Jirentards think they are gods thanks to the anime
Not even a Toeifag, but how can they think that when fucking ToeiCha exists?

Attached: yamcha ui.jpg (480x480, 43K)

There's nothing to refute because you've made no arguments. Please, stop embarrassing yourself and broaden your horizons with intellectual works of literature. Maybe then you'll come close to 10% of my astounding intellect.

>"jiren's on his knees!"
OH NONONONONONO J-JIRENCH-CHADS?! WHA- WHAT IS HAPPENING?... it can't end like this bros...


What the fuck I won again?

>Toei makes Jiren a crybaby
Is this a falseflag?

Yes, you've provided no arguments. You're starting to get it. Keep thinking, even though I know it hurts your frail little brain.

What's funny is that its painfully obvious that SSBKK and SSBE are in the outline or the manga adapted it from the Chadnime. Their pathetic denial has to he the most unsightly display on these threads' history.

I hate these fucking threads

B-but they're not in the m...

Attached: toyopaco's official coloring.jpg (838x500, 162K)

>its painfully obvious
>has to he
>on these threads' history
>incomprehensible ESL babble

>i-i swear, manga Jiren is totally different from anime Jiren!!!
The only difference is exposure on his back story and the reason for him shooting the stands. Now repine as you bask in the realization of being a dumb speedwatcher.

KEK. unlike that spic fanfiction you call "anime" you can't put your headcanons in the manga and wait for it to be true. Sorry toeikek

Boardwalk, Park Place, I do this for you...
And yes, even for you, Mr. Monopoly...

Attached: file.png (720x408, 429K)

>literally denying evidence

Attached: translation for mongoloids.jpg (762x1200, 320K)


Attached: 44.jpg (800x1200, 370K)

Post the official colouring at least anonymous

Attached: 1556066212803.png (995x1026, 2.42M)

You don't even know how to use that meme, do you? Well at least we agree on the SSBKK/E argument.

1) DBchads have the highest IQ on Yea Forums
2) Higher IQ individuals can comprehend things better than lower IQ individuals
3) DBchads can comprehend HxH better than Whisperpedos

This is an argument. You couldn't refute it. Therefore I win. It was easy, too. Cope harder, brainlet.

>ESL grammar
>n-n-no you're using it wrong
Quiet, Pablo. No one cares about the opinions of a spic.


>1) DBchads have the highest IQ on Yea Forums
Unsubstantiated and unfounded. I await evidence supporting this claim, as the burden of proof lies on you.
>inb4 "t-too late I a-a-already won h-haha"
In which case the victory will be mine, and you will forever be regarded as a clown.

Even if that is the Kaio Ken, doesn't it kind of shit on the anime by having it be completely pointless and look absolutely pathetic?

>confirmed as spic
HOLY SHIT. D-D-D-D-DISCARDED AT LIGHT SPEED! You better build that fucking wall juan, i don't pay you for you to shitpost. Remember i can report you and make them deport you from this country you are warned

>this damage control
Toeichads win again.

>fucking SEETHING at the vast mountain of evidence that DEMOLISHES his pathetic cope-canon
Oh god, I am fucking SMART at this.

If you won, where's your anime?

>Which gave the chadnime time to focus on more characters than Goku and Vegeta, which it did in a respectful and masterful way, rather than retarded shit like Roshi fighting Jiren. 1-0.
Yeah, it was really respectful when Tien got punked by some nobody in a speedo, or when Goku went UI three fucking times before finally mastering it to fight Jiren.

>Fun gag-arc that hearkened to the OG days and world-build. 2-0.
Boring as shit gag-arc with a boring as shit villain.

>SSBKK is achievable because SSB requires perfect Ki control, allowing Goku to combine it with KK.
Then why didn't Goku do this with his other forms? He's been a Super Saiyan for years, if it was possible to combine KK with an SS form he'd probably mastered SS or SS2 enough by this point to have perfect Ki control.

>SS Rage was just Trunks fully mastering SS2 by infusing it with god Ki, which he learned of from sparring with SSB Vegeta.
Nice headcanon. He just asspulls it when he needs to fight Zamasu.

>SSBE is Vegeta's limit-break, his ability to push the power of SSB beyond its normal boundaries. 3-0.
And why didn't his "limit-break" occur when Cabba got erased, or some other vital emotional moment? He just asspulls it to fight Jiren and Toppo.

Replaced by animated movies of incredibly high quality that follow the chadnime continuity. COPE.

Attached: literal promotional fanfiction non-canon traced comic book.jpg (800x1200, 269K)

>literally running away from solid arguments because of an actual typo stemming from my high WPM
What are you gonna do next, dogposting? Don't let me see you spreading your promotional book propaganda on MY threads again, YA HEAR ME?

So, they're movies that follow the manga then? Since the manga is the only one continuing the story right now and the Moro arc doesn't look like it could fit into a movie.

As had been said many times before, our threads have the highest quality of discourse. Everything here has to be concise and solid otherwise you are gonna get a "nice headcanon" or a "not an argument"
Posters here constantly seek for a challenge in order to practice and hone their arguing skills. As a consequence the series has been discussed thoroughly and much more in depth than any other series so far.
If you take the time to venture to other threads, you will find all sorts of low quality posting such as: Avatarfagging, roleplaying, waifugarbage, incel topics and such. But here you can get as intellectual as you want, your arguments and points will be met with others of equal or even higher forcefulness.
The irony of these posts is the most sophisticated aswell. Take, for example, the dogposter. As autistic, lonely and crushingly bored as he may be, you cannot deny his lexicon and linguistic capabilities. Even the worst of these threads is admirable in certain ways.
Or for example the Toeifags. Merely be using hard evidence and clever taunting tacticts to induce rage and autistic fits on their opponents (ex: holy shit Im smart at this), they have managed to debunk an entire medium of the series (manga) as non canon. Truly an admirable feat.
All of this success, obviously, is sure to breed jealously and envy. And as a result, we get pathetic attempts at "invasions" from lower tier shonens and 2 digit IQ posters, albeit ineffective as it can be.

All these facts have proven time and time again that we are the smartest people on Yea Forums. Hell, it is proven by this very conversation because I am IQmogging you hard. If we weren't smarter, why do we always win arguments?

>thinks he gets to decide when you win
You lost the moment you claimed there was no argument and I had to spell it out for you as if you were a little kid. (Once again proof that I am smarter than you). However, we have no qualms about educating lesser minds here, so I showed mercy.

>STILL shitposting
You are done. D-O-N-E. I can't wait to see you sobbing at my feet when i report you to the authorities and you are back to that shithole you call "mexico".

>Yeah, it was really respectful when Tien got punked by some nobody in a speedo, or when Goku went UI three fucking times before finally mastering it to fight Jiren.
Tien got taken out by a master sniper that was a threat to Gohan and Piccolo. Goku struggling to master UI instead of just having some retarded flashback to all his mentors and then mastering it instantly was how things should be. 4-0.
>Boring as shit gag-arc with a boring as shit villain.
Ask me how I know you're a dubfag Z-babby. 5-0.
>Then why didn't Goku do this with his other forms? He's been a Super Saiyan for years, if it was possible to combine KK with an SS form he'd probably mastered SS or SS2 enough by this point to have perfect Ki control.
Because his other forms don't allow for literally perfect Ki control. I see you're illiterate. 6-0.
>Nice headcanon. He just asspulls it when he needs to fight Zamasu.
>"N-Nice headcanon"
>spouts headcanon
>And why didn't his "limit-break" occur when Cabba got erased, or some other vital emotional moment? He just asspulls it to fight Jiren and Toppo.
His limit break occurred with Cabba as the catalyst. "Muh asspull" is not an argument. 8-0.

You should quit while you're ahead, otherwise you'll end up in the double digits.

>i-i-it was just a typo
>literally three typos
>"b" is nowhere near "h"
Yeah, get back to mowing, Eduardo.

>h-heroes is not canon but the promo book filler goat arc is!! Trust me!
The end.

>Toyopup is literally illiterate

>absolutely nothing to support his claim
>attempting to argue by posting a stale pasta
Yep, looks like I won. What a sad example of a person you are. Don't try me again. I'm smarter than you, and it will end this way every time.

>Bejita's SSBE is explained somewhat, since they've been constantly developing Blue, and comes in response to his jealousy of Goku's Ultra Instinct
>SSBKK is a stupid idea in the manga and wrecks your body, which Jiren even points out, which is why Goku doesn't use it except that once
Wow, the manga really improved those concepts.

Heroes is explicitly non-canonical though. Both its manga and show are promotional for the game.
What is the manga promoting when they is no new DBS content outside of it?
How would a movie follow the anime continuity if there is no anime to follow up?

>babbling about spics to deflect from the evidence that he has yet to refute
That won't work on me, boy. I'm FAR too intelligent for such simple tactics.

I am a graduate on Applied Literature and this post gave me a headache. Truly astounding.

Daily reminder that toeikeks and jirentards hate the manga because shitren jobbed to fucking BASE GOKU and BASE FRIEZA. Lol

Attached: 16.jpg (800x1200, 453K)

>admits that SSBKK and SSBE are in the shitnga
Good pup.

There is another animated movie in the works, and it will have nothing to do with the filler goat arc. Cry forever.

Stop shitposting or I'm dumping the backstory of all my Xenoverse OCs

Attached: 1564121574704.jpg (5000x3085, 3.23M)

>the Hunterfag is a Toeispic

>can't refute it AGAIN
>trying desperately to damage control getting IQmogged

Your humiliation had been screencapped for all eternity. Too easy.

Shut the fuck up you literal subhuman.

Do it. It better than this shit

>didn't uphold burden of proof

>no humanCHADS

Holy fuck you keep this up and you're gonna reach the same score as Geezer Goku vs Vegeta.

How do you know? Is this something Geekdom said? Do you also believe there's going to be DBS2 in July- oh wait, we're almost in August now.

That image is about half of the total cast

Oh, its ok then

>beaten and bruised Whisperpedo is the yawntard

This keeps getting better.

I remember you. Where's Blue Beetle and Green Lantern?

>no arguments
And I won again.

I don't need to make arguments when my opponent provides none.
You're merely another piece of shit on the road.

>i-if I ignore his masterful intellectual assault t-that means it doesn't exist
Not gonna work on a scholar like me.

I hope you are intelligent enough to escape the police. They told me that your kind is good when it comes to hide and not confront your problems. Good luck, pablo

When your fingers move at Mach 2 in a blur, mere centimeters can be covered in an instant, so it makes no difference. I can't expect a WPMlet to understand. Now repine as you come to realize you've yet to disprove the immovable boulder of an argument that involves SSBKK/E.

Start dumping bro. What are you waiting?

Sorry little toyocuck, you're in Toeichad territory. Pay up or get btfo

Attached: 1517645307866.jpg (720x960, 359K)

Your "assault" was pathetic. I strive to find a challenge in people, and you have only given me dribble.
Please, go back to Geekdom's comment section. You'll be more at home living under a mutt like him.

>literal babbling and posturing about his slow-as-shit WPM on a Super thread
Ask me how I know you're insecure and overweight.

>What is the manga promoting when they is no new DBS content outside of it?
Are you fucking dense? There's a huge amount of merchandise constantly being sold, you ignorant shitter.

>strawmanning and crying, begging me to leave him alone
I'll IQmog you all day if I feel so inclined. and you will shut the fuck up and take it like the dog that you are.

Yeah, in fucking Heroes. Which has a promotional anime and manga.

>The new attempt from the Toeicopes is "t-t-the manga is promoting Super's merchandise t-t-trust me"

>admits the manga is promotional
BASED Toyotard!

I don't listen to lesser races, amigo.

>Tien got taken out by a master sniper that was a threat to Gohan and Piccolo.
He got beaten by alien jobber #2456, with no emotional moments or notable victories to his name.

>Goku struggling to master UI instead of just having some retarded flashback to all his mentors and then mastering it instantly was how things should be.
Three fucking times is too many. By the end, I was sick to death of that ominous dramatic music that played during the UI scenes. And since UI is a result of unconscious thinking and having one's heart at peace, it makes more sense for it to happen after Goku reaches a more enlightened state.

>Ask me how I know you're a dubfag Z-babby.
What's fun about duking it out with a zero-personality blob monster on an ugly desert planet?

>Because his other forms don't allow for literally perfect Ki control. I see you're illiterate.
"Even with the energy control of Blue, I can't keep this up for long! Just kidding, I'll use this crap willy-nilly in every subsequent arc."

>>"N-Nice headcanon"
>>spouts headcanon
Not an argument.

>His limit break occurred with Cabba as the catalyst. "Muh asspull" is not an argument.
No, it happened a few episodes after Cabba got erased. He just got really mad for no reason and gained SSBE when he needed to fight Jiren.

>still sobbing about spics in a pathetic deflection attempt
You need a few hundred more IQ points to be on my level.

>whisperpedo ran away

Wanna know how I know you're not white?

>the absolute state of the reading comprehension of toeilarda

Enter Chiaotzu.

Attached: GODzu.jpg (1400x700, 162K)

>He got beaten by alien jobber #2456, with no emotional moments or notable victories to his name.
A "jobber" that was a threat to Gohan and Piccolo. Tien was outclassed. 9-0.
>Three fucking times is too many. By the end, I was sick to death of that ominous dramatic music that played during the UI scenes. And since UI is a result of unconscious thinking and having one's heart at peace, it makes more sense for it to happen after Goku reaches a more enlightened state.
>What's fun about duking it out with a zero-personality blob monster on an ugly desert planet?
I wouldn't expect a Z-babby to understand. 11-0.
>"Even with the energy control of Blue, I can't keep this up for long! Just kidding, I'll use this crap willy-nilly in every subsequent arc."
That was when he first used it. He subsequently mastered it. 12-0.
>Not an argument.
Indeed, your initial post of "Nice headcanon. He just asspulls it when he needs to fight Zamasu." is not an argument. 13-0.
>No, it happened a few episodes after Cabba got erased. He just got really mad for no reason and gained SSBE when he needed to fight Jiren.
He thought of Cabba and all the people he needed to protect. Stop speedwaching. 14-0.

This is getting sad. You are getting BRUTALLY IQmogged. Don't you think it would be easier to just prostrate yourself, admit that I'm more intelligent, and move on?

As I said: Increase your IQ by a few hundred points, and THEN maybe you'll be able to at least keep up with an intellectual titan such as I.


Attached: FastElatedCats-max-1mb.gif (320x180, 843K)


Attached: 45365643653465.gif (500x540, 1023K)

Oh, so it isn't?

Somewhat related, but Tien getting punched in the gut by the alien guy was before or after Ginyu took his body?

OK so first is Savva.
>Protagonist of XV2.
>Hybrid Saiyan from about 200 years after DBZ ends, descendant of Prince Vegeta whose family still runs Capsule Corp. His mother's name is Sierre.
>Was set to take over the company but was an impetuous cocky shit that loved lording his natural talent for fighting over others - especially his childhood rival, Caule. Abandoned his duty to CC and joined the Time Patrol.
>Quickly rose through the ranks as a natural fighting genius and became assigned to Trunks's special team to combat Towa and Mira.
>Hero-worshipped the XV1 protagonist and wished to be liked him, never realizing he was actually Caule the boy he used to pick on.
>Is best friends and rivals with the Namemian, Luscan, who he first met on Namek when fixing an error in the Namek Saga. Luscan worked for the Time Breakers and intended to follow Savva back to the Time Nest and kill Chronoa, but the two fought to a draw and became obsessed with proving their superiority to each other.
>When battling Frieza and Cooler on Namek, couldn't become a Super Saiyan and couldn't cut it, had to be bailed out by Caule. This made him realize the hero's identity and made him intensely envious.
>Was trained by Vegeta personally at Supreme Kai of Time's order to curb his hubris and envy for Caule spiraling out of control. Using his own anger and self-loathing for not being good enough in the eyes of others, including his own mother that always seemed to favor Caule, unlocked Super Saiyan.
>When Caule was brainwashed into a Time Breaker and then wiped from existence, it was Savva who was able to recall a distant memory of the two of them playing together as boys, before Savva began to bully him, which was a strong enough connection to pull Caule back into the time stream, and reconciled their rivalry.
>Savva unlocked Super Saiyan Blue and alongside Goku killed Mira once and for all.

I'm not surprised to be honest, he must be a Jobrenfag too.

Attached: Jobren.jpg (640x360, 41K)

>anime was cancelled a year ago
>manga still strong
Looks like you toeikeks are the cucks

>"g-godku... spare me please..."

Attached: tumblr_inline_p5ubssYAv91qbjpiv_540.gif (540x301, 925K)

The manga is continuing the story of Dragon Ball Super, Juan Pablo.

Based gohanpedo and his christian girlfriend!


We're talking about the ToP, you fucking buffoon. Don't DARE intrude upon the intellectual pontifications of CHADS.

It's funny because any anime only would think that SSG Cabbe looks like a SSG Grade 2 or something like that because in the anime Cabbe never had any muscles

Attached: cabba manga vs anime.png (1416x1360, 751K)

Based. You are doing god's work user

>no u

>tfw my great great great grandfather was so based he killed a man and just left the country
Feels good being white. He probably killed a 56% mutt too, since he was in America at the time.
Girlfriend, /fitlit/, white.

Attached: 53285115_p0_master1200.jpg (450x637, 170K)

>Chadren still lives rent free n their heads as usual

Attached: 1560813996336.png (242x242, 152K)

The anime is such a fucking joke

Attached: animated ss2 trunks vs manga.gif (480x270, 1.28M)

ITT lets discuss why DB has very poor writing.

1.There is literally no plot without the dragonballs

While this was fine in the original DB which was just your typical young boy adventure shonen it gets ridiculous in Z where Goku needing the asspull balls to revive his jobber friends from Namek is what ultimately leads to the gang meeting Frieza who had nothing to do with them before that. Without the dragon testicles they would have never met Frieza as the way he acted when he arrived to Earth implied it was a backwards retard planet he would never even fucking notice.

>incomprehensible ESL babble
>post deleted
Enjoy your ban, kiddo.

>Was the one who befriended Fuu and helped him experiment across time, even siding with him against the Time Patrol believing in Fuu's good nature.
>When Goku came to retrieve Fuu, Savva battled him. Both Saiyans were pushed to their absolute limit and double-KO'd. But Goku then triggered Ultra Instinct and prepared to finish Savva off.
>He was saved by Fuu, who used all his saved-up time energy to supercharge the Saiyan all the way to Blue Evolution and grant him almost limitless stamina. Although Savva was still outmatched, he could now withstand the ten blows Goku landed for every one he could return, making things an even fight.
>Savva landed several bone-crunching hits and even won a beam struggle against Goku, but took a final blow to his head that rendered him comatose. But before Goku could finish him, Fuu managed to free Chronoa from Dabura's trap, and she stopped the fighting from growing further out of hand.
>Having reached what he believed was the peak of his power, Savva remained unsatisfied with his life and chose to take a leave of absence from the TP, returning to his own time period to reconcile with his mother and begin studying to one day take over Capsule Corporation.
That's the cliffs notes for him anyway, there were some extra parts I skipped over like the time he spent training with Vegeta in the post-ToP era battling Moro.

Trunks was such a chad in the manga, didn't even need bullshit power ups.

Attached: 1501883912988.jpg (945x1400, 1.09M)

but Jiren jobbed to base Goku and Frieza in the anime too

Nope just asspull healing powers HAHAAHAHAHAHA

>reporting posts
Either that or the janitor.
Either way, I'm a chad, you're not. You're probably out of shape, haven't seen your dick in years, no girl has gone near you willingly since grade school, and you're probably not even white.

Attached: 55082906_p0.jpg (1938x2106, 784K)

>Jiren-dono, spare me.

CHADchad cha CHAD never jobbed and is undefeated in contests of martial prowess. Cope.

>left, SSB with a red filter, right, SSB with a blue filter

2.The time travel plotlines are very retarded.

Future Trunks comes from Timeline A to Timeline B, but Cell comes from Timeline C because he killed Future Trunks in Timeline C so the villain literally CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. A random asshole from a parallel universe is the main villain of the second big arc in DBZ. This is really horrible writing.

>projecting and blogposting your life story on Yea Forums
Nobody cares, user.

>blabbering completely unrelated shit.
I'll ask again. Does it promote the merchandise sells or not?

>brainlet doesn't understand how DB time travel works
Is this Cakedom?

>has to resort to insults
Cope, clown. And the sniper guy was a jobber no matter how you look at it, they also did Tien dirty by making him do stupid shit and he stopped being a threat to Gohan and Piccolo as soon as Vegeta and Goku took care of the fat guy who was helping the sniper. Cope, concede and pay more attention to the scenes.

Keep crying.
Your ancestral line ends with you.

Attached: 55989580_p2_master1200.jpg (600x650, 109K)

>Does it promote the merchandise sells

>it's another "toeikek uses a word without learn its meaning before" episode

Attached: Foreshadowing Trunks healing power.png (3320x2064, 2.57M)

>completely mindbroken and seething
I win again.

>muh healing powers

>A "jobber" that was a threat to Gohan and Piccolo. Tien was outclassed.
We're not arguing about the sniper's power level, this is about Tien. He lost to a literally who after getting no notable victories or character moments in the tournament.

Foreshadowing the latest dumb power-up three times is too damn many. We didn't get endless teasing glimpses of SS until we were bored to death of it.

>I wouldn't expect a Z-babby to understand.
That's right, don't even try to defend it.

>That was when he first used it. He subsequently mastered it.
And he couldn't do this with ANY of his prior forms? He's been using them for literally decades, but his control over them just isn't good enough?

>Indeed, your initial post of "Nice headcanon. He just asspulls it when he needs to fight Zamasu." is not an argument.
You were literally posting a dumb fanfic about how Future Trunks got God Ki from training with Vegeta, which was never hinted at.

>He thought of Cabba and all the people he needed to protect. Stop speedwaching.
And this couldn't happen when Cabba got erased, which would be a critical emotional climax? He just suddenly thinks of Cabba at that particular moment and gains SSBE?

>pedospic is still speaking as if its opinion on anything matters
Cute delusion, Juan.

3.Goku needs to himself for any plot to happen

Before the Android arc Bulma asked if she could just use the Dragon Plots to just destroy the androids before they even happen but Goku and Vegeta wanted to saiyan out even if it meant they would job to death as was the case in Timeline A the actual canon future of DB. Vegeta once again allows Cell to become Perfect in order to saiyan out but jobs, for some reason Cell doesnt kill him because Vegeta is too weak to be a nice saiyan out for Perfect Cell so he no use for him being alive. Then in the Buu Arc Shin warns Goku not to saiyan out as it could accelerate Buu's growth but WAKU WAKU and so Buu is born, and Vegeta jobs to death as a result.

>absolutely ZERO (0) arguments
I won, no matter what you do next, you will not be able to escape defeat.

Post is off topic and avatarfagging. You know what to do, gentlemen.

>Arguments: None
>Anime Quality: Shit

>"Jk, lol"

Attached: 0edcf30290c6be0d6fee09392b3ef9b8.gif (540x304, 3.51M)

>without learn its meaning
>incomprehensible ESL babble

Attached: tacotaro mie hero.png (1304x1628, 1000K)

Yeah, funny how people try to make sense of the timelines in dragon ball when they don't make any sense

Done. Don't let me see you acting up again.

>going back to a previous scene.
You can't even shitpost correctly. Discarded.

Next up is Caule
>Protagonist of XV1.
>Another hybrid descended from Goku, but because it's the family of fucking Goku nobody really wrote this down and by this point his progeny aren't aware of who he was.
>Lived with his older sister Flau and their parents until he was six years old, when their village was attacked and completely wiped out by Mira. He and Flau were only saved by Trunks's arrival to fight him off, though in the process Flau achieved Super Saiyan at only age 12, and Caule shocked Trunks by somehow surviving a full-power strike from Mira.
>After the battle, Flau and Caule lived with Savva's family, adopted by his mother. Savva and Caule became fast friends and trained together, but Savva was by far stronger than Caule.
>Flau was a doting and protective older sister, but couldn't get over how she'd failed to protect anyone from Mira and without telling anyone but Sierre vanished one day, leaving Caule behind.
>Savva began to change at this point. Without Flau, by far the strongest of the kids, around Caule was an easy target to bully. This went on for around 10 years as Caule trained harder and harder yet never seemed to catch up to Savva and the other martial artists. The only thing he seemed good at was taking a beating.
>This all changed when Trunks, somewhere and some when else, wished upon the Dragon Balls for a fighter to destroy Mira once and for all. Shenron chose Caule and transported him to Toki Toki City. Trunks did not recognize the boy, and assumed a mistake had been made since he was so weak. But when Caule managed to survive a sparring match through sheer grit, Trunks was inspired to train him into a capable fighter.

4.The worldbuilding is shit
Z introduces us to a greater galactic setting in DB but all we see are Frieza's empire which is barely developed rather than create arcs centered on the slow dismantling of Frieza's empire Toriyama the fucking hack rushs to just killing him off instead. Once Frieza is done it dooms the plot to being centered on Earth who's worldbuilding which is complete shit by shonen standards was already done in the original DB.

>emotional damage
Why did people get salty for that? I never got it

>We're not arguing about the sniper's power level, this is about Tien. He lost to a literally who after getting no notable victories or character moments in the tournament.
And your point is what? That's a single character getting taken out without doing much. It provides realism, and the other characters all got individual moments unlike in the shitnga. 15-0.
>Foreshadowing the latest dumb power-up three times is too damn many. We didn't get endless teasing glimpses of SS until we were bored to death of it.
Your feelings on the matter won't change objective facts. 16-0.
>That's right, don't even try to defend it.
There's nothing to defend, it's an OG-style arc. Z-babbies will cry about it no matter what, as you are doing now. 17-0.
>And he couldn't do this with ANY of his prior forms? He's been using them for literally decades, but his control over them just isn't good enough?
His other forms don't allow for perfect Ki control no matter how much he masters them, you dumb spic. Can you not comprehend English? 18-0.
>You were literally posting a dumb fanfic about how Future Trunks got God Ki from training with Vegeta, which was never hinted at.
I'm sorry you're too stupid to comprehend context clues and implications. 19-0.
>And this couldn't happen when Cabba got erased, which would be a critical emotional climax? He just suddenly thinks of Cabba at that particular moment and gains SSBE?
He thought of everyone and everything because he was about to be defeated, and this realization made him snap, which falls perfectly in line with Vegeta's character considering that's exactly how he achieved SS. 20-0.

20 and fucking 0, user. You really need to stop. It's almost as if you like the IQmogging I'm handing you.

Kek. Be quiet.

>seething at being called out on its spic persuasions

Toeipoodles just like to seethe at everything.

You are right. I'm sorry. I'm going to show what really happens ne- OH NONONONONONO WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: dc67yz8-065021d0-0878-49e8-bb01-266f4ea82982.gif (480x270, 2.85M)

>admitting defeat
Good dog.

>making things up that never happened
I can smell your desperation from here. Or maybe that's just the taco grease staining your clothes.

5.The plot is stagnant and too predictable

Goku jobs
gains new asspull

Rinse and repeat

Most shonen only do this bullshit in their finales which is fine like Naruto or Bleach but Z continued after its intended finale which was Frieza so this gets very annoying and nauseating because you can predict the plot which makes it boring and no longer interesting. When its not asspull transformation its fusion or in the case of Super Zeno ex machina.

The only anons to contribute in this thread. Step up your game jirenfags

Is Cell still the most popular villain in the West?


I won

Attached: 1504622840_SSJ2 Goku GIF.gif (500x271, 528K)

>Caule struggled every step of the way but managed to overcome Raditz, Vegeta, Dodoria and Zarbon, and even several of the Ginyu Force before he was caught out in the field by Towa and Mira, who immediately bested him. But he was saved by another Time Patroller - Flau, his missing sister, who had abandoned him to join Trunks in his mission to destroy Mira.
>Flau had changed since Caule last saw her, and treated him coldly and even with contempt, telling him to go home as he was too weak to survive in the TP.
>Trunks wound up placing Caule under her command, to receive more intense training with her unit, which came from her Frieza-Clan second in command Rankine, a cruel and demeaning bastard who ran Caule ragged and mocked his inferiority compared to his own sister.
>Despite all of this Caule was the deciding factor in undoing the changes made in the Frieza Saga and saved Super Saiyan Goku from certain death even without being a Super Saiyan himself.
>Back in Toki Toki Rankine ambushed Caule and fought with him, trying to beat him into submission and make him admit defeat and go home, as he believed was the wish of Flau. But Caule refused. Rankine fired a blast that would have killed Caule, but Flau appeared and took it in his stead, disintegrating right before his eyes
>The shock of her death triggered his Super Saiyan transformation, and in the ensuing battle Rankine learned firsthand that the key to Caule's power, his inability to stay down no matter the beating he takes, is FRIGHTENING when combined with the strength of an ascended Saiyan. Despite entering his armored 5th form, Rankine was still struggling with the tenacious Caule, and the two charged up blasts that would have destroyed the entire city if they clashed. They were only halted by Trunks intercepting both blasts with ease and calling Rankine - and Flau - out on their deception.
>Flau wasn't dead, she and Rankine had staged the entire thing to trigger Caule into transforming.

Flau sounds like a bitch

I am the Chaddest Chad in these threads.
I make Toeitards cry, they cry so hard they need to pretend to be Jirenchads.
I respect everybody in these threads except Toeitards. They have no dignity and will hop from one group to another. They're like parasites. Fitting that their representation is Heroes, a parasite on the youth of Japan.
Don't expect any more responses. I have something called a gym to be going to. Going to work out for an hour and then see a movie.
Have fun Chads, Toeimutts, and that one Gokufag.
Probably, since the West loved Cell. Maybe Broly is more popular, or Freeza in the current environment for DB.

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>this post is extremely low quality

That's just it.
Toriyama wanted to put as little goku in the series as possible after that. The editors are the ones who wanted to make it about goku and make gohan some pseudo superman/toku cuck with videl(who was the single most hated db character EVER at the time of her introduction).

Goku fying in to save the day was just a "goku can help...:PROBABLY!!" sort of thing that kept everyone on their toes.

Even when the movies didn't even have goku in them or made sense with goku as a lead(bojack and broly OG for the most notable examples)it's still about goku.

Now that the people who made the movies and gt are in charge...we get shit like dbs.
And we get shit like the latest fucking ep of dragon ball heroes.
Goku has no goddamned business doing shit in this latest ep. It should have all been about everyone else taking down a big threat while goku is out of the picture.
Now their bringing in this poor business decision of a super form UI into the mix instead of subtly retconning it.

This is why people hate goku now and dislike dragon ball overall.

Can't wait till someone makes a new fighting shounen to replace this dissapointment.

6.Character interactions are garbage

I know this is shonen and all but the character interactions between characters here is pure garbage. Goku barely ever talks to his own fucking son and younger son, or his wife either. Its so awful in Super that we only see Retardku and Vegeta 90% of the time.

>And your point is what? That's a single character getting taken out without doing much. It provides realism, and the other characters all got individual moments unlike in the shitnga.
If the arc were "realistic", the other universes would get a few victories over eachother as well, instead of lining up to get rekt by U7. The tournament was not "realistic", and Tien deserved a better showing.

And none of this changes what a slog the rest of the ToP was. 30 episodes of fighting interchangeable alien jobbers on a rock does not make for an engaging story.

>Your feelings on the matter won't change objective facts.
Objective facts in a subjective argument about the quality of a cartoon.

>There's nothing to defend, it's an OG-style arc. Z-babbies will cry about it no matter what, as you are doing now.
When I think OG Dragon Ball, I think endearing characters and interesting scenery, not stupid BS with a dull blob monster on a planet that's even uglier than Namek.

>His other forms don't allow for perfect Ki control no matter how much he masters them, you dumb spic. Can you not comprehend English?
He masters them, but cannot control their ki.

>I'm sorry you're too stupid to comprehend context clues and implications.
Name a few, I'll wait.

>He thought of everyone and everything because he was about to be defeated, and this realization made him snap, which falls perfectly in line with Vegeta's character considering that's exactly how he achieved SS.
He was not about to be defeated, he and Goku were about to team up to take on Jiren. Goku even had enough left in him to go SSBKK.


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No one really likes frieza.
He's a jobber who's given too much importance.

Frieza is the most well liked DB villain of all time.

Hey cooler!

Attached: tumblr_mi4ylnw2sT1s1vt4mo3_500.gif (500x281, 807K)

Toeikeks are Superbabies that never read the original manga

Attached: Boo suffering emotional damage.png (900x334, 65K)

>"and that one gokufag"
Why, thank you!

Attached: giphy.gif (500x281, 290K)

where the fuck is jiren in dbh?

>His other forms don't allow for perfect Ki control

He attained perfect ki control in the cell saga. Blue has nothing going on other then "god ki" and the most god awful gaudy hair color decison ever.

SSJB is trash.
It's just some suits need to sell more super saiyajin variations.
That's all.

What kind of user , would think of making an edit of Pan into cooked food?

I can't believe it has come to this.

Literally the most well known and liked anime villain of all time. That's why the lizard gets to keep coming back and getting the spotlight.

Attached: freezer.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

>If the arc were "realistic", the other universes would get a few victories over eachother as well, instead of lining up to get rekt by U7. The tournament was not "realistic", and Tien deserved a better showing.
So your entire argument is "Tien should have been treated better". Discarded. 21-0.
>And none of this changes what a slog the rest of the ToP was. 30 episodes of fighting interchangeable alien jobbers on a rock does not make for an engaging story.
>muh feelings
>Objective facts in a subjective argument about the quality of a cartoon.
Literally not an argument. 23-0.
>When I think OG Dragon Ball, I think endearing characters and interesting scenery, not stupid BS with a dull blob monster on a planet that's even uglier than Namek.
No, you think of whatever Cliffsnotes bs you read, because you have not nor probably ever will read/watch OG. 24-0.
>He masters them, but cannot control their ki.
Not to the degree that SSB allows. You're starting to get it.
>Name a few, I'll wait.
>Trunks and Vegeta discuss SSB and Trunks spars with it and learns its nature
>Trunks incorporates what he learned into his powering up
>gets a blue aura that looks exactly like SSB's inside his normal yellow aura
>can go toe-to-toe with SSR Black just like SSB Vegeta
>He was not about to be defeated, he and Goku were about to team up to take on Jiren. Goku even had enough left in him to go SSBKK.
He was going to be effortlessly BTFO if he didn't break his limits and he knew it. 26-0.

Give up, user. The score is becoming embarrassing.

>this shit again
Toriyama himself didn't want gohan to take protagonism. Cope

>a bunch of headcanon

>The Supreme Kai of Time had been in on the plot and hid Flau from being detected after her "death", but Trunks pieced together the truth just in time to prevent the two from killing each other.
>Flau appeared and apologized to her brother, admitting she had been acting cold deliberately to try and toughen him up, since she knew he wouldn't survive against Mira unless he ascended. But Caule didn't care about the deception and just hugged her, overjoyed that she was alive and he hadn't lost her all over again.
>With pretenses dropped Caule became a full-fledged member of the team and quickly befriended Namekian patroller Saxxo, as well as Rankine, who it turned out was actually exceedingly kind and only acted as a jerk because Flau ordered him to, so Caule would have a rival to overcome. The four of them together, along with Majin patroller Shazami, repaired the damage to the Cell Games.
>It was Caule who joined Trunks in the trip to his own timeline, inadvertently freeing Demigra from his prison to save Trunks from being erased from history, but it came at a cost - Trunks was being erased because in his new history, he had died instead of Gohan, which triggered Gohan achieving Super Saiyan 2 and killing the Androids, bringing peace at last. Caule had to defeat Trunks himself even as he was fading, desperate in the heat of the moment to keep this new reality where the mentor he'd failed survives, but was convinced to relent when Gohan himself reminded Trunks of his duty to live on.
>Determined to make the next meeting with Mira their last, Trunks and Caule entered the Room of Spirit and Time and spent a year honing Caule's trump card: Super Saiyan 3.
>In the Buu Saga, Caule cornered Towa and Mira and demanded the rematch he'd been waiting for.


Attached: fuck spichan said toriyama, striking a decisive blow against mexico as 80 % of latin america committ (789x94, 15K)

I would think, Pan agrees with this and reminder, Pan did sacrifice herself, to help save Earth.

That's actually a lie.
He's just the most well known.
When people think of dragon ball villians in the west. They think of broly, and how much of a cuck frieza is.
Shit he's not even as memetic as cell or as cool as cooler.
He's just a jobber who's been played up very highly by some retarded suits.
That's it.

>n-no chadnime so w-what does the manga promote? Haha checkmate
>the merchandise
Case closed.

>literally babbling illiterate nonsense

What headcanon.

Perfected super saiyajin is perfected ki control
Blue does not have shit going for it.

Why does the manga have to be promoting anything? Oh, right, because if it's not your headcanon falls apart. The manga exists to tell the continuation of Toriyama's manga. Fucking COPE.

>You are right. I'm sorry.
Good boy, you have been forgiven Do not repeat this offense.

It didn't work out because no one liked the direction that the editor told him to take the series in.
That's all.
That's what's being said.

>Perfected super saiyajin is perfected ki control
Stop pretending like you're anything but a Superbabby. Mastered SS is just not leaking excess energy like a retard. SSB is literally perfect Ki control.

>Gets an entire story arc in Fighterz as the main character, all other villains including InCell accept him as boss, and BTFOs Voredroid


Attached: 1564088941348.gif (500x282, 1.59M)

Broly isnt a villain hes just a retard.
No one cares about Cell
Kid Buu is the only DB villain close to Frieza in popularity.

>I felt that compared to Goku, he was ultimately not suited for the part.
>I felt

>and BTFOs Voredroid
holy mother of based

>why would they promote anything? They don't need money haha just tell a random story haha
Grow up and then we'll talk.

>this non-argument and strawmanning
I see you know your place well, dog: at the feet of your intellectually superior master.

>Trunks finally understood why only Caule could stand up to Mira: the Android could match himself to the exact strength of any fighter and tire them out. But Caule doesn't tire out at all. If anything, he got stronger as he fought with his tenacious attitude. Mira's circuits would buckle long before Caule's spirit. And buckle they did, as Caule could harness the full might of SSJ3 without feeling the effects of its stamina drain, and with a blast eradicated the Demon Android, leaving Towa alone to grieve, while the TP turned its attention to the new threat: Demigra.
>Demigra made the fatal error of attempting to control the God of Destruction, Beerus, forcing him to flee into alternate timelines to gather an army of enslaved warriors to destroy Toki Toki the old-fashioned way. Beerus volunteered to wipe Demigra out when he returned, but Chronoa realized the entire Time Nest would likely be destroyed as collateral, and a contest was arranged: if the Time Patrollers could match the strength Beerus intended to use to destroy Demigra, he would let them fight in his stead. The battle took place on a distant nameless planet, but the TP was utterly outmatched. Even Flau, their ace in the hole, was bested in under a minute. Beerus declared victory before Caule, inspired by tactics he saw used against Buu, asked him permission for a rematch. This time, however, he'd he fused with his sister.
>After one or two failures the pair got the fusion correct and became Cauliflau, the perfect combination of Flau's overwhelming strength and Caule's invincible endurance. The fusion began fighting Beerus on much more even terms, quickly eradicating the planet they began on and traveling across the solar system as their fight ramped up in intensity, until without even realizing it the fusion had reached the level of Super Saiyan God, the ritual imitated by the perfect harmony of the two Saiyans within a single body.

Shut the fuck up. No one cares.

Are you retarded?
Toriyama brought Gohan back powered up a SECOND time after the saiyaman debacle but the editors told him to bring goku in.

>literal headcanon and arguing against Toriyama's words
You are fucking done.

This reminds me of the shitposting last year where people were posting crap from the fanfiction dragonball wikia like Magma Goku or Lava Goku it was hilarious.

>Cellcuck cope

Attached: 1545373069719.jpg (320x177, 14K)

They've tried to retcon the ki aura into being visual shorthand for ki wastage.

Problem with that is, that perfected super saiyajin has had no aura since forever.
Lastly, UI has MASSIVE fucking amounts of "ki spillage" and that is supposed to be the ultimate super saiyaji..sorry TECHNIQUE.

Which is it?

SSJB is a trash form created solely for marketing. That's all.
It's just super saiyajin wiht ugly hair.

Broly is a villian and pure rage monsters who is ssj taken to it's extreme in a thematic sense.
An that works.

Cell is fun and his persona makes him a fun joke villian

Kid Buu is scary

Frieza? Being well know n doesn't mean popular.

>go to ultra DB
>hit random page
>post results

Attached: Cellchads.png (800x1131, 410K)

>absolutely no arguments
>headcanon headcanon headcanon


Cope, dog.

>gets called promo manga by official sources and regarded as such by toyohacko himself.
>literally promotes the movie and skips arcs
>your fellow toyoshitter admits that it was promoting the anime and now it doesn't have anything to promote
>"but the toriyama manga TURST ME"
>no sources
I think we're done here.

Discarded even faster. I win again.

>So your entire argument is "Tien should have been treated better". Discarded.
You're the one arguing about how much better the characters were treated because of the overlong ToP arc, and how great that was.

>>muh feelings
>>Objective facts in a subjective argument about the quality of a cartoon.
>Literally not an argument.
You're crying about how we need to be objective, like opinions on entertainment media are a scientific process or something.

>No, you think of whatever Cliffsnotes bs you read, because you have not nor probably ever will read/watch OG.
I have read it. It had several fun and interesting villains such as Tao Pai Pai, King Piccolo, and the Red Ribbon army, and even minor villains like Ninja Murasaki had more personality than the stupid Copy Vegeta did. The locales and settings, such as the sea caves where they fought General Blue, or the forests where Goku and Bulma first met, were varied and interesting.

>Not to the degree that SSB allows. You're starting to get it.
He's never been able to control his ki that well, in all the fights he's been in over the decades.

>>Trunks and Vegeta discuss SSB and Trunks spars with it and learns its nature
>>Trunks incorporates what he learned into his powering up
>>gets a blue aura that looks exactly like SSB's inside his normal yellow aura
>>can go toe-to-toe with SSR Black just like SSB Vegeta
That's moronic, even for headcanon. He suddenly gains Godly Ki from fighting SSB Vegeta? Why didn't Goku gain it from training with King Kai? Why didn't Goku or Vegeta gain it when Beerus was kicking their asses? Why the SSG ritual, then?

>He was going to be effortlessly BTFO if he didn't break his limits and he knew it.
Because that's how it works in DB. It's not an intense rage about the loss of a loved one (Frieza killing Krillin or Paragus) or training. You just have to get mad about how you're losing a fight, and you get a new form. That's why Vegeta went SS on Namek and SS2 against Cell-OH WAIT.

Toriyama is a company man.
He knows when to keep his head down and toe the line.

This entire "TORIYAMAS SCRIPT!!" thing is fucking bullshit and everyone knows it.
Hell, the entire goddamend black arc?
Toriyama himself said in numerous talks that he told the mangaka of super to make up his own story.
And guess what, he made the xicor story. You know, th ething that borught him to th eattention of shueisha?
He should have had someone looking over his fucking shoulder...

I...I don't know man.
DBZ is when the DB brand took off.And it' was as much prime coke and vaguely legal whore fueled toriyama as it was the talented jump editors at the time.

>he can't just say "no"
He can try and run, but he accepted a fight.

>Goku himself says that he will fight alone against them since they were after him, not them.
>Goku himself says that he will fight
See? Your own proves disproves you. Goku and 19 had a fight and 19 won, Goku being sick is his fault, not 19's


Attached: ToeiLardsBTFO.jpg (3372x4000, 3M)

>Broly is a villian
He's not. The movie makes that perfectly clear.

>Cell is fun and his persona makes him a fun joke villian
Well, he is a joke, so I agree with that much.

>Being well know n doesn't mean popular.
Freeza is both and to a much higher degree than InCell. Stay coping.

You are just babbling unfounded nonsense. You will cope, and you will cope NOW.

this is your mind on headcanon

Hey Monkey!!

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>But they still would have lost, pushed to the brink, until when Beerus attempted to finish them, the fused fighter's stance changed. They dodged everything the GoD threw at them, and delivered a single punch before defusing with such intensity that Beerus was flung across the entire solar system, crashing into an asteroid and almost losing consciousness before coming to his senses. He feigned sleepiness as an excuse to leave the handling of Demigra to this intriguing pair who, when combined, had managed to tap into Ultra Instinct for the briefest moment.
>While training in preparation for Demigra's arrival Caule and Flau journeyed with Chronoa to the GT timeline, where they helped Goku, Pan and a wayward Bardock repair Demigra's damage by stopping the enthralled Shadow Dragons, and culminating in a showdown with Super Saiyan 4 Broly, who was finally pummeled by SSG Bardock, of all people.
>During Demigra's invasion, Caule managed to free the Goku under Demigra's influence and with his help rallied the Time Patrol to defend the city, before the two joined with Flau to confront Demigra after Trunks was killed defending Chronoa.
>Despite their best efforts, Goku was killed by Demigra's now absolute power and Caule himself died taking a spear for his sister, but found himself in the realm of the time god Toki Toki, who gave him a second chance.
Returned to the past, Caule saved Trunks, Goku and even himself before with Flau pursuing Demigra to the realm of time itself, where the pair fused into SSG Cauliflau and battled the monstrous empowered form of Demigra. They nearly won, but Demigra abused his time magic to speed up and undo their fusion. And in their confusion he broke Flau's spine and ripped Caule's arm off to prevent a second attempt at fusion.

>Attacking someone as strong as final frieza in base
Why is Goku so fucking retarded?

I think he was using Kaio-Ken at the time.

It's over.
I win.


Attached: KAKAROTTO-SAMA NHAAAAAAAAA.png (1000x1306, 318K)

Have to stretch out the fight and build up tension.

Kys and take this retarded forced meme with you.

>thread tries to prove that GODku is a jobber
>thread derails fast and becomes jirenfags den
I hope you anons understand that trying to prove this CHAD as a jobber is impossible.

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This is your punishment for shitposting.
>Trapped at his mercy, Caule and Flau fired a dual Kamehameha Wave at the charging demon god, catching him in a final clash. But as the two ran out of steam, they heard the voices of Goku, Trunks, Vegeta, their comrades, and hundreds of others cheering them on. The Dragon Balls restored their energy, and with a final push the pair erased Demigra from history once and for all.
>Flau gladly handed the lion's share of the credit to her brother, beaming with pride to see how strong he'd become, and he became celebrated as the Hero of Toki Toki.
>Although he never achieved Super Saiyan Blue, Caule has mastered the SSG form to a level no one else has, and is closer than any of the other patrollers to achieving Ultra Instinct, though he has never again managed it to the level Cauliflau demonstrated against Beerus. He remained as Trunks' partner throughout XV2, and led the defense of Conton City against armies of zombified fighters from across the time singularities while Savva, Vegeta and Fuu attempted to undo them.
If the next thread starts shitposting I'll begin Luscan's backstory there.



Literally no one cares about your beanerfiction. Commit suicide.

Jirenscholars are the only reason these threads are as intellectually fruitful as they are.

Not gonna lie autist-kun I'd read a manga about this.

I want to cum in that mouth

Your forgetting the GTscholars.

They are vital to these threads.

He posted it as punishment for spic shitposters and you're making it sound like it's working.

>Your forgetting


He can try but he will fail in the end. And it would be a pretty dick move from his part. And it's not his fault that he has a virus, he didn't know that.

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the Broly version is really cute


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kefla should learn the hakai

Kefla will never appear again, cope.

Sorry, SHE posted it as punishment. My bad sis.


Continue this on the next thread user


New thread

But it's not Toei, it's Dimps. Technically speaking, this is all Bamco's doing.

I deleted all my shitposting material probably gonna leave these threads. I suggest other vegetachads do the same.

>b-but he would be a dick if he refused to fight, therefore accept the fight and lose doesn't count!
>being sick isn't Goku's responsibility!

concession accepted

not canon