Is there any manga artist more attractive than Naoko Takeuchi?

Is there any manga artist more attractive than Naoko Takeuchi?

Attached: naoko_takeuchi_drawing.jpg (1062x1070, 336K)

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Attached: nobuyuki-fukumoto-613.jpg (297x412, 24K)

Araki and Inoue easily. Although you can't sleep on Kei either.

Takeuchi is a pretty girl you'd like to show off in public, but Takashashi is a better fuck

Attached: Rumiko Takahashi swimsuit.jpg (240x324, 31K)

Jiro Taniguchi was very handsome.

look im not gay but, araki

Attached: paru.jpg (580x870, 83K)

Of course my wife would be.

Attached: yoshihiro-togashi.png (239x255, 138K)


He looks like that cuck from the simpsons who wants to fuck lisa, ugly cuck bitch

Attached: 220px-Milhouse_Van_Houten.png (220x233, 47K)

Wish I had a traditional managaka japanese wife so I could beat her up after a hard day of work

would def jam her

Attached: Rumiko Takahashi.jpg (400x600, 273K)

>makes more millions than you
>2 successful series & a respected veteran in the industry
Cope harder.

>2 successful series
That's cute.

Attached: Ishinomori-sensei.jpg (474x695, 41K)

Ugly as fuck goes hands and hand with a shit manga.

Make room for an actual chad.

>High Cheekbones
>Good teeth
>Good hair
>good facial structure
>Better writer(obviously) and artist(hilariously shocking)

Attached: 40147.jpg (225x350, 36K)

Can't believe Togashi gets to tap that. Lucky fuck

His still ugly as fuck, millhouse looking bitch, i'd rob him if i ever met him in real life, just cause he looks like a bitch

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>when 2 series sell more than all of his series

That's cute.

3DPD threads are not Yea Forums - Anime & Manga. Fuck off to /jp/ with your trash.

>no new IP
nice samefagging retard

the only right answer btw

Attached: Hajime_isayama.jpg (419x750, 68K)

Nice try but you literally just link two of my post in a single conversation?

Keep samefagging


Attached: nishizawa-5mm-doujin-wanwangomigomi.jpg (808x454, 262K)

She was some model that was hired though.

he chomp

Attached: 3cc.png (1076x1105, 2.66M)

Togashi actually proposed that for their ""marriage""" they'll keep their own last names, live separately, and both work. no kids, no legal marriage, and no ceremony. Cheating would also be allowed for both of them.

Takeuchi got pissed and called off the marriage and said she'll relaunch her career and find another dude, that is until Togashi begged her to allow him back.

I really respect her work as a manga-ka and writer. But damn...those milkers

That pre- or post-kid?

Not saying that she is the author, but do you have source saying she is not?

Whenever I see this picture it makes me want to go out for donuts

6 inch dick togashi

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He's not handsome, but I like his look. I want to have the same air when I grow older.

Oops, forgot image

Attached: Urasawa.jpg (800x627, 166K)

His looks are above average by Japanese standards.

just look at him

Attached: TAKEHIKO-INOUE-650x975.jpg (650x975, 85K)

Naoko is hot AND crazy, she must be a demon in bed.

I want to impregnate Mori Kaoru
Pochi's voice is really cute but haven't seen her face

Attached: takuan_soho.jpg (200x240, 11K)

How can you type all this bullshit? I get it if you want to be an attention whore, but doing so anonymous seems pointless.

Was gonna post Inoue. Damn, he fine.

Wait a second, where can I find the girl on the right image? None of the keywords in the filename helped. The face looks familiar as hell.


That's actually how it was, though


Please, forgive me for being an idiot, but who is this? The babe on the right looks like Taihou mixed with a haruhi doujin I saw one time.

The authors name is the file name, the first two words. Assuming the right picture is a mouse pad based on the manga on the left, they're both from "Watashi no Hajimete, Kimi ni Agemasu"

>Hollywood C list shit
>Jews are good
You kids are a disappointment.

Oh, around 100 million in sales huh? Well aren't you precious.

Attached: adachi.jpg (225x350, 39K)

>a hard working man

>She was some model that was hired though.
No, she's the actual mangaka:

hey guys horikoshi is pretty sexy

Damn, thank you. I threw Nishizawa 5mm into a couple doujin sites, but I must have screwed something up. Thank you again.

If you look at her character Usagi always struggles with being the prettiest girl in class. You can tell Naoko went through this as well.

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You have my sympathy but you shouldnt go around announcing it randomly.

Based Togashi dicked her down so much that he broke his back and can't draw manga anymore.

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What cute girl.

Will he be played by Keanu in the inevitable biopic?
The beard really makes him look distinctive.

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The author of Futaba Siblings is kinda cute.

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If you count chink shit, here is the author of Song of the Long March. She's 28 year old in this pic.

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Togashi please. We need more chapters of HxH now.

She looks like young Ayako Kawasumi

Togashi landed her in such a chad way.

what chapter is this?