Why do grown men like this?

Why do grown men like this?

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it's cute

it's cute

there are no grown men on Yea Forums
only little girls

It's hip to like it. What with the creators being dead and all.

I like listening to their music desu. Been listening to that 12 hour long boxset that was released of K-ON songs.

>You need to be 18 to post here
Are you admitting you're underage?

Growing up is realising little girls are ripe & fertile.

Are you admitting to being new?

You could ask this question about any anime, really

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it's a nice break from shounenshit, fapbait, and 2deep4u depression-pill shows

Ritsu is in it

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>liking worst girl

When did I say I liked Sawako?

Yes, I'm a 11-year-old girl.

Mugi > Yui > Ritsu > Mio > somebody don't even remember her name.

*heavy breathing*
so... what are you wearing?

everyone in this thread is a potential arsonist

well... you're not wrong

I'll gladly light Mio's fire.

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I don't have the balls

because it takes me back to my high school days.

>hy do grown men like this?
i want to be a little girl who is a lesbian

they based
they cute

The heights are so wrong here.


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In my opinion, Mio best girl.

The production value
The atmosphere
The character development
The original music
What's not to like?

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and friendship between the char.

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>no new IP
>uses name to hide the fact that he's samefagging

>no new ip
I have no idea how that happened since that was my first post in this thread. quite odd. and there really isn't a reason for me to samefag?

Youre talking from the perspective of a man.
If you were actually a little girl, doubt you'd have the same mindset.


When you become one you'll understand.

why yes I am a pedophile, how observant of you

Pls burn Toei, arsonist-san

Because I want to marry Mugi and fuck Ritsu

A Mugi scorned would be a terrifying thing.


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There is a severe lack of azunyan in this thread

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I want to make her sit on my lap

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I suspect that she could be convinced to join in in which case she would be ok with it.

At least we won't get any more of this shit series.

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Azunyan is for headpats!

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And for cumming inside before ____ taking responsibility

It's cute.
And it's aimed at grown men in the first place.

and funny

Actually watch it and find out.

What's up with the Johnny bravo torso lmao

Watched it and didn't like it. Give me back my time.

It's a soul you should be asking for.

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She's too adorable to say no to.

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Give me a soul.

I happen to have one, but... I don't know man. It's not every day that one finds a spare soul. I can't bring myself to part with it without an incentive.

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>stuck in the past
Time to move on.

Including you?

That's fine. I never fulfill my potential anyway.

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I wanted to fill Mio's pussy with my nut.

>it takes me back to my high school days
god please no. i hated high school

she only does that with black guys

No, but you are definitely a retard.