Side character dies alone, forgotten by his old friends he used to hang out with

>side character dies alone, forgotten by his old friends he used to hang out with

Attached: madpanda.jpg (1000x1000, 378K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Even the threads about him die

5 years visiting the sadpanda everyday morning and night. it hurts
now im going to use the n site that i hate

where is the new website, i fucking want to jack off but i can't without sadpanda

It’s not that bad. It’s just not uploading any content and will die soon, but it could be worse
Soon we’ll be living in a world where h-doujins do not exist. Get used to it or start going underground for it
There’s a thread on /t/ where anons managed to upload the doujins they saved

I used to be sad when exhentai fell but when I learned that the owner was friends with the admin from atf i realized that exhentai had it coming

>Even the threads about him die
based mods... at what point did it all go wrong

moot's epic prank

member sadpanda threads on/a/?
we couldn't post explicit images but we could link stuff.

so im supposed to fap to blacked now? man i hope normal hentai doesn't die

>There’s a thread on /t/ where anons managed to upload the doujins they saved
i want to masturbate to new stuff dude, comiket is coming

Ive lost all the faith i could possibly have in any of these fucking mods and no amount of good they could ever do will ever make up for this.

Attached: 1564115476843.jpg (432x432, 63K)

>It’s not that bad. It’s just not uploading any content and will die soon, but it could be worse
They're still scraping from e-hentai but god fucking knows where they're going to get any loli/incest/shota now.

Just endlessly bug maou about adding uploads already.

Did everyone here forget about the non h Yea Forums related shit.
Fuck even /mlp/ has a fucking thread.

It's going to be back eventually.

>5 years
It's been nine years for me
Every time I want to fap I just go "oh..." and get sad instead

Nipplemod made sure that no casual nudity is allowed, because American puritanism must be spread everywhere.

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I was trying to think about a couple options and I can only come up with 3.
1- a new sight pops up eventually (doubtful on that)
2- Buy online and get it yourself
3- go to comiket and buy thw shit. This one in particular has always filled me with dread and excitement. Not only do you have to go to japan, but you would also have to face the crowds and such. The future seems grim.

Attached: bliss.jpg (2560x1600, 1.11M)

Doesnt it usually get a pass if its spoilered.

>if they took porn off the internet, there'd only be one website left, and it'd be called Bring back the porn!”
I heard this one for years. Let's see if it applies in this case.

It's not

There will always be porn on the internet. Free porn however is going to get hunted down until there is little to none left

Is it true that the site admin held on to hard drives of the backup somewhere in his reach? Couldn’t any user just buy it off him and he’d be free of liability?

sometimes. other times it gets you banned, though.

the next one'll be gated behind more than a basic account on a sister site
maybe something like the kami to filter the weak out

So we're still at the point where we're just sharing pastebins, magnets, and mega links? Can't those autists at /g/ refurbish the nyaa pantsu site?

It's been days, relax.

Lol could never get past the initial image so this whole ordeal was of no loss to me

No satan you don't understand

Attached: tenboro thinking about his tendons.jpg (395x310, 54K)

go back to twitter and never come back

Stop masturbating.

Attached: godly legosi 1.png (266x332, 107K)

What man hath broken, that can yet be mended.


>of no loss
>many of the major h-sites are just shitty mirrors of SadPanda
>No more content for most of them, and a possible increase in the censorship of any and all forms of hentai
>of no loss

I still cant over the fact that exhentai was just a collateral damage from the retards at kiwifarms

i said never come back faggot

Here, use this image next time.

Attached: 1542345232116.jpg (320x393, 60K)

Are you really blaming Kiwifarms? Be careful. They could take down this site.

Attached: 1554926359550.png (468x60, 34K)

>mfw i decided to get past the panda back in june
hentai doesn't do shit for me i just wanted artbooks and wholesome 2hu's man and now they've been ripped from my grasp.

Attached: 1564111258075.png (1386x1731, 3.1M)

Still hasn't started to sink in the loss
I don't know what im gonna do when i start feeling like shit.

Attached: SaikiJUST.png (717x714, 453K)

The fact that the fucker didn't let us save the panda archives says a lot about him

Yeah, he had a powerful conscience.

Has he committed to deleting the content? Recently he said he had considering making the files available. Apparantly donators cans still access galleries.

if hentai gets banned i will unironically kms

Didn't the batoto admin use a similar excuse? Like his back hurt or something

Didn't Tenboro already say that sadpanda isnt going away forever and he's looking for a new host?

Yeah supposedly someone showed him some wrist exercises.

oh shit thats good

>side character dies alone, forgotten by his old friends he used to hang out with
me irl

Why is no one reposting my edit? It's pure kino

Attached: TheCryOfTheHunterchad.png (1000x1000, 888K)
I mean that's what he seems to be implying here. Maybe I'm being too optimistic about this post but others seem to be optimistic as well and are joking about his tendon.

Looks like it took quite a few hundred hours in paint, user.

About 2 hours, thanks for acknowledging it.
I still haven't had the need to fap to hentai since it shut down. But once I get that itch I'll try to open exhentai by pure physical memory and then I'll cry.

It is complete trash, it looks like a lazy mess.

I’m giving him 7 more days and if literally nothing happens then I will be sad that he gave false hope