ITT: Shitty Protagonists

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literally worst jojo

Why? He's cool and goes yare yare.

Rule of thumb is that if it's the japs' favorite protagonist in a long-running franchise, he's probably shit

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too edgy, not a gentleman or funny

So if he wasn't edge and was a gentleman and funny he'd be amazing?

no, but his design is still cool

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you first

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. His goal is to save his mother who he hates, which is poor motivation for a character. If the characters don't care the audience doesn't care.

You might be retarded.

I don't think he's a great jojo but he definitely doesn't hate his mother.

pic unrelated?

Did you even pay attention to part 3?


You feel threatened and emasculated by jotaro?

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Isn't everybody?

fuck no
Jotaro is a bro

I just want to be spat on by him and called a bother


i thought nips liked giorno better

Yare yare

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