Shingeki no Kyojin

>ok just finished 119. Can someone explain what the F is going on? This manga is way too confusing. I dont understand the different factions
Yaegerists, Marleyans, Paradisians that are now helping the yaegerists? Why are they doing this?
eren got his fucking head blown off? I assume he is gonna be fine?!
Annie, hange, levi? nothing? What the fuck is happening in this story?
No brainlets allowed edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

Exit SHITgeki yes EDGEren


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Chadren will destroy Gabi's pussy.

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>Machoness: 10/10

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There aren't even that many factions.
You have
1. Marley
2. Eldians within the walls
3. Yeagerist a sub group of eldia.

Eren and his followers where in fighting in paradis, because the Govt. doesn't trust him with the power he has.

They want someone else to use his power, before he gets a chance to, so the seperate him from zeke.

Marley wishes to capture this power for themselves as well.

After marleys attack the paradise soliders(in this case 104th/levi squad), would rather Eren use the power, then have it be taken by marley, so they are trying their best to help Eren, now that the circumstances have changed.

So it's Currently, Paradise vs Marley.

Annie is in a crystal, how is that hard to understand?
Levi was saved by Hanji and the two are currently missing, how is that hard to understand?

>Paradisians that are now helping the yaegerists? Why are they doing this?
because marleyans want all of them dead at the end
>No brainlets allowed edition
you first

Does the attack titan have stats too?

ok but WHAT THE FUCK is happening to annie? Is she even gonna be referenced again or will she live in that shard forever?

Isayama is a fucking hack

you cant reproduce without a female


annie doesn't have a testtest

You know what's gay as fuck?
To triforce we have to COPY AND PASTE instead of typing the fucking old alt codes.
What a fucking joke

>Female titans arms are useless
>could literally just rip her head off with your teeth
>could crush her skull with your elbows
>instead just scream at her until she heals

is this the worst scene in the series?

The female titan arc as a whole is pretty retarded with Levi 1st acting like a dipshit and not attacking with Eren and his entire crew, then hacksayama writing in an injury because him just acting normally would ruin the arc

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Your asking too many questions. Please ask one at a time for me to explain

I am saying, what the hell will come of her? Does nobody have speculation?

>Eren gets all nine titan powers
>It turns him into the Devil himself
>He rumbles Marley and forces a truce
>The rumbling causes him to die early
>Mikasa is there with him when he dies
>"See you later, Eren"
>With his last breath, he returns all of the titans to the paths
>He directs the titan inheritance backwards along the paths
>As his soul travels back, parts of his memories are left in previous shifters
>He finally ends up in front of Ymir Fritz
>She gains the power of the titans and sees his will
>His last memory is directed toward his child
>To You, 2000 Years From Now:
>"You are free"
>Eren never gets to meet his son or name him, and the last panel is a symbolic embrace

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Eren's being emotionally unstable. Pretty usual stuff.

What a load of crap.
If eren has his way he will implement the Eldia's euthanization plan and stop any titan candidates from existing. The titan line will be eliminated from this world

fuck knows
she'll probs come back at some bullshit time to do some bullshit for shock value

I would say he's the most mentally stable right now. He has a goal and act by himself and not being puppet of levi or the gov

>Eren was doing these motions with his jaw inside his nape, thinking it would intimidate Annie

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>spic is back

She will probably awakens when there revealed some magical mechanic that active all nine titans.

>erehis begging for money AGAIN
what a whore

Well, uh. Sure. But at that point he was emotionally unstable and him roaring like a dumbass was in-character.

he is one of those anime protags that piss me off: >i am so calm and cool and collected, i show no emotion. I have a major plan up my sleeve....
fuck i hate that trope.

>this is who controls the only weapons of mass destruction in the world

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>If eren has his way he will implement the Eldia's euthanization plan

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in trost when he was emotionally unstable he attacked the titan that killed Tomas even though he didn't have arms

logically if he was that fucked up mentally he would have been attacking wildly

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Normally I would hate that kind of character. But this is eren we're talking about. The first 100 chapters we see him in constant teenage rage and acted out of impulsion. He has been through and seen so much. Thats why now he is repressing and trying not to show any emotion. It's pretty realistic actually.


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not anime. you need to go back

would have been hilarious if she bit his nose while he was ragesperging

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Talking about Eldians. Couldn't they just change the all Eldians' body compositions to not turning into titans? Or not being receptive to Zeke's spinal fluid? Or anything bs mechanics that prevents them from turning into titans?

kek at Falco didn't chew

Good ol' 3/10 wits.

>logically if he was that fucked up mentally he would have been attacking wildly
He was attacking rather wildly though? For the most part at least. That's what AMC's plan was. Kill the titans surrounding Eren, which will cause him to switch to other titans closer to the HQ.
Obviously he had his personality embedded there (killing the Titan that ate Thomas, specifically going around killing all Titans, etc). But I'd say he was pretty animalistic in the first half of Trost. And even partially at other points until Clash, I suppose.

>Reiner prepares to give Gabi the armoured titan
>Annie comes out and takes his place just to spite him

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Guys, I have bad news. OP 4 predicts what will happen to Eren.

"The cost of dreaming about freedom is a cold bed of dirt".

I want another Historia arc ;_;

>I want another Historia arc ;_;
Next chapter, buddy. Historia is the protagonist now.

>implying Eren won't rumble the world and become The Eternal Champion

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How come he hasn't looked like that before or since Liberio?



Erehis loves to suck black cocks for FREE

>it's a hongo and manlet chapter

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>Please spoonfeed me the plot of the manga I just read
>No brainlets allowed
Is this bait?

The plot is a mess

Based. El Blanco will kill all of Zecuck's titans when he sends them after his imouto in an incel rage.

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She saved nobody.

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>0(zero) figures for this ded series


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Kill all m*rloids.

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Only character that would make money is levi and maybe erwin, this series lost steam in 2014

Is Eren really dead?

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>Timeskip Eren will revive the hype for fujo's merchs

He's not even top 3 in popularity delusional user

meant toim going to sleep jfc goodnight

>anime poll when he's still in beta phase
>Post serumbowl poll
Yeah, if you can read I wrote timeskip Eren. Just check nips' twitters, women love his design.

fug this dead series, im gonna get into fate

>official manga poll after timeskip where he wasnt in top three
>got btfo by hanji of all people

Only neckbeards do lmfao


>After the timeskip
You know that poll was from before chapter 100 right?

I'm waiting

After the anime I guess, I can't wait to put him beside Manlet cleaning figma


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Yeah after the timeskip

Have you seen the price on after market Annie RAH? The series is a gold mine, they just don't go in for big merch any more.

Only place that likes him is reddit, cope

noooo chadbro.....

>being this retarded

If you wanna believe that then go ahead

Timeskip happened before 100. Timeskip was 91.

I want a dirty hoboren so much, it would look so cute with angry Cleaninglet
Fine, have it your way. I see no point of trying to argue with you.

Who the fuck are those big headed girls meant to be?

If they made a figure of Levi beating the shit out of Eren it might sell some ill give you that

tarden will destroy everyone.

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Why do you have lots of pics of Eren on your computer just to falseflag. You seem to care a whole lot about something so trivial

First reply was meant for

His entire character summed up in one sentence

She saved billions

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>it might sell
It sold very well.

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How do the people that post here survive? It has puzzled me all these years.
Every single day the same people saying the same exact thing over and over until a chapter comes out.
This has been going on for more than 5 years.

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pffffffffffffffffft, the absolute state of shitren

Dolfies of the two characters that keep earning big bucks I guess.

Are we the same person? This is exactly what I want

How is Historia going to react when she finds out that Eren killed her one true love and the father of her child, Ogweno?

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Shitstoria looks dead inside from the pregnancy anyways so she probably wouldnt mind dying

Find comfort with his son Onyankopen.

I think it is because that scenario is a non brainer for LEshippers. Manbunren with his hands in his pocket while facing manlet on his chair would be good too.


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Best girl

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Bottom left to milk me dry pls

That to but it's specifically the cleaning Manlet figma part because that's the one I have


Based retard

she killed hundreds
and that's a good thing

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How much the after market price? Does it reach 1k?

>ruins your perfect raid with the assistance of the Panzer unit plus Gabi
nothinn personnel survey corps

What happens if a boy inheirits the Female Titan?

He will be dead in 13 years

Time to show the monkey who's boss.

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>ywn be trapped with Gabi in the desert paths dimension forever

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falco a cute
>ywn strip him naked and wash his body because he got hit by Zeke's semen

hope her and gabi both get their skulls smashed like a water melon


>tfw you will never be a POW getting interrogated by Commander Zoe

I don't understand it either.

The same posts.

The same retarded slang.

The same autistic shipperfags calling each other out.

Over and over again.

habit, mainly

>tfw people don't save twitter images at their full size

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Eh, too much work

Any moonfag?

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Reminder that Zeke is literally, unironically, incontrovertibly, absolutely and undeniably wrong

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low IQ

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ya seethe, breedie?

That's my girl.

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Come on LHfags, EHfags or anyone, I know some of you know moonrunes. I really really need to know why Eren gave Sasha a potato. Help a fellow /snk/bro out.

>Look at me guys, i can greentext! Do i fit in yet?

id certainly fit in inside gabi

So when are leaks
This song always makes me think about Historia and Eren

snk is ded

Zekuckfags are so cringeworthy

>sorry i got you killed because im a useless fag sasha, heres a potato pls forgib me :((
>i will shove this potato up my ass shitren kys :))

The English fanbase for SnK is dead isn't it?

It died years ago

You clearly saw how things went last chapter and the one before as soon as his plans were jeopardized, though.

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Literally worthless

Why does he look so worried and bishi?

Eren is just one big trope

>tfw we'll have another month of seething AMfags and Goblinaposters shitposting the threads to death

>tfw no timeskip Jean nendo

Anyone else feel bad for the Jaw titans? Fucking triggered to sacrifice themselves for others.

Are you retarded? Honest question.

yeah, i liked porco, and ymir was 10 times more interesting then pregnant shitstoria, tho self sacrifice is honorable

He realized how useless he is without mikasa and is shitting himself because he cant rely on her anymore

They banter about the heat and eren's hair then eren remembers that it's her birthday and gives her the potato. Cute.

It's like a timeloop.

I also think it was cute how she died because of him


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I hope no one exists that's been in every thread for the past five years

>have to pair shitren with manlet because he doesnt sell by himself
poor manlet

>another manlet
>same Eren as every other one

Hope Connie shanks that retard.


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>tries to be all badass and cut off all relationships and tries to do everything himself
>immediately dies
I really cant think of a more useless anime character

Lurker here just wanted to say that even though I dislike Gabber this is really cute

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pissren needs to suffer some more. Connie should kill Zeke and force pissren to titanize his precious pissu

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>using Connie and an actual good idea to sperg and falseflag

>Shitstoria gets knocked up by some random fag
>Still gets forced to titanize
Would laugh

>People lost interest as soon as it got gud and slightly more complex.
Sasuga normies.

>Eren: It's hot...
>Sasha: It is hot, indeed. I really want to eat meat in times like these
>Eren: Please, that has nothing to do with the heat

>Sasha: Eren, your hair grew pretty long
>Eren: Ah, yeah
>Sasha: You and Jean are both at that age where you are trying to look cool
>Eren: Don't lump me together with Jean

>Eren: Now that I think about it, it's your birthday, right? I'm sorry it's not meat, but here's a potato for you
>Sasha: Eren, that hairstyle fits you perfectly, you look really cool, very stylish
>Eren: You really are calculating, aren't ya

>Eren: Since way back, I'm never bored when you're around
>Eren: Happy birthday

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>Don't lump me in with Jean

Alright, why the fuck do you fags always find the way to make it about Mikasa somehow when it's clear as day all Eren was thinking of was touching Zeke before it was too late and was acting desperate because of that? Is it just pure shitposting or does anyone unironically believe what was going through his head this chapter had anything to do with how much he regrets being mean to her?

>feeding it

They're still obsessed over EM for some reason even though any possibility of it ever happening has long since died.

baumann looks like Annie

Porco is the ultimate reddit self insert character of the post timeskip era.

Remember, he had all their hopes and dreams - that YH would somehow live on through Porco - and now that they got BTFO, they are desperately trying to shill that being a worthless cuck who lets himself get killed just 'cuz = means you're somehow better than the biggest alpha chad on the marley side (Reiner).

Not the one who asked for it but thanks anyway. That was very comfy

Can you stop bullying my son thanks? He’s very sensitive

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That was nice. Thanks TLanon

9 more days bros.....

I don't think im going to make it

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>by some random fag
I like how you need to specify this when even angry Conniefags can see Eren fucked Historia

It's not going to be over this month

They are really mad since Eren insulted their precious AM. Funny, it seems they are the ones selfinserting as someone as people barely can talk about Eren here thanks to the crybabies

>all these seething whales

It's really fun how much they pretend they hate him when they would be masturbating if Eren said he did everything for Mikasa

I love Reiner!

And then they'll proceed to call him the best protagonist of all time, probably

I hit post too soon like a retard before I could say FPBP keep on chadding out and spreading the good gospel friend lad. I look at this stat chart every day when I wake up deususudeusu.

Yeah, they hide behind Gabi now but you can tell Historia really trigger them
I was wondering why they are complaining so much NOW (save the GabixEren falseflagging appearing just when chapter 112 happened) but apparently some tumblrinas and more came here, most of these posts are clearly from women

Wow, to the last second I thought that Annie would lose, but then the yumikummy incel suddenly got cucked out of nowhere.

I like how they don't want to allow some people already assuming Eren and Historia happened
But does it really affect them this much? I don't see the other shipfags being this dramatic

Yesterday I was convinced the gabi shitposting was from the AAfag, he was fighting with one Zekefag and suddenly one "Zekefag" was complaining about FG and, the real Zekefag proved he was being imitated thanks to the image id
And when someone pointed out Armin was 19 years old and Annie was a minor (like when Ymir was still a teen) he was saying 16 years old is legal and no one was calling him a pedo.

Erehisu more like triggerehisu am I right? Because it triggers all the so~y~boys

Does this arc have a name?

the headless arc

Eren Targaryen will kill everybody so Historia Snow can be the queen.

AruMIGHT > maggoth

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Jaegers arc



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han-chan will survive

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The hype finally left the chat, people.

>Ymir (Pathstuber) is here

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Shitren will always remain shit in my eyes. Worst protagonist of all shonens. Stupid dumbshit.

With horse for maximum SASAGEYO.

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Shitren will always remain shit in my eyes. Worst protagonist of all shonens. Stupid dumbshit.

I hope cuntren pulls through. Death due to a gunshot is too fast and good for someone like him.

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haha monki :DD

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Can we start calling them like Mexican civil war factions?
Yaegeristas, Marleyistas, Paradisistas?

>roasties seething

the mustaches aren't big or glorious enough to qualify now that pixis is gone (rip)

AA cute and coming soon canon.

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Paradistas rolls better on the tongue.


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kyoot comfy monki

What's wrong with three year difference again?

It's one of those series that manages to be great in spite of having a terrible protagonist

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Eren and Reiner are great though

Eren will die of a brain aneurysm from trying to control the colossal titans

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>Hitch's desperate face

Hobo Eren was one of the best things. Paradis cast suck

>he became the very thing he swore to destroy

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Unironically this, only Erwin was good and Eren improves outside of Paradis. Jean had potential but he had to stop developing as a character because of Wrongmin

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>please don't go into the regiment where everyone dies
>I can't believe your lack of work ethic
Fucking Marlowe

That can be applied to everyone. They are the titans

Terrorists and lovers

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GODgath will snipe muttkasa and shartmongoloid

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And nothing of value will be lost

When did Erwin gave a shit about Jean before?


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>Of all the ones who want to kill him, Marley, Reiner, Paradis, etc., Eren let Gabi "kill" him (he could easily do something to avoid) because he knew she was "the girl candidate" Falco talked about. Eren saw a glimpse of future by Ymir in which he was killed by Gabi.

>Gabi shot Eren not out of hatred towards Paradis nor the devil Eldian, but towards the Founder which Eren held. At that time, she didn't care about Marley or Eldia, she understood they are all the same, but she still shot because someone dear to her is dead. She didn't choose Zeke but Eren because the Founder is the one responsible for the bloody history.

>Gabi is already a hero in Marley's eyes while she is an Eldian at the same time. Now that she understands it all and she killed the Devil saving the world, Gabi will be the one stopping the conflict between Marley and Paradis, bridging a peace term between the 2. With Magath's help, Paradis and Eldian people are under the protection of Marley and is treated equally. Paradis is officially declared a nation in front of the world.

Part 1

maybe if you were not a speed reader cunt that just likes to look at pictures you would understand

Endgame right here

>>>fanfiction dot net

Best ship

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Armin is for annie

They said Wrong not Wong. Wrongmin as in Wrongmong.

Could've chosen a better picture though

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Incorrect. He is for Mikasa

I get it, user. He killed your dog.

>Does it reach 1k?
Frequently 1K+, current prices are hanging at 900+ from most retailers.

You didn't get it before. You're welcome.

It was meant to be

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If we ban them all...will we be free?

>Eren is secretly revived by Ymir and meet Zeke, they touch.

>Instead of euthanizing the Eldians, Eren alters their body so that their blood is "vaccinated" against Titan serum. Then, he wakes all the Colossal Titans in 3 walls, tearing down the wall, and kills them right after.

>Now that Titan serum is useless, Eldians can't be turned into Titans while the news of the death of CTs spread the world, people will believe that it's because the Founder is dead.

>Eren kills Zeke so the spinal fluid gone, too.

>The 9 titans will randomly scatter around the world into newborn baby, and disappear after every 13 years. They can't be inherited as Titan serum is useless.

>Titan knowledge is spread around the world. Governments give up on using Titans, except trying to find the shifters, control them and train them to use their power properly.

The end

>The 9 titans will randomly scatter around the world into newborn baby, and disappear after every 13 years. They can't be inherited as Titan serum is useless.
>Titan knowledge is spread around the world. Governments give up on using Titans, except trying to find the shifters, control them and train them to use their power properly.
This part would imply total chaos for eternity.

Armin and Jean should have been one character

Spoilers when, my piggies. Spoilers when.

>total chaos for eternity
How, shifter needs will to transform, children can't. And most of them will die before knowing they are a shifter. Titan shifter will be treated like a cancer which kills 9 people every 13 years. People will forget about its existence. And the world can easily get titan under their control if they go rouge.

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Yes, Jean's everything with Armong "smarts".
At least the usual boring brain character would've some spice in them with Jean's personality and development.


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>No brainlets allowed edition
why are you here, then?

>children can't
And why would this be?
Also it would provoke that all eldian population is heavily controlled to get a hold of the possible titans kids.
You are naive if you think this would be salvation. Not for eldians for sure.

'Smart' characters have no business existing at all

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If they are done like armong, I agree.

>all eldian population is heavily controlled to get a hold of the possible titans kids
What's the point? You can't find a shifter even though he is injured because he needs a strong will to transform, which children under 10 rarely have. Even if he can, government can easily put it under control, train the shifter for good purpose, titan is not a threat anymore

I don't know why are you copy pasting from r*ddit(?) but they literally don't understand why Marley needs the FT and paradis. It's for their own survival just as the rumblings are for the paradis. The world isn't going to stop being in war just
because paradis is a nation now. The age of titans is coming to an end and paradis will be forced to participate in those wars. Time and time again Isayama talks about the mist ending and now he said he wants to hurt the readers. Peacefags shouldn't read this manga because this manga will certainly end with one sided or mutual genocide.

>Eren's best friend having a crush on the girl who has a crush on Eren and showing animosity towards him because of it
Yeah, no.

I still believe it.

I don't know what benefit you'd get for Jean by mashing him and Armin back together. If anything it would make his waffling worse. The only thing it might change is making him less of a fuckup

Goddamn it user

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>Time and time again Isayama talks about the mist ending

Yeah but he said he changed for a Guardians of the Galaxy ending

I don't anymore but it's nice to post images I saved once in a while I guess.

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Which copy from reddit? I didn't visit the place for weeks

>which children under 10 rarely have.
Never underestimate the chuunibyo man, young kids are pricks, petty and little balls of rage.

But seriously, it would be dangerous as fuck and very incarcerating for eldians.
If I was a marleyan and this situation arose, I would round every single eldian and kill them all but the equivalent of Liberio population, for example, I would have the nine potential shifters in one place.
I would control the natalization too and separate the kids from their parents as babies and brainwash them, so the shifter fights for me when he discovers his power. Also provoke situations so they are singled out and discovered as early as possible.
Rinse and repeat.

>I don't anymore

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The benefit mostly lies in armong being gone, honestly.

I mean you can't honestly think EA has a chance like seriously. He thinks of her as nothing more than yet another enemy and this was evident the moment he killed Bert. Accept it EAbro, you know it's true.

Attached: heartbreak.png (500x547, 636K)

He changed it back to the mist

No, I pointed out a scenario where Marley will protect Paradis and Eldian people through Gabi (the hero who killed the Founder) and Magath (head of Marley). And at this point, titan is useless in war, there should be terms like in UN council, should whatever nation use the titan for destruction purpose, the rest shall resort to violence against that nation

>Accept it

Attached: 1544291067034.jpg (914x1024, 68K)

Well you should.

Attached: Annie genuinely smiling.png (77x253, 10K)

Titan is useless so what's stopping other countries from invading Marley with their superior technologies?

Source ?

They've already won the war, and they're in the process of modernizing their army without Titans

>And at this point, titan is useless in war, there should be terms like in UN council
So what use do eldian have now? You have the potential threat of a big collossal appearing wherever suddenly and destroying a city, or an Attack Titan that throws a tantrum, etc etc.
What stops the other nations to just genocide eldians alltogether? They would become an uncontrollable liability with the potential of rising up again.

Bottom line, you either get rid of the ability of eldians to become titans at all, shifters included, making them all just regular humans or go full genocide on them.
That's it.

His fat ass

Anti Erenfags killed the hype.

Eren mostly let Bert die to save Armin and if he has Annie's memories, he'll know that she has no true loyalty to Marley so she can be negotiated or tricked like with Zeke and Yelena, who are also considered enemies by him

Attached: annie bomb.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

But how come Zeke thought about castration before changing their DNA?

The titan serum has no effect, so there's no reason to treat them like different species. The movement for the human rights of Eldian will increase, which is more reason not to kill them. And random 9 shifter may die without knowing they have the power, people may think they just get cancer. The titans will soon be a myth.

They are in the process while other countries are already ahead of them. Not to mention, Marley would be protecting paradis, the country that caused the massacre of Liberio. A recipe for disaster don't you think since Willy already turned paradis into a scapegoat?

>Marley would be protecting paradis, the country that caused the massacre of Liberio
Willy already said that Paradis is not devil, even the king, and Eren's the one going rogue, declaring war on Marley. But he is killed by Gabi, another Eldian.

>They are in the process while other countries are already ahead of them
Then it is just AOT version of WW2, war for land and resources. The titan, which is the previous excuse for hating Eldian and invading Paradis, is not a factor anymore

Because he is an idiot. Or maybe thinks that the power can't be undone, because maybe it can't be, but I'm sure Eren's true goal is to get rid of the ability.

No dude, titans may not be as effective in war but they are still dangerous.
And as I said before, that scenario would just make the eldians suffer even more. One thing is knowing where the nukes are and control them, but having them appear at random? Better kill them all honestly.
No human rights anything, not with their history and destructive potential.
They would be a myth, but as an extinct race.

He just referred to her as an enemy recently and had no qualms in killing Falco, an innocent child. What makes you think he'll spare Annie regardless of her where loyalty lies?

Attached: at5.jpg (468x570, 174K)

Because she is the best girl?

>He thinks of her as nothing more than yet another enemy
Not even a matter of shipping, but do you seriously believe that after Marley arc?

>even Armin is calling him out on the bullshit
>Eren being Eren
This is one of the best scenes in SnK

>but they are still dangerous
Yes, but at this point, there would be bigger problems world-wide, which do not involve Titan anymore. Yes, it is random, but it could easily be put under control and made up as unfortunate accidents every 13 years, which is acceptable. As long as the hordes of Titans are gone, 1 or 2 incidents could be forgotten.

>Anniefags at it again
Face it, Isayama has no clue about what to do about this character, no, she is not going to fuck Eren and last time Armin betrayed her. It's just easier to leave her in the crystal because Isayama was lazy to write about the female titan going to a random baby

Have Annie grown one bit while in her crystal? If not, than MA height difference became even hotter

Attached: MA.png (404x615, 36K)

That's right!

Attached: Best Girl fighting stance.jpg (901x1200, 258K)

>That's right!
Post your best rare Annies so I can fill my phones memory with goodness.

Attached: 1554119104975.jpg (400x545, 64K)

When shitren dies at the end of the manga it will truly be a cause for yearly celebrations

>best rare Annies
All Annies are best though

Attached: Best Girl TWO icecreams.jpg (1497x1968, 381K)

>1 or 2 incidents could be forgotten.
The only way I can see a peaceful end for eldians while conserving the shifters and not the pure transformations is to put all the newborn kids in a 13 year quarantine, and after it, go back to their families. But even then you would have the threat of adults there who will want a rise of the empire again and condition the kids or harvest spinal fluid of the discovered ones. Too much risk, too many loose ends still.
What you are proposing is an utopia where everyone is noble and not power hungry.

Probably,re thinking about that scene, even 19Eren would facepalm himself for what he said that time.

Good morning ErwLmod

Attached: Donuts are Annie's snickers.jpg (650x650, 109K)

>No brainlets allowed edition
Shouldn't had made the thread in the first place since you're unironically discussing Attack on Titan.

Leave genocideren to me.

Attached: 1560913023182.png (1360x316, 395K)

Attached: Best Girl in bunny outfit.jpg (288x434, 23K)

His mental illnesses debuff all those stats.

I don’t like Mikasa but I’m glad she’s finally moving on from that stinky piece of shit

Attached: Best Girl is baited.jpg (1024x734, 70K)

Beers on me desu

Saying Annie was nothing but an enemy was probably just one of his lies during that suspicious speech to push Armin away and killing Falco looked like a way for Eren to get one petty revenge on Reiner for Carla's death.
He didn't even kill Falco so maybe Eren was expecting Reiner to save him. Eren probably remembered that time he saved MA from a cannonball with little to no experience so he was probably thinking someone with a fuckton of experience like Reiner could do it easily.

Eren could spare Annie to use her many skills to help him, especially if the FemT has an ability we haven't seen before.

Attached: annie mirror regret.webm (854x480, 3M)

Attached: Best Girl incognito.jpg (640x1186, 75K)

My heart!

Attached: Best Girl wreath.jpg (480x748, 92K)

Attached: Best Girl catnip.jpg (600x756, 230K)

Not with that sniffer

unlike Squealer

Attached: 1538146625128.png (742x535, 1.52M)

Even if that was true I find it hilarious how ehcucks find that a win when the bimbo looks like she wants a train to run her over lmao

Annie has the best sniffer

Attached: Perfection.png (1096x578, 665K)

Attached: 1552852209554.jpg (1024x853, 233K)

I mean, they aren’t called cucks for nothing

Based. Arumin will save Eren while Mikasa can leave and find something else to do.

Attached: 0013-036.jpg (1066x1600, 490K)

Seething Mankasafags

>do you seriously believe that after Marley arc?
Yes and there's nothing to the contrary. Pic related is taken over by Armong now.

Attached: EA4.jpg (300x424, 177K)

>no brainlets allowed
>is a brainlet
What did he mean by this?

Attached: sypha-belnades-128417.jpg (350x491, 24K)

How can other, lesser girls, compete?

Attached: Annies!.png (1650x1120, 453K)


What you want is a complete control of Eldians, which is where we are in the story. But even in our world, random incidents happen everyday and the world still have bigger problems to care about. There's a small chance a child transforms into Titan, and once that happens, government put him under control right away. This way, there's even less than 9 incidents every 13 years. Some dozens may be killed, but it's acceptable in a world where Titans exist


She looks bored and annoyed by the farmer more than anything, she must be tired of waiting

They can only try and fail.

Attached: 1533883611947.jpg (544x1080, 62K)

Nah, glad she stopped being obsessed with the shitter though, good for her

Attached: Best girl is the cutest ever.jpg (422x600, 267K)

Gas all GabiFags

Literally coping

Jobbedness: 11

Not that user, but brushing it off as "just bored" is pretty retarded

I want to be dominated by the queen

Attached: MasterHisu.jpg (1080x1080, 122K)


Attached: 5520C4F5-BA50-41DE-B2D4-A5212EB71CC3.jpg (640x559, 23K)

Don’t point this out bro.....

Literally all she needed to do was to avoid being pregnant. She could have even choose to be a mindless titan to reduce the danger towards her own people with Zeke

But you had that once already, Eren

Attached: 1562006199156.jpg (1280x720, 406K)

This is why I don't buy "muh Historia is a victim" either. She is as guilty as Eren.

We don't even know yet what exactly happened back then

She’s just retarded, now she’ll probably die during childbirth while giving birth to some npcs baby

So you don't know if the baby is Eren's either

thanks for the Annie and EA pics

Attached: nod.webm (1024x576, 1.56M)

I hope that happens, good riddance to the worst female character, not that there are really any in this series but still

Attached: screenshottruth.png (1970x593, 401K)

>Eren is so bad that people literally just treat him as a self insert character

What I propose is, once eldians lose control of the titan power they are useless and dangerous, so either kill them or control them tighter, yes.
I'm sure that with the precedent of Liberio everyone is gonna be as compassionate as you think when a random, uncontrolable colossal levels a city.
We are not talking about a bomb in a train or in a building with dozens maybe hundreds of dead, we are talkin about levelling New York because some kid wanted to defend himself from bullies or whatever.
One incident is a BIG incident. 9 incidents? Everyone in the world would be screaming bloody murder at the eldians.
You are naive if you think otherwise.

No problem Anniefriend

Attached: Best Girl bongo cat.gif (768x768, 33K)

Don't insult la ESPOSA DEL DIABLO

Attached: Chadstoria.png (636x489, 330K)

I don’t ship any of that garbage retarded cuck

My bad, correctly quoted now.

Eren is the father, stop pretending brainlet

Attached: 15643106718371.jpg (4184x2160, 2.48M)

Why are people so triggered with worst guy (Eren) being shipped with worst girl (Historia)

I'll post more.

Attached: 1535833130505.jpg (927x1080, 338K)

Based fellow AMfag

Attached: amcute.png (588x603, 292K)

It’s fun to laugh at cucks

Never said it is

Why do you hate AMfags? They are the nicest shippers

Attached: 1560746855952.jpg (514x600, 60K)

Attached: Frowning Annie.webm (624x576, 2.54M)

Daily reminder that some people like Gabi and support a nation that has literal fucking ghettos.

Attached: 1561123445375.jpg (414x750, 61K)

Her decapitating Shitren was too good

Because they shipped them with others.

Attached: 1537758794133.jpg (874x1080, 189K)

Mikasafags must be your favorites then

Attached: Best Bot.png (259x499, 147K)

if everyone had a cutie like Annie, there would be less seething in the world

Attached: eren stops seething.webm (854x480, 2.98M)

Attached: 1537821586087.jpg (698x787, 305K)

Attached: Best Girl kung fu.jpg (480x678, 81K)

I don’t hate Mikasa like I do Historia so I don’t really care

Attached: 1542731365904.jpg (601x801, 104K)

Attached: Best Coffee.jpg (400x400, 52K)

You are lucky Eren won't touch Mikasa then

Attached: 1546674376131.jpg (982x1024, 104K)

Attached: Best Girl narcissism.jpg (458x400, 40K)

Attached: 1542462821929.jpg (522x377, 47K)

But Mikasa is the biggest cuck

Attached: Best Girl is very, very cute.jpg (450x741, 51K)

Attached: tfw.jpg (1500x1260, 1M)

>This reductive reasoning
Now I get how erenfags go process this manga without getting an aneurysm.

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I miss the owl

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I don't think that was one

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Attached: Best girl chugs.jpg (720x401, 44K)

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Attached: 1547830803859.jpg (960x1200, 79K)

>that neck
CHAD genetics. Imagine if she was a man.

People have the knowledge of the titan. They accept some losses as long as not resorting to full genocide.
And there's only ONE Colossal Titan (I bet you can't make a nuke on your first transformation), the rest has small explosion. And not all of them happen every 13 years. The rate of it happening is not 100%, and it scattered around the globe.
Eren cannot transform right away in Trost when his leg was chomped, so I guess it takes training, not as easy as kids bullying.
Even if it happens, people will understand it's an unfortunate incident

Just took a shit and it looks like eren

>oink oink
>not nyar nyar

Attached: MA kitten cuddles.jpg (472x600, 92K)

Best cosplay, but a bad Annie.

Attached: 1537008817852.png (585x683, 302K)

AMfags are nice

Attached: 1535216935860.jpg (454x807, 52K)

Attached: Best Girl capibara.jpg (510x600, 229K)

I'll skip to fastest before it starts looking bad

Attached: annie sandwich fasterer.webm (438x436, 42K)

Attached: 1534116436061.jpg (933x940, 132K)

Annie's perfection cannot be emulated by other girls, especially mortal, three-dimensional thots, but they can always try.

Attached: 3DPD Best Girl fighting stance.jpg (1109x1664, 367K)

Attached: 1549508195136.png (540x580, 127K)

That shit rejected your Mankasa

I think she would be a good real world emulation if she didn't smoke and wasn't tattooed. She could never be 1:1 with Annie though. Never, not even if she didn't smoke and wasn't tattooed.

Attached: 1539825292882.jpg (500x650, 37K)

Attached: Best Girl is electrifyingly cute.jpg (900x1200, 682K)


Attached: 1534363433103.jpg (599x675, 58K)

Never change Joseph, never change

Attached: Best Girl stares at you.png (700x564, 160K)

Still too small

Just flushed the shitter down the toilet
Call me gabu

I'm only striving to be better.

Attached: 1564188861047.jpg (550x550, 57K)


When is this finished? I kinda stopped reading around Armin didan :DDD

I don't want to insult Gabofags comparing them to Mankasafags selfinserters

I'm going slower so it looks like she's actually still chewing rather than it looking like her lower jaw is just randomly vibrating

Attached: annie sandwich flowst.webm (438x436, 46K)


I’m pretty sure there are tons of mikasafags that hate shitren desu

You would wet your pants the moment Eren apologized to AM and you know it.

Attached: 6ba9f3e3b49b5f2cfb27a18db2a138851454075565_full.jpg (640x361, 69K)

Annie's nose is always perceived in a manner you are comfortable with, only the most redpilled individuals are capable of witnessing Annie's true nose.

Attached: Hanji witnesses Annie's hooter.png (700x391, 385K)

I don't understand but AM are
>Believe that Armongs has no flaws
>Believe they Armong desirable partner for any female charater
>especially for Mikasa because she's the poster girl and Armong should get her because he's nice
>Ignoring his (very recently revealed and confirmed) crush for Annie.

Attached: AMfat cringey delusions.jpg (1366x126, 55K)

>I'm only striving to be better.
By the laws of Yea Forums, it's going to happen.

>They accept some losses as long as not resorting to full genocide.
That's where you are wrong.
Nobody, ever, has accepted losses without retribution.
That's not on human nature at all.
>if it happens, people will understand it's an unfortunate incident
Under what rock are you living? Like really, what the fuck.

Then they should be grateful EM won't happen


>Hange and Annie will never fence using their facetriangles

Attached: 1494687916911.gif (540x304, 1.56M)



Attached: 1549868384245.jpg (480x632, 57K)

so it is really you? LMAO please just answer yes or no. I fucking hate AA by the way

You're not living in a world where Titans exist, that's all

He’d probably only do that after realizing he can’t do shit himself because he’s a useless faggot, I would then piss my pants from laughter yeah
I’m sure they are

What the fuck is your problem?

I don't think AM would support the genocide. Marley came too soon.

The Norns predicted the great battle of the three noses that shall occur during Rumblarok, where the world shall be destroyed and recreated in the midst of the great nasal struggle for dominance.

Attached: Annie is thicc.png (400x508, 321K)

I don't understand what are you trying to achieve by falseflagging like this, AAfag?

Attached: EAEoxdHUcAMStiT.jpg (1050x1400, 614K)

They wouldn’t, would be kino seeing either of them kill the shitter

>AAfat insulting Armin
Are you bipolar?

Armin killing Shitren would fully redeem him

But if they do that Marley will kill them. Do you even understand the manga?

Sucks for them

>threads about chapter 108 have 0 "shitrens"
You can tell the pain of Mikasafags being rejected

Annie needs to wash it all down

Attached: annie drink.webm (1024x576, 144K)

i also think armin and mikasa have undeniable chemistry and sexual tension. please just answer this question lmao

Attached: confirmed__canon.jpg (180x281, 10K)

Filter comments containing "shitren". Cleaner thread.

Attached: 7466547.jpg (1252x1252, 156K)

No I'm not.

Makes you wonder who are the ones really selfinserting kek


Stinkren a shit lmao

Neither of us are and our world is not peaceful at all.
Now imagine the afghans, apart from having desirable resources, can transform into 15 to 60 meter destruction machines in the middle of new york.
What do you think the global response is?
"Oh boi, those poor souls, we understand, we don't care about the thousand casualties a kid of your race provoked by just being there, unknown to us."
Really? At the least, every afghan around the country gets detained and deported inmediatly.
At the worst, well, you can extrapolate from there.
And that's not counting the history of oppression eldians have on the world.
Sympathy from other countries towards them: 0.

Hmm suspicious but okay. Why would you reply to it though especially
if you weren't

>shitrenfags are EMcucks

Annie will soon awaken and snort her most fervent followers into nosehalla!

Attached: Hahahahahahaha.png (1280x720, 214K)

Well, sucks for them.

Attached: 1564087463113.jpg (382x679, 69K)

What do you have against his name?

Shitrenfags are just self inserters

How many other words that is equivalent to "shitren"? Let me filter them.

It’s amazing how well Shitren just works for his name, it’s truly fitting

I just google sophielann out of curiosity. I like AM too and only AAschizo is mentally ill enough to bring tumblr or reddit names here.

Yeah, they are selfinserters when he is not with Armin and Mikasa

>Eren discarding the opportunity to cleanse the world and start humanity anew, only more enhanced due to Eldian eugenics, while becoming pseudo immortal via passing his power down to a growth accelerated clone with his genetic structure which inherits his will and memories
>discarding the ability to create valuable resources such as as iceburst stone
>Isayama not going for the fanbase wrecking genocide ending that advocates for eugenics

Attached: 1536548745427.png (128x128, 18K)


Cuck is equivalent to eren

It's true holy fuck

Sure thing sophielann :). After all these years, good to see you still fighting the AM fight ay

Attached: mikaqtbeyondhappy.jpg (3889x2187, 2.2M)

Really? The word has no flow to it at all.

>thinks Japan's occupation of Korea was OK because "we civilized them"
>self-inserts as a mass murderer who wants to commit a global genocide
>"I initially thought perhaps Armin, but lately, I’d say it’s maybe Eren after all. Initially, I believed this type of character was necessary for the story, so I wrote him in, but actually, with him came something of a feeling that he was part of an inner me that I didn’t really want to see."

What the FUCK is his IQ and BASED level?

Attached: 1547196960582.jpg (1200x794, 176K)

What is the population of Afghanistan?
There's like hundreds of millions of Eldians around the globe, if not all of the current population are Eldians considering a thousand years of assimilation. Their primary language is even Eldian after all.
You can't kill all of 'em or cage them like it is now. Doing that doesn't give any meaning to the story, even if it will be called "a sad ending".
Genocide is not an option.

Hi therapyfag



I like how you alter some words just to avoid being filtered after that post.

>Hai, Donarudo-san, I believe 2020 will be a great year for EH too

Attached: 71697da2-n-abetrump-b-20180925-870x870.jpg (870x870, 80K)


Wow after filtering the thread became much better.

Pretty sure crybabies are filtered, Eren and Erwin are the favorites here, the haters just cry a lot

Good, let the series die already

Doesn't matter to me either way but both wont happen kek

I wasn't talking on the parameters of the story, but on a hypothetical scenario that's not going to happen -titan injection dissapear, royals dissapear and only baby shifters remain-, because if that happened, extensive genocide is going to occur, no matter the volume of the population.

What is probably going to happen in canon? Titan power is erradicated completely, eldian genocide by the king's vow or the rumbling.

Why did titan Falco suddenly stopped attacking Reiner and went after Galliard?

Erwin is, not that cuck.

Delusional, only reddit likes that self insert bait.

>favourite here
Since fucking when?


Search "shitren" on fireden before and after chapter 107 released on July 2018.
>Before Chapter 107
>1558 results found
>After Chapter 107
>1959 results found
This is the oldest . It's from december 2015.
I also noticed people at DBS thread also use "shitren" for Jiren but that anime ended at March 2018. So I doubt the increase usage of "shitren" came from them.

New thread created.

>More baiting merchandise
It's not funny at this point, it's pathetic

Attached: EAN7oi3UIAAyG-p.jpg (1024x791, 99K)

Attached: snv1w3qjrdm11.jpg (708x1080, 104K)

Just free her already christ

Enough with the fighting, let's enjoy the best dead ship shall we? T_T

Attached: ES.jpg (1428x2026, 546K)

What a greasy shitter

Stop crying Shitkasa fags, I doubt you understand Erwin's character

Just to make it clear, even though Titan power is removed, there will still be conflict between Eldians and the world. One side has to die to have complete peace a.k.a genocide.
My theory is just a possible scenario for the most peaceful ending I could think of.
For the story to have meaning, there has to be peace and freedom in the end (even though it could be sad ending, many will die)

This ship is trash kys

>Two EH moments at the top
>Two EM "moments" at the bottom
What did the staff mean by this?
Eren, Erwin and Reiner are favorites. Only seething Mankasafags can't stop crying

Damn mankasa really lives rent free in your head huh

How come there is no more LHanj baiting? They are incredibly more popular than EM, Hange is even more popular than Mikasa and both are alive (?).
Maybe i'm talking too soon

>self inserter fags brought Sasha into their delusions as well
Poor girl

But Eren is the one causing trauma to everyone

Ooopss there was a mistake

Attached: ES.jpg (1428x2026, 546K)

So cute how she died because of that fag :((

I love how its only selfinserting when its not with Mikasa

Delete this post too neckbeard

What other ships that only exist to hurt people are there out there? Like other than Eren x Historia and Levi x Hanji.

Jesuschrist post EM so the EMcucks stop crying

>Titan power is removed, there will still be conflict between Eldians and the world
Yes, but only because of the resources in paradis, I can see animosity against powerless eldians dwindling with time because they're not a threat anymore/nobody wants anything from them.
And there's not peaceful ending to the story, even less a happy one.
The only possibility for a "happy" ending that I see is if Eren somewhat stops Ymir from making the deal and stops the eldian titan power from the inception. A history rewrite.

>Joseph(EAfat) spamming again
Shit thread.

Attached: 62292689_p48.jpg (1500x1000, 724K)

To be fair, if you are looking for moments where Mikasa looks cute you are limited to almost only moments where she is openly lusting for Eren.

>Levi x Hanji
I don't think this one hurts anyone, it's haters are not as autistic

Em a shit, eren a shit

Attached: 1497943261603.jpg (329x329, 45K)

It hurts all the popular Levi ships. Just like Historia is hella lesbian, Levi is clearly gay af.

I don't see many insulting them though, some are even friendly with LPfags or FHfags. What happened is the ErwLfag who ships EM too is focused on the EHfags now

Levi X Zeke sure triggers a lot of fujos

This ones my favorite poll

Attached: C4FED128-DF95-49D3-9C6C-756020B49E9B.jpg (434x622, 174K)

This is so sad. What other shounen MCs are as unpopular as Eren?

Man Mikasa is really unpopular isn't she

>hey guys pls care about me too....

>Eren somewhat stops Ymir from making the deal and stops the eldian titan power from the inception
I'm going for the realistic route. The titan serum are human product, so your body treats it as outside substance. The Founder used to alter the Eldians body structure to counter a "plague". Now treat the serum as a plague, alter your body to counter it, and boom. No more Titans, only the Founder left to be dealt with.

So why doesn't he have more screentime? I get that Isayama doesn't give a fuck about popularity considering he killed Erwin and made Reiner the MC of an entire arc, but he did say he liked Jean a few years ago.

He also said he liked Ymir, it doesn’t influence him I guess

Attached: 1534884626776.png (1203x664, 488K)

He should have his Commander/leadership arc but Armong then would be even more useless

Thay's kinda cute honestly


Attached: third poll.jpg (1426x1024, 713K)

>Ymir has been dead for years
>still above shitstoria
The absolute state

>Main character couldn’t even reach a thousand votes
This is just embarrassing

Its amazing because she has a cool design and Hans has the whole tranny memes and LH is still less popular than LE yet she still got more votes

>The titan serum are human product
As in artificially made? The serum is just raw spinal fluid, nothing artificial.
I'm not following you, like make every eldian allergic to the serum or something? Man that's like making yourself allergic to your own blood.
If it was an isolated chemical maybe, but it's a body fluid that you yourself produce
That option isn't viable.

He’s an oddity, usually shounen mcs are top three but people either hate eren or don’t care about him

The power of the nose

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Becasue he is irrelevant in the large scheme of things and since Armin is the chief strategist, Jean's leadership skills only amount to being good at yelling out orders.

fujos and shipperfags love Eren though

Attached: 1535345170525.jpg (836x473, 83K)

112 fucking broke them, I swear. It will never not be funny to see them seethe so hard against Eren for acting mean to AM when they had no issues with him fucking up civvies in Liberio.

EMA is incredibly unpopular and Eren even more now considering he is a villain and those weird suspictions about the father drama
Hobo Eren received some hate. If anything some fujos are feeling betrayed save some who likes to draw EH

It doesn’t show anywhere

should have detachable arm for even more sasageyo

The spinal fluid is from the titans for a reason, it's not from normal Eldian in human form. There's a difference.

It shows in the votes, which still made him rank second, third and fourth and the huge amount of LE art

Based Hans.
I don't understand why she isn't in more anime merch.

Attached: 35926701_p0.jpg (880x733, 923K)

Just check 108 threads and see how suddenly a Eren's haters disappeared. Which is hilarious because I'm still seeing LHfags posting Eren and REfujos and ZE posting too despite Eren insulting their characters
Guess AMfags are sensitive feminists, they sound like women for sure

>2nd, 3rd, 4th
>he keeps going lower
>somehow this is good for an mc
And literally every LE fag only cares about Levi

I like the little Jean and Eren in the back

When they thought hobo Eren killed civilians for AM they defended him.
Then 112 happened and he became Hitler incarnate.

The design is incoherent (sometimes she looks masculine sometimes she looks like a shojo character) and some fujos having better contacts for events and more

He can't be stronger than Mikasa or smarter than Armin. Isayama doesn't know what to do with him anymore.

LE Fujos only care about Levi

Annie haters are dumb

Attached: based.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

He really should have taken Floch's role

>if we keep doing polls one day he’ll be out of the top ten entirely

Eren is approaching Historia and Reiner in terms of being too "complicated" for the Japanese fanbase.
Also the EMA trio was never good more so compared to the veteran trio

Eren has plenty of fags. It's just that he's fairly controversial so those who don't actually like him tend to dislike or hate him outright. He's not the type of protag to leave indifferent.

The spinal fluid is from shifters, and even in titan form, it's from eldians themselves, you cannot make yourself allergic to a body fluid that you yourself have.

Eren and Reiner are unpopular and they are the most pushed for the Last Exhibition. They are just too hard to sell to the normal public, some call h Eren Uchiha but even then EM is pretty much killed and (as I understand) Uchiha and Naruto had chemistry, Eren has no one with Armin

That still means there are people who like him and not all LEfujos only like manlet. One fujo who ruined our spoiler source was an Erenfujo actually

He has a humiliating amount of fans for a main character of a Shounen.

No need to go this far back, user. Last three threads had respectively 2, 0 and 1 mentions of "shitren". Someone is angry today.

Fuck, don't bring that up faggot.


Because this is a series where the most vocal portion of the fanbase only gives a shit about manlet and about people that can be shipped with manlet.

That third poll shows that at 70% of the votes went only to manlet and his three main pairings. And you have to be delusional if you think that nips give a shit about Erwin outside of his relationship with manlet when he has never been part of any popular straight pairing.

90% of shonen MC's are worse than most of side characters of their shows tbf.

And it's obvious there are more, judging by them also drawin single Eren pics

No one likes eren, his only relevancy comes from manlet

Ok 2 then

Could have been neat

Levi is literally the face of this series, he really shat all over eren

A shame because hobo Eren and Reiner are really good

Meant to

I told you Isayama doesn't want to risk much with AMJC, that's why he is literally creating new characters instead of giving that role to them

>he's a canon shipper

So Levifags here hate Eren? It would explain some things

suicidal tendenciness: 100/10

Everyone does

But I don't, stop dragging us

There's no evidence indicating Titan's spinal fluid and Eldian's are the same. There's one point that Titan's fluid evaporates in open air while human's doesn't.

Anyone who’s not a self-insert kek doesn’t like him

I sure don't. I enjoy Levi and Eren's mentor-pupil relationship.
I guess the Eruritrash aka Shitkasafag with down syndrome can't stop spamming ;)

Attached: Ereriv.jpg (854x1094, 276K)

My favorite aspect is when he beats the living shit out of him

>Ymirpedos and Shitkasadown selfinserters being hypocrites
Oops ;)

Maybe if you keep spouting random fags you’ll finally hit the mark

Like I said, the number of fans isn't the problem (if you bother checking shit lile pixiv or twitter he's still the character outside of Manlet who gets the most fan content). The thing with Eren and that you usually don't see with other shounen protags is that he's hated almost just as much as he's loved.

Sure Shitkasafag ;) why don't you spam 200 EM fanarts? Because when that happens suddenly haters are gone. Really makes you think, Shitkasafag

I don’t even care about either of them fujoshit

Jean would've never taken the extremist pill. He kept Eren grounded with his reality checks but his character never fit the role Floche has taken from serumbowl onwards.

>Titan's spinal fluid and Eldian's are the same.
Well, they are not basically the same, one transforms and the other doesn't.
Your possibility is viable only if you make shifter spinal fluid poisonous making the shifter die themselves, but then you end extinct because all the baby deaths.

Obsessed and rent free

I give 0 fucks about her so this is just funny to read desu

>he’s hated more than he’s loved