Buyfag thread


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Other urls found in this thread:

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Post the raita

figure THIS

Yet another oversize Shielder

Attached: EAhkapzUcAAHL1--orig.jpg (1960x2939, 400K)


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Attached: akljsgoaijwh4jtw89e-61.jpg (800x1200, 468K)

this is sex

Attached: EAhlWKDVAAAYzNp.jpg (2048x1536, 482K)

Attached: P1010259.jpg (800x948, 84K)

Whoa, Nintendo really sold out with this Zelda fig.

Attached: akljsgoaijwh4jtw89e-57.jpg (800x1200, 406K)

Please link the previous threads, it makes it a lot easier for Euros like me who are falling asleep at 3am and want to catch up in the morning.

What the fuck is this timeline we're living in

Attached: EAhka5SUwAAvLUx.jpg (453x680, 34K)

>no update
>Ren isn't at Alter's booth either
>Aniplex didn't paint Holy Mami
Yeah just kill me.

Any Azur Lane figs?

Attached: EAhmNfKVAAY6YcD-orig.jpg (2048x1535, 190K)

Very glad she's getting more than a nendo.

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Attached: akljsgoaijwh4jtw89e-71.jpg (800x1200, 457K)

are those clothes real?

i would like to have this sex please

Attached: EAhmPRSUYAAYP8V.jpg (1536x2048, 324K)

Please Aniplex don't fuck up the paint

Attached: tw47qw48895tq34wfan-29-440x660.jpg (440x660, 151K)

I will once they start stacking up

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Attached: EAhmFa8UwAEkyJi-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 575K)

I got you


wow i really adore this facial expression


Attached: 201907280112551.jpg (1103x971, 184K)

Who is this? Reminds me of a grown up Dororo.

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Attached: EAhlfWKVUAYQ7CS.jpg (1200x900, 120K)

Attached: EAhmMZuVAAAOMqO.jpg (1536x2048, 400K)

makes me happy that bunny dreaming rascal is getting figures.

Who's this character? It's a cute bunny.

Attached: EAhl9prU4AApvwQ.jpg (750x1000, 88K)

Everybody shut the fuck up my husbando got a scale

Attached: EAhd8LOUEAArjbl.jpg (800x800, 118K)

Attached: DSC_1359.jpg (533x800, 143K)

Attached: EAhjmoZUYAEj2K2.jpg (2475x3712, 557K)

Is that 4 fucking Megumins from the same company

>all these fucking megumins
Can nobody stop this bakuretsu madwoman?

Wonfes is officially saved.


Attached: EAhmKeFUYAA0AXo-orig.jpg (2161x3286, 348K)

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>game isn't even out yet
>shiny new waifu already has something in the works
Thanks ATLUS.

Attached: EAhmidOW4AA606F.jpg (440x660, 26K)

How you guys deal with the huge influx of Fate figures taking all the space and attention?

Over 50% of the stuff is Fate related, it's almost Fate Fest instead of Won Fest at this point

Are the empty squares secret ones?

Attached: EAhnMeEVUAEtHQf-orig.jpg (1000x1500, 100K)

Thank you based god

Attached: EAhmvBDUcAAcSbk.jpg (1728x2031, 202K)

i love the elegance of elves.

Attached: EAhmeZ3UYAEoAHd.jpg orig.jfif.jpg (1157x1500, 154K)

Damn they should make some more Megumin figs

Attached: EAhmlf8VAAAKLgs.jpg (2435x3653, 385K)


Attached: EAhl_k5UEAAaczf-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 447K)

Will it blend?


Is this Sophie? Spooky but sexy.

>not even painted
>scheduled for release in 2019
That's kind of weird isn't it?

Attached: EAhnFOTW4AA9MlJ.jpg (800x1033, 75K)

Is that Arknights? Cool

Attached: EAhllGBXsAUk82x.jpg (800x800, 61K)

Still not painted

Attached: EAhmwRPU4AAvgOP.jpg (954x1200, 234K)

Just have some sliver of hope that something I actually give a shit about has something shown off.

Any Girls Frontline stuff?

tomoe is getting a scale, nice

Attached: EAhm6WBUcAEc3gS.jpg (2048x1634, 221K)

Any way to filter out english shit from the twitter wonfes tag?

this is a fate thread either conform or get out.

this girl is really cute and i sort of want to tackle her to the ground and rub all over her

not that many are good too


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>Prushka scale

Holy shit

I like Fate so good for me.

>more Ryza


Attached: EAhl6idUEAAh2HZ-orig.jpg (2048x1510, 183K)

Why is Megumin playing a keytar?

my dick

Those thighs are a crime

Attached: DSC_1290-1.jpg (800x1200, 533K)

2 squares for me.

At least it isn't dead I guess.

Attached: EAhkQnRU4AAYFhu.jpg (1200x850, 77K)

Attached: EAhngu4UEAIV4kQ.jpg (900x1200, 114K)

Is that just the lighting or does her face look really flat?

>Toomoe and another Skadi fig


oh look another donut+bat

Attached: EAhl2LpUYAAUe41-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 207K)

Attached: DSC_1333.jpg (800x1200, 454K)

Thank you

The meme magic of fat thighs.

It's a little off

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if you mean Ryza, the atelier series is by Gust/Koei-tecmo

Attached: EAhlKyqU8AAONQE.jpg (2475x3712, 498K)

Fubuki is so cute!!!!

More Holo

Attached: a24b0dca12c37eaa50c0aca77fdd3a1d-1.jpg (533x800, 306K)

What's the maker on this Purple Drink?

Attached: EAhly-mUwAEf3Zn-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 265K)

I like her dick

Hobby Japan's new line Death Ball Arabaki


Where's Moriarty at, you bastards.

Who are they

Attached: EAhnq-VUIAA1vA0.jpg (2459x3689, 448K)

So far, this wonfest is amazing

best mics getting the prototype first

Attached: EAhm4wDUwAE-XPG.jpg (900x1200, 128K)

Isn't a different character from Ane Naru Mono?

My dick likes her.

Nice, though I'm liking the new one they showed off better. Surprised WHA is getting multiple scales so soon.

I wish makers would do other Monogatari characters.

Holy Mami is made by Stronger.


Attached: DSC_1304.jpg (800x1200, 485K)

Attached: EAhlLk9U0AAvJ7-.jpg (2048x1525, 315K)

Who's that cute girl.

Attached: EAhn0A3U0AA89Wy.jpg (621x1199, 91K)

boobs too small
great claws though

Looks like Bunny Girl Rin from Muse Dash.




That's a re-release.

>people asked for megumin scale in her regular outfit
>fuck it lets just make 4 megumin in random outfit
for what reason exactly ? not like a new season was announced or anything

freeing shit

Attached: EAhls9PUwAAjs2_-orig.jpg (1430x2048, 179K)

QQ's One-san. Might be the one to get.

Attached: 11f07b39d4b2e57ae3a35523d1ec58f2-1.jpg (533x800, 278K)

How's your motivation?

Attached: EAheDewU8AEZ6Eg.jpg (1200x900, 206K)

Please tell me all the ones shown for her aren't just Garage Kits.

Attached: 1564275974411.jpg (1440x1080, 193K)

Oh baby.


you are correct

Attached: EAhmK-9U4AANFLG.jpg (1536x2048, 218K)

I like Fate but none of my favorites ever get anything.

I don't even remember when they showed the prototype

Finally. It looks great.

>not like a new season was announced or anything
The movie is literally Megumin's arc.

I know someone else cares.

Attached: EAhnd90UIAA-SKJ.jpg (1195x921, 172K)

Attached: EAhoW1WU4AID3MQ.jpg (2850x2419, 392K)

You sure its not just identical to one they already put out? why would a rerelease be unpainted?

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Attached: d970e3075541f7e406182e9999ab9cfa-1.jpg (533x800, 285K)

Not sure if this is the GSC/Phat one

Attached: EAhkqTNVAAA1b4u-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 235K)

very exited for this one

Attached: 201907280104051.jpg (1108x1478, 214K)

Any pictures of Amiami's lewd figure yet?

I love Jakurai.

Cute color palette choice.

Too bad about the lack of a prototype. Also what's with the Nero? Gonna be a recolor?

Attached: EAhaxzbUYAA3onc.jpg (1536x2048, 323K)

mmmm, Gilkeks?

Look at this sad dork.

Oh yeah forgot about the movie

Any Boogiepop or Tanya?

Attached: EAhkQnNUIAA4a12.jpg (2048x1462, 154K)

Give me a SIN DT scale then we'll talk

she's the bomb

Attached: EAhn0A3U0AA89Wy.jpg (2121x4096, 665K)

Where the hell are those new bikinis they said they were gonna show off


Attached: EAhojWBVUAIuA7f.jpg (2362x3463, 511K)


Attached: EAhlAalUcAEhfKx.jpg (1536x2048, 316K)

kadokawa announcements

Attached: 201907280105011.jpg (1108x1478, 337K)

Wasn't she painted at the Shanghai WonFes?

Attached: EAhoTMDUcAAy1qM.jpg (768x1024, 88K)

What's with that Dead weight?

>actually putting effort on male scales

Attached: EAhmTpbUYAAnlu2.jpg large.jfif.jpg (1448x776, 92K)

Their faces look so off



Attached: EAhoYdxU8AA3wJK-orig.jpg (2000x3000, 586K)

what maker

I care. Thanks

Attached: EAhiy2hU0AARknN.jpg (1536x2048, 523K)

nice boots

Attached: EAhoigbU4AAnv7V.jpg orig.jfif.jpg (1536x2048, 299K)

Just how much shit is Kadokawa announcing, this is insane
me too, hope it looks as good as the gk

Not sure if I like or dislike the face

Fuck yeah

Attached: EAho2S1VAAEn9Bm.jpg (2475x3059, 369K)

This looks really cool, is it a GK?

Those perky tits and vivid paint is nice, but that face. the eyes don't really captivate me.

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unf nice crotch

Attached: EAho-i5U4AEMPpL.jpg (1536x2048, 418K)

Attached: Skytube OC.jpg (1108x1478, 148K)


Is that Asanagi?

GK? New announcement? Looks way better than Myethos

Amakuni. Its amazing.

Attached: EAhoFp_U4AEauOu-orig.jpg (1500x1124, 199K)

There it is. I was waiting.

cute bird

Grizzry Panda GK

any Genco stuff yet?


Nice motion.

Attached: EAhno0aVUAAj11c.jpg (1536x2048, 232K)

Attached: EAho2S1VAAEn9Bm.jpg (971x1200, 80K)

is that Alice in the middle far left?


Attached: EAhoiIEUYAAG-0u.jpg (800x800, 46K)

No new raildex stuff?

of course
this semen demon is getting so much stuff damn

Simple is better

Attached: EAhpWhTU0AE1i69.jpg (2391x3587, 331K)

Attached: 201907280123571.jpg (2048x1536, 268K)

I'm liking the gsc akane scale, Looks cute.

That one is 1/2.

Attached: EAhn2IeUwAAjbRU-orig.jpg (800x800, 66K)

>Magical erectile dysfunction given to K1 by God
I will never look at this terrible series the same way ever again.

Just woke up, is there ANYTHING from GBF?


Attached: EAho08dUYAAi_O0.jpg (1536x2048, 256K)

I guess Index S3 saw to that.

Attached: EAhpQWWU4AAgERw.jpg (1536x2048, 252K)

It's behind frosted glass.
Basically gaijin proof.

better shots of this girlie

Attached: EAhpLOzU8AIu8k2-orig.jpg (2427x3641, 407K)

Attached: 201907280126351.png (788x208, 84K)

Who wants another Ikkitousen fig?

Attached: EAhoyHyXoAEj6vP.jpg (800x800, 69K)

He looks flustrered, is Kotomine praising him or something?


Attached: P0007559.jpg (900x1200, 60K)

That ice cream looks delicious

>Gotta blast!


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Attached: EAY5LDLUwAAzw48.jpg (1000x1385, 168K)

parfom is sexy

Attached: EAhoy4TUIAAduWO.jpg orig.jfif.jpg (2048x1536, 394K)

Jakurai is an instant PO. Can't wait for the rest of Matenrou.

Attached: D_7R_hyUIAER593.jpg (2048x1536, 412K)


Very cute Nadeshiko

Who is this? I swear I recognise the face

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Attached: EAhpoXkUcAAWZ20-orig.jpg (2048x1152, 320K)

That's a nope for me.

Attached: EAhpn0FUYAAN7Dy.jpg (1200x800, 118K)

damn that's an instabuy for me

I actually prefer this one over Alter's but I bet I'll hate the price equally.

cute display but nothing new

Attached: EAhiSMKUwAAq3CT.jpg (2048x1536, 689K)

this is a good twist on bunny suit figures

GK by?

Those are some very sexy buns

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Jesus Christ, that's why I'm up at 3:32 AM

fucking cute



Attached: EAhpjPTUEAAqc---orig.jpg (768x1024, 132K)

wish her expression wasn't so plain, but I'll take her. Genuinely surprised that she's getting a scale for anzu or mai


Attached: EAhoU35XYAA1CNm.jpg (800x800, 59K)

>best girl on the left and right
Good shit

my dick is going to fucking explode my jesus

Nun scale when?


Attached: EAeJHBrUEAEKYEb-orig.jpg (1478x1108, 202K)

my dick

So many archetypes that make my dick hard. I hope that better lighting photos come out soon

Thank goodness it's a Sunday night, fellow central Eurobro.

Attached: EAhlidyVUAArT8m.jpg (2475x3518, 396K)

Those are just sleeping r-right?

Now that's what I was waiting for.


Attached: EAhn3j5WkAAvmNt.jpg (800x800, 59K)

They normally show them before the event on twitter, i checked yesterday and didn't see them. I'll try to dig them up if theres a new one

Attached: EAhpc08XoAAAbF6-orig.jpg (534x800, 69K)


Attached: EAhqEeTUEAA3fyd.jpg (1440x1080, 182K)

Holy shit look at this milkers

Any new Kantai Collection figures?

How stylish.

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Why is it not on amiami?

>the magical girl's mouth

Can't believe no one posted this yet.

Attached: EAhjqfhUIAEpSEa.jpg (2048x1536, 326K)

oh wow

Attached: EAhq0E6UwAE6Xrl.jpg (1498x1947, 329K)

so far just a nendie for johnston

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Attached: EAhqEHBU4AAZoyR-orig.jpg (1440x1080, 168K)

Attached: EAhp2WWVAAI7wW9.jpg (1536x2048, 235K)



>muse dash figure
holy fuck nice

Attached: EAhqvAPUwAAaXbe.jpg orig.jfif.jpg (1536x2048, 327K)

Bros, please tell me they are going to fuck this up. It looks too perfect otherwise.

Attached: EAhnvF_UcAAgS-6.jpg (1152x2048, 217K)

Attached: EAhp_kCUIAAEYch-orig.jpg (1124x1500, 234K)

Fuck that's a terrifying animatronic

Attached: whitenoize - パンダがいるんだがw #wf2019s.webm (720x1280, 1.79M)

What is this tiddy werewolf?

Attached: EAhq0E5UYAAxqvI.jpg (1315x1969, 152K)


weird shapes but ill still buy it
tickles my porcelain doll fetish in a way with those segments

Got the naked tanned/dark-skinned ones to appeal to more people

No one is allowed to like nor purchase anything other than Yumi.

>That weld

more Cheryl

Attached: EAhp-2XUEAArxUj-orig.jpg (750x1000, 87K)

That's really cute. I hope someone picks it up for a prepainted release one day but

with this technology we no longer need to preserve animals


Hey pyjamanon!
There's one for you.
You gotta be down for guppies.

Is this the Ques Q evening Sensei?

too soon

So that's where sad panda went

Oh is that time again!

Hope Never Dies!

I should probably start looking into a 3D Printer, tech is way better and cheaper by now.

Attached: Fuck You too MF.jpg (600x401, 37K)

Some company under the GSC umbrella

this won my bingo desu

Glad the panda is finding work after being cut


Attached: EAhrTeTU0AAXpDx.jpg (1536x2048, 286K)

Tits look awful.

Holy fuck

Seriously, she was pretty close to the bottom of both annis wasn't she?

Ugh, why does Miku shares it with the snake

Attached: EAhrlAkU8AAbC2-.jpg (1214x2048, 135K)

Odd choice for a bunny

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Attached: EAhrTeTU8AA3kLj.jpg (1536x2048, 315K)

Attached: EAhrlAiU8AAjJW3.jpg (1363x1494, 120K)

Flip Flappers a-user?

Attached: EAhrTeTU0AAXpDx.jpg (900x1200, 138K)

from the angle her arm/hand looks like her tit being squeezed out of her top by some black shadow hand

Attached: EAhrtdUU4AEIGxu.jpg (1137x1706, 105K)

Fucking hell why is this spider so fucking popular?

what the fuck is up with all the asanagi figures this season?

not that i'm complaining

are you making some sort of obscure reference to something?

He seems quite jovial about it.


I think its time to give up hope user. I've been looking forward to it too, but...

you are so weak

300€ each k ty bye

Attached: EAhrrjfVUAAH0IK-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 288K)

A Rikka of reasonable skirt length but still fat thighs

Attached: EAhrBfhU4AAlODU.jpg (1478x1108, 164K)

Haven't really seen anything that amazing, really. Only thing I'd probably order is Alter's Summer BB, and that won't be out til 2021 at best. Less spending is good at least.

Aoi is essentially on hold til the Shirobako movie comes out I'm guessing

Perfect. I love the different take on the bunny suit design.

Haven't seen anything, maybe next year bro

Attached: EAhrtVSVUAIdc_O-orig.jpg (1024x576, 83K)

if she's like the first entry, she's gonna have a really odd scale
the first hentai action figure was roughly 1:10


Attached: EAhr414VAAINj7d.jpg (1616x1080, 86K)

It's nearly not over yet, and they announced it next wonfes so nothing to lose now

Attached: EAhr7U5VAAEU3EP.jpg (667x1000, 66K)

Day 1 preorder.

Attached: EAYu71rUwAAZicn.jpg (1240x1757, 326K)

If I don't see any sign of the Chogokin Pacific Rim figures I guess I'm giving up hope. How many years has it been now?

Attached: EAhrVWeU0AEBcCh-orig.jpg (2220x1080, 316K)

Only Granblue thing at the event is a garage kit..

Attached: 1552085604848.jpg (457x426, 20K)

Haha nice

Attached: 7E6C0FB5-594E-4725-A315-236A220C1509.jpg (2048x1581, 409K)

any new erika stuff or raita lewds?

Attached: EAYu9UdVAAE1L3W.jpg (1342x2013, 281K)

I'm assuming he's referring to the Papika figure that was announced back when the show was airing but never shown off even in prototype.

I wish they made more Horizon figures

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Attached: EAhrATiUYAUaMwG-orig.jpg (3336x2306, 943K)

Attached: EAhr7U6UIAERsDI.jpg (667x1000, 65K)

who dis?

Oh god what the fuck happened?

Why are only shitty manufacturing making her figure, I have Alter or similar.

Attached: 201907280059441.jpg (1108x1478, 225K)

About time they made a Jimmy Neutron Nendo.

Attached: EAhpn0FUYAAN7Dy.jpg (3000x2000, 473K)

Attached: EAhscRxUwAA6DHm.jpg (2048x1536, 369K)

what did you expect

but where's the Reimoo belmont?

what a great pose

Scroll up you fucking retard

Bro I don’t wanna scroll through all the fate shit and trash

fucking nice

Holy shit

Fuck yes

>Nothing of Azur Lane
I guess it's over


>there are people still outside

Attached: EAhsQXaUcAETGzO.jpg (896x1200, 82K)

Hellooo nurse!


Attached: EAhry_pU8AcQeQs.jpg (2048x1152, 301K)

hobby dengeki having images up before they are on twitter is a dilemma. kind of ruins the flow of things.

white bunny

Attached: EAhsNwFUYAAvOj8.jpg (533x800, 29K)

i said NEW


Attached: EAhsJUWU4AEubKk-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 258K)

Those are some insane hips.

Fubuki and Ayanami

cute 2hu
now give me cool touhou where is reimu bellmont fuck

4 stuff have already been posted

Attached: EAhqnewUwAM3ME7-orig.jpg (600x600, 75K)


Wrong one.

They have my attention

Attached: EAhqi4sUEAUADtg-orig.jpg (1440x1080, 141K)

this low angle is really not helping with the already fucked proportions

Attached: duende da sorte.jpg (940x470, 39K)

fuck off cunt

Attached: IMG_20190728_033658.jpg (800x848, 83K)


a cat is fine too

Attached: EAhs5oCUYAA26MR-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 246K)

Attached: EAhs7hrUIAAF62b.jpg (900x1200, 169K)

Just once have a good face please.

Attached: EAhqYUTUEAAhLrb-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 349K)

Why is Il Duce selling dildos in a bikini?

Another one, huh? Not that I have a problem with it.

is that the blue haired cute slut ?


still not painted

Attached: EAhtF1iUYAArvtx.jpg (1908x3632, 491K)

When in doubt, blame Hood

You seem displeased

it's a prize fig

Attached: EAhtVxMUwAASpbe.jpg (1653x2046, 305K)

The Nep in the middle is very cute

Attached: EAhs9ZDVAAAehKz-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 426K)

Aww man

Why are Rin and Saber in the Kyoani booth?


Attached: EAhsI72UEAAkQcf.jpg (2000x3000, 771K)

source doesnt have a good face so its kinda hard to sculpt one

this is stupid

Attached: 07-4.jpg (800x1066, 411K)


Attached: EAhtTyzU8AU2Nem.jpg (2096x1572, 328K)

Is that a DAB?

Lucky Star characters cosplaying. Look at the eyes

Attached: EAhqUnnUEAATxjl.jpg (2233x4096, 749K)

Attached: EAhsGE_UYAIFM2N.jpg (1536x2048, 246K)

Don't bully her! It's ramune and its so they can buy a Sevomente M41!

Attached: EAhs7mKXkAAN14Y-orig.jpg (534x800, 63K)

It's the closest they have for a Violet figure
And Rin is there representing all kyoani SLUTS

Attached: 63-1.jpg (800x1066, 416K)

Im glad i dont know anything about neptunia because those scales looks as nice as they are expensive

Where's this from? Looks cute


can they cook?

i'm a bit upset the american memephrase for every shooting in existence is what took off for the kyoani twitter hashtag

Attached: EAhjThGU0AAzpRz.jpg (667x1000, 66K)

Attached: EAht0Y7UcAEOfN6.jpg (884x1200, 222K)

No way, with such a pose and this hair ?

it's a small prize figgie

Attached: EAht-_WUwAEQcUx.jpg (1536x2048, 583K)


Attached: omg.jfif.jpg (768x1024, 49K)


Attached: EAhkhF4UYAI13oy.jpg (2048x1491, 237K)

Witch Hat Atelier, there's also this.

Attached: 1564274061653.jpg (800x1057, 91K)

Attached: EAhs3dgUYAAWeOb-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 323K)

Is this a GK?

It's really telling that after K-On, Kyoani stuff got almost no merch.

>he can't read katakana

It sure has been a long wait for wonfes

Why would they try to sell one with MORE clothes on?



Attached: EAhrf2nVAAAf9F_.jpg (1536x2048, 255K)

Pretty underwhelming so far. Even GSC's page usually has a few standouts, but nothing's really screaming must have

I recognize that bulge.

check mfc, i've posted it here before

Attached: EAhuhTmUcAIdNsb.jpg (1000x666, 65K)

Holy fuck.

Call me when they go back to making boys

more like Kyoani didn't license it out because they are fanatical about keeping creative control on their own IP
dragonmaid was an exception because it's not original work, and they shopped it out to the shittiest figure companies because they wanted someone 'independent' to do it

Attached: EAhs0pbUEAEM3Qq-orig.jpg (800x800, 67K)

Attached: EAhuHfWUcAAtzXz.jpg (800x800, 130K)

Very nice. Funny how most of the GFL figures are in dresses though.

It's only the second thread, calm down.

Flipflap scale prototype!

Plamo Tony slut

Attached: EAhryJZUwAAsJzh.jpg (440x293, 11K)


More like PayForKyoani

Attached: EAhuZYxU4AAOZRw.jpg (884x1200, 162K)

Attached: EAhupQHU0AAgfvm.jpg (2048x1536, 404K)

Alvin is a boy

Attached: 42-1.jpg (800x1066, 288K)

>already leaning
Fucking epic, going to pass.

I wouldn't mind having a figure of a character in their normal ass outfit for once.

fuck they look good

They seem a bit overpriced

three wf in a row without new selvarias, fuck my life.

Attached: EAhsQXaUcAETGzO-orig.jpg (1259x1687, 145K)

This is a GK, right? I find it hard to believe anybody would make Soul Hunter merchandise in 2019.

>2nd thread
Thank fucking god

gay and handsome

Attached: EAhuYKUVAAAhf5O.jpg (1448x2048, 380K)

In the end what happened was justice for not letting us have Kobayashi+Tohru+Kanna nendos.

not when you compare to the real deal

Attached: EAht0Y7UcAEOfN6.jpg (1241x1684, 320K)

That doesn't pair well with at all.

Bro it's a 1/1 though

I know that feel, there's still a bunny.

nigga said

But there's a Crymaria, it's almost the same thing.

though japs didn't like collects, wtf happwned?

!Is this a GK

Not like theres going to be much more

Wig option?

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Attached: RAITA.png (896x770, 896K)

the all important nendo wall of stuff that wasn't online

Attached: EAhsIXaUYAAtWLt-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 588K)

Worst wonfest ever.

heh, best GK so far

Attached: EAhu1PoU0AATt9O-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 312K)

the most deadly arson since WW2
incredible how few crime jap is getting

how many bunnies are too many bunnies?

Attached: EAhqnhgUcAAHmR-.jpg (1536x2048, 319K)

Attached: EAhufIeUcAAa2OO.jpg (1152x2048, 245K)

That coord looks lewder than I remember.

This just reminded me how jewy Kyoani were with their releases. Hope the fire makes them license out their stuff to finally make some merch

Attached: EAhsKeMU0AIACwd-orig.jpg (2048x2048, 722K)

Attached: EAhvRL5UwAEiQOT.jpg (575x1095, 71K)

That's cute as fuck.

That's my line, but it doesn't actual now.

Attached: EAcgpxRUcAAP8i1.jpg (853x1280, 145K)

Muh dick, the only Raita design I like.

Attached: EAhvUtBVUAAoNUJ-orig.jpg (1366x2048, 251K)

Only things that weren't online was the gungirls I think.

prize figure small around 1/9 size



Attached: EAhsLs8UEAAmVgc-orig.jpg (2048x2048, 783K)

Attached: EAhuuFTUYAEm6-9.jpg (800x800, 76K)


All of that was online though

>deluge of fateshit
>Medusa, Kiara and Martha STILL don't have scales
Tasteless fucking Saberfags.

Attached: EAhsJZLUEAEvT5u-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 434K)

Attached: EAhvixTVAAA7L-i.jpg (533x800, 46K)

Why the fuck are Rem and Ran so popular?

no such thing

>another Sensei
>its ice version


Who is the maker?

Attached: fa.jpg (1957x3288, 637K)

It's been 84 years

Really glad I'm out of the nendo game. No fucking thanks.

Hinata might be an exception since that series will get zero figures

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.03_[2019.02.22_23.54.40].j (1280x720, 94K)

They're really going hard on these shitty racing Fate outfits.

no saber tho

There's a Medusa further up

No it wasn't

Attached: EAhsDzeX4AAqfKZ-orig.jpg (534x800, 54K)

Attached: EAhvXAJUcAAEj2Q.jpg (1000x1000, 120K)

Attached: EAhvnvaU8AAWSKs.png (575x780, 755K)

Is Megumin the new Saber?

>tiny Phil under Norman

normalfags have shitty taste


Attached: EAhu_5AUYAAuWSU.jpg (948x1485, 212K)

>bakemonogatari 10th anniversary
>no new figures or re-releases

That donut Shinobu doesn't count

>came out almost 5 years ago

Lame. Kaguya is the only one I'm remotely interested in.

This reminds me, no new Tawawas unless its another one by some goofy small company

Attached: EAhr9dvUwAA1gy--orig.jpg (1152x2048, 142K)

Nothing cuter than little girls with deadly weapons.

doesn't look as bad from this angle

It goes with the other noodle topper.

Attached: 20190210_153939-mc.jpg (1620x1850, 1.4M)

Absolute unit.


Attached: EAhv-w4U0AAf9x6.jpg (682x1024, 61K)

Attached: f.jpg (2048x1536, 450K)

>tfw barely any AL stuff
I don’t feel so good

It fucking sucks man. I guess Japan just doesn't care about the series anymore despite it still being great.

Attached: SadOugi.jpg (540x810, 100K)

God I hope so

That's a prize figure, i said scales learn to read retard.

>Massive extincting imminent
I guess they finally threw down the towel.

Attached: EAhvzWaVUAAAJXq-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 422K)

It's sayonara totsugeki now.

woa, Belfast in her wedding dress? And it looks good!
Who is the maker?

I'm still waiting for an Araragi scale

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You think that's big...

Attached: P1010338.jpg (800x662, 148K)

waiting for the china dress instead

Nagato and Mutsu got Kai Nis?

Top cute


thank fucking god. she was one of the three I wanted.




That Gil looks weird

I need to see it painted

Nevermind, just saw It's HOBBY MAX.

Nipako on the front page!

There's one user who will be overjoyed by that

Attached: EAhwMfkU4AA_f0R-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 499K)

Me too, but it’s being made by a non GSC manufacturer so I’m a bit worried it’ll look kinda shit

Seems to actually transform too.

Attached: P1010363.jpg (800x1019, 166K)

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Attached: EAhnlfxWkAEkn4M.jpg (456x680, 30K)

>almost 5 years ago
almost 5 months ago, maybe.

Attached: EAhwFAvUcAAKIbo-orig.jpg (1152x2048, 145K)

>no new KC figures
God fucking damn it.

Attached: Sad Rhino.jpg (960x720, 48K)

I'll never get a modern, regular outfit BB figure will I


Beautiful! Goodbye, college money.

On the one hand I don't know how to feel about them doing Hokusai, on the other hand I'm glad they didn't use the fucking wave at least.

Attached: 201907280139491.jpg (1108x1478, 129K)

Still no vert?


Attached: EAhw98xUwAAgxap.png (575x824, 786K)

Fate Won/Fes again.

I was expecting this prototype since it was announced in a previous wonfes

Attached: belfast wedding.jfif.jpg (1024x930, 59K)

There is no way that giant Unicron turned into that little ball

Attached: EAhxNgOUcAAw8Tl.jpg (2048x1536, 257K)


Attached: EAhvsANWkAI3-Ul-orig.jpg (533x800, 98K)

Attached: 116.jpg (600x800, 54K)

>aside from some "can't die" IPs, everything else got replaced by Fate figures

FGO has growth too powerful

Ginko a shit

There was one like two-three years ago

spotted the newfag

The paint on this one looks nice.

Fatefags need to be gassed

Why is anyone else doing this when Alter's exists?


Attached: DSC_1777.jpg (533x800, 83K)

>not having a part time job
what the hell are you doing here anyway?

Attached: EAhwez6UcAE3PNu.jpg (800x700, 59K)

So much FGO.

Attached: EAhxS1jVAAAaRcT.jpg (1200x900, 167K)

wait is hokusai being make by phat? I'm mad now

another cute FAG movie announcement

Attached: EAhva36VUAM5BPv-orig.jpg (640x360, 69K)

PLEASE don't fuck up he paint, that's all I'm asking.

>aside from some "can't die" IPs
Which ones?

Aw shit. Hopefully it's a better pose than the base art

Native incoming

Attached: EAhxXLIU8AAjv7z.png (575x722, 595K)

Because Fatefags will eat it up, why else?

What is even bigger at making money than Fate at this point, aside from Disney's money engine

Bless those sweet american tiddies


The issue with that is that it's always the most boring selection possible, they don't branch out at all unlike with KanColle and whatnot.

Okita is here.

Attached: DSC_1495.jpg (800x533, 85K)


Attached: 1764F83C-A121-42EB-AECA-892993E6CB84.jpg (955x1280, 461K)

Where's native? Where's raita? Where's BINDing?

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Attached: EAhKq7IUYAA3jTW.jpg (1000x1000, 113K)



Attached: EAhx3vhVUAEm3b3.jpg (996x2048, 203K)

Attached: EAhw1zoXYAIx_tz.jpg (1536x2048, 286K)

>Kirara Fantasia Chino

Miku, ReZero, NGNL, etc.

I want this wonda-chan

Attached: EAhxlzBU8AEFK0P.jpg (2048x1536, 487K)

Attached: EAhxxgJUIAEvF4S.jpg (800x800, 146K)

>he never saw the movie
But yeah, I don't this its happening there.

Would it make you feel better to know that the Fate series racecar crashed?

Her and that other slut look like they were designed just for my exact fetishes, but it being Trigger means I'll never give a shit about them

Not even a Belfastfag but this look nice


Attached: EAhx_cJVAAAG5oS.jpg (734x1024, 80K)


Attached: EAhuzdWU0AE-D_a-orig.jpg (1616x1080, 73K)

Free! has a ridiculously large amount of merch, but the booth was probably set up by a dude who either didn't care for it or wanted to show their more "classic" stuff.

No, the noodle stoppers go together. The Wing Rin figure is completely different.

Attached: Kaneel1561600058.jpg (996x747, 127K)

Attached: EAhxwhZUEAADPW0.png (575x849, 742K)

Chris is still unpainted

Attached: EAhyFEmU8AAsGSf.jpg (995x1847, 111K)

Majin Okita-san, daishouri!


That's it, I'm going to download FGO right fucking now.

Not even turbo Fateshits will buy the same exact figure twice. At least Sabers come in different outfits most of the time. This is the same Jalter in almost the same pose


Attached: EAhyKfNUIAEs6cm.png (575x796, 721K)

>dat Milim


Attached: 806000.jpg (600x600, 110K)

Attached: EAhxPosUIAAla0s.jpg (1536x2048, 524K)

Or wasnt a fag

Attached: EAhuoiJUcAITmeC-orig.jpg (1810x2048, 256K)

Attached: EAhkQtdUwAEhb4o.jpg (2439x3658, 449K)

whats wrong with her heaaaaaaaaad

Are they gonna make both normal and tan version?

>nekopara figma
I guess they just want money at this point, a far outcried from years ago when they refused to make anything new.

>welfare gets QuesQ

RIP slutty oni

Attached: 201907280208021.jpg (1108x1478, 225K)

That seems to be the Implication. And you can see the planet shell on it's legs. My guess is there may be parts of the robot form you just remove and set aside for the transformation.

Attached: P1010343.jpg (800x929, 208K)

Cute granny

Attached: EAhypgAUIAAuGWa-orig.jpg (2047x1410, 284K)

Miku, Idolmaster, Kancolle, Touhou, etc

Yuta is so lucky

Looks nice but seeing wasted food like this is unbearable to me.

Attached: EAhxXNoU8AEifcM.png (575x816, 698K)

I do on campus, but I resume work in mid-August.

Attached: EAhyh0KUwAE202c.jpg (575x941, 40K)

Right looks like a rotisserie chicken.

Native time?

It's ok a cake is barely food.


Attached: EAhyb93UYAAMAMq-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 631K)

Attached: EAhy3NXUEAAtpyv.jpg (900x1200, 152K)

I support all anime ayylmaos

Fucking hell

Attached: EAhyTYZVUAAXpY2-orig.jpg (2048x1152, 345K)

very shit wf so far, only native might save it.

Attached: EAhw1zoXYAIx_tz.jpg (510x680, 47K)

Attached: EAhzSyGUYAYL_hk.jpg (1536x2048, 248K)

lol bye bois


More jojo nendoroids

Attached: 59C55113-343A-4281-ACA0-8F023FE04838.jpg (2048x1536, 506K)

Attached: EAhynvjUEAA8os_.jpg (1639x2048, 308K)

Imagine having to take a loan out to buy a fucking figure

Pop up parade really aiming for the casual audience here

Attached: EAhySi7UwAEvDAW-orig.jpg (960x1706, 183K)

Yeah, but the body's proportions seem off.

Attached: EAhy-FKVUAAE1dF.jpg (2048x1536, 278K)

>Your head will never be crushed by those thighs

Attached: 1552264734657.jpg (301x300, 14K)

Oh my god

Attached: EAhy4bsUEAE9Wgl.png (575x830, 758K)

Did someone say totsugeki?

Attached: EAhyHe3U0AEUmmr-orig.jpg (2048x1536, 368K)

Attached: EAhzuu1U8AEZXnP.jpg (1873x1919, 663K)


Attached: EAhy-nvU8AAgUUf.jpg (2048x1535, 384K)

Not enough clocks

Attached: EAhzgPYUIAA6U7g?format=jpg.jpg (800x800, 59K)

Attached: EAhz1wXU8AAALfO.png (575x665, 491K)

Your Name would have gotten these too but it was too early so they got full figures.

Attached: EAhz0P0UIAA3Fb-.jpg (1536x2048, 301K)

So does that make three Ryza scales?

>1ka and 3ku
I need

The fuck happened to her face

Alter only revealed this?

>no love live anywhere
FUCK fart grand/odor

Attached: EAh0Bo4UIAcGGZl.jpg (1108x1478, 267K)


Attached: EAhzYTDVUAEQc3U.jpg (800x800, 72K)

Attached: 201907280211291.jpg (1108x1478, 291K)

I can't keep up with all of these clocks damn it.

Great pair of figure to have while camping and burning down mountains.

I thought KanColle got taken over by Azur Lane.

Attached: EAh0BpBVUAAP5we.jpg (1108x1478, 241K)

Attached: 201907280211391.jpg (1108x1478, 263K)

Guess I'm buying something after all.


Attached: EAh0MwKUYAA0RJF.jpg (2048x1536, 222K)

Attached: 201907280211341.jpg (1108x1478, 218K)

cmon that hardly ever happens

Attached: EAhyAfVUYAAZHgV-orig.jpg (1616x1080, 121K)

>obvious thong is obvious.

Absolutely impressive work, you two

cute, though would prefer if it wasn't the same pose as existing art

Attached: 1536891342601.gif (367x265, 558K)

Attached: 201907280211361.jpg (1108x1478, 213K)

Still no prototype

I feel like I see these two every time. These aren't new right?

So I'm guessing they don't have anything physical to show for this? I'm so excited

It hasn't. Azur Lane is sustaining itself but Kancolle still has its diehard fans in the doujin community

KC is too powerful to just get "taken over", they'll be coexisting for a long time.

Image limit


>still not painted
What the fuck, native


The game is not even out in jp and she is getting figures, fuck you japan you never gave a decent Sophie fig!



Only: lucky star, haruhi, k-on, free
chuu got some stuff, so did dragon maid
everything else is done in house, they even did some k-on figures in house iirc

>he fell for the shitposting

They would have gone with the white version instead of the coated one anyway.


Did FGO players rape you as a child, Yea Forums?

they look like 1/35 figures for models

I have been waiting.

Kotobukiya is rerelease Mayoi.

I thought image limit was 250