ITT: god tier couples

ITT: god tier couples

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Did the worst girl really win?

You mean the only good girl?

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Reminder that 8man will NEVER EVER love Irohasu, no matter how much you self-insert into him. Don't fret however, Irohasu is the poster girl for enjou kousai.

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>irowhore, shitzuka, whoreuno, ewwy, sucky, thotsuka, maishit, cuckguya a shit!

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literally and figuratively

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You may not like it, but this is peak romance.

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didnt wario get ashley or something?

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Aren't they siblings ?


I reallyliked this one

Know what I hate? When there is a battle harem anime where the dude starts off weak and is just sorta there. But then he becomes op as hell and the ladies are now practically useless. Would be nice if there was one manga or anime where the dude doesnt become op but still has his moments and the focus never deviates from the women too much.

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goat manga

Can't wait for season 3

Yes, and?

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>god tier couples thread
>barely any age gap ones posted

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Cute and (literally) god-tier.

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You ask for God tier couple, I'll give you Godzilla tier couple.

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the best

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Is 580 years enough of a gap?

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The cat/wolf ruined it

Top tier taste

>when shit manga have great couples

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Cant wait for this series to end

This is a shit example, she's a walking meme. Basically a bunch of manga and Jap cliches about prudishness, obedience/law and inflexibility thrown together and then the author tries to make it good by hamfisting some gapmoe with 'lol actually her heart tells her she wants it lolololo' shit.

It annoyed me just to read that crap, and the MC actually puts up with it rather than trying to fight his corner or explain why her stupid opinions are flawed.

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Are you complaining that a teacher is hesitant to fuck a student? Where do you live where that shit isn't punished hard?

She's hesitant to do much, much less than that. Also she attaches maturity and adulthood to an arbitrary, government defined age; her mentality is that one hour before his birthday it's morally and not just legally wrong but that one hour after his birthday everything is ok. That's both retarded and annoying, she has a stick up her ass.

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This is probably one of the best there is.

How the heck Ao got 3rd place!?

I don't want it to end bros

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I heard she did something bad at the end and Japs are mad at her.


Do these two just mega lez out in the second season or what? I finally got around to watching the first season and Hifumi was barely in it at all. I felt baited

Gorilla went with the "Nobody hooks up" route

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>the series where every other girl is better than the main girl

Oops, wrong pic.

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That's not Aqua.

two kinds of anons

I want Chadano to impregnate me.

Read this in one sitting out of curiosity. I have my reservations but it's cute overall. Wish this wasn't one of those "get together at the end" pairings

The new chapter's out by the way

God when will someone get around to translating the sequel? I'm not entirely sure but I think they appear later on

Based Gorilla. Best part about the ending.

Cheers for the heads up user.

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>>when shit manga have great couples
side couples are usually superior to the main.

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only good think to come out of that shitfest

That is a statutory rapist.
This is also a statutory rapist.
Say mean things about them!

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If you think that's bad check this shit out.

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Based. Too bad their show sucked

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Is this a sequel or something?

Based and coon-pilled.

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me + my waifu

They're the only reason I'm making my way through that show. I just don't give a shit anymore about whatever happens by the end, or if anything gets resolved.

look what you forced me to do

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Lovely couple

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second best

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Get on my level.

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Don't forget about their daughter and her man.

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>Bully target
She is the best one out of them

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based and witchpilled

that's cute too

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Aren't they siblings ?

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What the fuck is this strange feeling when you feel love for a character but only through another character?

>no good ongoing manga about an age gap couple where the younger one is more mature and the older one is bratty
It hurts in more than levels than I even thought possible



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Manbagi/Komi, pls

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>ywn be in a cute vanilla relationship

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Hina isnt the worst girl though

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I enjoyed their flirting a lot.

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You know I'm right

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Not gay, just friends.

Their quippy 'banter' felt so forced and unnatural.

yes and blood related too.

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ok user whatever you say

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really? on the contrary it felt natural to me.
but i never had a girlfriend so what do i know eh

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No, it was forced as fuck

I say it's clearly a close, platonic friendship.

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*Blocks your path*

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Needs mom too

But user, we all know threesome/foursome is the proper ending.

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It's too bad his mom didn't go all the like his sister.

>all the way*
I wish I could edit my post.

came here to post this. Cheerio!!

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Yamato needed to make her jealous instead of trying to impress her. Then he has a threesome with Miyako added in.

You forgot about the series we're all waiting for BDs of.

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it looks like you posted a wrong picture. Here, let me fix that for you. No need to thank me.

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This was much better than I originally anticipated.

Why is OP‘s pic so underrated?

You mean the couple or the series? It's okay but nothing in particular sticks out about it.

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Wormslut a shit. HF should have been an Ilya route.

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The best couple desu.

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Soon-to-be canon.

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Is this really that good?
I seen Yea Forums praise it, but I felt that it was so god damn sweet that I could not get into it at all when I read few chapters of it.

There were some point when FeMC were simply so completely accepting of the MC that I could not help but wonder if they were human beings. Its like they were Ken and Barbie kind of "made" to get to each other, rather than they evolved their relationship to get to that point.