Dragon Ball Super

What's next for Moro?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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God damn it Jirenbro, you're too fast for me.

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I like Goku and sucking dick.

Who is the strongest mortal? The answer is MUI gogeta.

based gokuchad


Entering this thread.


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Mirror mirror on the wall who's the weakest DB character of them all?

He's all tuckered out.


Attached: JirenFeel.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>what's next for moro
His gang fighting all of the z-fighters
Each getting thier own time to shine in probably what will be the best team fight in the series to date.
Broly being recruited into the z fighters to help fight against moro.
Moro becoming the first oppenent the crew will activity plan and coordinate attacks to defeat.

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Bros... What is this rumbling?

>His gang fighting all of the z-fighters
>Each getting thier own time to shine in probably what will be the best team fight in the series to date.
Holy fuck that would be sweet.

Not sure about Broly, though. He's just had an arc.

I don't know about that, but I know that Merus performed better against base Goku than Jiren.

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>this obsessed with a shitty edit


Hey user, what do you want to see happening after the Moro arc is over? What would your headcanon be from that point on?

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it makes sense that south americans love dragn ball so much since they all look like this after getting bit by zica mosquitoes


the turtle.

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Is this really being cucked? I mean he is the most powerful mortal in existence its a multiversal constant for women to want to fuck him.

Can Hercule even beat Oolong?

I feel it too.... it's not normal though.... it feels like reality itself is shaking.....

You forgot to take the vibrator out.

Probably, isn't Satan actually pretty strong for an average human?

How can an infinite void rumble? The correct word is vibrate and it shouldnt bepossible to feel those vibrations because its more like a distortion in spacetime or some shit meaning you wouldnt feel a thing but would see your existence deforming around you due to Jiren's power level fucking up the spacetime fabric in said dimension or something.

He will become Freeza's new buddy that was foreshadowed in the end of the Broly movie. Goat-lizard combo will happen soon

Attached: freeza do amor.jpg (1280x718, 139K)

Yes, Oolong strength is the same no matter the form he is in. Puar on the other side would wreck Hercule

God I fucking love sucking dick

El Cabron will eat Frieza's empire and Frieza will come running to his best buddy Goku-sama and beg for help.

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Sadala Arc. I wanna see what U6 has to offer. It has enough similarities with U7 to make it familiar and grounded, but probably enough differences to make it unique.

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We know Toeibro. You probably love eating shit, too.

U12 arc, there must be something important happening there taking in the consideration it's the universe where the first time traveler came from

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you already said that gokubro.

I hope Moro becomes the first character to turn Beerus into a jobber, he had easy for too long so far

Can Puar turn into a gun?

Yes, he can transform as anything he wants for as long as he wants. Oolong can only do it for 5 miutes however.

he will be sodomized by ISIS members as the good goat he is

Anything you desire

Attached: Puarus.png (1431x893, 1.37M)

>get in my Pride-Trooper-themed Lambo
>drive to the gym where I have the sole membership as I purchased the building
>pump irons for about 3 hours, bench 450 as a warmup
>jog 5 miles to the prestigious university I intentionally live close to
>don't bother showering, my natural chaddish musk is a blessing to all
>acknowledge the myriad greetings I receive from various professors with casual waves as I make my way down the halls
>enter the philosophy classroom, lecture on wabi-sabi and mushin and how Jiren the Gray espouses these philosophies
>wave off the professor's insistence to replace him yet again
>acknowledge the awed applause I receive from the enlightened class with a casual wave as I exit
>jog the 5 miles back to my Lambo
>get in and do 80 all the way home, cops won't bother pulling me over since they know who I am
>drive up my half-mile long driveway, pausing to critique the work my landscapers have done (they're Brolyfags)
>enter my five-story 120000 square foot mansion
>gaze out across the 100 acres of land I own
>more Brolyfags are busy pushing down corn stalks to make a crop circle impression of Jiren's face
>sit down at my tri-monitor octo-core PC
>boots near-instantly thanks to the latest SSD
>hear my Titan GPU humming
>Jiren the Gray gazes proudly upon me from my desktop background
>mutter "For the Grayy Church" as I open my homepage (Dragon Ball Super threads)
>see Jirenscholars already dominating the new thread
>smile, all is right in the world

Attached: smirkren.png (1365x740, 377K)

Never happening lmao.

>Puar transforms into Beerus
>Fights Goku
>Goku gets deleted from existence 3 minutes into the fight

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Came in late, so:

An easy joke to make about Ultra Instinct is in its nature. Moving unconsciously. Just point out how Goku always manages to lose to Vegeta in canon (even when he shouldn't) despite 'being stronger' (as many like to point out though sometimes in error about the facts). Maybe suggest he does it to put his Prince over on purpose (maybe out of admiration/loyalty being his vassal, or perhaps he's just gay for him). Perhaps he'll instinctively see his body move on its own (putting the back of his naive, unguarded head right to the hammerfist Flanderizers of his master).

Vegetable tops Carrot in the end as his (Superman-lite in the ENG dub) personal kryptonite (natural predator of Goku types), which is why I congratulated Zammy in the past for doing what Goku nor Ginyu could. Regarding the picture, I saw some were too pleased with it, so I simply made it my own. That the form proved self-defeating (like SS3 and KK) in its debut (like all save for SS1 with Goku if I remember right) was just another angle to work.

I'd already addressed a bug-brain pushing for multipliers, but there is a lizardfag that I need to get back to (keeps insisting Goku didn't defeat Jiren alongside the midge slum lord, and wasn't even an assist though it is obviously the case). Ideally, I won't run out of time when I'm ready to head back and reply, but time will tell.

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It is odd Billy isn't on this list, but Scratch is (hasn't had his turn yet as with Hop, whom complimented the handsome Vegeta who took her out to prevent the clown from jobbing again).

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>you could suck beerus' cock if puar or even oolong would turn into him

>thread starts with filler Toyopaco shit
Ruined already.

Enter Moro.

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Hercule beat Cell and Buu, you idiot. What else, you think Master Roshi and Jackie Chun are the same person?

What the fuck is that thing? It's fucking horrifying

Well, Beerus is in the "Cats who defeated Goku" club, but that image you posted with Puar, Scratch and Korin is pretty old as far as I'm aware, so probably Beerus wasn't even created by then.

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My spic-canon is that is makes the user the absolute strongest they could be at that point without literally ripping their body apart. So as their potential increases so does the potential output of UI. This is why angels are so fucking OP, because they're constantly using UI and they don't have an upper limit.

Are you anons excited for the future of DBS.

That being, it ends with DBGT.

Attached: Behold_and_COPE_with_this_powerful_reminder.jpg (500x819, 114K)

>actually shilling GT

You went too far, Toeispic

>Tien and Yamcha missed all of Namek where Goku and co fought alongside Vegeta and watched him die in battle
>Died, hung out for a few months, and came back to the guy who killed them chilling out and fucking Bulma
It's the hard knock life

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Taxidermy'd goat

what the fuck is that thing? it's horrifying

When have Scratch and Goku ever interacted you disingenuous little Vegetacuck?

Oolong's Beerus would be short though, just like his Bulma.

fucking BASED Jirenscholar, holy shit
what an inspiration


It's a fucking goat you fucking retards, are you stupid?

Manga UI never had an explanation for its power, it's just severing consciousness and that's it. But that obviously can't be all there is to UI because you still need raw power to hurt someone. If that changed then Toyo simply fucked up and retconned a major fact about the DB universe, no more blocking with your face receiving zero damage. Or there is a powerup and it's never justified.

The anime for all its issues actually gives an explanation to UI, it's called the state of the gods (神の領域, kami no ryōiki) and also the limit breaking power of the gods (限界を超えた神の力, genkai o koeta kami no chikara). The pretty clear implication being that it's literally the transformation of Angels, and yes that's probably why they have white hair. Given what an absolutely ridiculous power boost it is, you can't possibly justify it with anything resembling "drawing out all your potential" (even God forms surpass the natural limits already). It is something that breaks the mortal limits entirely and gives you a colossal flat boost (not a multiplier) to put you at Angel tier. Hence why the bodies of even someone as strong as Goku who can 20x Kaioken without a problem, can't actually handle it.

Based FITLITren.

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>Even after coming back, Vegeta is powerless to stop Yamcha from living there.
Kek and based.

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Take the Hearts pill.

>Extremely charismatic with a fantastic seiyuu, unique suave personality unlike previous villains (and unlike Moro being a retread of Piccolo)
>Gimmick powers (mind reading and gravity control) are unique for the franchise, and not retreads like Moro's drain and magic
>Unique among DB villains in establishing a 'legion of doom' consisting of other villains, established and new, who are as powerful or more powerful than him, including fan favorite Zamasu, rather than going it solo or surrounding himself with minions who are near-powerless by comparison
>End goal of killing the gods is a logical next step for a villain after Super and an interesting contrast with Zamasu, as opposed to Moro wanting to take over the galaxy because he hates peace
>Awesomely fashionable jacket, clearly a big guy for the multiverse
>Can turn into a Super Saiyan for no reason, knows what the fans want and will give it to them
>His fight with Goku has been by far the high point of the SDBH anime

There's no reason to pretend to be enjoying the Moro arc just because it's semi-canon. Take the Heroes pill.

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there is no evidence than anyone other than the angels are angel tier you headcanoning mexican chucklefuck

>his body couldn't handle it because it's not ready for angel-tier levels of power
>this also clearly shows that even at SSBKKx20 he's nowhere close to Whis
This actually makes sense.

>use angel power
>not angel tier


If you can be literally any DB character (non-canon or not) who would you be?

Heroes makes me cringe more than Multiverse.


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Ah, a fellow Jirenprofessor! Just the other day I was asked to guest lecture at Harvard on how CHADren embodies certain traits of Zoroastrianism. I'm preparing my expose presently, but I decided to take a break and see what intellectual pontifications were underway in the DBS threads that we rule. It's been a busy week, I must say, what with the guest lecture at Yale on Monday (Jiren and quantum theory, as his power exists on the quantum level and thus provides many fascinating insights into this hitherto-largely-unexplored realm) and the lecture at Berkley on Wednesday (how Jiren the Gray completely reshaped literature and philosophy).

Adult Gohan or Vegeta. Nobody wants Chi chi over Videl or Bulma

Shut the fuck up you pathetic, overweight weeb.

But what if it does end with DBGT?

Take the pill user, forget about canon and sense and have fun.

Attached: Zamasu and Hearts.webm (1920x1080, 1.23M)

>Galactic Emperor
>Absurdly gifted from birth
>Can train for four months to be SSB-tier
>Can force all of my minions to wear speedos
>Get lots of chicks with my power, wealth, and cultured demeanor
Is it even a choice?

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The multiverse shit ruined DB it was fine just being centered in Universe 7.

I dunno, user, what if you were an actual worthwhile person? Shut the fuck up. Shut the FUCK up and kneel.

The multiverse shit doesn't matter to the current arc at all.

They already blew it by having jiren as the strongest.
They'll have to introduce new and stronger characters. But from where?

Could this dude not regenerate? Why does he have an eyepatch?

>m-maybe Goku unlearned God form somehow
>m-maybe Trunks and Mai broke up
>m-maybe Shin and Kibito potara fused again for no reason (after wasting a DB wish specifically on defusing)
>m-maybe Pilaf aged really really fast
>m-maybe the universe spontaneously gained massive amounts of life after Super confirmed it to be near barren
>m-maybe Beerus and Whis just left earth because they stopped liking the food
>m-maybe Hell spontaneously warped from what it was in RoF/Super to what it is in GT

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Im certain GP sees everything that happens in all universes meaning you cannot conspire to overthrow Zeno as GP already knows but wants to see how far you will go before he has to get an angel to delete you.

I don't know if it's necessarily bad that Jiren is the 'strongest'. He's the strongest one they found. There might be more hidden around, unless I missed some part where they said "Well we used this SUPER scouter and we found the strongest that way"

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>Dude transformation ex machina
Has completely destroyed this series.

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In penance for his sins, which quite poetically embodied the very thing he was so against, he now has to view only half the world: the ugly half. Such a beautifully, masterfully-written character, my fucking god


Maybe one day you'll learn to stop being so autistic.

Grand Priest literally brought Goku right to fight Hearts and then fucked off, he doesn't see them as a threat at all.

>Grand Priest ran away like a little pussy
Confirmed that the statements about his power mean nothing. Feats>ALL.

Well, anything can be done. Even asspulls.

Was it ever explained why Beerus was unaware of Buu? Buu killed almost all supreme kais, if Shin was killed too so would Beerus.

Cope, GTspic.

Based Zamasuphilosopher. Truly the wisest class of posters.

Not an argument.

They already have. nuBroly

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>I dunno
I guess so
> Shut the fuck up
Please stop being mean to me.
>Shut the FUCK up and kneel.
Now wait a second there user.

Are you saying, that it isn't possible for the DB series to end with DBGT?

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He knows any of the angels can kill him.

Shut your fucking mewling canid muzzle and KNEEL, you pathetic, drooling dog! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR SUPERIOR MASTER! AT ONCE!

What is Jiren's official height

(and Broly's height too)

Angels are neutral.
Jiren has no official height, full power Broly is 3m.


Attached: goku joins in.png (400x568, 139K)

GT will most likely be remade or have ideas stripped from it.

If you watch Broly's second coming, you can see Broly's forearm is bigger than Gohan's torso. Sure he was nerfed in Super but he's still huge in LSSJ form

>incomprehensible ESL babble


Well then, in that case, Broly is technically taller than Jiren.

But well just have to wait, until Jiren's height is known.

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Angels are neutral but will fuck you up if you threaten the pecking order.

>Normally doesn't care about anyone but himself
>Has no insecurities whatsoever
>Constantly improving which makes for an interesting life
>Extremely talented

Holy seething

The obvious answer is CHADchad cha CHAD.

The onyl corect answer

Attached: ji goddamn ren.png (1359x731, 584K)

>Has no insecurities whatsoever

Only one: Bejita-sama refuses to kiss his wife.

Hearts is a good character concept and only lacks good execution. And his VA is great.

Nice headcanon, shitgetatrash

>no securities
Ho ho.

Attached: 2-0.png (1024x741, 438K)

>GT will most likely be remade or have ideas stripped from it.
This intrigues me and is very interesting to say the least.

I would welcome a new DBGT. However, it will need to have similarities to the old DBGT.

The reason for this, is to appease the DBGT fans.

(Of which I'm confident most of you are).

Attached: GTVetega1236.jpg (504x450, 43K)

>A pathetic socially isolated incel who was surpassed in power, all he had in his life
Sad life.


>Copelycamel whimpering

>surpassed in power

Never happened. Cope.

Nice fanspiction, Paco the Taco.


that's reserved for manly features

>Takes Pedroes seriously
>Calls others ESL


Animeren had friends before El Diablo killed everyone.

>no arguments
Looks like you're 0-2 as well. Cope.

Now what the fuck did you mean by this?

What's DB's version of a incel?

>Shut your fucking mewling canid muzzle and KNEEL, you pathetic, drooling dog! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR SUPERIOR MASTER! AT ONCE!
user, attempting to assume, that bringing humble anons to their knees, is not a feasible concept.

I'm afraid, you will just have to come to terms coping.

>can't even stutterpost right

Not an argument. I win.

He might have just been asleep. Or it never came up in morning brunch with Whis.

a brolykek

A DB fan.

He was just in the time. Was barely close with anyone.
Boring refuted garbage, what can I say?
Kek you just couldn't refute it, cry for me, bitch

>you will just have to come to terms coping
>incomprehensible ESL babble

There is nothing to refute since you didn't make an argument. I win again. Cope.

>absolutely BTFO
Wow, this is sad. Even in defeat you continue to ULULATE.

Do you feel that your presence here is fruitful when all you do here is trying to force this sentence?



Attached: jobjeta NEVER won and is always inferior.jpg (1920x1080, 563K)

>when all you do here is trying to force this sentence
>incomprehensible ESL babble

Attached: Gokek vs Cell.jpg (1024x741, 110K)

Kek pathetic

And yet..... 2-0

>s-s-stop calling me out for my butchery of the English language! Y-You're pathetic!
Cry. Cry for me, dog.

But you don't have a dick.

>acknowledges the image with and yet
>posts something that completely contradicts it
Shitgetafags are just dumb.

It's just really pathetic when that's all you do here. You make no arguments and think that pointing out grammatical mistakes is somehow winning? SAD.

>Make no arguments
I'll make an argument when you give me something of substance that is worth arguing against.

Nothing about the image that shouldn't be acknowledged, none of it contradicts the fact that Bejita is 2-0 after all.

Attached: 1-0 rent free in gokeks head.jpg (763x1269, 707K)

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>And now Cell joins in
These threads keep getting more hilarious

What would Goku and Vegeta think of these threads of they were real?

Kek, fucking Copearot

>to dominate ever thread
BASED ESLrendog!

No, that's all you ever do which is pretty fucking pathetic. Sorry if I'm repeating myself but it's just that.

Attached: Chads of A.webm (800x480, 2.87M)

>Cell lived after self-detonating, but the explosion killed Goku
How the fuck is that possibly a loss for him?

>new IP
Don't intrude upon the conversations of other, better men, you simpering dog.

Goku wouldn't give a shit
Vegeta would condemn the entire website but also secretly be one of the most active posters in /dbs/


>Tardku fags

They are the archetype of the wojak crying behind the mask, posting nonsense along with smug Goku avatarfagging when internally they are fucking crying (just look at how that one autistic Vegetafag makes them have meltdowns).
Remember that time a Copekufag bumped a thread by himself for HOURS trying to keep it alive because noone would join? I sure do.

Beerus is the strongest. The only thing that can beat him for now, is his own fucking laziness.

Hell, I can just see Beerus and Whis fucking off and Beerus taking another nap for the next hundred-something years or whatever, thus ending his arc permanently.

God, if that happens I will be so salty.

Attached: Beerus-Facts-Featured.jpg (1800x900, 115K)

Cope, dog, COPE.

Beerus has been surpassed by like half the main cast, cope.


*shits his pants in fear of the antagonists Goku regularly beats*

Of course user.

There are DBGT fans worldwide.

Sure, some anons dislike it, and that's ok.

Actually I like Vegeta, but I engage in these arguments because Im completely insane.

Remove your posts from Jiren’s board, domestic cat.

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Based and Holy.

>Nothing about the image that shouldn't be acknowledged, none of it contradicts the fact that Bejita is 2-0 after all.
Kek thanks for further proving it
>rent free
Kek Goku doesn't even care for Shitgeta while surpassing Goku was Jobgeta's life goal. He never could KEK

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Anyone who likes Gross Taco is objectively wrong and should be executed.


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>replying with nonsense

So this is the level of coping that Copekus are on... 2-0 literally destroyed their mind.

>The fighter lived after he lost and the battle was over so it's not a loss xD
Kek keep crying
>Better men
Awww Shitrenfriend...

>what's next

Attached: goat score.png (1025x741, 424K)

>daring to challenge a great scholar like me

>Literally mentioned a canon plot point
I see that you just want to run after realizing that you have nothing to say. Okay, run Shitgetabitch. Don't let me see you here again.

>J-Jiren-sama, please let me sleep inside, my kennel is too cold.

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Looks like Vegetafags are getting a little uppity today...

Attached: RjedgAK.png (1920x1080, 1.36M)

>Manga UI never had an explanation for its power
Stop reading here. Manga UI never had an explanation for its power because it never had any power, just skill, retard

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>says the spammer of a literal headcanon and who doesn't shy away from twisting every fact from the series to make shitgeta look "good"
GokuCHADS are the best here, cope and cry.

Quiet, pale lizard.

Attached: CHADren discovers that shiny lizards make excellent punching bags.gif (540x304, 1.53M)

Whatever happened to the CHADforce? I miss them

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>Attacks that exploit openings are not true strength
>Attacks that are effective are not true strength
Why is he so fucking retarded bros?

Why? I thought it was pretty good, I actually won. You could only comment about the IP which is, you guessed it right? PATHETIC

>image is talking about powerlevels, not victories
Like I already said: Nothing in the image refutes that Vegeta is 2-0 over Goku. Hence, your reply was nonsense.
I'm sorry you can't handle the truth about 2-0, I know it makes you super upset. But you'll just have to learn to cope.

Name a DB character that has literally never took an L

We tolerate you in these threads but don’t get cocky.

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All Jobren can do is punch hard, the retard can't even grasp the idea of winning without overpowering someone in a beam/fist clash

>he continues digging his grave deeper
I notice all you do is cry about me not arguing with you while simultaneously refusing to provide any actual arguments with which I could have an intellectual chess match. Of course, this is obviously because you fear my titanic mental prowess, which is honestly the smartest move you've made thus far.

If dragonball super or whatever the fuck it's called ever comes back, can we PLEASE get a timeskip of somesort.

I want trunks and goten to be the same age they were at the end of dbz and I want bra and pan to grow up too. I want them to train with kale and caulifla and go on their own adventures like goten and trunks.

>I'm sorry Goku-San, the kennel Hearts-Sama has condemned me to is too small...

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Based lizardally

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CHADchad cha CHAD

Hey Jirenfags, how does it feel knowing that you'll never be on GODku's level?

Truly, you are all masters of the cope.

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I Just read the first sentence and I already know this is the most based post I've seen all week.

>this fighter who killed his opponent lost and the one who died was the winner, because I say so
Go away, Trudeau.

Nobody cares what you want you fucking taco.

>this pic

I care what I want. Fuck off retard.

Too bad nobody else gives a fuck. Now be silent.

>Too bad nobody else gives a fuck. Now be silent
Clearly you do dumbass. You keep replying and giving me those sweet (you)s

Why the fuck arent Goten and Trunks taller in Super?

>all these jobbers mentioned in this thread

Attached: CHADpreist.jpg (750x556, 49K)

>admitting he's nothing but a worthless Mexican shitposter
My hedges still need trimming, Carlos. Get to work.

Go mow it yourself you lazy fuck. You're too much of a fat pig to do any sort of exercise other than walking to the fridge. Did mommy not make you enough tendies today?

>no feats

>this much seething projection
Enough, Carlos, enough! Get back to work AT ONCE or face the loss of your situation and the one-room shack so graciously provided to you.

>toeikeks are now defending Heroes
>toeikeks think push someone to the ground (that everyone with telekinesis can do) and read minds (that even Shin can do) is a new power
>toeikeks think these two powers and make boxes is more than what Moro has even when he can use two of them but Hearts can't do most of Moro's tricks
>toeikeks think a villain commanding lesser villains is new
>toeikeks defending not saiyans going Super Saiyan in Heroes (Mira, Fu, now Hearts)
>toeikeks think the canon arc that continues the story after the ToP and DBS Broly is "semi-canon"
Jesus christ


Attached: 1533694947730.png (536x301, 94K)

ESL confirmed.

>stops the strongest GoDs with one finder each
>also implying he needs feats anyway, when he has been confirmed as the strongest fighter ever
You lost

>muh feats
Cope and concede mutt

Attached: 9ZUJFhL.png (910x512, 794K)

>ignores the rest of the image
Go back and read it slowly this time and CRY.

>millisecond in-between
>on a movie that declared being experimental on the visuals

My guy, are you autistic or something? All this fixation on mexicans makes you think you aren't right in the head or have a fetish for getting dicked by a spanish gangster.

Enter Chadren

Attached: Dragon_Ball_Super_page_9.jpg (1061x1500, 282K)

Cell didn't kill Goku, Goku killed himself by dragging Cell away kicking and screaming against his will and had him explode away from the earth and thus winning against Semi Perfect Cell. What happened later is irrelevant to Goku.

Wrong. Goku conceeded: 1-0.


Attached: 0208-011.jpg (1066x1600, 246K)

If these threads manifested into a single being what would it look like? What would it even act like?

>while simultaneously refusing to provide any actual arguments
I can't just count on a Jobrentard to follow the flow of a simple exchange, can I? You are just that dumb

Goku died, Cell lived: 2-0.


Attached: 0219-013.png.jpg (1066x1600, 277K)

Write proper English if you wish to remain within the premises of the CHADS' den.

i want to fuck /dbs/

Attached: 1560776144762.jpg (752x1024, 72K)

That was only a battle which was lost intentionally as part of his plan which ultimately succeeded.

Honestly, I could really go for some tendies right now bros.


Would Jiren unironically or ironically eat these?

Attached: Keto-air-fry-chicken-tenders.jpg (1200x1500, 597K)

>3 instances of him talking about power, not victories (irrelevant)
>one non-canon instance (which doesn't imply he's never defeated him)
>one instance of him promising to beat Gokek after Buu arc (again doesn't imply he's never done it before)

What's this? It almost looks like nothing in the image refutes the 2-0. Just like I said.
Of course, none of this really matters even if he WAS claiming this, because Vegeta's opinions on the past doesn't change what actually happened. Much like he claimed he killed people on Earth when it was actually Nappa, and so on.

And here's the part where you fail to refute my arguments and sperg out with irrelevant babbling, desperately trying to hide your loss.

>Cellcuck lost it and is spamming refuted arguments still
Cell is
>Dead and never coming back
>Has only wins against Jobgeta kek
>Lost to Goku

Obviously Yamcha.

>superhuman abilities
>cool moves
>dated Bulma at her prime
>enjoy martial arts, but other activities as well

Attached: 1544162594196.jpg (1404x1584, 397K)

H-haha you teach little c-children you pedo? Haha am I rite fellow anti-chadren bros?

Nope. And pointing mistakes out is literally not an agrument.

>b-b-but muh statements and muh Toyofiction

Its still a loss. You can cope but you should conceed.

If you are going to mention using Gohan to defeat Cell, then its fair game to use the Cell Juniors beating Goku.

By that logic, its 3-2 for Cell, including the use of proxies.

Attached: 345534534543.gif (500x283, 1015K)

Me in the back

Feats>statements. CRY.

>por favor usa palabras más fáciles, todavía estoy aprendiendo inglés, mi maestro

Attached: eAWXGEx.gif (450x253, 410K)

>>one non-canon instance (which doesn't imply he's never defeated him)
Which one? All of them are canon
>>one instance of him promising to beat Gokek after Buu arc (again doesn't imply he's never done it before)
You are just being disingenuous. The text tells you that he thinks that he never and yearns for a victory against him.
Your meme is garbage and will never go over.

He looks sad.

Jiren (worst was a draw with Freeza)

Buy (the only fight he "lost" was partly against himself)


Attached: (You) for you.png (262x438, 71K)

>more deflection
I see that you are intimidated by my mental acuity. I am, of course, a peerless intellectual titan, so such a thing doesn't surprise me.

I want to molest Videl in front of Gohan

Attached: Spopovich04.png (553x712, 228K)

>by dragging Cell away kicking and screaming against his will and had him explode away from the earth
And in the process teaching him instant transmission and giving him the means to go back to Earth right away. Good job.
Any way you look at it, all he managed to do was block an attack, in a fight he wasn't even part of. Since when is blocking an attack and dying considered "winning a fight"?

>What happened later is irrelevant to Goku.
>Yeah, I blocked a gunshot for my friends and died, so I totally won that fight against that robber. No, I don't even care that he can easily keep shooting them right away. Take that, nigger.
Great logic.

Man I miss it when Super Saiyan hair was still real hair instead of spikes

Kek, they just keep BTFO'ing themselves don't they?

>If you are going to mention using Gohan to defeat Cell, then its fair game to use the Cell Juniors beating Goku.
Was Goku killed? No? Then it's NOT a win. Cope and cry. 2-0.

>absolutely no argument
I win again.

I want Goku to fuck Videl in front of Gohan.

Sure took your time to write this simple sentence huh, Jobrenfriend?

It was Gohan who killed Cell, not Goku. Imagine being a Gokek so desperate for the win that you have to steal the win from Gohan to "win" the argument.

That my friend, is what true coping looks like.

Attached: 1558385690036.gif (498x278, 241K)

Holy fuck all it took was ONE GokuCHAD to dominate this thread. Absolutely fascinating. You just can't lose when you have Goku.

Attached: 1537350942201.jpg (503x719, 91K)

>It was Gohan who killed Cell, not Goku. Imagine being a Gokek so desperate for the win that you have to steal the win from Gohan to "win" the argument.
Must I repeat myself again? BORING.
>That my friend, is what true coping looks like.
Keep clinging into your pitiful headcanon Cellcuck.

We kindly suggest you follow the due decorum for posting here. We all make the collective effort to keep the threads' quality as high as possible. So please do your part.

I'll do my part by wiping my sweaty balls across your face

>so scared shitless he counts the seconds until I deign to respond in trembling, pants-shitting fear
Fear not, lowly peasant. A great scholar such as I delivers only enough TROUNCING to deliver CHADren the GRAYYT's sagacious wisdom.

>this post is extremely low-quality

Oh. Then you should stop being a Jobrentard for starters

By that twisted logic, Goku's first true victory against a villain would be Kid Buu and even that was done by a spirit bomb (Not using his own energy). Also, again, it was Gohan who killed Cell, not Goku.

By using your logic, it is 1-0 for Cell because Cell killed Goku while Cell regenerated.

Maybe you should try and conceed allready. Maybe a cope here and there.

Fucking blatantly based.

Friendly reminder that CHADhan is actually a scholar unlike DUMBren.

>conceed allready

Cope acknowledged, concession accepted. Now procede to kneel my little pup.

You can cope now.

Attached: jiren's fans confirmed scholars.png (1150x188, 14K)


Please stop the embarrassing Ningenposting.

Attached: acd.png (693x693, 146K)

>sub SS2-tier
QUIET, you irrelevant elf.

>You just can't lose when you have Goku.


Attached: 0268-004.png.jpg (1066x1600, 288K)

>By that twisted logic, Goku's first true victory against a villain would be Kid Buu
Goku didn't want to kill Frieza while the Cell brats wanted that and were just playing around, false equivalence.
>Also, again, it was Gohan who killed Cell, not Goku
Goku's plan.
>By using your logic, it is 1-0 for Cell because Cell killed Goku while Cell regenerated.
>Maybe you should try and conceed allready. Maybe a cope here and there.
Goku won against Cell

>The text tells you that he thinks that he never and yearns for a victory against him.
That's your interpretation of it, nothing more. And as I already explained, even if those were Vegeta's feelings, it doesn't change the reality of 2-0. Victories are based on what happens, not how someone feels about it (and of course, Goku did admit he lost and wants another shot at beating Vegeta).
Example: Tien beat Goku, but thought that Goku was the "true" winner and offered him the prize money. Doesn't matter, Goku still lost, that's the reality.

>Your meme is garbage and will never go over.
It's not a meme, it's just a truth Copeku fags can't handle. Much like the fact that he never kissed Chichi.

>lost to Freeza despite his advantage
>never managed to defeat Goku at the end
>never compared to Beerus like SSB fusion or Broly
>only Super's main antagonist to job to mortals

Attached: Jobren is crying again.png (481x476, 355K)

Discarded. Try against in the next decade Jobgetascum.

Unironically Yamcha.

Dude's supposed to be a fairly successful baseball star, and if I remember correctly, the reason he and Bulma broke up was because he was messing around with other girls.

>lost to Freeza despite his advantage
Tie, not loss.
>never managed to defeat Goku at the end
Still 4-0
>never compared to Beerus like SSB fusion or Broly
Stronger than all Gods of Destruction
>only Super's main antagonist to job to mortals
Never lost

Concession accepted. Please do go on, you amuse me greatly, beloved dog.

Anyone who likes Jiren is a fucking cum-stained bootlicker who shoots hot piss out of their gaping, devestated asshole.

>more babble
I win again.

>this post is extremely low-quality
And again.

>even if those were Vegeta's feelings, it doesn't change the reality of 2-0
Nice conceding, bitch.
>not how someone feels about it (and of course, Goku did admit he lost and wants another shot at beating Vegeta).
He was stronger than Goku and only that. Goku used Kaioken and obliterated him which made him resort to the Oozaru, and that's when their fight was over.



Holy fuck the coping in this post is too much

>nothing to say but a blatant and pathetic strawman
You will COPE, and you will cope NOW.

>M-m-muh cheapshot!1!!!1

Gocuck coping anyone.

Jobgetabitch twisting the facts everyone.

>who shoots hot piss out of their gaping, devestated asshole.

Attached: YIKES.jpg (311x367, 28K)

I'm a Jirenfag and have a BA, a BS, and an MBA. I suspect that fellow Jirenscholars have AT LEAST multiple masters degrees. More likely a doctorate.

>Nice conceding, bitch.
>He was stronger than Goku and only that.
No, he was stronger and he KO'd Goku, resulting in 1-0.
>the fight is arbitrarily over when I decide it
Not how it works.
Here's what happened: Vegeta broke every bone in Goku's body, then Goku passed out from the pain.

Please cope harder.

And more incoherent screeching, i love it. Keep it up!

Attached: 543435543.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>tries to not be eliminated
>is eliminated

Goku was never eliminated by Jobren and Jobren was never eliminated by Goku, that's a 0-0. Cope


>never lost
Really? Let's ask Jiren about it... oh look, looks like you are wrong.

Attached: 25.jpg (800x1200, 215K)

>n-n-no u
Dismissed. Crawl back to your kennel.


Attached: DpuMcdQW0AA_fIV.jpg (690x1014, 184K)

>Manolo getting owned by his spic autocorrect

>Further delusions.

A dog trying to command his superior master, that is so precious, now go ahead and return to your kennel posthaste!

The elimination was a tie according to tournament rules. This is proven by Goku saying that noone is left in the arena so they won't win, ie. Frieza didn't win just because he suicide-rushed Jiren.
That's according to tournament rules. According to actual fight scores of course, nobody ever even tied with Jiren, much less beat him.

>Goku was never eliminated by Jobren and Jobren was never eliminated by Goku, that's a 0-0.
He won 4 clashes with him, making it 4-0. Tournament rules are irrelevant, this is about actual fighting. There are no rules in fights, only winners.

Not headcanon, see pic related.

>never lost
Never lost a fight. Lost some shitty sporting event, sure. Those are not the same thing no matter how hard you try to pretend they are.

Attached: literally canon.png (660x669, 775K)

Jobgeta had to physically transform in order to win after his power failed him. That's just a simple fact.

Discarded. Don't respond to me again. I only converse highly sophisticated and scholarly intellectuals and philosophers like myself.

And Goku had to turn Super Saiyan to beat Frieza. Your point being is...? That transforming invalidates wins now?

Only the Oozaru does because it's not a simple power up but changes the size and appearance drastically.

Wait a minute? Why in the hell is nordic goddess 18 daughter named Marron? Marron in spanish means brown. 18's daughter is literally named Brown. Brown. That's her name. Her name is Brown.

>Goku had to use Kaioken in order to do damage to Vegeta after his power failed him. That's just a simple fact.
A fact that has exactly zero relevance on Vegeta being 1-0 over Goku.
>durr dont use super saiyan cuz i don't have it, IT'S NOT FAIR
>durrr dont use timeskip cuz i don't have it, IT'S NOT FAIR
>durr don't use moves i haven't learned, IT'S NOT FAIR
What is this even supposed to mean? Oozaru is a natural part of saiyans, and perfectly legitimate to use. Your critera for "discarding" it (as if there even was such a thing) are just made up because you need an excuse.
Of course, even without Oozaru Vegeta would still have won, because Goku was killing himself just trying to do damage to Vegeta. Had it gone on longer, he would have gotten the same fate as MUI vs Jiren in the anime. But of course, then the damage controlling little Copeku fag would cry about how the loss "doesn't count" if you wreck yourself trying (and failing) to beat the enemy. Because at the end of the day Copeku fags just can't handle the fact that their hero loses all the time so they desperately try to subvert all logic.
This is why I said 2-0 has literally destroyed your mind. You just can't handle reality, and it's sad.

For all the smug Gokus you post, everyone in these threads can see you for what you are. Desperate, seething copelets in permanent meltdown mode.

Go back to undressing Jiren in a videogame you underage faggot.

Size doesnt matter in DB you dolt and it was the power and speed that gave Vegeta the edge over Goku, not how he looked you dumb retard.

My god you Gokeks are stupid.

It's because she will ride that Uub cock when she grows up.

Attached: fanfiction-dragon-ball-a-night-forever-2009630,090920141527.jpg (420x400, 143K)

>Remember that time a Copekufag bumped a thread by himself for HOURS trying to keep it alive because noone would join?
>this rent free in the head of copegetadogs
We are legion

Attached: 35160.gif (540x303, 518K)

>too frightened in the face of my titanic intellect, staggering mental acuity, and ferociously effective argumentative ability to respond properly


Attached: WetIdealisticBlueshark-max-1mb.gif (300x164, 867K)

>>this rent free in the head of copegetadogs
There were many of us in that thread so it's not even true

>taking responsibility for such a shameful act
Automatic victory for me.

Goku lost against Vegeta once then he surpassed him by miles and that was the last of their rivalry. Goku lost once and forgot about it while Vegeta "won" but still had Goku on his mind because of the pathetic and cowardly Oozaru move.


Attached: 1536317843_tumblr_p51o5lsEXH1wyh2j4o1_540.gif (540x304, 2.95M)

our hero

Attached: 1552972286612.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)


>unironically knows spanish
Discarded inmediatly

>taking damage is losing hurr

Nah, he is going to be shipped with Pan because Goku wants a real son (grandson-in-law), not the two disappointments that came from Chi-Chi.

Attached: 6978867878576.jpg (671x908, 276K)

>whimpering and babbling in frantic damage control
I win again.

Imagine liking DB as a child only to find out it has very horrible writing.

No. The gif Gokubro is a different guy.

>wahhh Oozaru was cheating
>b-b-but Kaioken was f-fine h-hehe

sure it is.

Moro looked cooler when he was an old guy.

Quiet, you disgusting seasonalshitter moefag lolipedo isekaibitch. Get the fuck out of the CHADS' DEN.

I dont watch moeshit though I only watch shonenshit.

Jobgeta saw it that way.

I guess we can add
>Gokek losing vs Vegeta doesn't count because "Oozaru changes your appearance and size"
to the list of hilarious mental gymnastics Copeku fags have used

It's too bad the autistic Vegetafag isn't here to see this.


What the fuck did I just say, moeshitter? OUT. LEAVE. NOW.

While being multilingual is usually a good and respectable trait, especially wince Spanish is, by nature, more complex than English; under the context of these threads, I can't help but to agree with you. He's a dirty taco juggler.

BASED hairy and manly CHAD.

Vegeta will learn how to steal moro's energy.

Attached: original.gif (500x376, 895K)


Attached: bball yamcha.png (219x304, 179K)

>>to the list of hilarious mental gymnastics Copeku fags have used
You tell me then: Why did Shitgeta think of their battle as a loss when he supposedly won?
>It's too bad the autistic Vegetafag isn't here to see this.
The guards of the asylum caught him posting again and detained him kek.
>no arguments

Vegeta will learn a technique that allows him to transform into canon ki-less SS4.

>p-p-please argue with my emotions!

I already explained to you that their opinions are irrelevant to what actually happens. You can't refute this.

All you can do is cry about OOZARU UNFAIR CUZ LOOK DIFFERENT, kek imagine being this knee deep in damage control.

Give it up, GTspic.

Do you even know which post are you replying to?

>tournament rules matter when it comes to how he jobbed to Freeza but not when he never eliminated Goku
The coping is real

I know you ignorant jobrenturds know nothing about japanese but let me illustrate you: Japanese is a very vague language and lacks plurals, gender and similar shit, the same phrase can either mean "stronger than the GoDs" or "stronger than A GoD" in japanese so you have nothing. It's the same that happened with Caulifla's reveal, some people thought she was Kale and others that she was different and the scan wasn't clear because the same phrase that said "a female saiyan appears in the opening too!" can be read as "this female saiyan appears in the opening too!" too

Jobren is confirmed stronger than a least 1 GoD, no more, no less.

>never lost a fight
>only lost a event which consists on fighting




>Tumblr crying
Get the FUCK out of the CHADS' DEN. You will NOT be asked again.

>stronger than at least 1 GoD, no more
are you ok, user?

GT gets a fuck ton of merch in Japan, it's popular.

>japanese is a vague language
Not him but now it all makes sense. Let me ask you this, by chance, is Chinese like this too?

>"d-d-d-do I fit in yet, guys?"

>argumentum ad populum
D to the I to the S to the C to the A to the R to the D to the E to the D, kneel and concede and COPE FOR ME.

Imagine being as much of a newfag as this coping pet.

Go and fuck yourselves snowflake niggers.



Attached: 1558730841941.png (615x181, 169K)

Tournament rules don't matter. I'm just illustrating that even according to your own (not mine) reasoning, Jiren never lost (only tied, against Frieza).

According to MY superior reasoning, Jiren not only never lost, he also never tied, and he is 4-0 against Gokek.
My reasoning is superior because fight scores are naturally counted according to what actually happens irrespective of the setting or how anyone feels about them (including the fighters). If you get stabbed in your sleep, you lose, doesn't matter that you "never agreed to a fight hurr durr".
Likewise, even if Jiren killed Goku and got DQ'd and erased, he'd still have beaten Goku, because that's what happened, regardless of what the tournament rules say.
As it happened, Jiren won 4 clashes with Goku, and never fulfilled loss conditions (such as losing consciousness, retreating, etc.). Hence he is undefeated. Cope.

>p-please believe my headcanon translation of japanese over the official one! I'm right I swear!
Nope. Discarded.

>desperate whimpering
Holy shit this is too easy.

>Jobren is confirmed stronger than a least 1 GoD, no more, no less.
That's false. Even then, Belmond is one of the strongest GoDs if not the strongest. And even then, that is surpressed Jiren, even you contrarian (you) fishers admitted it . Now WAIL.

>argumentum ad populum
You don't even how strawman arguments works. For it to be AAP, I would have said GT is good because it has a lot of merch.

That's not what I said, I said that GT gets a lot of merch, so it's popular. They wouldn't make so much GT merch, give it so much promotion in things like heroes, Dokkan Battle, and the other mobile game, if it wasn't popular. Honestly, I agree with what said and think that GT will more than likely be remade after the current Super run

>random nonsensical off-topic babbling
Discarded. I win again.


Attached: 1533964405_Mastered Ultra Instinct.gif (500x281, 927K)


Attached: 1560992226030.png (645x443, 601K)

How was what anything I said off-topic?
If GT wasn't popular, there would be no merch. Dragon Ball Online isn't popular, ergo you're not seeing any merch from it.

Post whatever you want, it doesn't matter.
Jiren is the strongest.

Attached: 1544729713806.jpg (768x680, 112K)

I thought we were bros...

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 11K)


Attached: 1535319132629.png (237x283, 98K)

Why did they never comment on how Beerus and Dyspo look alike?


Not even a nostalgiashitter but that roar a 2:15 gives me goosebumps.

>goku next transformation
>ultra instinct super saiyan god super saiyan goku


Attached: 1544726697017.jpg (790x434, 43K)

Lmao, Tien broke his leg

You both can't compare

Attached: Dyspo Squat SDBHWM.jpg (413x261, 15K)

Attached: dogposter BTFO.gif (512x384, 2.96M)


Champa did, no one cared.

Attached: Beerus Dyspo Champa.jpg (1200x1091, 220K)

Kneel at my feet, dog.

Attached: kneel before me.png (165x392, 38K)

That Gokufag told me to shut up, I'm only friends with Gokuchads that respect the humanforce and the OG gang. If you are the same person then I'm sorry.

Attached: GokuYamchaMasterRoshiBulmaOolongPuarDB.png (1437x1078, 1.18M)

Holy fuck. I literally can't stop winning.


>beating up a dog
What kind of retarded cope is this? The dogposter reviles dogs, why would this BTFO him?

We really never had a reason to fight except for some xenophics who couldn't expect Goku on Earth

>literally NO arguments
I accept your concession.

>The anti-Jiren taco didn't reply to the immovable boulder of evidence about surpressed Jiren being stronger than the GoDs, even admitted by themselves.
Case closed.

I'm him, but don't worry, both GODku and the humanCHADS are based

Attached: GokuYamchaKrillinTurtleSchool.png (751x450, 591K)

>couldn't expect

these threads are fucking gay.

everyday we stay further from god

Attached: 1564256242207 (1).jpg (483x720, 86K)


We literally never lose.

Attached: Jirenmedal.png (223x212, 39K)

Jobren the gay

How have you faggots not gotten tired of doing the same shit all day every day

Alright, well I'm glad we could solve this little misuderstanding.

Attached: best db movie.png (253x372, 255K)

Why is /dbs/ so BASED

Attached: 1562541616727.png (804x1024, 311K)

They could be gayer

Attached: God Licks.jpg (650x912, 123K)

Doing what? Improving our lexicon? Our debating skills? The abstract horizons of the mind? No.

But of course. Jirenscholars are unmatched in their intellectual superiority. We Jirenprofessors are completely peerless.

>absolute fucking retard doesn't know what dogposting even is
>gets called on it
>screams newfag

>newfag wasn't here for the "Moro killed dogposter" meme


>he's still babbling about his retarded forced Toyofiction meme
Back to the kennel, pet.


>get exposed as a newfag
>damage control

Dumb newfag

You're my best friends.

Silence, dog. Cope.

I proved you were a newfag. Nothing to damage control about it. Also,
>aping me

Dumb newfag. No more (You)'s.

You too.


>best db movie


>running away like a scared little pup
Straight back to your kennel, my pet. No lollygagging or deviations.

i love being a jirenscholar

Post Discord

rent frie

>Newfag got his posts deleted

I win again.

Thank you!

Attached: original.gif (540x540, 1.04M)

>Even then, Belmond is one of the strongest GoDs if not the strongest
If only I gave a shit about your headcanon

nice jobber

>ignoring the rest of the post

>l-last (You)
>keeps responding
This is too easy.

>destroyed by my vast intelligent

Why are you so mean user?

Attached: giphy.gif (500x375, 357K)

That's Goku not Jobgeta though?


>anti-Chadren jihadist gets deleted again
If only they made high quality posts like us Jirenscholars do.

>not argument

>us Jirenscholars
It would actually be "we Jirenscholars", fellow Jirendevotee.

You are right, I apologize.


Attached: 2.png (735x688, 626K)

>>anti-Chadren jihadist gets deleted again
Embarrassing Jobrentard

Cope, camel.

Learn English, Jobrenilliterate

Never fear, Jirenbrother. The gospel of the Grayy Church preaches acceptance of one's faults, for without thus, how would one self-improve and cultivate inner strength? Only those too weak--beholden to their childish fancies--to admit their folly shall fall short, while true Jirenscholars will embrace their flaws and utilize them as a mechanism for ultimate growth. Such is the philosophy of wabi-sabi and mushin, of which Jiren the Gray embodies.

>ESL thinks he can tell anyone else to learn English

>for without thus
Just stop trying Jobrentard
You need to learn English better and stop being delusional.

>ESL simpleton can't comprehend Ye Olde English
I see you seek to concede. A smart move.

>learn English better
Holy fucking irony.

Kek just stop

>Holy fucking irony.
Keep exposing yourself you fucking retard

>p-p-please stop, illustrious Jirenscholar, I c-can't handle your outrageously advanced intellect

>damage control

>damage control
Seething camel.

>damage control
Cope. Cry. Seethe and shake. Whimper, wail, whine, and weep.

Enter CHADllin

Attached: 575513864_preview_SDFCC.png (591x352, 319K)

>damage control
Anyone else?

The only things CHADLin enters are 18's holes.

>all of those jobren posts

Attached: d5ff0aac1284def6c1f3c1fae4c2b370.gif (602x338, 2.6M)

Scholar. Cloth. Thus. Argument from ignorance. In the face of.
All moon runes to the eye of anti-Jiren tacos.

>damage control

I can't even imagine what it's like to be a Copely camel, forever living in the shadows of Jirenchads, being humiliated on a daily basis, being of an inferior race, possessing inferior lexicon and grasp on the English language, possessing a lower IQ, getting exposed to literal custom-made cuckold porn of Copely, being objectively wrong about nearly all of your claims and getting a harsh reminder every day... They cannot catch a break, constantly fuck up in their desperate attempts to fight back against the brutal counter-blows dished out by Jirenscholars (because Jirenscholars never attack first), and their mistakes get pointed and laughed at by multiple people and screencapped.
It is no wonder that their mind broke.

Meanwhile, practically all we have to do is post an image of CHADREN. That's all it takes to break them, while everyone else instantly straightens up, in awe of such an imposing monster.

Attached: 1554833378822.jpg (1366x768, 76K)

How many gays like dragon ball?

Attached: goku_and_vegeta_the_kiss_by_tracexvalintyne-d5cwpw2.jpg (1024x692, 169K)

B to the A to the S to the E to the D

Jirengeniuses are so fucking smart holy FLYING FUCK


Attached: CHADjow.jpg (1066x1600, 203K)

>inferior shonenbitch

>the copelybitch literally RAN

Did you expect anything else?

They don't. Too much testosterone

Attached: b9bb30d890daed4d4d7313489a2dcd1e.gif (288x281, 707K)

My friends have been calling me a closet homo for liking dbz im just trying to underStand why


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They are projecting themselves on you

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Only because his life/universe was on the line and Jiren was much stronger than all the jobbers in his team
Was asleep despite sensing Broly vs SSB Gogeta. Didn't give a shit about either of them.
Literally waves him off as a simple planet buster. Not worth his time. (Even moreso now since we know Moro's endgame is conquering a single galaxy)


why wouldnt he break it like SSB Goku was doing with ease?

Shitren really has become the new sHit, oh my god

seethe and cope, as well as diIate

>Shitren really has become the new sHit
Nah at least Hit officially defeated Goku

This thread is a bit too cringe for m

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>UI runs out in 20 seconds
U-uh, guys? I was just jk, h-hahah... d-don't beat up a little gokektard like me...

How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?

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Even the dogliest of dogs deserves more respect than that seasonal shit


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J-Jirenbros, is Jiren next?

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gokutards ruin they're in every thread without fail.

gays love testosterone

>literal incomprehensible ESL babble

>ruin they're
Sorry, i speak english. What did you want to say?

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>i isn't capitalized
>english isn't capitalized
Sure you do, Pablo.

>oopsie, I accidentally killed another mortal, I promise it won't happen again

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what the fuck is a dragon ball?

I would tell you, but I must leave now. I need to return as the main character of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc.

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Whoops, wrong pic

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All you do is important. For those you know, all you have is a shame. Sweat, smell and cheesy. Bathing takes no longer than 30 seconds. It looks like a monkey, a mouse or a dog that falls with your thumb. He did nothing but the minimum wage was too late. If you are a man, you have a child's heart.

2 different fights. The first one Yamcha won and in the second one Goku won. Cope.

Did you forget?
I am Mystic Gohan. And the main villain is a magician

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I beat my wife because she only had shit taste and was a Copelycamel.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and had shit taste in anime characters. I wouldn't even mind her shit taste if she at least acted like she was trying. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and delete some of my Jiren folder to make room for Broly pics, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out to clothes shopping together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

She deleted her Broly folder and started saving art of Gogeta from pixiv. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

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You mean irrelevant Turdhan?

we need more cute moments in DBS

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How can one sperg be so based?

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>Jirenlard being married
The least believable thing I've ever read.

>jirenfag cucked by broly irl

New thread:

>punching someone weaker than you and brag about it

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>no argument