Slayers Sunday

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I've always wanted to watch Slayers and Tenchi Muyo. I might give it a shot.

go to bed OP

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>I've always wanted to watch Slayers and Tenchi Muyo.
Please do, those two properties were 90s core.

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Cheese and rice I love Slayers so, so, so much, these threads are the highlight of my week, you have no idea fellas.

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If you're going to read the LNs, you should start from the beginning, if only because there's more detail and it has arguably a better plot progression. For example, Revolution / Evolution-R take place after the Hellmaster Arc, but the LNs feature Duclis and Zuuma in volumes 3-6, with the Hellmaster Arc not starting until after that.

Furthermore, how Hellmaster is defeated is different in the LNs than it is in the anime. Not much, but enough for there to be a significant difference in Lina's and Gourry's relationship with each other. The LNs keep things more subtle.

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Naga is fat.

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>Americans will defend that

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Hi fellas, I was one of the /anons some weeks ago asking if this series was still worthwhile to watch today

Just wanted to report my progress so far: I've seen the first season, the first movie and the first episode of Next, and I can't believe how much I liked them

The plot is pretty much an afterthought so far, but it's compensated by the absurdly good and lovable cast of characters

The opening of Next is amazing , I've lost count of all the times that I've watched it, it never fails to get me hyped


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Don't forget to watch the OVAs.

Hi, yes, hello!

The problem, which isn't the right word for this since this shouldn't be viewed as a negative, with the anime is that it's relatively rushed when it comes to plot. Sure, there are filler episodes, but you're seeing a heavily-condensed version of something that took years to be produced in the light novels. In the LNs, the plot is much more consistent, but the anime is a very strong adaptation (until Revo / Evo-R).

You're going to like NEXT. Most fans believe it to be the best season, while others prefer TRY, which comes next. Regardless, you have good taste in OPs.

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You can't post guro on Yea Forums.


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Would indulging in breast milk be considered vore?

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The fattest thighs.

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I want this framed, on my wall.

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Will I like Tenchi if I generally dislike harems?

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Let me put it this way. It's the only harem series I like and can rewatch. That is only because the cast of girls is outstanding.

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That episode where Lina cries over Gourry being taken still gets me. Poor Lina.

You've convinced me! I'll get on it after I'm done rewatching Haruhi.

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I heard that Mom Isekai referenced one of the Slayers characters, but I've having trouble making out who it is due to the censor bars

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It's Naga, retard, look at the outfit.

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hard to say, it was a very subtle reference

Also a great show.

Also, I would recommend watching all of Tenchi Muyo: Universe first, followed by the first movie Tenchi Muyo: In Love. Then the first 2 OVA seasons as they are still active in the canon universe. Then the last two Movies Daughter of Darkness, and Tenchi Muyo: Forever. Give Tenchi in Tokyo a go. Upon second viewing nearly a decade in a half later it is not as bad as I thought it was back as a teenager. After that, it'll be completely up to you if you want to continue with the rest of the franchise. Depending on how much you enjoy the characters.

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Man I thought we got unlucky with Lost Universe's fire, but that just burnt up the animation, not the goddamn animators

Thanks, I love guides like this.

Uncalled for.

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This might(?) be a more up to date chart. There is no real wrong way to enjoy this series.

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Is there a Slayers continuity or viewing/reading guide/chart anywhere?

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Let me dive into the archive...

>Slayers has three (or four, depending on perspective) parallel continuities that essentially have the same path up until the end of what's called the Hellmaster Arc. In other words, the characters are like pieces on a chessboard; even though they're the same, how their "games" are played are different.

>The first is the "core", which are the light novels, including the spin-off light novels Slayers Special and Slayers Smash. These are written directly by Hajime Kanzaka, the series' creator, and can be argued to be "pure" Slayers content. It focuses primarily on world-building and lore, as well as providing a large portion of backstory for all of the characters.

>The next would be the anime, movies, and OVAs. The anime naturally has its own filler and plot-changes, and does some things better and worse than the light novels for it. While the anime doesn't really delve in to backstories, it really does shine in bringing the characters to life with their interactions, and even shipping.

>The third is a hybrid of the video games and the manga stories. While the VGs are original plots, only some manga aren't adapted from the light novels. These are Medieval Mayhem, Knight of the Aqualord, Light-Magic, and Hourglass of Falces. The manga focuses much more strongly on fanservice and ecchi content, which is understandable because it's more of a visual medium that can be viewed in private.

>I say all that to say, dabble in a bit of everything. You might be a die-hard Slayers fanatic and read and watch it all, or you might want to pick-and-choose what you want. (Good luck on the video games though lmao)

Speaking of vidya...

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Then here's the outmoded anime viewing guide with bad flow. The rule of thumb is:
Excellent -> Special -> Perfect -> Return -> Great -> Gorgeous -> Slayers -> NEXT -> Premium -> TRY -> Revolution -> Evolution-R

The LNs are straightforward and the manga are disconnected, so you don't really need a guide for those. Unless you do, in which case I'll archive-dive for you again.

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Thank you

You're welcome, but there's no need to thank me. Slayers Series 3 releasing eventually is the only thing keeping me alive.


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>good luck on the video games though
Just play the Super Famicom translated rom, it's fun and has a neat twist

For people wanting the SFC translated ROM, you can find it here:

These autists spent years working on this and it's only recently been finished.

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I already had it, but this reminded me to play the game again

I have too many pictures. I have no theme. I don't know what to post.

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Oh god I just know I'm gonna fuck it up.

But seriously, thanks.

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The end.

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we posting rescues from the panda purge?

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Yes and no. Generally I post one of these stories a week. I'm not gonna stop you from posting lewds, though.

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God that was depressing. I'm sad I did not save more from there, but I forgot my password.

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I'll post this again, just for you.

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exactly where i was goin, so ill skip to the next bits

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By the way, this was done by Rui Araizumi, so that means this is canon.

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Pausing to give credit...

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And a spoiler for the thread that will happen next week.

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I'm guessing the Naga one is next, but... I don't have VG screenshots to post the Amelia one...

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Ill be honest, i didnt grab the rest of the game set. I only had 2000 points left which got me mirror and slayers of the rings. The rest i had to save manually and since i found out about the panda purge with only like two hours left, i didnt get much ;_;

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If you go into the archive and search "Rui" and "manga" at the same time, you'll find all of my posts sharing all of these, complete and translated.

However the thing that upsets me the most is that I still don't know whether or not Blacklist I and II were on Panda, and now I'll never know.

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I dont believe they were. There was alittle over 16 pages and I have a damn good memory, that name doesnt sound familiar. Thanks for the archive heads up, gonna grab them now

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I did also grab the TRY artbook if anyone wants that.

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Good luck! But yeah, The Blacklist is the Holy Grail of doujinshi... At least, for me it is. I hope I find it, one day.

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I was just about to go to sleep, too.

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LNs 1-15


Does it include the artwork?

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I have the Blacklist II, I'll scan it eventually.
I hope a panda successor comes online someday so I have somewhere to post the doujin scanlations I want to make.

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Why Slayers was more based and funny with Naga on it?

Naga is Lina's foil.

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