Ywn be a in viking era NW europe and be able to use beautiful blonde women for your own pleasures and make...

>ywn be a in viking era NW europe and be able to use beautiful blonde women for your own pleasures and make Nordic-English mutt babies
Why even bother? How do you cope with this fact bros?

Attached: VS - barging in.png (821x473, 700K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What an ugly "sword".

>no internet
>no electricity
>mean lifetime 25 years
>tasteless food because spices are expensive af. Even salt is considered a luxury
>can catch some funny incurable disease and die in pain

By finding those women still today and taking them in a ford transit van, you pleb.

>>mean lifetime 25 years
Once you're past the age of 15, the life expectancy is significantly above 25.
>>tasteless food
There's salt and plenty of herbs to spice up your food.
>>Even salt is considered a luxury
If you live near the sea you can literally generate it for free.
>>die in pain
Fun fact. Dying slowly and in agony used to be preferred over dying peacefully in your sleep - because it meant you got a final warning and could get your business in order before you died.

>>mean lifetime 25 years
>what is infant mortality

Attached: 1548102836915.png (2048x1152, 997K)

>using mean lifetime as an argument

Attached: SatanGiggles.gif (543x533, 415K)

>No waifus
>Nothing buta bunch of 3DPD hags

No thanks

That's an English BVLL,not a filthy barbarian D*ne

Attached: theeternalanglo.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)


For which point?

>vikings bathed once a week
literally subhuman

You mean to say they bathed 4 times as often as the average user?
These silly barbarians. Don't they know that all the water will suck into their muscles and make them weak?

You have spineless weak faggots with terrible genese thinking if they were born in that time they would still be selected. No matter what time period anons go in, they will always be subhuman genetic trash, so you will definitely not be selected to be a viking.

Kill yourself.


Attached: chained.gif (540x304, 2.73M)


I feel like playing CK2

happening in europe right now

That's why they were always raiding and raping, nothing else to do.

Bah. I'll give it a quick try. But don't expect me to spend so much time to source so much common knowledge stuff.
You'll note for most items how it mentions a second life expectancy for adults.
Can't find a good source for the herbs, but this will have to do.
>An important person in developing and growing local herbs was the King of France and Emperor of the West, Charlemagne (742-814). He was the first leader to have farmers plant an abundance of culinary herbs (e.g., anise, fennel, fenugreek, and sage, thyme, parsley, and coriander).
Many of these you will recognize because they are still used to spice up your food.


I doubt I will find a source for the final one in a hurry, so you'll just have to take my word for it (or do your own research).

>If you live near the sea you can literally generate it for free.
Not true. Even in warmer areas like the Mediterranean extracting salt from seawater was very laborious and expensive, and somewhere like Scandinavia where you would need fuel to evaporate the water it have cost even more

>Once you're past the age of 15, the life expectancy is significantly above 25.
Your wikipedia source says life expectancy for medieval peasants was 30 and 64 for aristocrats

I have superior genetics to all being. I would be fine, speak for yourself user

And then they disocverd that trading was a lot more profitable then raiding

>late medieval
Not Viking era. There was a minor ice age going through Europe at the time and a few other problems too.

You are right. I trivialized salt somewhat.

Not to be rude, but what state were you educated in? I'm guessing public school, right? California?

None that you would be familiar with.

There's literally nothing wrong with raping women.

Based Yukimura-sensei.

Attached: canute.png (1920x1020, 2.37M)

So what state?

Schleswig Holstein and Berlin.

What high school did you go to where they got into details about the cost of salt in medieval Europe? Seems a little obscure even for college-level work

>a flatlander makes claims he can't back up
I honestly could've guessed, you low saxons are notoriously autistic

If your high school didn't teach you to not make claims you can't back up, you didn't go to high school. You went to taxpayer funded day care with free lunch.

>low saxons
How did you get a third state from those 2? Is it wishful thinking or is it just the only German state you have ever visited?

Attached: 1541603257542.png (358x358, 152K)

I remember being taught not to do that in an academic paper but they didn't mention Yea Forums

Didn't Vikangz do that because of a shortage of eligible women in their own homelands? They were basically a bunch of incels reeing about foreign Chads.

>If your high school didn't teach you to not make claims you can't back up, you didn't go to high school
Can you back that up?

Not an argument, larper



he admitted that he trivialized the salt argument
what's here to back up?

That area was saxony for a thousand years, are you pretending to not know your own history?
It's like saying Pennsylvania isn't atlantic

I'll take that as a no.

I accept your concession. Don't forget your last brain cell on the way out

>That area was saxony for a thousand years,
"Saxony" has changed its meaning many times. What is or isn't Saxony isn't determined by tribes that have long gone extinct.

>what's here to back up?
Can you learn English before posting please? Yea Forums isn't the ESL learning board

>>no internet
>>no electricity
not that big of a problem
>>mean lifetime 25 years
your """life""" ends after 20s when you finish high school/college anyway
>>tasteless food because spices are expensive af. Even salt is considered a luxury
good, too much salt is bad for your health
>>can catch some funny incurable disease and die in pain
see 3rd point

Attached: khorosho.png (1280x720, 755K)

Not everyone wants to live like you, slavanon

In early middle ages there were many hot summers and successful harvests. Mortality was quite low in that time and many children were born, there wasn't jobs or resources to everyone so vikings started to find lands to settle, places to raid and places to have trade. Its at least one of the factors why vikings began their exploration.

ok but you know what I meant to say, right?

Stop yelling at me

>Even salt is considered a luxury
>salting your food
Imagine being this fucking fat

He's just trying to troll this thread, I think. Half his replies are non-sequiturs.

>>tasteless food because spices are expensive af. Even salt is considered a luxury
Pretty sure all kinds of herbs, berries and such have been used to flavor food pretty much always.

based retard

all that just to have sex?

No, it doesn't it gives life expectancy at birth, which is of course heavily influenced by high infant mortality, as 30. It then additionally notes that an aristocrat who survived until the age of 21 would on average live to see his 60s. It says nothing about peasants. In fact, that entire entry in the table seems to be about Late Medieval English peerage, ie. not about peasants at all.

>your """life""" ends after 20s when you finish high school/college anyway
Speak for yourself. I'm rather enjoying working life. There's more disposable income, work can at its best be satisfying, and 40 hours or so a week still leaves me with plenty of free time.

Salt is literally necessary for survival

Which is how we know that it was available to most people in the middle ages.

mean lifetime was only so low because of infant mortality. once you get past being a baby, the life expectancy is pretty close to modern life expectancy.

>there a neckbeards ITT right now that genuinely believe this

Iodo is, and you can get it by eating liver, fish, etc

Do we know that most people in the Middle Ages got enough salt? Even outside periods of famine chronic malnutrition was still common. I don't know of a source that would specify which nutrients the average peasant in any particular place or time in this period would have gotten enough of or not

I rather die on the battlefield chimping out like a nigger with a sword rather than die from being fat, at least I can fap to CP.

You won't find one, most anons ITT haven't even finished high school so they spout baseless information they heard on history channel

wikipedia says that late medieval life expectancy in England ( which was for sure longer than in early medieval ) was around 30 years. Today it is more less 80 years in western europe

>reach 30
>die because God switched your belly button to the off position


>your """life""" ends after 20s when you finish high school/college anyway


It sounds very obscure to me. I wouldn't even expect a professor of medieval history to know this off the top of his head unless he specialized in food history of whatever

>which was for sure longer than in early medieval
There is no good reason to just assume that.

>tasteless food
Better than shit toxic food we consume today. Also they were a lot healthier so didn't die from desease as much and there were a lot less humans.

Most of history is genuinely lost to time, there's no getting around it, even with archeology you're going off nothing but oral tradition when you're dealing with pre medieval stuff

>Better than shit toxic food we consume today.
Many people had a very one-sided diet and were very susceptible to disease.
>didn't die from desease
Are you thinking of some fantasy world?

We should assume that it's not true. Medieval life expectancy bottomed out in the 14th century and no sources I'm aware of document any sustained increase in life expectancy until after the Industrial Revolution

Did... did you even read what I wrote? Or do you completely misunderstand what life expectancy measures?
Infant mortality sinks the numbers. People would have like 20 kids, and 15 of them would die as infants.

They didn't have processed meat so they consumed good healthy meat from healthy animals that werent given anti-biotics and vaccines and ate their natural diet, also diary, they were super healthy.

>People would have like 20 kids, and 15 of them would die as infants.
More like ~7 kids, half of them would die before reaching physical maturity.

Not to mention they were exposed to the sun much more than us and no chemtrails.

>he's one of those retards who think low average life expectancy means you died in your 30s-40s

Attached: 1540655645907.jpg (1280x720, 222K)

They consumed almost no meat. Meat was fucking expensive in Europe.
The middle east had a surplus in livestock. But Europe did not.
I guess you are joking?


that's only because you failed at life and now have to cope

If it's just for your own use just boil the water until you get salt lol.

Other than that you're generally right. Due to less processed food and less pollution (pre-industrial) cancer was also a lot less common.

Not him but
>If you enjoy life after 20 then you've failed at life

>I don't know what average means

No im not

So uh are we ever gonna get more episodes or was that it

You are missing the point. user talks about an average life span of 25. So you talking about people dying in their 30s and 40s is being overly generous to him.


Sorry, but I don't do alt-science rehab. You either look it up for yourself, or you keep going with your delusions. I don't give a fuck.

Fucking fags keep asking this question, can you not use fucking google

You do realize vaccines are one of the primary reasons why the average life expectancy isn't 35 anymore, right? It prevented a lot of those deaths that culled the

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Uhm sweety... We do live in the age where this happens. You were just born the wrong nationality. If you were Syrian or Iraqi or Eritrean, you would be having a lot of fun with European women right now.

Basically, you are the women in the OP picture. I'm so sorry (not)

I was just venting jeez

Katanas are the superior sword aesthetic wise

Drawn at that level of accuracy and detail, they would probably look exactly the same.

>your """life""" ends after 20s when you finish high school/college anyway
Stop reminding me of this... I went back to school for my 1.5 years master degree not because I really wanted education and degree, but because I don't want to join the work force and become a full-fledged society slave. I want to delay it as long as possible. before it finally ends...

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Can't you just ask a doctor for an autism diagnosis?

Yes I know lots of people believe this, I don't, now fuck off.

you are right about expected length of life

One could argue that increase in life expectancy has increased more because of better hygiene not because of vaccines

Medieval people not bathing is a British meme that got out of hand.

True, but hygiene has improved from middle ages. And that means waste disposal, cleaner food and cleaner environment overall.

>wanting to live in some indo european shithole when the middle east, central america, india, east asia, south america, and europe intself centuries prior all utterly BTFO even the biggest viking "city"

Attached: cultureregion scandanvia minus africa 2 COMPRESSED.jpg (2000x2928, 3.05M)

Only possible if you lived right next to the ocean, and not practical unless it was primary source of income

not scandavian, instead it's celtic, but same idea

Attached: british ancient cities.jpg (1897x3252, 1.67M)

That's actually quite often for that time period. English girls were quite into it to apparently

Why are the women already naked?

>oh the village is being attacked!
>better take off my clothes before they get ripped off

To be fair, the Brits got ROME'd and everything turned out pretty fine after that. Same for most other Euro's that got ROME'd by the way.

You didn't watch that episode, did you? They were attacked during bathing time.

I thought they were bathing in the river.

>when the middle east, central america, india, east asia, south america, and europe intself centuries prior all utterly BTFO even the biggest viking "city"

Actually even north native americans had towns and cities comparable to or bigger then viking ones. The Southwest obviously has a bunch of stone architecture built into cliffsides and such, but there's also straight buildings built from scratch by southwest groups; often huge multiple room complexes housing hundreds of people.

You actually had a straight up river valley civilization around the Mississipi, the Missisiipians, who had dozens, possibly hundreds of towns with earthen pyramids, class systems, long distance trades, some of them growing to have urban population densities. Cahokia for example, see pic, had 30,000 to 40,000 people. These probably weren't formal political states/goverments yet, but they were well on their way, and were (cahokia's exceptionally huge size aside) basically at the same level, say, the Olmec were back in 1400 BC, before they developed into more complex central american civilizations; or like Sumer in 5000-4500 BC when it was first becoming a city-state; or, per this thread, like the vikings/germanic cheifdoms as they were developing into actual kingdoms

There a variety of other mound builder sites much older then the Missiissipians, such as Poverty Poin,t and Spanish explorers coming up from mexico like de soto reported finding dozens of towns and such even though the missipssians supposedly collapsed before then, indicating that these sorts of settlements were actually somewhat common... but then when de-soto came backs, all of the towns were in ruins and overgrown due to diesases they spread wiping them out

By the time French and the British arrived to colonize the continent, there had already been huge population losses and destablizationj from diseases from the spanish, the British/French were already seeing a sort of post-apocalyptic continent

Attached: Cahokia.png (1022x1552, 2.73M)

>there are people that want to live without electricity, modern medicine, tasty food, internet, clean drinking water, sanitation, fast means of transport, and the inability to not fear of being killed indiscriminately by the person besides you
Well, typing that out does make me realize that americans are already living that life.

god i want to be a soldier and rape women in war like japanese did

>The Southwest obviously has a bunch of stone architecture built into cliffsides and such, but there's also straight buildings built from scratch by southwest groups; often huge multiple room complexes housing hundreds of people.


I can also post more art of mississipian towns.

Attached: US southwest archetecture.png (1472x1124, 3.57M)

Fuck vikings.

Attached: 1464176848238.jpg (671x788, 55K)

modern life is boring and soulless

It is your fault that your life is boring

When will you understand that people like to suffer

Last remaining original Britons in the time Vinland Saga takes place are the welsh. The rest of Briton is predominantly Anglo-Saxon who were originally from Scandinavia and Denmark

The war in vinland saga is essentially vikings plundering land from their cousins.

If you lived anywhere near the coast you could expect a reasonable amount of fish in your diet.

If you had livestock you only consumed extra bulls and roosters, and older animals that stopped producing milk and eggs. As a result the meat from them was gamey as was stewed and used in meat pies.

Pigs were also a thing and could raise them on waste products from your farm. But you'd have to have a decent sized farm to raise even pigs for pure meat consumption.

Looks plastic

/r9k/ fantasies

Yeah, too bad that "sword" isn't even close to looking like a real sword, this is why I can't like this series.
For supposedly it being historically related it takes an stupid amount of liberties.
Imagine ruining beautiful designs like this, it blows my mind.

Attached: 1541030714027.png (900x506, 52K)

>tfw will never have a comfy life with your kidnaped smelly barbarian wife and her rape baby