Is this the worst month ever for anime/manga ?

or has there been a worse month ?

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4 more days yet, get ready for the last big happening soon

I mean, March 2011 was pretty bad...

nothing can be worse then kyoani burning and sadpanda shutting down

something even worse is comming in 2020.

There literally has not. Shit sucks

I predict a great disaster before the end of the year in Japan,a famous seiyuu will die,mark my words.

Yes, Japan new rules for Olympics 2020

It was bad but there was also a lot of hope and support from the entire global community. Also it was a natural disaster which, while tragic, is something you can't avoid. KyoAni was taken out by a crazy man and most of the world don't know about it nor do they care. We suffer alone this time.

Togashi or Miura will die before the end of this month
screencap this post

hahahaha, what do you mean user ?

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dubs decide the next happening.

>pseudo private website nuked so all the infantile teenagers need to finally learn how to use the internet
>KusoAnus, the destroyer of art and patron of creative bankruptcy got burned to the ground
Not sure what you're on about. Sure, the season isn't very good, but all in all July has been pretty damn good.

togashi dies

every anti-loli retard get teleported to the moon

Shaft gets SHAFTed

>pseudo private website nuked so all the infantile teenagers need to finally learn how to use the internet
t. has never able to pass through the panda and doesn't know about the amount of exclusive art sadpanda had
>KusoAnus, the destroyer of art and patron of creative bankruptcy got burned to the ground
their shows are way better then literally every shonenfag show that has appeared after 2005

Miyazaki dies before the end of this month, hopefully

Madhouse will go MAD

a road cracks because earthquake and accidentallies konosuba

4chna is shut down

KusoAnus' second biggest building gets lit on fire.

maid dragon season 2 gets announced

No Game No Life gets a second season

Studio DEEN produces the next season of your favorite show

Ones to get the tourist comming to Tokyo more family friendly, you'll see


Berserk will end.

i really hope normalfags dont ruin japanese culture, or get loli stuff banned in there

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Vagabond gets a faithful AAA adaptation.

DP will skip part 6



berserk will never end

Miyazaki dies of lung cancer.

Kiyohiko Azuma dies in freak accident

Anime stops

Isayama dies before finishing SnK



What happened in 2011?


Anime industry crashes and a new anime trend is born

all kinds of loli and shota are banned for the olympic games. ecchi anime stops airing too



can't wait

that would literally be the worst thing to happen to anime/manga industry/fans ever

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Anno will make shin Godzilla 2 electric boogaloo

the largest earthquake ever will completely destroy Japan

Imagine being a 40 year old olympicsfag and going to Tokyo though. I can understand why they would want to tone it down.

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i doubt any 40 year old sports fan is visiting akihabara

I wish every city looked like that