txt and Yea Forumsss 3 news in the next post.
[not us] Yea Forums sings Jojo Part 5 OP (Traitor's Requiem)
[Kei and Drumfag] Yea Forums sings Steins;Gate 0 ED3 (Gate of Steiner)
txt and Yea Forumsss 3 news in the next post.
[not us] Yea Forums sings Jojo Part 5 OP (Traitor's Requiem)
[Kei and Drumfag] Yea Forums sings Steins;Gate 0 ED3 (Gate of Steiner)
Other urls found in this thread:
...there really is no news. I did the back cover finally though. Thoughts?
Yea Forums sings Hitori Bocchi - Aru's Character Song
Ut/a/u Kuso 3 - Act 1
Gonna make these last through summer, so keep dropping some hot fucking bombs in the thread and I'll compile them for later.
I retired from singing.
Just finished Staple Stable. It only took two and a half hours of takes, nearly getting through it and then screwing up a line or finding that my breathing was too heavy or some other stupid mistake. Hope it's not too autistic.
That was good :D
I don't want to insult you user but your voice scares me idk why
Thanks user!
>your voice scares me idk why
First time I've gotten that. Usually when I record myself talking, I have this super nasally high-pitched voice that makes me sound like I'm still in middle school, but thankfully, it doesn't happen when I record myself singing. Still pretty nasal imo though.
All the same, thanks for the kind words.
It’s pretty gud.
You picked that catbox one too from the last thread?
ha ahahah
>forgot a verse in Ringo Mogire Beam
>voice is too worn out to sing anymore
Post it anyway. Not like we'll hear your voice for more than one or two verse.
For kuso I meant. Was more proud of that than the one that included.
hey fuck this it's impossible
I hope some of you guys are practicing for Catch You Catch Me. Only had one submission so far and I want to hear your beautiful voices
planning to record and submit sometime this week. I hope the other user that submitted is also a girl
It would be nice to see some duets from time to time. Two anons singing Kogarashi Sentiment would be great.
Cool. I'll include everyone in the final mix but I hope you have a nice voice. I'm 99.9 percent sure the other user that submitted was a girl. files.catbox.moe
>can barely hear user's voice through the music
I-is that going to be how the final sounds or did they send it in that way?
>can barely hear user's voice through the music
My bad, I wasn't aware of this. I'll make sure to fix this in the final product. Plus, when I pile voices on each other that should fix the problem too.
>Plus, when I pile voices on each other that should fix the problem too.
I actually recommend putting a compressor on the vocal bus so that it ducks the volume when more vocal tracks kick in. After all, if you have solo vocals during some parts, they still need to cut through the instruments, and the instruments also need to not get drowned under the vocals when everyone is singing at the same time. The compressor on the vocal bus is a very convenient way to achieve that. Then if you actually need the volume to change, you can use automation.
maware will be the death of us, b-but i'll try my best!
Yeah, I was planning to do that once I got more submissions.. Thanks for the advice though. If this is you drumfag, go to sleep
Really hard song to sing imo. I love it, but I can’t do it justice.
Here's a rework. I lowered the volume of the instrumental. If you(or anyone else) hears any thing that could be fixed/improved go ahead and tell me. files.catbox.moe
Hold a determination to fist.
off-topic and cringe thread! you kids are worse than cosplayers, that's right KIDS, we've heard your shitty underage singing and the based MODs should end these threads
tell me what to try drawing
Anything related to Yea Forums sings or the color scheme and style, if you're up for that.
I'll compile them into a mini art album with the full batch release. Bound to get a few with this going on.
This is how dead these off-topic threads are. Fuck off and stop wasting space on Yea Forums
They serve as a reminder to the people who care, this has been the case multiple times and not only for Yea Forums sings but other kind of threads too.
Always have a backup my friends.
Yes. We definitely need more Attack on Bizarre Dragon Naruto Hunter Academia Vrains threads. Definitely.
Fuck I forgot One Piece and One Punch Man from this list of STDs.
They can go too after we get rid of this trash
Yea Forums sings has been going since JIBUN WOOO and it is literally Yea Forums related, Leddit-kun. It is not even spanning over multiple threads simultaneously nor being around 365 days a year.
Do any of the good singers here have any pointers?
I'm not a good singer, but I do have some pointers:
• Never force yourself. If it’s not fun, stop doing it (and maybe continue later when it’s fun again). If it physically hurts, stop doing it. If you notice your voice sounds worse than it did a while ago or you can no longer hit a high note you could hit a while ago, stop doing it.
• Remember to warm up before singing. Around 20 minutes is optimal.
• Don’t sing for more than 1.5 – 2 hours per day, and try to let your voice rest for at least a day before singing more.
• Keep yourself well hydrated. Water is good enough, but you can make Gollum juice if you want (the ingredients are lemon juice, ginger and honey). Avoid drinking caffeine or too much alcohol and drinks that are too hot or too cold.
• If the song is difficult, you can practice in a slower tempo at first.
• If the song goes too high or too low for your voice, sing an octave (or two) higher or lower. Alternatively, you can sing a harmony line instead of the main melody.
• When recording, try uncovering one of your ears such that you can hear how your voice resonates in the room with that ear while you hear the backing track from your headphones with the other ear. Some vocalists feel more comfortable singing this way, others don’t.
• Just a tiny amount of alcohol can make you feel more confident and relaxed, which can make you perform better (getting actually drunk will not).
• Try to sing the entire thing in one take, or as few as possible. Recording shorter takes is fine and it can help you nail a difficult part, but it requires going back and forth between singing and operating the computer, which makes it more difficult to concentrate on singing well and feeling the music.
• Keep in mind that it doesn’t have to be perfect. Since you’re anonymous, you can submit a terrible performance and nobody will ever know it was you.
Sounds a lot better! Only nitpick would be the echoing is a bit more than the original song. It's more prominent towards the end of the clip you linked. Then again, I can't tell if it's an added effect or possibly the effect with poor mic quality/echo because if that's the case it's inevitable and most anons don't have that sort of equipment and recording booths.
I'm looking forward to the final though, good luck and thank you for all your hard work!
Is the DRRR op Kei chan? Based on the life will change Yea Forums sings it sounds like her
Happy to see sugar song to bitter step on the track list, any news on the Yea Forums draws for that?
I'd happily organise it but I don't want to suagr song to bitter step on the original guys toes
Your the hero we need user, pretty sure different people have done the Yea Forums draws like we have different mixers for Yea Forums sings so no one would mind.
Give me a while to get the frames and I'll get that started then
>Only nitpick would be the echoing is a bit more than the original song.
Noted, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks user.
I got "sure" from Kei. Email her your idea and work it out with her. Good to see others in a productive mood. Now get back to singing, I have 17 tracks that still need voices.
How long are these threads usually up for?
Until bumpfags forget to bump it. Why?
I remembered.
I almost didn't.
Bump for user's beautiful singing voice
So we're doing two at a time or what? If so, i'll wait for Sugar Song or More One Night
We're doing all of them at the same time.
What the hell is he up to now?
If you've never read a TK doujin before, basically he just takes a series and puts a edgy/dark twist to it; probably to take his anger out on something. Right now, he's doing a Kancolle doujin that takes place in World War 2 and as expected some ship girls "die".
Spoke with kei and we figured out a way to make it work with the full song,here it is
i cant believe this is still going on, good on y'all.
still looking for backup mixers?
What exactly is this? Somebody care to give me a quick rundown? Will someone just post a long ass list of Yea Forumsutists singing the same Karaoke anime songs or what is going to be the endgoal here?
Someone will mix it into one song where everyone's singing is included.
I'll submit this week, don't worry
Let's go!
Yeah fuck anime
Bump for aozora rhapsody
One Piece threads aren't that bad compared to how horrid Dragon Ball and JoJo threads can become
But why do they have to make a separate thread for every single character and ponder where they are or compare powerlevels IN ADDITION to the general threads?
yeah that is autism, but I guess when you have such a long-running serious people will start making threads about the individual characters with all the material that can be discussed about them
>page 10
I'm not sure who you are but your efforts are appreciated.
I'm still working on One Room Sugar Life.
Good luck user. I hope you're not in the Western Hemisphere. Otherwise, go to sleep.
One last bump before bed. Commiefornia
I don't want to ruin the magic with a male voice.
Good night user.
I hope you're not living in the Western Hemisphere too. Otherwise, go to sleep.
There are bound to be other male voices in that anyways user.
i feel the same
Just pretend to be a girl and do a high pitched voice then.
that doesnt sound cute
>they don't stay up playing visual novels until 04:30 in the morning
dead ?
Still here faggot.
A practice run sample. I can only do goofy.
It's either this or a bad Tsubasa Yonaga impression
good job user, and Tsubasa Yonaga is cute
What the fuck? Talent is almost exclusively a result of hard work.
I feel like I've opened a forbidden tome of dark magic. ;_;
I somehow missed this, but you used my webm and now I feel like I accomplished something.
You're thinking of proficiency.
depends on the subject, being good at drawing can be achieved through mostly hard work, being a good singer/the kind of singer you want to be still somewhat depends on the voice you're born with/developed, looking good can be helped with hard work but still mostly depends on what you're born with
pretty cute, keep it up and you'll be tsubasa yonaga one day
is this cute
Doing something without talent is like driving a bike with flat tire. Sure you might eventually reach your goals, but the trip will be full of suffering.
Where do you think the talent comes from?
What does come from your genes is intelligence, and the more of it you have, the easier it is to learn new shit, but it isn't like people are born to be artists or singers or writers or game designers or whatever, ultimately you just need the work ethic to practice your ass off.
Is this a harmony line? And is it supposed to sound slightly erotic?
You just played yourself. Higher mental capacity gives more to the visual and problem solving aspects. And who said you can't gain good singing voice or other physical assets via genes?
intelligence, also body stats, which matters more or less important depending on what you want to do, taller people are gonna have an easier time with basketball for example, or if you want to sing cute shota songs it's gonna be harder if you start with a deep manly voice
i dont know what a harmony line is.. it wasnt supposed to sound erotic but thats a good thing right?
I don't know if I want to be.
Which of these two delivery types is better for the submission?
"Good voice" is just a matter of preference, different people like different voices. You can't gain good singing technique via genes.
>not wanting to autistically scream catch you catch me ala Masaki Endoh
What are you doing user
You can get a massive leg up by having, for example, a respiratory system predisposed for ease of vocal production for extended periods of time.
>Endou Masaaki
having a voice that matches your preference/the genre you want to sing helps alot
How to get in the utau kuso? So we just drop our shitty outtakes on Yea Forums sings threads?
Ut/a/u Kuso is a mini compilation of what goes on in these threads. Take up requests, do your own favorite songs, just make bumping threads fun.
I will save these vocaroos but I will not use them. Send me the mp3 or WAV files through my email please. Sounds cute
Of course, but I still don't know which style to pick out of the two I posted.
Or rather, which one you as the mixer thinks would work better.
It doesn't matter which style honestly. Do which ever one you ultimately prefer, I will use all my submissions I get.
ill see if i can do the full song
Collective ASSES
Plural nouns, DO YOU KNOW THEM?
But if it's a collective ass there is only one ass
It was never a pleasure seeing you again
A-user san, w-why aren't you submitting..?
I wait for the moment when the list of songs that URGENTLY need more singers comes up and submit, just so I can feel a little bit less bad about my tone-deafness.
Waiting for my mother to not be at home.
Let her listen to your song.
What you can do alternatively is asking her to help you record, or at least listen and give you feedback. It won't be embarrassing because from the get-go, the whole social situation has been set up such that she's supposed to hear your singing, and at least I personally feel more confident in a situation like that than singing all by myself.
Glad you liked it
>tfw mother caught you singing last time you submitted a recording and the mixer didn't include it
>the mixer didn't include it
Are you sure the mixer didn't include it? It happens a lot that you're there but there's also a lot of other people and therefore you can't hear each individual voice, even though all of them are contributing towards how big and full it sounds.
My attempt of sugar song. He sings too high.
And start singing instead.
How is it when trying to sing an octave lower?
Any news on the deadline? I've been giving the songs a shot this past month with no good results. Not even shitty enough to have fun listening to.
No deadlines yet, nigga. Just keep singing.
Hmm. If my instinct is right, you're now on the correct octave. More comfortable I'm guessing. It only sounds like he's singing higher than he actually is due to fact that his resonances tend toward the higher frequencies of the spectrum.
There's something magical about a grown man taking time out his busy day to sing the OP of a children's show. Here's a quick and poorly done mix of what it sounds like with only males. It should be better in the final product. Hopefully
Thanks for keeping the thread alive bumpfag. Your efforts are appreciated.
There really isn't a "deadline" as far as I'm concerned. Each mixer will probably close the submissions whenever they feel like they have enough. I only have one submission so far and I'll probably stop around when I get around 20-30.
>listen to song on repeat
>learn the lines by heart
>confident that it won't sound half bad
>actually try to sing
>listen to song on repeat
>learn the lines by heart
>confident that it won't sound half bad
>actually try to sing
what's her name anons?
The lower octave sounds nice user. You sound more confident and in tune too.
>>confident that it won't sound half bad
Nice joke.
How many submissions does each song have so far?
I remember reading this mango but can't remember which was it. Was it one of those billions of 10 or so chapters long shoujo manga or something completely else?
Bump here please. Also, a Surprise in the OP WEBM.......
i like singing. what are you singing?
Letters from Violet Evergarden OVA. that chick's voice is fucking strong.
>Yea Forums sings Jojo Part 5 OP (Traitor's Requiem)
thread is dead, anyone know if it got extended? would love to participate
tfw can sing Catch You good in the first half, but the 2nd one gets wild it's hard to sing the words this quickly
How are you singing it?
What do you mean? To a PC microphone, I guess?
I have a hunch you're overemphasising syllables which are destressed in the original performance
I sing to a /pol/ microphone personally.
I love Nirvana but can't sing it decently, this part is the only one that I even dare to attempt
I though it was this nirvana and got excited youtube.com
I don't know any of these songs
Can confirm this is what you will sound like when you start watching shoujo anime.
i tried
The song itself is super easy, vocals might take some effort, but they're not particularly complex either.
When Yea Forumsnons have correct form.
What the fuck?
because I sound like I have asthma
Apparently, Sevilou made a thread for his God Only Knows track. Feel free to move on to this one and let this die.
I have asthma and I still sing.
But that's kinda TWGOK exclusive.
In keeping alive TWGOK thread I was late, But I won't loose my way to go towards Guilty Future m8's
Here's a not great Kyouran kids after an hour of attempts. Windows keeps lowering the volume recorded from my mic at random parts of the song but im gonna keep trying to make it less shit. If i ever get a take that's good i'll email it.
The mixer can fix the volume changing randomly, so don't worry about that.
I think you can tweek the settings by going to the recording settings from the taskbar so it doesn't try to accommodate like that.
Shamelessly bumping with a video a based /m/fag shared recently. Do you remember love anons? files.catbox.moe
Fuck I missed the deadline, I'm a retard
What deadline?
Since the link is gone from OP:
Hey, Yea Forums, for steins:Gate's 10th anniversary we'll be singing Gate of Steiner (the ED of the last episode of S;G0 and the ED for the MWC ending in the VN). [Kei user is] not mixing for this one just doing the admin stuff.
All the details are in this video:youtu.be
>uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
So it all comes down to this. Oyasumi Bump Bump.
I thought the deadline was the 30th
I mean, the deadline for what?
Postin my sample
Bretty nice, can't wait for the full submission. This is what it will probably sound like. files.catbox.moe
This is another project is anyone wants to join.
Gotchu Senpai
tried to sound as much like a gril as I could to honor those digits
did tv-sized "Hey kids" but with the song playing in background, time to practice the lyrics
Does it matter if I can't sing?
Not really, you can still try your best.
It's much cuter when it's earnest and full of spirit. I will be cheering you on user as long as you have fun.
Wait, so how the fuck are all those songs gonna get posted?
Over time, from our mixer's channels as they are completed. Then I "release" the album that compliles all of our projects by the end of this all. So that means at the very least, songs are being pushed out.
When will this album be released, If I may ask?
Listening to random people singing together is gonna be fun.
Just started practicing More One Night.
God, this first line is killing me.
sometime early 2020 most likely
For SZS do you want the male and female vocals together or separate?
Separate, easier to mix that way.
Fuck this is gonna be good.
>Ikenai borderline
As a JUNNAfag and someone who actually though Macross Delta was fucking great, I'm gonna sing the shit out of this song.
seconding this request
Even better for a femanon to sing Gahara's part.
There's some off-beat singing that I'll probably redo, but here's my current version of Sugar Song
A genderbend is fine too.
K/a/raoke challenge time. Lyrics are English so no need to fear for powerlevels leaking.
Haruhi, playing around is good and all but have you done your homework?
What are you talking about, Kyon? Homework like that can be finished in three days.
c-cute! your voice is so lovely and clear
song uragirimono requiem
>shit voice
>bad italian lyrics
>on top of deadline
this was suppose to be cute and funny
IT'S >tfw you realized it's not the same as it was
Canta per Me comp/a/dre
Please have some of these lightly moisturized tissues Yea Forums. Use them to keep your recording hardware sparkling clean! It's no good if it gets covered in dust.
Hey there Hunterchad.
nicely done, altough I don't know the song itself
I'd like to advise you something that worked for myself, regarding high-notes improving octaves range is a long grind, with results to be heard when you practice regularly tho. As for myself, I always tried to sing everything on original octave that resulted in sounding like somebody would twist my balls 720 violently. I was cringing at myself so after some time I found a vocal training clip that wasn't going around the topic like 9/10 of them are.
>tl;dr of that clip since I watched it 8001 years ago
singing something out of your vocal range comes easier when you "kind-of say it, cutting the lyric short", yet giving it enough energy to compensate for duration of it. ie. Not "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.." but "AAAAAH", not forgeting the melody side of it.
You don't want to know what mine is covered with.
carbonated water because you opened it in front of your mic, wanting to clear your throat and then some of it spilled on it?
now we're talking
>You actually kept this shit up for 4 days.
Do this next we have to beat reddit
I'll try to make it 5.
Or a sufficiently convincing trap.