What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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They formed


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neat little story went full jew

Fate went from a very large cash cow to an extreme cash cow when F/Z anime came out to a retarded cash cow when the shitty phone game came out so now Type-Moon is just Type-Fate.

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They got too popular and sold out.

Fate happened.

Nothing really. If anything it's the fanbase.


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It was pseudo intellectual chuunishit from the start.

The artstyle going to shit like that pic was the biggest mistake

I unironically enjoy FGO's dumb fun story more than FSN's attempts of making an autist sound "deep".

>tiny doujin company making eroge for low key comiket releases
>becomes a multi-billion dollar franchise and one of the most recognisable Japanese companies currently in existance

What when right, you mean? And the answer to that is quite literally "Saber"

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Extra was the first bad sign and then F/GO was the nail in the coffin.


also it make people seethe, kek

I wasn't Fate that got them out of the Comiket halls, dude.

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Turkeyhandle got them decent cult following but it was Fate that caused them to explode upwards.

The modern Type-Moon playerbase.


I wonder how loaded Nasu is right now. I mean he was probably economically independent 10 years ago, but what about now?

Fate. I mean FSN is ok but it spawned derivatives that ruined TM.

Yeah, but it was Tsukihime that gave them funds necessary to make FSN into full-fledged commercial release.

I've been here since message and his installers though, bub.

was fate ever even good.

>decent cult following
Tsukihime was massively successful by all accounts. Without it, Nasu would still be a NEET in Takeuchi's apartment. Fate/Stay Night was indeed even more successful, but it was released when they were a legit, real company.

stay seething i guess

>What went wrong?

I'm sure he's made millions

Im not disputing that but what got them over and really drawing dimes was FSN.

Decide for yourself instead of asking someone what you think.


depends on what you're looking for.

GO makes on average 18 million dollars per day. Even if only 1/10 if that goes to Type-Moon and when you consider that the game is 3 years old...
That's just shy of two billion dollars.

Tsukihime remake release when?

Turkeyhandle was very sucessful but by all accounts it did not reach beyond the eroge fanbase. It because the most popular game in the eroge genre, sure. And its success meant that TM could go legit and have funds to create F/SN. F/SN capitalised on the big hype for TMs next release after Turkeyhandle and then also managed to appeal to non eroge fans. Its growth has never stopped since.

Tsukihime broke 120k sales and is to this day hailed as a godamn miracle

So, it had a decent cult following and because the big fish within the then pretty damn limited Eroge market. Gotcha.

You seem to think that I am disrespecting Turkeyhandle. I'm not. It's role in TMs success was key but its not the main singular reason why TM is the billion dollar juggernaught it is today.

>What went wrong?
>implying something went right in the first place

The original F/SN didn't reach much beyond the original eroge audience either. Later works in the franchise did that. The Melty Blood series was very popular and helped expand the Tsukihime works to new audiences. The only reason people don't care (as much) is because Type Moon hasn't done anything new with those characters or that world in like over a decade.

It never ceases to amaze me how eager mentally ill and braincell deficient people are to empty their wallets on garbage.

you are right, huh

>The original F/SN didn't reach much beyond the original eroge audience either. Later works in the franchise did that.
It did though. Its immediate, rapid success quickly led to the DEEN anime, which in hindsight was a joke but at the time was very well received. The anime then led to a second wave of fans playing the VN which lead TM to release RN for those who didnt care for H content.

It consolidated its position with the Fate ero novels being written. The rest is history.

Melty Blood was popular but again has nothing to do with TMs rise to billion dollar company.

Success breeds jealousy and sour grapes. Nothing new.

I have nothing against the company, they struck gold. Their customers are also free to spend their money however they like, but I can also laugh at them for wasting their money in a stupid way.

Spending money on things that literally arnt

-A place to live
-Mode of transport

is wasting money though

You just proved my point. It wasn't the original release of F/SN that reached into non-eroge audiences. It was the works after that that started doing that (the anime adaptions; the SFW version that was released later and so on). Remember, the original VN was released way back in 2004 and although the eroge audience absolutely loved it; nobody else cared about Type Moon then (except for perhaps the handful people that read KnK but that audience is largely the same as the eroge people). The DEEN anime was in 2006 (IIRC) and that was a big step into being more palatable for the masses. And of course stuff like R/N and Extra came out later.

There's a Tsukihime anime (believe it or not). It was shit but I believe it largely sold well. Tons of people went back and read the VN after that. Type Moon could have easily treated Tsukihime like they did with Fate (actually do a remake and so on). They somewhat did with Melty Blood, but in the end Fate ended up becoming the cash cow (probably since it's easier to milk).

I havnt proved anything. Fate was the reason TM exploded in popularity. It happened in stages but it still happened, to the point were it became its own self-perpetuating cycle

I get that you are a die hard Turkeyhandle fan and all but there is no need to go to these silly lengths to try and dispute reality.

Fate != F/SN. You said:

>F/SN capitalised on the big hype for TMs next release after Turkeyhandle and then also managed to appeal to non eroge fans.
This isn't accurate. The original F/SN appealed only to eroge people. It was stuff after that which started capturing a wider audience.

I think your autism is getting in your ability to think, user.

Fate = F/SN. Its popularity happened in waves but it was always the VN that was extremely highly praised and well regarded, to the point where its considered absolutely mandatory to play if you want to get properly into the series, both here or in Japan

>Its popularity happened in waves but it was always the VN that was extremely highly praised and well regarded, to the point where its considered absolutely mandatory to play if you want to get properly into the series, both here or in Japan
You described Tsukihime as well.

The vast majority of people into Fate now (F/GO, Extra, F/Z, etc.) have never read the VN.

>The vast majority of people into Fate now (F/GO, Extra, F/Z, etc.) have never read the VN.

Attached: jcfacts.jpg (203x248, 6K)

>teh mein raiter is a woamn

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Nasu said once that he estimates that about 10% of F/GO players have read F/SN. I can dig up the interview if you want, but I don't think it's a grand claim. The amount of people that play mobile games and also will sit down and read a massively long visual novel is likely not very large.

Nasu also thinks that Sakura is a good character. I couldnt give less of a fuck about his opinion on anything.

Rin and Sakura are also based on his own sisters iirc

Do you honestly think that most people that have watched F/Z, played any of the Extra games or plays F/GO has read the visual novel?

>Watched F/Z
I imagine a large percentage of them probably played the VN afterwards
>Extra games
Those games are so fucking terrible that you have to already be a diehard TM fan to tolerate them in the first place
In Japan? Very likely. In the NA edition? Probably not very likely. You fail to appreciate how well known F/SN is in Japan, even before FGO.

>I imagine a large percentage of them probably played the VN afterwards
>In Japan? Very likely. In the NA edition? Probably not very likely. You fail to appreciate how well known F/SN is in Japan, even before FGO.
How could anyone believe this. Hanging around F/Z fags for like a decade is more than proof than most of them have never read the visual novel. People addicted to gatchashit don't read 50+hour visual novels either. I'll trust Nasu's word on this over yours.

> Hanging around F/Z fags for like a decade
So, by this very comment you mean hanging around "F/Z fags in the west".

Again, in Japan if they were invested enough in F/Z then its very likely that they played the VN afterwards.

F/Z fags (by this, I mean people that claim F/Z is the epitome of fate) only exist in the west. It's not a thing in Japan.

You grew up