>have 6 gorillion IQ
>never fights at night time
What did Kishimoto mean by this?
Have 6 gorillion IQ
Jacob Ward
Nicholas Jenkins
>points out the obvious
>everyone: w-what a genius!
Michael Hill
Night time is for sleeping.
Carson White
>have 6 gorillion IQ
>gets stuck fighting girls
What did Kishimoto mean by this?
Blake King
Bentley Hughes
thought he had a fight in a cave or something with low/no light and his shit didn't function because they weren't casting shadows
Xavier Brown
And at the end of the day hes a cuck
Jordan Reed
Stop spamming your shitty threads, Narutard
Jackson Powell
no evidence
Eli Kelly
Not literally, but he had to watch over a kid that wasnt even his which is similar to being a cuck