Chimera ant arc sucks, has horrible pacing the the ants design are dumb...

Chimera ant arc sucks, has horrible pacing the the ants design are dumb, retarded and nonsensical (lmao born with clothes).

If you say you care about octopus guy, the lion or the cheetah you're lying through your fucking teeth.

Attached: Inamura_2011.png (848x795, 399K)

but it also had the highest highs of the entire show.

>the ants design are dumb
that goes without saying op, nobody read hxh for the character designs

>If you say you care about octopus guy, the lion or the cheetah you're lying through your fucking teeth.
Even as side characters, they're better written than other Shonen protags like Deku or Luffy

Especially Welfin. Pic related is unironically my favorite moment of the series.

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Homo x Homo is edgy shonenshit to begin with. Almost as bad as isekai.

I was more annoyed with how convoluted their powers were.

Some say they look less stupid in manga form because they don't have colors to make them look extra retarded.

Well,in this thread people have less than 60 IQ so don't even bother about the answers.

Chimera Ant arc has more character development than Naruto, Bleach and One Piece combined but that isn't saying much
Creamer turning coffee white has more development than those three too

>If you say you care about octopus guy, the lion or the cheetah you're lying through your fucking teeth.
For them I don't, but Reina reuniting with her mother and asking Bloster to stay with her is the closest any anime has ever came to make me cry. Damn, the scene is so motherfucking perfect.

Ants are only born with clothes in the 2011 anime. Which also increased any pacing issues the arc had by adapting just two chapters per episode after previously adapting 2.5 chapters per episode in Greed Island.

If hxh is "edgy" by your standards I'm really worried for you.

It's a SOL or moeshitter who can't take a little bit of violence and morally grey themes and characters

I did care about the lion, he was hot

> the ants design are dumb
Why is Pitou so beautiful then?

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>Welfin is scared death
>mentions Komugi for no apparent reason
That scene with was the epitome of shit writing.

Imagine having such shit tastes.

Imagine being this brain damaged, you're hired to be a mod

>mentions Komugi for no apparent reason
I think HxH writing too complex for you

Chimera Ant arc is peak shonen.

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>oh boy I surreee love twink boys worth too long of legs in short shorts
your the kind of trash that would actually make it big in hxh's world

Narration the arc


This lion guy and the other middle management chimeras let me almost drop the series.

Anyone feels the same way?

Just about NO ONEcares about them and their stupid storyline.

Only Welfin has redeming qualities and that leopard was so damm stupid it was fun.

People always talking about shit they know nothing about.

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>Pic related is unironically my favorite moment of the series.

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Yep. Arc would have been 20 times better if after the queen dies the hunters just killed all chimera ants besides royal guards and meruem.