Using crunchyroll

>Using crunchyroll

Attached: anime.png (1839x1392, 393K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how long did this take to make


5 minutes

is this the discord falseflag general?


Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.45M)

I dunno

suprisingly long desu

I wanna be like the left one.

Then use Kissanime

I remember the good old days when streaming anime was met with derision and ridicule, regardless of it being pirated or not.

>Free and a fuck ton more titles
I dunno know, seems like one is better than the other

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Wait, Yea Forumsnons unironically stream their anime?

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And redpilled. Actually no not really

How the fuck am I supposed to watch it? Buy it all on bluray? I'm a broke ass college student

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>he uses VLC

Attached: SAD!.jpg (720x346, 42K)

Tell me something I don't know

magnet links, you dumb nigger



Attached: 50a.jpg (484x750, 100K)

Fuck off back to /pol/.

You're on Yea Forums, get used to it or fuck off back to whatever rathole you crawled out of.

Attached: c62.jpg (546x700, 136K)

>watching an*me


Attached: animebytes.jpg (131x27, 2K)

>browsing Yea Forums

>Being alive

>saying nigger means you're /pol/
Jesus Christ.

Either way, just fucking use magnet links, sure streaming's come along way but youre still directly gimping yourself by streaming instead of torrenting you bundle of newfags

Attached: where do you think you are.jpg (400x302, 48K)

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Then what the hell do i use?

Streaming is not piracy.

Also kys streamerfaggot.

Don't make me make another MS paint comic

>fuck ton more titles
based Yea Forumseddit crossboarder
let me guess, you can perfectly understand japanese too despite not knowing the language right?

Yep, I know every word in Japanese

Please stay in Yea Forums

you´re in 4channel, that word is a big no no here buddy

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I can't believe there are people who pay for anime streaming. It wasn't too long ago that your only choices for watching subbed anime were pirating or buying an official DVD release if that existed.

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Attached: tired dexter.png (313x320, 166K)

Are you gonna say the N word?

Attached: Skipper.jpg (556x718, 62K)

>disney shit
>simpsons shit
>cartoon network shit
>3dcg shit
all of you fuck off

Seriously, just stay there please


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No social network is valuable