One Punch Man

Will God be anything special, or is he just a throwaway joke?

Attached: God.png (1600x1138, 3.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:

he's obviously the final boss. As for whether or not Saitama will make a joke out of him, this is another matter.

God is Blast
He realized humans suck and they should all die

What happened to the slide?
What happened to the 2 uglies?
Why were those panels missing?

Same energy

Attached: manhattan.gif (245x206, 808K)

He literally just drew one ugmon instead of two how many retards are gonna ask this

I counter you all with best boy.

Attached: 9hlzc4k4q7531.jpg (1446x2048, 341K)

Japan's concept of God and Western religion's concept of God are very different. So he'll just be another overpowered being that Saitama can no doubt beat.

Ok, let's sum all the events that have to occur, before the base is turned upside-down
>CE encounters ENW near fallen AS's disciples
>Bang, Bomb and Fubuki encounter Rover
>DS encounters Garou
>PG encouners Gums
>Saitama meets FF
>King meets Tareo
>montage of the heroes getting beat up

What also has to be covered, that wasn't in the webcomic
>escaped G5/Drive Knight
>Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind
>the surface team

Most of these events will take half a chapter at max, some of them much less than that. We'll have the surface fight starting approximately midfall

>We'll have the surface fight starting approximately midfall
That's way too fucking optimistic
at BEST we'll see the city flip by New Years

He's also a fucking manlet.

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Attached: dtvgarig64t21.png (800x1138, 1.17M)

God is the final boss, he sensed an error in his creation (Saitama) and is on his way to correct it, he's also the "bad thing" that Psychos and Shibabawa foresaw
Saitama will kill him, that will be the ending. Saitama kills God. can you see them user? can you see all the autistic memes?

did this artist actually measure them somewhere? they're never together but I guess you could compare them both to Saitama

I had hoped that god would be drawn in the style of the webcomic like saitama and tornado are sometimes.

Fucking Netflix and their shit casting.

Attached: f4a57ktq8n831.jpg (1038x1200, 236K)

>Saitama is God's creation
That would be a shit twist.

It's fairly close
Not like Murata did a complete redesign

Attached: x14_3.jpg (600x849, 153K)

>Based ONE going to show DC how to do a Manhattan character right.

no no I meant the earth/humanity, Saitama is the error

Oh, sorry for misunderstanding. Yeah, that definitely sounds better.

is that from the same artist...

Attached: dontaskme.jpg (600x847, 145K)

>PPP encounters Garou which happened before AS v. BS in the web comic (took one page)

>escaped G5/Drive Knight
Probably unresolved at the end of MA, the organization is being set up as a future threat
Maybe escapes, maybe taken out during Bangs initial rampage on the surface
>Hellfire Flame and Gale Wind
Escape, setup for future ninja arc
>the surface team
Probably evacuate while Tats pulls up the base, maybe oneshotted by some of the Cadre/Garou. Probably won't be useful

should Saitama be Japanese if they made live action? I'm not really sure, the world seems to be completely fictional

Really all it looks like Murata gave him a cleaner outline, the gusts around him are still the same. Chances are ONE was always going for the first appearance looking like a humanoid shape with exposed nervous system.

suiryu never got an official height but comparing him to saitama from their fight he is definitely taller, so from saitama's 175cm he's probably around 180-185cm and garou is 177cm.

what are you talking about, murata is the one who drew that garou and suiryu

Anime characters are white anyway.
Anyone who tells you different is an idiot.

Attached: 1559843679180.jpg (1414x1335, 542K)

My sperm will find a way

It will be a joke. A literal throwaway joke even. Because God is
made of Saitama's hair

Ît is completely fictional even if the food more often is shown to be japanese atleast in what Saitama usually gets. Murata also said stuff like the ethnicity for some if they would have to be sorted out based on looks:
>Genos would be german.
>Choze would be russian. (Guess thats why he got the white hair instead of blonde)
>Suiryu would be italian.
>Sweet Mask korean.
>Fubuki/Tatsumaki would be french.

Murata's really good with giving everyone different body types

I don't disagree but if you're going to make comparisons like this you can't use an ugly asian and a hot white girl

>Sweet Mask korean
>is a monster in disguise
>gave himself plastic surgery

Attached: 48573248357.jpg (257x254, 14K)

I think Garou being more angular and having a lot more sharp lines and defined edges is supposed to relate him being a bit more vicious.
Whereas Suiryu is just your average musclehead who's generally a good dude, so he's got a more normal build.

Are the japs who made this self hating or what? They purposely picked ugly jap guys and girls, then handsome western ones, and made the anime edits squints at that, what the hell.

>Sweet Mask Korean
it does make the most sense to have the teen idol be Korean

Garou should be French too
>that feel when your parents decide to call you werewolf
>that feel when everyone mispronounces your name (garO)
>and when you finally live up to it

Garou is more of a musclehead than Suiryu if anything.

Probably made by a chink or a korean

I'm no expert, but I think I'm looking at Chinese lettering in that picture.

Garou can be pretty smart sometimes and calls himself a genius like at least twice
he can also learn and adapt to nearly anything
if he'd fight Suiryu he'd just copy void fist and beat him with it because he fucking hates his guts

>Genos had "genocide" written on his singlet
>Is a German

>Choze would be Russian

Dude looked like the stereotype villain of a nazi movie

That's what his name is short for anyway.
Pretty funny imo.

The text in that picture is in Japanese, not Chinese or Korean.

Do you think it's any coincidence he bragged about his genetics and turned into a literal devil after eating the monster cell?
They didn't say it in the anime, but this was called something along the lines of the Inferior Race Exterminator Beam or something like that.

Attached: Suiryu.webm (800x450, 2.55M)

Garou is a genius when it comes to fights. Otherwise he’s a retarded manchild. So yes, musclehead fits him well, he’s only good at fighting.

>Genos sees it in the store: "Nettes Oberteil. Wenn ich nur Englisch verstehen könnte.

I love Sweet Mask's body and shirt so much.

Attached: Untitled2.jpg (434x887, 176K)

>always threatens to incinerate somebody

Annihilation instead of Exterminator

So this is what peak male performance looks like

Dammit I was close

How do you it was God, did he have an id or what?

Lmao how could I be so blind. Only after being told that he's german it all makes sense

I think hes the real deal. Probably end boss. Which means well either not see him again for a while or the story is ending sooner than expected.

Well he isn't the most handsome, highly intelligent, capable, brave, mighty warrior worth a thousand men, the perfect hero "Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask" for nothing user.

Why did Satiama's VA sound like he was falling asleep this season?
Max Mittelman better do a good job on the dub.

Saitama got his super strength from the good guy God


it's some SCP bullshit

because he was sick the first few episodes and also bad voice direction

Can you fag stop cross posting. Mods might delete the thread.

She's like a skinny version of Noi

Attached: 029.png (1078x1600, 1021K)

And as we know it’s impossible for a chink or Korean to learn Japanese

imagine the characters just started to speak 'their' language and nobody could understand the other anymore
like what happened with The tower of babel
>"Meister Seitama, sag etwas!"
>"なに? "
>"Laisse tomber, il ne sait rien faire de ses dix doigts, celui-là!"
>"꿈같은 현실 깊이 갇혔나 봐"

It's not supposed to be a secret.

>Garou immediately becomes multi-lingual

he can threaten everyone individually and tell them how much they suck in their own mother tongue

I love his TINY head.

>Invents language to convey information faster on the fly

Is this what a mary sue looks like

>Best girl

I see, a man of refined cultural taste.

>hurr durr

Attached: Hashimoto_Kanna_at_Opening_Ceremony_of_the_Tokyo_International_Film_Festival_2017_(39306016405).jpg (2880x1920, 1.34M)

>nor is tight around her lower body
>asking spoonfeed
Try them yourself fag, i already did.

>Garou becomes the only human fluent in Ithkuil
It's the only language ever invented that has more information per syllable than English, it's fake though and nobody can speak it

>Tatsumaki is Murata's character

Damn Kanna is cute just like an anime character.

Attached: 1200px-Hashimoto_Kanna_at_Opening_Ceremony_of_the_Tokyo_International_Film_Festival_2017_(3930602159 (1200x1800, 395K)


>plastic surgery bitch looks western

Attached: 1560490680205.jpg (1012x675, 115K)

Daughter of that asian chick from the movie Rambo First Blood

so, can we come up with the Nationalities for the other characters?
hard mode: nobody has the same nationality
MB is easy- Japanese

Attached: Superheroes.png (960x540, 1.2M)

Pig God is obviously american

TTM and Pig God are american

He took a pile of scribbles and made it his own

but i thought King was already American
I guess he can be British and Zombieman can be from Ireland

Satiama is from Canada

King can be american too

holy shit she's mega cute

In the same timespan last year, Murata drew 382 pages (chapter 94 through 100.2 on mangadex). There is only 95 pages between where the manga is currently at (chapter 66) to Tatsumaki pulling the city up (chapter 70)

Even if Murata triples the page count (which doesn't seem to be the case considering the BS took 31 pages instead of 15) we should still get there before the end of the years

Attached: ch. august - december.png (503x768, 253K)

Kind of.

HARD MODE, user!

Pri-Pri Prisoner is french

amazingly example, how long did it take you to find that very specific image user? from the anime aswell no less. anyway her dress is never, ever drawn that tight and my other points of her dress not being as short as tatsumaki's or as high cut both still stand. i'm not asking for any spoonfeeds, you're the one trying to prove me wrong so you go ahead and post some. but if you don't want that's fine too and i'll accept your concession

WDM - British
CE - Swiss
TTM - Russian or Polish
PPP is either French or Italian
King looks extremely germanic. Let's say Swedish
Darkshine - African American

>Darkshine-African American.

You don´t know, do you?

You made this same post word for word yesterday.

darkshine isn't black, he's just literally black.

That girl was like giant dog that somehow became human.

don't tell him

Don’t tell him, it’s going to be hilarious!

Flash is danish or icelandic.
Sonic is ... fuck i cant see him as anything but japanese.

Orochi = God

Because you're retarded and need to stop existing, user.

That chapter showing it cant come soon enough.

Attached: p8z378ay6o131.jpg (819x767, 102K)

And as we know it is impossible for a Japanese to just say all of that

FF- Iceland
Metal Knight- Austria
Bang- Chinese
Zombieman- Transylvania
Drive Knight- Estonia

>knowing you'll never be able to fuck that

I see why DO-S became a monster now

why is DK estonia?

no cause he exercises

>hurr durr, plastic surgery with just 14 years.
are you dumb as fuck?

Attached: kanna-hashimoto-hakata-idol-5.jpg (800x1027, 108K)

Attached: 9DF14BAD-D654-496C-B467-55C7F8E69764.jpg (1199x719, 208K)

I dunno I tried to think of some country connected with horses

>Posts pictures of an Asian that done multiple plastic surgeries to look more white
So you're proofing his point?

White people get angry when fictional characters from The Witcher are cast black, but have no problem with changing OPM characters all to white. They even want the Akira live adaptation to be full white cast as well.

You'll note her lack of eyelids in the picture you just posted compared to the other two ITT.

BTW, this photo I posted
is Kanna with 14 or 15 years.

The other photos
are her much older.

She didn't do any plastic surgery. She is just cute as F!

Looks like Senkuu in the thumbnail.

Attached: 1554042562877.jpg (916x916, 70K)

>with years
It's funny to see a jap desperately trying to prove his women aren't disgusting without surgery.

>That nose
>Those teeth
You're unrionically comparing THAT thing to a 2d anime girl?

since when do people's eyelids change that much when they get older?

>hur durr

Attached: kanna hashimoto 2013 6156bd76.jpg (640x823, 77K)

I don't think DK had a previous life as a human

No, Zombieman is your average hard boiled american detective.
Also flash is too small to be from Iceland.

Why do you keep posting pictures that prove their point

Attached: 83893B1A-E9F4-4DB2-8FB4-EA9D454CDF11.jpg (1613x1037, 452K)

Disgusting. Stop posting that thing now.

Retard it's obvious she got double eyelid surgery.

Attached: eye-before-after.jpg (960x960, 143K)

Flash should be some kind of small slav. I agree with zombieman being american, but i couls see some kind of south africaner as well.

Fucking headlets when will they learn

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I realize that he might be multinational because different pieces of him might come from different countries
>those screws: Germany
>the circuits: China
>the tech: American
>and here are my five different ID's from five different countries and I have to decide which one to keep

come on- Siebenbürgen needs a hero to save them from Dracula
not everyone in Iceland is supertall, and he always reminded me of Elsa

So he did a reverse Michael Jackson?

The biggest twist ONE could do at this point regarding Blast is to not make him a twist. He's just a normal guy who got really fucking strong for no reason just like Saitama but still weaker.

Find those images without google reverse search. What concession? That you are retard? Then yes, we accept your concession.

I just wish ONE would release chapters regularly. That asshole.

Go away ESL

Please dont make me imagine Zombieman singing "Let it Go" and its instead about Genus and the House of Evolution.
>The lab vets never bothered me anyway.

it's embarrassing at this point ESL-kun

Same i want to see more sonic and flash

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Imagine being so butthurt about being a single language burger that you spam "ESL" in every thread.

Zombieman just has too much of that american detective vibe.
I hope ONE will some day have the idea of a spin off series with him, I think a supernatural detective style series is perfect for his style.

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>no argument and samefagging

>in front of the other S-class heroes and when he's finished they just stare at him
>"You were created by the HoE?"

Zombieman was searching for Genus and his lab, the story is basically already there.

no samefagging here, but nice try ESL. concession accepted yet again

Fuck you.

Metal Knight, Drive Knight or Doctor Kuseno - who do you think from those three is most likely to be member of the Organization and why do you think so?

Drive Knight obviously.
He could be infiltrating it, the other two for sure know about it.

With their iq, that is all they can manage.


Attached: 1564063467016.jpg (1068x1162, 101K)

>Sweet Mask instantly looses his shit.

Drive Knight. He's even more mysterious than the other two.

Drive Knight is in on it. Kuseno is aware of them, Metal Knight directly opposes them.

what's with this cretin dumping 3DPD?

Kuseno keeps a LOT to himself, but I don't think he's secretly evil.

>SM plan was to create a musical episode and edge on Zombieman to reveal his secrets through song
>episode ends with Zombieman's song

no, fuck you, I refuse to believe Kuseno is secretly evil
if anything it's Bofoi, dude is obviously not really clear with his motives
Drive Knight, going by his design and toys could be an agent for the Organization

Attached: monsterslayerAmaiMask.jpg (742x986, 584K)

What a misleading picture

Kuseno kidnapped Genos as a boy, brainwashed him and gave him a fake backstory so he'd always be a loyal warrior.

You should read more carefully, user.

I cant see Kuseno as evil, but what i could see him as is being someone that worked with them, but bailed out.

next webcomic chapter when?

Lol, what a fucking jobber.

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Bofoy is a red herring.

Nah, he's probably helping him out of guilt. I think he's somehow involved in what happened to Genos and his village


preasu understando

Attached: 1540315823058.gif (300x300, 1.22M)

Get well soon ONE.

Attached: Murata Sonic (1).png (491x356, 142K)

Reminder that we got three chapters in one day last time, and he could still be stringing us along with those same three if he decided to hold back.
ONE won't do us dirty.

mayhaps but his reaction to parts of G4 Genos brought to him indicates that he might at least be aware of the Organization

what about Székelys

I think he was surprised Genos was able to defeat G4 also.

King would be Swedish.

she looks like a jacked, femTintin

Because he forgot to upload the other 2 chapters and only realized on the third one.

A fucking coward who wants everyone to think he's tough?
Yep, that's a swede.

Drive Knight, he has the design and everything. The Organisation is Metal Knight's mistake and he is against them.

Except King wants the opposite of that. Shut up danecuck

I'll tell you exactly who she looks like, Sonia Malavisi
Pole vaulter and everything

Attached: 0mxaA40.jpg (1200x1800, 473K)

Fucking brainlets.
He's guessing where the characters are from based on their appearance.

i've seen this said so many times but no one ever actually gives a source, this is just bullshit. stop spouting it


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I want crossboarders to fuck off forever.

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murata based her off michelle jenneke though

She's not quite as built as Mizuki, but also a fucking stunner.

Attached: Michelle_Jenneke-.gif (261x391, 997K)

hungarians don't have the right to speak

>This old bait

Attached: 1446468323290.png (1080x956, 236K)

28 years old.

Reworked on some of my previous cadres fanarts.

Attached: Homeless_emperor_v2.jpg (1060x1500, 1024K)

Wtf is Tatsumaki doing among the crowd of criminals?

Attached: Screenshot.jpg (131x112, 6K)

You need to get working on something new with Tatsumaki please

Attached: Gyoro_Gyoro-1.jpg (1060x1500, 948K)

Is Murata increasing his page count as his drawings become more complex?

hey that's very uncool thing to say

when are you going to ever finish anything you do, you lazy shmuck

>chooses the least realistic artstyles for this bs
>thinks it would make sense that they would make their characters intentionally look like the people who killed them
>allot of character designs are made to reflect their personality
how stupid can one person be

Attached: IMG_20190624_031816.jpg (720x720, 59K)

>price tag on the crown
Fucking kek

What could Pig God secret trump card be? Super Vomit attack? Becoming slim like Fat Gum from BNHA?

But I'm trying to finish the MA leaders set pics if anything here.

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Attached: fuhrer2.jpg (1060x1500, 968K)

Huh, there's a former Tanktop momber amongst the outlaws. Didn't notice it before

Attached: x15.png (860x1236, 745K)

Why are his lips so cracked? He looks too much like EC.

Attached: amai_the_fuck.jpg (752x187, 19K)

Attached: EvilWater2.jpg (1060x1500, 1.32M)

how Blue Fire achieved such high rank with just flamethrowers in his sleeves and what is he going to do now with only one arm

He probably has better physical stats than Class b and c heroes. Same for guys like Golden Ball.

Is that supposed to be Garou to Saitama's right?

A class is not that powerful aside from Amai Mask and the Atomic disciples desu. I think he will have a robot arm.

because he probably have good physical stats too.

Garou was A class up until his A class fight

Tank top rapist?

And yet he was able to stomp an S class hero

>beats Tanktop Master
>A Class


And Psykos got beaten by Fubuki, your point?
Bad matchups are bad matchups.

he litterally trashed the top 3 A class heroes below the disciples & Mask, without even using his techniques.

Almost like the ranking system is bullshit

Are you fucking serious?
Reminder that fight happened after the fight with Tank Top Master.

Oh and... I found out that Chain'n toad was A class with just a gi that he throws out semi-competently.

Attached: this is your a class hero.png (636x901, 661K)

he got a hook hand, that's it

It doesn't matter, he would have died against the demons if he didn't got the powerup from the A class fight, at which point he wouldn't be considered S class.

Tank Top Rebel

there's already a TTR, Tanktop Rockabilly.

you're retarded. Besides, RR and BG are humanoids, so monsters or not, Bang's techniques works on them.

Clearly she is an American deep cover agent placed by McArthur.

If not for Amai Mask, Fubuki could easily make her way up to the lower ranks of S classes

he dealt with 3 A class heroes + a room full of criminals that were likely C-A Class in level like it was nothing, he's been disaster level demon from the start which is the monster equivalent of S Class. beating TTM + the tanktop army and then MB just solidified that.

It was 2 demons at once and pretty high level demons at that. Also you don't get S class for barely surviving a fight with demon level monsters.

It hasn't been that long since that last one.

Attached: Tats_sitSai_c.jpg (1809x1300, 950K)

Shame that you don't know much about languages. There's plenty of languages that have more info per morpheme than English.

This image is the second-worst burn moefags have ever received.

Bro, I've seen these girls get surgery age 12 and younger.

I don't think you understand how part of the culture it is, especially in Korea. It doesn't change who they are as people, but man, it's treated much differently there.

a joke, just like in real like

yes I cut myself on that edge

because it's still relevant

>Source:Trust me, Bro

Feels like forever

What was the first?

>What was the first?
really user?

Enlighten me

Attached: 20190727_225345.jpg (1060x1500, 1.38M)

wait, really? holy shit you actually don't know, for real?

>Yeah, these anime characters look JUST like me!

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 4K)

Either tell me or stop fucking with me.

Amazing how asshurt this makes the weeb.

I want to go back on that one.

Is there a single hero that is less deserving of the title of A-class than Chain'n'toad?
He got there because of his kid appeal or something. The only thing he does is throw his gi inaccurately. In his own fight against Garou, he is outshined by the B class heroes constantly. Shooter manages to land a poisoned hit on him, Glasses straight up stands up to Garou for a while, even fucking Gun Gun manages to put some good pressure on him. What does Chain'n'toad do? Nothing. Fucking useless piece of shit. Death Gatling could have won if he replaced him with One Shotter.

Attached: Chain'n'toad.jpg (200x200, 37K)

user... what does worst burn remind you of?

there's actually no way you don't know though, you're just baiting me right? like,
>This image is second-worst burn moefags have ever received.
>second-worst burn
really you have to be baiting

>He got there because of his kid appeal or something.
No. He did that after being a A class because he wasn't popular with kids. It didn't magically make him A class.

Not him but I just got it and now I feel like a retard.

I've just realised we've almost reached the point where Murata has put out more chapters than One.

Kyoani was the victim of a arson the other day.

Saitama should look as plain as possible.
Boring white guy fits perfectly.

There’s an Asian Yea Forums. They do bullshit like this all of the time.

More like he gave it volume. It gives this foreboding impression. Especially in the second panel with god where he added a second layer.

I don't know how to convince you that I don't get the joke

Hiatuses get the best of us

Propably a main antagonist and we know he is powerful since he can turn a regular hobo into a cadre level dragon and also kill him at will.
Possibly the reason for monsters becoming more and more common / powerful in the world.

Bofoi might have already caught on to him to some degree since he doesn't think the MA is the biggest danger.

Attached: 1540710703182.png (600x848, 190K)

Oh fuck me I didn't make the connection

No, there’s a big gap between a class and s class Heroes.

i am legit fucking flabbergasted that not one, but TWO people managed to not get that joke even after having it laid out in front of them. that's actually crazy.

But how? His fighting style isn't even A-class, it's more like C-class. Even the lowest ranked A-class hero, Snek, has a decent mastery of martial arts. Chain'n'toad has nothing. A-class heroes tend to be masters of their crafts or to fight with some gimmicky weapon like a giant Kendama, a slingshot or a Machine Gun. A regular gi is nothing. This guy is considered stronger than Mizuki! He does even less cool things with his chain than Needle Star does with a similar weapon, and Needle Star is B-class!

Chinese nerds are little shits who have tendency to do crap like this.

I don't know why but her face reminds me of komi-san

Attached: DmluwDS[1].png (964x1406, 1.27M)

I definitely see the resemblance


It's almost like the ranking system is BULLSHIT

What is the absolute peak of Garou's strength that Suiryu could have handled and defeated?

Attached: 1556741215183.jpg (299x262, 13K)

You look at all the B class heroes we've seen, look at Chain'n'toad, and tell me Chain'n'toad deserves to be in A-class. That guy would get destroyed by half of the fubuki group not even counting Fubuki because Fubuki is obviously high A-class. Lily would wipe the floor with him. Chain'n'toad is weaker than Bone. He's weaker than Smell Master and probably weaker than Pineapple too.

garou after only one year of training?

If Garou had gone to the Stadium instead of fucking with Watchdog Man, Suiryu could have taken him.

garou post MB is the peak i'd say

Yeah. BULLSHIT. God I fucking hate Chain'n'toad.

It's late and sometimes my brain is a bit stupid.

What about the Garou that Genos fought?

Attached: 1557266975450.gif (265x207, 1.17M)

At that point he was probably too fast for Suiryu to keep up with, especially considering he had resorted strictly to using Bang's style.

Littlefinger jobbed harder than Psykos

>tfw no real life Mizuki gf

Attached: Sonia_Malavisi.jpg (960x720, 161K)

Can someone please post pictures of my favorite hero Handsomely Handsome Sweetly Sweet Mask? Please.

Attached: sweetmaask_ref1.png (1866x1028, 1.4M)

What chapter of the webcomic are we up to?


>Both end up getting punched to death

Attached: 002.jpg (388x288, 35K)

Attached: SM_shittinghispants.jpg (947x383, 102K)

Japan's interpretation of Yahweh less often than should are Universal in scope. When in reality Yahweh should be outversal in scope (That's 'Beyond the concept of Dimensions' for you non power scalers)

He actually grabbed Garou and constantly kept him on edge.
he's also such a fucking badass

Attached: tw35vlv0li631.png (532x549, 217K)

Thanks user

This is literally better than my birthday gift I received today. Thank you user, oh thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!
All kinds of Handsomely Handsome Sweetly Sweet Mask are welcome. I love him so much so thank you user!!!

I'm not watching a movie unless the main character has the same skin color as me.

it's a little girl too

>Is there a single hero that is less deserving of the title of A-class than Chain'n'toad?
Forte, he got knock over by a fucking car. Even kid Saitama survived getting slammed into a wall

Attached: Capture d’écran 2019-07-27 à 18.03.14.png (1416x704, 901K)

>He sees your tits

Attached: 3AE27C1C-DAB5-4B41-AE5D-5B71D498E09B.jpg (949x1226, 364K)

>Japanese cold
>that's why I haven't released a chapter in months


is that why they're so scared of rain?

>How dare people demand that the live action actors actually resemble the fictional characters they are playing

They're scared of sun too.

Anime is about white people
Get fucked

tank top renegade, because he's an outlaw

Smells awfully /pol/ in here


Attached: OroBS.jpg (2067x1410, 1.18M)

>implying BS can do anything to orochi without fusing
good one smurf

Why is this guy such a Blackspermfag?

> implying he can't

nice joke

>X mystery character was Y mystery character

Peak brainlet

> Atomic, one of the strongest S heroes, said he has lots of strenght
BS can definitely give Orochi a run for his money before fusing.

Fewer monsters, more waifus

it's nice that you think that smurf

Does Manhattan actually get punched to death in whatever abortion they're currently publishing over at DC? If so that's really fucking stupid.

Wouldn't bs be done for if he was hit with a single beam attack.

I'm continuing Psykos' portrait, should be done this week end.

what don't you understand about having over 11 trillion lives?

Attached: x8.jpg (600x848, 192K)

But if he was hit by a strong enough beam attack all the black sperms inside black sperm should die all at once.

don't bother user, he will wank BS till the end of time

>Will God be anything special, or is he just a throwaway joke?
this entrie manga is joke so he will be joke as well

That's not lives, is number of clones inside of him. if he was condenscened to a single clone then bombed he would die

That's your complete headcanon. Actually even Awakened Garou didn't fully kill a 100 cells stock BS, leaving one cell alive. weakened Tatsumaki took around 15 seconds to kill 10.000 cells, which is still a lot considering how little that is compared to the whole count, and certainly shows killing easily the whole stock is impossible, unless you're Saitama.

Attached: x14.jpg (600x848, 201K)

One has already said this isn't a satire manga

It's litterally lives.
> if he was condenscened to a single clone then bombed he would die

>if he was condenscened to a single clone then bombed he would die
No, if it was condensed into a single clone it would become Golden Sperm and then he'd dodge or block the beam
>It's litterally lives.
How can you state your completely unjustified headcanon and then call someone else out for "headcanon"?
Did none of you idiots read the fucking webcomic?


Then why do idiots keep confusing it for one?

> How can you state your completely unjustified headcanon
Right, it's not like King litterally says it > Did none of you idiots read the fucking webcomic?
That's my line.

>no, opm is not satire
>raffs uncontrollably

>Atomic, one of the heroes we never saw his durability being tested said he has lots of strength
Doesn't indicate anything

>making a character whiter
Good joke.


Atomic knows what he's talking about and has high standards, if he says he has lots of strenght, he does.

How would King know how Black Sperm worked? He even states it as a question, because its his own speculation, nothing more. King literally knows nothing beyond what he saw Black Sperm do and heard him say, his speculation is no better than yours or mine.

Haven't you noticed that it's a running theme in OPM for powerful characters to overrate their own strength?
Atomic thought King could slice an apple between the atoms, his judgement and standards are demonstrably imperfect.

I'd like to remind everyone that every time we see Heavy Kong he's been KO'd by something.

Damn that's one fake nasal bridge

Attached: yellow fever 2mb.webm (700x392, 1.97M)

someone forgot Death Note

Atomic is litterally the strongest human swordman in the world. He's a powerhouse, there is 0 deniying that.

> Is X a throwaway
> In a parody series full of throwaways

The absolute state of One punch fans.

>implying there's no asian qts
Fuck off, roastie

He is second to Flashy Flash though, so fuck off.

Literally no different than Golden Age Superman punching Anti-Monitor to his first death you uncultured swine.

Flash is an all rounded ninja. Atomic have obviously way better sword skills than him since he focuses on it.

Flash is a fucking faggot, just like Sonic. I want Saitama to beat the hell out of both those traps.

I think he's referring to how God will get one punched.

I really like the song "I Wanna Be Stronger"
It reminds me of another song but I can't place it

> Implying any Asian qt would be into you
Fuck off, neckbeard.

Drive Knight looks like he could be Botswanan or Ethiopian.

But the sushi restaurant is, dial8

No, Manhattan's physical form isn't even "real". He's been completely blown apart in the past and can remake his form at will. Also The Anti-monitor was a physical energy containment unit. Also Golden age (you mean Silver age) Superman didn't defeat him, the Spectre did.
Jeez what a scrub trying to flaunt his supposed power level.

That doesn't even make any sense you ESL poster.

Read the bible. All the omnipotence stuff is fanfiction by heretics. God made man in his image. And God is flawed.

God created Man in his image, and all was perfect in creation.
Then God felt the need to introduce a little pussy into play, and everything went to shit.

Attached: 8hnlm6x36g931.jpg (1024x1024, 183K)

>Read the bible
>God is flawed

This is what happens when we let everyone say anything in their mind

How can you come to any other conclusion? No perfect being would do all the dumb shit in the Old Testament. But it doesn't matter. Because God is overwhelmingly powerful, so humanity must submit regardless.


She'd probably replace PPP as the lowest ranking S-class hero. If she'd practiced more on being a competent Psychic instead of a mediocre anti-Tatsumaki, she might be mid-tier S-class.

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Why is she so cute, bros?

Attached: fubuki (3).jpg (2447x1600, 932K)

How many fans do you think flashed Sweet Mask? Happens a ton IRL where drunk girls at concerts will flash the performers. At least at the concerts I've been to.

How is Fubuki so fit and still has those huge melons?

The conclusion of the sisters arc does seems to be heading in that direction. She can't stay at that level when her "vice president" Psykos got so crazy powerful in comparison too.

Attached: psykos_school.png (947x970, 840K)

Are you so retarded that you honestly think a perfect being would be flawed? Your arrogance is disgusting.

>He is second to FF
Flash-fags are THIS retarded

Reminder that Sonic is as powerful as FF.

at 0:28 what kind of black magic did she use to hide her huge cheek bones?

> Reminder that Sonic is as powerful as FF.

Yeah, but he's also more retarded. Checkmate Sonnigger.

She applied shit to her cheeks to make her face rounder, negating the amount her cheekbones stick out... I think.

He's black

Sonic is a dumbass, but that doesn't mean he isn't strong. However, it also means that Flash, who is about equal to Sonic, isn't top-tier S-class material like people thought. He's in the middle of the pack.

And also, Genos is stronger.

Why don't more heroes use guns?

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good one, i guess?

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> Genos is stronger.

Yeah, but he's also more retarded as well. Checkmate Gennigger.

>lily will never sell you alcohol
Why live?

Attached: lilybeer.jpg (445x915, 105K)

don't know how to use them well. And they're not that good.

Attached: One-Punch Man v7-186.jpg (2037x3056, 1.95M)

What the fuck is Black Sperms backstory going to be

Why does King want to sit on Saitama's head?

>shitty little .38 specials
You'll note in he's using .50 like a fucking man
Probably incendiary rounds too

Muscle>Guns, in the OPMverse. I mean, Mumen Rider survived having his head slammed into the pavement by Garou so hard that it left a crater, which IRL would cause a person skull to break like a egg.

cute jobber

All the sperm wasted on sadpanda, fueled by the collective grief caused by its demise, became a monster.

The sadpanda fiasco is the dumbest controversy I've ever seen on Yea Forums. Truly, all of Yea Forums is subhuman.

What the hell is it?

It's a loli hentai site that got shutdown
That's literally it

Is she a One character, or was she created by Murata?

Please for the love of FUCK lurk moar
This answer's existance shouldn't even be possible

murata 100%

how uninformed you are, if you truly think its only loli/shota content then you didnt browse the panda.

I've been on Yea Forums for the last decade and I hadn't heard of it until the other day.
Somehow I was one of the only guys never to come across it and it's kinda weirding me out.

Isn’t that a good thing?

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the literal CP.

Yes, the only people who will tell you otherwise are degenerates who should be ignored anyway.

> Yea Forums criticizes Yea Forums for being sexually degenerate, perverse and racist
> Yea Forums is just sexually degenerate and perverse

Yeah. I'm thinkin' we're back. :'^)

>Metal Bat: Japanese
>Pig God: Japanese
>Metal Knight: American
>Atomic Samurai: Japanese
>Bang: Japanese
>Puri Puri Prisoner: Jewish or Portuguese
>Child Emperor: British
>Darkshine: Japanese
>King: Swedish
>Flash: Finnish or Estonian
>Tank Top Master: American
>Zombieman: Japanese-Romanian
>Watchdog Man: Japanese

Original thought of Sweet Mask and Tats both Jap but S. Korean and French are way better after giving some thought.

Attached: high-energy-tats.jpg (340x401, 29K)

One can really knock it out of the park when he wants to.

I somehow doubt you have never seen an exhentai link if you actually were here for that amount of time, stop attempting to fit in, it isn't working.
For normalfags that dislike freedom of speech, I guess it could be considered "a good thing".

I don't care if you don't believe me.

Just like no one cares if were here 10 years ago or not, doesn't change the fact that you are desperately trying to fit in by mentioning it.
At least admit you are a retarded newfag, it's better that way.

>you're trying to fit in by admitting you'd never heard of something everyone else has

>reading comprehension

>Muh American freedom of speech
>American anti-pedo laws

I am not american, if that is what you are trying to say with that strawman.

>there are people ITT RIGHT NOW who think this isn't dangerous

Attached: Tasumaki Prey.jpg (1425x1765, 561K)

Yea Forums follows US laws.

That does not have anything to do with this discussion.

>Darkshine was born Asian
>trained so hard he somehow got stereotypical African features

I don't understand

>admitting to being a retarded ESL
Go back

I could see Sonic as half-japanese, half-finnish or something due to his light eyes.

Attached: DR5P8gMVAAA309o.jpg (1215x1620, 452K)

>thinks loli are bad
>doesn't know what sad panda is

Maybe he is a halfu. Ninja dad is japanese and his mom is a white

What a stupid fucking thing to say. Almost every anime character has different colored or "White" eyes. By that logic, almost every anime character in history is white or part white.

God, I hate this board.

Yeah, it's not like there were daily sadpanda threads until a couple years ago, and it's not like links were posted in every single tomboy/onee-san/x girl thread.

Why did Murata use to waste so much time drawing inbetween chapter stuff?

Smurf if you're still here
Plz draw fem mb

The model guy with blue hair: Russian
Pig god: Belarus
Atomic Samurai: Japanese
Metal Bat: Japanese
PPP: Netherlands
Zombie Man: Brazil 'cause fuck you
Child Emperor: South Korean
Dark Shine: Ethiopia
King: Sweden
Flash: Denmark
Bang: Latvia
Tatsumaki: Nothing, but let's just say Estonia

>Dark Shine: Ethiopia
he doesn't know

Ignore this man

Draw male Tatsumaki instead

Attached: q24.jpg (800x1138, 288K)

Imagine thinking Darkshine is a tanning oil parody and not that he became black by breaking his limiter

fem MB is love
fem MB is life

Attached: 1560726823030.jpg (943x1200, 127K)

You mean Mob?

>broken limiter
>stomped by Garou
Pick one

>sweet mask
what the flying fuck

Wanna know how I know you're a filthy Brazilian?

the only person who has broken their limiter is Saitama
Saitama only broke his limiter because it was the lowest limiter of any living thing ever (probably because he was the most boring, normal guy to ever exist ever)

>it was the lowest limiter of any living thing ever
that isn't true, it was just an average limiter because he was the definition of an average guy. but then he had crazy drive and determination and pushed past where an "average guy" like him would usually quit and broke his limiter.

>Female humiliation

Attached: CC30D6C6-7AD9-44AF-90AF-5EA24B8BE122.png (500x438, 244K)

A lot. And that is an understatement.

The joke was so bad it took me until this point of the comment chain to understand.

It is really not fair how one hero can be this cool. I really love him, he is the best hero ever and he is also strong + very handsome + kinds to humans like himself that’s why I love him lots

Mask knows a thing or 2 about that

that's literally just you being braindead or new, or both. probably both

It happened a few days ago, what is your major malfunction. Not nearly old enough to be used for dick waving.

it being new is the primary reason why it's so outstanding that you retards somehow found it so hard to get the joke.

I want to see Tatsumaki get abused by a super strong guy

I just though he actually had a point instead of making an unfunny joke. The fact that this barely ever registered (besides another a few new filters) didn't help either.

It is my fetish

Will there ever be a God level threat again?

Attached: Boros_color.jpg (700x700, 605K)

I want Sweet Mask to piss on my inferior female face.

Rework your life you faggot.

He’ll surely feel that

when boros returns

I am no Sweet Mask but I can do that for you if you want

>hell arc confirmed

>hell arc
would unironically be kino as fuck. Imagine monsters coming back to rematch saitama and the S class. Imagine the prohecy told to Boros comes true when he trained like like hell to fight Saitama but he encounters post awakened Garou.

If Boros trained no amount of awakened Garou can stop him. He’d finally be able to give Saitama the thrill he wanted.

I desperately want to know how Boros VS Garou would end up
Even ONE said he doesn't really know

Attached: DeNEBQ2V4AAPr31.jpg (750x531, 117K)

boros is basically just like freeza in the regard that he was born a magnificent prodigy but it's turned up to 11. if he trained he would be ridiculously overpowered it's not even funny. of course he'd never come near breaking his limiter though since it would be extraordinarily high considering his enormous potential from birth

>boros vs garou
You serious mate?

we should be expecting new S class candidates to compensate for the ones that left to Neos. The HA will probably tell Amai to relax for like a month and fit in Fubuki, Ian and maybe Suiryu if ONE thinks he cool enough for comic.

suiryu will either be with the neo heroes or not included at all, and i doubt they'll get any new s classers

Suiryu will start as a hero but he will start like Saitama from the bottom. I think that's what he'll do.

>suiryu would be italian
Yeah, i bet my ass that bang and bomb would be brazilian and king mexican, fuck you netflixnigger

They made 1 character lighter and 2 darker (1 MUCH darker) and still got shit for being racist.

neither the neo heroes nor the HA would see suiryu and put him anywhere but A Class and above

the prophecy that boros was supposed to get an even fight was meant for boros and saitama just fucked things up

close range garou has the advantage (pretty obvious) but if boros can zone/keep the distance he probably wins

btw いい勝負 (what ONE said when asked about it) basically always means 対等でいい勝負 so it's not talking about the quality, but the evenness (closeness)

meant for *Garou* fuck me

>Anime characters are white anyway.
Most of them are Japs

Breasts don't get smaller with exercise.

>Breasts don't get smaller with exercise.
They do

but I can imagine it'd be pretty difficult for a well-endowed woman to work out with her big ol milky meat mammaries flapping around while on the treadmill, eh?

>Draw a white person
>Call it a Jap

>but I can imagine it'd be pretty difficult for a well-endowed woman to work out with her big ol milky meat mammaries flapping around while on the treadmill
That doesn't stop fat people from working out. It's not an issue just an excuse.

Don't sports bras take care of that issue.

double sports bra

Not if she uses telekinesis to hold them in place.

These bras are made specifically so females can exercise without their breasts getting in the way.
Source: My older sister has a ton of those

>older sister
you know what you need to do user


Hello there speedreader-kun

it would be nice to see more added in the sweet mask versus the fuhrer ugly. i know it's more or less a gag for sweet mask's struggle but it would be nice to see them keep going. even with his gag with being ugly, i think fuhrer can back up the shit he talks and could possibly go toe to toe with mask. i would like to see more. like mask adapting to his ugliess or fighting wearing a blindfold

Attached: fuhrer and mask.png (800x1138, 1.45M)

Literally what


>Keep going
Give him a couple beers until he can look at Ugly without being paralyzed

>ONE has "had a cold" for six weeks

Based and swinepilled

>can’t even kill one (1) Fuhrer

t. Asanagi

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is Saitama capable of thinking super hard to destroy a mind-reading machine?


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Use cm


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Where would King, Sonic, Fubuki, and MB show up on there?

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>174 cm
S criminals being manlets is going to be a thing

You were making fun of ONE's Zombieman drawing, look at your character's neck. Also lips are ugly.

News at 11, Hobo isn't a bishonen.

Attached: fresh-cream.jpg (600x600, 47K)

peak reddit incel


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Is it still bait if it's true?
Looks more like a hit-piece or a debate to me.
It's certainly meant to provoke but there isn't a shred of untruth in it.

Will Ufotable do him justice in HF3?

Attached: kotomine through the ages.jpg (943x1138, 193K)

Trust him, his pops is a plastic surgeon.

Attached: surgeon.jpg (600x1083, 98K)

Attached: 872534.jpg (600x800, 59K)

>Puri Puri Prisoner: Jewish or Portuguese
How do you figure?

if there's still a chance we might get a third season of OPM
on the other hand it'll be animated by JC
do we really want that?

Attached: 1562674841844.jpg (2048x2049, 1.57M)

>That thigh gap
sonic pls

His hair for the first and his facial bones' structure for the second

I wish ONE would hurry up and make this canon

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I wish ONE would hurry up and upload a chapter.

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So, did Garou end up going back and paying that bill?

Attached: x2.jpg (600x848, 111K)

he has no money, how'd he pay that bill?

Implying Saitama has any thoughts

ONE has made them rivals and murata always without fail draws them fucking with one another on splash pages and table of contents pages if theyre both on it. Its fucking cute

Attached: 1 (1).png (860x1236, 561K)

Garous is lean and mean like an animal, Suiryu's swole and has the more vanity muscle esque physique because his style is about delivering big hits and he's self absorbed.

>lean and mean like an animal
you don't say, wow, I've never noticed that
it's like he has a theme going

Attached: disguise.png (531x502, 304K)

nice. I like how gross he looks

>tfw one would probably be a spectacular artist if he put twice the amount of time into drawing