Oneesan or Mommy, make your choice, Yea Forums

Oneesan or Mommy, make your choice, Yea Forums

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Too old, too used

You can make an oneesan also a mommy but not vice versa.

Oneesan is the correct choice and you CANNOT tell me otherwise. Mom fetishes are for deviants.

the one that doesn't have kuroko's shitty voice


Satomi Arai turns my schlong into diamond

Onee-san. I'm not degenerate enough to be a MOMMYfag.


Who is in the left?

What is that darkness in left's eyes?

WHOA MAMA I'd go for the oneesan

>mom fetishes are for deviants
Where do you think you are?

When is she getting her adaptation?

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same time we get eva 4


What do you do in this situation?

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onee san for me, someon else's mom for MTR

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Imagine being Mamako and hang out with a beautiful eldritch Goddess

Onee-sans and mommies basically have the exact same appeal and personalities. The difference is negligible so long as there are lap pillows, headpats and plenty of "good boy"

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Well, as long as you're not a purityfag, but who gives a shit about those guys?

>wants the exact same thing as a mommy except without the label because that part makes it deviant

If you're going for the incest angle fucking your sister is pure whereas fucking your mom is gross.

Both at the same time

This, especially if the mommy is also the onee-san's mom.

>someone else's mom
This is and always will be my answer. Why do the Japanese want to fuck their own moms and not their friend’s moms, is something wrong with them?!

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Very comfy

I want to impregnate Chiyo

well because wanting to fuck your friends mom is just you wanting to fuck your own but yours doesnt look attractive, the concept is the same but we are still behind a wall of denial

trust me, i spend longer thinking and interviewing people about this kind of shit than youd imagine

With a thousand dark young, Yog-Sothot?

Both. Add in a tomboy for good measure.

>used goods vs virginal maiden
huh I wonder which one to pick...

Oneesan is already dead.

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unironically this is the reason why i also went with the onee san

It's alright, she's used to it.

Onee-chan IF Blood related.

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This. Though calling her mommy is more taboo so it's more exciting.

shell be back
>mfw you can gore the crap out of her and she always comes back
best girl

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Why not both ?


I want to be her panties son,

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This, but I'll still call her mommy.

It's on sadpanda.

Too soon.

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Is directing begging saucefags to exhentai the best response?


>they don't know how to get past the bowing biyoris
Newfags I swear.


Yeah but once you get the bowing biyoris you gotta go into your system folder and delete the system32 file they add to get past again.

This. Making an onee-san a mommy is the patrician choice.

Mommy, always.

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Is Hitomi still the best option?


Oneesan that's also your mommy

But user, that's an onee-san who evolved into a mommy through circumstance

Mamako is great, but it's gotta be Chiyo for me

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I already fapped to onee san, give mommy

Onee-san is just Okaa-san lite

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Okaa-san Online - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.32_[2019.07.26_18.59.33].jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

Why not both?

For me, it's mommy. Always mommy.

you didn't come out of your oneesan

thats why mommy > oneesan

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What if my dad impregnated his daughter with me?