why didnt he just fuckig kill himself
the love is his live is fucking dead and hes stuck with a woman that doesnt care for him and her daughter from another man
why didnt he just fuckig kill himself
the love is his live is fucking dead and hes stuck with a woman that doesnt care for him and her daughter from another man
to cuck the man who cucked him by marrying his daughter.
We've already gone over this hundreds of times
By the end of the manga he didn't love Aiko anymore, he was just obsessed with being reunited with her
With her death he's finally able to move on with his life and leave all the stupid shit behind and start anew
He's literally "my wifes son" man
>i don't understand what i read: the thread
what's your favourite moment?
mine is when we see the little face of God in the uncle's child eye
When PunPun finally reunites with Aiko as an adult, and the entire downward spiral after that
>–The scene Harumin sees in the final chapter is one of Punpun surrounded by friends. Looking at that one scene on its own, it’d seem like a really happy one.
>Asano: Exactly. But in reality, Punpun never had anything go his way in his entire life. Not once.
>Asano: After Aiko died, what he really wanted to do was just live a lonely life mourning for her, but in the end he gets caught by Satchan and it all gets sort of muddled. Punpun is broken at that point. When he talks with Aiko in his dream (chapter 145), he says something along the lines of wishing he could just disappear from everyone’s memories, but even that wish isn’t granted.
>–The phrase “Good night, Punpun” recurs multiple times throughout the manga, but in the end, when Punpun himself finally chooses to mutter “Good night”, it gets overturned by Satchan. You could say it’s the story of someone who chooses eternal sleep by his own will, but gets woken up anyway.
>Asano: That’s true. Also, I might have made it a bit less than obvious, but Satchan is making Punpun into a manga. She’s digging up Punpun’s life, which he wants everyone to forget, and turning it into something permanent — manga.
>–Considering Punpun’s personality, that’d be a living hell for him.
>Asano: Right to the very end, I wasn’t sure how to go about doing the last chapter. Among the possibilities I’d considered, I’d thought up an ending in which Punpun dies.
>Asano: Satchan’s child falls off a train station platform, Punpun goes down to save him, dies instead. It’s a very clean way to end. But I wasn’t sure if I wanted to end on such a clean note.
>–What do you mean, “clean”?
>Asano: It’s too clear-cut an ending for the story. It wraps it all up a little too well. Living is harder than dying, see, so I thought this was the most painful, worst possible ending for Punpun, and that’s why in the end I went with this final chapter.
when his uncles wife rapes him, shit was literally to real for me
you mean the Driving Lessons? or what?
yeah, I felt it too. And when he rapes his younger sister Phoebe
Should I read this if I'm a normalfag about to get married?
Or is it inane drivel for self hating neets like NHK ni yokoso
you can read it, you'll feel a little sad or irritated at moments, but it's worth reading
Coward's way out. Only fags kill themselves.
it's your run of the mill depression porn manga.
the only thing it does different is that the main love interest is so cute that you spend the whole thing lamenting the inevitable, and when it finally hits it hits hard.
Is this a famous bird thread?
That's not beautiful at all
By any standard
>I'm a normalfag about to get married
beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
also i think it's cute and i'm the only one whose opinion matters because i live in a simulation and none of (you) are real.
>I live in a simulation in which I'm a loser
>i live in a simulation and none of (you) are real.
Is this the highest level of cope?
everyone else is an extension of myself because Yea Forums is literally one person (me) and the only reason anyone gets to have an "opinion" is because i gave them a directive to think they do.
hi me, please exercise more
>punpun is supposed to be loser with no social skills
>still gets constant sex
unrealistic manga
"In the end I really was The Goodnight Catcher" resonated real hard in me.
Would have been better and more realistic if Aiko actually became a vapid roastie
nah i think she's very appealing.
she looks very down to earth, cute in a girl next door kind of way. someone i'd really be comfortable being around and enjoy making her smile.
very few anime girls make me feel anything beyond thinking that they just "look" cute, aiko is someone whose company i might actually enjoy.
also Eyebrows are a huge plus.
this series has too many whores already.
He should have. Fuck the author for not giving him the happy ending he deserved.
Pic related always gets me. Just a chapter describing a single mundane day for him, but it's so damn effective at displaying the internal atmosphere of someone going through depression
just Aiko and punpun very briefly being happy together.
it induced major anxiety in me because it was so obvious this wasn't going to last.
I really don't understand why retards on Yea Forums defend that ugly whore punpun had a crush on
glad she killed herself, ugly cunt
I enjoyed seeing Aiko jealous and punpun jealous of Aiko.
The part where punpun's uncle fucks his GF in front of the horny 16yo was also very nice.
>punpun loved his dad the most
>find out his mom was the one sending him the letters all those years pretending to be his dad
That really fucked me up.
I always thought she had red hair for some reason.
fucking bird just die, living wasn't worth it for you
PunPun got the ending he deserved. I don't think you understood how much of a terrible. shitty and sick adult PunPun turned into. That's the actual tragedy of the story and probably it's most realistic message.
That panel of his dad saying he loves him as he waves goodbye from a distance still fucks me up, the composition of that panel is incredible.
Why did Punpun(and Aiko) feel guilty about killing Aiko's mom? She was rotten, used her daughter to buy sex toys, and was fucking stabbed her, intending to kill her.
Couldn't they have called the police and argued self-defense?
no matter how right and justified you are, killing another human being with your own hands, especially when you're not trained to do so, will fuck any sane person up. one moment you have a living breathing human in front of you with dreams, aspirations, potential and even the ability to change and make amends, the next you have a rotting pile of flesh staring back at you.
although i do agree that it is stupid that they didn't go to the cops.
normal people don't feel good about matricide, i don't know if you know this, user. plus japanese society is very frigid and superficial, being branded a murderer, even in self defense will fuck your social life up, probably your professional life too.
Guess I'm not a normal person then. My dad was on drugs and tried to kill my mom when I was 12. I took a metal bat and beat him over the head multiple times fully intending to kill him. Too bad he didn't die.
yeah, this totally happened
>when I was 12 I totally almost killed a grown man
This isn't anime user. A grown man won't even feel whatever the fuck you were trying to do with that bat
>Read this authors other manga
>angsty confused teenager sexual drama
Alright this is pretty goo--
>shit eating
ok then nevermind
you should've thought this through a little better, should've gone with 15.
The point was my intention. It knocked him unconscious long enough for us to call the police and get my step-dad involved.
The point is you were 12
That's irrelevant. I could've been 6. or 16. or 20. I'm not going to stand by and let someone kill my mother, user.
i don't think you get what we're saying user.
>yeah, this totally happened
>This isn't anime
You aren't saying much.
let me spell this out for you.
There is no way a 12 year old can beat a grown ass man with a blunt weapon. especially if said grown ass man is in good enough shape to beat your mother.
Idiot, It's not about me physically being able to fucking beat him. My intention was to kill him. Obviously that didn't happen, but if I had any other weapon around I would've done it 100% to get him off my damn mom.
And no, he wasn't in good shape because he was high on fucking drugs.
You seriously can't comprehend.
>i beat him over the head multiple times
no you didn't.
pic related, this is the one page from the manga I'll remember forever
>I think I've been waiting for this moment.
>Good morning, Punpun.
How can you love her if you don't eat her poo?
Fucking BASED.
this shit fucks you up
not really, past a certain point it becomes obvious that the author intends to make every single scenario turn for the worst and then it becomes to predictable and loses alot of it's impact.
Punpun's uncle was pretty based at times
Punpun doesn't deserve to be happy.
This exact moment. i nearly jumped.
he was based 100% of the time
how to get aiko gf
Wrong. Everyone deserves to be happy, despite all the mistakes they've made.
t. Naruto
everything would have been OK
that idea to visit Aiko's mother was the beginning ov everything... It was easy avoidable
No, the only people that deserve to be happy are the ones that try to get that happiness instead of waiting for good things to happen to them, and this entails having the right mindset too like not expecting everything you do to work out, etc.
absolutely wrong, wtf
Seki attempting to save Shimizu
This one really hit me hard for some reason. Got me very choked up. I'm a sucker for self-sacrifice.
>depressed people don't deserve to be happy
If you think people can't change you are projecting way too hard.
>If you think people can't change
user, the only one projecting is you.
Fuck off already.
Either of the times when Tsubasa wo kudasai plays.
I think we can all agree that the Good Vibrations side plot was there WORST pay off the whole manga
tinkle tinkle hoymotherfuckers
yea, I'd rather investigate this VHS tape with a murderer
I just skimmed past anything relating to that. I thought they were going somewhere with it but it was just annoying and nonsensical. I also stopped caring about the 2 gay guys because after a certain point they had nothing to do with the MC anymore. Felt like it was just filler to pad the manga out.
Aiko is the most cute girl in manga, fight me.
I think Punpun felt more paranoid than guilty.
Same here. I'm pretty sure by the end I cared more about these two than I did about Aiko and Punpun
I bet everyone has a friend like him
It was the worst part of the whole manga.
I don't unless you're like him. You guys are my only friends.
I disagree, I thought it was pretty great.
sure thing, I like you :)
I don't get why so many people either think that the ending is a complete downer or a happy one. It's not suposed to be happy or sad, it's bittersweet. Pun Pun lost Aiko, yes, and he fucked up a lot during his life, but he is finally able to return Sachi and live a normal(ish) life again. That's why the final chapter show him in his OG form as a cartoon bird, to show that after so many years he didn't completely lose his innocence from his childhood.
And before you ask, yes, i know the author stated before that it was the "worst possible ending" he could have given to Punpun and that "living is better than dying", but i personally disaggre and think that at the end, he IS better off than when he started, at least on some points.
>he IS better off than when he started
He is literally a slave, can't even be considered a human.
asano is a bitter loser
It depends on whether you see him as either too weak to kill himself or just someone who is trying to cope with his mental and physical issues. I simply took it as the latter one.
The love of my life died 4 years ago, i still love her so i proceed in life living for the both of us. I don't mind being alone and i dont want a new partner, i have no reason to kill myself after she died because life has the purpose you decide to give it
Nah, he just tries to go for gut punches in his stories, which looks like it worked pretty well.
That's basically what I think too. I was quite surprised by how pessimistic Asano was in that one interview.
I started absolutely hating PunPun after his mother died and he didn't care. She may not have been a particularly great mom, but that shit's still inexcusable to me, more than anything else he did.
And why is that user? I didn't care when my parents died, so why should Mr. Onodera?
I'm sorry to hear that user. Bless you.
Parents nowadays absolutely deserve to get heavily criticized, this thought that parents are blameless and cannot be touched is one of the reasons things are so fucked.
What's worse is glorifying stuff like single mothers, that's probably one of the worst things to happen in modern times.
I can't forgive you either. I can't think of someone who doesn't feel that pain when they lose a parent as human. Kys. I'm entirely serious.
There is a heavy, HEAVY difference between criticizing your parents and not giving a single shit when they die.
It's part of the criticism, it is a message to shitty parents that if you do not take care of your children properly then the respect you think they owe you won't be there.
Did you even read the ending? He wants to kill himself but now, despite how horrible he is, he's surrounded by friends who keep him in check basically. Like it says, living is harder than dying and Punpun wants to take the easy way out, but the people around him don't let him. He lives despite not even wanting to, so I wouldn't say the ending is a happy ending for him. Bittersweet at most.
I think it's sort of his act towards the public, if it were legitimate to judge his personality based on "Reiraku"
I don't think he didn't care at all. It's more like they grew so distanced that he just couldn't feel for her that much.
Pic related
Too tired to kill myself. I gave up a long time ago.
I'm sorry, user. Take care
Let's settle this once and for all. Asano or Oshimi?
Say what?
I think Punpun's dad does love him very much, but he's just too irresponsible and weak-willed as a father
This situation hits too close to home
Am I the only one who casually found this manga by searching up "oyasumi" in a manga search engine?
I think Punpun's dad does love him very much, but he's just too irresponsible and weak-willed as a father
This situation hits too close to home
Because it's always the same situation, a weak father and a single mother that understandably cannot deal with the kid on their own.
Feel you bro
The point is you still didn't do it. If you actually had killed your dad I doubt you could have kept a straight head.
probably. I found it this week on Yea Forums. the t-shirt looked pretty cool. i was wondering why the guy had a freaky head and decided to read it. was not disappointed.
Just be yourself ;)
The death of Aiko's mother is an out of left field development, but everything up until that point has happened naturally. Punpun doesn't have the best childhood, but millions have the same circumstance. He makes it worst for himself.
I read from the interview that this form is not supposed to represent the devil like one might think, but actually Hikoboshi's cow. In this way Punpun and Aiko are like Hikoboshi and Orihime
indeed hits, it's almost the same with me except that my father died years later out of nothing
I just want to say I really appreciate your work. The full translation of Sangokushi is especially amazing.
Thanks. Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
You think Reiraku has an autobiographical aspect?
What made you pick up Punpun back in the day? Did you expect it would blow up and become a cult classic?
No, I'm surprised by how so many people latched onto it. Back when I started dumping volume 2, I could barely get more than 5 to 10 replies.
I originally found out about it a long time ago when the tripfag Gar Expert dumped it in maybe '07 or '08, and then when I took a short trip to Japan, I saw a bookstore selling them (volume 3 had just come out that summer, I think?), so I thought I might as well since Mangascreener was a dead group. I think it started getting quite popular at least on Yea Forums by volume 4, and then even moreso from volume 5 when I started doing live-typesetting threads, I think? Not sure when the rest of the non-Yea Forums manga fanbase sprung up around it though but it probably spread from Yea Forums.
At least punpun had friends, and good health, and a gf, and touched a girl and had someone hug him and
One question that I still can't answer. Does Aiko actually kill her mom like she claims, or she just wants to absolve Punpun of the guilt.
>live Punpun translation threads
Wish I was there.
I love this manga because the more I live the more I can relate to him and the more I can understand the manga. I don't mean this in an edgy way, but I didn't fully understand the ending with Aiko until I broke up with a girl who I hated but dated because I liked the idea of having a girlfriend. Punpun is kino as hell.
You should've been here when the Aiko death was spoiled in a one page thread.
I didn't care about the cult, just about Seki and Shimizu. I liked their backstory, their friendship, the sidestory about Seki taking a hit job, Shimi's mental issues, and their conflict. They both had shit lives too, but they didn't take it out on others like Punpun. They just dealt with it.
Even though Asano already commented on it, I think part of their purpose was to be an ironic foil next to Punpun
Here you have a group of misfits, who want to be main characters in a manga plot line, next to Punpun who is the protagonist and more or less a normal person who is forced into abnormal things/people.
It's still wholly unnecessary outside of the parts with Shimizu
What's with nips trying to make rivalries where they don't exist?
that part fucked me up too