>"Autopsy results released on 22 July 2019 revealed that a majority of victims had succumbed to burns (rather than carbon monoxide poisoning) due to the quick spreading fire."
God give them eternal salvation from that suffering... This is so fucked. It must've been like real hell inside that building, and each flame must've felt like an eternity of pain.
"Autopsy results released on 22 July 2019 revealed that a majority of victims had succumbed to burns (rather than...
Probably burned right off if the photos of the charred lady are any indication.
I... I think that’s moe! A moe element! Moe moe kyun!
And now theyre dead so who cares, from objective standpoint their suffering never happened, nobody is alive to witness it. Their horrific suffering is in the past and anything related to it is gone for good.
The man should walk free
not as painful as seeing yuki cry
Ow, the edge!
> their suffering never happened
schrodingers suffering
Accustom yourself to believing that death is nothing to us, for good and evil imply the capacity for sensation, and death is the privation of all sentience; therefore, a correct understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not by adding to life a limitless time, but by taking away the yearning after immortality. For life has no terrors for him who has thoroughly understood that there are no terrors for him in ceasing to live. Foolish, therefore, is the man who says that he fears death, not because it will pain when it comes, but because it pains in the prospect. Whatever causes no annoyance when it is present causes only a groundless pain in the expectation. Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and when death is come, we are not. It is nothing, then, either to the living or to the dead, for with the living it is not and the dead exist no longer.
Imagine being so lazy you can't even form your own opinion on a matter.
Clothes made of synthetic materials would melt and burn into flesh while natural materials would burn off a person. Most clothes are made of some blend so their clothes probably seared into their meat.
I did years ago, however he is far better in pharaphrasing my opinion. However, unlike him apply it to crime as well
You would know that Epicurus would condemn the actions of someone who uses fear and pain to oppress others and deny them the pleasure of living.
So do I
>nobody is alive to witness it
Except the survivors
wow stfu
I thought we were all edgy nihilist who didn't believe in God.
You thought wrong, the age of euphoria is over
Now is the time of
r e p e n t i n g
>get busted copypasting
>"i-i read it years ago, i s-swear"
They passed out from the smoke, then the fire got to them. You don't die immediately from it. They were unconscious.
I read many anons said not to worry that they died while being knocked out instead of burned alive.
>ITT: newfags arguing about a made-up news headline
You're a faggot
This makes me so happy that filthy Japanese faggots burnt to death, I hope they get isekaid as a slave
So does that mean I can torture and kill you with impunity? Because objectively your suffering never happened, because nobody will be around who experienced it?
Proof kyoanus deserved hell and got it.
"I'm such a Nerd" - the anime
Stein's gate panders hard to the half-wit masses idea of being a nerd, giving it a pass. Okabe barely has any character beyond "HAHAHA Look at me I'm a giant attention whore but it's ok cause I'm QUIRKY xD" and what little is there is just I need to save my retard waifu written so sloppily it makes Maeda look like Hemingway. All the other characters are just JRPG /q/uest givers and have almost no relevance to the plot. Their cheap characterizations reflect that, having nothing to them outside of their tropes.
For a show that like to spew a lot about /sci/ence, it's not very logical. Everything only works conveniently to neatly fit what the plot demands, further complications are completely ignored. The ending is an asspull that wasn't built up at all and it's never explained why Okabe has the reading steiner. The romance is completely forced and feels like it only happened because he's the mc logic so of course the girl who has it all and can be any guy she wants has to end up with him. Got to to fulfill that fantasy.
Amen. Thank you Jesus for breaking down atheist hearts one at a time.
This. Steins;Gate is the Big Bang Theory of anime.